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Fundamentals of Nursing - E-Book

Fundamentals of Nursing - E-Book

Patricia A. Potter | Anne Griffin Perry | Patricia Stockert | Amy Hall


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Book Details


Learn fundamental nursing principles, concepts, and skills with ease! Fundamentals of Nursing, 8th Edition includes accurate, cutting-edge content, active learning strategies, and the latest evidence-based research to help you excel in your classes and prepare for success in today's competitive nursing field. An expert author team led by Patricia Potter and Anne Griffin Perry provides a trusted, comprehensive resource, thoroughly reviewed by nursing experts and peers to ensure the most accurate content. With practical, fully integrated study support, this edition makes it easier than ever to build the understanding and clinical reasoning essential to providing excellent patient care.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front cover cover
Inside front cover ifc1
Half title page i
Evolve page ii
Fundamentals of Nursing iii
Copyright page iv
Contributors v
Reviewers vii
Contributors to Previous Editions xi
Dedication xiii
Student Preface xv
Preface to The Instructor xxi
Key Features xxi
New to this Edition xxi
Learning Supplements for Students xxii
Teaching Supplements for Instructors xxii
Multimedia Supplements for Instructors and Students xxiii
Acknowledgments xxv
Table of Contents xxvii
Unit 1 Nursing and the Health Care Environment 1
Chapter 1 Nursing Today 1
Objectives 1
Key Terms 1
Historical Highlights 2
Florence Nightingale 2
The Civil War to the Beginning of the Twentieth Century 2
Twentieth Century 2
Twenty-First Century 3
Influences on Nursing 3
Health Care Reform 3
Demographic Changes 3
Medically Underserved 3
Threat of Bioterrorism 3
Rising Health Care Costs 3
Nursing Shortage 4
Nursing as a Profession 4
Scope and Standards of Practice 4
Standards of Practice. 4
Standards of Professional Performance. 4
Code of Ethics. 4
Nursing Education 5
Professional Registered Nurse Education 5
Graduate Education 5
Doctoral Preparation. 5
Continuing and In-Service Education 5
Nursing Practice 6
Nurse Practice Acts 6
Licensure and Certification 6
Licensure. 6
Certification. 6
Science and Art of Nursing Practice 6
Professional Responsibilities and Roles 6
Autonomy and Accountability 6
Caregiver 7
Advocate 7
Educator 7
Communicator 7
Manager 7
Career Development 7
Provider of Care. 7
Advanced Practice Registered Nurses. 7
Clinical Nurse Specialist. 8
Nurse Practitioner. 8
Certified Nurse-Midwife. 8
Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist. 8
Nurse Educator. 8
Nurse Administrator. 8
Nurse Researcher. 8
Professional Nursing Organizations 9
Trends in Nursing 9
Quality and Safety Education for Nurses 9
Genomics 10
Public Perception of Nursing 10
Impact of Nursing on Politics and Health Policy 10
Key Points 11
Clinical Application Questions 11
Preparing for clinical practice 11
Review Questions 11
Are you ready to test your Nursing knowledge? 11
References 12
Research References 13
Chapter 2 The Health Care Delivery System 14
Objectives 14
Key Terms 14
Health Care Regulation and Competition 15
Emphasis on Population Wellness 15
Health Care Settings and Services 16
Preventive and Primary Health Care 17
Secondary and Tertiary Care 17
Hospitals. 18
Intensive Care. 19
Psychiatric Facilities. 19
Rural Hospitals. 19
Restorative Care 20
Home Health Care (Home Care). 20
Rehabilitation. 20
Extended Care Facilities. 20
Continuing Care 21
Nursing Centers or Facilities. 21
Assisted Living. 21
Respite Care. 22
Adult Day Care Centers. 22
Hospice. 22
Issues in Health Care Delivery 22
Nursing Shortage 22
Competency 22
Evidence-Based Practice 23
Quality and Safety in Health Care 23
Patient Satisfaction. 24
Magnet Recognition Program 25
Nursing-Sensitive Outcomes. 26
Nursing Informatics and Technological Advancements 26
Globalization of Health Care 27
The Future of Health Care 28
Key Points 28
Clinical Application Questions 28
Preparing for clinical practice 28
Review Questions 28
Are you ready to test your nursing knowledge? 28
References 30
Research References 30
Chapter 3 Community-Based Nursing Practice 31
Objectives 31
Key Terms 31
Community-Based Health Care 31
Achieving Healthy Populations and Communities 31
Community Health Nursing 32
Nursing Practice in Community Health 33
Community-Based Nursing 33
Vulnerable Populations 33
Immigrant Population. 34
Effects of Poverty and Homelessness. 34
Patients Who Are Abused. 34
Patients Who Abuse Substances. 35
Patients with Mental Illnesses. 35
Older Adults. 35
Competency in Community-Based Nursing 35
Caregiver. 35
Case Manager. 36
Change Agent. 36
Patient Advocate. 36
Collaborator. 36
Counselor. 36
Educator. 36
Epidemiologist. 36
Community Assessment 37
Changing Patients’ Health 37
Key Points 37
Clinical Application Questions 38
Preparing for clinical practice 38
Review Questions 38
Are you ready to test your nursing knowledge? 38
References 39
Research References 39
Chapter 4 Theoretical Foundations of Nursing Practice 40
Objectives 40
Key Terms 40
The Domain of Nursing 40
Theory 41
Components of a Theory 41
Phenomenon. 41
Concepts. 41
Definitions. 42
Assumptions. 42
Types of Theory 42
Theory-Based Nursing Practice 42
Interdisciplinary Theories 43
Systems Theory 43
Basic Human Needs 43
Developmental Theories 44
Psychosocial Theories 44
Selected Nursing Theories 44
Nightingale’s Theory 44
Peplau’s Theory 44
Henderson’s Theory 44
Orem’s Theory 44
Leininger’s Theory 45
Betty Neuman’s Theory 45
Roy’s Theory 46
Watson’s Theory 46
Benner and Wrubel’s Theory 46
Link between Theory and Knowledge Development in Nursing 46
Relationship Between Nursing Theory and Nursing Research 46
Key Points 47
Clinical Application Questions 47
Preparing for Clinical Practice 47
Review Questions 47
Are You Ready to Test Your Nursing Knowledge? 47
References 48
Research References 49
Chapter 5 Evidence-Based Practice 50
Objectives 50
Key Terms 50
A Case for Evidence 50
Steps of Evidence-Based Practice 51
Ask a Clinical Question. 52
Collect the Best Evidence. 52
Critically Appraise the Evidence. 54
Integrate the Evidence. 55
Evaluate the Practice Decision or Change. 55
Share the Outcomes with Others. 55
Nursing Research 56
Outcomes Management Research 56
Scientific Method 57
Nursing and the Scientific Approach 57
Quantitative Research. 57
Experimental Research. 57
Nonexperimental Research. 58
Surveys. 58
Evaluation Research. 58
Qualitative Research. 59
Research Process 59
Quality and Performance Improvement 60
Quality Improvement Programs 61
Key Points 62
Clinical Application Questions 62
Preparing for Clinical Practice 62
Review Questions 62
Are You Ready to Test Your Nursing Knowledge? 62
References 64
Research References 64
Unit 2 Caring Throughout the Life Span 65
Chapter 6 Health and Wellness 65
Objectives 65
Key Terms 65
Healthy People Documents 65
Definition of Health 66
Models of Health and Illness 66
Health Belief Model 66
Health Promotion Model 66
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs 67
Holistic Health Models 67
Variables Influencing Health and Health Beliefs and Practices 68
Internal Variables 68
Developmental Stage. 68
Intellectual Background. 69
Perception of Functioning. 70
Emotional Factors. 70
Spiritual Factors. 70
External Variables 70
Family Practices. 70
Socioeconomic Factors. 70
Cultural Background. 70
Health Promotion, Wellness, and Illness Prevention 70
Levels of Preventive Care 71
Primary Prevention. 71
Secondary Prevention. 71
Tertiary Prevention. 71
Risk Factors 71
Genetic and Physiological Factors 72
Age 72
Environment 72
Lifestyle 72
Risk-Factor Modification and Changing Health Behaviors 73
Illness 73
Acute and Chronic Illness 74
Illness Behavior 74
Variables Influencing Illness and Illness Behavior 75
Internal Variables. 75
External Variables. 75
Impact of Illness on the Patient and Family 75
Behavioral and Emotional Changes. 75
Impact on Body Image. 75
Impact on Self-Concept. 75
Impact on Family Roles. 76
Impact on Family Dynamics. 76
Key Points 76
Clinical Application Questions 76
Preparing for Clinical Practice 76
Review Questions 76
Are You Ready to Test Your Nursing Knowledge? 76
References 78
Research Reference 78
Chapter 7 Caring in Nursing Practice 79
Objectives 79
Key Terms 79
Theoretical Views on Caring 80
Caring Is Primary 80
Leininger’s Transcultural Caring 80
Watson’s Transpersonal Caring 81
Swanson’s Theory of Caring 81
Summary of Theoretical Views 81
Patients’ Perceptions of Caring 82
Ethic of Care 83
Caring in Nursing Practice 83
Providing Presence 83
Touch 84
Listening 84
Knowing the Patient 85
Spiritual Caring 85
Relieving Pain and Suffering 85
Family Care 86
The Challenge of Caring 86
Key Points 87
Clinical Application Questions 87
Preparing for Clinical Practice 87
Review Questions 87
Are You Ready to Test Your Nursing Knowledge? 87
References 88
Research References 89
Chapter 8 Caring for the Cancer Survivor 90
Objectives 90
Key Terms 90
The Effects of Cancer on Quality of Life 91
Physical Well-Being and Symptoms 91
Psychological Well-Being 92
Social Well-Being 93
Spiritual Well-Being 94
Cancer and Families 94
Family Distress 94
Implications for Nursing 94
Survivor Assessment 94
Patient Education 95
Providing Resources 96
Components of Survivorship Care 97
Survivorship Care Plan 97
Key Points 97
Clinical Application Questions 98
Preparing for Clinical Practice 98
Review Questions 98
Are You Ready to Test Your Nursing Knowledge? 98
References 100
Research References 100
Chapter 9 Culture and Ethnicity 101
Objectives 101
Key Terms 101
Health Disparities 101
Understanding Cultural Concepts 102
Culturally Congruent Care 103
Cultural Conflicts 103
Cultural Context of Health and Caring 103
Cultural Healing Modalities and Healers 104
Culture-Bound Syndrome 104
Culture and Life Transitions 105
Pregnancy 105
Childbirth 105
Newborn 106
Postpartum Period 106
Grief and Loss 106
Cultural Assessment 107
Census Data 107
Asking Questions 107
Establishing Relationships 107
Selected Components of Cultural Assessment 110
Family Structure. 110
Ethnic Heritage and Ethnohistory. 110
Bicultural Effects on Health. 110
Social Organization. 110
Religious and Spiritual Beliefs. 111
Foods with Cultural Significance. 112
Communication Patterns. 112
Time Orientation 112
Caring Beliefs and Practices 112
Experience with Professional Health Care 112
Culturally Congruent Care 113
Key Points 113
Clinical Application QUESTIONS 113
Preparing for Clinical Practice 113
Review Questions 113
Are You Ready to Test Your Nursing Knowledge? 113
References 114
Research References 115
Chapter 10 Caring for Families 116
Objectives 116
Key Terms 116
The Family 116
Concept of Family 116
Definition: What Is a Family? 116
Current Trends and New Family Forms 117
Changing Economic Status 118
Homelessness 118
Family Violence 118
Acute or Chronic Illness 119
Trauma. 119
End-of-Life Care. 119
Theoretical Approaches: An Overview 119
Family Health System 119
Developmental Stages 119
Attributes of Families 120
Structure 120
Function 121
The Family and Health 121
Attributes of Healthy Families. 121
Family Nursing 121
Family As Context 122
Family As Patient 122
Family As System 122
Nursing Process for the Family 123
Assessing the Needs of the Family 123
Family-Focused Care 125
Challenges for Family Nursing 125
Implementing Family-Centered Care 125
Health Promotion. 125
Acute Care. 126
Restorative and Continuing Care. 126
Family Caregiving. 126
Key Points 127
Clinical Application Questions 127
Preparing for Clinical Practice 127
Review Questions 127
Are You Ready to Test Your Nursing Knowledge? 127
References 129
Research References 129
Chapter 11 Developmental Theories 130
Objectives 130
Key Terms 130
Developmental Theories 130
Biophysical Developmental Theories 131
Gesell’s Theory of Development. 131
Psychoanalytical/Psychosocial Theory 131
Sigmund Freud. 131
Stage 1: Oral (Birth to 12 to 18 Months). 131
Stage 2: Anal (12 to 18 Months to 3 Years). 131
Stage 3: Phallic or Oedipal (3 to 6 Years). 131
Stage 4: Latency (6 to 12 Years). 131
Stage 5: Genital (Puberty Through Adulthood). 131
Erik Erikson. 132
Trust versus Mistrust (Birth to 1 Year). 132
Autonomy versus Sense of Shame and Doubt (1 to 3 Years). 132
Initiative versus Guilt (3 to 6 Years). 132
Industry versus Inferiority (6 to 11 Years). 132
Identity versus Role Confusion (Puberty). 132
Intimacy versus Isolation (Young Adult). 132
Generativity versus Self-Absorption and Stagnation (Middle Age). 132
Integrity versus Despair (Old Age). 132
Theories Related to Temperament. 133
Perspectives on Adult Development 133
Stage-Crisis Theory. 133
Life Span Approach. 133
Cognitive Developmental Theory 134
Jean Piaget. 134
Period I: Sensorimotor (Birth to 2 Years). 134
Period II: Preoperational (2 to 7 Years). 134
Period III: Concrete Operations (7 to 11 Years). 134
Period IV: Formal Operations (11 Years to Adulthood). 134
