Mosby's Textbook for Nursing Assistants - Soft Cover Version - E-Book
Sheila A. Sorrentino | Leighann Remmert
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With step-by-step instructions for over 100 nursing assistant procedures, Mosby's Textbook for Nursing Assistants, 8th Edition makes it easy to master the skills you need to succeed as a nursing assistant. Known for its visual approach and comprehensive, easy-to-read coverage, this market-leading text emphasizes the importance of the patient or resident as a person, communication, safety, comfort, effective delegation, and teamwork and time management. This edition provides expanded content on the person’s rights and pressure ulcers. The updated companion CD includes three new procedures, an updated audio glossary, and more. Written by respected educator Sheila Sorrentino and expert co-author Leighann Remmert, Mosby's Textbook for Nursing Assistants makes nurse assisting easy to learn.