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Mosby's Essentials for Nursing Assistants - E-Book

Mosby's Essentials for Nursing Assistants - E-Book

Sheila A. Sorrentino | Leighann Remmert


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Book Details


Ideal for shorter, more focused courses, this concise text provides coverage of the concepts and skills that are essential for becoming a nursing assistant. It clearly and logically presents the responsibilities of the nursing assistant in a readable, highly visual format that appeals to learners of all levels.
- Focus On the Pride boxes emphasize Personal and professional responsibility, Rights and respect, Independence and social interaction, Delegation and teamwork, and Ethics and Laws providing a convenient overview of key elements of the nursing assistant’s responsibilities in providing competent patient care, and reminds readers that this caregiver role is one they can take pride in performing.
- Focus on Communication boxes includes guidelines for how to communicate most clearly to residents/patients and how to avoid making them feel uncomfortable emphasizing the importance of good communication while providing practical tips.
- Key Abbreviations are now listed at the beginning of each chapter to help familiarize readers with commonly used abbreviations.
- Includes three new chapters on Preventing Falls; Safely Handling, Moving, and Transferring the Person; and Mental Health Problems.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front Cover cover
Inside Front Cover ifc1
Brief TOC i
Evolve page ii
Mosby's Essentials for Nursing Assistants, 5/e iii
Copyright Page iv
Dedication v
About The Authors vi
Reviewers vii
Acknowledgments viii
Instructor Preface ix
Content Issues ix
Features and Design xi
Student Preface xii
Survey or Preview xii
Question xii
Read and Record xii
Recite and Review xii
Table Of Contents xvii
Interactive Review—Mosby’s Essentials for Nursing Assistants e1
1 Hospitals and Nursing Centers 1
Key Abbreviations 1
Objectives 1
Key Terms 1
Hospitals 2
Long-Term Care Centers 2
Board and Care Homes 2
Assisted Living Residences 2
Nursing Centers 3
Hospices 3
Alzheimer’s Units (Dementia Care Units) 3
Organization 3
The Health Team 3
Nursing Service 4
The Nursing Team 5
Registered Nurses 5
Licensed Practical Nurses and Licensed Vocational Nurses 5
Nursing Assistants 5
Nursing Care Patterns 5
Paying for Health Care 6
Prospective Payment Systems 6
Managed Care 6
Meeting Standards 6
The Survey Process 7
Your Role 7
Review Questions 8
2 The Person’s Rights 9
Key Abbreviation 9
Objectives 9
Key Terms 9
Patients’ Rights 9
Residents’ Rights 9
Information 10
Refusing Treatment 10
Privacy and Confidentiality 10
Personal Choice 11
Grievances 11
Work 11
Taking Part in Resident Groups 11
Personal Items 11
Freedom From Abuse, Mistreatment, and Neglect 11
Freedom From Restraint 11
Quality of Life 12
Activities. 12
Environment. 12
Review Questions 14
3 The Nursing Assistant 15
Key Abbreviations 16
Objectives 15
Key Terms 15
Nurse Practice Acts 16
Nursing Assistants 16
The Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1987 16
The Training Program 16
Competency Evaluation 16
Nursing Assistant Registry 17
Certification. 17
Maintaining Competence 17
Roles and Responsibilities 18
Nursing Assistant Standards 18
Job Description 19
Delegation 19
Who Can Delegate 19
Delegation Process 22
Step 1—Assess and Plan. 22
Step 2—Communication. 22
Step 3—Surveillance and Supervision. 22
