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Lookingbill and Marks' Principles of Dermatology E-Book

Lookingbill and Marks' Principles of Dermatology E-Book

James G. Marks | Jeffrey J. Miller


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Book Details


This book meets your needs for an affordable, well-structured, user-friendly guide to dermatological diagnosis and treatment. It begins with principles of diagnosis and therapy before going on to discuss the major groups of skin diseases. Each skin disorder is illustrated with a color clinical photograph as well as a line drawing showing you exactly what the entity looks like. The logical organization of the chapters guides you towards an accurate diagnosis with therapy options in highlighted boxes. Tables in each chapter rank diseases according to frequency of incidence and highlights clinical features to assist you in making a differential diagnosis. Clinical examples of unusual presentations or unusual cases test your understanding and ability to apply key principles discussed in the text.

  • Places cross-sectional line diagrams alongside color clinical photographs to show you what each syndrome looks like and provide schematic representation of the cause and condition.
  • Uses tables to summarize main characteristics of major groups of skin conditions.
  • Summarizes key information for easy comparison of variations of different skin diseases in same group.
  • Presents a consistent format to help you find information in a systematic way.
  • Includes color clinical photos to facilitate diagnosis.
  • Features self-assessment tests to polish your understanding of principles discussed.
  • Adds extra content at the end of each chapter with photos of more uncommon presentations to encourage you to think about non-obvious solutions.
  • Uses full-color histopathology illustrations for additional clarity.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front cover cover
Clinical Key FMi
Lookingbill and Marks' Principles of Dermatology i
Copyright page iv
Table of Contents v
Preface vii
Preface to the First Edition viii
Dedication ix
Acknowledgments x
1 Principles of Dermatology 1
1 Introduction 1
2 Structure and Function of the Skin 2
Chapter Contents 2
Abstract 2
Epidermis 2
Structure 3
Basal Cell Layer 3
Stratum Spinosum 3
Stratum Granulosum 3
Stratum Corneum 4
Other Cellular Components 4
Melanocytes 4
Langerhans Cells 4
Merkel Cells 5
Dermal–Epidermal Junction – the Basement Membrane Zone 5
Dermis 5
Nerves 6
Blood Vessels 7
Skin Appendages 7
Eccrine Sweat Glands 7
Apocrine Sweat Glands 7
Hair Follicle 8
Sebaceous Glands 8
Nails 9
Subcutaneous Fat 10
3 Principles of Diagnosis 11
Chapter Contents 11
Abstract 11
History 12
Preliminary History 12
Chief Complaint 12
History of the Present Illness 12
Onset and Evolution. 12
Symptoms. 12
Treatment to Date. 12
Follow-Up History 12
Past Medical History 12
Review of Systems 13
Family History 13
Social History 13
Physical Examination 13
Terminology of Skin Lesions 15
Clinicopathologic Correlations 15
Growths 22
Rashes 23
Miscellaneous Conditions 25
Configuration of Skin Lesions 25
Distribution of Skin Lesions 27
4 Dermatologic Therapy and Procedures 29
Chapter Contents 29
Abstract 29
Principles of Topical Therapy 29
Writing a Dermatologic Prescription 30
Dressings and Baths 31
Topical Steroids (Glucocorticosteroids) 31
Potency 31
Side-Effects 32
Guidelines for Topical Steroid Usage 32
