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Community Health and Wellness - E-book

Community Health and Wellness - E-book

Anne McMurray | Jill Clendon


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Book Details


Community Health & Wellness: Primary health care in practice, 5th Edition represents contemporary thinking and research in community health and wellness from Australia, New Zealand and the global community.

It challenges students and health professionals to become more aware of the primary health care (PHC) environments in which they work in order to gain an understanding of what is socially determining the health of the individuals, families and communities within their care.

  • Provides a focus on primary health care practice in Australia and New Zealand
  • Research and evidence-based practice throughout each chapter
  • Group exercises that can be used in practice or tutorial groups
  • Reflective questions to challenge the understanding of key principles and practice
  • Additional resources for lecturers via Evolve.
  • Two new chapters:

    • Chapter 3 Assessing the Community
    • Chapter 6 Working in groups

  • The SDH Assessment Circle - a new model for community assessment
  • Stronger emphasis on working with migrant and refugee families
  • A new continuous case study - The Mason and Smith families

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front cover cover
Half title page i
Evolve page ii
Community Health and Wellness iii
Copyright page iv
Dedication v
Table of Contents vii
Foreword xv
Preface xvii
About the Authors xix
Acknowledgements xxi
Reviewers xxi
1 Working with Communities 1
Introduction to the Section 2
1 Creating and maintaining a healthy community 4
Introduction 4
The Ecological, Multilayered Perspective of Community Health 5
What is health? 5
What do we mean by community? 6
What is community health? 6
Community Health and Wellness 8
What does happiness have to do with it? 8
Health, Happiness and Sustainable Development 9
Social Determinants of Health (SDH) 10
Social determinants of health and primary health care 11
Primary Health Care (PHC) 12
Accessible health care: equity and social justice 13
Appropriate technology 14
Increased emphasis on health promotion 14
Cultural sensitivity, cultural safety 15
Intersectoral collaboration 15
Public participation 15
Social Capital 16
Social capital and the political ecosystem 17
Health Literacy 17
References 21
Useful websites 23
2 Communities of place 24
Introduction 24
The Global Community 25
Urban Communities 28
The Healthy Cities movement 30
Rural Communities 31
FIFO Communities 33
Relational Communities 35
Electronic and Social Media Communities 35
Communities of Affiliation 36
Migrant and refugee communities 37
References 39
3 Assessing the community 42
Introduction 42
Part 1: Community Assessment Tools 43
Epidemiological Assessment 43
The Evolution of Assessment Tools 46
Asset Mapping 50
Assessment Tools Specific to Health Education Planning 52
Social Epidemiology, CBPR, PHC and the SDH 53
Streamlining Community Assessment 53
Sources of Assessment Information 54
Part 2: Assessment in Practice 56
References 59
4 Planning and promoting community health: 61
Introduction 61
Terminology and History: Public Health, Population Health, Primary Health Care and Health Promotion 62
Public health 62
Population health 62
Primary health care 62
Problems with the ‘old public health’ 62
Health Promotion and the New Public Health 63
The Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion 63
1 Build healthy public policy 64
2 Create supportive environments 64
3 Strengthen community action 64
4 Develop personal skills 64
5 Reorient health services 64
The Millennium Development Goals 65
Promoting Global Health 66
Global Health, Global Development 67
Health as security 67
Health as a global public good 68
Health as a human right 68
Health Education 69
Sustaining Health Promotion Initiatives 73
Promoting Health at the Local Level 74
Primary, secondary and tertiary prevention 75
Promoting Health in Communities of Place 76
Health Promotion in the City 77
Rural Health Promotion 81
Promoting Health in Relational Communities 82
Promoting Health in Migrant Communities 82
Promoting Health in Virtual Communities 84
References 87
Useful websites 90
5 Community health nursing roles 92
Introduction 92
The Role of Nurses in Promoting Social Justice 93
Advanced Practice Nurses and Nurse Practitioners 94
Rural and Remote Area Nursing Practice 97
Practice Nursing 102
Practice nursing in Australia 102
Practice nursing in New Zealand 103
Managing Chronic Conditions in the Community 105
