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Acute and Chronic Complications of Diabetes, An Issue of Endocrinology and Metabolism Clinics, E-Book

Acute and Chronic Complications of Diabetes, An Issue of Endocrinology and Metabolism Clinics, E-Book

Leonid Poretsky | Eliana Pauline Liao


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This issue of Endocrinology Clinics brings the reader up to date on the important advances in research surrounding acute diabetic complications. Guest edited by Leonid Poretsky and Eliana Liao, the topics covered include retinopathy, neuropathy, gastrointestinal complications, diabetic foot, dental complications, dermatologic complications, and more.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front Cover Cover
Acute and Chronic Complications of Diabetes\r i
Copyright\r ii
Contributors iii
Endocrinology And Metabolism Clinics Of North America\r xi
Foreword xiii
Preface\r xvii
Hypoglycemia 657
Key points 657
General considerations 657
Epidemiology of hypoglycemia 658
Risk factors for hypoglycemia 659
Hypoglycemia counterregulation 662
Normal Hypoglycemia Counterregulation and Hypoglycemia Awareness 662
Hypoglycemia Counterregulation and Hypoglycemia Awareness in Type 1 Diabetes 663
Hypoglycemia Counterregulation and Hypoglycemia Awareness in Type 2 Diabetes 664
Manifestations of hypoglycemia 665
Complications of hypoglycemia 665
Management of hypoglycemia 666
Treatment 666
Prevention of Recurrences 667
Conventional measures 667
Pancreas/islet transplantation 669
References 670
Diabetic Ketoacidosis and Hyperglycemic Hyperosmolar State 677
Key points 677
Background and epidemiology 677
Definition and diagnosis 677
Precipitating factors 679
Pathogenesis 680
Hormones 680
Lipid 681
Ketogenesis 681
Hyperosmolar 681
Clinical presentation 681
Initial evaluation 682
Serum Glucose 683
Serum Sodium 684
Serum Potassium 684
Serum Phosphate 684
Serum Bicarbonate 685
Serum Ketones 685
Anion Gap 685
Arterial Blood 686
Serum Osmolality 686
Leukocytosis 686
Amylase and Lipase 687
Treatment 687
Fluid Replacement 687
Potassium 688
Insulin 688
Summary 688
References 688
Advanced Glycation Endproducts in Diabetes and Diabetic Complications 697
Key points 697
Introduction 697
Relationship Between AGEs and Diabetes 697
Brief definition of bioreactive AGEs 701
Diabetic Retinopathy 721
Key points 721
Introduction 721
Epidemiology 721
Pathogenesis 724
Diagnosis and classification 727
NPDR 727
Mild NPDR 727
Moderate NPDR 728
Severe NPDR 728
Very severe NPDR 729
PDR 729
Macular Edema 729
CSME 729
Diagnostic modalities for evaluation of retinopathy 730
Current treatment 732
Emerging treatments 732
Diabetic Retinopathy and Inflammatory Modulators 733
Corticosteroids 733
Triamcinolone Acetonide 733
Dexamethasone (Ozurdex) 733
Fluocinolone Acetonide (Retisert, Iluvien) 734
Protein Kinase C (PKC) inhibition 734
Anti-VEGF agents 735
Tumor Necrosis Factor (TNF) 737
Vitrectomy 738
DRCR net 739
References 740
Diabetic Neuropathy 747
Key points 747
Introduction 747
Scope of the problem 748
Epidemiology of neuropathic pain 748
Classification of diabetic neuropathies 749
Pathogenesis of diabetic neuropathies 749
Clinical presentation 749
Focal and Multifocal Neuropathies 750
Proximal Motor Neuropathy (Diabetic Amyotrophy) and Chronic Demyelinating Neuropathies 751
Diabetic Truncal Radiculoneuropathy 751
Rapidly Reversible Hyperglycemic Neuropathy 751
Generalized Symmetric Polyneuropathy 752
Acute sensory neuropathy 752
Chronic Sensorimotor Neuropathy or Distal Symmetric Polyneuropathy 752
Clinical presentation and pain characteristics 752
Diagnostic assessment of DPN 755
Conditions Mimicking Diabetic Neuropathy 757
Clinical Assessment Tools for Diabetic Neuropathy 757
Objective Devices for the Diagnosis of Neuropathy 758
Summary of Clinical Assessment of DPN 758
Treatment of diabetic polyneuropathies 758
Treatment of Specific Underlying Pathogenic Mechanisms 759
Glycemic and metabolic control 759
Oxidative stress 759
Growth factors 760
Immune therapy 761
Treatment of Symptoms and Improvement in QOL 761
Pain, QOL, and comorbidities in diabetic neuropathy 761
The diagnostic workup 762
The diagnosis of neuropathic pain 763
Definition of neuropathic pain 763
Distinction between nociceptive and non-nociceptive pain 764
Laboratory tests to evaluate neuropathic pain 764
Pharmacologic therapeutic modalities for diabetic neuropathic pain 765