Phototherapy 33
Photobiology and Therapy 33
Sun Protection 33
Diagnostic Tests 34
Potassium Hydroxide Mount for Dermatophytic Infections 34
Potassium Hydroxide Preparation for Candidal Infection 35
Tzanck Preparation 35
Scabies Scraping 36
Culture 36
Skin Biopsy 36
Immunofluorescence Test 37
Electron Microscopy 38
Patch Testing 38
Dermatologic Surgery 38
Excision 38
Curettage and Electrodesiccation 39
Cryosurgery 39
Patient Education 40
2 Growths 41
5 Epidermal Growths 41
Chapter Contents 41
Abstract 41
Actinic Keratosis 41
Definition 41
Incidence 41
History 41
Physical Examination 41
Differential Diagnosis 43
Laboratory and Biopsy 43
Therapy 43
Course and Complications 44
Pathogenesis 44
Basal Cell Carcinoma 44
Definition 44
Incidence 44
History 44
Physical Examination 44
Differential Diagnosis 46
Laboratory and Biopsy 46
Therapy 46
Course and Complications 47
Pathogenesis 47
Corns 47
Definition 47
Incidence 47
History 47
Physical Examination 47
Differential Diagnosis 48
Laboratory and Biopsy 48
Therapy 48
Course and Complications 48
Pathogenesis 48
Molluscum Contagiosum 48
Definition 48
Incidence 48
History 49
Physical Examination 49
Differential Diagnosis 49
Laboratory and Biopsy 49
Therapy 49
Course and Complications 49
Pathogenesis 49
Seborrheic Keratosis 50
Definition 50
Incidence 50
History 50
Physical Examination 50
Differential Diagnosis 50
3 Rashes with Epidermal Involvement 89
8 Eczematous Rashes 89
Chapter Contents 89
Abstract 89
Atopic Dermatitis 89
Definition 89
Incidence 90
History 90
Physical Examination 90
Differential Diagnosis 91
Laboratory and Biopsy 91
Therapy 91
Course and Complications 92
Pathogenesis 92
Contact Dermatitis 93
Definition 93
Incidence 93
History 93
Physical Examination 94
Differential Diagnosis 94
Laboratory and Biopsy 95
Therapy 95
Course and Complications 95
Pathogenesis 95
Essential Dermatitis 96
Definition 96
Incidence 96
History 97
Physical Examination 97
Differential Diagnosis 97
Biopsy 97
Therapy 97
Pathogenesis 98
Lichen Simplex Chronicus 99
Definition 99
Incidence 99
History 99
Physical Examination 99
Differential Diagnosis 99
Laboratory and Biopsy 100
Therapy 100
Course and Complications 100
Seborrheic Dermatitis 100
Definition 100
Incidence 100
History 100
Physical Examination 101
Differential Diagnosis 101
Laboratory and Biopsy 101
Therapy 101
Course and Complications 102
Pathogenesis 102
Stasis Dermatitis 102
Definition 102
Incidence 102
History 102
Physical Examination 102
Differential Diagnosis 102
Laboratory and Biopsy 103
Therapy 103
Course and Complications 103
Pathogenesis 103
Uncommon Eczematous Appearing Diseases 103
Darier’s Disease 103
Glucagonoma Syndrome 103
Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis 104
Lichen Sclerosus 105
Pemphigus Foliaceus 105
Wiskott–Aldrich Syndrome 105
Zinc Deficiency 105
9 Scaling Papules, Plaques, and Patches 106
Chapter Contents 106
Abstract 106
Discoid Lupus Erythematosus 106
Definition 107
Incidence 107
History 107
Physical Examination 108
Differential Diagnosis 108
Laboratory and Biopsy 108
Therapy 108
Course and Complications 109
Pathogenesis 109
Fungal Infections 109
Definition 109
Incidence 109
History 109
Physical Examination 109
Tinea Corporis 110
Physical Examination 110
Differential Diagnosis 110
Tinea Cruris 111
Physical Examination 111
Differential Diagnosis 111
Tinea Faciale 111
Physical Examination 112
Differential Diagnosis 112
Laboratory Tests 112
Therapy 112
