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Yen & Jaffe's Reproductive Endocrinology E-Book

Yen & Jaffe's Reproductive Endocrinology E-Book

Jerome F. Strauss | Robert L. Barbieri


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Yen & Jaffe’s Reproductive Endocrinology helps you successfully diagnose and manage the spectrum of female and male reproductive system diseases, from impaired fertility, infertility, and recurrent pregnancy loss through problems of sexual development, puberty, menstrual disturbances, fibroids, endometriosis, and reproductive aging. This trusted endocrinology reference book is ideal for studying or as a quick reference when making daily diagnostic and therapeutic decisions, ensuring it's just the resource you need to offer your patients the best possible care.

  • Apply the latest reproductive endocrinology advances in basic and clinical science, including molecular, cellular, and genetic concepts, and grasp their relevance to pathophysiology, diagnosis, and therapy.
  • Maximize fertility in women and men undergoing chemotherapy and other cancer treatments, and counsel patients on environmental factors affecting reproduction.
  • Stay on top of recent developments including the impact of obesity on fertility; ovarian tissue banking; cryopreservation; pre-implantation genetic diagnosis; ovulation induction; and risks and treatments for steroid hormone-responsive cancers.
  • View basic anatomic structures, endocrine processes, and cell function and dysfunction with absolute clarity through full-color illustrations and new images throughout.
  • Confidently perform procedures through expanded coverage of reproductive and infertility surgery.
  • Apply the latest reproductive endocrinology advances in basic and clinical science, including molecular, cellular, and genetic concepts, and grasp their relevance to pathophysiology, diagnosis, and therapy.
  • Maximize fertility in women and men undergoing chemotherapy and other cancer treatments, and counsel patients on environmental factors affecting reproduction.
  • Stay on top of recent developments including the impact of obesity on fertility; ovarian tissue banking; cryopreservation; pre-implantation genetic diagnosis; ovulation induction; and risks and treatments for steroid hormone-responsive cancers.
  • View basic anatomic structures, endocrine processes, and cell function and dysfunction with absolute clarity through full-color illustrations and new images throughout.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front Cover Cover
Yen & Jaffe’s Reproductive Endocrinology\r iii
Copyright\r iv
Remembrance v
Contributors vii
Preface xiii
Acknowledgments xiii
Contents xv
Chapter 1\rNeuroendocrinology of Reproduction 3
The Central Control of Reproduction 3
Neuroendocrinology: The Interface Between Neurobiology and Endocrinology 3
Suggested Readings 26
References 26.e1
Chapter 2 - The Gonadotropin Hormones and Their Receptors* 27
Other Heterodimeric Glycoproteins Related to the Gonadotropins 29
Gonadotropin Receptors 35
Low Molecular Weight Gonadotropin Receptor Agonists and Antagonists 39
Suggested Readings 44
References 44.e1
Chapter 3 - Prolactin in Human Reproduction 45
Anatomy and Physiology 45
Neuroendocrine Regulation 48
Prolactin Action 50
Prolactinoma 56
Pregnancy in Women with Prolactinomas 63
Suggested Readings 65
References 65.e1
Chapter 4 - The Synthesis and Metabolism of Steroid Hormones 66
Steroid Hormone Structure and Nomenclature 66
Organization of Steroidogenic Organs and Cells 67
Acquisition, Storage, and Trafficking of Cholesterol 67
Regulation of Cellular Cholesterol Balance 70
Overview of Steroidogenesis 70
Other Steroid Hormone Metabolical Pathways 84
