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Mosby's Textbook for the Home Care Aide - E-Book

Mosby's Textbook for the Home Care Aide - E-Book

Joan M. Birchenall | Eileen Streight


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Book Details


Covering the essential content and procedures a home care aide needs to know, Mosby’s Textbook for the Home Care Aide, 3rd Edition prepares you for success in this rapidly growing field. A clear approach makes the book easy to use and understand, featuring hundreds of full-color photographs and drawings along with step-by-step procedures for skills performed by home care aides. Updated and expanded in this edition are chapters on meeting the client’s nutritional needs and on getting and keeping a job. Written by home care experts Joan Birchenall and Eileen Streight, this textbook prepares you for the many types of situations you may encounter as a home care aide.

  • Hundreds of full-color photos and drawings depict key ideas and clearly demonstrate procedure steps.
  • Procedures provide step-by-step, easy-to-understand instructions on performing important skills and tasks.
  • UNIQUE! A cast of caregivers, including a supervisor and four home care aides, are highlighted in scenarios that provide realistic examples of the types of situations you are likely to encounter in the home care environment.
  • Guidelines for Observing, Recording, and Reporting (ORR) are highlighted throughout the text, emphasizing the home care aide’s responsibilities for observing and documenting the client’s condition and care.
  • Key considerations and reminders are presented in color font to emphasize the importance of performing these actions.
  • Objectives and Key Terms in each chapter focus your attention on essential information.
  • Chapter summaries and study questions review the key points in each chapter.
  • Updated/Expanded Meeting the Client’s Nutritional Needs chapter includes the new MyPlate food guide and new nutrition guidelines.
  • Updated/Expanded Getting a Job and Keeping It chapter reflects the job prospects and challenges of today, including the realities of moving between states and differences in certification requirements.
  • Updated equipment photos are included.
  • Evolve companion website includes skills competency checklists and an audio glossary.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front cover cover
Inside front cover ifc_i
Half_title_page i
Evolve page ii
Mosby's Textbook for the Home Care Aide, 3/e iii
Copyright page iv
Dedication v
Reviewers vi
Acknowledgments vii
Instructor Preface viii
Student Preface x
Table of Contents xiii
Procedures xvi
1 Learning About Home Care 1
Objectives 1
Key Terms 1
Training Program 1
Suggestions for Success 2
Using the Textbook 2
Overview of the Textbook 3
Meeting the Caregivers 3
Using the Index 5
Using the Glossary 6
Using the Workbook 6
Study “Helps” 6
Asking Questions 6
Completing Assignments 7
Taking Tests 7
Working with Classmates 7
Evaluation 8
Classroom Evaluation 8
Clinical Evaluation 9
The Evaluation Conference 9
Certification 9
State Certification 9
National Certification 9
Chapter Summary 10
Study Questions 10
2 The Home Care Industry 11
Objectives 11
Key Terms 11
Growth of Industry 12
Home Care Agencies 13
Organization and Regulation 13
Sources of Clients 13
Types of Clients 14
Payment for Services 14
The Home Care Team 15
Team Members 15
Case Manager 15
Registered Nurse (RN) 15
Nurse Specialist (RN) 16
Licensed Practical/Vocational Nurse (LPN/LVN) 16
Home Care Aide 16
Physical Therapist (RPT) 16