Step 4—Evaluation and Feedback. 23
The Five Rights of Delegation 23
Your Role in Delegation 23
Accepting a Task. 24
Refusing a Task. 24
Ethical Aspects 24
Boundaries 24
Legal Aspects 26
Unintentional Torts 26
Intentional Torts 26
Informed Consent 27
Reporting Abuse 27
Vulnerable Adults 28
Elder Abuse 28
OBRA Requirements. 29
Child Abuse and Neglect 29
Domestic Abuse 29
Other Laws 29
Review Questions 30
4 Work Ethics 32
Key Abbreviation 32
Objectives 32
Key Terms 32
Health, Hygiene, and Appearance 32
Your Health 33
Your Hygiene 33
Your Appearance 33
Getting a Job 34
What Employers Look For 34
Job Skills and Training. 34
Job Applications 35
The Job Interview 35
Preparing for the Interview. 35
During the Interview. 36
After the Interview. 37
Accepting a Job 37
New Employee Orientation 37
Preparing for Work 37
Childcare 37
Transportation 37
Teamwork 37
Attendance 38
Your Attitude 38
Gossip 38
Confidentiality 38
Hygiene and Appearance 39
Speech and Language 39
Courtesies 39
Personal Matters 39
Meals and Breaks 39
Job Safety 39
Planning Your Work 40
Managing Stress 40
Harassment 41
Sexual Harassment 41
Resigning From a Job 41
Losing a Job 41
Drug Testing 41
Review Questions 43
5 Communicating With the Health Team 44
Key Abbreviations 44
Objectives 44
Key Terms 44
Communication 44
The Medical Record 45
The Kardex or Care Summary 46
The Nursing Process 46
Assessment 47
The Minimum Data Set. 47
Nursing Diagnosis 47
Planning 49
Care Conferences. 50
The Comprehensive Care Plan. 50
Implementation 51
Assignment Sheets. 51
Evaluation 51
Reporting and Recording 51
Reporting and Recording Time 51
Reporting 52
End-of-Shift Report. 52
Recording 53
Medical Terms and Abbreviations 53
Prefixes, Roots, and Suffixes 53
Directional Terms 53
Abbreviations 55
Computers and Other Electronic Devices 55
Phone Communications 55
Dealing With Conflict 55
Resolving Conflict 57
Review Questions 58
6 Understanding the Person 59
Objectives 59
Key Terms 59
Caring for the Person 59
Addressing the Person 60
Basic Needs 60
Culture and Religion 60
Behavior Issues 61
Communicating With the Person 62
Verbal Communication 62
Nonverbal Communication 63
Touch. 64
Body Language 64
Communication Methods 65
Listening. 65
Paraphrasing. 65
Direct Questions. 65
Open-Ended Questions. 65
Clarifying. 65
Focusing. 65
Silence. 66
Communication Barriers 66
Persons With Special Needs 67
Persons With Disabilities 67
The Person Who Is Comatose 67
Persons With Bariatric Needs 67
Family and Friends 67
Review Questions 69
7 Body Structure and Function 70
Key Abbreviations 70
Objectives 70
Key Terms 70
Cells, Tissues, and Organs 70
The Integumentary System 72
The Musculo-Skeletal System 72
Bones 72
Joints 73
Muscles 74
The Nervous System 75
The Central Nervous System 76
The Peripheral Nervous System 76
The Sense Organs 77
The Eye. 77
The Ear 77
The Circulatory System 78
The Blood 78
The Heart 78
The Blood Vessels 79
The Lymphatic System 80
The Respiratory System 81
The Digestive System 81
The Urinary System 82
The Reproductive System 83
The Male Reproductive System 83
The Female Reproductive System 84
Menstruation. 85
Fertilization 85
The Endocrine System 85
The Immune System 86
Review Questions 88
8 Care of the Older Person 89
Key Abbreviation 89
Objectives 89
Key Terms 89
Growth and Development 89
Social Changes 90
Physical Changes 91
The Integumentary System 91
The Musculo-Skeletal System 92
The Nervous System 92
The Senses. 92
The Circulatory System 92
The Respiratory System 92
The Digestive System 92