Regulation of Expression of the Steroidogenic Machinery 86
Examples of Extraglandular Steroidogenesis 88
Secretion, Production, and Metabolic Clearance Rates of Steroid Hormones 88
Plasma Steroid Hormone–Binding Proteins 89
Inhibitors of Steroidogenic Enzymes 90
Suggested Readings 92
References 92.e11
Chapter 5 - Steroid Hormone Action 93
Steroid Hormone Receptors Act as Ligand-Dependent Transcription Factors or Repressors 93
Evolution of Steroid Hormone Receptor Structure and Function 93
? 94
Activation and Repression of Gene Expression 97
General Factors That Influence Steroid Hormone Action 100
Nongenomic Actions of Steroids 105
Summary 107
Suggested Readings 107
References 107.e1
Chapter 6 - Prostaglandins and Other Lipid Mediators in Reproductive Medicine 108
Biosynthesis of Eicosanoids 108
Pharmacology of Eicosanoids 113
Eicosanoids and Reproduction 116
Summary 123
Suggested Readings 123
References 123.e1
Chapter 7 - Growth Factors and Reproduction 124
Ovarian Development 124
Ovarian Folliculogenesis 127
Formation of the Reproductive Tracts 132
Regression of the Müllerian Ducts 133
Role of Growth Factors in Uterine Biology 135
Growth Factor Pathways in Male Reproduction 139
Growth Factors in the Clinic 139
Conclusions 139
Acknowledgments 139
Suggested Readings 139
Supplemental Table References 140.e4
References 140.e6
Chapter 8 - Neuroendocrine Control of the Menstrual Cycle 141
The Reproductive Axis 141
Neuroendocrine Components of the Reproductive Axis 141
Differential Control of LH and FSH Secretion 145
The Normal Menstrual Cycle 148
Suggested Readings 156
References 156.e1
Chapter 9 - The Ovarian Life Cycle 157
Primordial Germ Cells 157
Ovarian Morphogenesis 159
Epigenetic Programming and Germ Cell Development 160
The Follicle and Its Surroundings 161
The Follicular Life Cycle 168
Ovarian Aging 185
Suggested Readings 191
References 191.e1
Chapter 10 - The Structure, Function, and Evaluation of the Female Reproductive Tract 192
Structure and Morphology 192
Steroid Hormone Regulation of Female Reproductive Tract Growth and Differentiation 195
The Adult Female Reproductive Tract and Dynamic Changes During the Menstrual Cycle 200
Immunology of the Reproductive Tract 214
Uterine Receptivity and Embryo Implantation 217
The Role of Growth Factors, Cytokines and Gondadotropins in Establishing a Receptive State 223
Early Implantation Events in the Human 227
Biochemical Evaluation of the Endometrium 230
Clinical Evaluation of the Endometrium 231
Uterine Transplantation 235
Suggested Readings 235
References 235.e1
Chapter 11 - The Breast 236
Development of the Breast 236
Mammary Stem Cells 237
Estradiol and Testosterone: Duelling Steroids 237
Lactation 237
Benign Breast Disease 241
Breast Cancer 242
Suggested Reading 242
References 242.e1
Chapter 12 - The Endocrinology of Human Pregnancy and Fetal-Placental Neuroendocrine Development 243
Establishment of Pregnancy 243
The Endocrine Placenta 246
Development of the Fetal Neuroendocrine System 258
Fetal Maturation and Timing of Parturition 263
Suggested Reading 271
References 271.e1
Chapter 13 - The Hypothalamo-Pituitary Unit, Testis, and Male Accessory Organs 272
Physiology of the Male Gonadal Axis 272
Sex-Steroid Receptors 278
The Testis 281
Prostate Gland 282
Spermatogenesis 282
Sertoli Cells 285
Regulation of Male Fertility 285
Decremental Changes in GNRH-LH-TE Axis in Aging 285
Acknowledgments 286
Suggested Readings 286
References 286.e1
Chapter 14 - Immunology and Reproduction 287
Basic Immune Principles 287
Alloimmunity and Reproduction 297
Autoimmunity and Reproduction 301
Suggested Readings 307
References 307.e1
Chapter 15 - Menopause and Aging 308
Epidemiology 308
Breast Cancer 330