Occupational Therapist (OTR) 16
Respiratory Therapist (RRT) 16
Social Worker 16
Speech-Language Therapist (Speech-Language Pathologist) 16
Dietitian 16
Others 17
Forming the Team 17
The Care Plan 17
Establishing the Goal 17
Developing the Plan 17
Using Community Resources 18
You, An Essential Part of the Team 19
Looking and Acting Professional 20
Looking Professional 20
Appearance Checklist 20
Acting Professional 21
Maintaining Healthy Habits. 21
Food. 21
Exercise. 21
Rest. 21
Hazards to Health 21
Smoking. 21
Alcohol. 21
Drug or Substance Abuse. 22
Having a Positive Attitude. 22
Being Concerned for Others 23
Performing Your Duties Properly 23
Care of the Client 23
Care of the Client’s Home Environment 23
Working As Part of the Team 24
Scope of Practice 24
Chapter Summary 24
Study Questions 25
3 Developing Effective Communication Skills 26
Objectives 26
Key Terms 26
Communication Process 27
Example 27
Importance 27
Types of Communication 27
Verbal Communication 28
Nonverbal Communication 28
Barriers to Communication 29
Bias and Prejudice 29
Language, Culture, and Ethnic Diversity 29
Sexual Harassment 30
Illness, Pain, and Medications 31
Disabilities 31
Communicating with Agency Personnel 31
Communicating with Your Client and Family Members 32
Respect For The Client and Family 32
Listening 32
A Learned Skill 32
Communicating with Hearing-Impaired Clients 34
Communicating with Visually-Impaired Clients 35
Protecting Personal Health Information 35
The Client’s Bill of Rights 35
Code of Behavior 37
Confidentiality 37
Honesty 37
Behaviors to Avoid 38
Chapter Summary 39
Study Questions 39
4 Understanding Your Client’s Needs 40
Objectives 40
Key Terms 40
Basic Human Needs 40
Physical Needs 41
Safety and Security 41
Love 42
Self-Esteem 42
Self-Actualization 42
The Family 42
The Changing Family 42
Importance in Society 43
Helping Clients to Meet Their Needs 43
Your Needs Versus the Needs of Your Client 44
How We Grow and Develop 45
Principle 1 45
Genes 45
The Primary Caregiver 45
Nutrition 45
The Environment 45
Principle 2 46
Principle 3 46
Principle 4 46
Principle 5 47
Stages of Normal Growth and Development 47
Stage 1: Infancy (Total Dependency—learning to Trust) 47
Age: Birth to 1 Year 47
5 Understanding How the Body Works 54
Objectives 54
Key Terms 54
Organization of the Human Body 55
Cells 55
Tissues, Membranes, and Glands 55
Tissues 55
Membranes 55
Glands 56
Organs 56
Organ Systems 56
Points to Remember 56
Body Cavities 56
Integumentary System 57
Important Parts 57
Points to Remember 57
Do You Know? 58
Skeletomuscular System 58
Important Parts 58
The Process of Movement 59
Points to Remember 59
Do You Know? 60
Nervous System 60
Central Nervous System 60
Important Parts 60
The Process of Sending and Receiving Messages 60
Points to Remember 60
Do You Know? 61
The Senses 61
Important Parts 61
Points to Remember 62
Do You Know? 62
Eyes 62
Important Parts 62
The Process of Vision. 62
6 Observing, Reporting, and Recording 76
Objectives 76
Key Terms 76
Observing the Client 77
Objective 78
Subjective 78
Vital Signs 78
Observing Pain 78
Observation Guidelines 79
The Client’s Care Record 82
Recording on the Client’s Record 83
Reporting to the Agency 87
Incident Reports 87
Medical Terminology 88
Word Parts 88
Word Roots 88
Suffixes 88
Prefixes 88
Combining Vowels 90
Abbreviations 91
Chapter Summary 92
Study Questions 93
7 Working With Ill and Disabled Clients 94
Objectives 94
Key Terms 94
Health and Illness 95
Acute Illness 95
Chronic Illness 95
Disability 96
Effects of Illness on the Family 96
Changes in Routine 97
Changes in Income 97
