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Clinical Procedures for Medical Assistants - E-Book

Clinical Procedures for Medical Assistants - E-Book

Kathy Bonewit-West


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Book Details


Learn the procedures and skills you need to succeed as a medical assistant! Clinical Procedures for Medical Assistants, 9th Edition provides clear, step-by-step instructions for common office procedures such as taking vital signs, collecting and processing lab specimens, preparing patients for examinations, and assisting with office surgeries. Written by expert educator Kathy Bonewit-West, this full-color edition covers the latest competencies and topics in today's medical assisting practice including emergency preparedness and the updated fecal occult blood testing procedure. The Evolve companion website includes videos of 84 procedures described in the book, preparing you to become a competent clinical medical assistant.

  • Over 120 procedures are presented in a clear, illustrated, step-by-step format, with online videos showing 84 of the procedures in action.
  • Chapter outlines and learning objectives prepare you for the skills and concepts you will be learning.
  • What Would You Do? What Would You Not Do? case studies challenge you to apply your knowledge to realistic medical office situations — with a practitioner's response at the end of chapters.
  • Putting It All Into Practice and Memories from Practicum boxes feature real medical assistants sharing personal, on-the-job experiences.
  • Key Terms and Terminology Review help you master medical assisting terminology.
  • Charting examples help you understand the process for charting your own procedures.
  • Patient Teaching boxes prepare you for effective communication, with detailed instructions on how to answer questions and how to explain medical concepts and procedures.
  • Student resources on the Evolve companion website offer a fun way to practice your medical assisting knowledge with animations, games such as Quiz Show and Road to Recovery, drag-and-drop exercises, Apply Your Knowledge exercises, matching exercises, and other interactive activities (blood pressure readings, determining height and weight, drawing up medication), as well as all video procedures and practicum activities.
  • UPDATED fecal occult blood testing procedure includes new video demonstrating this procedure.
  • UPDATED examples of medical assistants using an EHR are demonstrated in the video procedures, showing the use of electronic charting.
  • Updated venipuncture photos show how to perform venipuncture.
  • UPDATED content also includes topics such as the medical record, including HIPAA, electronic medical records, and advanced directives; emergency preparedness; the use of computer technology; medical asepsis; AIDS & hepatitis; latex glove allergies & non-latex gloves; vital signs including temporal artery thermometer, pulse oximetry, and the significance of pulse pressure; pediatrics including immunization information and IM injection theory; the colonoscopy; IV therapy; and the latest CLIA waived tests.
  • All 84 procedure videos are now available on the Evolve companion website for convenient viewing

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front cover cover
Evolve page IFC2
End sheet iii IFC3
Procedures IFC4
Clinical Procedures for Medical Assistants, 9/e i
Copyright page iv
Reviewers v
Dedication ix
Preface xi
New Features in This Edition xi
Important Additions Include the Following: xi
Standard Pedagogical Features in This Edition xi
Extensive Supplemental Resources xiii
Procedural Videos xiii
Study Guide xiii
Evolve Resources xiii
Acknowledgments xiv
Clinical Procedure Icons xvi
Table of Contents xvii
1 The Medical Record 1
Chapter Outline 2
Key Terms 2
Introduction to the Medical Record 3
Components of the Medical Record 3
Medical Office Administrative Documents 3
Patient Registration Record 3
Demographic Information 3
Billing Information 3
NPP Acknowledgment Form 3
Correspondence 3
Medical Office Clinical Documents 4
