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Practice Teaching in Healthcare

Practice Teaching in Healthcare

Neil Gopee


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Practice Teaching in Healthcare is an essential textbook for anyone studying for the Practice Teacher qualification. Encouraging a critical understanding of the knowledge and competence required to fulfil the practice teacher role, the book examines and evaluates the concepts, theories, and frameworks underpinning the necessary skillset.

Structured largely around the Nursing and Midwifery Council's standards for Practice Teachers, the book provides comprehensive coverage of the knowledge and skills required to supervise and assess the learning of qualified healthcare practitioners particularly those on post-qualifying specialist or advanced practice programmes, and therefore includes:

-Managing inter-professional relationships

-Specialist and advanced practice and knowledge

-Assessment and accountability

-Leadership in facilitation of learning and assessment of clinical skills

-Clinical practice development and evidence-based practice, and

- Issues and further developments in learning beyond registration.

With action points, illustrations and case studies, this is an ideal textbook for healthcare professionals who are students on practice teaching courses, and all facilitators of learning beyond initial registration.
"This is an important and timely publication for practice teachers - there is a paucity of information to guide and inform these practitioners - Neil Gopee's book fills this gap, providing an excellent resource for those supporting students in practice." - Sian Maslin-Prothero, Professor of Nursing, University of Keele