The Urinary System 93
The Reproductive System 93
Needing Nursing Center Care 93
Sexuality 93
Meeting Sexual Needs 94
The Sexually Aggressive Person 94
Protecting the Person 95
Review Questions 96
9 Assisting With Safety 97
Key Abbreviations 97
Objectives 97
Key Terms 97
Accident Risk Factors 98
Identifying the Person 99
Identifying Nursing Center Residents 100
Preventing Burns 100
Preventing Poisoning 100
Preventing Suffocation 101
Choking 101
Relieving Choking. 102
Self-Administered Abdominal Thrusts. 104
Preventing Equipment Accidents 104
Electrical Equipment 105
Wheelchair and Stretcher Safety 105
Handling Hazardous Substances 106
Labeling 106
Material Safety Data Sheets 107
Disasters 107
Bomb Threats 107
Fire Safety 107
Fire and the Use of Oxygen. 108
What to Do During a Fire. 108
Using a Fire Extinguisher. 108
Elopement 109
Workplace Violence 109
Risk Management 110
Color-Coded Wristbands 111
Personal Belongings 111
Reporting Incidents 111
Review Questions 112
Pageburst Integrated Resources 113.e1
As part of your Pageburst Digital Book, you can access the following Integrated Resources: 113.e1
10 Assisting With Fall Prevention 114
Objectives 114
Key Terms 114
Causes and Risk Factors for Falls 115
Fall Prevention 115
Bed Rails 118
Hand Rails and Grab Bars 118
Wheel Locks 119
Transfer/Gait Belts 119
The Falling Person 121
Review Questions 123
Pageburst Integrated Resources 123.e1
As part of your Pageburst Digital Book, you can access the following Integrated Resources: 123.e1
11 Restraint Alternatives and Safe Restraint Use 124
Key Abbreviations 124
Objectives 124
Key Terms 124
History of Restraint Use 125
Restraint Alternatives 125
Safe Restraint Use 126
Physical and Chemical Restraints 126
Enablers. 127
Risks From Restraint Use 127
Legal Aspects 128
Safety Guidelines 128
Reporting and Recording 133
Applying Restraints 133
Wrist Restraints. 133
Mitt Restraints. 133
Belt Restraints. 133
Vest Restraints and Jacket Restraints. 133
Review Questions 138
Pageburst Integrated Resources 138.e1
As part of your Pageburst Digital Book, you can access the following Integrated Resources: 138.e1
12 Preventing Infection 139
Key Abbreviations 139
Objectives 139
Key Terms 139
Microorganisms 140
Requirements of Microbes 140
Multidrug-Resistant Organisms 140
Infection 140
The Chain of Infection 141
Susceptible Hosts. 141
Healthcare-Associated Infection 141
Medical Asepsis 142
Common Aseptic Practices 142
Hand Hygiene 142
Supplies and Equipment 146
Cleaning. 146
Disinfection. 146
Sterilization. 146
Other Aseptic Measures 146
Isolation Precautions 148
Standard Precautions 148
Transmission-Based Precautions 148
Gloves. 153
Gowns. 153
Masks and Respiratory Protection. 155
Goggles and Face Shields. 156
Bagging Items. 156
Collecting Specimens. 156
Transporting Persons. 157
Meeting Basic Needs 157
Bloodborne Pathogen Standard 157
Hepatitis B Vaccination 157
Engineering and Work Practice Controls 158
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) 158
Equipment 158
Laundry 158
Exposure Incidents 158
Review Questions 160
Pageburst Integrated Resources 160.e1
As part of your Pageburst Digital Book, you can access the following Integrated Resources: 160.e1
13 Body Mechanics 161
Key Abbreviations 161
Objectives 161
Key Terms 161
Principles of Body Mechanics 161
Ergonomics 163
Work-Related MSDs 163
Positioning the Person 163
Fowler’s Position 164
Supine Position 164
Prone Position 165
Lateral Position 165
Sims’ Position 166
Chair Position 166
Review Questions 168