Health History Report 4
Physical Examination Report 6
Progress Notes 7
Medication Record 7
Prescription and Over-the-Counter Medication Record Form 7
Medication Administration Record Form 7
Consultation Report 8
Home Health Care Report 8
Laboratory Documents 8
Hematology 8
Clinical Chemistry 8
Immunology 8
Urinalysis 8
Microbiology 8
Parasitology 8
Cytology 8
Histology 8
Diagnostic Procedure Documents 10
Electrocardiogram Report 10
Holter Monitor Report 10
Sigmoidoscopy Report 10
Colonoscopy Report 10
Spirometry Report 10
Radiology Report 10
Diagnostic Imaging Report 11
Therapeutic Service Documents 11
Physical Therapy 11
Occupational Therapy 11
Speech Therapy 11
Hospital Documents 11
History and Physical Report 12
Operative Report 15
Discharge Summary Report 16
Pathology Report 16
Emergency Department Report 17
Consent Documents 19
Consent to Treatment Form 19
Release of Medical Information Form 20
Mailed or Faxed Requests for Release of Medical Information 20
Types of Medical Records 24
Electronic Medical Record 24
Advantages of the Electronic Medical Record 24
Disadvantages of the Electronic Medical Record 25
Medical Assistants’ Use of the EMR 25
Functions Performed by the Medical Assistant 25
Physicians’ Use of the EMR 25
Medical Record Formats 27
Source-Oriented Record 27
Problem-Oriented Record 27
Database 27
Problem List 28
Plan 28
Progress Notes 30
Preparing a Medical Record for a New Patient 30
Medical Record Supplies 31
File Folders 31
Folder Labels 32
Chart Dividers 32
Taking a Health History 32
Components of the Health History 32
Identification Data 32
Chief Complaint 33
Recording Chief Complaints 33
Correct Examples 33
Incorrect Examples 33
Present Illness 33
Past History 33
Family History 37
Social History 37
Review of Systems 37
Charting in the Medical Record 37
PPR Charting Guidelines 37
Charting Progress Notes 39
Charting Patient Symptoms 39
Other Activities That Need to Be Charted 39
Procedures 39
Administration of Medication 43
Specimen Collection 43
Diagnostic Procedures and Laboratory Tests 43
Results of Laboratory Tests 43
Patient Instructions 43
2 Medical Asepsis and the OSHA Standard 50
Chapter Outline 51
Key Terms 51
Introduction to Medical Asepsis and the OSHA Standard 51
Microorganisms and Medical Asepsis 51
Growth Requirements for Microorganisms 51
Infection Process Cycle 52
Protective Mechanisms of the Body 52
Medical Asepsis in the Medical Office 52
Hand Hygiene 52
Resident and Transient Flora 53
Handwashing 53
Antiseptic Handwashing 54
Alcohol-Based Hand Rubs 54
Infection Control 54
Gloves 54
Types of Gloves 54
Glove Guidelines 55
OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens Standard 61
Purpose of the Standard 61
Needlestick Safety and Prevention Act 61
OSHA Terminology 62
Components of the OSHA Standard 62
Exposure Control Plan 62
Labeling Requirements 63
Communicating Hazards to Employees 63
Record Keeping 64
Control Measures 64
Engineering Controls 64
Safer Medical Devices 65
Work Practice Controls 65
Personal Protective Equipment 66
Personal Protective Equipment Guidelines 66
Housekeeping 67
Hepatitis B Vaccination 69
Universal Precautions 69
Regulated Medical Waste 69
Handling Regulated Medical Waste 69
Disposal of Regulated Medical Waste 71
Bloodborne Diseases 71
Hepatitis B 71
Postexposure Prophylaxis 72
Acute Viral Hepatitis B 72
Chronic Viral Hepatitis B 72
Hepatitis C 73
Other Forms of Viral Hepatitis 73
Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome 73
Stages of AIDS 73
Stage 1: Acute HIV Infection 73
Stage 2: Asymptomatic Period 73
Stage 3: Symptomatic Period 74
Stage 4: AIDS 76
Transmission of AIDS 78
3 Sterilization and Disinfection 84
Chapter Outline 85
Key Terms 85
Introduction to Sterilization and Disinfection 85
Definitions of Terms 85
Hazard Communication Standard 85
Hazard Communication Program 86
Inventory of Hazardous Chemicals 86
Labeling of Hazardous Chemicals 86
Container Label Requirements 87
Material Safety Data Sheets 87
Material Safety Data Sheet Requirements 87
Employee Information and Training 89
Sanitization 90
Sanitizing Instruments 90
