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Foundations and Adult Health Nursing - E-Book

Foundations and Adult Health Nursing - E-Book

Kim Cooper | Kelly Gosnell


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Book Details


An all-inclusive guide to fundamentals and medical-surgical nursing for the LPN/LVN, Foundations and Adult Health Nursing, 7th Edition covers the skills you need for clinical practice, from anatomy and physiology to nursing interventions and maternity, neonatal, pediatric, geriatric, mental health, and community health care. Guidelines for patient care are presented within the framework of the five-step nursing process; Nursing Care Plans are described within a case-study format to help you develop skills in clinical decision-making. Written by Kim Cooper and Kelly Gosnell, this text includes all of the content from their Foundations of Nursing and Adult Health Nursing books, including review questions to help you prepare for the NCLEX-PN® examination!

  • Full-color, step-by-step instructions for over 100 skills show nursing techniques and procedures along with rationales for each.
  • The 5-step Nursing Process connects specific disorders to patient care — with a summary at the end of each chapter.
  • Nursing Care Plans emphasize patient goals and outcomes within a case-study format, and promotes clinical decision-making with critical thinking questions at the end of each care plan.
  • Clear coverage of essential A&P is provided by an Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology chapter along with an overview of A&P in all body systems chapters.
  • Student-friendly features enhance the learning of nursing skills with summary boxes for Patient Teaching, Health Promotion Considerations, Complementary and Alternative Therapy, Cultural Considerations, Older Adult Considerations, Home Care Considerations, Safety Alert, and Prioritization, Assignment, and Supervision.
  • UNIQUE! Mathematics review in Dosage Calculation and Medication Administration chapter covers basic arithmetic skills prior to the discussion of medication administration.
  • A focus on preparing for the NCLEX examination includes review questions and Get Ready for the NCLEX Examination! sections with key points organized by NCLEX Client Needs Categories.
  • Evidence-Based Practice boxes provide synopses of nursing research articles and other scientific articles applicable to nursing, along with nursing implications for the LPN/LVN.
  • Nursing Diagnosis boxes summarize nursing diagnoses for specific disorders along with the appropriate nursing interventions.
  • UNIQUE! Delegation Considerations boxes provide parameters for delegation to nurse assistants, patient care technicians, and unlicensed assistive personnel.
  • Medication Therapy tables provide quick access to actions, dosages, precautions, and nursing considerations for commonly used drugs.
  • NEW! Reorganized chapters make it easier to follow and understand the material.
  • NEW! Icons in page margins indicate videos, audios, and animations on the Evolve companion website that may be accessed for enhanced learning.
  • UDATED illustrations include photographs of common nursing skills.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front cover cover
Inside front cover ifc1
IFC facing page i
Dedication ii
Foundations and Adult Health Nursing iii
Copyright page iv
Acknowledgments v
Contributors and Reviewers vi
LPN/LVN Advisory Board viii
To the Instructor ix
Organization and Standard Features ix
Table of Contents ix
Chapter Organization ix
Nursing Process ix
References and Suggested Readings x
Lpn Threads x
Teaching and Learning Package x
For Students x
For Instructors x
To the Student xii
Reading and Review Tools xii
Additional Learning Resources xii
Chapter Features xii
Table of Contents xiii
Unit I Fundamentals of Nursing 1
1 The Evolution of Nursing 1
Objectives 1
Key Terms 1
The History of Nursing and Nursing Education 1
Care of the Sick during Early Civilization 1
Nursing Education in the Nineteenth Century 2
Florence Nightingale (1820–1910) 2
Nursing From Occupation to Profession 3
Development of Nursing Education in the United States 3
Changes in Nursing during the Twentieth Century 4
Licensing 4
World War I 5
World War II 5
Contemporary Nursing 5
Nursing Caps, Uniforms, and Pins 7
Significant Changes in Nursing for the Twenty-First Century 7
Demographic Changes 7
Women’s Health Care Issues 8
Men in Nursing 8
Human Rights 8
Medically Underserved 8
Nursing Shortage 9
Development of Practical and Vocational Nursing 9
Attendant Nurses 9
Practical Nursing Programs 9
Organizational Influence 9
Program Credentialing 10
Contemporary Practical and Vocational Nursing Education 10
Career Advancement 10
Factors That Influenced Practical and Vocational Nursing 10
The Need for Trained Caregivers 10
World War I 10
The Self-Taught Practical Nurse 11
Duties of Licensed Practical Nurses and Licensed Vocational Nurses 11
Position Paper of the American Nurses Association 11
Licensure for Practical and Vocational Nursing 11
Laws That Monitor the Licensed Practical Nurse and the Licensed Vocational Nurse 11
Health Care Delivery Systems 11
Health Care System Defined 12
Wellness-Illness Continuum 12
Maslow’s Model of Health and Illness 12
Health Promotion and Illness Prevention 12
Continuity of Care 13
Delivery of Patient Care 13
Participants in the Health Care System 13
Professional Health Care Specialists 13
Registered Nurses 13
Licensed Practical/Vocational Nurses 13
Other Caregivers 13
Technologists, Medical Technicians, and Paraprofessionals 14
Economic Factors That Affect Health and Illness 14
Rising Health Care Costs 14
Increasing number of aging Americans. 14
Advances in technology. 14
Health care insurance. 14
Malpractice insurance. 14
Changes in Delivery System 14
Social and Environmental Factors That Affect Health and Illness 15
Health Promotion 15
Patients’ Rights 15
Health Care Providers’ Rights 16
Interdisciplinary Approach to Health Care 16
Care Plan 16
Communication 16