The Decision to Use Estrogen 334
Androgen Therapy 336
Alternative Therapies for Menopause 336
Use of a Progestogen 337
Aging 338
Suggested Readings 339
References 339.e1
Chapter 16 - Male Reproductive Aging 340
Changes in Male Reproductive Function with Age 340
Attempts to Reverse the Consequences of Aging by Testosterone Treatment 344
Conclusions 347
Suggested Readings 347
References 348.e1
Chapter 17 -\rDisorders of Sex Development 351
Introduction to Human Sex Development 351
46,XY Disorders of Sex Development 358
46,XX Disorders of Sex Development 367
General Management for Patients with DSD 370
Suggested Readings 376
References 376.e1
Chapter 18 - Puberty: Gonadarche and Adrenarche 377
Stages of Pubertal Development, Secular Trends, and Racial and Ethnic Differences 377
Physiology of Puberty 380
Disorders of Early Puberty 392
Approach to the Child with Precocious Pubertal Development 401
Disorders of Delayed Puberty 402
Approach to the Child with Delayed Puberty 417
Psychosocial Considerations for Precocious and Delayed Puberty 420
Conclusion 420
Suggested Readings 421
References 421.e1
Chapter 19 - Nutrition and Reproduction 422
Nutrition and Puberty 423
How Does Fat Signal the HPO Axis? 423
How Does Body Weight Modify Puberty and Adult Reproduction? 425
Adult Obesity and Reproduction 427
Nutrition in the Young Oncology Patient 430
Summary 431
Conclusions 431
Suggested Readings 431
References 431.e1
Chapter 20 - Environmental Factors and Reproduction 432
What Is Reproductive Environmental Health 432
Key Scientific Concepts 433
Summary and Conclusion 438
Suggested Readings 438
References 438.e1
Chapter 21 - Physiological and Pathophysiological Alterations of the Neuroendocrine Components of the Reproductive Axis 439
Hypothalamic Dysfunction 440
Pituitary Dysfunction 469
Suggested Readings 484
References 485.e1
Chapter 22 - Polycystic Ovary Syndrome and Hyperandrogenic States 485
Epidemiology 485
Clinical Description 486
PCOS in Adolescence 490
Altered Physiology 493
Adrenal Function 502
Pathophysiological Concept 504
Long-Term Consequences 506
Differential Diagnosis 507
Evaluation 508
Treatment 509
Suggested Readings 511
References 511.e1
Chapter 23 - Female Infertility 512
A Statistical Model of Infertility 512
Diseases Associated with Infertility 513
The Initial Infertility Evaluation 514
Abnormalities in Oocyte Production 516
Hyperprolactinemia 525
Anatomical Factors in the Female 527
Immunological Factors and Recurrent Abortion 531
Genetic Causes of Infertility 531
Unexplained Infertility 532
Environmental Exposures Associated With Infertility 536
Contraindications to Infertility Treatment 536
Infertility Treatment and Pregnancy Outcomes 536
Adoption 537
Psychosocial Aspects of Infertility 537
Social and Ethical Issues 537
Suggested Readings 537
References 537.e1
Chapter 24 - Male Infertility 538
The Male History and Physical Examination 538
Treatment of Male Infertility 543
Advances in Identifying Genes Involved in Male Infertility 549
Conclusions 550
Suggested Readings 550
References 550.e1
Chapter 25 - Endocrine Disturbances Affecting Reproduction 551
Pituitary Disorders 551
Adrenal Disorders 556
Thyroid Disorders 560
Suggested Readings 564
References 564.e1
Chapter 26 - Endometriosis 565
History and Histogenesis 565
Epidemiology 566
Genomics, Genetics, and Epigenetics 567
Clinical Presentation 569
Pathogenesis 573
Lesion Establishment (Adhesion, Proteolysis, Invasion) 575
Possible Mechanisms of Endometriosis-Associated Infertility 579
Endometriosis and Genital Tract Carcinoma 580
Treatment 580
Medical Therapy for Pain Associated with Endometriosis 581
Summary 584
Suggested Readings 584
References 585.e1
Chapter 27 - Benign Uterine Diseases 586
Uterine Leiomyomata 586