Cleaning Instruments 90
Manual Method 90
Ultrasound Method 90
Guidelines for Sanitizing Instruments 91
Disinfection 95
Levels of Disinfection 95
High-Level Disinfection 95
Intermediate-Level Disinfection 96
Low-Level Disinfection 96
Types of Disinfectants 96
Glutaraldehyde 96
Alcohol 96
Chlorine and Chlorine Compounds 97
Phenolics 97
Quaternary Ammonium Compounds 97
Guidelines for Disinfection 97
Sanitize Articles Before Disinfecting Them 97
Observe Safety Precautions 97
Properly Prepare and Use the Disinfectant 97
Properly Store the Disinfectant 97
Sterilization 99
Sterilization Methods 99
Autoclave 100
Monitoring Program 100
Sterilization Indicators 100
Chemical Indicators 100
Biologic Indicators 101
Wrapping Articles 103
Sterilization Paper 103
Sterilization Pouches 103
Muslin 103
Operating the Autoclave 106
Guidelines for Autoclave Operation 106
Location of the Autoclave 106
Filling the Water Reservoir 107
Loading the Autoclave 107
Timing the Load 108
Drying the Load 108
Handling and Storing Packs 109
Maintaining the Autoclave 109
Daily Maintenance 109
Weekly Maintenance 109
Monthly Maintenance 109
Other Sterilization Methods 109
Dry Heat Oven 109
Ethylene Oxide Gas Sterilization 110
Cold Sterilization 110
Radiation 110
Terminology Review 115
On the Web 115
4 Vital Signs 116
Chapter Outline 117
Key Terms 117
Introduction to Vital Signs 117
Temperature 118
Regulation of Body Temperature 118
Heat Production 118
Heat Loss 118
Body Temperature Range 118
Alterations in Body Temperature 118
Variations in Body Temperature 118
Fever 120
Stages of a Fever 120
Assessment of Body Temperature 120
Assessment Sites 120
Oral Temperature 121
Axillary Temperature 121
Rectal Temperature 121
Aural Temperature 121
Forehead Temperature 122
Types of Thermometers 122
Electronic Thermometer 122
Tympanic Membrane Thermometer 122
Temporal Artery Thermometer 122
Earlobe Temperature Measurement 123
Care and Maintenance 123
Chemical Thermometers 125
Disposable Chemical Single-Use Thermometers 125
Temperature-Sensitive Strips 126
Pulse 136
Mechanism of the Pulse 136
Factors Affecting Pulse Rate 136
Pulse Sites 136
Radial 136
Apical 137
Brachial 137
Ulnar 137
Temporal 137
Carotid 138
Femoral 138
Popliteal 138
Posterior Tibial 138
Dorsalis Pedis 138
Assessment of Pulse 138
Pulse Rate 138
Pulse Rhythm and Volume 138
Respiration 139
Mechanism of Respiration 139
Control of Respiration 139
Assessment of Respiration 140
Respiratory Rate 140
Rhythm and Depth of Respiration 141
Color of the Patient 141
Respiratory Abnormalities 141
Breath Sounds 142
Pulse Oximetry 142
Assessment of Oxygen Saturation 142
Mechanism of Action 142
Interpretation of Results 143
Purpose of Pulse Oximetry 143
Components of the Pulse Oximeter 144
Monitor 144
Probe 144
Factors Affecting Pulse Oximetry 145
Pulse Oximeter Care and Maintenance 146
Blood Pressure 151
Mechanism of Blood Pressure 151
Interpretation of Blood Pressure 151
Pulse Pressure 151
Factors Affecting Blood Pressure 151
Assessment of Blood Pressure: Manual Method 152
Stethoscope 152
Stethoscope Chest Piece 152
Manual Sphygmomanometers 152
Aneroid Sphygmomanometer 152
Mercury Sphygmomanometer 154
Cuff Sizes 154
Korotkoff Sounds 157
Assessment of Blood Pressure: Automatic Method 160
Advantages 160
Disadvantages 161
5 The Physical Examination 172
Chapter Outline 173
Key Terms 173
Introduction to the Physical Examination 173
Definitions of Terms 173
Preparation of the Examining Room 174
Preparation of the Patient 175
Measuring Weight and Height 176
Body Mechanics 185
Principles 185
Application of Body Mechanics 186
Standing 186
Sitting 186
Lifting 186
Positioning and Draping 187
Wheelchair Transfer 196
Assessment of the Patient 200
Inspection 205
Palpation 205
Percussion 205
Auscultation 205
Assisting the Physician 206
6 Eye and Ear Assessment and Procedures 213
Chapter Outline 213
Key Terms 213
Introduction to Eye and Ear Assessment 214
The Eye 214
Structure of the Eye 214
Visual Acuity 215
Assessment of Distance Visual Acuity (DVA) 215
Conducting a Snellen Test 216
Assessing Distance Visual Acuity in Preschool Children 217