Documentation 16
Nursing Care Models 17
Contemporary Practical and Vocational Nursing Care 17
Practical/Vocational Nursing Defined 17
Objectives and Characteristics of Practical/Vocational Nursing Education 18
Roles and Responsibilities 18
Get Ready for the NCLEX® Examination! 19
Key Points 19
Additional Learning Resources 19
Review Questions for the NCLEX® Examination 19
2 Legal and Ethical Aspects of Nursing 21
Objectives 21
Key Terms 21
Legal Aspects of Nursing 21
Overview of the Legal System 22
Negligence 22
Malpractice 22
Overview of the Legal Process 23
Legal Relationships 24
Regulation of Practice 25
Legal Issues 26
Patients’ Rights 26
Informed Consent 26
Confidentiality 28
Medical Records 28
Invasion of Privacy 29
Reporting Abuse 29
How to Avoid a Lawsuit 29
Insurance 30
Professional Liability Insurance 30
Disciplinary Defense Insurance 30
The Disciplinary Process 30
Potential Sanctions Against a Nursing License 30
Ethical Aspects of Nursing 31
Advance Directives 31
Development of Ethical Principles 33
Ethical Principles in Nursing Practice 34
Codes of Ethics 34
Reporting Unethical Behavior 35
Ethical Issues 35
Practitioner-Assisted Suicide 35
Right to Refuse Treatment 35
Do-Not-Resuscitate Orders 35
Refusal to Treat 35
Conclusion 36
Get Ready for the NCLEX® Examination! 36
Key Points 36
Additional Learning Resources 36
Review Questions for the NCLEX® Examination 36
3 Documentation 38
Objectives 38
Key Terms 38
Purposes of Patient Records 39
Electronic Health Record 40
Basic Guidelines for Documentation 41
Charting Rules 41
Legal Basis of Documentation 42
Common Medical Abbreviations and Terminology 42
Methods of Recording 42
Traditional Chart 43
Problem-Oriented Medical Record 44
Focus Charting Format 45
Charting by Exception 46
Record-Keeping Forms and Examples 47
Incident Reports 47
Twenty-Four–Hour Patient Care Records and Acuity Charting Forms 47
Discharge Summary Forms 50
Documentation and Clinical (Critical) Pathways 51
Home Health Care Documentation 53
Long-Term Health Care Documentation 53
Special Issues in Documentation 53
Record Ownership and Access 53
Confidentiality 54
Electronic Documentation Safeguards 54
Use of Fax Machines 54
Get Ready for the NCLEX® Examination! 55
Key Points 55
Additional Learning Resources 56
Review Questions for the NCLEX® Examination 56
4 Communication 58
Objectives 58
Key Terms 58
Overview of Communication 58
Verbal Communication 59
Nonverbal Communication 59
Voice 59
Eye Contact 59
Physical Appearance 60
Gestures. 60
Posture. 60
Consistency of Verbal and Nonverbal Communication 61
Styles of Communication 61
Assertive Communication 61
Aggressive Communication 62
Unassertive Communication 62
Establishing a Therapeutic Relationship 62
Communication Techniques 62
Nonverbal Therapeutic Communication Techniques 63
Listening 63
Silence 63
Touch 64
Verbal Therapeutic Communication Techniques 64
Conveying Acceptance 64
Questioning: Closed 65
Questioning: Open-Ended 65
Restating 65
Paraphrasing 65
Clarifying 65
Focusing 67
Reflecting 67
Stating Observations 68
Offering Information 68
Summarizing 68
Use of Humor 68
Factors That Affect Communication 68
Posturing and Positioning 68
Space and Territoriality 69
Environment 69
Level of Trust 69
Language Barriers 69
Culture 70
Age and Gender 70
Physiologic Factors 71
Psychosocial Factors 72
Blocks to Communication 72
Assessment 72
Nursing Diagnosis 72
Expected Outcomes and Planning 72
Implementation 74
Evaluation 74
Communication in Special Situations 74
Patients with Ventilator Dependence 74
Patients with Aphasia 75
Unresponsive Patients 75
Conclusion 75
Get Ready for the NCLEX® Examination! 76
Key Points 76
Additional Learning Resources 76
Review Questions for the NCLEX® Examination 76
5 Nursing Process and Critical Thinking 78
Objectives 78
Key Terms 78
Assessment Data 78
Types of Data 79
Sources of Data 79
Methods of Data Collection 80
Data Clustering 80
Diagnosis 80
Nursing Diagnosis 81
Components of a Nursing Diagnosis 81
Title or label. 81
Definition. 81
Contributing, etiologic, and related factors and risk factors. 82
Defining characteristics. 82
Writing Nursing Diagnosis Statements 82
Actual nursing diagnosis. 82
Risk nursing diagnosis. 83
Syndrome nursing diagnosis. 83
Health promotion nursing diagnosis. 83
Other Types of Health Problems 83
Collaborative Problems 83
Medical Diagnosis 83
Differentiation of Medical and Nursing Diagnoses 83
Outcomes Identification 84
Planning 85
Priority Setting 85
Selecting Nursing Interventions 85
Writing Nursing Interventions 86
Communicating the Nursing Care Plan 86
Linear Care Plans versus Concept Maps 86
Implementation 87
Evidence-Based Practice 88
Evaluation 88
Standardized Languages: NANDA-I, NIC, and NOC 88
Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC) 89
Nursing Outcomes Classification (NOC) 89
Role of the Licensed Practical/ Vocational Nurse 89
Nursing Diagnoses and Clinical Pathways 90
Critical Thinking 90
Get Ready for the NCLEX® Examination! 92
Key Points 92
Additional Learning Resources 92
Review Questions for the NCLEX® Examination 92
6 Cultural and Ethnic Considerations 94
Objectives 94
Key Terms 94
Culture Defined 94
Cultural Competence and Transcultural Nursing 95
Race and Ethnicity 96
Ethnic and Racial Groups in the United States 97
Culturally Related Assessments 97
Communication 97
Space 99
Time 99
Social Organization 100
Religious Beliefs and Health Care 100
Health Practices 105
Biological Variations 107
The Nursing Process and Cultural Factors 107
Cultural Practices of Specific Groups 108
Get Ready for the NCLEX® Examination! 114
Key Points 114
Additional Learning Resources 114
Review Questions for the NCLEX® Examination 114
Unit II Fundamentals of Clinical Practice 116
7 Asepsis and Infection Control 116
Objectives 116
Key Terms 116
Asepsis 116
Infection 117
Infectious Agent 117
Bacteria 117
Viruses 119
Fungi 121
Protozoa 121
Reservoir 121
Portal of Exit 121
Mode of Transmission 121
Portal of Entry 122
Host 122
Infectious Process 123
Inflammatory Response 124
Health Care–Associated Infections 124
