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Academic Anthropology and the Museum

Academic Anthropology and the Museum

Mary Bouquet


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Book Details


The museum boom, with its accompanying objectification and politicization of culture, finds its counterpart in the growing interest by social scientists in material culture, much of which is to be found in museums. Not surprisingly, anthropologists in particular are turning their attention again to museums, after decades of neglect, during which fieldwork became the hallmark of modern anthropology - so much so that the "social" and the "material" parted company so radically as to produce a kind of knowledge gap between historical collections and the intellectuals who might have benefitted from working on these material representations of culture. Moreover it was forgotten that museums do not only present the "pastness" of things. A great deal of what goes on in contemporary museums is literally about planning the shape of the future: making culture materialize involves mixing things from the past, taking into account current visions, and knowing that the scenes constructed will shape the perspectives of future generations. However, the (re-)invention of museum anthropology presents a series of challenges for academic teaching and research, as well as for the work of cultural production in contemporary museums - issues that are explored in this volume.

"The book's central argument is well made."  · Museum National

"...focuses on anthropologists, but the consideration given to the relations between academic and museum worlds will be useful to any scholar with current affiliations or aspirations to engage with museum culture. In terms of the volume's original intent, as a work responding to the needs of those teaching and studying anthro-museology, it is an impressive accomplishment."   · Anthropologica

Mary Bouquet teaches Cultural Anthropology and Museum Studies at Utrecht University College. Her publications include Bringing It All Back Home to the Oslo University Ethnographic Museum , published by Scandinavian University Press (1996).

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Title Page iii
Table of Contents v
List of Contributors x
Chapter 1: Introduction 1
Part I: Anthropological encounters with the post-colonial museum 17
Chapter 2: The photological apparatus and the desiring machine. Unexpected congruences between the Koninklijk Muesum, Tervuren and the U' mista Centre, Alert Bay 18
Chapter 3: Picturing the museum: photography and the work of mediation in the Third Portuguese Empire 36
Chapter 4: On the pre-museum history of Baldwin Spencer's collection of Tiwi artefacts 55
Part II: Ethnographic museums and ethnographic museology 'at home' 75
Chapter 5: Anthropology at home and in the museum: the case of the Musee National des Arts et Traditions Popularies in Paris 76
Chapter 6: 'Does anthropology need museums?' Teaching ethnographic museology in Portugal thirty years later 92
Part III: Science museums as an ethnographic challenge 105
Chapter 7: Towards an ethnography of museums: science, technology and us 106
Chapter 8: Behind the scenes at the Science Museum: knowing, making and using 117
Part IV: Anthropologists as cultural producers 141
Chapter 9: Unsettling the meaning: critical museology, art and anthropological discourses 142
Chapter 10: Inside out: cultural production in the museum and the academy 162
Chapter 11: The art of exhibition-making as a problem of translation 177
Part V: Looking ahead 199
Chapter 12: Why post-millenial museums will need fuzzy guerrillas 200
Bibliography 212
Index 231