Assessment of Near Visual Acuity (NVA) 217
Assessment of Color Vision 218
Ishihara Test 220
Eye Irrigation 223
Eye Instillation 223
The Ear 228
Structure of the Ear 228
Assessment of Hearing Acuity 228
Types of Hearing Loss 228
Hearing Acuity Tests 229
Gross Screening Test 229
Tuning Fork Tests 229
Audiometry 229
Tympanometry 230
Ear Irrigation 232
Ear Instillation 233
7 Physical Agents to Promote Tissue Healing 240
Chapter Outline 240
Key Terms 241
Introduction to Tissue Healing 241
Local Application of Heat and Cold 241
Factors Affecting the Application of Heat and Cold 242
Heat 242
Local Effects of Heat 242
Purpose of Applying Heat 242
Types of Heat Applications 242
Heating Pad 242
Hot Soak 242
Hot Compress 242
Chemical Hot Pack 243
Cold 243
Local Effects of Cold 243
Purpose of Applying Cold 244
Types of Cold Applications 244
Ice Bag 244
Cold Compress 244
Chemical Cold Pack 244
Casts 251
Synthetic Casts 251
Cast Application 251
Precautions 253
Guidelines for Cast Care 253
Symptoms to Report 254
Cast Removal 254
Splints and Braces 255
Ambulatory Aids 256
Crutches 256
Axillary Crutch Measurement 257
Crutch Guidelines 257
Crutch Gaits 257
Canes 257
Walkers 258
8 The Gynecologic Examination and Prenatal Care 267
Chapter Outline 268
Key Terms 268
Introduction to the Gynecologic Examination and Prenatal Care 268
Gynecologic Examination 268
Gynecology 268
Terms Related to Gynecology 269
Breast Examination 269
Pelvic Examination 271
Inspection of External Genitalia, Vagina, and Cervix 271
Pap Test 271
Patient Instructions 273
Specimen Collection 273
Vaginal Specimen 273
Cervical Specimen 273
Endocervical Specimen 274
Preparation Methods 274
Direct Smear 274
Liquid-Based Preparation 274
Cytology Request 275
General Information 275
Date and Time of Collection 275
Collection Method 275
Source of the Specimen 275
Collection Technique 275
Patient History 275
Previous Treatment 275
Evaluation of the Pap Specimen 275
Maturation Index 275
Cytology Report 276
Bimanual Pelvic Examination 278
Rectal-Vaginal Examination 279
Vaginal Infections 285
Trichomoniasis 285
Candidiasis 285
Chlamydia 286
Gonorrhea 287
Prenatal Care 289
Obstetrics 289
Obstetric Terminology 289
Prenatal Visits 290
First Prenatal Visit 290
Prenatal Record 290
Past Medical History 291
Menstrual History 292
Obstetric History 293
Present Pregnancy History 294
Interval Prenatal History 295
Initial Prenatal Examination 295
Purpose 295
Preparation of the Patient 296
Patient Education 296
Laboratory Tests 296
Urine Tests 297
Urinalysis 297
Swab Tests 298
Pap Test 298
Chlamydia and Gonorrhea 298
Trichomoniasis and Candidiasis 298
Group B Streptococcus 298
Blood Tests 298
Complete Blood Count 298
Hemoglobin and Hematocrit 298
Rh Factor and ABO Blood Type 298
Glucose Challenge Test 298
Syphilis Test 299
Rubella Antibody Titer 300
Rh Antibody Titer (On Rh-Negative Blood Specimens) 300
Hepatitis B and Human Immunodeficiency Virus 300
Return Prenatal Visits 300
Fundal Height Measurement 300
Fetal Heart Tones 302
Vaginal Examination 302
Special Tests and Procedures 303
Multiple Marker Test 303
Obstetric Ultrasound Scan 303
Transabdominal Ultrasound Scan 304
Endovaginal Ultrasound Scan 305
Amniocentesis 305
Fetal Heart Rate Monitoring 306
Medical Assisting Responsibilities 306
Six Weeks Postpartum Visit 309
9 The Pediatric Examination 319
Chapter Outline 320
Key Terms 320
Introduction to the Pediatric Examination 320
Pediatric Office Visits 320
Developing a Rapport 321
Carrying the Infant 322
Cradle Position 322
Upright Position 322
Growth Measurements 323
Weight 323
Length and Height 323
Head and Chest Circumference 323
Growth Charts 325
Pediatric Blood Pressure Measurement 333
Special Guidelines for Children 333
Correct Cuff Size 333
Cooperation of the Child 333
Blood Pressure Classifications 334
Collection of a Urine Specimen 334
Pediatric Injections 337
Types of Needles 337
Intramuscular Injection Sites 337
Immunizations 338
National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act 340
Newborn Screening Test 342
10 Minor Office Surgery 353
Chapter Outline 354
Key Terms 354
