The Moving Researcher
Julio Mota | Jackie Hand | Melina Scialom | Susanne Schlicher | Regina Miranda Ribeiro | Rosel Grassmann | Ciane Fernandes
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Book Details
This comprehensive book will serve as a step-by-step guide to Laban/Bartenieff Movement Analysis, updating and expanding concepts and practices.
Following extensive research on the method developed by Rudolf von Laban and his disciples, this book explains movement principles, exercises, and motif symbols in detail. Organized according to the four categories of Laban/Bartenieff Movement Analysis (Body-Effort-Shape-Space), additional chapters present the different developments of the theory in relation to performing arts and movement therapy. The author draws on Laban/Bartenieff Movement Analysis as a dynamic and connective approach, traveling from classroom and studio to everyday life, stage performance, and film acting. The Laban perspective serves as a multimedia artistic viewpoint, intertwining theory, learning, and imagery.
This unique approach to this internationally used method is essential reading for educators and students of dance and other performing arts and movement-related professions.
This is an extensive and intensive body of research. A new text book for Laban practitioners and scholars, a first-class resource for all in pursuit of articulation of the grammar and semantics of Movement and its field of application. A real highlight is the scopic yet detailed exposition of Bartenieff Fundamentals™. This should be "shared among all of us who have the passion drive for movement and the action drive for research".
Anna Carlisle, MA MBE, President of the Laban Guild
Fernandes' book is as comprehensive an overview of Laban Movement Analysis as any book thus far. It is detailed, specific, and full of clear definitions, examples, and stories about the work. A must-have for all students and professional movement analysts!
Karen Bradley, Director of Graduate Studies in Dance, University of Maryland
Ciane Fernandes is tenured professor at the School of Theater and the Performing Arts Graduate program at Federal University of Bahia (PPGAC/UFBA), Salvador, Brazil. She is an associate researcher at the Laban/Bartenieff Institute of Movement Studies (LIMS), New York. She has a Ph.D. in art and humanities for performing artists from New York University, a certificate of movement analysis from LIMS and a post-doctorate degree in Contemporary Culture and Communications from UFBA. For the last twenty years Ciane has worked with Laban/Bartenieff Movement Analysis and Authentic Movement in education, research and performance. She has taught and performed based on these methods internationally, and presented lecture demonstrations and photo/video exhibitions. Ciane lives in Lençóis BA, Brazil. For more information, go to www.cianefernandes.pro.br or www.ppgac.tea.ufba.br.