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Aging in Today's World

Aging in Today's World

Renée Rose Shield | Stanley M. Aronson


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Book Details


Never before in human existence have the aged been so numerous — and for the most part — healthy. In this important new book, two professionals, an anthropologist and a physician, wrestle with the complex subject of aging. Is it inevitable? Is it a burden or gift? What is successful aging? Why are some people better at aging than others? Where is aging located? How does it vary among individuals, within and between groups, cultures, societies, and indeed, over the centuries? Reflecting on these and other questions, the authors comment on the impact age has in their lives and work.

Two unique viewpoints are presented. While medicine approaches aging with special attention given to the body, its organs, and its functions over time, anthropology focuses on how the aged live within their cultural settings. As this volume makes clear, the two disciplines have a great deal to teach each other, and in a spirited exchange, the authors show how professional barriers can be surmounted.

In a novel approach, each author explores a different aspect of aging in alternating chapters. These chapters are in turn followed by a commentary by the other. Further, the authors interrupt each other within the chapters - to raise questions, contradict, ask for clarification, and explore related ideas - with these interjections emphasizing the dynamic nature of their ideas about age. Finally, a third "voice" - that of a random old man - periodically inserts itself into the text to remind the authors of their necessarily limited understanding of the subject.

"... an informed and informative inquiry ... welcome and very highly recommended contribution to Geriatric Studies reference collections and supplemental reading lists."  ·  The Midwest Book Review

"Here, for a welcome change, is a genuine dialogue on later life, rather than a lecture; and it comes from two people who are real practitioners of the art of aging, not just pundits. The authors pack history, demography, anthropology, medicine, and personal experience into a comprehensive, reflective, and deeply-felt view of this critical subject."  ·  Joel Savishinksy, Ph.D., Ithaca College

“The authors’ project is an original and relevant venture. It contributes in a constructive way to the discussion of aging by opening our eyes to the variety among the aged.”  ·  Focaal

Stanley M. Aronson, MD, MPH, is currently University Professor of Medical Science and Dean of Medicine Emeritus, Brown University and founding dean of its medical school. He has specialized in the clinical neurosciences, is the author of a number of medical textbooks and writes a weekly column for the Providence Journal.

Renée Rose Shield , PhD is Clinical Associate Professor of Community Health at Brown University in Providence, RI. A cultural anthropologist specializing in aging, her previous books include Uneasy Endings: Daily Life in an American Nursing Home (1988) and Diamond Stories: Enduring Change on 47thStreet (2002).

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Title Page iii
Table of Contents v
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
Interlude: Death Be Not the Enemy 6
Chapter 2 Examining Our Assumptions 10
Commentary: Understanding Aging Being Old Helps 41
Chapter 3 The Historical Demography of the Very Old 46
Commentary: What Are Some of the Implications of So Many Old People? 61
Chapter 4 Is Aging a Problem? 66
Commentary: The Problem of Elder Abuse 99
Chapter 5 (Negative) Associationsto Growing Old: The Elderly Portrayed in Words 103
Commentary: Anthropological Musingson Dependency 126
Chapter 6 Mobility and Immobility Stumbling, Tripping, Crumbling, and Falling Amongst the Aged 132
Commentary: When They Fall Down 144
Chapter 7 Systemic Diseases of the Elderly and the Problem of Alcoholism: Two Points of View 149
Commentary: Practicalities and the Quality of Life 169
Chapter 8 Reflections on Retirement and the Conceptof “Home” 177
Commentary: Vagrant Thoughts on Retirement 190
Chapter 9 Some Socialand Ethical Implications of Dementia 193
Commentary: The Expectation of Sorrow as Anticipatory Grief 205
Interlude: Some Joys: My Personal Ode to Aging Thus Far 210
Chapter 10 Conclusion The Face in the Mirror 214
Concluding Thoughts 225
References Cited 233
Index 246