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The Practice of Nursing Research - E-Book

The Practice of Nursing Research - E-Book

Jennifer R. Gray | Susan K. Grove | Nancy Burns


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Book Details


Learn how to properly evaluate and use existing research data and how to conduct your own original research. This authoritative text gives provides a comprehensive foundation for appraisal, synthesis, and generation of research evidence for clinical nursing practice. This new edition also features enhanced coverage of the research methods most applicable to evidence-based practice (outcomes research, intervention research, and translational research), along with a significant increase in the coverage of qualitative research methodologies.

  • Comprehensive coverage of nursing research organizes content into five units: Introduction to Nursing Research, Nursing Research Processes, Tools for Evidence-Based Healthcare, Strategies for Analyzing Research and Building an Evidence-Based Practice, and Writing Proposals and Obtaining Funding.
  • Rich and frequent examples from the literature demonstrate the importance and immediacy of research in nursing practice and bring principles to life through the context of actual published studies.
  • Strong coverage of quantitative and other clinically-applicable research methodologies gives you a solid grounding to conduct, appraise, and apply research evidence to the realities of clinical practice in today’s healthcare environment.
  • NEW! Enhanced emphasis on evidence-based practice equips you to generate research evidence and to appraise and synthesize existing research for application to clinical practice. Using the ANCC Magnet Recognition Program criteria as a point of focus, this book prepares you for today’s emphasis on evidence-based practice in the clinical setting.
  • NEW! Expanded emphasis on qualitative research addresses phenomenological research, grounded theory research, ethnographic research, exploratory-descriptive research, and historical research to support the development of nursing.
  • NEW! Updated coverage of digital data collection guides you through use of the internet for research and addresses the unique considerations surrounding digital data collection methods.
  • NEW! Pageburst ebook study guide gives you the opportunity to fully master and apply the text content in a convenient electronic format with integrated interactive review questions.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front Cover cover
Inside Front Cover ifc1
Half title page i
Evolve page ii
The Practice of Nursing Research: Appraisal, Synthesis, and Generation of Evidence, 7/e iii
Copyright Page iv
Dedication v
Contributors vi
Reviewers vii
Preface viii
New Content ix
Student Ancillaries x
Instructor Ancillaries xi
Acknowledgments xii
Table Of Contents xiii
Unit One Introduction to Nursing Research 1
1 Discovering the World of Nursing Research 1
Definition of Nursing Research 1
Framework Linking Nursing Research to the World of Nursing 2
Concrete-Abstract Continuum 2
Empirical World 3
Reality Testing Using Research 3
Roles of Nurses in Research 3
Abstract Thought Processes 4
Introspection 5
Intuition 5
Reasoning 6
Problematic Reasoning 6
Operational Reasoning 6
Dialectic Reasoning 6
Logistic Reasoning 6
Inductive and Deductive Reasoning 7
Science 7
Theory 8
Knowledge 8
Ways of Acquiring Nursing Knowledge 8
Traditions 9
Authority 9
Borrowing 9
Trial and Error 9
Personal Experience 10
Role-Modeling and Mentorship 10
Philosophy 10
Significance of Research in Building an Evidence-Based Practice for Nursing 11
Description 12
Explanation 13
Prediction 13
Control 13
Key Points 14
References 15
2 Evolution of Research in Building Evidence-Based Nursing Practice 17
Historical Development of Research in Nursing 17
Florence Nightingale 17
Early 1900s 19
Nursing Research in the 1950s and 1960s 19
Nursing Research in the 1970s 20
Nursing Research in the 1980s and 1990s 21
Nursing Research in the 21st Century 22
Methodologies for Developing Research Evidence in Nursing 23
Comparison of Quantitative Research and Qualitative Research 23
Philosophical Origins of Quantitative and Qualitative Research Methods 24
Focuses of Quantitative and Qualitative Research Methods 24
Uniqueness of Conducting Quantitative Research and Qualitative Research 25
Classification of Research Methodologies Presented in this Text 25
Quantitative Research Methods 26
Descriptive Research 26
Correlational Research 26
Quasi-Experimental Research 26
Experimental Research 26
Qualitative Research Methods 27
Phenomenological Research 27
Grounded Theory Research 27
Ethnographic Research 27
Exploratory-Descriptive Qualitative Research 27
Historical Research 27
Outcomes Research 27
Intervention Research 28
Introduction to Best Research Evidence for Practice 28
Definition of Best Research Evidence 28
Levels of Research Evidence 30
Introduction to Evidence-Based Practice Guidelines 31
Key Points 31
References 32
3 Introduction to Quantitative Research 34
Concepts Relevant to Quantitative Research 34
Basic Research 34
Applied Research 35
Rigor in Quantitative Research 36