Pageburst Integrated Resources 168.e1
As part of your Pageburst Digital Book, you can access the following Integrated Resources: 168.e1
14 Assisting With Moving and Transfers 169
Key Abbreviations 169
Objectives 169
Key Terms 169
Preventing Work-Related Injuries 170
Protecting the Skin 173
Moving Persons in Bed 174
Moving the Person Up in Bed 174
Moving the Person Up in Bed With an Assist Device 176
Moving the Person to the Side of the Bed 178
Turning Persons 180
Logrolling 182
Sitting on the Side of the Bed (Dangling) 183
Transferring Persons 186
Transfer Belts 186
Bed to Chair or Wheelchair Transfers 187
Chair or Wheelchair to Bed Transfers 190
Mechanical Lifts 191
Slings. 191
Using a Mechanical Lift. 192
Transferring the Person To and From the Toilet 194
Re-Positioning in a Chair or Wheelchair 195
Review Questions 197
Pageburst Integrated Resources 197.e1
As part of your Pageburst Digital Book, you can access the following Integrated Resources: 197.e1
15 Assisting With Comfort 198
Key Abbreviations 198
Objectives 198
Key Terms 198
The Person’s Unit 198
Comfort 198
Temperature and Ventilation 199
Odors 199
Noise 200
Lighting 200
Room Furniture and Equipment 201
The Bed 201
Bed Positions. 202
Bed Safety. 203
The Over-Bed Table 205
The Bedside Stand 205
Chairs 205
Privacy Curtains 205
The Call System 205
The Bathroom 207
Closet and Drawer Space 207
Other Equipment 207
Bedmaking 208
Types of Beds 208
Linens 209
Drawsheets and Waterproof Pads. 210
Making Beds 211
The Closed Bed. 211
The Open Bed. 216
The Occupied Bed. 216
The Surgical Bed. 219
Assisting With Pain Relief 220
Factors Affecting Pain 221
The Back Massage 222
Sleep 224
Factors Affecting Sleep 224
Sleep Disorders 224
Review Questions 226
Pageburst Integrated Resources 226.e1
As part of your Pageburst Digital Book, you can access the following Integrated Resources: 226.e1
16 Assisting With Hygiene 227
Key Abbreviations 227
Objectives 227
Key Terms 227
Daily Care 228
Oral Hygiene 228
Brushing and Flossing Teeth 229
Mouth Care for the Unconscious Person 231
Denture Care 233
Bathing 235
The Complete Bed Bath 236
The Partial Bath 241
Tub Baths and Showers 242
Tub Baths. 242
Showers. 242
Perineal Care 245
Review Questions 250
Pageburst Integrated Resources 250.e1
As part of your Pageburst Digital Book, you can access the following Integrated Resources: 250.e1
17 Assisting With Grooming 251
Key Abbreviations 251
Objectives 251
Key Terms 251
Hair Care 252
Skin and Scalp Conditions 252
Brushing and Combing Hair 253
Shampooing 254
Shaving 257
Caring for Mustaches and Beards 259
Shaving Legs and Underarms 259
Nail and Foot Care 260
Changing Garments 262
Dressing and Undressing 262
Changing Patient Gowns 267
Review Questions 270
Pageburst Integrated Resources 270.e1
As part of your Pageburst Digital Book, you can access the following Integrated Resources: 270.e1
18 Assisting With Urinary Elimination 271
Key Abbreviations 271
Objectives 271
Key Terms 271
Normal Urination 272
Observations 272
Bedpans 273
Urinals 276
Commodes 277
Urinary Incontinence 279
Managing Incontinence 279
Applying Incontinence Products 280
Catheters 283
Drainage Systems 287
Condom Catheters 289
Bladder Training 291
Review Questions 293
Pageburst Integrated Resources 293.e1
As part of your Pageburst Digital Book, you can access the following Integrated Resources: 293.e1
19 Assisting With Bowel Elimination 294
Key Abbreviations 294
Objectives 294
Key Terms 294
Normal Bowel Elimination 295
Observations 295
Factors Affecting BMs 296
Safety and Comfort 296
