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Crash Course: Quick Reference Guide to Medicine and Surgery - E-Book

Crash Course: Quick Reference Guide to Medicine and Surgery - E-Book

Leonora Weil | Daniel Horton-Szar | John Rees | Adrian Wagg


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    Crash Course – your effective everyday study companion PLUS the perfect antidote for exam stress! Save time and be assured you have all the information you need in one place to excel on your course and achieve exam success.

    Crash Course Quick Reference Guide to Medicine and Surgery is a unique new volume in the series, spanning the core clinical topics across the medical curriculum. It is as useful for your first day as a clinical medical student as it is for preparing for your medical finals and beyond. Presented in a consistent format that is clear, concise and easy to assimilate, it is an essential text for any medical student or junior doctor.

    • Includes the core medicine and surgery that you need for examinations
    • Clear explanations for every common medical condition with an emphasis on the key points
    • A consistent format to allow quick reference for each disease
    • Maintains a focus throughout on questions that commonly appear in the final MBBS examinations
    • Mnemonics, memory aids and figures are included to aid with revision
    • Written by recent graduates together with consultants and experts for each specialty– those closest to what is essential for exam success
    • Quality assured by leading Faculty Advisors – to ensure complete accuracy of information
    • Co-written by specialty experts
    • Comes with access to the complete electronic version for enhanced anytime, anywhere access, with seamless real-time integration between devices
  • Written by senior medical students or junior doctors – authors WHO REALLY UNDERSTAND today’s exam situation!
  • Senior Faculty Advisors ensure complete accuracy of the text!
  • Rich artwork programme and other useful aide-mémoires help you remember the key points!
  • Self-Assessment section – fully updated to reflect new curriculum requirements – helps you maximise your grade!