Infection Prevention and Control Team 125
Infection Control Nurse 125
Occupational Health Service 125
Standard Precautions 126
Hand Hygiene 126
Gloving 131
Latex Allergy 131
Gowning 132
Mask and Protective Eyewear 132
Disposing of Contaminated Equipment 134
Handling Linen 135
Isolation Technique 135
Pulmonary Tuberculosis Precautions 137
Surgical Asepsis 139
Principles of Sterile Technique 141
Surgical Hand Scrub 141
Managing Sterile Packages 145
Preparing a Sterile Field 145
Pouring Sterile Solutions 146
Donning a Sterile Gown 147
Donning Sterile Gloves 147
Closed Gloving 147
Cleaning, Disinfection, and Sterilization 147
Cleaning 147
Disinfection 152
Sterilization 152
Patient Teaching for Infection Prevention and Control 153
Infection Prevention and Control for Home and Hospice Settings 153
Nursing Process 154
Assessment 154
Nursing Diagnosis 154
Expected Outcomes and Planning 155
Implementation 155
Evaluation 155
Get Ready for the NCLEX® Examination! 156
Key Points 156
Additional Learning Resources 157
Review Questions for the NCLEX® Examination 157
8 Body Mechanics and Patient Mobility 159
Objectives 159
Key Terms 159
Use of Appropriate Body Mechanics 161
Positioning of Patients 162
Mobility Versus Immobility 166
Neurovascular Function 166
Performance of Range-of-Motion Exercises 169
Continuous Passive Motion Machines 172
Moving the Patient 174
Use of the Lift for Moving Patients 179
Nursing Process for Patient Mobility 179
Assessment 179
Nursing Diagnosis 181
Expected Outcomes and Planning 181
Implementation 181
Evaluation 182
Get Ready for the NCLEX® Examination! 183
Key Points 183
Additional Learning Resources 183
Review Questions for the NCLEX® Examination 183
9 Hygiene and Care of the Patient’s Environment 185
Objectives 185
Key Terms 185
Patient’s Room Environment 186
Maintaining Comfort 186
Room Equipment 188
Bathing 190
Cool Water Tub Bath 191
Warm Water Tub Bath 191
Hot Water Tub Bath 191
Sitz Bath 191
Other Baths 191
Back Care and Back Rub 191
Components of the Patient’s Hygiene 200
Care of the Skin 200
Data Collection 200
Pressure Ulcers 200
Definition and staging. 201
Stage I. 201
Stage II. 202
Stage III. 202
Stage IV. 202
Unstageable/unclassified. 202
Suspected deep tissue injury. 202
Interventions. 202
Oral Hygiene 202
Hair Care 207
Shaving the Patient 207
Hand, Foot, and Nail Care 207
Perineal Care 207
Perineal Care for the Patient With an Indwelling Catheter 213
Eye, Ear, and Nose Care 213
Care of the Eyes 213
Care of the Ears 213
Hearing aids. 214
Care of the Nose 214
Bed Making 214
Assisting the Patient with Elimination 218
Care of the Incontinent Patient 220
Nursing Process for Hygiene 221
Assessment 222
Nursing Diagnosis 222
Expected Outcomes and Planning 222
Implementation 223
Evaluation 225
Get Ready for the NCLEX® Examination! 225
Key Points 225
Additional Learning Resources 225
Review Questions for the NCLEX® Examination 226
10 Safety 228
Objectives 228
Key Terms 228
Safety in the Hospital or Health Care Environment 228
Falls 229
Infants and Children 230
Older Adults 230
Safety Reminder Devices 231
Latex Sensitivity 238
Electrical Hazards 238
Radiation 238
Mercury Spill 238
Workplace Safety 239
Fire Safety 239
Accidental Poisoning 244
Disaster Planning 244
Terrorism 245
Bioterrorism 246
Bioterrorist Attacks 247
Terrorism by Nuclear Exposure 248
Chemical Terrorism 248
Nursing Process for Patient Safety 249
Assessment 249
Nursing Diagnosis 249
Expected Outcomes and Planning 249
Implementation 249
Evaluation 249
Get Ready for the NCLEX® Examination! 250
Key Points 250
Additional Learning Resources 251
Review Questions for the NCLEX® Examination 251
Unit III Introduction to Nursing Interventions 253
11 Vital Signs 253
Objectives 253
Key Terms 253
Guidelines for Obtaining Vital Signs 254
When to Assess Vital Signs 254
Recording Vital Signs 256
Temperature 256
The Body’s Regulation of Temperature 256
Obtaining Temperature Measurements 259
Auscultating with the Stethoscope 264
Pulse 265
The Body’s Regulation of Pulse 265
Obtaining Pulse Measurements 266
Respiration 269
Respiratory Function 269
Assessment of Respiration 271
Blood Pressure 272
Factors That Determine Blood Pressure 272
Obtaining Blood Pressure Measurements 274
Assessment of Blood Pressure in the Lower Extremities 276
Electronic Measurement Devices 278
Self-Measurement 278
Height and Weight 281
Obtaining Weight Measurements 281
Obtaining Height Measurements 282
Nursing Process 282
Assessment 282
Nursing Diagnosis 282
Expected Outcomes and Planning 282
Implementation 283
Evaluation 283
Get Ready for the NCLEX® Examination! 283
Key Points 283
Additional Learning Resources 283
Review Questions for the NCLEX® Examination 283
12 Physical Assessment 286
Objectives 286
Key Terms 286
Signs and Symptoms 286
Disease and Diagnosis 287
Origins of Disease 287
Risk Factors for Development of Disease 288
Terms Used to Describe Disease 288
Frequently Noted Signs and Symptoms of Disease 288
Assessment 290
Medical Assessment 290
Nursing Assessment 292
Initiating the Nurse-Patient Relationship 293
The Interview 294
Nursing Health History 295
Biographic Data 295
Reasons for Seeking Health Care 295
Present Illness or Health Concerns 296
Health History 296
Family History 296
Environmental History 296
Psychosocial and Cultural History 296
Review of Systems 296
Nursing Physical Assessment 298
When to Perform a Nursing Physical Assessment 298
Where to Perform a Nursing Physical Assessment 300
Methods of Performing a Nursing Physical Assessment 300
Performing the Nursing Physical Assessment 300
Head-to-toe assessment. 301
Neurologic. 301
Vital signs. 302
Glasgow coma scale. 302
Skin and hair. 302
Head and neck. 303
Mouth and throat. 303
Eyes. 303
Ears. 303
Nose. 304
Chest, lungs, heart, and vascular system. 304
Breasts. 304
Lung sounds. 304
Spine. 305
Heart sounds. 305
Peripheral vascular system. 306
Gastrointestinal system. 308
Genitourinary system. 309
Rectum. 309
Legs and feet. 310
Documenting the Interview and the Assessment 310
Telephone Consultation 310
Get Ready for the NCLEX® Examination! 311