Home visiting 105
Chronic disease models of care 106
Child Health Nursing Practice 109
School Health Nursing 113
Community Mental Health Nursing Practice 117
Occupational Health Nursing 121
PHC for the working population 123
Research in OHN practice 126
Entrepreneurial Nursing Roles 127
References 129
Useful websites 136
6 Working with groups 137
Introduction 137
Successful Groups: Content and Process 137
Group process 141
Problem-solving groups 142
Therapeutic groups 144
Culturally embedded groups 146
Helping People Change: From Theory to Practice 147
Theories of behaviour change 148
Cognitive behaviour change: the Theory of Reasoned Action 148
Social learning theory: resilience-led approach 149
The Health Belief Model 149
Lewin’s Unfreezing, Changing, Refreezing model 150
Rogers’s Diffusion of Innovations model 150
Motivational interviewing for change 151
Barriers to change 152
Leading, Following and being There for the Group 152
What is a good leader? 153
Leadership and followership 155
Being there for the group 155
References 158
Useful websites 159
2 Sustainable Health for the Family and the Individual 160
Introduction to the Section 161
7 Healthy families 163
Introduction 163
Part 1: The family and society 164
Family Functions 164
Defining the Family 165
Family Developmental Pathways 167
Changing Families, Changing Partners, Changing Roles 168
Population Trends, Fertility and Child Bearing 169
Families and Work Patterns 170
Casualisation, part-time work and parental leave 171
Work and stress 172
Gender and work 173
Transient families: FIFO and military families 174
Part 2: Couple relationships and family life 176
Social Influences on Couple Relationships 176
Relationship Satisfaction 177
Healthy Couples, Healthy Families 178
Communication, Power, Change and Resilience 178
Marriage, Separation, Divorce and Parenting 179
Divorce and parenting 180
Divorce and the blended family 181
The impact of divorce on parenting 181
Non-resident parenting 182
Parenting, child support and the rights of the child 183
Violence in the Family 184
Intimate partner violence 185
IPV and the children 186
Part 3: Families with special needs 187
Migration and Family Life 187
Migration stress and coping 187
Families Caring for Members with Illness or Disability 189
Rural Family Caregivers 191
Part 4: Goals, policies and practices for family health 192
Goals for Family Health 192
Building healthy public policy 193
Policies protecting human rights and non-violence 193
Inclusive policies 194
Policies for vulnerable families 194
Policies protecting the community 195
Creating supportive environments 195
Family parenting groups 196
Strengthening community action 197
Developing personal skills 199
Supporting family relationship skills 199
Reorienting health services 200
Evidence-Based Family Centred Practice 201
References 202
Useful websites 207
Additional resources 207
8 Healthy children 208
Introduction 208
The Healthy Child: From Theory to Practice 209
Biological Embedding 210
Socio-Economic Factors and Childhood Stress 212
Global Child Health, Disadvantage and Poverty 213
Indicators of Child Health in Australia and New Zealand 215
The Social Determinants of Children’s Health and Lifestyle 216
Indigenous and ethnic minority child health 218
Children with disabilities or chronic illness 219
Healthy Pregnancy 220
Antenatal care 221
Childbirth 222
Breastfeeding 223
Postnatal Depression (PND) 226
Children’s Psychosocial Wellbeing 228
Parenting patterns and children’s psychosocial health outcomes 230
Learning readiness and social development 231
Resilience 233
Keeping Children Safe 234
Critical Pathways to Child Health 236
Goals for Child Health 236
Building healthy public policy 238
Creating supportive environments 239
Strengthening community action 241
Developing personal skills 242
Reorienting health services 243
References 245
Useful websites 250
9 Healthy adolescents 252
Introduction 252
Social Competence, Social Capital and Identity Formation 252
Social Determinants of Adolescent Health and Risk 254
How young people are faring: good news, bad news 255
Risky Behaviours: Sex, Drugs and Alcohol, STIs and Pregnancy 257
The Compound Risk Syndrome: Alcohol and Substance Abuse 258
Weight Management, Activity and Nutrition 260
Disordered eating 261
Mental Health Issues: Depression, Self-Harm and Suicide 262
Recognising the risk of suicide 264
Adolescent Life in the Community Context 265
The School Context 266
School, home and social networking 267
Bullying and cyber bullying 268
Risk, Resilience and Decision-Making 270
Hope and self-esteem 270
Countering risk: Healthy adolescence 271
Goals for Adolescent Health 271