Common Problems 297
Constipation 297
Fecal Impaction 297
Diarrhea 297
Fecal Incontinence 298
Flatulence 298
Bowel Training 298
Enemas 298
The Cleansing Enema 300
The Small-Volume Enema 302
The Oil-Retention Enema 303
The Person With an Ostomy 304
Colostomy 304
Ileostomy 304
Ostomy Pouches 305
Review Questions 306
Pageburst Integrated Resources 306.e1
As part of your Pageburst Digital Book, you can access the following Integrated Resources: 306.e1
20 Assisting With Nutrition and Fluids 307
Key Abbreviations 307
Objectives 307
Key Terms 307
Basic Nutrition 308
MyPlate 308
Grains Group. 309
Vegetable Group. 309
Fruit Group. 310
Dairy Group. 310
Protein Foods Group. 310
Oils. 310
Nutrients 310
Factors Affecting Eating and Nutrition 311
OBRA Dietary Requirements 312
Special Diets 312
The Sodium-Controlled Diet 312
Diabetes Meal Plan 315
The Dysphagia Diet 315
Fluid Balance 316
Normal Fluid Requirements 316
Special Fluid Orders 316
Meeting Food and Fluid Needs 316
Preparing for Meals 316
Dining Programs 318
Serving Meals 318
Feeding the Person 319
Between-Meal Snacks 322
Calorie Counts 322
Providing Drinking Water 322
Assisting With Special Needs 324
Enteral Nutrition 324
Observations. 324
Preventing Aspiration. 324
Comfort Measures. 325
IV Therapy 325
Flow Rate. 326
Assisting With IV Therapy. 326
Review Questions 327
Pageburst Integrated Resources 328.e1
21 Assisting With Assessment 329
Key Abbreviations 329
Objectives 329
Key Terms 329
Vital Signs 330
Body Temperature 331
Temperature Sites. 331
Thermometers. 332
Taking Temperatures. 332
Electronic Thermometers. 333
Glass Thermometers. 336
Pulse 339
Using a Stethoscope. 339
Pulse Rate. 340
Rhythm and Force of the Pulse. 340
Taking Pulses. 340
Respirations 342
Blood Pressure 343
Normal and Abnormal Blood Pressures. 343
Equipment. 344
Measuring Blood Pressure. 345
Pain 347
Types of Pain 347
Signs and Symptoms of Pain 348
Intake and Output 349
Measuring Intake and Output. 349
Weight and Height 352
Review Questions 355
Pageburst Integrated Resources 355.e1
22 Assisting With Specimens 356
Key Abbreviations 356
Objectives 356
Key Terms 356
Urine Specimens 357
The Random Urine Specimen 357
The Midstream Specimen 359
The 24-Hour Urine Specimen 360
Testing Urine 360
Using Reagent Strips. 361
Stool Specimens 362
Sputum Specimens 364
Review Questions 366
Pageburst Integrated Resources 366.e1
23 Assisting With Exercise and Activity 367
Key Abbreviations 367
Objectives 367
Key Terms 367
Bedrest 368
Complications From Bedrest 368
Positioning 369
Exercise 370
Range-of-Motion Exercises 370
Ambulation 375
Walking Aids 377
Crutches. 377
Walkers. 377
Canes. 378
Braces. 379
Review Questions 380
Pageburst Integrated Resources 380.e1
24 Assisting With Wound Care 381
Key Abbreviations 381
Objectives 381
Key Terms 381
Skin Tears 382
Circulatory Ulcers 383
Prevention and Treatment 384
Elastic Stockings. 384
Elastic Bandages. 386
Dressings 388
Securing Dressings 388
Tape. 388
Montgomery Ties. 388
Applying Dressings 389
Binders and Compression Garments 391
Heat and Cold Applications 392
Heat Applications 392
Complications. 392
Moist and Dry Heat Applications. 392
Cold Applications 394
Complications. 394
Moist and Dry Cold Applications. 394
Applying Heat and Cold 394
Review Questions 398
Pageburst Integrated Resources 398.e1
25 Assisting With Pressure Ulcers 399
Key Abbreviation 399
Objectives 399
Key Terms 399
Risk Factors 401
Persons at Risk 401
Pressure Ulcer Stages 402
Sites 403
Prevention and Treatment 403