Course and Complications 113
Pathogenesis 113
Tinea Manuum 113
4 Dermal Rashes 183
14 Generalized Erythema 183
Chapter Contents 183
Abstract 183
Drug Eruptions 183
Definition 183
Incidence 183
History 184
Physical Examination 185
Differential Diagnosis 185
Laboratory and Biopsy 186
Therapy 186
Course and Complications 186
Pathogenesis 187
Viral Exanthems 187
Definition 187
Incidence 187
History 187
Physical Examination 188
Differential Diagnosis 188
Laboratory and Biopsy 189
Therapy 189
Course and Complications 189
Pathogenesis 189
Uncommon Causes of Generalized Erythema 189
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus 189
Definition 190
Incidence 190
History 190
Physical Examination 190
Differential Diagnosis 190
Laboratory and Biopsy 191
Therapy 191
Course and Complications 192
Pathogenesis 192
Toxic Erythema 192
Definition 192
Incidence 193
History 193
Physical Examination 193
Differential Diagnosis 194
Laboratory and Biopsy 194
Therapy 194
Course and Complications 194
Pathogenesis 195
Other Uncommon Causes – Generalized Erythema 195
Erythroderma 195
Sézary Syndrome 195
15 Localized Erythema 196
Chapter Contents 196
Abstract 196
Abscess and Furuncle 196
Definition 196
Incidence 196
History 196
Physical Examination 196
Differential Diagnosis 196
Laboratory and Biopsy 197
Therapy 197
Course and Complications 198
Pathogenesis 198
Cellulitis 198
Definition 199
Incidence 199
History 199
Physical Examination 199
Differential Diagnosis 200
Laboratory and Biopsy 200
Therapy 200
Course and Complications 201
Pathogenesis 201
Erythema Nodosum 201
Definition 201
Incidence 202
History 202
Physical Examination 202
Differential Diagnosis 202
Laboratory and Biopsy 202
Therapy 203
Course and Complications 203
Pathogenesis 203
Uncommon Causes of Localized Erythema 203
Carcinoid Syndrome 203
Carcinoma Erysipeloids 204
Fixed Drug Eruption 204
16 Specialized Erythema 205
Chapter Contents 205
Abstract 205
Erythema Migrans 205
Definition 205
Incidence 205
History 205
Physical Findings 206
Differential Diagnosis 206
Laboratory and Biopsy 207
Therapy 207
Course and Complications 207
Pathogenesis 208
Erythema Multiforme 208
Definition 208
Incidence 208
History 208
Physical Findings 209
Differential Diagnosis 210
Laboratory and Biopsy 210
Therapy 210
Course and Complications 211
Pathogenesis 211
Urticaria (Hives) 211
Definition 211
Incidence 211
History 211
Physical Findings 212
Differential Diagnosis 212
Laboratory and Biopsy 213
Therapy 213
Course and Complications 214
Pathogenesis 214
Uncommon Causes of Specialized Erythema 215
Erythema Ab Igne 215
Erythema Annulare Centrifugum 215
Erythema Gyratum Repens 215
17 Purpura 216
Chapter Contents 216
Abstract 216
Actinic Purpura 216
Definition 216
Incidence 216
History 217
Physical Findings 217
Differential Diagnosis 217
Laboratory and Biopsy 218
Therapy 218
Course and Complications 218
Pathogenesis 218
Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation 219
Definition 219
Incidence 219
History 219
Physical Findings 219
Differential Diagnosis 219
Laboratory and Biopsy 220
Therapy 220
Course and Complications 220
Pathogenesis 220
Thrombocytopenic Purpura 220
Definition 220
Incidence 220
History 221
Physical Findings 221
Differential Diagnosis 221
Laboratory and Biopsy 221
Therapy 221
Course and Complications 222
Pathogenesis 222
Vasculitis 222
Definition 222
Incidence 223
History 223
Physical Examination 223
Differential Diagnosis 224
Laboratory and Biopsy 224