Key Points 311
Additional Learning Resources 311
Review Questions for the NCLEX® Examination 311
13 Admission, Transfer, and Discharge 313
Objectives 313
Key Terms 313
Common Patient Reactions to Hospitalization 313
Cultural Considerations for the Hospitalized Patient or Long-Term Care Resident 314
Admitting a Patient 314
Nursing Process for Patient Admission 318
Assessment 318
Nursing Diagnosis 318
Expected Outcomes and Planning 319
Implementation 319
Evaluation 321
Transferring a Patient 321
Nursing Process for Patient Transfer 322
Assessment 322
Nursing Diagnosis 322
Expected Outcomes and Planning 322
Implementation 322
Evaluation 322
Discharging a Patient 323
Discharge Planning 323
Referrals for Health Care Services 326
The Discharge Process 327
Nursing Process for Patient Discharge 327
Assessment 327
Nursing Diagnosis 327
Expected Outcomes and Planning 327
Implementation 329
Evaluation 329
Get Ready for the NCLEX® Examination! 329
Key Points 329
Additional Learning Resources 329
Review Questions for the NCLEX® Examination 329
14 Surgical Wound Care 332
Objectives 332
Key Terms 332
Wound Classification 332
Wound Healing 334
Phases of Wound Healing 334
Process of Wound Healing 334
Factors That Affect Wound Healing 335
Surgical Wound 335
Standard Steps in Wound Care 337
Care of the Incision 338
Wet-to-Dry Dressing 339
Transparent Dressings 341
Irrigations 343
Complications of Wound Healing 347
Staple and Suture Removal 348
Exudate and Drainage 348
Drainage Systems 351
T-Tube Drainage System 351
Wound Vacuum-Assisted Closure 353
Bandages and Binders 354
Nursing Process 357
Assessment 357
Nursing Diagnosis 361
Expected Outcomes and Planning 361
Implementation 362
Evaluation 362
Get Ready for the NCLEX® Examination! 364
Key Points 364
Additional Learning Resources 364
Review Questions for the NCLEX® Examination 364
15 Specimen Collection and Diagnostic Testing 366
Objectives 366
Key Terms 366
Diagnostic Examination 366
Specimen Collection 383
Guidelines for Specimen Collection 383
Collecting a Midstream Urine Specimen 385
Collecting a Sterile Urine Specimen 385
Collecting a 24-Hour Urine Specimen 387
Measuring Blood Glucose Levels 387
Collecting a Stool Specimen 387
Determining the Presence of Occult Blood in Stool (Guaiac) 390
Determining the Presence of Occult Blood in Gastric Secretions or Emesis (Gastroccult Test) 390
Collecting a Sputum Specimen 390
Collecting a Sputum Specimen by Suction 390
Obtaining a Wound Culture 390
Collecting Specimens From the Nose and Throat 397
Collecting a Blood Specimen (Venipuncture) and Blood for Culture 397
Collection Methods 400
Collection Tubes 400
Types of collection tubes. 400
Labeling collection tubes. 401
Selecting a Venipuncture Site 401
Electrocardiography 402
Nursing Process for Specimen Collection and Diagnostic Testing 402
Assessment 404
Nursing Diagnosis 404
Expected Outcomes and Planning 408
All Specimens 408
24-Hour Urine Collection 408
Urine and Stool Specimens 408
Sputum Specimen Obtained by Suction 408
Wound Drainage Specimen 408
Contrast Media Studies 408
Nuclear Imaging Studies (Scans) 410
Implementation 410
Evaluation 410
Get Ready for the NCLEX® Examination! 411
Key Points 411
Additional Resources 412
Review Questions for the NCLEX® Examination 412
16 Care of Patients Experiencing Urgent Alterations in Health 414
Objectives 414
Key Terms 414
Obtaining Medical Emergency Aid 415
Moral and Legal Responsibilities of the Nurse 415
Assessment of the Emergency Situation 415
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) 416
Ethical Implications 416
Events Necessitating CPR 416
Initial Assessment and Response 417
The CABs of CPR 417
Circulation 417
Airway 418
Unit IV Nursing Care Across the Life Span 697
23 Life Span Development 697
Objectives 697
Key Terms 697
Health Promotion Across the Life Span 698
Growth and Development 699
Patterns of Growth 699
Beginnings 699
Ethical Considerations 699
The Family 700
Types of Families 700
Nuclear Family 700
Extended Family 701
Single-Parent Family 701
Blended (Reconstituted) Family 701
Social Contract Family and Cohabitation 701
Homosexual Family 701
Adoptive Family 701
Grandfamilies 701
Foster Family 701
Family Patterns 701
Stages of Family Development 702
Engagement or Commitment Stage 702
Establishment Stage 702
Expectant Stage 702
Ethical considerations. 703
Parenthood Stage 703
Disengagement Stage of Parenthood 703
Senescence Stage 703
Causes of Family Stress 703
Chronic Illness 704
Working Mothers 704
Abuse 704
Divorce 704
Stages of Growth and Development 705
Psychosocial Development 705
Cognitive and Intellectual Development 705
Communication and Language 705
Infancy: 1 to 12 Months 706
Physical Characteristics 706
Vital signs. 707
Dentition. 707
Motor Development 707
Locomotion. 707
Psychosocial Development 707
Cognitive and Intellectual Development 707
Health Promotion 708
Nutrition. 708
Sleep, play activity, and safety. 709
Toddler: 1 to 3 Years 710
Physical Characteristics 710
Vital signs. 710
Neuromuscular Development 710
Toilet training. 711
Psychosocial Development 711
Cognitive and Intellectual Development 712
Communication and Language 712
Health Promotion 712
Nutrition. 712
Sleep, play activity, and safety. 712
Preschool: 3 to 5 Years 713
Physical Characteristics 713
Vital signs. 713
Psychosocial Development 714
Cognitive and Intellectual Development 714
Communication and Language 714
Health Promotion 715
Nutrition. 715
Sleep, play activity, and safety. 715
School Age: 6 to 12 Years 716
Physical Characteristics 716
Vital Signs. 716
Dentition. 716
Psychosocial Development 716
Cognitive and Intellectual Development 717
Communication and Language 717
Health Promotion 717
Nutrition. 717
Sleep, play activity, and safety. 718
Adolescence: 12 to 19 Years 719
Physical Characteristics 719
Vital signs. 719
Psychosocial Development 720
Cognitive Development 720
Moral Development 720
Health Promotion 721
Nutrition. 721
Sleep, play activity, and safety. 721
Emotional health. 721
Early Adulthood: 20 to 40 Years 722
Physical Characteristics 722
Psychosocial Development 723