Worry and Fears 97
Disruption of Plans 98
Role Changes 98
Adapting to the Need for a Home Care Aide 98
Reactions of the Client to Illness 99
Denial 99
Depression 100
Anger 100
Dependence and Overdependence 101
Anxiety 101
Withdrawal 102
Role Change 102
Change in Self-Image 102
Spiritual Distress 103
Physical Distress/Pain 103
Support Systems 104
Informal Support Systems 104
Support Groups 104
Formal Support Systems 104
Chapter Summary 105
Study Questions 105
8 Maintaining a Safe Environment 106
Objectives 106
Key Terms 106
Becoming Safety Conscious 107
General Rules of Safety in the Home 108
Client’s Bedroom 109
Bathroom 109
Kitchen 109
Other Areas of the Home 110
Special Safety Considerations 110
Older Adults 110
Children 110
Confused Clients 111
Oxygen 111
Smoking 111
Household Emergency Measures and Procedures 112
Fire 112
Fire Escape Do’s and Don’ts 114
Gas Leak 114
Loss of Electricity 115
Plumbing Problems 115
Natural and Weather-Related Emergencies 116
Earthquake 117
Hurricane/Flood 117
Snow/Winter Storm 118
Tornado 118
Personal Safety of the Home Care Aide 118
List of Safety Do’s and Don’ts 119
In Client’s Home 119
Driving 119
Car Trouble 120
Public Transportation 120
Walking 120
Arriving Home 121
Chapter Summary 121
Study Questions 121
9 Maintaining a Healthy Environment 122
Objectives 122
Key Terms 122
A Clean Environment is Important 123
Responsibilities of the Home Care Aide 123
Types of Tasks to be Performed 124
Developing a Work Plan 126
Everyday Tasks 126
Weekly Tasks 127
Maintaining an Uncluttered Environment 127
Cleaning Equipment and Supplies 128
Necessary Items 128
“Nice to Have” but not Necessary Supplies 129
Product Safety: a Household Concern 129
Home Safety Hints 129
Cleaning the Bathroom 130
Cleaning the Client’s Living Area 130
Maintaining a Clean, Orderly Kitchen 131
Cleaning the Kitchen 131
Disposing of Household Waste 131
Laundry 132
Controlling Household Pests 135
Teaching Others 137
Chapter Summary 137
Study Questions 138
10 Meeting the Client’s Nutritional Needs 139
Objectives 139
Key Terms 139
Function of Food 140
Measuring Food Energy 140
Social, Cultural, and Religious Aspects of Food 140
Food Preferences 141
Components of Food 141
Carbohydrates 141
Proteins 142
Fats 142
Vitamins 143
Groups of Vitamins 143
Fat-Soluble Vitamins. 143
Water-Soluble Vitamins. 143
Taking Vitamins 143
Minerals 144
Water 144
The Body’s Need for Water 145
Fluid Balance 145
Dietary Fiber 145
Myplate Food Guide 147
Oils (Fats) and Empty Calories 150
Oils 150
Empty Calories 150
Balancing Food and Physical Activity 150
Planning the Menu Using the Myplate Food Guide 150
Shopping for Food 152
Prepare a Shopping List 152
Read Labels 153
Compare Prices 154
Shop for Freshness 155
Returning to the Client’s Home 155
Food Storage 156
Preparing Food 156
Food Safety 156
Serving the Food 158
Feeding the Client 159
Special Situations 159
Poor Appetite 160
Difficulty Chewing and Swallowing 160
Clients with Low Energy Levels 160
The Blind Client 162
Special Diets to Meet the Client’s Needs 162
Modifying the Diet 162
Your Role in Nutritional Therapy 162
Chapter Summary 164
Study Questions 164
11 Preventing Infection/Medical Asepsis 165
Objectives 165
Key Terms 165
Microorganisms 166
Growth of Microorganisms 167
The Cycle of Infection 167
1. The Pathogenic Organism 168
2. Reservoir of Infection 169
3. Exit from the Reservoir of Infection 169
4. Method of Transmission 169
Direct Contact 169
Indirect Contact 170
Air 170
Animals and Insects 170
Food and Water 170
5. Entrance into a New Host 170
6. Host 171
Breaking the Cycle of Infection 171