Protective Devices 405
Complications 406
Review Questions 407
Pageburst Integrated Resources 407.e1
26 Assisting With Oxygen Needs 408
Key Abbreviations 408
Objectives 408
Key Terms 408
Altered Respiratory Function 408
Abnormal Respirations 409
Meeting Oxygen Needs 410
Positioning 410
Deep Breathing and Coughing 410
Assisting With Oxygen Therapy 412
Pulse Oximetry 413
Oxygen Sources 414
Oxygen Devices 416
Oxygen Flow Rates 416
Oxygen Safety 416
Review Questions 418
Pageburst Integrated Resources 418.e1
27 Assisting With Rehabilitation and Restorative Nursing Care 419
Key Abbreviations 419
Objectives 419
Key Terms 419
Restorative Nursing 419
Restorative Aides 420
Rehabilitation and the Whole Person 420
Physical Aspects 420
Elimination. 420
Self-Care. 420
Mobility. 422
Nutrition. 422
Communication. 422
Psychological and Social Aspects 422
The Rehabilitation Team 423
Your Role 423
Rehabilitation Programs and Services 423
Quality of Life 423
Review Questions 425
Pageburst Integrated Resources 425.e1
28 Caring for Persons With Common Health Problems 426
Key Abbreviations 426
Objectives 426
Key Terms 426
Cancer 427
Cancer Risk Factors 427
Cancer Treatment 428
The Person’s Needs 428
Musculo-Skeletal Disorders 428
Arthritis 428
Osteoarthritis (Degenerative Joint Disease). 428
Rheumatoid Arthritis. 429
Joint Replacement Surgery. 429
Osteoporosis 430
Fractures 431
Hip Fractures. 432
Loss of Limb 433
Nervous System Disorders 434
Stroke 434
Aphasia 435
Parkinson’s Disease 435
Multiple Sclerosis 436
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis 436
Head Injury 436
Spinal Cord Injury 437
Hearing Loss 437
Hearing Aids 438
Eye Disorders 439
Impaired Vision and Blindness 441
Corrective Lenses 443
Cardiovascular Disorders 444
Hypertension 444
Coronary Artery Disease 444
Angina 445
Myocardial Infarction 446
Heart Failure 446
Respiratory Disorders 446
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease 446
Chronic Bronchitis. 447
Emphysema. 447
Asthma 447
Influenza 447
Pneumonia 448
Tuberculosis 448
Digestive Disorders 448
Vomiting 448
Diverticular Disease 449
Hepatitis 449
Urinary System Disorders 450
Prostate Enlargement 450
Reproductive Disorders 451
Sexually Transmitted Diseases 451
Endocrine Disorders 451
Diabetes 451
Signs and Symptoms of Diabetes. 451
Complications of Diabetes. 451
Diabetes Treatment. 451
Immune System Disorders 452
Autoimmune Disorders 452
Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome 452
Skin Disorders 453
Shingles 453
Review Questions 455
Pageburst Integrated Resources 456.e1
29 Caring for Persons With Mental Health Disorders 457
Key Abbreviations 457
Objectives 457
Key Terms 457
Basic Concepts 458
Anxiety Disorders 458
Schizophrenia 460
Bipolar Disorder 460
Depression 460
Depression in Older Persons 461
Personality Disorders 461
Antisocial Personality Disorder 461
Borderline Personality Disorder 461
Substance Abuse and Addiction 462
Alcoholism and Alcohol Abuse 462
Drug Abuse and Addiction 462
Eating Disorders 463
Suicide 463
Suicide Contagion 463
Care and Treatment 464
Review Questions 465
Pageburst Integrated Resources 465.e1
30 Caring for Persons With Confusion and Dementia 466
Key Abbreviations 466
Objectives 466
Key Terms 466
Confusion 466
Dementia 467
Delirium 468
Depression 468
Alzheimer’s Disease 468
Signs of AD 468
Stages of AD 470
Behaviors and Problems 470
Wandering and Getting Lost. 471
MedicAlert® + Alzheimer’s Association Safe Return.® 472
Sundowning. 472
Hallucinations and Delusions. 472
Paranoia. 472
