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ESSA’s Student Manual for Health, Exercise and Sport Assessment - eBook

ESSA’s Student Manual for Health, Exercise and Sport Assessment - eBook

Jeff Coombes | Tina Skinner


Additional Information


ESSA’s Student Manual for Health, Exercise and Sport Assessment is an essential text for any student undertaking an exercise and sports science degree and professionals working in the exercise and fitness industries.

This practical manual contains fundamental theory and detailed step-by-step protocols designed to assist students and practitioners to develop competency for conducting tests in exercise, health and sports science.

Written by leading Australian and New Zealand Academics and published in collaboration with Exercise & Sports Science Australia (ESSA), ESSA’s Student Manual for Health, Exercise and Sport Assessment is the first Australian text written with ESSA’s accreditation framework in mind.


  • Multiple choice questions and short answer questions
  • Criteria sheets to assess skill competency
  • Worked examples and case studies
  • Data recording sheets
  • Image collection
  • Excel spreadsheet to record and analyse data from activities within the manual

Key features

  • Combines the theory underpinning testing procedures and comprehensive step-by-step protocols
  • Includes practical data recording tables
  • Protocols that encompass the spectrum of tests in exercise, health and sports science including, but not limited to, anthropometry, muscular strength, submaximal and maximal exercise testing, range of motion and threshold tests
  • Includes pre-testing procedures and equipment requirements for conducting assessments
  • Emphasis on the accuracy of the measurement, including calibration and verification of equipment
  • Section on laboratory safety, cleaning and disinfectanting
  • Links analysis, interpretation and communication of test results
  • Data analysis practical that encourages the reader to analyse their own data collected in the activities

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front cover cover
Inside front cover ifc1
Half title page i
Evolve Splash Page ii
ESSA's Student Manual for Health, Exercise and Sport Assessment iii
Copyright page iv
Essa Disclaimer iv
Foreword v
Table of Contents vii
Preface ix
About the authors x
Acknowledgments xi
Contributors xii
Reviewers xiv
Exercise science nomenclature xv
Laboratory safety, cleaning and disinfecting xvi
Learning objectives xvi
Interpretation, feedback and discussion xxiii
Introduction xxiii
Data sheet xxiii
Effective communication xxiii
Interpretation xxiv
Step 1. Consider if the test provided meaningful results (i.e. should some or all of the test results be accepted)? xxiv
Step 2. How do the test results compare with normative values? xxiv
Step 3. Identify any health concerns (e.g. red flags) xxv
Step 4. Prepare for feedback xxv
Feedback xxv
Step 1. Explain the test xxv
Step 2. State the result/s including qualitative wording xxv
Step 3. Can the results be maintained or improved? xxvi
Discussion xxvi
References xxvi
Practical 1 Equipment calibration and verification 1
Learning objectives 1
Introduction 1
Practical 2 Blood analysis 12
Learning objectives 12
Introduction 13
Safety 14
Cleaning and disposal of contaminated items 15
Blood spill procedure 15
References 28
Practical 3 Cardiovascular health 29
Learning objectives 29
Introduction 30
Physiological measures 31
Resting 31
Exercising 32
Risk scores 32
References 58
Practical 4 Anthropometry 59
Learning objectives 59
Introduction 59
References 90
Practical 5 Physical activity 92
Learning objectives 92
Introduction 92
References 114
Practical 6 Pre-exercise health screening 115
Learning objectives 115
Introduction 115
References 132
Practical 7 Neuromuscular strength, power and strength endurance 133
Learning objectives 133
Introduction 134
Neuromuscular strength 136
Maximal neuromuscular power 154
Strength endurance 167
References 173
Practical 8 Flexibility 174
Learning objectives 174
Introduction 174
Assumptions and limitations 175
References 199
Practical 9 \x1FVO2max 200
Learning objectives 200
Introduction 201
Physiological background 201
Conducting a test 202
Contraindications to exercise testing 202
Selecting the protocol 202
Measuring exercise thresholds during the test 203
Ramp versus extended stage protocols 203
Mode of testing 203
Test duration 203
Warm-up 203
Athlete protocols 203
Sampling intervals 203
Calibration 203
Verification 204
References 218
Practical 10 Submaximal tests for cardiorespiratory fitness 219
Learning objectives 219
Introduction 219
Limitations and assumptions 221
Validity 221
References 235
Practical 11 Lactate threshold 236
Learning objectives 236
Introduction 237
General methods for lactate threshold testing 238
References 257
Practical 12 High intensity exercise 258
Learning objectives 258
Introduction 258
Physiological background 260
Section 1: tests of work capacity and peak power 261
Section 2: tests of running speed and acceleration 277
Section 3: tests of agility and change of direction speed 280
Section 4: tests of repeated high intensity exercise performance 283
References 294
Practical 13 Nutrition 295
Learning objectives 295
Introduction 295
References 318
Practical 14 Functional measures for older adults 319
Learning objectives 319
Introduction 319
Safety considerations 320
Falls risk 320
Fatigue 320
Hydration 321
Vision/hearing/cognition 321
References 349
Practical 15 Exercise capacity 351
Learning objectives 351
Introduction 352
References 367
Practical 16 Pulmonary function 368
Learning objectives 368
Introduction 368
Parameters of lung function 368
Lung volumes and capacities 368
The relationship between flow and volume 369
Indications for spirometry 371
Contraindications for spirometry 372
References 385
Practical 17 Resting and exercise electrocardiography (ECG) 386
Learning objectives 386
Introduction 387
Purposes of the test 388
Diagnostic 388
Prognostic 389
Therapeutic 389
Pulse oximetry 389
Physiological background 389
ECG Leads and electrodes 390
Using the ECG to detect CAD 394
ECG evidence of ischaemia 394
ECG evidence of myocardial infarction 395
Exercise protocol 396
References 406
Practical 18 Data analysis 407
Learning objectives 407
Introduction 407
Data rearranging 407
Transposing data in Excel 408
Data checking 409
Determining maximum and minimum values 410
Using filters to separate data 411
Obtain descriptive statistics 411
Adjusting decimal places 412
Assemble descriptive statistics into a table 412
Comparing means 414
Checking for normality 414
t-Test 416
F-test 416
t-Test 417
7. Correlations 419
To create the correlation figure 420
Hypothesis testing 423
Report writing 423
Constructing tables 424
Constructing figures 424
References 424
Appendix A Pre-exercise test procedures 425
Prior to the day of testing 425
On the day of testing before the participant arrives 427
On the day of testing when the participant arrives 427
Appendix B Contraindications to exercise testing 428
Appendix C Borg’s Rating of Perceived Exertion (RPE) Scale 430
Appendix D Indications for stopping an exercise test 431
Index 433
A 433
B 434
C 434
D 435
E 435
F 436
G 437
H 437
I 438
J 438
K 438
L 438
M 439
N 440
O 440
P 441
Q 442
R 442
S 444
T 445
U 445
V 445
W 446
Y 446