Preventing the Spread of Disease 171
Medical Asepsis 172
Surgical Asepsis 172
Standard (Universal) Precautions 174
Protecting against Bloodborne Diseases 174
Human Immunodeficiency, Hepatitis B, and Hepatitis C Viruses 175
Federal Regulations 176
Health Care Employer’s Responsibilities 178
Home Care Aide’s Responsibilities 178
Sterilization and Disinfection 178
Disinfection in the Home 178
Wet and Dry Heat 179
Chemical Disinfection 180
Other Precautions 182
Personal Protective Equipment 183
Removing Contaminated Material 186
Chapter Summary 186
Study Questions 186
12 Body Mechanics 187
Objectives 187
Key Terms 187
Using Good Body Mechanics 188
Benefits to the Home Care Aide 188
Benefits to the Client 188
Steps to Good Body Mechanics 188
Using Correct Posture 188
When Standing (Figure 12-2) 188
When Sitting (Figure 12-3) 189
Maintaining Good Muscle Tone 190
Maintaining Balance 190
Protecting Your Back 190
Basic Rules for Protecting Your Back and Practicing Good Body Mechanics 191
The Client in Bed 192
Effects of Immobility 192
Changing Positions in Bed 192
Raising the Client’s Head and Shoulders 192
Moving the Client to the Side of the Bed 194
Moving the Client Up in Bed 194
Positioning the Client in Bed 195
Positions Frequently Used 195
Positioning Devices 199
Rules to Follow 200
Helping the Client to Be Mobile 201
Preparing the Client to Get out of Bed 203
Transferring the Client to a Chair/Wheelchair 204
Returning the Client to Bed 207
Using Assistive Devices 207
Transfer (Gait) Belt 207
Sliding Board 207
The Trapeze 208
The Mechanical Lift 209
Ambulation 211
Using Walking Devices 212
Walkers 212
Canes 213
Crutches 214
A Word of Caution 214
Assisting the Client to Fall 215
Infection Control 216
Preventing Infection 216
Chapter Summary 216
Study Questions 217
13 Bedmaking 218
Objectives 218
Key Term 218
Types of Beds 219
Regular Beds 219
Water Beds 219
Hospital Beds 219
Safety Features of Hospital Beds 220
Wheel Brakes. 220
Side Rails. 221
Special Devices for Beds 221
Bed Boards 221
Footboards and Bed Cradles 221
Pressure-Relieving Devices 222
Making the Bed 223
Reasons for Bedmaking 223
General Rules of Bedmaking 224
Materials Needed for Bedmaking 224
Making a Closed Bed 225
Making an Occupied Bed 225
Chapter Summary 231
Study Questions 231
14 Personal Care 232
Objectives 232
Key Terms 232
Oral Hygiene (Mouth Care) 233
Brushing Teeth 233
Flossing Teeth 234
Mouth Care for the Unconscious Client 234
Denture Care 237
Bathing 240
Purposes 240
General Principles for Bathing Clients 241
Skin Care Products 241
Types of Baths 242
Complete Bed Bath 242
Partial Bath 242
Tub Bath 245
No Water Bath 245
Shower 245
Back Rub 247
Perineal Care 247
Grooming 248
Caring for Hands and Feet 248
Hair Care 251
Brushing and Combing 252
Shampooing 253
Shaving 253
Caring for Eyeglasses, Contact Lenses, and Hearing Aids 253
Eyeglasses 253
Contact Lenses 253
Hearing Aids 253
Helping the Client to Dress and Undress 256
Special Aids to Help with Dressing 256
Preparing to Dress the Client 257
Range-of-Motion Exercises 257
Chapter Summary 263
Study Questions 263
15 Elimination 264
Objectives 264
Key Terms 264
Urinary Elimination 265
Urinary System Review 265
Characteristics of Normal Urine/Urination 265
Characteristics of Abnormal Urine/Urination 266
Urinary Elimination Problems 266
Urinary Retention 266
Urinary Incontinence 266
Managing Urinary Incontinence 267
Bladder Training 267
Habit Training 268
Pelvic Muscle Exercises 268
Absorbent Products 268
Catheters 269
Caring for the Client 269
Assisting with the Bedpan and Urinal 269