Control in Quantitative Research 36
Sampling and Attrition 37
Research Settings 37
Development and Implementation of Study Interventions or Treatments 37
Measurement of Study Variables 38
Subjects’ Knowledge of a Study 38
Steps of the Quantitative Research Process 38
Formulating a Research Problem and Purpose 39
Review of Relevant Literature 40
Developing a Framework 41
Making Assumptions Explicit 41
Formulating Research Objectives, Questions, or Hypotheses 42
Defining Study Variables 42
Selecting a Research Design 43
Defining the Population and Sample 44
Selecting Methods of Measurement 44
Developing a Plan for Data Collection and Analysis 45
Implementing the Research Plan 45
Pilot Study 46
Data Collection 46
Data Analysis 46
Interpreting Research Outcomes 48
Communicating Research Findings 49
Types of Quantitative Research 49
Descriptive Research 49
Correlational Research 49
Quasi-Experimental Research 50
Experimental Research 53
Key Points 53
References 54
4 Introduction to Qualitative Research 57
Perspective of the Qualitative Researcher 57
Philosophy Describes a View of Science 57
Philosophy Guides Methods 58
Philosophy Guides Criteria of Rigor 58
Approaches to Qualitative Research 59
Phenomenological Research 60
Philosophical Orientation 60
Phenomenology’s Contribution to Nursing Science 61
Grounded Theory Research 62
Philosophical Orientation 63
Grounded Theory’s Contribution to Nursing Science 63
Ethnographic Research 63
Philosophical Orientation 64
Ethnography’s Contribution to Nursing Science 65
Exploratory-Descriptive Qualitative Research 66
Philosophical Orientation 66
Exploratory-Descriptive Qualitative Research’s Contribution to Nursing Science 66
Historical Research 68
Philosophical Orientation 68
Historical Research’s Contribution to Nursing Science 68
Key Points 69
References 69
Unit Two The Research Process 73
5 Research Problem and Purpose 73
What Is a Research Problem and Purpose? 73
Sources of Research Problems 75
Clinical Practice 75
Researcher and Peer Interactions 76
Literature Review 76
Replication of Studies 77
Theory 78
Research Priorities 79
Formulating a Research Problem and Purpose 81
Examining a Real-World Situation and Identifying Research Topics 81
Generating Questions and Reviewing the Literature 81
Clarifying and Refining a Research Problem 82
Research Purpose 83
Example of Problem and Purpose Development 83
Feasibility of a Study 84
Time Commitment 84
Money Commitment 84
Researcher Expertise 85
Availability of Subjects or Participants 85
Availability of Facilities and Equipment 86
Cooperation of Others 86
Ethical Considerations 86
Example Research Topics, Problems, and Purposes for Different Types of Research 87
Quantitative Research 87
Qualitative Research 87
Outcomes Research 92
Intervention Research 93
Key Points 93
References 94
6 Review of Relevant Literature 97
What Is “The Literature”? 97
What Is a Literature Review? 97
Purposes of Reviewing the Literature 98
Writing a Course Paper 98
Examining the Strength of the Evidence 98
Developing a Qualitative Research Proposal 98
Developing a Quantitative Study 98
Practical Considerations 100
What Types of Literature Can I Expect to Find? 100
How Long Will the Review of the Literature Take? 101
How Many Sources Do I Need to Review? 101
Am I Expected to Read Every Word of the Available Sources? 101
Stages of a Literature Review 102
Searching the Literature 102
Develop a Search Plan 102
Select Databases to Search 103
Search Strategies 104
Keywords 104
Authors 105
Complex Searches 105
Limiting Your Search 106
Searching the Internet 106
Locate Relevant Literature 106
Systematically Record References 107
Use Reference Management Software 107
Saved Searches and Alerts 108
Processing the Literature 108
Reading 108
Appraising and Analyzing Sources 108
Sorting Your Sources 109
Synthesizing Sources 110
Writing the Review of Literature 110
Writing Suggestions 110
Organization of Written Reviews 111
Introduction 111
Discussion of Theoretical Literature 111
Discussion of Empirical Literature 111
Summary 112
Refining the Written Review 112
Checking References 112
Example of a Literature Review 112
Key Points 114
References 114
7 Frameworks 116
Definition of Terms 116
Concept 116
Relational Statements 116
Conceptual Models 117
Theory 117
Middle-Range Theories 117
Research Frameworks 117
Understanding Concepts 117
Concept Synthesis 118
Concept Derivation 118
Concept Analysis 119
Importance of a Conceptual Definition: An Example 119
Examining Relational Statements 120
Characteristics of Relational Statements 120
Direction 120
Shape 121
Strength 121
Symmetry 122
Sequencing 123
Probability of Occurrence 123
Necessity 123
Sufficiency 123
Statement Hierarchy 124
Grand Theories 125
Application of Middle-Range Theories 125
Appraising Theories and Research Frameworks 127
Critical Appraisal of a Research Framework 127
Developing a Research Framework for Study 130
Identifying and Adapting an Existing Theory 130
Synthesis from Research Findings 130
Proposing a Framework from Practice Experiences 131
Defining Relevant Concepts 132
Developing Relational Statements 132
Developing Hierarchical Statement Sets 132
Constructing a Conceptual Map 132
Key Points 134