Cognitive Development 723
Health Promotion 723
Nutrition. 723
Rest and sleep. 723
Physical and dental examinations. 723
Safety. 724
Middle Adulthood: 40 to 65 Years 724
Physical Characteristics 724
Psychosocial Development 725
Health Promotion 725
Nutrition. 725
Physical and dental examinations. 726
Sleep and rest. 726
Late Adulthood: 65 Years and Older 726
Ageism 727
Biologic Theories of Aging 727
Autoimmunity theory. 728
Free radical theory. 728
Wear-and-tear theory. 728
Biologic programming theory. 728
Psychological Theories of Aging 728
Disengagement theory. 728
Activity theory. 728
Continuity theory. 728
Physical Characteristics 728
Psychosocial Development 729
Family Roles 731
Cognitive and Intellectual Development 731
Memory. 731
Health Promotion 731
Nutrition. 732
Activity. 732
Sleep. 732
Safety. 732
Get Ready for the NCLEX® Examination! 732
Key Points 732
Additional Learning Resources 733
Review Questions for the NCLEX® Examination 733
24 Loss, Grief, Dying, and Death 735
Objectives 735
Key Terms 735
Changes in Health Care Related to Dying and Death 736
Historical Overview 736
Loss 736
Grief 737
Sense of Presence 738
Grief Attacks 738
Nurses’ Grief 738
Stages of Grief and Dying 739
Complicated Grief 741
Supportive Care during the Dying and Grieving Process 741
Assessment 741
Physical assessment. 741
Emotional assessment. 741
Intellectual assessment. 741
Sociocultural assessment. 744
Spiritual assessment. 744
Shock and Denial 745
Nursing Process in Loss And Grief 745
Assessment 745
Nursing Diagnosis 746
Expected Outcomes and Planning 746
Implementation 747
Evaluation 747
Special Supportive Care 748
Perinatal Death 748
Pediatric Death 748
Suicide 750
Gerontologic Death 750
Sudden or Unexpected Death 750
Issues Related to Dying and Death 750
Euthanasia 750
Do Not Resuscitate 750
Advance Directives 751
Organ Donations 751
Rights of Dying Patients 751
Fraudulent Methods of Treatment 752
The Dying Patient 752
Communicating with the Dying Patient 752
Assisting the Patient in Saying Good-Bye 752
Palliative Care 753
Physical Care 753
Assessments and Interventions 754
Inquest 756
Postmortem Care 756
Documentation 758
The Grieving Family 758
Support 758
Resolution of Grief 759
Get Ready for the NCLEX® Examination! 759
Key Points 759
Additional Learning Resources 759
Review Questions for the NCLEX® Examination 760
25 Health Promotion and Pregnancy 762
Objectives 762
Key Terms 762
Physiology of Pregnancy 762
Fertilization 763
Implantation 763
Embryonic and Fetal Development 764
Embryonic and Fetal Physiology 764
Placenta 764
Fetal Membranes 764
Umbilical Cord 772
Amniotic Fluid 772
Assessment of Fetal Well-Being 772
Fetal Heart Tones 772
Fundal Height 772
Human Chorionic Gonadotropin Levels 773
Ultrasound Scan 774
Maternal Serum Alpha-Fetoprotein Screening (Quadruple Marker Screening) 774
Nuchal Translucency Testing 775
Chorionic Villus Sampling 775
Amniocentesis 775
Nonstress Test 776
Contraction Stress Test 776
Magnetic Resonance Imaging 776
Biophysical Profile 776
Maternal Physiology 776
Hormonal Changes 776
Uterus 777
Breasts 777
Cycles of Pregnancy and Childbirth 778
Antepartal Assessment 778
General Physical Assessment 778
Genetic Counseling 778
Obstetric Assessment 778
Gynecologic Examination 779
Determination of Pregnancy 779
Presumptive Signs 779
Probable Signs 779
Positive Signs 780
Determination of the Estimated Date of Birth 780
Obstetric Terminology 780
Antepartal Care 781
Health Promotion 781
Danger Signs during Pregnancy 782
Nutritional and Metabolic Health Pattern 783
Pica 783
Common Discomforts 783
Skin Changes 783
Changes in the Cardiovascular System 784
Changes in the Respiratory System 784
Changes in the Musculoskeletal System 784
Hygiene Practices 785
Elimination 786
Gastrointestinal System 786
Urinary System 786
Activity and Exercise 786
Rest and Sleep 787
Sexuality and Reproductive System 787
Breast Changes 787
Sexual Activity 787
Vaginal Bleeding 788
Coping and Stress Tolerance 788
Roles, Relationships, and Adaptation 789
Self-Perception and Self-Concept 789
Cognitive and Perceptual Changes 789
Preparation for Childbirth 789
Childbirth Preparation Classes 790
Cultural Variations in Prenatal Care 790
Nursing Process for Normal Pregnancy 791
Assessment 791
Nursing Diagnosis 791
Expected Outcomes and Planning 791
Implementation 792
Evaluation 793
Get Ready for the NCLEX® Examination! 794
Key Points 794
Additional Learning Resources 794
Review Questions for the NCLEX® Examination 794
Fill in the Blank 796
26 Labor and Delivery 797
Objectives 797
Key Terms 797
Birth Planning 797
Birth Setting Choices 797
Hospitals 797
Birthing Centers 798
Home 798
Normal Labor 798
Onset 798
Signs of Impending Labor 798
False Labor Versus True Labor 799
Labor and Delivery 799
Standard Precautions during Childbirth 799
Process of Labor and Delivery 800
Passageway 800
Pelvis. 800
Soft tissues. 801
Passenger 801
Fetus. 801
Fetal attitude. 802
Fetal presentation. 802
Fetal position. 802
Placenta. 804
Powers 805
Primary powers. 805
Secondary powers. 806
Position of the Woman in Labor 806
Psyche 808
Mechanisms of Labor 808
Stages of Labor and Delivery 808
First Stage: Dilation 808
Second Stage: Delivery of the Fetus 809
Third Stage: Delivery of the Placenta 812
Fourth Stage: Stabilization 812
Monitoring Fetal Status 815
Electronic Fetal Monitoring 815
Fetal Distress 817
Response of the Newborn to Birth 819
Nursing Assessment and Interventions 820
Health Perception and Health Management 820
Nutritional and Metabolic Pattern 820
Elimination 821
Activity and Exercise 821
Vaginal Examination 821
Psychosocial Assessment 821
Coping and Stress Tolerance 821
Roles and Relationships 822
Doulas 822
Father or Partner During Labor 822
Self-Perception 823
Women With a History of Sexual Abuse 823
Cognitive and Perceptual Issues 824
General Anesthesia 824
Technique 824
Adverse Effects of General Anesthesia 826
Methods to Minimize Adverse Effects 826
Values and Beliefs 826
Non–English-Speaking Women in Labor 826
Precipitous Labor and Emergency Birth 826
