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Urban Violence in the Middle East

Urban Violence in the Middle East

Ulrike Freitag | Nelida Fuccaro | Claudia Ghrawi | Nora Lafi


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Covering a period from the late eighteenth century to today, this volume explores the phenomenon of urban violence in order to unveil general developments and historical specificities in a variety of Middle Eastern contexts. By situating incidents in particular processes and conflicts, the case studies seek to counter notions of a violent Middle East in order to foster a new understanding of violence beyond that of a meaningless and destructive social and political act. Contributions explore processes sparked by the transition from empires — Ottoman and Qajar, but also European — to the formation of nation states, and the resulting changes in cityscapes throughout the region.

Nelida Fuccaro is Reader in Modern Middle Eastern History at the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London. She is the author of Histories of City and State in the Persian Gulf (CUP, 2008) and the editor of “Histories of Oil and Urban Modernity in the Middle East” in CSSAAME (2013).

“…the spatial approach of the studies in this volume provides a framework for understanding recent events. For students and researchers examining street politics and urban conflict, in the Middle East or beyond, Urban Violence in the Middle East shows how macro level spatial context can be used to develop deeper and more nuanced understanding of micro level violence and political contestation.” · Middle East Media and Book Reviews Online

“This is a very remarkable collection of chapters... The totality is a lively read, exhibiting an almost universal familiarity with and appreciation of the literature.” · Peter Sluglett, National University of Singapore

“...the book is timely, it is topical and useful for a more historically grounded understanding of the urban unrest in the Middle East during the last years up to the present.” · Christoph Herzog, University of Bamberg

Claudia Ghrawi holds a Master of Arts degree in history and political science and studied Arabic in Damascus and Berlin. She works as a research fellow at the Zentrum Moderner Orient and is a Ph.D. student at the Freie Universität Berlin.

Ulrike Freitag is a historian of the Modern Middle East with a special interest in urban history and the Arabian Peninsula in its global context. She directs Zentrum Moderner Orient and teaches at the Freie Universität. She is author of Indian Ocean Migrants and State Formation in Hadhramaut (Brill, 2003).

Nora Lafi is researcher at Zentrum Moderner Orient and is a historian of the Ottoman Empire with a focus on Urban Studies. She is coeditor of The City in the Ottoman Empire: Migration and the Making of Urban Modernity (Routledge, 2010).

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Urban Violence in the Middle East i
Contents v
Figures vii
Acknowledgements ix
Introduction 1
Part I — Managing and Employing Violence 27
Chapter 1 — Mapping and Scaling Urban Violence: The 1800 Insurrection in Cairo 29
Chapter 2 — A Capital Challenge: Managing Violence and Disorders in Late Ottoman Istanbul 52
Chapter 3 — Gendered Obscenity: Women's Tongues, Men's Phalluses and the State's Fist in the Making of Urban Norm in Interwar Egypt 70
Part II — Symbolic Politics of Violence 89
Chapter 4 — Urban Violence, the Muharram Processions and the Transformation of Iranian Urban Society: The Case of Dezful 91
Chapter 5 — Symbolic Politics and Urban Violence in Late Ottoman Jeddah 111
Part III — Communal Violence and its Discontents 139
Chapter 6 — The 1850 Uprising in Aleppo: Reconsidering the Explanatory Power of Sectarian Argumentations 141
Chapter 7 — The City as a Stage for a Violent Spectacle: The Massacres of Armenians in Istanbul in 1895–96 164
Chapter 8 — Transforming the Holy City: From Communal Clashes to Urban Violence, the Nebi Musa Riots in 1920 179
Part IV — Oil Cities: Spatiality and Violence 195
Chapter 9 — On Lines and Fences: Labour, Community and Violence in an Oil City 197
Chapter 10 — Reading Oil as Urban Violence: Kirkuk and Its Oil Conurbation, 1927–58 222
Chapter 11 — Structural and Physical Violence in Saudi Arabian Oil Towns, 1953–56 243
Afterword — Urban Injustice, Urban Violence and the Revolution: Reflections on Cairo 265
Contributors 287
Selected Bibliography 289
Index 309