References 135
8 Objectives, Questions, Hypotheses, and Study Variables 138
Formulating Research Objectives or Aims 138
Formulating Objectives or Aims in Quantitative Studies 138
Formulating Objectives or Aims in Qualitative Studies 139
Formulating Research Questions 140
Formulating Questions in Quantitative Studies 140
Formulating Questions in Qualitative Studies 141
Formulating Hypotheses 142
Purpose of Hypotheses 142
Sources of Hypotheses 142
Types of Hypotheses 144
Associative versus Causal Hypotheses 144
Simple versus Complex Hypotheses 146
Nondirectional versus Directional Hypotheses 147
Null versus Research Hypotheses 147
Developing Hypotheses 148
Testing Hypotheses 149
Selecting Objectives, Questions, or Hypotheses for Quantitative or Qualitative Research 150
Identifying and Defining Study Variables 150
Types of Variables 151
Independent and Dependent Variables 151
Research Variables or Concepts 151
Extraneous Variables 152
Demographic Variables 154
Moderator and Mediator Variables 154
Operationalizing Variables or Concepts for a Study 155
Conceptual and Operational Definitions of Variables in Quantitative Studies 155
Conceptual Definitions in Qualitative Studies 156
Key Points 157
References 157
9 Ethics in Research 159
Historical Events Affecting the Development of Ethical Codes and Regulations 159
Nazi Medical Experiments 160
Nuremberg Code 160
Declaration of Helsinki 160
Tuskegee Syphilis Study 160
Willowbrook Study 161
Jewish Chronic Disease Hospital Study 162
U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Regulations 162
National Commission for the Protection of Human Subjects of Biomedical and Behavioral Research 162
Protection of Human Rights 163
Right to Self-Determination 164
Preventing Violation of Research Subjects’ Right to Self-Determination 164
Protecting Persons with Diminished Autonomy 165
Legally and Mentally Incompetent Subjects 165
Neonates 165
Children 166
Pregnant Women 167
Adults with Diminished Capacity 167
Terminally Ill Subjects 169
Subjects Confined to Institutions 169
Right to Privacy 169
De-identifying Protected Health Information under the Privacy Rule 170
Limited Data Set and Data Use Agreement 170
Right to Autonomy and Confidentiality 171
Breach of Confidentiality 172
Maintaining Confidentiality 172
Right to Fair Treatment 173
Fair Selection of Subjects 173
Fair Treatment of Subjects 174
Right to Protection from Discomfort and Harm 174
No Anticipated Effects 174
Temporary Discomfort 174
Unusual Levels of Temporary Discomfort 175
Risk of Permanent Damage 175
Certainty of Permanent Damage 175
Balancing Benefits and Risks for a Study 175
Assessment of Benefits 175
Assessment of Risks 176
Benefit-Risk Ratio 176
Obtaining Informed Consent 176
Information Essential for Consent 177
Introduction of Research Activities 177
Description of Risks and Discomforts 177
Description of Benefits 177
Disclosure of Alternatives 177
Assurance of Anonymity and Confidentiality 177
Compensation for Participation in Research 178
Offer to Answer Questions 178
Noncoercive Disclaimer 178
Option to Withdraw 178
Consent to Incomplete Disclosure 178
Comprehension of Consent Information 178
Competence to Give Consent 180
Voluntary Consent 180
Documentation of Informed Consent 180
Written Consent Waived 180
Written Consent Documents 180
Short-Form Written Consent Document 180
Formal Written Consent Document 181
Recording of the Consent Process 182
Authorization for Research Uses and Disclosure 182
Authorization Core Elements (see Privacy Rule, 45 CFR Section 164.508[c][1]) 182
Institutional Review 183
Levels of Reviews Conducted by Institutional Review Boards 183
Influence of HIPAA Privacy Rule on Institutional Review Boards 187
Research Misconduct 187
Role of the ORI in Promoting the Conduct of Ethical Research 188
Role of Journal Editors and Researchers in Preventing Scientific Misconduct 189
Animals as Research Subjects 190
Key Points 191
References 192
10 Understanding Quantitative Research Design 195
Concepts Important to Design 195
Causality 195
Multicausality 196
Probability 196
Causality and Nursing Philosophy 196
Bias 197
Manipulation 197
Control 197
Study Validity 197
Statistical Conclusion Validity 198
Low Statistical Power 198
Violated Assumptions of Statistical Tests 198
Fishing and the Error Rate Problem 198
Reliability of Measures 198
Reliability of Intervention Implementation 198
Random Irrelevancies in the Experimental Setting 199
Random Heterogeneity of Respondents 199
Internal Validity 199
Controlling the Environment 199
Maturation 199
Testing Effect 199
Instrumentation 199
Selection 199
Subject Attrition 200
Interactions with Selection 200
Diffusion or Imitation of Treatments 200
Compensatory Equalization of Treatments 200
Resentful Demoralization of Respondents Receiving Less Desirable Treatments 200
Construct Validity 200
Inadequate Preoperational Clarification of Constructs 200
Mono-Operation Bias 201
Monomethod Bias 201
Hypothesis Guessing within Experimental Conditions 201
Evaluation Apprehension 201
Experimenter Expectancies (Rosenthal Effect) 201
Confounding Constructs and Levels of Constructs 201
Interaction of Different Treatments 202
Interaction of Testing and Treatment 202