Introduction to Minor Office Surgery 355
Surgical Asepsis 356
Instruments Used in Minor Office Surgery 356
Scalpels 356
Scissors 357
Forceps 357
Miscellaneous Instruments 357
Gynecologic Instruments 358
Care of Surgical Instruments 362
Commercially Prepared Sterile Packages 362
Wounds 368
Wound Healing 368
Phases of Wound Healing 369
Phase 1 369
Phase 2 369
Phase 3 369
Wound Drainage 370
Sterile Dressing Change 370
Sutures 372
Types of Sutures 372
Suture Size and Packaging 374
Suture Needles 374
Insertion of Sutures 375
Suture Insertion Setup 375
Items Placed to the Side of the Sterile Field 375
Items Included on the Sterile Field 375
Procedure: Suture Insertion 376
Postoperative Instructions: Suture Insertion 376
Suture Removal 376
Surgical Skin Staples 377
Adhesive Skin Closures 379
Assisting with Minor Office Surgery 384
Tray Setup 384
Methods Used to Set Up a Sterile Tray 384
Side Table 384
Skin Preparation 385
Shaving the Site 385
Cleansing the Site 385
Antiseptic Application 385
Local Anesthetic 385
Preparing the Anesthetic 386
Assisting the Physician 386
Medical Office Surgical Procedures 392
Sebaceous Cyst Removal 392
Sebaceous Cyst Setup 393
Items Placed to the Side of the Sterile Field 393
Items Included on the Sterile Field 393
Procedure: Sebaceous Cyst Removal 393
Postoperative Instructions: Sebaceous Cyst Removal 394
Surgical Incision and Drainage of Localized Infections 394
Incision and Drainage Setup 394
Items Placed to the Side of the Sterile Field 394
Items Included on the Sterile Field 395
Procedure: Incision and Drainage 395
Postoperative Instructions: Incision and Drainage 395
Mole Removal 395
Mole Shave Excision Setup 397
11 Administration of Medication and Intravenous Therapy 414
Chapter Outline 415
Key Terms 416
Introduction to the Administration of Medication 416
Administering, Prescribing, and Dispensing Medication 416
Legal Aspects 416
Routes of Administration 416
Drug References 416
Food and Drug Administration 416
Drug Nomenclature 417
Classification of Drugs Based on Preparation 420
Liquid Preparations 420
Solid Preparations 420
Classification of Drugs Based on Action 421
Systems of Measurement for Medication 433
Metric System 433
Apothecary System 434
Household System 434
Converting Units of Measurement 434
Controlled Drugs 436
Prescription 436
Parts of a Prescription 437
Generic Prescribing 440
Completing a Prescription Form 441
EMR Prescription Program 441
Medication Record 442
Factors Affecting Drug Action 445
Therapeutic Effect 445
Age 445
Route of Administration 445
Size 445
Time of Administration 445
Tolerance 445
Undesirable Effects of Drugs 446
Adverse Reactions 446
Drug Interactions 446
Allergic Drug Reaction 446
Idiosyncratic Reaction 446
Guidelines for Preparation and Administration of Medication 446
Oral Administration 447
Parenteral Administration 449
Parts of a Needle and Syringe 449
Needle 449
Syringe 450
Safety-Engineered Syringes 450
Preparation of Parenteral Medication 451
Vials 451
Ampules 451
Prefilled Syringes 452
Storage 452
Reconstitution of Powdered Drugs 452
Subcutaneous Injections 453
Intramuscular Injections 454
Intramuscular Injection Sites 455
Dorsogluteal Site 455
Deltoid Site 455
Vastus Lateralis Site 456
Ventrogluteal Site 456
Z-Track Method 457
Intradermal Injections 467
Tuberculin Skin Testing 468
Tuberculosis 468
Purpose of Tuberculin Skin Testing 468
Tuberculin Skin Test Reactions 469
Mantoux Tuberculin Skin Test 469
Guidelines for Administering a Mantoux TST 471
Guidelines for Reading Mantoux TST Results 471
Two-Step Tuberculin Skin Test 472
Tuberculosis Blood Test 473
Allergy Testing 474
Allergy 474
Allergic Reaction 474
Diagnosis and Treatment 475
Types of Allergy Tests 477
Direct Skin Testing 477
Quality Control 477
Types of Direct Skin Tests 477
Patch Testing 477
Skin-Prick Testing 478
Intradermal Skin Testing 479
In Vitro Allergy Blood Testing 480
Intravenous Therapy 484
Advantages of Outpatient Intravenous Therapy 484
Earlier Hospital Discharge 484
Avoidance of Hospitalization 484
Medical Office–Based Intravenous Therapy 484
Indications for Outpatient Intravenous Therapy 485
