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Late Life Depression, An Issue of Psychiatric Clinics, E-Book

Late Life Depression, An Issue of Psychiatric Clinics, E-Book

Vaughn McCall


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Apart from Alzheimer's dementia, depressive disorders are emerging to account for the next greatest share of disability among older adults. Depressive illnesses complicate the recovery of many important medical illnesses and are associated with suicide death in the elderly at rates exceeding those seen in young adults. This issue of Psychiatric Clinics provides information for general adult psychiatrists, internal medicine geriatricians, and primary care physicians and care extenders to enable them to meet the most basic needs of depressed older adults. Topics in this issue address the questions: What is late life depression? What are the unique cognitive deficits seen in late life depression? What is the nature of the two-way relationship between medical illness and depression in late life depression? What complications arise from late life depression? What is the relationship between late life depression and dementing illnesses? What assessments should be done of the person with suspected late life depression? What are the psychological treatments for late life depression? What is the role of medications in late life depression? What is the role of alternative treatments in late life depression? Is there a role for ECT/TMS/VNS in late life depression? Vaughn McCall of Georgia Health Sciences University provides his expertise to lead this issue.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front Cover Cover
Late Life Depression\r i
Copyright\r ii
Contributors iii
Contents vii
Psychiatric Clinics Of\rNorth America\r x
Preface xi
Erratum xiii
Late Life Depression 475
Key points 475
An aging population 475
The burden of mental health disorders 476
General Mental Health 476
Depression 477
Impact of aging on health care resources 479
General Health Care Resources 479
Mental Health Resources 480
References 481
What Characterizes Late-Life Depression? 483
Key points 483
Who are the elderly? 483
How common is the problem? 484
Complications and differences in symptoms between young and old patients with depression 485
Subsyndromal depression 487
Bipolar depression in the elderly 487
Sleep, quality of life, and suicide 488
Relationship between grief and depression 490
Summary 490
References 491
What Are the Causes of Late-Life Depression? 497
Key points 497
Overview 497
Description of depression in older adults 499
Epidemiology 500
Mortality 501
Contributors to elder depression 502
Biologic Factors 503
Vascular depression 503
Relationship of late-life depression and cognitive impairment 505
Risk factor for dementia 505
Cause of dementia 506
Vascular depression 506
Medical comorbidity 506
Neurologic disorders 507
Psychosocial Factors 507
Personality attributes 507
Behavior 508
Cognition 509
Psychodynamic theory 509
Social support 510
Life stressors 510
Summary 511
References 511
Cognitive Deficits in Geriatric Depression 517
Key points 517
Introduction 517
Cognitive deficits in geriatric depression 518
Neurobiological underpinnings of cognitive deficits 519
Neurocognitive deficits influencing treatment response of geriatric depression 519
Neurobiological abnormalities influencing treatment response of geriatric depression 520
The prognosis of depression with cognitive impairment 521
Depression as a risk factor and/or prodrome of dementing disorders 521
Can the cognitive deficits of late life depression be mitigated with drug treatment? 523
Can cognitive deficits in late-life depression be mitigated with cognitive remediation? 523
Summary 524
References 525
The Two-Way Relationship Between Medical Illness and Late-Life Depression 533
Key points 533
Introduction 533
Late-life depression and cardiovascular disease 534
Late-life depression and endocrine disorders 537
Late-life depression and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 538
Late-life depression and chronic renal disease 539
Late-life depression and gastrointestinal disease 539
Summary 541
References 541
Assessment of the Person with Late-life Depression 545
Key points 545
Introduction 545
Clinical presentation of LLD 548
Identification of risk and protective factors in depression 548
Clinical assessment of LLD: the psychiatric interview 550
History of Present Illness 550
Past Psychiatric History 550
Medical History, Current Medications, and Family History 550
Social History 550
Functional Status Assessment 551
Differential diagnosis of LLD 551
Clinical Assessment of LLD: Mental Status Examination 551
Screening and Assessment for Suicide 551
Physical examination and laboratory studies 553
Depression rating scales 553
GDS 553
PHQ-9 554
BDI 554
HAM-D 555
Cognition and LLD 555
Folstein MMSE 555
SLUMS Examination 556
Mini-Cog 556
Vascular depression and the role of neuroimaging 556
Summary 557
References 557
Psychological Treatment of Late-Life Depression 561
Key points 561
Introduction 561
Methods 561
Interventions 563
Cognitive and Behavioral Therapies 563
Interpersonal Therapy 568
Problem-Solving Therapy 568
Reminiscence and Life Review 569
Brief Psychodynamic Therapy 569
Discussion 570
References 572
What is the Role of Alternative Treatments in Late-life Depression? 577
Key points 577
Introduction 577
Natural remedies 578
St. John’s Wort (Hypericum perforatum L.) 578
Fish Oil 579
S-Adenosyl Methionine 580
Folic Acid 580
Summary: Natural Supplements 580
Exercise 581
Yoga 582
Yoga and Health 582
Yoga and Depression 582
Summary: Yoga 583
Tai chi 583
Tai Chi and Health 584
Tai Chi and Depression 584
Summary: Tai Chi 585
Massage therapy 585
Music therapy 586
Religion and spirituality 587
Summary 588
References 589
What Is the Role of Medications in Late Life Depression? 597
Key points 597
Introduction 597
Antidepressants 598
Efficacy of antidepressants 599
Side effects of antidepressants 600
Treatment resistance 601
Maintenance 601
Mood stabilizers 601
Psychostimulants 602
Naturopathics 602
Summary 602
References 603
The Role of Electroconvulsive and Neuromodulation Therapies in the Treatment of Geriatric Depression 607
Key points 607
Introduction 607
ECT 609
ECT in Neuropsychiatric Disorders 609
Parkinson disease 609
Alzheimer disease and other dementias 610
Cerebrovascular disease and stroke 611
The Pre-ECT Workup in Geriatric Patients 612
Anesthesia in Geriatric Patients 613
Administering ECT in the Elderly 613
Ultrabrief ECT technology 614
Seizure titration 614
Study comparing ECT dose titration with other dosing strategies 614
Delirium monitoring 615
Maintenance ECT 615
Summary of ECT 616
Novel neuromodulatory approaches 616
VNS 616
Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation 617
Deep Brain Stimulation 618
Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation 618
Magnetic Seizure Therapy 619
Focal Electrically Administered Seizure Therapy 619
Summary 619
References 619
The Economic, Public Health, and Caregiver Burden of Late-life Depression 631
Key points 631
Overview 631
Prevalence and patterns of LLD 632
Economic burden of LLD 632
Direct Costs 632
Indirect Costs 633
Example: bidirectional relationship between depression and retirement 634
Background and Introduction 634
Disciplinary and Theoretic Perspectives 634
Methods 635
Study sample 635
Study measures 636
Depression 636
Retirement 636
Covariates 636
Statistical analyses 636
Results 638
Implications of Example for Research and Practice 638
Public health burden of LLD 638
Caregiver burden of LLD 640
Future directions 641
Treatment 641
Genetics 642
Summary 642
Acknowledgments 642
References 642
A Team-based Approach to the Care of Depression in Later Life 651
Key points 651
Introduction 651
The aging population 652
Mental health and depression 652
Health care workforce 652
Historical perspective of the chronic care model 653
Recent research on collaborative care models treating depression alone 653
Recent research on collaborative care of depression with comorbid illnesses 655
Studies related to patient and provider satisfaction 656
Moving toward a new model 656
Implications for Practice 656
Implications for Research 657
Implications for Education 657
Summary 658
References 658
Index 661