Treatment Based on Pathogenic Concepts of Pain 765
α-Lipoic acid 766
Adrenergic blockers 768
Topical capsaicin 768
Lidocaine 768
Opioids and NMDA-receptor antagonists 769
Antidepressants 769
Tricyclic antidepressants 770
Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors 770
Serotonin noradrenaline reuptake inhibitors 770
Venlafaxine 770
Antiepileptic Drugs 770
Calcium-channel modulators (gabapentin and pregabalin) 771
Gabapentin 771
Pregabalin 771
Sodium-channel blockers (carbamazepine, oxcarbazepine, lancosamide) 772
Topiramate 772
Natural Products 772
Metanx 772
Botulinum toxin 773
Nonpharmacologic treatment of painful diabetic neuropathy 773
Psychological Support 773
Physical Measures 773
Guidelines for the treatment of painful neuropathy 773
Diabetic cardiac autonomic neuropathy 774
Pathogenesis 774
Epidemiology of CAN 774
Clinical Manifestations 774
Resting tachycardia 774
Exercise intolerance 775
Intraoperative cardiovascular lability 775
Orthostatic hypotension 775
Diagnosis and Staging of CAN 775
Treatment of Autonomic Dysfunction 776
Summary 777
References 778
Diabetic Kidney Disease and the Cardiorenal Syndrome 789
Key points 789
Introduction 789
Pathology of DKD 790
The cardiorenal syndrome and DKD 791
Impact of hypertension on DKD 791
Nondipping blood pressure/pulse pattern in diabetes 793
Blood pressure variability as a risk factor for DKD 793
Use of ACE inhibitors or ARBs in DKD 794
Effects of CKD on glucose homeostasis and assessment of glycemic control 795
Markers of DKD and prognostic value of eGFR and microalbuminuria 795
DKD without albuminuria 797
Does better glycemic control reduce DKD? 798
Pharmacologic treatment of hyperglycemia in DKD/use of old and new drugs other than insulin 799
Sulfonylureas 799
Meglitinides 799
α-Glucosidase Inhibitors 802
Biguanides 802
Thiazolidinedione 802
Incretin Mimetics 802
Dipeptidylpeptidase-4 Inhibitors 802
Amylin Analogue 803
Sodium Glucose Cotransporter 2 Inhibitors 803
Summary 803
References 803
Gastrointestinal Complications of Diabetes 809
Key points 809
Introduction 809
Esophageal disorders 810
Esophageal Motility Dysfunction in Diabetes 810
Symptoms of Esophageal Motility Disorders 810
Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease in Patients with Diabetes 810
Management of GERD 810
Diagnostic Testing for GERD 811
Esophageal Candidiasis 811
Management of Oropharyngeal and Esophageal Candidiasis 811
Gastric disorders 811
Gastroparesis 811
Epidemiology 812
Pathophysiology of Gastroparesis 812
Nutritional Optimization 813
Management of Glycemic Control in Gastroparesis 814
Management of Gastroparesis in Diabetes 814
Gastric Electric Stimulation for Refractory Gastroparesis 815
Salvage and Alternative Therapies for Gastroparesis 816
Accelerated Gastric Emptying 816
Small intestinal disorders 816
Celiac Disease Overview 816
Pathogenesis of Celiac Disease 816
Genetic Predisposition to Celiac Disease 817
Association of Celiac Disease and DM1 817
Childhood Presentation of Celiac Disease 817
Extraintestinal Manifestations of Celiac Disease 818
Diagnosis of Celiac Disease: Utility of Serologic Testing 818
Duodenal Biopsies: Gold Standard for Diagnosis 818
Treatment of Celiac Disease: Gluten-Free Diet 819
Failure of a Gluten-Free Diet 819
Small Bowel Bacterial Overgrowth Overview 819
Epidemiology 819
Pathogenesis 819
Nutritional Complications of Untreated SIBO 820
Symptoms of Bacterial Overgrowth 820
Jejunal Aspirate: Gold Standard for Diagnosis of SIBO 820
Use of Breath Tests in Diagnosis of SIBO 820
Treatment of Underlying Etiology 820
Nutritional Assessment 820
Antibiotic Treatment in SIBO 820
Diabetic Diarrhea 821
Epidemiology of Diabetic Diarrhea 821
Pathogenesis of Diabetic Diarrhea 821
Diagnosis 822
Treatment 822
Large intestine disorders 822
Fecal Incontinence 822
Pathophysiology of Fecal Incontinence 822
Evaluation of Fecal Incontinence 823
Diagnosis of Fecal Incontinence 823
Hepatobiliary disorders 823
Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Overview 823
Epidemiology 824
Natural History of NAFLD 824
Pathogenesis of NAFLD 824
Signs and Symptoms of NAFLD 824
New Diagnostic Tools for NAFLD 825
The Role of Liver Biopsy 825
Management of NAFLD 825
Lifestyle Modification 826
Medical Therapies for NASH and Diabetes 826
Statin Use in NAFLD 826
Cholelithiasis and Association with Diabetes 826
Pancreatic disease 826
Pancreatic Insufficiency 826
Acute Pancreatitis in Diabetes 827
