Succeeding in Your GP ST Stage 2 Situational Judgement Tests ( SJT ) / Professional Dilemmas: Practice Questions for GPST / GPVTS Stage 2 Selection
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Situational Judgment Tests (SJTs) or Professional Dilemmas form a significant part of the GPST recruitment process and yet many doctors will not have experienced questions of this type under examination conditions. It is therefore essential that candidates sitting the GPST Stage 2 exam have a clear understanding of how to approach questions of this type as poor performance in this section will almost certainly result in not progressing to the Stage 3 selection day. This interactive book, which contains detailed guidance, and over 70 practice questions (including detailed explanations of all the answers), aims to help doctors prepare for and successfully complete their GPST Stage 2 exam. In this book, Nicole Corriette and Matt Green: ?Describe the context of Situational Judgement Tests within the GPST Stage 2 selection process, explore the various ethical principles that you must consider when answering these types of questions, set out how to approach the various question types you will be faced with, provide over 70 questions to put into practice everything that you learn. Detailed explanations of the correct answers are also provided to aid your preparations. This engaging, easy to use and comprehensive book is essential reading for anyone serious about excelling in their GPST Stage 2 examination and successfully progressing to Stage 3 of the GPST selection process.