Assisting Clients to Use the Commode 269
Intake and Output (I&O) 271
Fluid Intake 272
Fluid Output 272
Measuring Intake and Output 272
Recording Intake and Output 273
Care of a Client with an Indwelling Catheter 273
Care of a Client with a Condom Catheter 278
Bowel Elimination 279
Digestive System Review 279
Maintaining Healthy Bowel Habits 279
Maintaining an Established Routine 279
Maintaining Privacy 279
Encouraging Fluids and a Well-Balanced Diet 280
Encouraging Activity and Exercise 280
Bowel Elimination Problems 280
Diarrhea 281
Bowel (Fecal) Incontinence 281
Constipation 281
Fecal Impaction 281
Caring for the Client 281
Helping the Client to Reestablish Bowel Routine 281
Observing and Recording Feces 282
The Client with an Ostomy 282
Helping the Client to Care for the Ostomy 283
Skin Care 284
Disposing of Fecal Material from Pouch 284
Cleaning the Pouch 284
Providing Emotional Support 284
Standard (Universal) Precautions and Medical Asepsis 284
Chapter Summary 285
Study Questions 285
16 Collecting Specimens 286
Objectives 286
Key Terms 286
Specimens 286
Urine Specimens 288
Routine Urine Specimen 288
“Clean Catch” or Midstream Urine Specimen 288
24-Hour Urine Specimen 289
Straining Urine 289
Stool Specimens 292
Sputum Specimens 292
Assisting Clients to Self-Monitor Blood Sugar Levels 293
Chapter Summary 295
Study Questions 295
17 Measuring Vital Signs 296
Objectives 296
Key Terms 296
Temperature 297
Location 298
Thermometers 298
Reading a Thermometer 298
Regular Thermometer 298
Electronic Thermometer 299
Disposable (Single-Use) Thermometer 299
Cleaning a Thermometer 300
Shaking Down a Regular Thermometer 300
Taking an Oral Temperature 300
Taking an Axillary Temperature 302
Taking a Tympanic (Ear) Temperature 303
Taking a Rectal Temperature 304
Reporting Changes from Normal Temperature 304
Pulse 305
Force and Rhythm 307
Taking a Radial Pulse 307
Respirations 308
Depth, Pattern, and Effort of Respirations 309
Taking Respirations 309
Measuring Blood Pressure 310
Two Readings 310
Factors Affecting Blood Pressure 310
Equipment Needed 311
Using a Stethoscope 311
Using the Blood Pressure Cuff 312
Taking the Blood Pressure 312
The Electronic (Automatic) Blood Pressure Monitor 314
Preventing Infection 315
Chapter Summary 316
Study Questions 316
18 Special Procedures 317
Objectives 317
Key Terms 317
Guidelines for Special Procedures 318
Medications 318
Assisting with Medications 318
Six “Rights” of Assisting with Medications 320
Right Drug 320
Right Client 320
Right Dose 322
Right Route 322
Right Time 323
Right Documentation 323
Guidelines for Assisting with Medications 323
Applications of Heat and Cold 326
Effects of Heat 327
Effects of Cold 328
Safety 328
Applying Dry Heat 329
Applying Moist Heat 329
Sitz Bath 330
Applying Dry Cold 332
Applying Moist Cold 333
Oxygen Therapy 335
Types of Equipment 335
Oxygen Safety 336
Caring for the Client Receiving Oxygen 337
Nasal Cannula 337
Face Mask 337
Intravenous Infusions 338
Caring for the Client Receiving IV Therapy 338
Dry Dressings 339
Applying and Removing Dry Dressings 339
Promoting Circulation 340
Elastic Stockings 341
Elastic Bandages 341
Infection Control 343
Chapter Summary 344
Study Questions 344
19 Caring for Older Adults 345
Objectives 345
Key Terms 345
How Old Is Old? 345
Facts About Older Adults 346
Myths and Realities 347
Ageism 349
Adjusting to Growing Older 349
Retirement and Reduced Income 349
Meaningful Life 350
Satisfactory Living Arrangements 351
Satisfaction within the Family 352
Reality of Death 352
Self-Acceptance 352
Decreasing Health and Physical Strength 353
Physical Signs of Aging 353