External Validity 202
Interaction of Selection and Treatment 202
Interaction of Setting and Treatment 202
Interaction of History and Treatment 202
Elements of a Good Design 202
Controlling the Environment 203
Controlling Equivalence of Subjects and Groups 203
Control and Comparison Groups 203
Controlling the Treatment 203
Counterbalancing 204
Controlling Measurement 204
Controlling Extraneous Variables 204
Random Sampling 205
Random Assignment 206
Homogeneity 206
Heterogeneity 206
Blocking 206
Stratification 207
Matching 207
Statistical Control 207
Questions to Direct Design Development and Implementation in a Study 207
Mixed Methods 208
Sequential Explanatory Strategy 209
Sequential Exploratory Strategy 210
Sequential Transformative Strategy 210
Concurrent Triangulation Strategy 211
Key Points 212
References 212
11 Selecting a Quantitative Research Design 214
Descriptive Study Designs 215
Typical Descriptive Study Designs 216
Comparative Descriptive Designs 217
Time-Dimensional Designs 218
Longitudinal Designs 219
Cross-Sectional Designs 220
Trend Designs 221
Event-Partitioning Designs 222
Case Study Designs 223
Surveys 224
Correlational Study Designs 224
Descriptive Correlational Designs 225
Predictive Designs 226
Model-Testing Designs 227
Defining Therapeutic Nursing Interventions 228
The Nursing Interventions Classification 229
Designing an Intervention for a Nursing Study 229
Quasi-experimental Study Designs 231
Random Assignment to Groups 232
Control and Comparison Groups 233
Nonequivalent Comparison Group Designs 234
One-Group Posttest-Only Design 234
Posttest-Only Design with a Comparison Group 234
One-Group Pretest-Posttest Design 234
Pretest and Posttest Design with a Comparison Group 237
Pretest and Posttest Design with Two Comparison Treatments 237
Pretest and Posttest Design with a Removed Treatment 238
Pretest and Posttest Design with a Reversed Treatment 240
Interrupted Time-Series Designs 241
Simple Interrupted Time-Series Design 242
Interrupted Time-Series Design with a No-Treatment Comparison Group 243
Interrupted Time-Series Design with Multiple Treatment Replications 244
Experimental Study Designs 244
Classic Experimental Design 245
Experimental Posttest-Only Comparison Group Design 246
Randomized Blocking Designs 246
Factorial Design 247
Nested Designs 248
Crossover or Counterbalanced Designs 249
Clinical Trials 250
Randomized Controlled Trials 251
Studies That Do Not Use Traditional Research Designs 254
Primary Prevention and Health Promotion Studies 254
Secondary Analyses 254
Methodological Designs 255
Algorithms for Selecting Research Designs 256
Key Points 256
References 261
12 Qualitative Research Methodology 264
Clinical Context and Research Problems 264
Literature Review for Qualitative Studies 265
Theoretical Frameworks 265
Purposes 266
Research Objectives or Questions 266
Obtaining Research Participants 267
Researcher-Participant Relationships 268
Data Collection Methods 268
Observations 269
Example Study Using Observation 270
Interviews 271
Learning to Interview 272
Establishing a Positive Environment for an Interview 272
Conducting an Effective Interview 272
Problems during Interviews 273
Example Study Using Interviews 273
Focus Groups 274
Example Study Using Focus Groups 276
Electronically Mediated Data 276
Transcribing Recorded Data 278
Data Management 279
Data Analysis 279
Immersion in the Data 280
Coding 281
Content Analysis 281
Narrative Analysis 282
Memoing 283
Findings and Conclusions 283
Reporting Results 284
Methods Specific to Qualitative Approaches 284
Phenomenological Research Methods 284
Grounded Theory Methodology 285
Ethnographical Methodology 286
Gatekeepers and Informants 286
Gathering and Analyzing Data 286
Exploratory-Descriptive Qualitative Methodology 287
Historical Research Methodology 289
Sources 289
Historical Data Analysis 289
Writing the Historical Narrative 289
Key Points 290
References 291
13 Outcomes Research 294
Theoretical Basis of Outcomes Research 294
Evaluating Outcomes 296
Evaluating Process 296
Standards of Care 296
Practice Styles 297
Costs of Care 297
Evaluating Structure 298
Federal Government Involvement in Outcomes Research 300
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality 300
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act 300
Medical Outcomes Study 301
Origins of Outcomes/ Performance Monitoring 302
Outcomes Research and Nursing Practice 302
Nursing-Sensitive Patient Outcomes 303
The Collaborative Alliance for Nursing Outcomes California Database Project 304
National Quality Forum 304
Oncology Nursing Society 305
Advanced Practice Nursing Outcomes Research 305
Methodologies for Outcomes Studies 306
Samples and Sampling 306
Large Databases as Sample Sources 306
Research Strategies for Outcomes Studies 308
Consensus Knowledge Building 308
Practice Pattern Profiling 308
Prospective Cohort Studies 309
Retrospective Cohort Studies 310
Population-Based Studies 311
Geographical Analyses 311
Economic Studies 312
Ethical Studies 314
Measurement Methods 314
Statistical Methods for Outcomes Studies 315
Analysis of Change 315
Analysis of Improvement 315
Variance Analysis 315
Latent Transition Analysis 317
Multilevel Analysis 317
