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Dysphagia, An Issue of Otolaryngologic Clinics, E-Book

Dysphagia, An Issue of Otolaryngologic Clinics, E-Book

Kenneth W. Altman


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Information on Dysphagia for Otolaryngolotists in this issue of Otolaryngologic Clinics: Emphasizes procedure-oriented evaluation and management; Discusses the importance of this subject in terms of medical and surgical risk; Heightens Otolaryngologists’ role in dysphagia patient care; Provides a set of recommendations to standardize the approach to these complicated patients; Describes aspects of dysphagia concisely, with prominent use of Tables and Figures. Among topics presented are: Etiology of Dysphagia; Dysphagia Screening and Assessment Instruments; The Modified Barium Swallow; Functional Endoscopic Evaluation of Swallowing; Esophageal Disease; Ancillary Testing in the Evaluation of Dysphagia; Malnutrition and Dehydration; Management of Cricopharyngeal Dysfunction; Zenker’s Diverticulum; Glottal Insufficiency with Aspiration Risk in Dysphagia; Global Laryngeal Dysfunction; Screening High-risk Groups, Pathway for Intervention, and more. Guest Editor Kenneth Altman of Mount Sinai, whose expertise, clinical work, and teaching is focused on laryngology, leads the group of expert physicians in this issue.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front Cover Cover
Dysphagia: Diagnosisand Management\r i
Copyright\r ii
Contributors iii
Contents vii
Otolaryngologic Clinics\rOf North America\r xi
Preface\r xiii
Fundamentals of Swallowing A1
The Evolution and Development of Human Swallowing 923
Key points 923
The aerodigestive tract among mammals 924
Unique development of the human aerodigestive tract 927
Embryonic Period 927
Fetal Period 927
Larynx-Nasopharynx Interlocking 928
Lower Respiratory Tract Concomitant Development 928
High Laryngeal Position 928
Descent of the Larynx 930
Evolution of the aerodigestive tract in the course of human evolution: choking to death along the way 931
References 933
The Normal Swallow 937
Key points 937
Introduction 937
Anatomy and contributing landmarks 938
Bones and Cartilages 938
Teeth 938
Spaces 938
Salivary Glands 942
Muscular control 942
Oral Preparatory Phase 943
Oral Transport Phase 944
Pharyngeal phase 946
Esophageal phase 947
Importance of airway protection 949
Neurophysiological control 950
Supratentorium 951
Infratentorium 951
Summary 953
References 953
Central Neural Circuits for Coordination of Swallowing, Breathing, and Coughing 957
Key points 957
Introduction 958
Neurophysiology of swallowing 959
Neurophysiology of cough and breathing 959
Control hypothesis for coordination of swallow, breathing, and coughing 960
Computational modeling of complex brainstem circuits for airway protection 961
Summary 962
References 962
Clinical Assessment A3
Causes of Dysphagia Among Different Age Groups 965
Key points 965
Introduction 966
Methods 967
Results 967
Prevalence of Dysphagia in the General Population 967
Causes of Dysphagia in Different Age Groups 968
Neurologic causes of dysphagia 968
Immunologic causes of dysphagia 971
Gastroesophageal causes of dysphagia 973
Congenital causes of dysphagia 974
Other causes 974
Oncologic 974
Head and Neck Cancer 974
Other Cancers 974
Discussion 974
Summary 977
References 977
Oropharyngeal Dysphagia 989
Key points 989
Introduction 989
Bedside screening 990
An Overview 990
Selection of Bedside Screening 991
Assessment 997
Gold Standards 997
Clinical Assessment 997
Patient Self-Evaluation 1001
Supplementary Methods 1003
Summary 1004
References 1005
The Modified Barium Swallow and the Functional Endoscopic Evaluation of Swallowing 1009
Key points 1009
Nature of the problem 1009
MBS procedure 1010
Technique Summary 1010
MBS Protocol Summary 1010
Equipment 1012
Radiation 1013
FEES procedure 1013
Technique Summary 1013
Assessment of Anatomy 1013
Topical Anesthesia 1014
Sensory Testing 1014
Secretion Level 1014
Use of Blue Food Coloring 1015
Swallow Function and Bolus Flow During FEES 1015
Comparison of the MBS versus the FEES 1015
Clinical Indicators 1016