  • Table of Contents

    Section Title Page Action Price
    Front Cover Cover
    Crash Course: Quick Reference Guide to Medicine and Surgery iii
    Copyright iv
    Contents v
    Series editor foreword vii
    Author preface ix
    Acknowledgements xi
    Picture credits xii
    Chapter 1 xii
    Chapter 2 xii
    Chapter 3 xii
    Chapter 4 xii
    Chapter 5 xii
    Chapter 6 xiii
    Chapter 7 xiii
    Chapter 8 xiii
    Chapter 9 xiii
    Chapter 10 xiii
    Chapter 11 xiii
    Chapter 13 xiv
    Chapter 14 xiv
    Chapter 15 xiv
    Dedication xv
    Normal values xvii
    Abbreviations xxi
    Chapter 1: The acutely unwell patient 1
    Patient has collapsed or is acutely unwell 1
    Perform DR ABC DE 1
    DR: danger and response 1
    ABC 1
    D: Disability 1
    DEFG: Don't ever forget glucose 1
    Criteria to call the outreach team from the intensive care unit 1
    The patient in respiratory or circulatory arrest 1
    Basic life support: ABC approach 1
    Advanced life support (figure 1.1) 3
    Chapter 2: Cardiology 13
    Blood supply to the heart 13
    Electrical conductivity 13
    Important causes of sudden cardiac death in the young adult 13
    Bradycardias 13
    Symptoms and signs 13
    Common causes 13
    Uncommon causes 13
    Classification and origin 13
    Sinus bradycardia 13
    Sick sinus syndrome (tachy-brady syndrome) 14
    AV node block: first-degree heart block 14
    AV node block: second-degree heart block 14
    AV node block: third-degree (complete block) 14
    Bundle branch block 15
    Emergency management of bradycardias 15
    Tachycardias 15
    Symptoms and signs 16
    Classification and origin 16
    Supraventicular tachycardias 16
    Ventricular tachycardia (VT) 16
    Sinus tachycardia 16
    Atrial flutter 17
    Atrial fibrillation 17
    AV re-entry tachycardia, e.g. Wolff-Parkinson-White 17
    Monomorphic ventricular tachycardias 18
    Torsade de pointes (polymorphic ventricular tachycardias) 18
    Ventricular fibrillation 18
    Emergency management of tachycardias 18
    Investigations 18
    Blood tests: serum cardiac enzymes 18
    ECG 18
    Exercise tolerance test 18
    Echocardiogram 18
    Stress echocardiogram 20
    Myocardial perfusion scan 20
    Cardiac catheterisation/coronary angiography 20
    Cardiac CT (computed tomography) 21
    Cardiac MRI 21
    Chapter 3: Respiratory system 73
    Types of ventilation aids 73
    Investigations 73
    Bedside tests 73
    Blood tests 73
    Arterial blood gas 73
    Lung function tests: spirometry 74
    Lung volumes 74
    Chest radiography 74
    Bronchoscopy 74
    Diagnostic pleural fluid aspiration 75
    Ventilation perfusion (V/Q) scan 75
    CT pulmonary angiography 75
    Ultrasound 75
    Lung biopsy 75
    Video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery 75
    See also 75
    Chapter 4: Gastroenterology 127
    Sections of the gut 127
    Abdominal pain 127
    Investigations 127
    Blood tests 127
    Abdominal radiography (AXR) 127
    Abdominal US 127
    Abdominal CT 127
    Abdominal MRI 127
    Barium studies 127
    Oesophageal pH monitoring 127
    Manometry 127
    Endoscopy 127
    Preparation for an endoscopy 128
    Complications of endoscopy 128
    See also 128
    Chapter 5: Hepatology 153
    Liver function 153
    Liver anatomy 153
    Bilirubin metabolism 153
    Acute and chronic liver injury 153
    The gallbladder 153
    Important terms 153
    Liver tumours 153
    Benign primary tumours 153
    Malignant primary tumours 154
    Secondary tumour: metastases 154
    Investigations 154
    Blood tests 154
    Ultrasound 156
    Transient elastography 156
    CT 156
    MRI 156
    Magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography 156
    Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography 157
    Percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography 157
    Liver biopsy 157
    See also 157
    Chapter 6: Neurology 203
    The brain 203
    The spinal cord 203
    The motor system 203
    Innervation 205
    Vision and the eyes 205
    Innervation of the muscles of the eye 205
    Drug-induced dyskinesias 206
    Investigations 207
    Abbreviated Mental Test Score 207
    Blood tests 207
    Electroencephalography (EEG) 207
    Visual evoked responses 208
    Electromyography 208
    Nerve conduction studies 208
    Lumbar puncture 208
    CT 208
    MRI 208
    See also 208
    Chapter 7: Renal system 273
    Kidneys 273
    The nephron 273
    Glomerular filtration rate 273
    Symptomology 273
    Dialysis 273
    Haemodialysis 273
    Peritoneal dialysis 273
    Investigations 273
    Blood tests 273
    Urine 274
    Microscopy 274
    Radiography 274
    Ultrasound 274
    Intravenous urogram 274
    Renal angiography 274
    Cystoscopy 274