Scheduling the IV Therapy 485
Medical Office Guidelines 485
12 Cardiopulmonary Procedures 491
Chapter Outline 492
Key Terms 493
Introduction to Electrocardiography 493
Structure of the Heart 493
Conduction System of the Heart 494
Cardiac Cycle 495
Waves 495
Baseline, Segments, and Intervals 496
Segments 496
Intervals 496
Electrocardiograph Paper 496
Standardization of the Electrocardiograph 497
Electrocardiograph Leads 497
Electrodes 498
Bipolar Leads 499
Augmented Leads 499
Chest Leads 499
Paper Speed 501
Patient Preparation 502
Maintenance of the Electrocardiograph 502
Electrocardiographic Capabilities 502
Three-Channel Recording Capability 502
Interpretive Electrocardiograph 502
EMR Connectivity 503
Teletransmission 503
Artifacts 503
Muscle Artifact 504
Wandering Baseline Artifact 506
60-Cycle Interference Artifact 506
Interrupted Baseline Artifact 506
Holter Monitor Electrocardiography 509
Purpose 510
Digital Holter Monitor 510
Patient Preparation 510
Electrode Placement 510
Patient Diary 511
Event Marker 511
Evaluating Results 512
Maintenance of the Holter Monitor 512
Cardiac Dysrhythmias 516
Premature Atrial Contraction 516
Description 516
13 Colon Procedures and Male Reproductive Health 541
Chapter Outline 541
Key Terms 542
Introduction to Colon Procedures 542
Structure of the Large Intestine 542
Blood in the Stool 542
Fecal Occult Blood Test 542
Guaiac Slide Test 542
Purpose 543
Patient Preparation 543
Quality Control 544
Other Types of Stool Tests 546
Fecal Immunochemical Test 546
Fecal DNA Test 547
Sigmoidoscopy 551
Purpose 551
Patient Preparation for Sigmoidoscopy 552
Digital Rectal Examination 552
Sigmoidoscope 552
Procedure 552
Colonoscopy 553
Purpose 553
Patient Preparation for Colonoscopy 553
Procedure 554
Introduction to Male Reproductive Health 556
Prostate Cancer 556
Prostate Cancer Screening 557
Digital Rectal Examination 557
Prostate-Specific Antigen Test 557
Recommendations for Prostate Screening 557
Testicular Self-Examination 558
14 Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging 562
Chapter Outline 563
Key Terms 563
Introduction to Radiology 563
Contrast Media 563
Fluoroscopy 564
Positioning the Patient 564
Specific Radiographic Examinations 565
Mammography 565
Bone Density Scan 566
Gastrointestinal Series 567
Upper Gastrointestinal Radiography 567
Lower Gastrointestinal Radiography 568
Intravenous Pyelography 568
Other Types of Radiographs 569
Introduction to Diagnostic Imaging 569
Ultrasonography 569
Patient Preparation 570
Computed Tomography 571
Patient Preparation 571
Magnetic Resonance Imaging 572
Patient Preparation 573
Nuclear Medicine 574
Bone Scans 574
Nuclear Cardiac Stress Test 574
Guidelines 575
Digital Radiology 575
15 Introduction to the Clinical Laboratory 579
Chapter Outline 580
Key Terms 580
Introduction to the Clinical Laboratory 580
Laboratory Tests 581
Purpose of Laboratory Testing 581
Types of Clinical Laboratories 584
Physician’s Office Laboratory 584
Physical Structure of the POL 584
Outside Laboratories 585
Laboratory Directory 585
Collection and Testing Categories 586
Laboratory Requests 587
Purpose 587
Parts of the Laboratory Request Form 587
Laboratory Reports 591
Laboratory Documents and the EMR 594
Patient Preparation and Instructions 595
Fasting 595
Medication Restrictions 596
Collecting, Handling, and Transporting Specimens 597
Guidelines for Specimen Collection 597
Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments 604
Purpose of CLIA 1988 604
Categories of Laboratory Testing 604
Requirements for Moderate-Complexity and High-Complexity Testing 604
CLIA-Waived Laboratory Testing 605
CLIA-Waived Testing Kits 605
CLIA-Waived Automated Analyzers 607
Quality Control 607
Categories of Test Results 611
Qualitative Test Results 611
Quantitative Test Results 611
Recording Test Results 611
Laboratory Safety 611
16 Urinalysis 616
Chapter Outline 616
Key Terms 617
Structure and Function of the Urinary System 617
Composition of Urine 617
Terms Related to the Urinary System 617
Collection of Urine 617
Guidelines for Urine Collection 618