Building healthy public policy 271
Creating supportive environments 273
Strengthening community action 274
Developing personal skills 275
Reorienting health services 277
Electronic media, risk and support 278
References 281
Useful websites 285
Helplines and telephone counselling 286
10 Healthy adults 287
Introduction 287
The Healthy Adult 287
Risks to Adult Health 288
Cancer 289
Injuries 290
Chronic conditions 290
The Top 2 Risks: Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) and Type 2 Diabetes 291
Lifestyle and the Cluster of Risks 291
The Complex Problem of Obesity 292
Rural Lifestyles: Health, Place and Risks 295
The Globalisation of Lifestyle Risks: East Meets West 295
Stress, Mental Health and the SDH 297
Health, wellbeing, stress and the family 297
Mental Health, Illness and the SDH 298
Stigma, Social Exclusion and Mental Illness 298
Workplace Stress 300
Workplace incivility and bullying 301
Other Workplace Health and Safety Issues 303
Positive Mental Health and Wellbeing 304
Environmental Factors Affecting Adult Health 305
Healthy Adulthood 307
Goals for Adult Health 307
Building healthy public policy 308
Creating supportive environments 310
Strengthening community action 311
Developing personal skills 312
Reorienting health services 312
References 316
Useful websites 320
11 Healthy ageing 321
Introduction 321
Ageing and Society 321
Quality of Life in Older Persons 325
Global Population Ageing 327
Health and Place 327
Rural and urban environments for ageing 328
Ageing in Australia and New Zealand 330
Safe Environments for Ageing 331
Mental Health: Anxiety, Depression, Dementia and Cognitive Decline 332
Elder Abuse and Neglect 334
Staying Well, Staying Physical, Staying Connected 335
Critical Pathways to Ageing 337
Transitions: Challenges and Opportunities 338
Workplace and retirement transitions 338
Transitions to single ageing or widowhood 339
Transitions in intimacy and sexuality 340
Transitions to the end of life 342
Resilience and Empowerment in Older People 344
Social and spiritual support 345
Maintaining dignity in coping 346
Goals for healthy ageing 348
Building healthy public policy 348
Creating supportive environments 349
Strengthening community action 350
Developing personal skills 351
Reorienting health services 352
References 355
Useful websites 358
Falls-prevention agencies 358
New Zealand 358
Australia 359
3 Inclusive Communities and Societies 360
Introduction to the Section 361
12 Inclusive communities: gender, culture and power 363
Introduction 363
Inequality, Social Exclusion, Gender, Culture and Power 363
Empowerment 366
Boys, Girls and Intimacy 367
Women’s Health Issues 368
Women and poverty 369
Migrant and Refugee Women: the Intersection of Gender, Power and Culture 370
Intimate Partner Violence and Empowerment 374
Men’s Health Issues 377
Men’s lifestyles and health 378
Men’s health risks 379
Masculinity, Behaviour and the Men’s Health Movement 381
Gender Issues among Sexually Diverse Populations 382
Gendering Society: Goals for the Health of Men and Women 385
Building healthy public policies 385
Creating supportive environments 387
Strengthening community action 388
Developing personal skills 389
Reorienting health services 391
References 394
Useful websites 397
13 Cultural inclusiveness: safe cultures, healthy Indigenous people 398
Introduction 398
Culture and Health 399
Culture Conflict 401
Cultural Safety 401
Multiculturalism 402
Ethnocentrism, Racism and Differential Health Care 403
Aboriginality, Culture and Health 405
Indigenous People’s Relationships between Health and Place 406
Colonisation and Disconnection between Health and Place 407
Culture Blindness and the Stolen Generations 409
The Health of Indigenous People Throughout the World 410
The Health of Australian Indigenous People 412
The Health of New Zealand Māori 413
Behavioural Risk Factors 415
Injury and Family Violence 418
Empowerment and Self-Determination 420
Mental Health and Healing 421
Strengthening Capacity and Social Capital 423
Goals for Indigenous Health 424
Building healthy public policy 425
Creating supportive environments 428
Strengthening community action 429
Developing personal skills 430
Reorienting health services 433
References 436
Useful websites 440
14 Inclusive policies, equitable health care systems 441
Introduction 441
Politics, Policymaking and Health Care 442
Policy Action at the National Level: Think Global, Act Local 444
Connecting policies with the social determinants of health 445
Policymaking and Primary Health Care 445
Health promotion policies 448
Rural health policies 448
Indigenous health policies 449
Men’s and women’s health policies 450