Research in Adult Cognitive Development. 134
Moral Developmental Theory 135
Lawrence Kohlberg’s Theory of Moral Development. 135
Level I: Preconventional Reasoning. 135
Stage 1: Punishment and Obedience Orientation. 135
Stage 2: Instrumental Relativist Orientation. 135
Level II: Conventional Reasoning. 135
Stage 3: Good Boy–Nice Girl Orientation. 135
Stage 4: Society-Maintaining Orientation. 135
Level III: Postconventional Reasoning. 136
Stage 5: Social Contract Orientation. 136
Stage 6: Universal Ethical Principle Orientation. 136
Kohlberg’s Critics. 136
Moral Reasoning and Nursing Practice. 136
Key Points 136
Clinical Application Questions 137
Preparing for Clinical Practice 137
Review Questions 137
Are You Ready to Test Your Nursing Knowledge? 137
References 138
Research References 138
Chapter 12 Conception Through Adolescence 139
Objectives 139
Key Terms 139
Stages of Growth and Development 139
Selecting a Developmental Framework for Nursing 139
Intrauterine Life 139
Health Promotion During Pregnancy 140
Transition from Intrauterine to Extrauterine Life 140
Physical Changes 140
Psychosocial Changes 140
Newborn 141
Physical Changes 141
Cognitive Changes 142
Psychosocial Changes 142
Health Promotion 142
Screening. 142
Car Seats. 142
Cribs and Sleep. 143
Infant 143
Physical Changes 143
Cognitive Changes 144
Language. 144
Psychosocial Changes 144
Separation and Individuation. 144
Play. 144
Health Risks 144
Injury Prevention. 144
Child Maltreatment. 144
Health Promotion 145
Nutrition. 145
Supplementation. 145
Immunizations. 145
Sleep. 145
Toddler 146
Physical Changes 146
Cognitive Changes 146
Language. 146
Psychosocial Changes 146
Play. 146
Health Risks 146
Health Promotion 147
Nutrition. 147
Toilet Training. 147
Preschoolers 147
Physical Changes 147
Cognitive Changes 147
Language. 148
Psychosocial Changes 148
Play. 148
Health Risks 148
Health Promotion 148
Nutrition. 148
Sleep. 149
Vision. 149
School-Age Children and Adolescents 149
School-Age Children 149
Physical Changes 149
Cognitive Changes 149
Language Development. 150
Psychosocial Changes 150
Peer Relationships. 150
Sexual Identity. 150
Stress. 150
Health Risks 150
Health Promotion 150
Perceptions. 150
Health Education. 150
Health Maintenance. 151
Safety. 151
Nutrition. 151
Adolescents 151
Physical Changes 151
Cognitive Changes 152
Language Skills. 152
Psychosocial Changes 152
Sexual Identity. 152
Group Identity. 152
Family Identity. 153
Health Identity. 153
Health Risks 153
Accidents. 153
Violence and Homicide. 153
Suicide. 154
Substance Abuse. 154
Eating Disorders. 154
Sexually Transmitted Infections. 154
Pregnancy. 154
Health Promotion 154
Health Education. 154
Minority Adolescents. 154
Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual Adolescents. 154
Key Points 155
Clinical Application Questions 155
Preparing for Clinical Practice 155
Review Questions 155
Are You Ready to Test Your Nursing Knowledge? 155
References 156
Research References 156
Chapter 13 Young and Middle Adults 157
Objectives 157
Key Terms 157
Young Adults 157
Physical Changes 158
Cognitive Changes 158
Psychosocial Changes 158
Lifestyle. 158
Career. 158
Sexuality. 159
Childbearing Cycle. 159
Types of Families. 159
Singlehood. 159
Parenthood. 160
Alternative Family Structures and Parenting. 160
Hallmarks of Emotional Health. 160
Health Risks 160
Family History. 160
Personal Hygiene Habits. 160
Violent Death and Injury. 160
Substance Abuse. 161
Unplanned Pregnancies. 161
Sexually Transmitted Infections. 161
Environmental or Occupational Factors. 161
Health Concerns 161
Health Promotion. 161
Psychosocial Health. 162
Job Stress. 162
Family Stress. 162
Infertility. 162
Obesity. 162
Exercise. 162
Pregnant Woman and Childbearing Family. 162
Health Practices. 163
Prenatal Care. 163
Physiological Changes. 163
Puerperium. 163
Needs for Education. 163
Psychosocial Changes. 163
Health Concerns. 163
Acute Care. 163
Restorative and Continuing Care. 163
Middle Adults 163
Physical Changes 164
Perimenopause and Menopause. 164
Climacteric. 164
Cognitive Changes 164
Psychosocial Changes 164
Career Transition. 164
Sexuality. 164
Family Psychosocial Factors. 166
Singlehood. 166
Marital Changes. 166
Family Transitions. 166
Care of Aging Parents. 166
Health Concerns 166
Health Promotion and Stress Reduction. 166
Obesity. 166
Forming Positive Health Habits. 166
Psychosocial Health 167
Anxiety. 167
Depression. 167
Community Health Programs. 167
Acute Care. 167
Restorative and Continuing Care. 167
Key Points 168
Clinical Application Questions 168
Preparing for Clinical Practice 168
Review Questions 168
Are You Ready to Test Your Nursing Knowledge? 168
References 169
Research References 170
Chapter 14 Older Adults 171
Objectives 171
Key Terms 171
Variability Among Older Adults 171
Myths and Stereotypes 172
Nurses’ Attitudes Toward Older Adults 173
Theories of Aging 173
Developmental Tasks for Older Adults 173
Community-Based and Institutional Health Care Services 174
Assessing the Needs of Older Adults 174
Physiological Changes 176
General Survey. 177
Integumentary System. 177
Head and Neck. 177
Thorax and Lungs. 177
Heart and Vascular System. 177
Breasts. 177
Gastrointestinal System and Abdomen. 177
Reproductive System. 177
Urinary System. 178
Musculoskeletal System. 178
Neurological System. 178
Functional Changes 178
Cognitive Changes 178
Delirium. 179
Dementia. 179
Depression. 180
Psychosocial Changes 180
Retirement. 180
Social Isolation. 181
Sexuality. 181
Housing and Environment. 181
Death. 182
Addressing the Health Concerns of Older Adults 182
Health Promotion and Maintenance: Physiological Concerns 182
Heart Disease. 183
Cancer. 183
Stroke (Cerebrovascular Accident). 183
Smoking. 183
Alcohol Abuse. 183
Nutrition. 184
Dental Problems. 184
Exercise. 184
Falls. 184
Sensory Impairments. 185
Pain. 185
Medication Use. 185
Health Promotion and Maintenance: Psychosocial Health Concerns 186
Therapeutic Communication. 186
Touch. 186
Reality Orientation. 186
Validation Therapy. 186
Reminiscence. 187
Body-Image Interventions. 187
Older Adults and the Acute Care Setting 187
Older Adults and Restorative Care 188
Key Points 188
Clinical Application Questions 188
Preparing for Clinical Practice 188
Review Questions 189
Are You Ready to Test Your Nursing Knowledge? 189
References 190
Research References 191
Unit 3 Critical Thinking in Nursing Practice 192
Chapter 15 Critical Thinking in Nursing Practice 192
Objectives 192
Key Terms 192
Clinical Decisions in Nursing Practice 192
Critical Thinking Defined 193
Thinking and Learning 193
Levels of Critical Thinking in Nursing 194
Basic Critical Thinking 194
Complex Critical Thinking 194
Commitment 195
Critical Thinking Competencies 195
General Critical Thinking 195
Scientific Method. 195
Problem Solving. 195
Decision Making. 195
Specific Critical Thinking 196
Diagnostic Reasoning and Inference. 196
Clinical Decision Making. 196
Nursing Process as a Competency 197
A Critical Thinking Model for Clinical Decision Making 198
Specific Knowledge Base 198
Experience 198
The Nursing Process Competency 199
Attitudes for Critical Thinking 199
Confidence. 199
Thinking Independently. 199
Fairness. 199
Responsibility and Accountability. 200
Risk Taking. 200
Discipline. 200
Perseverance. 200
Creativity. 201
Curiosity. 201
Integrity. 201
Humility. 201
Standards for Critical Thinking 201
Intellectual Standards. 201
Professional Standards. 201
Developing Critical Thinking Skills 202
Reflective Journaling 202
Meeting with Colleagues 202
Concept Mapping 202
Critical Thinking Synthesis 202
Key Points 203
Clinical Application Questions 203
Preparing for Clinical Practice 203
Review Questions 203
Are You Ready to Test Your Nursing Knowledge? 203
References 205
Research References 205
Chapter 16 Nursing Assessment 206
Objectives 206
Key Terms 206
Critical Thinking Approach to Assessment 207
Data Collection 207
Types of Data. 210
Sources of Data. 210
Patient. 210
Family and Significant Others. 210
Health Care Team. 211
Medical Records. 211
Other Records and the Scientific Literature. 211
Nurse’s Experience. 211
Methods of Data Collection 211
Patient-Centered Interview. 211
Setting the Stage. 212
Set an Agenda. 212
Collect the Assessment or Nursing Health History. 212
Terminating the Interview. 213
Interview Techniques. 213
Open-ended Questions. 213
Back Channeling. 213
Probing. 213
Closed-ended Questions. 214
Cultural Considerations in Assessment 214
Nursing Health History 214
Biographical Information. 214
Reason for Seeking Health Care. 214
Patient Expectations. 214
Present Illness or Health Concerns. 214
Health History. 215
Family History. 216
Environmental History. 216
Psychosocial History. 216
Spiritual Health. 216
Review of Systems. 216
Documentation of History Findings. 216
Physical Examination 216
Observation of Patient Behavior 216
Diagnostic and Laboratory Data 216
Interpreting and Validating Assessment Data 217
Interpretation. 217
Data Validation. 217
Data Documentation 217
Concept Mapping 218
Key Points 219
Critical Thinking Exercises 219
Preparing for Clinical Practice 219
Review Questions 219
Are You Ready to Test Your Nursing Knowledge? 219
References 221
Research References 221
Chapter 17 Nursing Diagnosis 222
Objectives 222
Key Terms 222
History of Nursing Diagnosis 223
Critical Thinking and the Nursing Diagnostic Process 224
Data Clustering 226
Interpretation—Identifying Health Problems 227
Formulating a Nursing Diagnosis 227
Types of Nursing Diagnoses 227
Components of a Nursing Diagnosis 228
Diagnostic Label. 228
Related Factors. 229
The PES Format. 229
Cultural Relevance of Nursing Diagnoses 230
Concept Mapping Nursing Diagnoses 230
Sources of Diagnostic Errors 231
Errors in Interpretation and Analysis of Data 232
Errors in Data Clustering 232
Errors in the Diagnostic Statement 232
Documentation and Informatics 233
Nursing Diagnoses: Application to Care Planning 233
Key Points 233
Clinical Application Questions 234
Preparing for Clinical Practice 234
Review Questions 234
Are You Ready to Test Your Nursing Knowledge? 234
References 235
Research References 235
Chapter 18 Planning Nursing Care 236
Objectives 236
Key Terms 236
Establishing Priorities 237
Priorities in Practice 238
Critical Thinking in Setting Goals and Expected Outcomes 238
Goals of Care 239
Role of the Patient in Goal Setting. 239
Expected Outcomes 240
Nursing Outcomes Classification. 240
Guidelines for Writing Goals and Expected Outcomes 240
Patient-Centered. 240
Singular Goal or Outcome. 241
Observable. 241
Measurable. 241
Time-Limited. 241
Mutual Factors. 241
Realistic. 241
Critical Thinking in Planning Nursing Care 241
Types of Interventions 242
Selection of Interventions 242
Nursing Interventions Classification. 242
Systems for Planning Nursing Care 243
Change of Shift 244
Student Care Plans 245
Care Plans for Community-Based Settings. 247
Critical Pathways. 247
Concept Maps 248
Consulting Other Health Care Professionals 249
When to Consult 249
How to Consult 249
Key Points 249
Clinical Application Questions 250
Preparing for Clinical Practice 250
Review Questions 250
Are You Ready to Test Your Nursing Knowledge? 250
References 252
Research References 252
Chapter 19 Implementing Nursing Care 253
Objectives 253
Key Terms 253
Critical Thinking in Implementation 254
Standard Nursing Interventions 255
Clinical Practice Guidelines and Protocols 255
Standing Orders 256
NIC Interventions 256
Standards of Practice 256
Implementation Process 256
Reassessing the Patient 256
Reviewing and Revising the Existing Nursing Care Plan 257
Organizing Resources and Care Delivery 258
Equipment. 258
Personnel. 258
Environment. 258
Patient. 258
Anticipating and Preventing Complications 258
Identifying Areas of Assistance. 259
Implementation Skills 259
Cognitive Skills. 259
Interpersonal Skills. 259
Psychomotor Skills. 259
Direct Care 259
Activities of Daily Living 259
Instrumental Activities of Daily Living 260
Physical Care Techniques 260
Lifesaving Measures 260
Counseling 260
Teaching 261
Controlling for Adverse Reactions 261
Preventive Measures 261
Indirect Care 261
Communicating Nursing Interventions 262
Delegating, Supervising, and Evaluating the Work of Other Staff Members 262
Achieving Patient Goals 262
Key Points 262
Clinical Application Questions 263
Preparing for Clinical Practice 263
Review Questions 263
Are You Ready to Test Your Nursing Knowledge? 263
References 264
Research References 264
Chapter 20 Evaluation 265
Objectives 265
Key Terms 265
Standards for Evaluation 267
Criterion-Based Evaluation 267
Goals. 267
Expected Outcomes. 267
Collaborate and Evaluate Effectiveness of Interventions 268
Evaluative Measures. 268
Interpreting and Summarizing Findings. 269
Document Results 270
Care Plan Revision 270
Discontinuing a Care Plan. 270
Modifying a Care Plan. 271
Reassessment. 271
Redefining Diagnoses. 271
Goals and Expected Outcomes. 271
Interventions. 271
Key Points 271
Clinical Application Questions 272
Preparing for Clinical Practice 272