Urine Specimen Collection Methods 619
Random Specimen 619
First-Voided Morning Specimen 619
Clean-Catch Midstream Specimen 619
Guidelines 619
Twenty-Four–Hour Urine Specimen 620
Analysis of Urine 623
Physical Examination of Urine 624
Color 624
Appearance 624
Odor 624
Specific Gravity 625
Chemical Examination of Urine 625
Urine Testing Kits 625
pH 627
Glucose 627
Protein 627
Ketone 627
Bilirubin 627
Urobilinogen 627
Blood 628
Nitrite 628
Leukocytes 629
Reagent Strips 629
Guidelines for Reagent Strip Urine Testing 629
Quality Control Testing 629
Urine Analyzer 632
Microscopic Examination of Urine 635
Red Blood Cells 635
White Blood Cells 644
Epithelial Cells 644
Casts 644
Crystals 644
Miscellaneous Structures 644
Rapid Urine Cultures 647
Urine Pregnancy Testing 647
Human Chorionic Gonadotropin 647
Immunoassay Tests 647
Guidelines for Urine Pregnancy Testing 648
Serum Pregnancy Test 648
17 Phlebotomy 657
Chapter Outline 657
Key Terms 658
Introduction to Phlebotomy 658
Venipuncture 658
General Guidelines for Venipuncture 659
Patient Preparation for Venipuncture 659
Review Collection and Handling Requirements 659
Identification of the Patient 659
Assemble the Equipment and Supplies 659
Reassuring the Patient 661
Patient Position for Venipuncture 661
Application of the Tourniquet 662
Guidelines for Applying the Tourniquet 662
Types of Tourniquets 663
Rubber Tourniquet 663
Procedure: Rubber Tourniquet 663
Velcro-Closure Tourniquet 663
Procedure: Velcro-Closure Tourniquet 664
Site Selection for Venipuncture 664
Guidelines for Site Selection 664
Alternative Venipuncture Sites 665
Types of Blood Specimens 665
OSHA Safety Precautions 666
Vacuum Tube Method of Venipuncture 667
Needle 667
Safety-Engineered Venipuncture Devices 668
Plastic Holder 669
Evacuated Tubes 669
Additive Content of Evacuated Tubes 670
Order of Draw for Multiple Tubes 670
Evacuated Tube Guidelines 671
Butterfly Method of Venipuncture 678
Guidelines for the Butterfly Method 678
Problems Encountered With Venipuncture 685
Failure to Obtain Blood 685
Inappropriate Puncture Sites 686
Scarred and Sclerosed Veins 686
Rolling Veins 686
Collapsing Veins 686
Premature Needle Withdrawal 686
Hematoma 686
Hemolysis 686
Fainting 686
Obtaining a Serum Specimen 686
Serum 686
Tube Selection 687
Preparation of the Specimen 687
Removal of Serum 688
Serum Separator Tubes 688
Obtaining a Plasma Specimen 691
Plasma 691
Tube Selection 691
Preparation and Removal of the Specimen 691
Plasma Separator Tube 691
Skin Puncture 691
Puncture Sites 692
Skin Puncture Devices 692
Disposable Semiautomatic Lancet 692
Reusable Semiautomatic Lancet 692
Microcollection Devices 693
Capillary Tubes 693
Microcollection Tubes 693
Guidelines for Performing a Finger Puncture 694
18 Hematology 703
Chapter Outline 703
Key Terms 704
Introduction to Hematology 704
Components and Functions of Blood 706
Erythrocytes 706
Leukocytes 706
Thrombocytes 708
Hemoglobin Determination 708
Hematocrit 709
White Blood Cell Count 712
Red Blood Cell Count 713
Red Blood Cell Indices 713
MCV: Mean Corpuscular Volume 713
MCH: Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin 713
MCHC: Mean Cell Hemoglobin Concentration 713
RDW: Red Cell Distribution Width 714
White Blood Cell Differential Count 714
Automatic Method 714
Manual Method 714
Types of White Blood Cells 715
Reference Range 715
PT/INR 718
Purpose 718
Collection of the Specimen 719
Performing a PT/INR Test 721
PT/INR Home Testing 721
19 Blood Chemistry and Immunology 726
Chapter Outline 726
Key Terms 727
Introduction to Blood Chemistry and Immunology 727
Blood Chemistry 727
Collection of a Blood Chemistry Specimen 727
Automated Blood Chemistry Analyzers 727
Quality Control 731
Calibration 732
Controls 732
Blood Glucose 733
Blood Glucose Testing 733
Fasting Blood Glucose Test 733
Two-Hour Postprandial Blood Glucose Test 734
Oral Glucose Tolerance Test 734
Testing Requirements 734
Side Effects 734
Interpretation of Results 734
Hypoglycemia 735
Tests for Management of Diabetes 735
Self-Monitoring of Blood Glucose 735
Frequency of Testing 737
Test Results 737
Advantages 737
