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Anthropological practice has been dominated by the so-called "great" traditions (Anglo-American, French, and German). However, processes of decolonization, along with critical interrogation of these dominant narratives, have led to greater visibility of what used to be seen as peripheral scholarship. With contributions from leading anthropologists and social scientists from different countries and anthropological traditions, this volume gives voice to scholars outside these "great" traditions. It shows the immense variety of methodologies, training, and approaches that scholars from these regions bring to anthropology and the social sciences in general, thus enriching the disciplines in important ways at an age marked by multiculturalism, globalization, and transnationalism.
"A valuable resource for teaching and research alike, Other People’s Anthropologies rethinks canonical accounts of the discipline’s history." · Anthropos
"The collection is a very welcome addition to the growing but still inadequate number of books and articles on world anthropologies. It is clearly written with concise chapters that give the reader a sense of the richness, diversity, commonalities and potentials of anthropology in the world today. Although the value goes beyond the classroom, this volume should be of interest particularly to those teaching anthropological theory who want to increase students’ awareness of the significant anthropological scholarship beyond the so-called ‘center’." · Anthropology News
"At last! A volume that exposes the ethnocentric underbelly of Anglo-American anthropology. The practice and history of anthropology is far more interesting and engaging than most English-speakers know. This volume, combining reflective essays from prominent scholars and cutting-edge work by younger anthropologists will change the way many think of anthropology." · Robert Gordon
Aleksandar Bošković is Senior Research Fellow at the Institute of Social Sciences in Belgrade (Serbia) and Visiting Professor of Anthropology at the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana (Slovenia). His research areas include ethnicity and nationalism, popular culture, and he has also published widely on the history and theory of anthropology. In recent years, he published on anthropology in former Yugoslavia (Anthropology Today, 2005), Brazil (Dialectical Anthropology, 2005), South Africa (with Ilana van Wyk, Etnograficheskoe obozrenie, 2005), and "world anthropologies" (Anthropos, 2007). Bošković is the author or editor of several books, including, most recently, Myth, Politics, Ideology (Belgrade, 2006).