Clinical Outcomes 1017
Aspiration rates 1017
Financial comparison 1017
Compensatory Strategies/Swallowing Interventions During the MBS and FEES 1018
Logistics of MBS Versus FEES 1019
Factors Affecting MBS or FEES Results 1019
Pediatric Considerations 1020
Summary 1020
References 1021
Normal Esophageal Physiology and Laryngopharyngeal Reflux 1023
Key points 1023
Introduction 1023
Anatomy 1024
Physiology 1024
Gastroesophageal reflux disease 1028
Laryngopharyngeal reflux 1028
Pathophysiology 1028
Diagnosis and Evaluation 1030
Management 1036
Summary 1038
References 1038
Esophageal Pathology 1043
Key points 1043
Introduction 1043
Cervical osteophytes 1044
Zenker diverticulum 1045
Cricopharyngeal bar 1045
Esophageal neoplasms 1046
Neurologic disorders 1047
Schatzki ring 1047
Esophageal diverticula 1048
GERD and esophageal stricture 1048
Achalasia 1050
Diffuse esophageal spasm 1052
Infectious esophagitis 1052
Eosinophilic esophagitis 1052
Rheumatologic diseases 1055
References 1055
Malnutrition, Dehydration, and Ancillary Feeding Options in Dysphagia Patients 1059
Key points 1059
Introduction 1059
Prevalence of dysphagia 1060
Malnutrition: macronutrient deficiencies 1060
Refeeding syndrome 1061
Macronutrient target intake 1062
Malnutrition: micronutrient deficiency 1062
Dehydration 1063
Dietary modification 1063
Nutritional supplements 1063
Nutritional support: enteral feeding 1063
Jejunostomy tubes 1064
Formula selection 1065
Feed schedule 1066
Nutrition support: parenteral nutrition 1066
Summary 1067
References 1067
Surgical and Other Interventions A5
Nonsurgical Treatment 1073
Key points 1073
Introduction 1073
Principles of care 1074
Introduction 1074
Assess Aspiration Risk and Deficit Focus 1075
Establishing a Treatment Schedule 1075
When to Reassess 1076
Oral Care 1076
Motor and sensory stimulation 1076
Electrical Stimulation 1076
Thermal-tactile Stimulation 1077
Exercise-based rehabilitative therapy 1077
Introduction 1077
Direct Swallow Maneuvers 1078
Indirect Swallow Exercises 1079
Lingual Strengthening 1080
Shaker Head Lift Exercise 1080
Expiratory Muscle Strength Training 1081
Prosthetic management 1081
Diet considerations 1082
Summary 1082
References 1083
Management of Cricopharyngeus Muscle Dysfunction 1087
Key points 1087
Introduction 1087
Evaluation of CPD 1088
Clinical Swallow Evaluation 1088
FEES 1090
Video-fluoroscopy 1090
Pharyngeal and UES Manometry 1091
Management of CPD 1092
Nonsurgical 1092
Dilation 1093
Botulinum Toxin Injection 1093
Myotomy 1095
Summary 1097
References 1097
Zenker Diverticulum 1101
Key points 1101
Introduction 1101
Anatomy 1102
Pathophysiology 1102
Symptoms 1103
Signs 1103
Open surgical treatment 1103
Open Myotomy or Diverticulectomy Technique 1103
Endoscopic treatment 1106
Endoscopic Diverticulectomy Technique 1107
Endoscopic CO2 Myotomy 1109
Treatment algorithm 1110
Summary 1110
References 1110
Glottal Insufficiency with Aspiration Risk in Dysphagia 1113
Key points 1113
Overview 1113
Cause and diagnosis 1114
Pathophysiology 1114
Management of dysphagia in glottal insufficiency 1115
Injection laryngloplasty 1116
Medialization thyroplasty with or without arytenoid repositioning 1118
Pharyngoplasty 1120
Cricopharyngeal myotomy 1120
Summary 1120
References 1121
Special Populations and Considerations A7
Special Groups 1123
Key points 1123
Introduction 1123
Radiation therapy 1128
Surgical intervention 1129
Glossectomy 1129
Mandibulectomy 1132
Total Laryngectomy 1132
Partial Laryngectomy 1132
Summary 1133
References 1133
Dysphagia in Stroke, Neurodegenerative Disease, and Advanced Dementia 1137
Key points 1137
Introduction 1137
Dysphagia in stroke 1138
Neurodegenerative disease 1139
Muscular Dystrophy 1139
Myasthenia Gravis 1140
Multiple Sclerosis 1141
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis 1141
Parkinson's Disease 1142
Advanced dementia 1142
Sentinel indicators of decline with dysphagia and aspiration risk 1143
Screening and management protocol for high-risk patients 1144
Therapeutic interventions and neuroplasticity 1145
Treatment options for global laryngeal dysfunction 1146
Summary 1146
References 1147
Index 1151