Hemoglobin A1c Test 738
Interpretation of Results 738
Glucose Meters 739
Reagent Test Strips 739
Calibration Procedure 739
Control Procedure 740
Care and Maintenance 740
Cholesterol 744
HDL and LDL Cholesterol 745
Cholesterol Testing 745
Interpretation of Results 746
Patient Preparation 746
CLIA-Waived Cholesterol Analyzers 746
Triglycerides 747
Blood Urea Nitrogen 748
Immunology 748
Immunologic Tests 748
Hepatitis Tests 748
HIV Tests 748
Syphilis Tests 748
Mononucleosis Test 748
Rheumatoid Factor 748
Antistreptolysin O Test 749
C-Reactive Protein 749
Cold Agglutinins 749
ABO and Rh Blood Typing 749
Rh Antibody Titer 749
Rapid Mononucleosis Testing 749
Blood Typing 751
Blood Antigens 751
Blood Antibodies 751
Rh Blood Group System 752
Blood Antigen and Antibody Reactions 752
Agglutination and Blood Typing 753
20 Medical Microbiology 758
Chapter Outline 758
Key Terms 759
Introduction to Microbiology 759
Normal Flora 759
Infection 760
Stages of an Infectious Disease 760
Microorganisms and Disease 760
Bacteria 760
Cocci 761
Bacilli 761
Spirilla 761
Viruses 761
Microscope 762
Support System 763
Frame 763
Stage 763
Light Source 763
Condenser 763
Diaphragm 763
Adjustment Knobs 763
Optical System 764
Eyepiece 764
Objective Lenses 764
Focus 764
Low and High Power 764
Oil Immersion 764
Care of the Microscope 764
Microbiologic Specimen Collection 767
Handling and Transporting Microbiologic Specimens 768
Wound Specimens 768
Collection and Transport Systems 768
Microbial Cultures 770
Streptococcus Testing 771
Rapid Streptococcus Tests 771
Hemolytic Reaction and Bacitracin Susceptibility Test 771
Sensitivity Testing 773
Microscopic Examination of Microorganisms 773
Wet Mount Method 774
Smears 775
Gram Stain 775
Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases 775
21 Emergency Medical Procedures 781
Chapter Outline 781
Key Terms 782
Introduction to Emergency Medical Procedures 782
Office Crash Cart 782
Emergency Medical Services System 782
First-Aid Kit 784
OSHA Safety Precautions 785
Guidelines for Providing Emergency Care 785
Respiratory Distress 786
Asthma 786
Emphysema 786
Hyperventilation 787
Heart Attack 787
Stroke 787
Shock 787
Hypovolemic Shock 788
Cardiogenic Shock 788
Neurogenic Shock 788
Anaphylactic Shock 788
Psychogenic Shock 788
Bleeding 789
External Bleeding 789
Capillary Bleeding 789
Venous Bleeding 789
Arterial Bleeding 789
Emergency Care for External Bleeding 789
Nosebleeds 790
Emergency Care for a Nosebleed 790
Internal Bleeding 792
Wounds 792
Open Wounds 792
Incisions and Lacerations 792
Emergency Care for Incisions and Lacerations 792
Minor Incisions and Lacerations 792
Serious Incisions and Lacerations 793
Punctures 793
Emergency Care for Puncture Wounds 793
Abrasions 793
Emergency Care for Abrasions 793
Closed Wounds 793
Musculoskeletal Injuries 793
Fracture 793
Dislocation 794
Sprain 794
Strain 795
Emergency Care for a Fracture 795
Burns 796
Superficial (First-Degree) Burn 796
Partial-Thickness (Second-Degree) Burn 796
Full-Thickness (Third-Degree) Burn 796
Thermal Burns 797
Emergency Care for Major Thermal Burns 797
Emergency Care for Minor Thermal Burns 797
Chemical Burns 797
Seizures 797
Emergency Care for Seizures 798
Poisoning 798
Ingested Poisons 798
Emergency Care for Poisoning by Ingestion 798
Inhaled Poisons 799
Emergency Care for Inhaled Poisons 799
Absorbed Poisons 799
Emergency Care for Absorbed Poisons 799
Injected Poisons 799
Insect Stings 799
Emergency Care for Insect Stings 799
Spider Bites 800
Emergency Care for Spider Bites 800
Snakebites 800
Emergency Care for Snakebites 800
Animal Bites 800
Emergency Care for Animal Bites 801
Heat and Cold Exposure 801
Heat Cramps 801
Heat Exhaustion 801
Heatstroke 801
Frostbite 802
Hypothermia 802
Diabetic Emergencies 802
Emergency Care in Diabetes 803
Insulin Shock (Hypoglycemia) 803
Diabetic Coma (Diabetic Ketoacidosis) 803
Doubtful Situations 804
Appendix A Medical Abbreviations 808
Glossary 816
Index 826
A 826
B 827
C 828
D 829
E 830
F 831
G 832
H 832
I 833
J 833
K 833
L 834
M 834
N 835
O 836
P 836
Q 838
R 839
S 839
T 841
U 842
V 842
W 843
X 843
Y 843
Z 843