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Qualitative methods are particularly suited to answering the kinds of questions that counsellors and psychotherapists need to ask about their practice. Qualitative Research Methods in Counselling and Psychotherapy has therefore been written to help researchers find their way through the range of methodologies and techniques available to them.
Leading expert, and best selling author John McLeod takes the reader through each stage of the research process, explaining techniques for gathering data, writing up the study and evaluating the findings. Each qualitative method is clearly described and critically assessed in terms of its own strengths and weaknesses. Examples from actual research studies are given to show how
`...another important contribution to the field from Professor McLeod.... This is a text that will prove to be of immense practical value for those already involved in qualitative research and may become essential reading for those who are new to the field. It should also, however, be read by those who do not consider qualitative methods to be of importance in investigating or evaluating counselling and psychotherapy and those who want to understand why policy makers and those who plan services should pay proper attention to qualitatively derived findings' - British Journal of Guidance & Counselling
`A new book by John McLeod is always a treat and, like good qualitative research, takes the reader by surprise, and shows him or her something new. The revelation to me in this book is its focus on philosophy (rather than psychology) and on John's insistence that qualitative research is rooted in a mixture of phenomenology and hermeneutics. Those of us engaged in qualitative research are challenged to underpin our work with a deeper awareness of relevant philosophy with Chapters 2, 3 and 4 offering a good starting point.
This book might not be seen then as being for the novice researcher who, in any case, would be best advised to start with one of John's earlier books: Doing Counselling Research (SAGE,1994) or Practitioner Research in Counselling (SAGE,1999). However, many parts of this book are essential reading for those beginning qualitative research. The first half of Chapter 9, for example, 'How to do qualitative research?' is rich material, as is Chapter 6, which explores grounded theory, referred to by John as the 'market leader' in qualitative research.
Chapter 10 takes a critical stance on randomized controlled trials before arguing the case for using qualitative outcomes measures: "Qualitative interviews appear to be, at present, the most sensitive method for the evaluation of the harmful effects of therapy and also for recording its greatest successes. The standardized self-report methods used in randomized trials appear both to inhibit criticism of therapists and reporting of deterioration and also give little scope for clients to describe the hugely positive transformational experiences that can sometimes take place in counselling".
This book deeply addresses what it means to do qualitative research into counselling and psychotherapy with plenty for the novice researcher and even more for those already deeply immersed in qualitative research - William West, Counselling and Psychotherapy Research