Catastrophic Reactions. 472
Agitation and Aggression. 472
Communication Problems. 473
Screaming. 473
Repetitive Behaviors. 474
Changes in Intimacy and Sexuality. 474
Rummaging and Hiding Things. 474
Care of Persons with AD and Other Dementias 475
The Family 479
Validation Therapy 480
Review Questions 481
Pageburst Integrated Resources 481.e1
31 Assisting With Emergency Care 482
Key Abbreviations 482
Objectives 482
Key Terms 482
Emergency Care 483
BLS for Adults 484
Chain of Survival for Adults 484
Sudden Cardiac Arrest 484
Respiratory Arrest 484
Rescue Breathing. 484
CPR for Adults 485
Chest Compressions. 485
Airway. 486
Breathing. 487
Mouth-to-Mouth Breathing. 487
Barrier Device Breathing. 487
Defibrillation. 487
Performing Adult CPR. 488
Hands-Only CPR. 491
Recovery Position 491
Choking 491
Hemorrhage 491
Fainting 492
Shock 492
Anaphylactic Shock 492
Stroke 493
Seizures 493
Emergency Care for Seizures 493
Burns 494
Review Questions 495
Pageburst Integrated Resources 495.e1
32 Assisting With End-of-Life Care 496
Key Abbreviations 496
Objectives 496
Key Terms 496
Terminal Illness 497
Types of Care 497
Attitudes About Death 497
Cultural and Spiritual Needs 497
Age 497
The Stages of Dying 498
Comfort Needs 498
Physical Needs 499
Pain. 499
Breathing Problems. 499
Vision, Hearing, and Speech. 499
Mouth, Nose, and Skin. 499
Nutrition. 499
Elimination. 499
The Person’s Room. 499
Mental and Emotional Needs 499
The Family 500
Legal Issues 500
Advance Directives 500
Living Wills. 500
Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care. 500
”Do Not Resuscitate” Orders 500
Signs of Death 500
Care of the Body After Death 500
Review Questions 503
Pageburst Integrated Resources 503.e1
Review Question Answers 504
Chapter 1 504
Chapter 2 504
Chapter 3 504
Chapter 4 504
Chapter 5 504
Chapter 6 504
Chapter 7 504
Chapter 8 504
Chapter 9 504
Chapter 10 504
Chapter 11 504
Chapter 12 504
Chapter 13 504
Chapter 14 504
Chapter 15 504
Chapter 16 504
Chapter 17 504
Chapter 18 505
Chapter 19 505
Chapter 20 505
Chapter 21 505
Chapter 22 505
Chapter 23 505
Chapter 24 505
Chapter 25 505
Chapter 26 505
Chapter 27 505
Chapter 28 505
Chapter 29 505
Chapter 30 505
Chapter 31 505
Chapter 32 505
Appendix A 506
The Patient Care Partnership: Understanding Expectations, Rights, and Responsibilities 506
What to Expect During Your Hospital Stay 506
Appendix B 507
National Nurse Aide Assessment Program (NNAAP®) Written Examination Content Outline 507
National Nurse Aide Assessment Program (NNAAP®) Skills Evaluation 507
List of Skills 507
Online_Introduction 2 e2
Appendix C 508
Job Application 508
Appendix D 510
Minimum Data Set: Selected Pages 510
Sample Pages from Functional Status Form 510
Sample Page from Care Assessment (CAA) Summary 512
Illustration Credits 513
Chapter 3 513
Chapter 5 513
Chapter 6 513
Chapter 7 513
Chapter 10 513
Chapter 11 513
Chapter 12 513
Chapter 13 513
Chapter 14 513
Chapter 15 513
Chapter 16 513
Chapter 17 513
Chapter 18 513
Chapter 19 513
Chapter 20 513
Chapter 21 513
Chapter 22 513
Chapter 23 513
Chapter 24 513
Chapter 25 513
Chapter 26 513
Chapter 27 513
Chapter 28 514
Chapter 30 514
Chapter 31 514
Glossary 515
A 515
B 515
C 515
D 516
E 516
F 517
G 517
H 517
I 517
J 518
K 518
L 518
M 518
N 518
O 519
P 519
Q 519
R 519
S 520
T 521
U 521
V 521
W 521
Key Abbreviations 522
Index 523
A 523
B 523
C 524
D 525
E 525
F 526
G 526
H 527
I 527
J 527
K 527
L 527
M 527
N 528
O 528
P 529
Q 530
R 530
S 530
T 531
U 531
V 532
W 532
Inside Back Cover ibc1
Laminated card ibc2