The Need for Policy Integration: Lessons from Mental Health 453
Mental Health Policies and Family Life 454
Australian Mental Health Policy 455
New Zealand Mental Health Policy 456
Policy and Health System Features 457
The New Zealand health care system 457
The Australian Health Care System 463
Health Sector Reform in Australia 465
Health Care: Building A Better System 466
Best Practice in Health Care Systems 466
Health Care Systems and the Social Determinants of Health 467
References 470
Useful websites 472
15 Building the evidence base: 474
Introduction 474
Global Community Health Research 475
Social Determinants of Health and the Research Agenda 477
Conducting Research for Policy and Practice 478
Evidence-based practice 479
Systematic reviews, literature reviews, integrative reviews and meta-analyses 480
Randomised controlled trials 483
Sources of evidence 484
Translational research: knowledge translation and knowledge transfer (KT) 487
Community-Based Research Partnerships 489
Community-based participatory research (CBPR) 490
Action Research 490
Participatory action research (PAR) 491
Photovoice 492
Case Study Research 493
Mixed Methods 493
Researching culture 495
Researching with Indigenous People 496
Researching the Future 498
References 507
Useful websites 511
Appendices 512
Appendix A Symbols Used in a Genogram 513
Genogram symbols 513
Genogram legend 514
Appendix B Jakarta Declaration on Leading Health Promotion into the 21st Century 515
1 Promote social responsibility for health 515
2 Increase investments for health development 515
3 Consolidate and expand partnerships for health 515
4 Increase community capacity and empower the individual 515
5 Secure an infrastructure for health promotion 515
Appendix C People’s Health Charter 517
Introduction 517
Preamble 517
Vision 518
The health crisis 518
Principles of the People’s Charter for Health 518
A call for action 518
Health as a human right 519
Tackling the broader determinants of health 519
Economic challenges 519
Social and political challenges 519
Environmental challenges 520
War, violence, conflict and natural disasters 520
A people-centred health sector 521
People’s participation for a healthy world 521
Amendment 521
The People’s Health Assembly and the Charter 522
Join us—endorse the Charter 522
PHM Global Secretariat 522
Endorse the People’s Charter for Health 522
Appendix D The Bangkok Charter for Health Promotion in a Globalized World 524
Introduction 524
Scope 524
Purpose 524
Audience 524
Health promotion 524
Addressing the determinants of health 524
Changing context 524
Critical factors 524
Further challenges 524
New opportunities 524
Policy coherence 525
Progress made 525
Strategies for health promotion in a globalized world 525
Effective interventions 525
Required actions 525
Commitments to health for all 525
Rationale 525
Key commitments 525
1 Make the promotion of health central to the global development agenda 525
2 Make the promotion of health a core responsibility for all of government 525
3 Make the promotion of health a key focus of communities and civil society 526
4 Make the promotion of health a requirement for good corporate practice 526
A global pledge to make it happen 526
All for health 526
Closing the implementation gap 526
Call for action 526
Worldwide partnership 526
Commitment to improve health 526
Appendix E Nairobi Call to Action 527
Appendix F Helsinki Statement on Health in All Policies 535
Appendix G National School Nursing Professional Practice Standards 538
Summary of professional practice domains 538
Domain: professional practice 538
Standard one 538
Standard two 538
Standard three 538
Standard four 538
Standard five 538
Domain: provision and coordination of care 538
Standard six 538
Standard seven 538
Standard eight 538
Domain: collaborative and therapeutic practice 538
Standard nine 538
Standard ten 538
Domain: critical thinking and analysis 538
Standard eleven 538
Standard twelve 538
Appendix H Australian Family Strengths Nursing Assessment Guide 539
Appendix I ARACY Call to Action: Transforming Australia for Our Children’s Future 541
ARACY 2009 Conference declaration and call to action 541
Principles for action 541
Critical issues and challenges facing Australia today 542
Four key strategies for action 542
Appendix J HEEADSSS Assessment Tool for Use with Adolescents 544
Home 544
Education 544
Eating 544
Activities 544
Drugs/Alcohol 545
Sexuality 545
Suicide and Depression 545
Safety 546
Appendix K Ecomap 547
Index 548
A 548
B 550
C 550
D 552
E 553
F 553
G 554
H 555
I 556
J 557
K 557
L 557
M 557
N 558
O 559
P 559
Q 561
R 561
S 562
T 564
U 564
V 564
W 564
Y 565