Review Questions 272
Are You Ready to Test Your Nursing Knowledge? 272
References 273
Research References 273
Chapter 21 Managing Patient Care 274
Objectives 274
Key Terms 274
Building a Nursing Team 274
Magnet Recognition 275
Nursing Care Delivery Models 275
Decision Making 277
Staff Involvement. 278
Leadership Skills for Nursing Students 279
Clinical Care Coordination 279
Clinical Decisions. 279
Priority Setting. 279
Organizational Skills. 279
Use of Resources. 280
Time Management. 280
Evaluation. 280
Team Communication 281
Delegation 281
Knowledge Building 283
Key Points 283
Clinical Application Questions 283
Preparing for Clinical Practice 283
Review Questions 283
Are You Ready to Test Your Nursing Knowledge? 283
References 285
Research References 285
Unit 4 Professional Standards in Nursing Practice 286
Chapter 22 Ethics and Values 286
Objectives 286
Key Terms 286
Basic Terms in Health Ethics 286
Autonomy 286
Beneficence 286
Nonmaleficence 287
Justice 287
Fidelity 287
Professional Nursing Code of Ethics 287
Advocacy 287
Responsibility 287
Accountability 287
Confidentiality 287
Values 288
Value Formation 288
Values Clarification 288
Ethics and Philosophy 288
Deontology 288
Utilitarianism 289
Feminist Ethics 289
Ethics of Care 289
Consensus in Bioethics 290
Nursing Point of View 290
Processing an Ethical Dilemma 290
Institutional Resources 292
Issues in Health Care Ethics 292
Quality of Life 292
Genetic Screening 292
Care at the End of Life 293
Access to Care 293
Key Points 293
Clinical Application Questions 293
Preparing for Clinical Practice 293
Review Questions 294
Are You Ready to Test Your Nursing Knowledge? 294
References 295
Research References 295
Chapter 23 Legal Implications in Nursing Practice 296
Objectives 296
Key Terms 296
Legal Limits of Nursing 296
Sources of Law 296
Standards of Care 297
Federal Statutory Issues in Nursing Practice 298
Americans with Disabilities Act 298
Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act 298
Mental Health Parity Act 298
Advance Directives 298
Living Wills. 298
Health Care Proxies or Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care. 299
Uniform Anatomical Gift Act 299
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act 299
Restraints 300
State Statutory Issues in Nursing Practice 300
Licensure 300
Good Samaritan Laws 300
Public Health Laws 300
The Uniform Determination of Death Act 300
Autopsy 301
Physician-Assisted Suicide 301
Civil and Common Law Issues in Nursing Practice 301
Torts 301
Intentional Torts 301
Assault. 301
Battery. 301
False Imprisonment. 301
Quasi-Intentional Torts 301
Invasion of Privacy. 301
Defamation of Character. 302
Unintentional Torts 302
Negligence. 302
Malpractice. 302
Consent 302
Informed Consent. 302
Abortion Issues 303
Nursing Students 303
Malpractice Insurance 304
Abandonment and Assignment Issues 304
Short Staffing. 304
Floating. 304
Health Care Providers’ Orders. 305
Risk Management 305
Professional Involvement 305
Key Points 305
Clinical Application Questions 306
Preparing for Clinical Practice 306
Review Questions 306
Are You Ready to Test Your Nursing Knowledge? 306
References 308
Research References 308
Statutes 308
Cases 308
Chapter 24 Communication 309
Objectives 309
Key Terms 309
Communication and Nursing Practice 309
Communication and Interpersonal Relationships 309
Developing Communication Skills 310
Levels of Communication 311
Basic Elements of the Communication Process 312
Referent 312
Sender and Receiver 312
Messages 312
Channels 312
Feedback 312
Interpersonal Variables 312
Environment 312
Forms of Communication 313
Verbal Communication 313
Vocabulary. 313
Denotative and Connotative Meaning. 313
Pacing. 313
Intonation. 313
Clarity and Brevity. 313
Timing and Relevance. 313
Nonverbal Communication 313
Personal Appearance. 313
Posture and Gait. 313
Facial Expression. 313
Eye Contact. 314
Gestures. 314
Sounds. 314
Territoriality and Personal Space. 314
Symbolic Communication 314
Metacommunication 314
Professional Nursing Relationships 314
Nurse-Patient Helping Relationships 314
Nurse-Family Relationships 315
Nurse–Health Care Team Relationships 315
Nurse-Community Relationships 316
Elements of Professional Communication 316
Courtesy 316
Use of Names 316
Trustworthiness 317
Autonomy and Responsibility 317
Assertiveness 317
Nursing Process 317
n n n Assessment 317
Through the Patient’s Eyes. 317
Physical and Emotional Factors. 317
Developmental Factors. 318
Sociocultural Factors. 318
Gender. 319
n n n Nursing Diagnosis 319
n n n Planning 319
Goals and Outcomes. 319
Setting Priorities. 319
Teamwork and Collaboration. 319
n n n Implementation 319
Therapeutic Communication Techniques. 320
Active Listening. 320
Sharing Observations. 320
Sharing Empathy. 320
Sharing Hope. 320
Sharing Humor. 320
Sharing Feelings. 321
Using Touch. 321
Using Silence. 321
Providing Information. 321
Clarifying. 321
Focusing. 321
Paraphrasing. 322
Asking Relevant Questions. 322
Summarizing. 322
Self-Disclosure. 322
Confrontation. 322
Nontherapeutic Communication Techniques. 322
Asking Personal Questions. 322
Giving Personal Opinions. 322
Changing the Subject. 322
Automatic Responses. 322
False Reassurance. 323
Sympathy. 323
Asking for Explanations. 323
Approval or Disapproval. 323
Defensive Responses. 323
Passive or Aggressive Responses. 323
Arguing. 323
Adapting Communication Techniques for the Patient with Special Needs. 323
n n n Evaluation 324
Through the Patient’s Eyes. 324
Patient Outcomes. 324
Key Points 325
Clinical Application Questions 325
Preparing for Clinical Practice 325
Review Questions 326
Are You Ready to Test Your Nursing Knowledge? 326
References 327
Research References 327
Chapter 25 Patient Education 328
Objectives 328
Key Terms 328
Standards for Patient Education 328
Purposes of Patient Education 329
Maintenance and Promotion of Health and Illness Prevention 329
Restoration of Health 329
Coping with Impaired Functions 329
Teaching and Learning 329
Role of the Nurse in Teaching and Learning 329
Teaching as Communication 330
Domains of Learning 330
Cognitive Learning 330
Affective Learning 331
Psychomotor Learning 331
Basic Learning Principles 331
Motivation to Learn 332
Attentional Set. 332
Motivation. 332
Use of Theory to Enhance Motivation and Learning. 332
Psychosocial Adaptation to Illness. 332
Active Participation. 333
Ability to Learn 333
Developmental Capability. 333
Learning in Children. 333
Adult Learning. 334
Physical Capability. 334
Learning Environment 334
Nursing Process 335
n n n ASSESSMENT 335
Through the Patient’s Eyes. 335
Learning Needs. 335
Motivation to Learn. 336
Ability to Learn. 336
Teaching Environment. 336
Resources for Learning. 336
Health Literacy and Learning Disabilities. 337
n n n Nursing Diagnosis 337
n n n Planning 338
Goals and Outcomes. 338
Setting Priorities. 338
Timing. 338
Organizing Teaching Material. 338
Teamwork and Collaboration. 339
n n n Implementation 340
Maintaining Learning Attention and Participation. 340
Building on Existing Knowledge. 340
Teaching Approaches. 340
Telling. 340
Participating. 340
Entrusting. 340
Reinforcing. 340
Incorporating Teaching with Nursing Care. 340
Instructional Methods. 341
One-on-One Discussion. 341
Group Instruction. 341
Preparatory Instruction. 341
Demonstrations. 341
Analogies. 341
Role Play. 342
Simulation. 342
Illiteracy and Other Disabilities. 342
Cultural Diversity. 342
Using Teaching Tools. 343
Special Needs of Children and Older Adults. 343
n n n Evaluation 344
Through the Patient’s Eyes. 344
Patient Outcomes. 344
Key Points 344
Clinical Application Questions 345
Preparing for Clinical Practice 345
Review Questions 345
Are You Ready to Test Your Nursing Knowledge? 345
References 346
Research References 347
Chapter 26 Documentation and Informatics 348
Objectives 348
Key Terms 348
Confidentiality 349
Standards 349
Interdisciplinary Communication within the Health Care Team 349
Purposes of Records 349
Communication 350
Legal Documentation 350
Reimbursement 350
Education 350
Research 350
Auditing and Monitoring 350
Guidelines for Quality Documentation and Reporting 350
Factual 350
Accurate 351
Complete 352
Current 352
Organized 353
Methods of Documentation 353
Paper and Electronic Health Records 353
Narrative Documentation 353
Problem-Oriented Medical Record 353
Database. 354
Problem List. 354
Care Plan. 354
Progress Notes. 354
Source Records 354
Charting by Exception 354
Case Management Plan and Critical Pathways 355
Common Record-Keeping Forms 355
Admission Nursing History Forms 356
Flow Sheets and Graphic Records 356
Patient Care Summary or Kardex 356
Standardized Care Plans 356
Discharge Summary Forms 356
Acuity Records 356
Home Care Documentation 357
Long-Term Health Care Documentation 357
Reporting 357
Hand-Off Report 357
Telephone Reports and Orders 358
Telephone Reports. 358
Telephone and Verbal Orders. 358
Incident or Occurrence Reports 358
Health Informatics 359
Nursing Informatics 359
Nursing Information Systems 360
Advantages of a Nursing Information System. 360
Privacy, Confidentiality, and Security Mechanisms. 361
Handling and Disposal of Information. 361
Clinical Information Systems 362
Key Points 362
Clinical Application Questions 362
Preparing for Clinical Practice 362
Review Questions 363
Are You Ready to Test Your Nursing Knowledge? 363
References 364
Research References 364
Unit 5 Foundations For Nursing Practice 365
Chapter 27 Patient Safety 365
Objectives 365
Key Terms 365
Scientific Knowledge Base 365
Environmental Safety 365
Basic Needs. 366
Oxygen. 366
Nutrition. 366
Temperature. 366
Physical Hazards. 366
Motor Vehicle Accidents. 366
Poison. 367
Falls. 367
Fire. 367
Disasters. 367
Transmission of Pathogens. 367
Pollution. 368
Nursing Knowledge Base 368
Factors Influencing Patient Safety 368
Risks at Developmental Stages. 368
Infant, Toddler, and Preschooler. 368
School-Age Child. 368
Adolescent. 368
Adult. 368
Older Adult. 369
Individual Risk Factors. 369
Lifestyle. 369
Impaired Mobility. 369
Sensory or Communication Impairment. 369
Lack of Safety Awareness. 369
Risks in the Health Care Agency. 369
Falls. 371
Patient-Inherent Accidents. 371
Procedure-Related Accidents. 371
Equipment-Related Accidents. 371
Critical Thinking 371
Nursing Process 372
n n n Assessment 372
Through the Patient’s Eyes. 372
Nursing History. 372
Health Care Environment. 373
Risk for Falls. 373
Risk for Medical Errors. 374
Disasters. 374
Patient’s Home Environment. 374
n n n Nursing Diagnosis 374
n n n Planning 375
Goals and Outcomes. 375
Setting Priorities. 375
Teamwork and Collaboration. 378
n n n Implementation 378
Health Promotion. 378
Developmental Interventions 378
Infant, Toddler, and Preschooler. 378
School-Age Child. 378
Adolescent. 378
Adult. 378
Older Adult. 380
Environmental Interventions. 382
Basic Needs. 382
General Preventive Measures. 382
Acute Care. 383
Falls. 384
Restraints. 384
Side Rails. 386
Fires. 386
Electrical Hazards. 387
Seizures. 387
Radiation. 387
Disasters. 387
n n n Evaluation 387
Through the Patient’s Eyes. 387
Patient Outcomes. 388
Safety Guidelines for Nursing Skills 388
Skill 27-1 Applying restraints 388
Unexpected Outcomes and Related Interventions 389
Recording and Reporting 392
Home Care Considerations 392
Skill 27-2 Seizure Precautions 392
Unexpected Outcomes and Related Interventions 394
Recording and Reporting 394
Home Care Considerations 394
Key Points 394
Clinical Application Questions 395
Preparing for Clinical Practice 395
Review Questions 395
Are You Ready to Test Your Nursing Knowledge? 395
References 396
Research References 397
Chapter 28 Infection Prevention and Control 398
Objectives 398
Key Terms 398
Scientific Knowledge Base 399
Nature of Infection 399
Chain of Infection 399
Infectious Agent. 399
Reservoir. 399
Food. 399
Oxygen. 399
Water. 399
Temperature. 400
pH. 400
Light. 400
Port of Exit. 400
Skin and Mucous Membranes. 400
Respiratory Tract. 400
Urinary Tract. 400
Gastrointestinal Tract. 400
Reproductive Tract. 400
Blood. 400
Modes of Transmission. 400
Port of Entry. 401
Susceptible Host. 401
The Infectious Process 401
Defenses Against Infection 401
Normal Floras. 402
Body System Defenses. 402
Inflammation. 402
Vascular and Cellular Responses. 403
Inflammatory Exudate. 403
Tissue Repair. 403
Health Care–Associated Infections 403
Nursing Knowledge Base 404
Factors Influencing Infection Prevention and Control 404
Age. 404
Nutritional Status. 405
Stress. 405
Disease Process. 405
Nursing Process 405
n n n Assessment 405
Through the Patient’s Eyes. 405
Status of Defense Mechanisms. 406
Patient Susceptibility. 406
Medical Therapy. 406
Clinical Appearance. 406
Laboratory Data. 406
n n n Nursing Diagnosis 407
n n n Planning 407
Goals and Outcomes. 407
Setting Priorities. 407
Teamwork and Collaboration. 407
n n n Implementation 409
Health Promotion. 409
Acute Care. 410
Asepsis. 410
Cleaning, Disinfection, and Sterilization. 411
Cleaning. 411
Disinfection and Sterilization. 412