    Renal biopsy 274
    See also 275
    Chapter 8: Haematology and oncology 313
    Haematology 313
    Blood formation 313
    Red blood cells (erythrocytes) 313
    Haemostasis 313
    Investigations 313
    Blood tests 313
    Full blood count (FBC) 313
    Haematinics 314
    Inflammatory markers 314
    Markers of haemolysis 314
    Blood film 315
    Coagulation tests 315
    Bone marrow: aspirate and biopsy 315
    Positron emission tomography 316
    Oncology 318
    Basic oncological terminology 318
    Oncological emergencies 318
    Tumour lysis syndrome 318
    Febrile neutropenia 318
    Spinal cord compression 318
    Hypercalcaemia 318
    Superior vena caval obstruction 319
    Cancer treatment 319
    Terminology for cancer treatment 319
    See also 320
    Chapter 9: Endocrinology 373
    The pituitary gland 373
    Anterior pituitary 373
    Posterior pituitary 373
    The adrenal gland 373
    Aldosterone production 373
    The pancreas 374
    The thyroid 374
    Calcium and vitamin D 374
    Body mass index 377
    See also 377
    Chapter 10: Rheumatology 425
    Useful bone terminology (Fig. 10.1) 425
    Seronegative vs. rheumatoid arthropathy 425
    Affected joints in rheumatological disease 425
    Antibodies in rheumatological disease 425
    Investigations 425
    Blood tests 425
    Synovial aspirate 425
    Imaging 425
    Dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) 426
    Arthroscopy 426
    See also 426
    Chapter 11: Immunology and infectious diseases 473
    Defences against disease 473
    External defence mechanisms 473
    Innate mechanisms 473
    Adaptive mechanisms 473
    Hypersensitivity reactions 473
    Empirical choice of antibiotics 473
    See also system-specific infections 474
    Chapter 12: Biochemistry 499
    Sodium 499
    Sodium regulation 499
    Volume receptors 499
    Osmoreceptors 499
    Potassium 499
    Potassium regulation 499
    Interpreting acidosis and alkalosis 500
    See also 500
    Chapter 13: Surgery 509
    Common surgical prefixes and suffixes 509
    Admissions for surgery 509
    Emergency admissions 509
    Elective admissions 509
    Common medications before and after surgery 509
    Anaesthesia 510
    Local anaesthetics 510
    General anaesthetics 510
    Complications after surgery 510
    Overview: Fluids and nutrition 510
    Fluid balance in the body 510
    Assessment of fluid status in a patient 510
    Types of intravenous fluid 510
    Additional requirements 512
    Chapter 14: Examinations and investigations 593
    Taking a history 593
    How to take a basic history 593
    Presenting complaint 593
    History of presenting complaint 593
    Past medical history 593
    Surgical history 593
    Drug history 593
    Family history 593
    Social history 593
    Systems review 593
    Concluding remarks 593
    The surgical sieve 594
    Chapter 15: Clinical examinations 635
    Cardiac examination 635
    Introduction: WIPER 635
    Examination 635
    Hands 635
    Arm and neck 635
    Pulse characters and their associations 635
    Face 635
    Chest 636
    Inspect 636
    Palpate 636
    Auscultate 636
    Main questions to ask while listening to the heart 636
    Main areas to auscultate 636
    Heart sounds 636
    Types of cardiac murmur 637
    To complete the cardiovascular examination 637
    Respiratory examination 637
    Introduction: WIPER 637
    Examination 637
    Hands 637
    Arm and neck 637
    Eyes 637
    Mouth 637
    Chest 637
    Signs of hypoxia 638
    Signs of CO2 retention 638
    Palpation, percussion and auscultation 638
    Palpate 638
    Percussion 638
    Auscultate 638
    To complete the respiratory examination 639
    GI system examination 639
    Introduction: WIPER 639
    Examination 640
    General inspection 640
    Hands 640
    Arm 640
    Neck 640
    Eyes 640
    Mouth 640
    Chest 640
    Abdomen 640
    Palpation and percussion 640
    Light palpation 640
    Deep palpation 641
    Palpate and percuss 641
    Percussion 641
    Auscultation 641
    To complete the abdominal examination 641
    Peripheral sensory neurological examination 641
    Introduction: WIPER 641
    Examination 641
    Light touch (dorsal column) 642
    Pain (spinothalamic tract) 642
    Temperature (spinothalamic tract) 642
    Proprioception (dorsal column) 642
    Vibration (dorsal column) 642
    To complete the peripheral sensory examination 642
    Peripheral motor neurological examination 642
    Introduction: WIPER 642
    Examination 642
    General inspection 642
    Tone 642
    Power 642
    Reflexes 643
    Coordination/cerebellar signs 644
    Lower limb 644
    Upper limb 644
    Gait 644
    To complete the peripheral motor examination 644
    Patterns of altered movement and sensation 644
    Index 647