Nursing Process for Normal Labor 827
Assessment 827
Nursing Diagnosis 827
Expected Outcomes and Planning 827
Implementation 827
Evaluation 828
Medical Interventions 828
Induction 829
Amniotomy 829
Prostaglandin Gel Application 829
Oxytocin Stimulation 830
Forceps Delivery 830
Vacuum Extraction 831
Cesarean Delivery 831
Get Ready for the NCLEX® Examination! 832
Key Points 832
Additional Learning Resources 832
Review Questions for the NCLEX® Examination 832
True Labor or False Labor 833
27 Care of the Mother and Newborn 834
Objectives 834
Key Terms 834
Anatomic and Physiologic Changes of the Mother 834
Reproductive Organs 834
Uterus 834
Cervix, Vagina, and Perineum 835
Lacerations of the genital tract. 836
Perineal lacerations. 836
Vaginal and urethral lacerations. 837
Cervical injuries. 837
Breasts 837
Other Body Systems 837
Cardiovascular 837
Urinary 837
Neurologic 837
Gastrointestinal 838
Endocrine 838
Musculoskeletal 839
Integumentary 839
Immune 839
Transfer From the Recovery Area 839
Nursing Assessment of and Interventions for the Mother 839
Health Management and Health Perception 839
Parent-Newborn Relationships 840
Maternal Self-Image 840
Promoting Parenting Skills 841
Nutritional and Metabolic Issues 844
Recovery Stage 844
Later Postpartum Stage 844
Hygiene 844
Elimination 845
Recovery Stage 845
Later Postpartum Stage 845
Maintenance of Safety 846
Activity and Exercise 846
Recovery Stage 846
Later Postpartum Stage 847
Rest and Sleep 847
Reproductive Issues 848
Recovery Stage 848
Later Postpartum Stage 848
Lactation and breastfeeding. 850
Psychosocial Assessment 853
Coping and Stress Tolerance 853
Signs of Potential Problems 853
Roles and Relationships 854
Self-Perception 854
Cognitive and Perceptual Issues 854
Nursing Process for the Postpartum Mother 855
Assessment 855
Nursing Diagnosis 855
Expected Outcomes and Planning 855
Implementation 855
Evaluation 856
Values and Beliefs 857
Preventing Infant Abduction 857
Discharge: before 24 Hours and after 48 Hours 858
Laws Relating to Discharge 858
Maternal Follow-Up Care 859
Well-Baby Follow-Up Care 859
Anatomy and Physiology of the Healthy Newborn 859
Assessment Immediately after Delivery 859
Characteristics 859
Body Size and Shape 859
Vital Signs 859
Skin 859
Color. 859
Appearance. 860
Head 860
Face. 860
Eyes. 861
Ears. 861
Umbilical Cord 861
Providing cord care. 861
Reflexes 861
Genitalia 862
Spine 862
Extremities 862
Nursing Assessment and Interventions for the Newborn 865
Health Management and Health Perception 865
Nutritional and Metabolic Issues 866
Nutritional Requirements 866
Hypothermia 867
Hygiene 867
Elimination 868
Rest and Sleep 869
Activity and Exercise 869
Parent-Child Attachment 870
Get Ready for the NCLEX® Examination! 872
Key Points 872
Additional Learning Resources 872
Review Questions for the NCLEX® Examination 872
Fill in the Blank 874
28 Care of the High-Risk Mother, Newborn, and Family With Special Needs 875
Objectives 875
Key Terms 875
Complications of Pregnancy 877
Hyperemesis Gravidarum 878
Etiology 878
Clinical Manifestations 878
Assessment 878
Medical Management 878
Nursing Interventions and Patient Teaching 878
Prognosis 879
Multifetal Pregnancy 879
Etiology 879
Pathophysiology 879
Unit V Fundamentals of Mental Health Nursing 1110
33 Concepts of Mental Health 1110
Objectives 1110
Key Terms 1110
Historical Overview 1111
Basic Concepts Related to Mental Health 1113
Mental Health Continuum 1113
Personality and Self-Concept 1114
Stress 1115
Anxiety 1115
Motivation 1116
Frustration 1116
Conflict 1116
Adaptation and Coping 1116
How Illness Affects Mental Health 1116
Illness Behaviors 1118
Crisis 1119
Application of the Nursing Process 1120
Get Ready for the NCLEX® Examination! 1121
Key Points 1121
Additional Resources 1121
Review Questions for the NCLEX® Examination 1121
34 Care of the Patient With a Psychiatric Disorder 1123
Objectives 1123
Key Terms 1123
Types of Psychiatric Disorders 1124
Organic Mental Disorders 1124
Delirium 1124
Dementia 1124
Schizophrenia 1124
Positive Behavior Patterns 1128
Negative Behavior Patterns 1128
Subtypes of Schizophrenia 1129
Stages of Schizophrenia 1129
Major Mood Disorders 1129
Depression 1129
Bipolar Disorders 1130
Medical Treatment 1130
Anxiety Disorders 1131
Phobias 1132
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder 1133
Post-traumatic Stress Disorder 1133
Personality Disorders 1134
Sexual Disorders 1134
Psychophysiologic (Somatoform) Disorders 1135
Eating Disorders 1135
Anorexia Nervosa 1135
Bulimia Nervosa 1136
Treatment Methods 1136
Communication and the Therapeutic Relationship 1136
Psychotherapy 1136
Limits of Confidentiality 1136
Electroconvulsive Therapy 1137
Psychopharmacology 1138
Antidepressants 1138
Serotonin syndrome. 1138
Antimanic Agents 1141
Antipsychotic Agents 1141
Antianxiety Agents 1141
Alternative Therapies 1141
Application of the Nursing Process 1142
Get Ready for the NCLEX® Examination! 1142
Key Points 1142
Additional Resources 1143
Review Questions for the NCLEX® Examination 1143
35 Care of the Patient With an Addictive Personality 1145
Objectives 1145
Key Terms 1145
Addiction 1145
Stages of Dependence 1146
Early Stages 1146
Middle Stage 1147
Late Stage 1147
Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism 1147
Etiology and Pathophysiology 1148
Disorders Associated with Alcoholism 1148
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome 1148
Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome 1148
Delirium Tremens 1148
Korsakoff Psychosis and Wernicke Encephalopathy 1148
Nursing Management 1149
Assessment 1149
Diagnostic Tests 1149
Nursing Diagnoses 1150
Nursing Interventions 1150
Rehabilitation 1151
Group therapy. 1152
Alcoholics Anonymous. 1152
Treatment centers. 1152
Pain management. 1152
Drug Abuse 1152
Depressants 1153
Opioid Analgesics 1154
Stimulants 1155
Caffeine 1155
Nicotine 1155
Cocaine 1156
Amphetamines 1156
Hallucinogens 1156
Phencyclidine 1156
Lysergic Acid Diethylamide 1156
3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine 1157
Ketamine 1157
Mescaline and Psilocybin 1157
Cannabis 1157