Infection Prevention and Control—Patient Safety. 412
Isolation and Isolation Precautions. 415
Psychological Implications of Isolation. 416
The Isolation Environment. 416
Personal Protective Equipment. 416
Gowns. 416
Respiratory Protection. 419
Eye Protection. 419
Gloves. 419
Specimen Collection. 420
Bagging Trash or Linen. 420
Transporting Patients. 420
Role of the Infection Control Professional. 420
Infection Prevention and Control for Hospital Personnel. 421
Patient Education. 421
Surgical Asepsis. 421
Patient Preparation. 421
Principles of Surgical Asepsis. 421
Performing Sterile Procedures. 422
Donning and Removing Caps, Masks, and Eyewear. 422
Opening Sterile Packages. 422
Opening a Sterile Item on a Flat Surface. 423
Opening a Sterile Item While Holding It. 423
Preparing a Sterile Field. 423
Pouring Sterile Solutions. 423
Surgical Scrub. 423
Applying Sterile Gloves. 423
Donning a Sterile Gown. 424
n n n Evaluation 424
Through the Patient’s Eyes. 424
Patient Outcomes. 424
Exposure Issues. 424
Safety Guidelines for Nursing Skills 425
Skill 28-1 Hand Hygiene 425
Delegation Considerations 425
Equipment 425
Home Care Considerations 427
Skill 28-2 Preparation of Sterile Field 427
Delegation Considerations 427
Equipment 427
Recording and Reporting 431
Skill 28-3 Surgical Hand Asepsis 431
Delegation Considerations 431
Equipment 431
Recording and Reporting 433
Skill 28-4 Applying a Sterile Gown and Performing Closed Gloving 434
Delegation Considerations 434
Equipment 434
Recording and Reporting 436
Skill 28-5 Open Gloving 436
Delegation Considerations 436
Equipment 436
Recording and Reporting 437
Key Points 438
Clinical Application Questions 438
Preparing for Clinical Practice 438
Review Questions 438
Are You Ready to Test Your Nursing Knowledge? 438
References 439
Research References 440
Chapter 29 Vital Signs 441
Objectives 441
Key Terms 441
Guidelines for Measuring Vital Signs 442
Body Temperature 442
Physiology 442
Regulation. 443
Neural and Vascular Control. 443
Heat Production. 443
Heat Loss. 443
Skin in Temperature Regulation. 444
Behavioral Control. 444
Factors Affecting Body Temperature 444
Age. 444
Exercise. 444
Hormone Level. 444
Circadian Rhythm. 445
Stress. 445
Environment. 445
Temperature Alterations. 445
Fever. 445
Hyperthermia. 446
Heatstroke. 446
Heat Exhaustion. 446
Hypothermia. 446
Nursing Process 446
n n n Assessment 446
Through the Patient’s Eyes. 446
Sites. 447
Thermometers. 447
Electronic Thermometer. 447
Chemical Dot Thermometers. 447
n n n Nursing Diagnosis 449
n n n Planning 450
Goals and Outcomes. 450
Setting Priorities. 450
Teamwork and Collaboration. 450
n n n Implementation 450
Health Promotion. 450
Acute Care 450
Fever. 450
Heatstroke. 452
Hypothermia. 452
Restorative and Continuing Care. 452
n n n Evaluation 452
Through the Patient’s Eyes. 452
Patient Outcomes. 452
Pulse 452
Physiology and Regulation 452
Assessment of Pulse 453
Use of a Stethoscope. 453
Character of the Pulse 454
Rate. 454
Rhythm. 455
Strength. 455
Equality. 455
Nursing Process and Pulse Determination 455
Respiration 455
Physiological Control 456
Mechanics of Breathing 456
Assessment of Ventilation 456
Respiratory Rate. 456
Ventilatory Depth. 456
Ventilatory Rhythm. 456
Assessment of Diffusion and Perfusion 457
Measurement of Arterial Oxygen Saturation. 458
Nursing Process and Respiratory Vital Signs 458
Blood Pressure 458
Physiology of Arterial Blood Pressure 459
Cardiac Output. 459
Peripheral Resistance. 459
Blood Volume. 459
Viscosity. 459
Elasticity. 459
Factors Influencing Blood Pressure 459
Age. 459
Stress. 459
Ethnicity. 459
Gender. 459
Daily Variation. 460
Medications. 460
Activity and Weight. 460
Smoking. 460
Hypertension 460
Hypotension 461
Measurement of Blood Pressure 461
Blood Pressure Equipment. 461
Auscultation. 462
Assessment in Children. 462
Ultrasonic Stethoscope. 463
Palpation. 463
Lower-Extremity Blood Pressure. 463
Electronic Blood Pressure Devices. 463
Self-Measurement of Blood Pressure. 465
Nursing Process and Blood Pressure Determination 465
Health Promotion and Vital Signs 465
Recording Vital Signs 466
Safety Guidelines For Nursing Skills 467
Skill 29-1 Measuring Body Temperature 467
Delegation Considerations 467
Equipment 467
Unexpected Outcomes and Related Interventions 471
Recording and Reporting 471
Home Care Considerations 471
Skill 29-2 Assessing the Radial and Apical Pulses 472
Delegation Considerations 472
Equipment 472
Unexpected Outcomes and Related Interventions 475
Recording and Reporting 475
Home Care Considerations 475
Skill 29-3 Assessing Respirations 476
Delegation Considerations 476
Equipment 476
Unexpected Outcomes and Related Interventions 478
Recording and Reporting 478
Home Care Considerations 478
Skill 29-4 Measuring Oxygen Saturation (Pulse Oximetry) 478
Delegation Considerations 478
Equipment 478
Unexpected Outcomes and Related Interventions 480
Recording and Reporting 480
Home Care Considerations 480
Skill 29-5 Measuring Blood Pressure 480
Delegation Considerations 480
Equipment 480
Unexpected Outcomes and Related Interventions 484
Recording and Reporting 484
Home Care Considerations 484
Key Points 484
Clinical Application Questions 485
Preparing for Clinical Practice 485
Review Questions 485
Are You Ready to Test Your Nursing Knowledge? 485
References 486
Research References 486
Chapter 30 Health Assessment and Physical Examination 487
Objectives 487
Key Terms 487
Purposes of the Physical Examination 488
Cultural Sensitivity 488
Preparation for Examination 488
Infection Control 488
Environment 488
Equipment 489
Physical Preparation of the Patient 489
Positioning. 489
Psychological Preparation of a Patient 491
Assessment of Age-Groups 491
Organization of the Examination 491
Techniques of Physical Assessment 493
Inspection 493
Palpation 493
Percussion 494
Auscultation 494
General Survey 495
General Appearance and Behavior 495
Vital Signs 496
Height and Weight 496
Skin, Hair, and Nails 498
Skin 498
Color. 500
Moisture. 501
Temperature. 501
Texture. 502
Turgor. 502
Vascularity. 502
Edema. 502
Lesions. 502
Hair and Scalp 503
Inspection. 504
Nails 506
Inspection and Palpation. 506
Head and Neck 507
Head 508
Inspection and Palpation. 508
Eyes 508
Visual Acuity. 508
Extraocular Movements. 509
Visual Fields. 510
External Eye Structures. 510
Position and Alignment. 510
Eyebrows. 510
Eyelids. 510
Lacrimal Apparatus. 511
Conjunctivae and Sclerae. 511
Corneas. 511
Pupils and Irises. 511
Internal Eye Structures. 512
Ears 512
Auricles. 512
Ear Canals and Eardrums. 513
Hearing Acuity. 514
Nose and Sinuses 516
Nose. 516
Sinuses. 516
Mouth and Pharynx 516
Lips. 516
Buccal Mucosa, Gums, and Teeth. 517
Tongue and Floor of Mouth. 518
Palate. 519
Pharynx. 519
Neck 519
Neck Muscles. 520
Lymph Nodes. 520
Thyroid Gland. 520
Carotid Artery and Jugular Vein. 521
Trachea. 522
Thorax and Lungs 522
Posterior Thorax 522
Lateral Thorax 526
Anterior Thorax 526
Heart 527
Inspection and Palpation 528
Auscultation 529
Vascular System 531
Blood Pressure 531
Carotid Arteries 531
Jugular Veins 532
Peripheral Arteries and Veins 533
Peripheral Arteries. 533
Ultrasound Stethoscopes. 535
Tissue Perfusion. 535
Peripheral Veins. 536
Lymphatic System 537
Breasts 537
Female Breasts 537
Inspection. 538
Palpation. 540
Male Breasts 542
Abdomen 542
Inspection 543
Skin. 543
Umbilicus. 543
Contour and Symmetry. 543
Enlarged Organs or Masses. 544
Movement or Pulsations. 544
Auscultation 544
Bowel Motility. 544
Vascular Sounds. 544
Kidney Tenderness. 544
Palpation 544
Aortic Pulsation. 545
Female Genitalia and Reproductive Tract 545
Preparation of the Patient 545
External Genitalia 546
Speculum Examination of Internal Genitalia 547
Male Genitalia 547
Sexual Maturity 548
Penis 548
Scrotum 549
Inguinal Ring and Canal 550
Rectum and Anus 550
Inspection 550
Digital Palpation 550
Musculoskeletal System 551
General Inspection 551
Palpation 552
Range of Joint Motion 553
Muscle Tone and Strength 554
Neurological System 555
Mental and Emotional Status 555
Level of Consciousness. 556
Behavior and Appearance. 556
Language. 557
Intellectual Function 557
Memory. 557
Knowledge. 557
Abstract Thinking. 557
Association. 557
Judgment. 557
Cranial Nerve Function 557
Sensory Function 557
Motor Function 558
Coordination. 558
Balance. 559
Reflexes 559
After the Examination 560
Key Points 561
Clinical Application Questions 562
Preparing for Clinical Practice 562
Review Questions 562
References 563
Research References 564
Chapter 31 Medication Administration 565
Objectives 565
Key Terms 565
Scientific Knowledge Base 565
Medication Legislation and Standards 566
Federal Regulations. 566
State and Local Regulation of Medication. 566
Health Care Institutions and Medication Laws. 566
Medication Regulations and Nursing Practice. 566
Pharmacological Concepts 566
Medication Names. 566
Classification. 566
Medication Forms. 566
Pharmacokinetics As the Basis of Medication Actions 567
Absorption. 567
Route of Administration. 567
Ability of the Medication to Dissolve. 567
Blood Flow to the Site of Administration. 568
Body Surface Area. 568
Lipid Solubility. 568
Distribution. 568
Circulation. 568
Membrane Permeability. 568
Protein Binding. 568
Metabolism. 568
Excretion. 568
Types of Medication Action 568
Therapeutic Effects. 569
Side Effects/Adverse Effects. 569
Toxic Effects. 569
Idiosyncratic Reactions. 569
Allergic Reactions. 569
Medication Interactions 569
Timing of Medication Dose Responses 569
Routes of Administration 571
Oral Routes. 571
Sublingual Administration. 571
Buccal Administration. 572
Parenteral Routes. 572
Epidural. 572
Intrathecal. 572
Intraosseous. 572
Intraperitoneal. 572
Intrapleural. 572
Intraarterial. 572
Topical Administration. 572
Inhalation Route. 572
Intraocular Route. 573
Systems of Medication Measurement 573
Metric System. 573
Household Measurements. 573
Solutions. 573
Nursing Knowledge Base 574
Clinical Calculations 574
Conversions Within One System. 574
Conversion Between Systems. 574
Dose Calculations. 574
The Ratio and Proportion Method. 575
The Formula Method. 575
Dimensional Analysis. 575
Pediatric Doses. 576
Prescriber’s Role 577
Types of Orders in Acute Care Agencies 577
Standing Orders or Routine Medication Orders. 577
prn Orders. 578
Single (One-Time) Orders. 578
STAT Orders. 578
Now Orders. 578
Prescriptions. 581
Pharmacist’s Role 581
Distribution Systems 581
Unit Dose. 581
Automated Medication Dispensing Systems. 582
Nurse’s Role 582
Medication Errors 582
Critical Thinking 584
Knowledge 584
Experience 584
Attitudes 584
Standards 584
Right Medication. 584
Right Dose. 585
Right Patient. 585
Right Route. 585
Right Time. 586
Right Documentation. 586
Maintaining Patients’ Rights. 587
Nursing Process 587
n n n Assessment 587
Through the Patient’s Eyes. 587
History. 587
Allergies. 587
Medications. 588
Diet History. 588
Patient’s Perceptual or Coordination Problems. 588
Patient’s Current Condition. 588
Patient’s Attitude About Medication Use. 588
Patient’s Understanding of and Adherence to Medication Therapy. 588
Patient’s Learning Needs. 588
n n n Nursing Diagnosis 588
n n n Planning 589
Goals and Outcomes. 589
Setting Priorities. 589
Teamwork and Collaboration. 589
n n n Implementation 589
Health Promotion. 589
Patient and Family Teaching. 589
Acute Care. 589
Receiving, Transcribing, and Communicating Medication Orders. 589
Accurate Dose Calculation and Measurement. 590
Correct Administration. 590
Recording Medication Administration. 591
Restorative Care. 591
Special Considerations for Administering Medications to Specific Age-Groups. 591
Infants and Children. 591
Older Adults. 591
Polypharmacy. 591
n n n Evaluation 592
Through the Patient’s Eyes. 592
Patient Outcomes. 593
Medication Administration 593
Oral Administration 593
Topical Medication Applications 595
Skin Applications. 595
Nasal Instillation. 595
Eye Instillation. 596
Intraocular Administration. 597
Ear Instillation. 597
Vaginal Instillation. 597
Rectal Instillation. 597
Administering Medications by Inhalation 599
Administering Medications by Irrigations 600
Parenteral Administration of Medications 600
Equipment. 600
Syringes. 600
Needles. 601
Disposable Injection Units. 601
Preparing an Injection From an Ampule. 602
Preparing an Injection From a Vial. 602
Mixing Medications. 602
Mixing Medications From a Vial and an Ampule. 603
Mixing Medications From Two Vials. 603
Insulin Preparation. 603
Administering Injections 604
Subcutaneous Injections. 604
Intramuscular Injections. 605
Sites. 606
Ventrogluteal. 606
Vastus Lateralis. 606
Deltoid. 607
Use of the Z-Track Method in Intramuscular Injections. 607
Intradermal Injections. 608
Safety in Administering Medications by Injection 608
Needleless Devices. 608
Intravenous Administration. 608
Large-Volume Infusions. 609
Intravenous Bolus. 610
Volume-Controlled Infusions. 610
Piggyback. 610
Volume-Control Administration. 611
Mini-Infusion Pump. 611
Intermittent Venous Access. 611
Administration of Intravenous Therapy in the Home. 611
Safety Guidelines for Nursing Skills 611