Therapy 225
Course and Complications 225
Pathogenesis 225
18 Dermal Induration 226
Chapter Contents 226
Abstract 226
Granuloma Annulare 226
Definition 226
Incidence 226
History 226
Physical Examination 226
Differential diagnosis 226
Laboratory and Biopsy 227
Therapy 227
Course and Complications 228
Pathogenesis 228
Lichen Sclerosus Et Atrophicus 228
Definition 228
Incidence 228
History 228
Physical Examination 228
Differential Diagnosis 228
Laboratory and Biopsy 229
Therapy 229
Necrobiosis Lipoidica 229
Definition 229
Incidence 230
History 230
Physical Examination 230
Differential Diagnosis 230
Laboratory and Biopsy 230
Therapy 230
Scleroderma/Morphea 230
Definition 230
Incidence 231
History 231
Physical Examination 231
Differential Diagnosis 232
Laboratory and Biopsy 232
Therapy 233
Course and complications 233
Pathogenesis 234
Uncommon Causes of Dermal Induration 234
En Coup De Sabre 234
Nephrogenic Systemic Fibrosis 234
5 Ulcers 235
19 Ulcers 235
Abstract 235
Definition 235
Incidence 235
History 235
Physical Examination 235
Laboratory and Biopsy 237
Therapy 238
Course and Complications 239
Pathogenesis 239
6 Hair and Nails 241
20 Hair Disorders 241
Chapter Contents 241
Abstract 241
Alopecia Areata 241
Definition 241
Incidence 241
History 241
Physical Examination 242
Differential Diagnosis 242
Laboratory and Biopsy 243
Therapy 243
Course and Complications 243
Pathogenesis 243
Lupus Erythematosus 243
Definition 244
Physical Examination 244
Differential Diagnosis 244
Laboratory and Biopsy 244
Therapy 244
Course and Complications 245
Pathogenesis 245
Male and Female Pattern Hair Loss (Androgenetic Alopecia) 245
Definition 245
Incidence 245
History 245
Physical Examination 245
Differential Diagnosis 246
Laboratory and Biopsy 246
Therapy 246
Course and Complications 246
Pathogenesis 246
Telogen Effluvium (Stress-Induced Alopecia) 247
Definition 247
Incidence 247
History 247
Physical Examination 247
Differential Diagnosis 247
Laboratory and Biopsy 247
Therapy 247
Course and Complications 247
Pathogenesis 248
Tinea Capitis 248
Definition 248
Incidence 248
History 248
Physical Examination 248
Differential Diagnosis 249
Laboratory and Biopsy 249
Therapy 249
Course and Complications 249
Pathogenesis 249
Trichotillomania 250
Definition 250
Incidence 250
History 250
Physical Examination 250
Differential Diagnosis 250
Laboratory and Biopsy 250
Therapy 251
Course and complications 251
Pathogenesis 251
Uncommon Hair Disorders 251
Acne Keloidalis Nuchae 251
Folliculitis Decalvans 251
Lichen Planopilaris 251
Loose Anagen Syndrome 252
21 Nail Disorders 253
Chapter Contents 253
Abstract 253
Fungal Infection 253
Definition 253
Incidence 253
History 253
Physical Examination 253
Differential Diagnosis 253
Laboratory and Biopsy 254
Therapy 254
7 Mucous Membrane Disorders 259
22 Mucous Membrane Disorders 259
Chapter Contents 259
Abstract 259
Aphthous Stomatitis 259
Definition 259
Incidence 259
History 259
Physical Examination 260
Differential Diagnosis 260
Laboratory and Biopsy 261
Therapy 261
Course and Complications 261
Pathogenesis 261
Leukoplakia 261
Definition 261
Incidence 262
History 262
Physical Findings 262
Differential Diagnosis 262
Laboratory and Biopsy 262
Therapy 263
Course and Complications 263
Pathogenesis 263
Lichen Planus 263
Definition 263
Incidence 263
History 264
Physical Examination 264
Differential Diagnosis 264
Laboratory and Biopsy 264
Therapy 264
Course and Complications 264
