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How Enemies Are Made

How Enemies Are Made

Günther Schlee


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Book Details


In popular perception cultural differences or ethnic affiliation are factors that cause conflict or political fragmentation although this is not borne out by historical evidence. This book puts forward an alternative conflict theory. The author develops a decision theory which explains the conditions under which differing types of identification are preferred. Group identification is linked to competition for resources like water, territory, oil, political charges, or other advantages. Rivalry for resources can cause conflicts but it does not explain who takes whose side in a conflict situation. This book explores possibilities of reducing violent conflicts and ends with a case study, based on personal experience of the author, of conflict resolution.

Günther Schlee was a Professor at Bielefeld until 1999. He currently is the director of the section Integration and Conflict at the Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Halle, focusing on Africa, Central Asia, and Europe. His publications include Identities on the Move: Clanship and Pastoralism in Northern Kenya (International African Institute, 1989), How Enemies are Made (Berghahn, 2008), Rendille Proverbs in their Social and legal Context (with Karaba Sahado) and Boran Proverbs in their Cultural Context (with Abdullahi Shongolo) (both Cologne: Rüdiger Köppe).

“This is certainly a significant text, and would be of interest to most scholars studying conflict theory…[it] represents an interesting discussion of conflict resolution and would be most beneficial to those seeking an alternate to traditional conflict analysis. While the author does not offer his own theory, he does successfully lay the groundwork for future conflict analysts to develop their own perspectives.”  ·  The Canadian Review of Sociology/Revue canadienne de sociologie

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Title page-How enemies are made i
Contents v
List of Figures and Tables vii
List of Abbreviations ix
Part I-Introduction 1
Ch 1-Why we need a new conflict theory 3
Ch 2-The question 13
Ch 3-How this volume is organised 21
Part II-Theoretical frame 23
Ch 4-A decision theory of identification 25
Ch 5-The necessity for strategies of inclusion and exclusion 35
Ch 6-The conceptual instruments of exclusion and inclusion 43
Ch 7-Economics as sociology-sociology as economics 53
Ch 8-Markets of violence and the freedom of choice 55
Ch 9-Ethnic emblems, diacritical features, identity markers-some east African examples 61
Ch 10-Purity and power in Islamic and non-Islamic societies a nd the spectrer of fundamentalism 75
Ch 11-Language and ethnicity 99
Part III-Practical frame 105
Ch 12-Conflict resolution 107
Ch 13-On methods: how to be a conflict analyst 149
Ch 14-An update from 2007 161
References 171
Index 183