Skill 31-1 Administering Oral Medications 612
Delegation Considerations 612
Equipment 612
Unexpected Outcomes and Related Interventions 615
Recording and Reporting 615
Home Care Considerations 615
Skill 31-2 Administering Ophthalmic Medications 616
Delegation Considerations 616
Equipment 616
Unexpected Outcomes and Related Interventions 619
Recording and Reporting 619
Home Care Considerations 619
Skill 31-3 Using Metered-Dose Or Dry Powder Inhalers 619
Delegation Considerations 619
Equipment 619
Unexpected Outcomes and Related Interventions 622
Recording and Reporting 622
Home Care Considerations 622
Skill 31-4 Preparing Injections 622
Delegation Considerations 622
Equipment 622
Unexpected Outcomes and Related Interventions 626
Skill 31-5 Administering Injections 626
Delegation Considerations 626
Equipment 626
Unexpected Outcomes and Related Interventions 631
Recording and Reporting 631
Home Care Considerations 631
Skill 31-6 Administering Medications By Intravenous Bolus 631
Delegation Considerations 631
Equipment 631
Unexpected Outcomes and Related Interventions 635
Recording and Reporting 635
Skill 31-7 Administering Intravenous Medications by Piggyback, Intermittent Intravenous Infusion Sets, and Mini-Infusion Pumps 635
Delegation Considerations 635
Equipment 635
Unexpected Outcomes and Related Interventions 639
Recording and Reporting 639
Home Care Considerations 639
Key Points 639
Clinical Application Questions 639
Preparing for Clinical Practice 639
Review Questions 639
Are You Ready to Test Your Nursing Knowledge? 639
References 641
Research References 642
Chapter 32 Complementary and Alternative Therapies 643
Objectives 643
Key Terms 643
Complementary and Alternative Approaches to Health 643
Nursing-Accessible Therapies 644
Relaxation Therapy 644
Clinical Applications of Relaxation Therapy. 647
Limitations of Relaxation Therapy. 647
Meditation and Breathing 648
Clinical Applications of Meditation. 648
Limitations of Meditation. 648
Imagery 648
Clinical Applications of Imagery. 648
Limitations of Imagery. 649
Training-Specific Therapies 649
Biofeedback 649
Clinical Applications of Biofeedback. 649
Limitations of Biofeedback. 649
Acupuncture 649
Clinical Applications of Acupuncture. 650
Limitations of Acupuncture. 650
Therapeutic Touch 650
Clinical Applications of Therapeutic Touch. 650
Limitations of Therapeutic Touch. 650
Chiropractic Therapy 650
Clinical Applications of Chiropractic Therapy. 651
Limitations of Chiropractic Therapy. 651
Traditional Chinese Medicine 651
Clinical Applications of Traditional Chinese Medicine. 652
Limitations of Traditional Chinese Medicine. 652
Natural Products and Herbal Therapies 652
Clinical Applications of Herbal Therapy. 652
Limitations of Herbal Therapy. 652
Nursing Role in Complementary and Alternative Therapies 654
Key Points 655
Clinical Application Questions 655
Preparing for Clinical Practice 655
Review Questions 655
Are You Ready to Test Your Nursing Knowledge? 655
References 657
Research References 657
Unit 6 Sychosocial Basis For Nursing Practice 658
Chapter 33 Self-Concept 658
Objectives 658
Key Terms 658
Scientific Knowledge Base 658
Nursing Knowledge Base 659
Development of Self-Concept 659
Components and Interrelated Terms of Self-Concept 660
Identity. 660
Body Image. 660
Role Performance. 661
Self-Esteem. 661
Factors Influencing Self-Concept 661
Identity Stressors. 662
Body Image Stressors. 662
Role Performance Stressors. 663
Self-Esteem Stressors. 663
Family Effect on Self-Concept Development 664
Nurse’s Effect on Patient’s Self-Concept 664
Critical Thinking 665
Nursing Process 665
n n n Assessment 665
Through the Patient’s Eyes. 665
Coping Behaviors. 666
Significant Others. 666
n n n Nursing Diagnosis 666
n n n Planning 667
Goals and Outcomes. 667
Setting Priorities. 667
Teamwork and Collaboration. 667
n n n Implementation 670
Health Promotion. 670
Acute Care. 670
Restorative and Continuing Care. 670
n n n Evaluation 671
Through the Patient’s Eyes. 671
Patient Outcomes. 671
Key Points 671
Clinical Application Questions 671
Preparing for Clinical Practice 671
Review Questions 672
Are You Ready to Test Your Nursing Knowledge? 672
References 673
Research References 673
Chapter 34 Sexuality 674
Objectives 674
Key Terms 674
Scientific Knowledge Base 674
Sexual Development 674
Infancy and Early Childhood. 674
School-Age Years. 675
Puberty/Adolescence. 675
Young Adulthood. 675
Middle Adulthood. 675
Older Adulthood. 675
Sexual Orientation 676
Contraception 676
Nonprescription Contraceptive Methods. 676
Methods That Require a Health Care Provider’s Intervention. 676
Sexually Transmitted Infections 677
Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection. 677
Human Papillomavirus Infection. 677
Chlamydia. 677
Nursing Knowledge Base 677
Factors Influencing Sexuality 677
Sociocultural Dimensions of Sexuality 678
Impact of Pregnancy and Menstruation on Sexuality. 678
Discussing Sexual Issues. 678
Decisional Issues 678
Contraception. 678
Abortion. 678
Prevention of Sexually Transmitted Infections. 678
Alterations in Sexual Health 679
Infertility. 679
Sexual Abuse. 679
Personal and Emotional Conflicts. 679
Sexual Dysfunction. 679
Critical Thinking 679
Nursing Process 680
n n n Assessment 680
Through the Patient’s Eyes. 680
Factors Affecting Sexuality. 680
Sexual Health History. 681
Sexual Dysfunction. 682
Physical Assessment. 682
n n n Nursing Diagnosis 682
n n n Planning 682
Goals and Outcomes. 682
Setting Priorities. 684
Teamwork and Collaboration. 684
n n n Implementation 684
Health Promotion. 684
Acute Care. 686
Restorative and Continuing Care. 687
n n n Evaluation 687
Through the Patient’s Eyes. 687
Patient Outcomes. 687
Key Points 687
Clinical Application Questions 688
Preparing for Clinical Practice 688
Review Questions 688
Are You Ready to Test Your Nursing Knowledge? 688
References 689
Research References 690
Chapter 35 Spiritual Health 691
Objectives 691
Key Terms 691
Scientific Knowledge Base 691
Nursing Knowledge Base 692
Current Concepts in Spiritual Health 692
Spirituality. 692
Spiritual Well-Being. 692
Faith. 693
Religion. 693
Hope. 693
Spiritual Health 693
Factors Influencing Spirituality 693
Acute Illness. 693
Chronic Illness. 693
Terminal Illness. 694
Near-Death Experience. 694
Critical Thinking 694
Nursing Process 695
n n n Assessment 695
Through the Patient’s Eyes. 695
Faith/Belief. 696
Life and Self-Responsibility. 696
Connectedness. 696
Life Satisfaction. 696
Culture. 696
Fellowship and Community. 696
Ritual and Practice. 698
Vocation. 698
n n n Nursing Diagnosis 698
n n n Planning 699
Goals and Outcomes. 699
Setting Priorities. 699
Teamwork and Collaboration. 700
n n n Implementation 702
Health Promotion. 702
Establishing Presence. 702
Supporting a Healing Relationship. 702
Acute Care. 702
Support Systems. 702
Diet Therapies. 702
Supporting Rituals. 702
Restorative and Continuing Care. 703
Prayer. 703
Meditation. 703
Supporting Grief Work. 703
n n n Evaluation 704
Through the Patient’s Eyes. 704
Patient Outcomes. 704
Key Points 704
Clinical Application Questions 704
Preparing for Clinical Practice 704
Review Questions 705
Are You Ready to Test Your Nursing Knowledge? 705
References 706
Research References 706
Chapter 36 The Experience of Loss, Death, and Grief 708
Objectives 708
Key Terms 708
Scientific Knowledge Base 709
Loss 709
Grief 709
Normal Grief. 709
Anticipatory Grief. 710
Disenfranchised Grief. 710
Ambiguous Loss. 710
Complicated Grief. 710
Exaggerated Grief. 710
Delayed Grief. 710
Masked Grief. 710
Theories of Grief and Mourning 710
Stages of Dying. 710
Attachment Theory. 710
Grief Tasks Model. 711
Rando’s “R” Process Model. 711
Dual Process Model. 711
Post Modern Grief Theories. 711
Nursing Knowledge Base 711
Factors Influencing Loss and Grief 711
Human Development. 711
Personal Relationships. 711
Nature of the Loss. 712
Coping Strategies. 712
Socioeconomic Status. 712
Culture and Ethnicity. 712
Spiritual and Religious Beliefs. 712
Critical Thinking 713
Nursing Process 713
n n n Assessment 713
Through the Patient’s Eyes. 714
Grief Variables. 714
Grief Reactions. 715
n n n Nursing Diagnosis 715
n n n Planning 716
Goals and Outcomes. 716
Setting Priorities. 716
Teamwork and Collaboration. 719
n n n Implementation 719
Health Promotion. 719
Palliative Care in Acute and Restorative Settings. 719
Hospice Care. 719
Use Therapeutic Communication. 720
Provide Psychosocial Care. 720
Manage Symptoms. 720
Promote Dignity and Self-Esteem. 720
Maintain a Comfortable and Peaceful Environment. 721
Promote Spiritual Comfort and Hope. 722
Protect Against Abandonment and Isolation. 722
Support the Grieving Family. 722
Assist with End-of-Life Decision Making. 723
Facilitate Mourning. 723
Care After Death. 723
n n n Evaluation 724
Through the Patient’s Eyes. 724
Patient Outcomes. 725
Importance of Nurses’ Self-Care 725
Key Points 727
Clinical Application Questions 727
Preparing for Clinical Practice 727
Review Questions 728
Are You Ready to Test Your Nursing Knowledge? 728
References 729
Research References 730
Chapter 37 Stress and Coping 731
Objectives 731
Key Terms 731
Scientific Knowledge Base 731
Medulla Oblongata 732
Reticular Formation 732
Pituitary Gland 732
General Adaptation Syndrome 732
Reaction to Psychological Stress. 732
Types of Stress 733
Nursing Knowledge Base 734
Nursing Theory and the Role of Stress 734
Factors Influencing Stress and Coping 734
Situational Factors. 734
Maturational Factors. 734
Sociocultural Factors. 735
Critical Thinking 735
Nursing Process 736
n n n Assessment 736
Through the Patient’s Eyes. 736
Subjective Findings. 737
Objective Findings. 737
n n n Nursing Diagnosis 737
n n n Planning 737
Goals and Outcomes. 737
Setting Priorities. 738
Teamwork and Collaboration. 738
n n n Implementation 740
Health Promotion. 740
Regular Exercise. 740
Support Systems. 741
Time Management. 741
Guided Imagery and Visualization. 741
Progressive Muscle Relaxation. 741
Assertiveness Training. 741
Journal Writing. 741
Stress Management in the Workplace. 741
Acute Care 741
Crisis Intervention. 741
Restorative and Continuing Care. 743
n n n Evaluation 743
Through the Patient’s Eyes. 743
Patient Outcomes. 743
Key Points 743
Clinical Application Questions 744
Preparing for Clinical Practice 744
Review Questions 744
Are You Ready to Test Your Nursing Knowledge? 744
References 745
Research References 745
Unit 7 Physiological Basis for Nursing Practice 746
Chapter 38 Activity and Exercise 746
Objectives 746
Key Terms 746
Scientific Knowledge Base 746
Overview of Exercise and Activity 746
Body Alignment. 746
Body Balance. 747
Coordinated Body Movement. 747
Friction. 747
Exercise and Activity. 747
Regulation of Movement 747
Skeletal System. 747
Joints. 747
Ligaments, Tendons, and Cartilage. 747
Skeletal Muscle. 748
Muscles Concerned with Movement. 748
Muscles Concerned with Posture. 748
Muscle Groups. 748
Nervous System. 748
Proprioception. 748
Balance. 748
Principles of Transfer and Positioning Techniques 748
Pathological Influences on Body Alignment and Mobility. 748
Congenital Defects. 749
Disorders of Bones, Joints, and Muscles. 749
Central Nervous System Damage. 749
Musculoskeletal Trauma. 749
Nursing Knowledge Base 749
Factors Influencing Activity and Exercise 749
Developmental Changes. 749
Infants Through School-Age Children. 749
Adolescence. 749
Young to Middle Adults. 749
Older Adults. 750
Behavioral Aspects. 750
Environmental Issues 750
Work Site. 750
Schools. 750
Community. 750
Cultural and Ethnic Influences. 750
Family and Social Support. 750
Critical Thinking 750
Nursing Process 751
n n n Assessment 751
Through the Patient’s Eyes. 751
Standing. 751
Sitting. 751
Recumbent Position. 752
Mobility. 752
Range of Motion. 752
Gait. 753
Exercise. 753
Activity Tolerance. 753
n n n Nursing Diagnosis 753
n n n Planning 753
Goals and Outcomes. 753
Setting Priorities. 754
Teamwork and Collaboration. 754
n n n Implementation 757
Health Promotion. 757
Body Mechanics. 758
Acute Care. 758
Musculoskeletal System. 759
Joint Mobility. 759
Walking. 759
Helping a Patient to Walk. 759
Restorative and Continuing Care. 760
Assistive Devices for Walking. 760
Walkers. 760
Canes. 760
Crutches. 760
Measuring for Crutches. 761
Crutch Gait. 761
Crutch Walking on Stairs. 762
Sitting in a Chair with Crutches. 763
Restoration of Activity and Chronic Illness. 763
Coronary Heart Disease. 763
Hypertension. 764
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. 764
Diabetes Mellitus. 764
n n n Evaluation 764
Through the Patient’s Eyes. 764
Patient Outcomes. 764
Key Points 765
Clinical Application Questions 765
Preparing for Clinical Practice 765
Review Questions 765
Are You Ready to Test Your Nursing Knowledge? 765
References 767
Research References 767
Chapter 39 Hygiene 768
Objectives 768
Key Terms 768
Scientific Knowledge Base 768
The Skin 769
The Feet, Hands, and Nails 769
The Oral Cavity 770
The Hair 770
The Eyes, Ears, and Nose 770
Nursing Knowledge Base 770
Factors Influencing Hygiene 770