Disseminating Outcomes Research Findings 318
Key Points 318
References 319
14 Intervention-Based Research 323
Intervention-Based Research Conducted by Nurses 323
Nursing Interventions 324
Variations in Nursing Interventions 324
Nursing Intervention Taxonomies 325
Problems Examined by Intervention Studies 325
Programs of Nursing Intervention Research 326
Theory-based Interventions 327
Scientific Rationale for Interventions 328
Terminology for Intervention-Based Research 329
Efficacy versus Effectiveness 329
Treatment Effect Size 330
Placebo and Sham Interventions 330
Blinding versus Open Label 331
Treatment Fidelity 332
Dose-Intensity of the Intervention 332
Numbers Needed to Treat 333
Analysis of Intention-to-Treat 334
Responder Analysis 334
Types of Research Designs 335
Experimental and Quasi-experimental Designs 335
Parallel Group Randomized Controlled Trials 335
Crossover Randomized Controlled Trials 336
Cluster Randomized Controlled Trials 336
Preference Clinical Trials 336
Treatment Matching Designs 337
Open-Label Designs 337
Nonexperimental Designs 337
Observational Studies 337
Retrospective Descriptive Studies 338
Planning Intervention Research 338
Project Planning 338
Forming a Project Team 338
Work of the Project Team 338
Gathering Information 339
Design and Testing of Interventions 339
Designing the Intervention 340
Study Outcomes 341
Extraneous Factors 342
Process of Testing the Intervention 342
Intervention Validation 342
Pilot Testing of an Intervention 343
Formal Testing of an Intervention 344
Advanced Testing 344
Testing Variations in Effectiveness Based on Variations in Patient Characteristics 344
Testing Variations in Effectiveness Based on Setting 345
Testing Variations in Effectiveness Based on Variations in Intervener Characteristics 345
Testing Variations in Effectiveness Based on Strength of an Intervention 345
Data Collection 345
Threats to Study Validity 347
Critical Appraisal of Intervention-Based Research 347
Key Points 347
References 348
15 Sampling 351
Sampling Theory 351
Populations and Elements 351
Sampling or Eligibility Criteria 352
Sample Representativeness 353
Sampling Error 354
Random Variation 354
Systematic Variation 354
Refusal and Acceptance Rates in Studies 355
Sample Attrition and Retention Rates in Studies 355
Randomization 356
Sampling Frame 357
Sampling Plan 357
Probability (Random) Sampling Methods 357
Simple Random Sampling 358
Stratified Random Sampling 359
Cluster Sampling 360
Systematic Sampling 361
Nonprobability (Nonrandom) Sampling Methods Commonly Applied in Quantitative Research 362
Convenience Sampling 363
Quota Sampling 364
Nonprobability Sampling Methods Commonly Applied in Qualitative Research 364
Purposive Sampling 365
Network (Snowball) Sampling 366
Theoretical Sampling 366
Sample Size in Quantitative Research 367
Effect Size 368
Type of Study 369
Number of Variables 370
Measurement Sensitivity 370
Data Analysis Techniques 371
Sample Size in Qualitative Research 371
Scope of the Study 371
Nature of the Topic 372
Quality of the Data 372
Study Design 372
Research Settings 373
Recruiting and Retaining Research Participants 374
Recruiting Research Participants 374
Retaining Subjects 379
Key Points 379
References 380
16 Measurement Concepts 382
Directness of Measurement 382
Measurement Error 383
Types of Measurement Errors 383
Levels of Measurement 385
Nominal Level of Measurement 386
Ordinal Level of Measurement 386
Interval Level of Measurement 387
Ratio Level of Measurement 387
Importance of Level of Measurement for Statistical Analyses 387
Controversy over Measurement Levels 387
Reference Testing of Measurement 388
Reliability 389
Stability Reliability 389
Equivalence Reliability 390
Internal Consistency 391
Validity 393
Face and Content Validity 394
Readability of an Instrument 397
Validity from Factor Analysis 398
Validity from Structural Analysis 400
Convergent Validity 400
Divergent Validity 401
Validity from Contrasting (or Known) Groups 401
Evidence of Validity from Discriminant Analysis 401
Validity from Prediction of Future Events and Concurrent Events 401
Successive Verification of Validity 402
Accuracy, Precision, and Error of Physiological Measures 402
Accuracy 403
Precision 403
Sensitivity 404
Error 404
Sensitivity, Specificity, and Likelihood Ratios 406
Sensitivity and Specificity 406
Likelihood Ratios 408
Key Points 408
References 409
17 Measurement Methods Used in Developing Evidence-Based Practice 411
Physiological Measurement 411
Obtaining Physiological Measures by Self-Report 412
Obtaining Physiological Measures by Observation 413
Obtaining Physiological Measures Directly or Indirectly 413
Obtaining Physiological Measures from Laboratory Tests 414
Obtaining Physiological Measures through Electronic Monitoring 415
Genetic Advancements in Measuring Nucleic Acids 417
Developing New Physiological Measures 418
Obtaining Physiological Measures across Time 419
Selecting a Physiological Measure 420
Reporting Physiological Measures in Studies 421
Observational Measurement 421
Structured Observations 421
Category Systems 421
Rating Scales 422
Interviews 422
Structured Interviews 422
Designing Interview Questions 422
Pilot-Testing the Interview Protocol 424