Inhalants 1158
Chemically Impaired Nurses 1158
Get Ready for the NCLEX® Examination! 1161
Key Points 1161
Additional Resources 1161
Review Questions for the NCLEX® Examination 1161
Unit VI Fundamentals of Community Health Nursing 1164
36 Home Health Nursing 1164
Objectives 1164
Key Terms 1164
Home Health Care Defined 1165
Historical Overview 1165
Types of Home Care Agencies 1166
Changes in Home Health Care 1168
Service Components 1169
Skilled Nursing 1169
Service Goals 1169
Provider Attributes 1169
Role of the LPN/LVN 1170
Provider Attributes 1170
Functions 1170
Physical Therapy 1171
Speech-Language Therapy 1171
Occupational Therapy 1171
Medical Social Services 1172
Homemaker–Home Health Aide 1172
The Typical Home Health Process 1172
Referral 1172
Admission 1172
Care Plan 1173
Visits 1173
Documentation 1173
Discharge Planning 1173
Quality Assurance, Assessment, and Improvement 1174
Reimbursement Sources 1174
Medicare 1174
Medicaid 1175
Third Party 1175
Private Pay 1175
Other Sources 1175
Cultural Considerations 1175
Nursing Process for Home Health Care 1175
Assessment 1176
Nursing Diagnosis 1176
Expected Outcomes and Planning 1177
Implementation 1177
Evaluation 1177
Conclusion 1177
Get Ready for the NCLEX® Examination! 1178
Key Points 1178
Additional Learning Resources 1178
Review Questions for the NCLEX® Examination 1178
37 Long-Term Care 1180
Objectives 1180
Key Terms 1180
Settings for Long-Term Care 1181
The Home 1181
Role of the Licensed Practical Nurse/Licensed Vocational Nurse and the Registered Nurse in the Home Care Setting 1183
Hospice 1183
Community Resources 1183
Adult Daycare 1183
Transportation Services 1184
Respite Care 1184
Residential Care Settings 1184
Assisted Living 1184
Continuing Care Retirement Communities 1185
Institutional Settings 1185
Subacute Unit 1185
Long-Term Care Facility 1186
The long-term interdisciplinary care team. 1186
Legal, Ethical, and Financial Issues 1188
Functional assessment and documentation. 1189
Nursing Process 1189
Assessment 1189
Nursing Diagnosis 1190
Expected Outcomes and Planning 1190
Implementation 1190
Evaluation 1191
Get Ready for the NCLEX® Examination! 1191
Key Points 1191
Additional Learning Resources 1191
Review Questions for the NCLEX® Examination 1191
38 Rehabilitation Nursing 1193
Objectives 1193
Key Terms 1193
Need for Rehabilitation 1194
Chronic Illness and Disability 1194
Chronicity 1194
Scope of Individuals Requiring Rehabilitation 1194
Goals of Rehabilitation 1195
Cornerstones of Rehabilitation 1195
Comprehensive Rehabilitation Plan 1195
Rehabilitation Team 1195
Models of Team Functioning 1196
Rehabilitation Nurse 1197
Nursing Assessment 1197
Nursing Diagnosis 1198
Nursing Interventions 1198
Family and Family-Centered Care 1198
Cross-Cultural Rehabilitation 1198
Issues in Rehabilitation 1199
Chronic Conditions Necessitating Rehabilitation Therapy 1199
Cardiac Rehabilitation 1199
Pulmonary Rehabilitation 1199
Polytrauma and Rehabilitation Nursing 1200
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder 1200
Disability 1201
Spinal Cord Injuries 1201
Postural Hypotension 1202
Autonomic Dysreflexia 1202
Heterotopic Ossification 1204
Deep Vein Thrombosis 1204
Traumatic Brain Injuries 1204
Pediatric Rehabilitation Nursing 1205
Gerontologic Rehabilitation Nursing 1207
Conclusion 1207
Get Ready for the NCLEX® Examination! 1207
Key Points 1207
Additional Resources 1207
Review Questions for the NCLEX® Examination 1207
39 Hospice Care 1209
Objectives 1209
Key Terms 1209
Historical Overview 1209
Palliative Versus Curative Care 1210
Criteria for Admission to Hospice 1211
Goals of Hospice 1212
Interdisciplinary Team 1212
Medical Director 1213
Nurse Coordinator and Hospice Nurses 1213
Social Worker 1214
Spiritual Coordinator 1214
Volunteer Coordinator 1214
Bereavement Coordinator 1214
Hospice Pharmacist 1215
Nutrition Consultant 1215
Hospice Aide 1215
Other Services 1215
Palliative Care/Hospice 1215
Pain 1216
Nursing Interventions and Patient Teaching 1217
Nausea and Vomiting 1217
Nursing Interventions and Patient Teaching 1218
Constipation 1219
Unit VII Adult Health Nursing 1226
40 Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology 1226
Objectives 1226
Key Terms 1226
Anatomical Terminology 1226
Body Planes 1227
Body Cavities 1227
Ventral Cavity 1228
Dorsal Cavity 1228
Abdominal Regions 1228
Abdominopelvic Quadrants 1228
Structural Levels of Organization 1228
Cells 1229
Structural Parts of Cells 1230
Plasma membrane. 1230
Cytoplasm. 1230
Nucleus. 1230
Endoplasmic reticulum. 1231
Ribosomes. 1231
Mitochondria. 1231
Lysosomes. 1231
Golgi apparatus. 1231
Centrioles. 1231
Protein Synthesis 1231
Cell Division 1231
Movement of Materials Across Cell Membranes 1232
Active transport processes. 1232
Passive transport processes. 1232
Tissues 1234
Epithelial Tissue 1234
Connective Tissue 1234
Muscle Tissue 1234
Nervous Tissue 1236
Membranes 1236
Epithelial Membranes 1236
Mucous membranes. 1236
Serous membranes. 1236
Connective Tissue Membranes (Synovial Membranes) 1236
Organs and Systems 1236
Matching 1239
Get Ready for the NCLEX® Examination! 1238
Key Points 1238
Additional Learning Resources 1238
Review Questions for the NCLEX-PN® Examination 1238
41 Care of the Surgical Patient 1240
Objectives 1240
Key Terms 1240
Perioperative Nursing 1242
Influencing Factors 1242
Age 1242
Physical Condition 1242
Nutritional Factors 1242
Psychosocial Needs 1243
Socioeconomic and Cultural Needs 1243
Medications 1244
Education and Experience 1245
Preoperative Phase 1245
Preoperative Teaching 1246
Preoperative Preparation 1247
Laboratory Tests and Diagnostic Imaging 1248
Informed Consent 1248
Gastrointestinal Preparation 1248
Skin Preparation 1249
Latex Allergy Considerations 1249
Respiratory Preparation 1251
Cardiovascular Considerations 1253
Vital Signs 1256
Genitourinary Considerations 1256
Surgical Wounds 1259
Pain 1259
Tubes 1259
Preoperative Medication 1259
Anesthesia 1259
General anesthesia. 1259
Regional anesthesia. 1262
Local anesthesia. 1263
Conscious sedation. 1263
Positioning the patient for surgery. 1264