Social Practices. 770
Personal Preferences. 770
Body Image. 770
Socioeconomic Status. 770
Health Beliefs and Motivation. 770
Cultural Variables. 771
Developmental Stage. 771
Skin. 771
Feet and Nails. 771
The Mouth. 771
Hair. 772
Eyes, Ears, and Nose. 772
Physical Condition. 772
Critical Thinking 772
Nursing Process 773
n n n Assessment 773
Through the Patient’s Eyes. 773
Assessment of Self-Care Ability. 773
Assessment of the Skin. 774
Assessment of the Feet and Nails. 775
Assessment of the Oral Cavity. 775
Assessment of the Hair and Hair Care. 776
Assessment of the Eyes, Ears, and Nose. 776
Use of Sensory Aids. 777
Assessment of Hygiene Care Practices. 777
Assessment of Cultural Influences. 777
Patients at Risk for Hygiene Problems. 777
n n n Nursing Diagnosis 778
n n n Planning 779
Goals and Outcomes. 779
Setting Priorities. 780
Teamwork and Collaboration. 782
n n n Implementation 782
Health Promotion. 782
Acute, Restorative, and Continuing Care. 783
Bathing and Skin Care. 783
Bag Baths. 784
Perineal Care. 784
Back Rub. 785
Foot and Nail Care. 785
Oral Hygiene. 785
Brushing. 786
Flossing. 786
Patients with Special Needs. 786
Denture Care. 787
Hair and Scalp Care. 787
Brushing and Combing. 787
Shampooing. 788
Shaving. 788
Mustache and Beard Care. 788
Care of the Eyes, Ears, and Nose. 789
Basic Eye Care. 789
Eyeglasses. 789
Contact Lenses. 790
Artificial Eyes. 790
Ear Care. 791
Hearing Aid Care. 791
Nasal Care. 792
Patient’s Room Environment. 792
Maintaining Comfort. 792
Room Equipment. 792
Beds. 793
Bed Making. 793
Linens. 794
n n n Evaluation 796
Through the Patient’s Eyes. 796
Patient Outcomes. 796
Safety Guidelines for Nursing Skills 796
Skill 39-1 Bathing and Perineal Care 797
Skill 39-2 Performing Nail and Foot Care 805
Skill 39-3 Providing Oral Hygiene 808
Skill 39-4 Performing Mouth Care for an Unconscious or Debilitated Patient 811
Skill 39-5 Making an Occupied Bed 813
Key Points 818
Clinical Application Questions 818
Preparing for Clinical Practice 818
Review Questions 818
Are You Ready to Test Your Nursing Knowledge? 818
References 819
Research References 820
Chapter 40 Oxygenation 821
Objectives 821
Key Terms 821
Scientific Knowledge Base 821
Respiratory Physiology 821
Structure and Function. 822
Work of Breathing. 822
Lung Volumes. 822
Pulmonary Circulation. 822
Respiratory Gas Exchange. 823
Oxygen Transport. 823
Carbon Dioxide Transport. 823
Regulation of Respiration. 823
Cardiovascular Physiology 823
Structure and Function. 823
Myocardial Pump. 823
Myocardial Blood Flow. 823
Coronary Artery Circulation. 824
Systemic Circulation. 824
Blood Flow Regulation. 824
Conduction System. 825
Factors Affecting Oxygenation 825
Physiological Factors. 825
Decreased Oxygen-Carrying Capacity. 826
Hypovolemia. 826
Decreased Inspired Oxygen Concentration. 826
Increased Metabolic Rate. 826
Conditions Affecting Chest Wall Movement. 826
Pregnancy. 826
Obesity. 826
Musculoskeletal Abnormalities. 826
Trauma. 826
Neuromuscular Diseases. 826
Central Nervous System Alterations. 826
Influences of Chronic Disease. 826
Alterations in Respiratory Functioning 826
Hypoventilation. 827
Hyperventilation. 827
Hypoxia. 827
Alterations in Cardiac Functioning 827
Disturbances in Conduction. 827
Altered Cardiac Output. 828
Left-Sided Heart Failure. 828
Right-Sided Heart Failure. 828
Impaired Valvular Function. 828
Myocardial Ischemia. 828
Angina. 828
Myocardial Infarction. 828
Nursing Knowledge Base 828
Factors Influencing Oxygenation 828
Developmental Factors. 828
Infants and Toddlers. 828
School-Age Children and Adolescents. 828
Young and Middle-Age Adults. 828
Older Adults. 829
Lifestyle Factors. 829
Nutrition. 829
Exercise. 829
Smoking. 829
Substance Abuse. 830
Stress. 830
Environmental Factors. 830
Critical Thinking 830
Nursing Process 830
n n n Assessment 830
Through the Patient’s Eyes. 831
Nursing History. 831
Pain. 831
Fatigue. 831
Dyspnea. 831
Cough. 832
Wheezing. 832
Environmental or Geographical Exposures. 832
Smoking. 832
Respiratory Infections. 832
Allergies. 832
Health Risks. 832
Medications. 832
Physical Examination. 833
Inspection. 834
Palpation. 834
Percussion. 834
Auscultation. 834
Diagnostic Tests. 834
n n n Nursing Diagnosis 835
n n n Planning 837
Goals and Outcomes. 838
Setting Priorities. 838
Teamwork and Collaboration. 838
n n n Implementation 840
Health Promotion. 840
Vaccinations. 840
Healthy Lifestyle. 841
Environmental Pollutants. 841
Acute Care. 841
Dyspnea Management. 841
Airway Maintenance. 842
Mobilization of Pulmonary Secretions. 842
Hydration. 842
Humidification. 842
Nebulization. 842
Coughing and Deep-Breathing Techniques. 842
Chest Physiotherapy. 842
Suctioning Techniques. 844
Oropharyngeal and Nasopharyngeal Suctioning. 845
Orotracheal and Nasotracheal Suctioning. 845
Tracheal Suctioning. 845
Artificial Airways. 845
Oral Airway. 845
Endotracheal and Tracheal Airway. 846
Maintenance and Promotion of Lung Expansion. 847
Ambulation. 847
Positioning. 848
Incentive Spirometry. 848
Noninvasive Ventilation. 848
Chest Tubes. 849
Special Considerations. 850
Maintenance and Promotion of Oxygenation. 850
Oxygen Therapy. 850
Safety Precautions. 850
Supply of Oxygen. 850
Methods of Oxygen Delivery. 851
Nasal Cannula. 851
Oxygen Masks. 851
Home Oxygen Therapy. 852
Restoration of Cardiopulmonary Functioning. 853
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation. 853
Restorative and Continuing Care. 854
Respiratory Muscle Training. 854
Breathing Exercises. 854
Pursed-Lip Breathing. 854
Diaphragmatic Breathing. 854
n n n Evaluation 854
Through the Patient’s Eyes. 854
Patient Outcomes. 854
Safety Guidelines for Nursing Skills 855
Skill 40-1 Suctioning 855
Unexpected Outcomes and Related Interventions 861
Recording and Reporting 861
Home Care Considerations 861
Skill 40-2 Care of an Artificial Airway 861
Unexpected Outcomes and Related Interventions 868
Recording and Reporting 869
Home Care Considerations Tracheostomy Only (Cleveland Clinic, 2010a). 869
Skill 40-3 Care of Patients With Chest Tubes 869
Unexpected Outcomes and Related Interventions 872
Recording and Reporting 872
Home Care Considerations 873
Skill 40-4 Applying a Nasal Cannula or Oxygen Mask 873
Unexpected Outcomes and Related Interventions 875
Recording and Reporting 875
Skill 40-5 Using Home Oxygen Equipment 875
Unexpected Outcomes and Related Interventions 878
Recording and Reporting 878
Key Points 878
Clinical Application Questions 878
Preparing for Clinical Practice 878
Review Questions 879
Are You Ready to Test Your Nursing Knowledge? 879
References 880
Research References 881
Chapter 41 Fluid, Electrolyte, and Acid-Base Balance 882
Objectives 882
Key Terms 882
Scientific Knowledge Base 883
Location and Movement of Water and Electrolytes 883
Fluid Compartments. 883
Movement of Water and Electrolytes. 884
Active Transport. 884
Diffusion. 884
Osmosis. 884
Filtration. 884
Fluid Balance 885
Fluid Intake. 885
Fluid Distribution. 885
Fluid Output. 886
Antidiuretic Hormone. 886
Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System. 887
Atrial Natriuretic Peptide. 887
Fluid Imbalances 887
Extracellular Fluid Volume Imbalances. 887
Osmolality Imbalances. 887
Clinical Dehydration. 887
Electrolyte Balance 887
Electrolyte Imbalances 889
Potassium Imbalances. 889
Calcium Imbalances. 889
Magnesium Imbalances. 890
Acid-Base Balance 891
Acid Production. 891
Acid Buffering. 891
Acid Excretion. 892
Excretion of Carbonic Acid. 892
Excretion of Metabolic Acids. 893
Acid-Base Imbalances 893
Respiratory Acidosis. 893
Respiratory Alkalosis. 893
Metabolic Acidosis. 893
Metabolic Alkalosis. 893
Nursing Knowledge Base 893
Critical Thinking 893
Nursing Process 895
n n n Assessment 895
Through the Patient’s Eyes. 895
Nursing History 895
Age. 896
Environment. 896
Dietary Intake. 897
Lifestyle. 897
Medications. 897
Medical History 897
Recent Surgery. 897
Gastrointestinal Output. 897
Acute Illness or Trauma. 897
Respiratory Disorders. 897
Burns. 898
Trauma. 898
Chronic Illness. 898
Cancer. 898
Heart Failure. 898
Oliguric Renal Disease. 898
Physical Assessment 898
Daily Weights and Fluid Intake and Output Measurement. 898
Laboratory Values 900
n n n Nursing Diagnosis 900
n n n Planning 900
Goals and Outcomes. 901
Setting Priorities. 901
Teamwork and Collaboration. 901
n n n Implementation 903
Health Promotion. 903
Acute Care. 904
Enteral Replacement of Fluids. 904
Restriction of Fluids. 904
Parenteral Replacement of Fluids and Electrolytes. 904
Parenteral Nutrition. 904
Intravenous Therapy (Crystalloids). 905
Types of Solutions. 905
Vascular Access Devices. 906
Equipment. 906
Initiating the Intravenous Line. 906
Regulating the Infusion Flow Rate. 907
Maintaining the System. 907
Changing Intravenous Fluid Containers, Tubing, and Dressings. 908
Assisting Patients to Protect Intravenous Integrity. 909
Complications of Intravenous Therapy. 909
Discontinuing Peripheral Intravenous Access. 909
Blood Transfusion. 909
Blood Groups and Types. 909
Autologous Transfusion. 911
Transfusing Blood. 911
Transfusion Reactions and Other Adverse Effects. 912
Interventions for Electrolyte Imbalances. 912
Interventions for Acid-Base Imbalances. 914
Arterial Blood Gases. 914
Restorative Care. 914
Home Intravenous Therapy. 914
Nutritional Support. 914
Medication Safety. 914
n n n Evaluation 914
Through the Patient’s Eyes. 914
Patient Outcomes. 915
Safety Guidelines for Nursing Skills 915
Skill 41-1 Initiating Intravenous Therapy 916
Unexpected Outcomes and Related Interventions 925
Recording and Reporting 925
Home Care Considerations 925
Skill 41-2 Regulating Intravenous Flow Rate 925
Unexpected Outcomes and Related Interventions 928
Recording and Reporting 928
Home Care Considerations 929
Skill 41-3 Maintenance of Intravenous System 929
Unexpected Outcomes and Related Interventions 934
Recording and Reporting 934
Home Care Considerations 934
Skill 41-4 Changing a Peripheral Intravenous Dressing 934
Unexpected Outcomes and Related Interventions 936
Recording and Reporting 936
Key Points 936
Clinical Application Questions 937
Preparing for Clinical Practice 937
Review Questions 937
Are You Ready to Test Your Nursing Knowledge? 937
References 938
Research References 938
Chapter 42 Sleep 939
Objectives 939
Key Terms 939
Scientific Knowledge Base 939
Physiology of Sleep 939
Circadian Rhythms. 939
Sleep Regulation. 940
Stages of Sleep. 940
Sleep Cycle. 940
Functions of Sleep 941
Dreams. 941
Physical Illness 942
Sleep Disorders 942
Insomnia. 942
Sleep Apnea. 943
Narcolepsy. 944
Sleep Deprivation. 944
Parasomnias. 944
Nursing Knowledge Base 944
Sleep and Rest 944
Normal Sleep Requirements and Patterns 944
Neonates. 945
Infants. 945
Toddlers. 945
Preschoolers. 945
School-Age Children. 945
Adolescents. 945
Young Adults. 945
Middle Adults. 945
Older Adults. 945
Factors Influencing Sleep 945
Drugs and Substances. 945
Lifestyle. 945
Usual Sleep Patterns. 945
Emotional Stress. 946
Environment. 946
Exercise and Fatigue. 946
Food and Caloric Intake. 946
Critical Thinking 946
Nursing Process 947
n n n Assessment 947
Through the Patient’s Eyes. 947
Sleep Assessment. 947
Sources for Sleep Assessment. 947
Tools for Sleep Assessment. 948
Sleep History. 948
Description of Sleeping Problems. 948
Usual Sleep Pattern. 948
Physical and Psychological Illness. 949
Current Life Events. 949
Emotional and Mental Status. 949
Bedtime Routines. 949
Bedtime Environment. 949
Behaviors of Sleep Deprivation. 949
n n n Nursing Diagnosis 949
n n n Planning 950
Goals and Outcomes. 950
Setting Priorities. 952
Teamwork and Collaboration. 952
n n n Implementation 952
Health Promotion. 952
Environmental Controls. 952
Promoting Bedtime Routines. 953
Promoting Safety. 954
Promoting Comfort. 954
Establishing Periods of Rest and Sleep. 954
Stress Reduction. 954
Bedtime Snacks. 955
Pharmacological Approaches. 955
Acute Care. 955
Environmental Controls. 956
Promoting Comfort. 956
Establishing Periods of Rest and Sleep. 956
Promoting Safety. 957
Stress Reduction. 957
Restorative or Continuing Care. 957
Promoting Comfort. 957
Controlling Physiological Disturbances. 957
Pharmacological Approaches. 957
n n n Evaluation 958
Through the Patient’s Eyes. 958
Patient Outcomes. 958
Key Points 959
Clinical Application Questions 959
Preparing for Clinical Practice 959
Review Questions 959
Are You Ready to Test Your Nursing Knowledge? 959
References 960
Research References 961
Chapter 43 Pain Management 962
Objectives 962
Key Terms 962
Scientific Knowledge Base 963
Nature of Pain 963
Physiology of Pain 963
Gate-Control Theory of Pain. 964
Physiological Responses. 964
Behavioral Responses. 964
Types of Pain 965
Acute/Transient Pain. 965
Chronic/Persistent Noncancer Pain. 965
Chronic Episodic Pain. 965
Cancer Pain. 965
Pain by Inferred Pathological Process. 965
Idiopathic Pain. 966
Nursing Knowledge Base 966
Knowledge, Attitudes, and Beliefs 966
Factors Influencing Pain 966
Physiological Factors 967
Age. 967
Fatigue. 967
Genes. 967
Neurological Function. 967
Social Factors 967
