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Book Details
Timely, accurate, and up-to-date text clearly explaining the fundamentals of fracture healing and bone fixation in a format that is concise, well organized and easy to follow. It is extremely well illustrated and addresses the biomechanical principles and usage techniques of the wide range of modern orthopaedic trauma implants in use today.
• An in-depth resource to the amply stocked tool-box of today’s fracture surgeon
• A compendium of fracture fixation written by an experienced surgeon for fellows, residents and masters
• A detailed overview of biomechanics, biology, implants and materials relevant to fracture care
• Elegantly illustrated and lucidly explained presentations of today’s fracture fixation devices
• The designs, the application techniques in various anatomical regions, mechanical effects, hazards and contraindications are described along elucidative graphics
• Not so commonly found details of intramedullary nail and use of Poller screws in its insertion, hazards of use of traction table, methods to perfect insertion of intramedullary hip fixation device, minute details of cables, pins and wires, several configurations of external fixator, new concept of reverse dynamization, a brief exposure of spinal instrumentation and several techniques of minimal invasive osteosynthesis are a few of its features