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Challenging Stress, Burnout and Rust-Out

Challenging Stress, Burnout and Rust-Out

Teena J. Clouston


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A balanced lifestyle enhances health, happiness and wellbeing. With practical techniques and strategies, this book explores how this balance can be found and how stress and anxiety, which are linked to being overworked and over busy, may be alleviated.

It begins by examining the state of work-life imbalance in our everyday lives and discussing real life examples from a group of professionals working in health and social care. Their stories and experiences illustrate the problems caused by our modern, work-driven society and resonate with how many of us are living today. The author then provides practical tools and techniques to address this overwork culture and achieve a more balanced lifestyle. These simple, yet effective, strategies can be implemented quickly in everyday life.

This practical resource addresses a problem affecting many professionals worldwide. It will be of particular interest to helping professionals, including occupational therapists, counsellors and therapists, and will allow them to apply the theories of work-life balance to real life in straightforward and tangible ways. The stories and techniques will also resonate with anyone interested in transforming their overworked or overburdened lives.

This practical resource addresses a problem affecting many professionals worldwide. It will be of particular interest to help professionals, including occupational therapists, counsellors and therapists, and will allow them to apply the theories of work-life balance to real life in straightforward and tangible ways.
Occupational Scientist Teena Clouston offers tools for healthcare professionals and service providers, teachers and homemakers, workers and job seekers, and caregivers and retirees, to build better lives by balancing what matters most. Clouston pits current research on improving quality of life against the wider forces driving stressful lifestyles worldwide. No one-size-fits-all remedy exists for the debilitating effects of stress. Yet each of us can find the just-right balance of "doing, being, becoming and belonging".
Gelya Frank, PhD, Professor, Occupational Science & Occupational Therapy and Anthropology, University of Southern California, USA
A Practical Guide to the Mental Capacity Act 2005 is an invaluable resource for any health and social care professionals working with individuals who lack decision-making capacity.
In this brilliantly written book, Dr Clouston presents a thought-provoking reconceptualization of the notion of occupational balance. She argues that living a balanced life means resisting the neoliberal capitalistic pressure to value "doing" over other aspects of life, and instead pursuing personally meaningful occupations that enable "doing, being, becoming, and belonging". This is a must-read textbook for anyone who is interested in ideas about meaningful living through focused engagement in valued occupations.
Moses N. Ikiugu, PhD, OTR/L, Professor and Director of Research, Occupational Therapy, University of South Dakota
Teena J. Clouston is a Reader in Occupational Therapy and Life Balance at the School of Healthcare Sciences at Cardiff University, UK. Over the last ten years, her research interests have become focused on the meaning and experience of lifestyle balance, and her PhD specifically studied the influences of paid work on finding balance in everyday life. Teena also has experience of management positions in the National Health Service in the UK, built on a clinical career in occupational therapy and counselling.
As an occupational therapist Dr Teena Clouston is an expert in doing. In this very useful book Teena uses her occupational science expertise to explore lifestyle balance and how doing too much can be addressed by applying concepts of being, becoming and belonging. The accessible writing style of this excellent book allows readers to explore and understand neo-liberalism and its role in creating our Western 'busyness'. I recommend it to all those who work with and/or experience lifestyle imbalance.
Annie Turner, Emeritus Professor of Occupational Therapy, University of Northampton, and Chair, The Elizabeth Casson Trust