Attention. 967
Previous Experience. 967
Family and Social Support. 968
Spiritual Factors. 968
Psychological Factors 968
Anxiety. 968
Coping Style. 968
Cultural Factors. 969
Critical Thinking 969
Nursing Process 969
n n n Assessment 969
Through the Patient’s Eyes. 969
Patient’s Expression of Pain. 970
Characteristics of Pain. 972
Onset and Duration. 972
Location. 972
Intensity. 972
Quality. 972
Pain Pattern. 974
Relief Measures. 974
Contributing Symptoms. 974
Effects of Pain on the Patient. 974
Behavioral Effects. 974
Influence on Activities of Daily Living. 974
n n n Nursing Diagnosis 975
n n n Planning 975
Goals and Outcomes. 975
Setting Priorities. 977
Teamwork and Collaboration. 977
n n n Implementation 977
Health Promotion. 977
Nonpharmacological Pain-Relief Interventions. 977
Relaxation and Guided Imagery. 978
Distraction. 978
Music. 978
Cutaneous Stimulation. 978
Herbals. 981
Reducing Pain Perception. 981
Acute Care 981
Acute Pain Management. 981
Pharmacological Pain-Relief Interventions. 981
Analgesics. 981
Patient-Controlled Analgesia. 983
Perineural Local Anesthetic Infusion. 984
Topical Analgesics. 984
Local and Regional Anesthetics. 985
Nursing Implications. 985
Invasive Interventions for Pain Relief. 986
Procedure Pain Management. 986
Chronic Noncancer and Cancer Pain Management. 986
Barriers to Effective Pain Management. 988
Placebos. 989
Restorative and Continuing Care 989
Pain Clinics, Palliative Care, and Hospices. 989
n n n Evaluation 989
Through the Patient’s Eyes. 989
Patient Outcomes. 989
Safety Guidelines for Nursing Skills 990
Skill 43-1 Patient-Controlled Analgesia 990
Unexpected Outcomes and Related Interventions 992
Recording and Reporting 992
Key Points 992
Clinical Application Questions 993
Preparing for Clinical Practice 993
Review Questions 993
Are You Ready to Test Your Nursing Knowledge? 993
References 994
Research References 995
Chapter 44 Nutrition 996
Objectives 996
Key Terms 996
Scientific Knowledge Base 997
Nutrients: The Biochemical Units of Nutrition 997
Carbohydrates. 997
Proteins. 997
Fats. 998
Water. 998
Vitamins. 998
Fat-Soluble Vitamins. 998
Water-Soluble Vitamins. 998
Minerals. 998
Anatomy and Physiology of the Digestive System 998
Digestion. 998
Absorption. 1000
Metabolism and Storage of Nutrients. 1000
Elimination. 1001
Dietary Guidelines 1001
Dietary Reference Intakes. 1001
Food Guidelines. 1001
Daily Values. 1001
Nursing Knowledge Base 1001
Factors Influencing Nutrition 1001
Environmental Factors. 1001
Developmental Needs 1002
Infants Through School-Age. 1002
Breastfeeding. 1002
Formula. 1002
Introduction to Solid Food. 1002
Adolescents. 1002
Young and Middle Adults. 1003
Pregnancy. 1003
Lactation. 1003
Older Adults. 1003
Alternative Food Patterns 1005
Vegetarian Diet. 1006
Critical Thinking 1006
Nursing Process 1007
n n n Assessment 1007
Through the Patient’s Eyes. 1007
Screening. 1007
Anthropometry. 1009
Laboratory and Biochemical Tests. 1009
Diet History and Health History. 1009
Physical Examination. 1010
Dysphagia. 1010
n n n Nursing Diagnosis 1010
n n n Planning 1012
Goals and Outcomes. 1012
Setting Priorities. 1014
Teamwork and Collaboration. 1014
n n n Implementation 1015
Health Promotion. 1015
Acute Care. 1016
Advancing Diets. 1017
Promoting Appetite. 1017
Assisting Patients with Oral Feeding. 1018
Enteral Tube Feeding. 1018
Enteral Access Tubes. 1019
Parenteral Nutrition. 1021
Initiating Parenteral Nutrition. 1021
Preventing Complications. 1023
Restorative and Continuing Care. 1024
Medical Nutrition Therapy. 1024
Gastrointestinal Diseases. 1024
Diabetes Mellitus. 1024
Cardiovascular Diseases. 1024
Cancer and Cancer Treatment. 1025
Human Immunodeficiency Virus/Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome. 1025
n n n Evaluation 1025
Through the Patient’s Eyes. 1025
Patient Outcomes. 1025
Safety Guidelines for Nursing Skills 1026
Skill 44-1 Aspiration Precautions 1026
Unexpected Outcomes and Related Interventions 1027
Recording and Reporting 1027
Skill 44-2 Inserting a Small-bore Nasoenteric Tube for Enteral Feedings 1028
Unexpected Outcomes and Related Interventions 1031
Recording and Reporting 1031
Skill 44-3 Administering Enteral Feedings via Nasoenteric, Gastrostomy, or Jejunostomy Tubes 1031
Unexpected Outcomes and Related Interventions (in addition to those in Skill 44-1) 1035
Recording and Reporting 1035
Home Care Considerations 1035
Skill 44-4 Blood Glucose Monitoring 1035
Unexpected Outcomes and Related Interventions 1038
Recording and Reporting 1039
Key Points 1039
Clinical Application Questions 1039
Preparing for Clinical Practice 1039
Review Questions 1039
Are You Ready to Test Your Nursing Knowledge? 1039
References 1040
Research References 1041
Chapter 45 Urinary Elimination 1042
Objectives 1042
Key Terms 1042
Scientific Knowledge Base 1042
Kidneys 1042
Ureters 1044
Bladder 1044
Urethra 1044
Act of Urination 1044
Factors Influencing Urination. 1044
Disease Conditions. 1044
Sociocultural Factors. 1045
Psychological Factors. 1045
Fluid Balance. 1045
Surgical Procedures. 1045
Medications. 1046
Diagnostic Examination. 1046
Alterations in Urinary Elimination. 1046
Urinary Retention. 1046
Urinary Tract Infections. 1046
Urinary Incontinence. 1047
Urinary Diversions. 1047
Nursing Knowledge Base 1048
Infection Control and Hygiene 1048
Factors Influencing Urination 1048
Growth and Development. 1048
Muscle Tone. 1049
Critical Thinking 1049
Nursing Process 1049
n n n Assessment 1049
Through the Patient’s Eyes. 1049
Identifying Urinary Alterations. 1049
Nursing History. 1049
Pattern of Urination. 1049
Symptoms of Urinary Alterations. 1050
Physical Assessment. 1050
Skin and Mucosal Membranes. 1050
Kidneys. 1050
Bladder. 1051
Urethral Meatus. 1051
Assessment of Urine. 1052
Intake and Output. 1052
Characteristics of Urine. 1052
Color. 1052
Clarity. 1052
Odor. 1052
Urine Testing. 1052
Specimen Collection. 1052
Urine Collection in Children. 1052
Common Urine Tests 1053
Urinalysis. 1053
Specific Gravity. 1053
Urine Culture. 1053
Diagnostic Examinations. 1053
n n n Nursing Diagnosis 1054
n n n Planning 1056
Goals and Outcomes. 1056
Setting Priorities. 1056
Teamwork and Collaboration. 1056
n n n Implementation 1059
Health Promotion. 1059
Patient Education. 1059
Promoting Normal Micturition. 1059
Stimulating Micturition Reflex. 1059
Maintaining Elimination Habits. 1059
Maintaining Adequate Fluid Intake. 1059
Promoting Complete Bladder Emptying. 1060
Preventing Infection. 1060
Acute Care 1061
Maintaining Elimination Habits. 1061
Medications. 1061
Catheterization. 1061
Types of Catheterization. 1061
Catheter Insertion. 1062
Closed Drainage Systems. 1062
Perineal Hygiene. 1062
Catheter Care. 1062
Fluid Intake. 1062
Preventing Infection. 1062
Catheter Irrigations and Instillations. 1062
Removal of Indwelling Catheter. 1064
Alternatives to Urethral Catheterization. 1064
Suprapubic Catheterization. 1064
Condom Catheter. 1064
Restorative Care. 1066
Strengthening Pelvic Floor Muscles. 1066
Bladder Retraining. 1066
Habit Training. 1066
Self-Catheterization. 1066
Maintenance of Skin Integrity. 1066
Promotion of Comfort. 1066
n n n Evaluation 1067
Through the Patient’s Eyes. 1067
Patient Outcomes. 1067
Safety Guidelines for Nursing Skills 1067
Skill 45-1 Collecting Midstream (Clean-Voided) Urine Specimen 1068
Unexpected Outcomes and Related Interventions 1070
Recording and Reporting 1070
Home Care Considerations 1070
Skill 45-2 Inserting a Straight or Indwelling Catheter 1071
Unexpected Outcomes and Related Interventions 1078
Recording and Reporting 1079
Home Care Considerations 1079
Skill 45-3 Indwelling Catheter Care 1079
Unexpected Outcomes and Related Interventions 1081
Recording and Reporting 1081
Home Care Considerations 1081
Skill 45-4 Closed Catheter Irrigation 1081
Unexpected Outcomes and Related Interventions 1084
Recording and Reporting 1084
Home Care Considerations 1084
Key Points 1084
Clinical Application Questions 1084
Preparing for Clinical Practice 1084
Review Questions 1085
Are You Ready to Test Your Nursing Knowledge? 1085
References 1086
Research References 1086
Chapter 46 Bowel Elimination 1087
Objectives 1087
Key Terms 1087
Scientific Knowledge Base 1087
Mouth 1087
Esophagus 1087
Stomach 1088
Small Intestine 1088
Large Intestine 1088
Anus 1089
Defecation 1089
Nursing Knowledge Base 1089
Factors Influencing Bowel Elimination 1089
Age. 1089
Diet. 1089
Fluid Intake. 1090
Physical Activity. 1090
Psychological Factors. 1090
Personal Habits. 1090
Position During Defecation. 1090
Pain. 1090
Pregnancy. 1090
Surgery and Anesthesia. 1090
Medications. 1091
Diagnostic Tests. 1091
Common Bowel Elimination Problems 1091
Constipation. 1091
Impaction. 1091
Diarrhea. 1092
Incontinence. 1092
Flatulence. 1092
Hemorrhoids. 1092
Bowel Diversions 1092
Ostomies. 1093
Loop Colostomy. 1093
End Colostomy. 1094
Double-Barrel Colostomy. 1094
Alternative Procedures 1094
Ileoanal Pouch Anastomosis. 1094
Kock Continent Ileostomy. 1095
Macedo-Malone Antegrade Continence Enema. 1095
Psychological Considerations. 1095
Critical Thinking 1096
Nursing Process 1096
n n n Assessment 1096
Through the Patient’s Eyes. 1096
Nursing History. 1096
Physical Assessment. 1097
Mouth. 1097
Abdomen. 1097
Rectum. 1097
Laboratory Tests. 1097
Fecal Specimens. 1097
Fecal Characteristics. 1100
Diagnostic Examinations. 1100
n n n Nursing Diagnosis 1101
n n n Planning 1101
Goals and Outcomes. 1102
Setting Priorities. 1102
Teamwork and Collaboration. 1102
n n n Implementation 1102
Health Promotion. 1102
Promotion of Normal Defecation. 1102
Sitting Position. 1104
Positioning on Bedpan. 1104
Privacy. 1105
Acute Care. 1105
Medications. 1106
Cathartics and Laxatives. 1106
Antidiarrheal Agents. 1107
Enemas. 1107
Cleansing Enemas. 1107
Tap Water. 1107
Normal Saline. 1107
Hypertonic Solutions. 1107
Soapsuds. 1107
Oil Retention. 1107
Other Types of Enemas. 1107
Enema Administration. 1107
Digital Removal of Stool. 1107
Inserting and Maintaining a Nasogastric Tube. 1108
Continuing and Restorative Care. 1109
Care of Ostomies. 1109
Irrigating a Colostomy. 1109
Pouching Ostomies. 1109
Nutritional Considerations for Patients with Ostomies. 1110
Bowel Training. 1110
Maintenance of Proper Fluid and Food Intake. 1111
Promotion of Regular Exercise. 1111
Hemorrhoids. 1111
Maintenance of Skin Integrity. 1111
n n n Evaluation 1112
Through the Patient’s Eyes. 1112
Patient Outcomes. 1112
Safety Guidelines for Nursing Skills 1112
Skill 46-1 Administering a Cleansing Enema 1112
Unexpected Outcomes and Related Interventions 1115
Recording and Reporting 1115
Home Care Considerations 1115
Skill 46-2 Inserting and Maintaining a Nasogastric Tube for Gastric Decompression 1115
Unexpected Outcomes and Related Interventions 1120
Recording and Reporting 1120
Skill 46-3 Pouching an Ostomy 1121
Unexpected Outcomes and Related Interventions 1124
Recording and Reporting 1124
Home Care Considerations 1124
Key Points 1124
Clinical Application Questions 1125
Preparing for Clinical Practice 1125
Review Questions 1125
Are You Ready to Test Your Nursing Knowledge? 1125
References 1126
Research References 1126
Chapter 47 Mobility and Immobility 1127
Objectives 1127
Key Terms 1127
Scientific Knowledge Base 1127
Nature of Movement 1127
Alignment and Balance. 1128
Gravity and Friction. 1128
Physiology and Regulation of Movement 1128
Skeletal System. 1128
Joints. 1128
Ligaments. 1128
Tendons. 1129
Cartilage. 1129
Skeletal Muscle. 1129
Muscle Movement and Posture. 1130
Muscle Regulation of Posture and Movement. 1130
Nervous System. 1130
Pathological Influences on Mobility 1130
Postural Abnormalities. 1130
Muscle Abnormalities. 1130
Damage to the Central Nervous System. 1130
Direct Trauma to the Musculoskeletal System. 1130
Nursing Knowledge Base 1131
Safe Patient Handling 1131
Factors Influencing Mobility-Immobility 1132
Systemic Effects. 1132
Metabolic Changes. 1132
Respiratory Changes. 1132
Cardiovascular Changes. 1133
Musculoskeletal Changes. 1134
Muscle Effects. 1134
Skeletal Effects. 1134
Urinary Elimination Changes. 1134
Integumentary Changes. 1135
Psychosocial Effects. 1135
Developmental Changes 1135
Infants, Toddlers, and Preschoolers. 1135
Adolescents. 1135
Adults. 1135
Older Adults. 1135
Critical Thinking 1136
Nursing Process 1136
n n n Assessment 1136
Through the Patient’s Eyes. 1136
Mobility. 1136
Range of Motion. 1136
Neck. 1139
Shoulder. 1139
Elbow. 1139
Forearm. 1139
Wrist. 1139
Fingers and Thumb. 1139
Hip. 1139
Knee. 1139
Ankle and Foot. 1139
Toes. 1139
Gait. 1139
Exercise and Activity Tolerance. 1139
Body Alignment. 1140
Standing. 1140
Sitting. 1140
Lying. 1140
Immobility. 1141
Metabolic System. 1141
Respiratory System. 1141
Cardiovascular System. 1141
Musculoskeletal System. 1142
Integumentary System. 1142
Elimination System. 1142
Psychosocial Assessment. 1142
Developmental Assessment. 1142
n n n Nursing Diagnosis 1143
n n n Planning 1143
Goals and Outcomes. 1143
Setting Priorities. 1145
Teamwork and Collaboration. 1145
n n n Implementation 1145