Training Interviewers 424
Preparing for an Interview 424
Probing 424
Recording Interview Data 424
Advantages and Disadvantages of Interviews 424
Questionnaires 425
Development of Questionnaires 426
Questionnaire Validity 428
Analysis of Questionnaire Data 429
Scales 429
Rating Scale 429
Likert Scale 430
Semantic Differential Scale 431
Visual Analogue Scale 433
Q-Sort Methodology 434
Delphi Technique 435
Diaries 437
Measurement Using Existing Databases 439
Existing Healthcare Data 439
Selection of an Existing Instrument 440
Locating Existing Instruments 440
Evaluating Existing Instruments for Appropriateness and Performance 442
Assessing Readability Levels of Instruments 442
Constructing Scales 442
Constructing a Scale by Using Classic Test Theory 442
Constructing a Scale by Using Item Response Theory 444
Constructing a Scale by Using Multidimensional Scaling 445
Constructing a Scale by Using Unfolding Theory 445
Translating a Scale to Another Language 445
Key Points 446
References 447
Unit Three Putting It All Together for Evidence-Based Health Care 451
18 Critical Appraisal of Nursing Studies 451
Evolution of Critical Appraisal of Research in Nursing 451
When Are Critical Appraisals of Research Implemented in Nursing? 452
Critical Appraisal of Studies by Students 452
Critical Appraisal of Research by Practicing Nurses 452
Critical Appraisal of Research by Nurse Educators 453
Critical Appraisal of Studies by Nurse Researchers 453
Critical Appraisal of Research Presentations and Publications 453
Critical Appraisal of Abstracts for Conference Presentations 453
Critical Appraisal of Research Articles for Publication 453
Critical Appraisal of Research Proposals 453
Nurses’ Expertise in Critical Appraisal of Research 454
Critical Appraisal Process for Quantitative Research 454
Step I: Identifying the Steps of the Research Process in Studies 455
Guidelines for Identifying the Steps of the Research Process 455
Step II: Determining Study Strengths and Weaknesses 458
Guidelines for Determining Study Strengths and Weaknesses 459
Step III: Evaluating a Study 462
Guidelines for Evaluating a Study 462
Critical Appraisal Process for Qualitative Studies 462
Prerequisites for Critical Appraisal of Qualitative Studies 463
Critical Appraisal Guidelines for Qualitative Studies 463
Problem Statement 463
Purpose and Research Questions 463
Literature Review 463
Philosophical Foundation 464
Qualitative Approach 464
Sampling and Sample 464
Data Collection 464
Protection of Human Study Participants 464
Data Management and Analysis 465
Findings 465
Discussion 465
Logic and Form of Findings 465
Evaluation Summary 465
Key Points 465
References 466
19 Evidence Synthesis and Strategies for Evidence-Based Practice 468
Benefits and Barriers Related to Evidence-Based Nursing Practice 468
Benefits of Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing 469
Barriers of Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing 470
Guidelines for Synthesizing Research Evidence 471
Guidelines for Implementing and Evaluating Systematic Reviews 472
Step 1: Formulate a Relevant Clinical Question to Direct the Review 474
Step 2: State the Purpose and Objectives or Aims of the Review 474
Step 3: Identify the Literature Search Criteria and Strategies 474
Step 4: Conduct a Comprehensive Search of the Research Literature 476
Step 5: Selection of Studies for Review 476
Step 6: Critical Appraisal of the Studies Included in Review 477
Step 7: Conduct a Meta-Analysis If Appropriate 479
Step 8: Results of the Review 479
Step 9: Discussion Section of the Review 479
Step 10: Development of the Final Report for Publication 480
Critical Appraisal of a Published Systematic Review 480
Conducting Meta-Analyses to Synthesize Research Evidence 482
Clinical Question for Meta-Analysis 483
Purpose and Questions to Direct Meta-Analysis 483
Search Criteria and Strategies for Meta-Analyses 483
Possible Biases for Meta-Analyses and Systematic Reviews 484
Results of Meta-Analysis for Continuous Outcomes 486
Results of Meta-Analysis for Dichotomous Outcomes 486
Conducting Meta-Synthesis of Qualitative Research 489
Framing a Meta-Synthesis Exercise 490
Searching the Literature and Selecting Sources 490
Appraisal of Studies and Analysis of Data 491
Discussion of Meta-Synthesis Findings 491
Mixed-Methods Systematic Reviews 492
Models to Promote Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing 493
Stetler Model of Research Utilization to Facilitate Evidence-Based Practice 493
Phase I: Preparation 493
Phase II: Validation 495
Phase III: Comparative Evaluation and Decision Making 495
Phase IV: Translation and Application 495
Phase V: Evaluation 496
Iowa Model of Evidence-Based Practice 496
Implementing Evidence-Based Guidelines in Practice 496
Development of Evidence-Based Guidelines 496
Implementing the Joint National Committee on Prevention, Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Pressure Evidence-Based Guideline in Practice 499
Evidence-Based Practice Centers 502
Introduction to Translational Research 503
Key Points 503
References 504
Unit Four Analyzing Data, Determining Outcomes, and Disseminating Research 507
20 Collecting and Managing Data 507
Data Collection Modes 507
