Handbook for Practice Learning in Social Work and Social Care, Third Edition
Joyce Lishman | Steven Shardlow | Jane Aldgate | Alastair Gibson | Judith Brearley | Brigid Daniel | Daphne Statham | Michael Sheppard | Geraldine Macdonald | Peter Marsh | Steven Walker | Mark Doel | Colin Keenan | Rob MacKay | Alan Barr | Robert Buckley | Fiona Feilberg | Jan Fook | Ian Fisk | Terry Maclean | Sheila Slessor | Amy Richert | Janine Bolger | Amy Clark | Mike Shepherd | Hazel Kelmshall | David Humphrey | Pauline Hardiker | Mary Barker | Heather Munro | Rory Lynch | Patricia Kearney | Neil Gibson
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Book Details
This fully updated and expanded third edition of a classic text provides a comprehensive introduction to key theory, knowledge, research and evidence relating to practice learning in social work and social care.
It outlines the theories that underpin social care practice, the main assessment models and interventions, and also offers guidance on the effective implementation of assessment across a range of professional contexts. Contributors from research, policy-making and practice backgrounds offer guidance on how to apply policy and research findings in everyday practice while ensuring that the complex needs of each individual service user are met. This third edition also features new chapters on group work, social pedagogy and personalisation.
The Handbook for Practice Learning in Social Work and Social Care is an essential resource for ensuring effective evidence-based practice which will be valued by students, educators and practitioners alike.
This book will be a helpful tool for new social work practitioners and students, as well as being a good refresher for practice educators. It offers a historical, political and social context to developing practice in social work and makes clear links with theory, research policy, legislation and principles of social work practice. It's an enjoyable read, with useful chapters on psychodynamic theory; assessment and risk; and professional analysis, which I find many students struggle with.
Glynis Marsh, Social Worker, Practice Educator, Workforce Development Manager and Member of BASW Professional Development Group
The text was very detailed, covered all relevant topics and I will find it very beneficial for my theory subjects, as well as my future and current placements... I think this is a great text book and very useful for any student studying social work.
Rosie Harris
This book has to be the compulsory text for anyone involved in social work practice learning or, indeed, anyone interested in social work education and training. The book has structure and clarity but, perhaps most importantly, relevancy. It brings together work from a range of authors and considers key issues pertinent to practice learning from legislation (incorporating all geographical areas of the UK) through to the role of research and evaluation. Theory, values, reflection are additional concepts that must be considered in social work practice and this book not only explains the 'what is it?' but also answers the questions 'but why do we do it?' and 'how do we do it?'. This book merits being the core text of practice learning in social work and thereafter in the 'tool-box' of all qualified practitioners.
Dr. Judith Mullineux, Course Director, Professional Development in Social Work, Ulster University
This highly recommended handbook has been helpfully updated to reflect recent developments in social work practice and education. It is helpfully sectioned and draws together the many and varied strands of knowledge required for practice at micro and macro levels. This should be a core text for students, supervisors and educators in both practice and higher education institutes.
Dale van Graan, Senior Lecturer, Independent Practice Educator, Kingston University
The revised and updated version of this widely respected book will continue to be an invaluable resource for students and practitioners alike. It addresses core curriculum and practice themes in an accessible and engaging format. A welcome addition to the bookshelf or library.
Anne Quinney, Senior Lecturer Social Work, Centre for Excellence in Learning, Bournemouth University
The book is an excellent summary of the knowledge, skills and theories which are required for social work students and educators it is a valuable text that I will recommend practice educators use with students on placement. It is being also considered for adoption for students entering social work placements also.
David Hambling, Course Leader, Social Work BSc (Hons), University of Gloucestershire
This book, as with the previous edition, represents excellent value for students from the beginning of their social work education through to their assessed year in employment. Given the range of core and specialist topics covered, students will find chapters that are relevant whatever practice context they find themselves in while on placement, as well as across their taught social work curriculum. It will equip students to engage in critically reflective learning and evidence informed practice. The writing style is consistently accessible and strikes a balance between clarity of explanation and depth of analysis. By signposting students to the most relevant further reading it manages to achieve both breadth and depth in one accessible volume, combining brevity with thorough coverage of the topics.
Mandi MacDonald, Lecturer in Social Work, School of Sociology, Social Policy and Social Work, Queens University Belfast