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Practical Strategies for Living with Dyslexia

Practical Strategies for Living with Dyslexia

Maria Chivers


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This little book does exactly what it sets out to do. It spells out all you need to know about different methods and strategies for treating dyslexia. So, if you want to know more about the many approaches to helping someone with dyslexia, then read this book. At the end of the day, you will be better informed to choose a way to suit your child. It is encouraging to read her list of famous people with dyslexia. It includes Hans Christian Anderson, Albert Einstein, Winston Churchill, Agatha Christie, Jeremy Irons, Jackie Stewart and Richard Branson. They haven't done too badly, have they?'


'This readable and useful little book has been written by a mother of two dyslexic sons. She writes about the hard road she travelled to find help and support for them. The book covers most of the questions that the parents of a dyslexic child would want answered, but it is just as useful to professionals who have a dyslexic child in their classroom or setting.

The importance of early identification is stressed and the author provides useful information about tests which can be administered to children as young as four years old.

There are informative chapters about the various successful techniques and strategies for working with dyslexic children, ranging from the well-publicised rose-coloured spectacles to the part played by a special diet.'

- Nursery World

Over the years, many quick fix approaches to cure dyslexia have been developed and used. These 'miracle cures' have offered hope to many parents who are left disillusioned by the school system and health service. With no other way to turn, many parents spend more and more money on special glasses, vitamins, exercises and specialist advice, but do they actually work? Written by a parent of two dyslexic sons, who herself searched for anything that would 'cure' them, this new book is a practical guide to dyslexia's many 'miracle cures'.

Practical Strategies for Living with Dyslexia suggests that early identification of this condition may be the key. Dyslexia is often not diagnosed until children have started school, yet testing is now available from the age of four-and-a-half. On top of this many dyslexics also have eye and ear problems that go undetected, which further exacerbates the problem.

Looking at the possible remedies available, such as tinted glasses, nutritional supplements and exercising, and considering the benefits of early identification of dyslexia, this book will be an essential practical resource for both the parents of, and the professionals who work, with people with dyslexia.

Maria Chivers is the Founder of the Swindon Dyslexia Centre. She has written and lectured on dyslexia and has also published A Parent's Guide to Dyslexia and Other Learning Difficulties. She has two sons, both of whom have dyslexia.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Practical Strategies\rfor Living with Dyslexia 3
Contents 6
1\rWhat are Dyslexia\rand Dyscalculia? 11
Dyslexia 11
Dyscalculia 13
2\rIdentifying Dyslexia 15
Aston Index Assessment 16
Cognitive Profiling System (CoPS) 17
Dyslexia Screening Tests 18
Educational Psychologist Report 19
Lucid\rAssessment System for Schools 19
Phonological Assessment Battery 20
Summary 20
3\rWhat Causes Dyslexia? 21
4\rVision 25
Eye Tests 26
Tinted Glasses and Coloured Overlays 26
Dunlop Test 30
Visual Tracking Magnifier 30
Vision and Learning Difficulties by Dr Keith Holland\r 31
Summary 35
5\rHearing 37
Glue Ear 38
Fast ForWord 38
Aural–Read–Respond–Oral–Write (ARROW) 39
Summary 42
6\rDevelopment 43
Brain Gym 43
Brain Injury Rehabilitation and Development 44
Neuro-Developmental Delay by Gale Saye\r 44
7 Chiropractic and Dyslexia by Dr Chris Vickers\r 49
8\rVitamins and Minerals 55
Fatty Acids and Efalex 55
Iron Supplements 57
Zinc Supplements 57
Summary 58
9\rMulti-Sensory Teaching Methods 59
What is Multi-sensory? 59
Teaching Schemes 60
10\rCan Computers Help? 63
Software Packages 64
The Hands-free computer 66
Computers and Examinations 66
Psychometric Testing 66
11\rNeuro-Linguistic Programming 69
NLP and Dyslexia 70
12\rPhono-graphix 73
13\rThe Value of Play 75
Conclusion 85
INDEX\r 103