Researcher-Administered or Participant-Administered Instruments 507
Electronic Data Collection 508
Scannable Forms 508
Online Data Collection 508
Computer-Based Data Collection 513
Phones and Other Electronic Devices 514
Factors Influencing Data Collection 515
Cost Factors 515
Time Factors 515
Consistency 516
Availability of Assistance 516
Data Collection and Coding Plan 517
Data Collection Forms 517
Data Collection Detailed Plan 519
Decision Points 520
Developing a Codebook for Data Definitions 520
Pilot Study 523
Collecting Data 523
Data Collection Tasks 523
Maintaining Control 524
Problem Solving 524
Data Collection Problems 524
People Problems 524
Problems Selecting a Sample 525
Subject Attrition 525
Subject as an Object 526
External Influences on Subject Responses 527
Passive Resistance 527
Researcher Problems 528
Researcher Interactions 528
Lack of Skill in Data Collection Techniques 528
Researcher Role Conflict 528
Maintaining Perspective 529
Institutional Problems 529
Event Problems 529
Serendipity 530
Having Access to Support Systems 530
Support of Academic Committees 530
Institutional Support 531
Colleague Support 531
Data Safety and Monitoring Board as Source of Support 531
Managing Data 531
Preparing Data for Computer Entry 531
Data Entry Period 532
Storage and Retrieval of Data 532
Key Points 532
References 533
21 Introduction to Statistical Analysis 534
Concepts of Statistical Theory 534
Probability Theory 535
Classical Hypothesis Testing 535
Type I and Type II Errors 536
Statistical Power 536
Statistical Significance versus Clinical Importance 537
Inference 537
Samples and Populations 537
Types of Statistics 538
Descriptive Statistics 538
Measures of Central Tendency 538
Normal Curve 538
Sampling Distributions 538
Symmetry 539
Skewness 540
Modality 540
Kurtosis 541
Tests of Normality 541
Variation 541
Confidence Intervals 541
Inferential Statistics 542
Parametric Statistics 542
Nonparametric Statistics 542
Practical Aspects of Data Analysis 542
Preparing the Data for Analysis 542
Cleaning the Data 543
Identifying Missing Data 543
Data Transformations 543
Data Calculations and Scoring 543
Data Storage and Documentation 543
Description of the Sample 544
Testing the Reliability of Measurement Methods 544
Exploratory Analysis of the Data 544
Using Tables and Graphs for Exploratory Analysis 545
Confirmatory Analysis 545
Post Hoc Analysis 545
Choosing Appropriate Statistical Procedures for a Study 546
Key Points 548
References 548
22 Using Statistics to Describe Variables 550
Using Statistics to Summarize Data 550
Frequency Distributions 550
Measures of Central Tendency 552
Mode 552
Median 553
Mean 553
Using Statistics to Explore Deviations in the Data 554
Measures of Dispersion 554
Range 554
Difference Scores 554
Variance 554
Standard Deviation 555
Normal Curve 555
Sampling Error 557
Confidence Intervals 558
Degrees of Freedom 558
Key Points 558
References 559
23 Using Statistics to Examine Relationships 560
Scatter Diagrams 560
Bivariate Correlational Analysis 560
Pearson’s Product-Moment Correlation Coefficient 561
Calculation 562
Interpretation of Results 563
Effect Size 564
Nonparametric Alternatives 564
Role of Correlation in Understanding Causality 565
Spurious Correlations 565
Bland and Altman Plots 565
Example 565
Interpretation of Results 566
Factor Analysis and Principal Components Analysis 566
Example 567
“Naming” the Factor 568
Factor Scores 568
Key Points 568
References 569
24 Using Statistics to Predict 570
Simple Linear Regression 570
Calculation of Simple Linear Regression 571
Calculation Steps 572
Interpretation of Results 573
Multiple Regression 573
Multicollinearity 573
Types of Independent Variables Used in Regression Analyses 574
Dummy Variables 574
Odds Ratio 575
Calculation 575
Interpretation 575
Confidence Intervals 575
Logistic Regression 576
Calculation 576
Odds Ratio (OR) in Logistic Regression 576
Cox Proportional Hazards Regression 577
Key Points 578
References 578
25 Using Statistics to Determine Differences 580
Choosing Parametric versus Nonparametric Statistics to Determine Differences 580
t-tests 580
t-test for Independent Samples 581
Calculation 581
Interpretation of Results 582
Nonparametric Alternative 582
t-tests for Paired Samples 583
Calculation 583
Interpretation of Results 584
Nonparametric Alternative 584
One-Way Analysis of Variance 584
Calculation 585
Interpretation of Results 586
Nonparametric Alternative 586
Other ANOVA Procedures 587
Chi-Square Test of Independence 587
Assumptions 587
Calculation 587
Interpretation of Results 588
Key Points 588
References 588
26 Interpreting Research Outcomes 590
Examining Evidence 590
Evidence from the Research Plan 590
Evidence from Measurement 591
Evidence from the Data Collection Process 592
Evidence from the Data Analysis Process 593
Evidence from Data Analysis Results 594
Significant and Predicted Results 594
Nonsignificant Results 594
Significant and Not Predicted Results 594
Mixed Results 594
Unexpected Results 595
Evidence from Previous Studies 595
Determining Findings 595
Forming Conclusions 597
Identifying Limitations 598
Generalizing the Findings 598
Considering Implications 599
Recommending Further Research 599
