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As cross-cultural migration increases democratic states face a particular challenge: how to grant equal rights and dignity to individuals while recognizing cultural distinctiveness. In response to the greater number of ethnic and religious minority groups, state policies seem to focus on managing cultural differences through planned pluralism. This book explores the dilemmas, paradoxes, and conflicts that emerge when differences are managed within this conceptual framework. After a critical investigation of the perceived logic of identity, indicative of Western nation-states and at the root of their pluralistic intentions, the author takes issue with both universalist notions of equality and cultural relativist notions of distinctiveness. However, without identity is it possible to participate in dialogue and form communities? Is there a way out of this impasse? The book argues in favor of communities based on nonidentitarian difference, developed and maintained through open and critical dialogue.
“Gressgård’s book is impressive for its wide array of philosophical voices. She manages to bring together theories from different theorists/philosophers, integrating them in a way that gives new meaning to certain philosophical conundrums.” · Journal of Gender Research
“What is important about this book is less the conclusions that are arrived at than the rigour and depth with which the conditions of social being are examined.” · Acta Sociologica
“This thought-provoking book is beneficial reading for those who are interested in a deeper understanding of the dynamics of equality and diversity, related to the division between ‘us’ and the ‘others’.” · The Nordic Journal of Migration Research
“…the value of Gressgård’s work lies in the conceptual exploration of the roots of our sense-making and a fundamental effort to question it and its implications…Multicultural Dialogue might be productively viewed as a critical starting point for rethinking the practices of multiculturalism at a time when its politics are under increasing strain – not only to address the contradictions and paradoxes, but also to outline the ongoing possibilities that still lie at the heart of its dialogue.” · Dialogues in Human Geography
Randi Gressgård is a Senior Researcher at the Centre for Women's and Gender Research (SKOK) at the University of Bergen. She is also affiliated with the research unit International Migration and Ethnic Relations (IMER) in Bergen. Her research interests focus on minority research, gender studies, and philosophy of science. Her publications include Fra identitet til forskjell [From Identity to Difference] (Spartacus/Scandinavian Academic Press, 2005) and Kjønnsteori[Gender Theory] (co-ed., Gyldendal Akademisk, 2008).