Pancreatic Cancer 827
Summary 827
References 827
Complications of the Diabetic Foot 833
Key points 833
Introduction 833
Risk factors 834
Peripheral Neuropathy 834
Peripheral Vascular Disease 835
Soft-Tissue and Bone Deformity 836
Clinical features and management 839
Ulceration 839
Infection 841
Amputation 842
Future considerations and summary 844
References 844
Periodontitis 849
Key points 849
Introduction 849
Associations between diabetes and periodontitis 852
The 2-way relationship between periodontitis and diabetes 852
Treatment of periodontitis is associated with improvements in glycemic control 853
What are the mechanisms that link periodontitis and diabetes? 854
The Role of Cytokines 855
AGEs 856
Immune Functioning and Oxidative Stress 857
Microbial Factors 858
Influence on clinical practice 859
Other oral complications of diabetes 859
Xerostomia 859
Dental Caries 860
Oral Candidiasis 860
Impact of Diabetes on Implant Therapy 860
Relevance of Bisphosphonate Therapy 861
Summary 861
References 861
Dermatologic Manifestations of Diabetes Mellitus 869
Key points 869
Introduction 869
Specific cutaneous markers of diabetes mellitus 870
Necrobiosis Lipoidica Diabeticorum 870
Generalized Granuloma Annulare 872
Diabetic Bullae 873
Scleredema Diabeticorum 875
Acanthosis Nigricans 877
Diabetic Dermopathy 878
Acquired Perforating Dermatoses 879
Eruptive Xanthomatosis 881
Nonspecific skin conditions associated with diabetes 881
Acrochordons (Skin Tags) 881
Yellow Skin and Nails 882
Generalized Pruritus 882
Rubeosis Faciei 883
Palmar Erythema 883
Nailbed Erythema 884
Pigmented Purpura 884
Other dermatologic considerations in the diabetic patient 884
Skin Manifestations of Diabetic Vascular Disease 884
Skin Manifestations of Diabetic Neuropathy 885
Skin Conditions of the Hands 885
Limited joint mobility 885
Thick dorsal hand skin and finger pebbles 885
Dupuytren contracture 886
Digital sclerosis 886
Thick Skin 886
Selected cutaneous disorders associated with diabetes 887
Psoriasis 887
Vitiligo 887
Cutaneous infections 887
Bacterial 888
Staphylococcal and β-hemolytic streptococcal infections 888
Corynebacterium minutissimum 888
Pseudomonas aeruginosa 888
Fungal 888
Candidiasis (Moniliasis) 888
Dermatophytosis 889
Onychomycosis 889
Mucormycosis 890
Blastomycosis 890
Cutaneous reactions to diabetic treatment 890
Insulin 890
Oral Hypoglycemic Agents 890
Summary 891
References 891
Reproductive Sequelae of Diabetes in Male Patients 899
Key points 899
Introduction 899
Mechanism of Normal Erection 899
Tumescence 899
Detumescence 900
Erectile and reproductive dysfunction and DM 900
Neurologic Pathophysiology 900
Vascular Pathophysiology 901
Treatment of ED 902
Ejaculatory dysfunction and DM 906
Normal Ejaculatory Physiology 906
AE and RE 906
Treatment of Diabetes-associated EjD 907
HG and DM 908
Sex Hormones 908
Testosterone Supplementation 909
Summary 909
References 910
Diabetes and the Female Reproductive System 915
Key points 915
Introduction 915
Insulin action in the female reproductive system 915
Insulin and the Ovary 915
IGF Proteins 918
Reproductive Phenotypes with Altered Insulin Signaling 919
Ovulatory function in type 1 diabetes mellitus and type 2 diabetes mellitus 920
Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus 920
Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus 921
Syndromes of extreme insulin resistance 922
Polycystic ovary syndrome 923
Prevalence 924
Clinical Presentation 924
Biochemical and Laboratory Testing 924
Pathophysiology 925
Treatment of PCOS 926
Ovulation Induction in PCOS 928
Pregnancy Complications in PCOS 930
Diabetes in pregnancy 931
Summary 935
References 936
Complications of Diabetes Therapy 947
Key points 947
Introduction and background 947
Insulin sensitizers 948
Biguanides 948
Indications and patient considerations 948
Mechanism of action, efficacy, and kinetics 948
Effects on weight, cardiovascular outcomes, and risk of lactic acidosis 948
Effects on bone and other side effects 949
Thiazolidinediones 950
Indications and patient considerations 950
Mechanism of action, efficacy, and kinetics 950
Effects on weight and cardiovascular outcomes 950
Effects on bone and other side effects 951
Secretagogues 951
Sulfonylureas 951
Indications and patient considerations 951
Mechanism of action, efficacy, and kinetics 952
Effects on weight and cardiovascular outcomes 952
Effects on bone and other adverse effects 952
Meglitinides 953
Index 971