Key Points 600
References 600
27 Disseminating Research Findings 602
Content of a Research Report 602
Quantitative Research Report 603
Introduction 604
Review of Literature 604
Framework 604
Methods 605
Design 605
Sample and Setting 606
Measures 607
Data Collection Process and Procedures 607
Analysis Plan 608
Results 608
Presentation of Results in Figures and Tables 609
Figures 609
Tables 610
Discussion 613
Reference Citations 614
Qualitative Research Report 614
Introduction 615
Methods 616
Analysis Plan 617
Results 617
Discussion 618
Theses and Dissertations 619
Audiences for Communication of Research Findings 619
Strategies for Communicating Research to Different Audiences 619
Audience of Nurses 619
Audience of Healthcare Professionals and Policy Makers 621
Audience of Healthcare Consumers 621
Presenting Research Findings 621
Verbal Presentations 622
Receiving Acceptance as a Presenter 622
Developing an Oral Research Presentation 624
Delivering a Research Report and Responding to Questions 625
Poster Sessions 625
Publishing Research Findings 627
Publishing a Journal Article 628
Selecting a Journal 628
Journal Impact Factor 628
Developing a Query Letter 629
Preparing a Manuscript 629
Submitting a Manuscript for Review 630
Peer Review 630
Responding to Requests to Revise a Manuscript 630
Publishing Research Findings in Online Journals 631
Publishing Research Findings in Books 632
Duplicate Publications and Self-Plagiarism 632
Key Points 632
References 633
Unit Five Proposing and Seeking Funding for Research 635
28 Writing Research Proposals 635
Writing a Research Proposal 635
Developing Ideas Logically 635
Determining the Depth of a Proposal 636
Identifying Critical Points 636
Developing an Esthetically Appealing Copy 636
Content of a Research Proposal 636
Content of a Student Proposal 636
Content of a Quantitative Research Proposal 637
Introduction 638
Review of Relevant Literature 638
Framework 638
Methods and Procedures 638
Content of a Qualitative Research Proposal 640
Introduction 640
Philosophical and Conceptual Foundation and General Methods for the Proposed Study 642
Method of Inquiry 642
Current Knowledge Base, Limitations, and Plans for Communication of the Study 643
Content of a Condensed Proposal 644
Content of a Preproposal 644
Seeking Approval for a Study 644
Approval Process 645
Preparing Proposals for Review Committees 645
Social and Political Factors 646
Verbal Presentation of a Proposal 646
Revising a Proposal 647
Example of a Quantitative Research Proposal 647
APPENDIX A: Intervention Protocol for Transitional Care Nurse Practitioner (TCNP) Visit Protocol 655
Study RN Protocol for Comparison Group 656
APPENDIX B: Study Protocol 656
Recruiting/Intake—Study Registered Nurse (RN) 656
Intervention Group: 657
Scripting for Transitional Care Program Introduction during Inpatient Visit 657
Study RN—Data Collection on Comparison Group Patients 658
APPENDIX C: Data Collection Form 658
APPENDIX D: Informed Consent 659
Principal Investigator Name: 659
Title of Project: 659
Introduction 659
Purpose 659
Duration 659
Procedures 659
Possible Benefits 659
Compensation 659
Possible Risks/Discomforts 659
Alternative Procedures/Treatments 659
Withdrawal from the Study 659
Number of Participants 659
Confidentiality 659
Contact for Questions 660
Consent Signatures 660
APPENDIX E: Morisky Medication Adherence Scale 660
Key Points 660
References 661
29 Seeking Funding for Research 663
Building a Program of Research 663
Contribution 664
Capacity 665
Capital 665
Getting Started 665
Level of Commitment 665
Support of Other People 665
Grantsmanship 666
Attending Courses and Workshops 666
Apprenticeship 666
Regional Nursing Research Organizations 667
Serving on Research Committees 667
Identifying Funding Sources 667
Types of Grants 667
Nongovernment Funding 667
Private or Local Funding 667
National Nursing Organizations 668
Industry 668
Foundations 669
Government Funding 669
Investigator-Initiated Proposals 669
Requests for Proposals and Applications 670
Submitting a Proposal for a Federal Grant 670
Ensuring a Unique Proposal 670
Verifying Institutional Support 670
Making Time to Write 670
Understanding the Review Process 671
Responding to Rejected Grant Proposals 671
Grant Management 671
Managing the Budget 671
Training Research Personnel 672
Maintaining the Study Schedule 672
Coordinating Activities 672
Submitting Reports 672
Planning Your Next Grant 672
Key Points 672
References 673
Appendices 674
Appendix A Z Values Table 674
Appendix B Critical Values for Student’s t Distribution 677
Appendix C Critical Values of r for Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient 679
Appendix D Critical Values of F for α = 0.05 and α = 0.01 680
Appendix E Critical Values of the χ2 Distribution 683
Appendix F Statistical Power Tables (Δ = Effect Size) 684
Glossary 686
A 686
B 687
C 688
D 691
E 693
F 694
G 695
H 695
I 696
J 698
K 698
L 698
M 699
N 700
O 701
P 702
Q 705
R 706
S 708
T 711
U 712
V 712
W 713
Y 713
Z 713
Index 714
A 714
B 715
C 715
D 717
E 718
F 719
G 719
H 720
I 721
J 722
K 722
L 722
M 722
N 723
O 724
P 725
Q 726
R 727
S 729
T 731
U 732
V 732
W 732
X 732
Y 732
Z 732
Levels of research evidence 736
Inside Back Cover ibc1