Health Promotion. 1145
Prevention of Work-Related Musculoskeletal Injuries. 1145
Exercise. 1147
Bone Health in Patients with Osteoporosis. 1147
Acute Care. 1147
Metabolic System. 1148
Respiratory System. 1148
Cardiovascular System. 1148
Reducing Orthostatic Hypotension. 1148
Reducing Cardiac Workload. 1148
Preventing Thrombus Formation. 1149
Musculoskeletal System. 1149
Integumentary System. 1149
Elimination System. 1150
Psychosocial Changes. 1152
Developmental Changes. 1152
Positioning Techniques. 1152
Supported Fowler’s Position. 1153
Supine Position. 1153
Prone Position. 1153
Side-Lying Position. 1153
Sims’ Position. 1154
Transfer Techniques. 1154
Moving Patients. 1154
Transferring a Patient from a Bed to a Chair. 1155
Transferring a Patient from a Bed to a Stretcher. 1157
Restorative and Continuing Care. 1157
Range-of-Motion Exercises. 1158
Walking. 1158
n n n Evaluation 1158
Through the Patient’s Eyes. 1158
Patient Outcomes. 1159
Safety Guidelines for Nursing Skills 1159
Skill 47-1 Moving and Positioning Patients in Bed 1159
Unexpected Outcomes and Related Interventions 1166
Recording and Reporting 1166
Home Care Considerations 1166
Skill 47-2 Using Safe and Effective Transfer Techniques 1166
Unexpected Outcomes and Related Interventions 1173
Recording and Reporting 1173
Home Care Considerations 1173
Key Points 1173
Clinical Application Questions 1173
Preparing for Clinical Practice 1173
Review Questions 1174
Are You Ready to Test Your Nursing Knowledge? 1174
References 1175
Research References 1175
Chapter 48 Skin Integrity and Wound Care 1176
Objectives 1176
Key Terms 1176
Scientific Knowledge Base 1176
Skin 1176
Pressure Ulcers 1177
Pathogenesis of Pressure Ulcers. 1177
Pressure Intensity. 1177
Pressure Duration. 1178
Tissue Tolerance. 1178
Risk Factors for Pressure Ulcer Development. 1178
Impaired Sensory Perception. 1178
Impaired Mobility. 1178
Alteration in Level of Consciousness. 1178
Shear. 1178
Friction. 1178
Moisture. 1178
Classification of Pressure Ulcers 1179
Stage I: Nonblanchable Redness of Intact Skin. 1179
Stage II: Partial-thickness Skin Loss or Blister. 1179
Stage III: Full-thickness Skin Loss (Fat Visible). 1179
Stage IV: Full-thickness Tissue Loss (Muscle/Bone Visible). 1179
Unstageable/Unclassified: Full-thickness Skin or Tissue Loss—Depth Unknown. 1179
Suspected Deep-Tissue Injury—Depth Unknown. 1179
Wound Classifications 1181
Process of Wound Healing. 1181
Wound Repair. 1181
Partial-Thickness Wound Repair. 1181
Full-Thickness Wound Repair. 1182
Hemostasis. 1182
Inflammatory Phase. 1182
Proliferative Phase. 1183
Remodeling. 1183
Complications of Wound Healing 1183
Hemorrhage. 1183
Infection. 1183
Dehiscence. 1184
Evisceration. 1184
Nursing Knowledge Base 1184
Prediction and Prevention of Pressure Ulcers 1184
Risk Assessment. 1184
Prevention. 1184
Economic Consequences of Pressure Ulcers. 1184
Factors Influencing Pressure Ulcer Formation and Wound Healing 1184
Nutrition. 1184
Tissue Perfusion. 1186
Infection. 1186
Age. 1186
Psychosocial Impact of Wounds. 1186
Critical Thinking 1186
Nursing Process 1187
n n n Assessment 1187
Through the Patient’s Eyes. 1187
Skin. 1188
Pressure Ulcers. 1188
Predictive Measures. 1188
Mobility. 1188
Nutritional Status. 1189
Body Fluids. 1189
Pain. 1189
Wounds. 1189
Emergency Setting. 1190
Stable Setting. 1190
Wound Appearance. 1190
Character of Wound Drainage. 1190
Drains. 1190
Wound Closures. 1191
Palpation of Wound. 1191
Wound Cultures. 1191
n n n Nursing Diagnosis 1191
n n n Planning 1192
Goals and Outcomes. 1193
Setting Priorities. 1194
Teamwork and Collaboration. 1194
n n n Implementation 1195
Health Promotion. 1195
Prevention of Pressure Ulcers. 1195
Topical Skin Care and Incontinence Management. 1196
Positioning. 1196
Support Surfaces (Therapeutic Beds and Mattresses). 1197
Acute Care 1199
Management of Pressure Ulcers. 1199
Wound Management. 1199
Education. 1200
Nutritional Status. 1200
Protein Status. 1200
Hemoglobin. 1200
First Aid for Wounds. 1200
Hemostasis. 1200
Cleaning. 1200
Protection. 1201
Dressings. 1201
Purposes of Dressings. 1201
Types of Dressings. 1201
Changing Dressings. 1204
Packing a Wound. 1204
Securing Dressings. 1205
Comfort Measures. 1206
Cleaning Skin and Drain Sites. 1206
Basic Skin Cleaning. 1206
Irrigation. 1207
Wound Irrigations. 1207
Suture Care. 1207
Drainage Evacuation. 1208
Bandages and Binders. 1208
Principles for Applying Bandages and Binders. 1208
Binder Application. 1209
Abdominal Binders. 1209
Slings. 1209
Bandage Application. 1209
Heat and Cold Therapy 1209
Assessment for Temperature Tolerance. 1209
Bodily Responses to Heat and Cold. 1210
Local Effects of Heat and Cold. 1210
Effects of Heat Application. 1210
Effects of Cold Application. 1210
Factors Influencing Heat and Cold Tolerance. 1210
Application of Heat and Cold Therapies. 1210
Choice of Moist or Dry. 1211
Warm, Moist Compresses. 1211
Warm Soaks. 1211
Sitz Baths. 1212
Commercial Hot Packs. 1212
Cold, Moist, and Dry Compresses. 1212
Cold Soaks. 1212
Ice Bags or Collars. 1212
n n n Evaluation 1212
Through the Patient’s Eyes. 1212
Patient Outcomes. 1212
Safety Guidelines for Nursing Skills 1213
Skill 48-1 Assessment for Risk for Pressure Ulcer Development 1213
Skill 48-2 Treating Pressure Ulcers 1215
Skill 48-3 Applying Dry and Moist Dressings 1218
Skill 48-4 Implementation of Negative-Pressure Wound Therapy 1221
Skill 48-5 Performing Wound Irrigation 1224
Skill 48-6 Applying an Abdominal Binder 1226
Skill 48-7 Applying an Elastic Bandage 1228
Key Points 1230
Clinical Application Questions 1230
Preparing for Clinical Practice 1230
Review Questions 1230
Are You Ready to Test Your Nursing Knowledge? 1230
References 1231
Research References 1232
Chapter 49 Sensory Alterations 1233
Objectives 1233
Key Terms 1233
Scientific Knowledge Base 1233
Normal Sensation 1233
Sensory Alterations 1234
Sensory Deficits. 1234
Sensory Deprivation. 1234
Sensory Overload. 1235
Nursing Knowledge Base 1236
Factors Influencing Sensory Function 1236
Age. 1236
Meaningful Stimuli. 1236
Amount of Stimuli. 1236
Social Interaction. 1236
Environmental Factors. 1236
Cultural Factors. 1236
Critical Thinking 1236
Nursing Process 1237
n n n Assessment 1237
Through the Patient’s Eyes. 1237
Persons at Risk. 1238
Sensory Alterations History. 1238
Mental Status. 1239
Physical Assessment. 1239
Ability to Perform Self-Care. 1239
Health Promotion Habits. 1240
Environmental Hazards. 1240
Communication Methods. 1240
Social Support. 1240
Use of Assistive Devices. 1240
Other Factors Affecting Perception. 1241
n n n Nursing Diagnosis 1241
n n n Planning 1241
Goals and Outcomes. 1241
Setting Priorities. 1241
Teamwork and Collaboration. 1242
n n n Implementation 1242
Health Promotion. 1242
Screening. 1242
Preventive Safety. 1243
Use of Assistive Devices. 1245
Promoting Meaningful Stimulation. 1245
Vision. 1245
Hearing. 1245
Taste and Smell. 1245
Touch. 1246
Establishing Safe Environments. 1246
Adaptations for Visual Loss. 1246
Adaptations for Reduced Hearing. 1246
Adaptations for Reduced Olfaction. 1246
Adaptations for Reduced Tactile Sensation. 1246
Communication. 1246
Acute Care. 1247
Orientation to the Environment. 1247
Communication. 1248
Controlling Sensory Stimuli. 1248
Safety Measures. 1248
Restorative and Continuing Care 1249
Maintaining Healthy Lifestyles. 1249
Understanding Sensory Loss. 1249
Socialization. 1249
Promoting Self-Care. 1249
n n n Evaluation 1250
Through the Patient’s Eyes. 1250
Patient Outcomes. 1250
Key Points 1250
Critical Application Questions 1251
Preparing for Clinical Practice 1251
Review Questions 1251
Are You Ready to Test Your Nursing Knowledge? 1251
References 1252
Research References 1253
Chapter 50 Care of Surgical Patients 1254
Objectives 1254
Key Terms 1254
History of Surgical Nursing 1254
Ambulatory Surgery 1255
Scientific Knowledge Base 1255
Classification of Surgery 1255
Nursing Knowledge Base 1255
Critical Thinking 1255
Preoperative Surgical Phase 1256
Nursing Process 1256
n n n Assessment 1257
Through the Patient’s Eyes. 1257
Nursing History. 1257
Medical History. 1257
Risk Factors. 1257
Age. 1258
Nutrition. 1259
Obesity. 1259
Obstructive Sleep Apnea. 1260
Immunocompromise. 1260
Fluid and Electrolyte Imbalance. 1260
Pregnancy. 1260
Perceptions and Knowledge Regarding Surgery. 1260
Medication History. 1261
Allergies. 1261
Smoking Habits. 1262
Alcohol Ingestion and Substance Use and Abuse. 1262
Support Sources. 1262
Occupation. 1262
Preoperative Pain Assessment. 1262
Review of Emotional Health. 1262
Self-Concept. 1262
Body Image. 1262
Coping Resources. 1262
Culture and Religion. 1263
Physical Examination. 1263
General Survey. 1263
Head and Neck. 1263
Integument. 1263
Thorax and Lungs. 1263
Heart and Vascular System. 1263
Abdomen. 1264
Neurological Status. 1264
Diagnostic Screening. 1264
n n n Nursing Diagnosis 1265
n n n Planning 1265
Goals and Outcomes. 1267
Setting Priorities. 1267
Teamwork and Collaboration. 1267
n n n Implementation 1267
Informed Consent. 1267
Health Promotion. 1267
Preoperative Teaching. 1267
Patient Cites Reasons for Preoperative Instructions and Exercises. 1268
Patient States Time of Surgery. 1268
Patient States Postoperative Unit and Location of Family During Surgery and Recovery. 1268
Patient Discusses Anticipated Postoperative Monitoring and Therapies. 1268
Patient Describes Surgical Procedures and Postoperative Treatment. 1268
Patient Describes Postoperative Activity Resumption. 1268
Patient Verbalizes Pain-Relief Measures. 1268
Patient Expresses Feelings Regarding Surgery. 1268
Acute Care. 1268
Physical Preparation. 1268
Maintaining Normal Fluid and Electrolyte Balance. 1268
Reducing Risk of Surgical Site Infection. 1269
Preventing Bowel and Bladder Incontinence. 1269
Promoting Rest and Comfort. 1269
Preparation on the Day of Surgery. 1269
Hygiene. 1269
Hair and Cosmetics. 1269
Removal of Prostheses. 1270
Safeguarding Valuables. 1270
Preparing the Bowel and Bladder. 1270
Vital Signs. 1270
Documentation. 1270
Other Procedures. 1270
Administering Preoperative Medications. 1270
Eliminating Wrong Site and Wrong Procedure Surgery. 1270
n n n Evaluation 1270
Through the Patient’s Eyes. 1271
Patient Outcomes. 1271
Transport to the Operating Room 1271
Intraoperative Surgical Phase 1271
Preoperative (Holding) Area 1271
Admission to the Operating Room 1271
Nursing Process 1272
n n n Assessment 1272
n n n Nursing Diagnosis 1272
n n n Planning 1272
Goals and Outcomes. 1272
Setting Priorities. 1272
Teamwork and Collaboration. 1272
n n n Implementation 1272
Acute Care 1272
Physical Preparation. 1272
Latex Sensitivity/Allergy. 1272
Introduction of Anesthesia. 1272
General Anesthesia. 1272
Regional Anesthesia. 1273
Local Anesthesia. 1273
Conscious Sedation. 1273
Positioning the Patient for Surgery. 1274
Documentation of Intraoperative Care. 1274
n n n Evaluation 1274
Through the Patient’s Eyes. 1274
Patient Outcomes. 1274
Postoperative Surgical Phase 1274
Immediate Postoperative Recovery (Phase I) 1274
Recovery in Ambulatory Surgery (Phase II) 1275
Postoperative Convalescence 1276
Nursing Process 1277
n n n Assessment 1277
Through the Patient’s Eyes. 1277
Airway and Respiration. 1277
Circulation. 1277
Temperature Control. 1278
Fluid and Electrolyte Balance. 1278
Neurological Functions. 1278
Skin Integrity and Condition of the Wound. 1278
Metabolism. 1278
Genitourinary Function. 1278
Gastrointestinal Function. 1278
Comfort. 1279
n n n Nursing Diagnosis 1279
n n n Planning 1279
Goals and Outcomes. 1279
Setting Priorities. 1279
Teamwork and Collaboration. 1279
n n n Implementation 1280
Acute Care. 1280
Maintaining Respiratory Function. 1280
Preventing Circulatory Complications. 1282
Achieving Rest and Comfort. 1283
Temperature Regulation. 1284
Maintaining Neurological Function. 1284
Maintaining Fluid and Electrolyte Balance. 1284
Promoting Normal Bowel Elimination and Adequate Nutrition. 1284
Promoting Urinary Elimination. 1285
Promoting Wound Healing. 1285
Maintaining/Enhancing Self-Concept. 1285
Restorative and Continuing Care. 1286
n n n Evaluation 1286
Through the Patient’s Eyes. 1286
Patient Outcomes. 1286
Safety Guidelines For Nursing Skills 1287
Skill 50-1 Demonstrating Postoperative Exercises 1287
Unexpected Outcomes and Related Interventions 1292
Recording and Reporting 1292
Home Care Considerations 1292
Key Points 1292
Clinical Application Questions 1292
Preparing for Clinical Practice 1292
Review Questions 1293
Are You Ready to Test Your Nursing Knowledge? 1293
References 1294
Research References 1295
A 1296
B 1297
C 1298
D 1300
E 1301
F 1301
G 1302
H 1303
I 1303
J 1304
K 1304
L 1304
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N 1306
O 1306
P 1307
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R 1308
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W 1312
Y 1312
Z 1312
Index 1313
A 1313
B 1316
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E 1325
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I 1332
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