Changes in the Skeletomuscular System 354
Changes in the Integumentary System 355
Changes in the Circulatory and Respiratory Systems 355
Changes in the Digestive System 356
Changes in the Nervous System and Senses 357
Changes in Urinary and Reproductive Systems 358
Nutrition 359
Safety and the Older Adult 360
Illness in the Later Years 361
Infection Control 361
Who Are the Caregivers? 362
Elder Neglect and Abuse 363
Some Definitions 363
The Abused 363
The Abusers 364
Signs of Neglect and Abuse 364
What the Home Care Aide Can Do 364
Alcoholism 365
Suicide 366
Chapter Summary 367
Study Questions 368
20 Caring for Mothers, Infants, and Children 369
Objectives 369
Key Terms 369
Caring for Mothers 370
The Postpartum Period 370
Caring for the Physical Needs of the Mother 372
Promote Rest/Sleep 372
Observe Lochia 372
Assist with Personal Hygiene 372
Observe Bladder and Bowel Elimination 373
Encourage Proper Diet 373
Nutrition for Breast-Feeding Mothers 373
Assist with Breast Care 374
The “Baby Blues” 374
Other Situations 375
Caring for Infants 375
The Normal Infant 375
Appearance 375
Length and Weight 375
Skin 377
Umbilical Cord 377
Genitalia 377
Output 379
Stools 379
Voiding 379
Activity 380
Sleeping 380
Crying 380
Eating 382
The Premature Infant 387
Working with Children 387
Need for Service 388
Indications of Stress in Children 388
Discipline Versus Punishment 388
Discipline 388
Punishment 389
Role of the Home Care Aide 389
Guidelines for Caring for Children in the Home 390
Communication 390
Rest, Sleep, Play, and Exercise 390
Mealtime 390
Child Abuse and Neglect 391
Causes of Abuse and Neglect 391
Reporting Child Abuse 392
Chapter Summary 392
Study Questions 393
21 Caring for Clients With Mental Illness 394
Objectives 394
Key Terms 394
Mental Health 395
What Is Mental Health? 395
Factors that Influence One’s Mental Health 396
Mental Illness 397
What Is Mental Illness? 397
Defense Mechanisms 397
Causes of Mental Illness 398
Myths and Realities 398
Mental Illness Treatment and Care 399
Care of the Mentally Ill Client 400
Abnormal Behavior Patterns 400
Confusion 401
Behaviors 401
Your Role 401
Anxiety and Panic 402
Behaviors (Vary According to the Severity of the Condition) 402
Your Role 402
Delusions and Hallucinations 403
Behaviors 403
Your Role 403
Depression 404
22 Caring for Clients With Illnesses Requiring Home Care 410
Objectives 410
Key Terms 410
Cardiovascular Diseases 411
Definition 411
The Facts 411
Symptoms 411
Your Role 411
Communicating 411
Maintaining a Safe Environment 411
Performing Activities of Daily Living (ADL) 412
Maintaining Good Nutrition 412
Assisting with Special Procedures 413
Observe, Record, and Report 413
Cancer 413
Definition 413
The Facts 413
Symptoms 414
Your Role 414
Communicating 414
Maintaining a Safe Environment 414
Performing ADL 415
Maintaining Good Nutrition 415
Assisting with Special Procedures 415
Helping the Client to Cope with Pain 415
Observe, Record, and Report 415
Cerebrovascular Accident 417
Definition 417
The Facts 417
Symptoms 417
Your Role 417
Communicating 418
Maintaining a Safe Environment 418
Performing ADL 418
Maintaining Good Nutrition 419
Handling Behaviors 419
Assisting with Special Procedures 419
Observe, Record, and Report 419
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) 420
Definition 420
The Facts 420
Symptoms 420
Your Role 420
Communication 420
Maintaining a Safe Environment 421
Performing ADL 421
Maintaining Good Nutrition 421
Assisting with Special Procedures 422
Observe, Record, and Report 422
Diabetes Mellitus 422
Definition 422
The Facts 422