Pathogenesis 265
Thrush (Oral Candidiasis) 265
Definition 265
Incidence 265
History 265
Physical Examination 265
Differential Diagnosis 266
Laboratory and Biopsy 266
Therapy 266
Course and Complications 266
Pathogenesis 266
Uncommon Causes of Oral Ulcers 266
Autoimmune Diseases 266
Cancer 267
Infections 267
8 Diagnosis by Symptom 269
23 Skin Signs of Systemic Disease 269
Chapter Contents 269
Abstract 269
Fever and Rash 269
Itching Patient 270
Skin Signs of AIDS 271
Skin Signs of Cancer 272
Sun Sensitivity 273
24 Self-Assessment 275
Chapter Contents 275
Abstract 275
Case 1 – White Spots (Fig. 24.1) 276
What is the Most Likely Diagnosis? 276
What Test Would You Do? 276
How Would You Treat This Patient? 276
Case 2 – Bleeding Growth (Fig. 24.2) 276
What is Your Differential Diagnosis of This Lesion? 276
What Would You Do Now? 276
How Would You Determine the Prognosis of This Patient? 276
Case 3 – Recurrent Vesicles (Fig. 24.3) 277
What is Your Diagnosis? 277
What Laboratory Tests Would You Do? 277
What are Your Recommendations to This Patient? 277
Case 4 – Papulovesicular Rash (Fig. 24.4) 278
What is Your Differential Diagnosis? 278
How Would You Treat This Patient? 278
How Would You Prove Your Diagnosis? 278
Case 5 – Fever and Purpura (Fig. 24.5) 279
What Do You See? 279
What is the Most Likely Diagnosis? 279
How Would You Prove It? 279
How Would You Treat It? 279
Case 6 – Firm Nodule (Fig. 24.6) 280
What is the Most Likely Diagnosis? 280
What Should be Done Next? 280
Do You See Any Other Skin Lesions of Note? 280
Case 7 – Generalized Itching Papules (Fig. 24.7) 281
What Do You See? 281
What is the Most Likely Diagnosis? 281
How Would You Confirm It? 281
Case 8 – Hair Loss (Fig. 24.8) 282
What is Your Differential Diagnosis? 282
What Would You Do Now? 282
How Would You Treat This Patient? 282
Case 9 – Pearly Nodule (Fig. 24.9) 283
What is Your Differential Diagnosis? 283
How Would You Treat It? 283
What Precautions Should This Patient Take in the Future? 283
Case 10 – Generalized Erythema (Fig. 24.10) 283
What is the Most Likely Diagnosis? 283
If You Suspect a Drug Reaction, What is the Most Likely Drug? 283
How Can You Prove It? 283
Case 11 – Ulcer behind the Ear (Fig. 24.11) 284
What is Your Differential Diagnosis of This Ulcer? 284
What Would You Do Now? 284
What is the Best Treatment? 284
Case 12 – Scaling Rash (Fig. 24.12) 284
What is Your Differential Diagnosis? 284
What Test Would You Do Next? 284
Case 13 – Lip Ulcer (Fig. 24.13) 285
How Would You Complete the Physical Examination? 285
What is Your Most Likely Diagnosis? 285
How Would You Confirm It? 285
Case 14 – Pustules and Papules Surrounding an Ulcer (Fig. 24.14) 285
Describe What You See 285
What is Your Differential Diagnosis? 285
What is the First Diagnostic Test You Would Do? 285
How Would You Treat It? 285
Case 15 – Scaling Rash on Head, Trunk, and Arms (Fig. 24.15) 286
What is Your Differential Diagnosis? 286
What Would You Do Now? 286
How Would You Treat This Patient? 286
Case 16 – Crusted Erosions on the Dorsum of the Hands and Forearms (Figs 24.16, 24.17) 287
What is Your Differential Diagnosis? 287
What Would You Do Now? 287
How Would You Treat This Patient? 287
Case 17 – Nodule on the Lower Leg (Fig. 24.18) 288
What is Your Differential Diagnosis? 288
What Diagnostic Work-Up Would You Do Now? 288
What is Your Diagnosis and How Would YOU Treat This? 288
Index 289
A 289
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