Preoperative Checklist 1265
Eliminating Wrong Site and Wrong Procedure Surgery 1265
Transport to the Operating Room 1265
Preparing for the Postoperative Patient 1265
Intraoperative Phase 1267
Holding Area 1267
The Nurse’s Role 1267
Postoperative Phase 1268
Immediate Postoperative Phase 1268
Later Postoperative Phase 1269
Immediate Assessments 1269
Incision 1271
Ventilation 1272
Pain 1272
Urinary Function 1273
Venous Stasis 1274
Activity 1274
Assessment. 1275
Nursing interventions. 1275
Gastrointestinal Status 1275
Fluids and Electrolytes 1276
Nursing Process for the Surgical Patient 1276
Assessment 1276
Nursing Diagnosis 1276
Expected Outcomes and Planning 1277
Implementation 1277
Evaluation 1277
Discharge: Providing General Information 1277
Ambulatory Surgery Discharge 1279
Get Ready for the NCLEX® Examination! 1280
Key Points 1280
Additional Learning Resources 1280
Review Questions for the NCLEX® Examination 1280
42 Care of the Patient With an Integumentary Disorder 1282
Objectives 1282
Key Terms 1282
Anatomy and Physiology of the Skin 1282
Functions of the Skin 1282
Protection 1282
Temperature Regulation 1283
Vitamin D Synthesis 1283
Structure of the Skin 1283
Epidermis 1283
Dermis 1284
Subcutaneous Layer 1284
Appendages of the Skin 1284
Sudoriferous Glands 1284
Ceruminous Glands 1284
Sebaceous Glands 1284
Hair and Nails 1284
Assessment of the Skin 1284
Inspection and Palpation 1284
Assessment of Dark Skin 1291
Chief Complaint 1291
Psychosocial Assessment 1291
Pressure Ulcers 1292
Nursing Interventions 1292
Wound Care 1292
Viral Disorders of the Skin 1292
Herpes Simplex 1292
Etiology and Pathophysiology 1292
Clinical Manifestations 1294
Assessment 1294
Diagnostic Tests 1294
Medical Management 1294
Nursing Interventions and Patient Teaching 1296
Prognosis 1297
Herpes Zoster (Shingles) 1297
Etiology and Pathophysiology 1297
Clinical Manifestations 1297
Assessment 1298
Diagnostic Tests 1298
Medical Management 1298
Nursing Interventions and Patient Teaching 1298
Unit VIII From Graduate to Professional, 2041 2041
57 Professional Roles and Leadership 2041
Objectives 2041
Key Terms 2041
Functioning as a Graduate 2041
Finding and Securing a Job 2041
Cover Letters 2041
Résumé 2042
Personal Interview 2042
Contracts and Starting Out 2042
Encountering Problems 2043
Work Schedule 2044
Advancement 2045
Terminating Employment 2045
Transition From Student to Graduate 2045
Know Your Role 2045
Confidentiality 2045
Role of the Licensed Practical/Vocational Nurse in the Community 2045
Professional Organizations 2047
Continuing Education 2047
Certification Opportunities 2048
Certification in Managed Care 2048
Certification in Pharmacology 2048
Certification in Long-Term Care 2048
Certification in Intravenous Therapy 2048
LPN/LVN Refresher Course 2048
Further Education: LPN/LVN-to-RN Programs 2049
Licensure Examination 2049
Test Preparation 2049
Taking the Test 2049
After the Test 2050
Endorsement and Reciprocity 2051
Nurse Licensing Compact and Mutual Recognition 2051
Nurse Practice Acts 2052
State Board of Nursing 2052
Mentoring and Networking 2052
Career Opportunities 2052
Hospitals 2052
Long-Term Care Facilities 2053
Home Health 2053
Health Care Provider’s Office or Clinic 2053
Insurance Companies 2054
Temporary Agencies 2054
Travel Opportunities 2054
Pharmaceutical Sales 2054
Other Medical Sales 2054
The Military 2054
Adult Day Services 2054
Schools 2054
Public/Community Health 2055
Outpatient Surgery 2055
Private Duty 2055
Government (Civil Service) 2055
Occupational Health 2055
Rehabilitation 2055
Mental Health-Psychiatric Nursing 2055
Hospice 2055
Correctional Facility Nursing 2056
Leadership and Management 2056
Autocratic Style 2056
Democratic Style 2056
Laissez-Faire Style 2057
Situational Leadership 2057
Team Leading 2057
Delegation 2057
Time Management 2057
Nursing Informatics 2057
Transcribing Health Care Providers’ Orders 2058
Change-of-Shift Report 2060
Malpractice Insurance 2060
Burnout 2061
Signs and Symptoms of Burnout 2062
Strategies for Burnout Prevention 2062
Awareness. 2062
Balance. 2062
Choice. 2062
Compartmentalizing. 2062
Altruistic egoism. 2062
Focus. 2062
Goals. 2063
Hope. 2063
Integrity. 2063
Chemically Impaired Nurses 2063
Get Ready for the NCLEX® Examination! 2063
Key Points 2063
Additional Resources 2064
Review Questions for the NCLEX® Examination 2064
Appendixes 2067
appendix A Abbreviations 2067
appendix B Laboratory Reference Values* 2069
appendix C Answers to Review Questions for the NCLEX® Examination 2080
Chapter 1 2080
Chapter 2 2080
Chapter 3 2080
Chapter 4 2080
Chapter 5 2080
Chapter 6 2080
Chapter 7 2080
Chapter 8 2080
Chapter 9 2080
Chapter 10 2080
Chapter 11 2080
Chapter 12 2081
Chapter 13 2081
Chapter 14 2081
Chapter 15 2081
Chapter 16 2081
Chapter 17 2081
Chapter 18 2081
Chapter 19 2081
Chapter 20 2081
Chapter 21 2081
Chapter 22 2081
Chapter 23 2082
Chapter 24 2082
Chapter 25 2082
Chapter 26 2082
Chapter 27 2082
Chapter 28 2082
Chapter 29 2082
Chapter 30 2082
Chapter 31 2082
Chapter 32 2082
Chapter 33 2082
Chapter 34 2083
Chapter 35 2083
Chapter 36 2083
Chapter 37 2083
Chapter 38 2083
Chapter 39 2083
Chapter 40 2083
Chapter 41 2083
Chapter 42 2083
Chapter 43 2083
Chapter 44 2083
Chapter 45 2083
Chapter 46 2084
Chapter 47 2084
Chapter 48 2084
Chapter 49 2084
Chapter 50 2084
Chapter 51 2084
Chapter 52 2084
Chapter 53 2084
Chapter 54 2084
Chapter 55 2084
Chapter 56 2085
Chapter 57 2085
References 2087
Chapter 1 2087
Chapter 2 2087
Chapter 3 2087
Chapter 4 2087
Chapter 5 2087
Chapter 6 2088
Chapter 7 2088
Chapter 8 2088
Chapter 9 2088
Chapter 10 2088
Chapter 11 2088
Chapter 12 2088
Chapter 13 2089
Chapter 14 2089
Glossary 2113
A 2113
B 2115
C 2116
D 2118
E 2120
F 2121
G 2122
H 2122
I 2124
J 2125
K 2125
L 2125
M 2126
N 2127
O 2128
P 2128
Q 2130
R 2130
S 2131
T 2133
U 2134
V 2134
W 2135
Y 2135
Z 2135
Index 2137
A 2137
B 2141
C 2143
D 2149
E 2153
F 2156
G 2157
H 2159
I 2163
J 2165
K 2165
L 2166
M 2168
N 2171
O 2173
P 2175
Q 2181
R 2181
S 2183
T 2187
U 2189
V 2190
W 2192
X 2192
Y 2192
Z 2192
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