Adenomyosis 596
Endometrial Polyps 598
Abnormal Uterine Bleeding 599
Intrauterine Adhesions 600
Dysmenorrhea 602
Suggested Readings 603
References 603.e1
Chapter 28 - Endocrine Diseases of Pregnancy 604
Diabetes Mellitus 604
Obesity and Pregnancy 617
Hypothalamic-Pituitary Diseases 619
Disorders of Thyroid Function 624
Disorders of Calcium Metabolism 633
Adrenal Diseases 634
Ovarian Endocrine Tumors 638
Preeclampsia 639
Parturition 644
Suggested Readings 650
References 650.e1
Chapter 29 - Hormone Responsive Cancers 651
Breast Cancer 651
Decreasing Breast Cancer Incidence in the United States 659
Prevention of Breast Cancer 661
Treatment of Established Breast Cancers 664
Hormonal Therapies for Breast Cancer 667
Long-Term Quality of Life in Breast Cancer Survivors 675
Breast Cancer in Men 675
Prostate Cancer 676
Locally Advanced or Metastatic Disease 685
Endometrial Carcinoma 690
Suggested Readings 698
Supplemental Table References 698.e1
References 698.e2
Chapter 30 - Medical Approaches to Ovarian Stimulation for Infertility 701
Induction of Ovulation in Anovulatory Women 708
Ovarian Stimulation for in Vitro Fertilization 720
Toward Individualized Treatment Algorithms 728
Health Economics of Ovarian Stimulation 731
Conclusions and Future Perspective 732
Suggested Readings 733
References 733.e1
Chapter 31 - Assisted Reproduction 734
The Gametes 735
Fertilization 738
The Early Conceptus and Implantation 739
In Vitro Fertilization: Clinical and Laboratory Aspects 740
Concluding Remarks 772
Suggested Readings 772
References 773.e1
Chapter 32 - Gamete and Embryo Manipulation 774
Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection 774
Assisted Hatching 782
Embryo Biopsy 784
Suggested Readings 790
References 790.e1
Chapter 33 - Fertility Preservation 791
Reproductive Dysfunction as a Result of Cancer or Its Treatment 792
Oncofertility Medical Management 796
Investigational Methods and Basic Science 808
Oncofertility Patient Management 813
An Example of Integrated Care Network: The National Physicians Cooperative 815
The Fertility Preservation Patient Navigator 815
Decision Aids and Patient and Provider Information 815
Advocacy 816
Establishing an Oncofertility Program 817
Special Cases in Fertility Preservation 817
Legal and Ethical Issues Surrounding Fertility Preservation 819
Summary and Outlook 820
Acknowledgements 820
Funding 820
Suggested Readings 821
References 821.e2
Chapter 34 - Laboratory Assessment 822
Immunoassays 822
Measurement of Specific Reproductive Protein and Peptide Hormones 829
Measurement of Sex Steroid Hormones 834
Assessment of Glucose Metabolism and Insulin Activity 839
Measurement of Adipose Tissue Hormones 841
Measurement of Growth Hormone and Growth Factors 842
Measurement of Calcium-Regulating Hormones and Bone Markers 843
Measurement and Blood Levels of Thyroid Hormones 844
Evaluation of Glucocorticoids and Adrenal Function 845
Diagnostic Procedure in Suspected Pituitary Tumors 846
Pelvic Imaging Evaluation 848
Suggested Readings 849
References 850.e1
Chapter 35 - Pelvic Imaging in Reproductive Endocrinology 851
Vaginal Ultrasound and In Vitro Fertilization 851
Functional Pelvic Imaging in Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility 852
Ovaries 872
Contrast Imaging of the Fallopian Tubes 883
Endometriosis 886
Suggested Readings 889
References 889.e1
Chapter 36 - Contraception 890
Contraceptive Effectiveness versus Efficacy 890
Intrauterine Contraception 890
Steroid Contraceptives 894
Spermicides and Barrier Methods 904
Microbicides 904
Barrier Methods 904
Contraception in Women of Special Subpopulations 906
Noncontraceptive Benefits of Hormonal Contraception 906
Suggested Readings 907
References 908.e1
Index 909