Communicating: Pearson New International Edition
Roy M. Berko | Andrew D. Wolvin | Darlyn R. Wolvin | Joan E. Aitken
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Book Details
This highly-regarded introduction to communication text offers a comprehensive blend of basic communication theory, research and skills, with a strong emphasis on relationship communication (social), workplace communication (career) and intercultural communication (culture).
Communicating introduces the basic principles of communication and applies them to interpersonal, group, interviewing, and public speaking contexts. The book stresses communication competence through boxed material, “Learn by Doing” skill-building activities, thought-provoking questions and self-assessment questionnaires. The new edition features an increased emphasis on electronically-mediated communication and the impact of technology on our daily communication, a significantly updated research base and a reorganization of the public speaking chapters.
- Personalize Learning—MyCommunicationLab delivers proven results in helping students succeed, provides engaging experiences that personalize learning, and comes from a trusted partner with educational expertise and a deep commitment to helping students and instructors achieve their goals. With tools such as MediaShare (our video upload and commenting tool), MyOutline, and self-assessments in MyPersonalityProfile, MyCommunicationLab works with students and instructors to personalize the learning experience and make it more effective.
- Improve Skill Development and Application— Pedagogical features such as self-assessment questionnaires that enable students to assess particular skills and end-of-chapter “Learn by Doing” skill-building activities help students gain communication competency and develop and improve the skills that will benefit them throughout their lives.
- Engage Students— From a fresh, new design to streamlined coverage, this new edition engages students from the first page. Extensive attention to technological developments that affect communication—from the influence of Facebook and other social media to electronic interviewing techniques and incorporating technology in presentations—place the theory and research in a contemporary context for today’s students.
- ExploreExamples of contemporary communication: throughout the text,students will find updated examples that reflect current events as well as annotated sample speeches, excerpts, and outlines that will help them in putting together their own presentations.
- Emphasize Learning Outcomes – Clearly defined Learning Outcomes set the stage for each chapter and focus students on the key goals of the chapter. Additionally, online tools in MyCommunicationLab, such as MediaShare, provide a strong assessment tool for measuring students’ mastery of your course’s learning outcomes through their speeches.
- Understand Theory and Research – Adding to a strong research base, more than a hundred new scholarly journal article and conference paper citations have been added, thus expanding the contemporary research base in communication studies and related fields. American Psychological Association (APA) reference style is used throughout, thus modeling that format for students. Research-based sources have been added in the footnotes so students can further investigate updated text content.
- Support Instructors— Strong supplements package along with activities and assessments in MyCommunicationLab. ClassPrep, located within MyCommunicationLab, contains videos, lectures, classroom activities, audio clips, and more.