Symptoms 422
Your Role 422
Maintaining a Safe Environment 423
Performing ADL 423
Maintaining Good Nutrition 423
Assisting with Special Procedures 423
Observe, Record, and Report 424
Alzheimer’s Disease 424
Definition 424
The Facts 424
Client Behaviors 424
Your Role 425
Communicating 425
Maintaining a Safe Environment 425
Performing ADL 426
Maintaining Good Nutrition 426
Handling Behaviors 426
Wandering 426
Hiding Objects/Suspiciousness 427
Observe, Record, and Report 427
Needs of the Informal Caregiver 427
Multiple Sclerosis 427
Definition 427
The Facts 428
Symptoms 428
Your Role 428
Communicating 428
Maintaining a Safe Environment 428
Performing ADL 428
Maintaining Good Nutrition 428
Providing Emotional Support 428
Assisting with Special Procedures 429
Observe, Record, and Report 429
Parkinson’s Disease 429
Definition 429
The Facts 429
Symptoms 429
Your Role 429
Communicating 429
Maintaining a Safe Environment 430
Performing ADL 430
Maintaining Good Nutrition 430
Providing Emotional Support 431
Assisting with Special Procedures 431
Observe, Record, and Report 431
Arthritis 431
Definition 431
The Facts 431
Symptoms 432
Your Role 432
Maintaining a Safe Environment 432
Performing ADL 432
Maintaining Good Nutrition 432
Providing Emotional Support 433
Assisting with Special Procedures 433
Observe, Record, and Report 433
Fractures 433
Definition 433
The Facts 433
Symptoms 433
Your Role 434
Caring for a Client with a Cast 434
Caring for a Client After Surgical Repair of a Fracture 434
AIDS 435
Definition 435
The Facts 435
Transmission of HIV 435
Effects of HIV on the Immune System 435
The Client as a Person 436
Symptoms 437
Your Role 437
Communicating 437
Maintaining a Safe Environment 437
Performing ADL 437
Maintaining Proper Nutrition 438
Other Procedures 438
Observe, Record, and Report 439
The Postoperative Client 439
Definition 439
The Facts 439
Your Role 439
Maintaining a Safe Environment 439
Performing ADL 441
Maintaining Good Nutrition 441
Providing Emotional Support 441
Special Procedures 441
Observe, Record, and Report 441
Caring for a Client with a Prosthesis 442
Definition 442
The Facts 442
Symptoms 442
Your Role 442
Observe, Record, and Report 442
Support Groups 443
Chapter Summary 443
Study Questions 443
23 Caring for the Client at the End of Life 445
Objectives 445
Key Terms 445
Emotional Reactions to Death and Dying 446
Denial 446
24 Emergencies 458
Objectives 458
Key Terms 458
What Is an Emergency? 459
Preparing for Emergencies 459
Emergency Telephone Numbers 459
Knowing What to Do 459
Calling for Help 460
The First Aid Kit 460
Guidelines for Handling Emergencies 461
When EMS Personnel Arrive 462
Reporting to Your Agency 462
Common Emergencies 463
Choking 463
Partially Blocked Airway 463
Totally Blocked Airway 463
Action 463
Directions for Abdominal Thrusts 464
Victim Is Standing or Sitting 464
When You Are Alone and Choking 464
No Breathing 465
25 Getting a Job and Keeping It 473
Objectives 473
Key Terms 473
Locating Job Openings 474
Preparing a Resume and Cover Letter 475
The Cover Letter 477
The Resume 478
Submitting a Cover Letter and Resume 478
Electronic Job Seeking 478
Completing the Job Application 479
Preparing for the Interview 479
Make an Appointment 479
Gather Information 482
Prepare Questions 482
Prepare Answers 482
Dress Appropriately 483
Participating in the Interview 484
Purpose 484
Guidelines 484
Do 484
Don’t 484
Deciding Whether to Take the Job 486
Making Your Decision 486
Pre-Employment Screening 486
Certification 487
Employment: A Partnership 487
Employer and Employee Rights 488
Employer Rights 488
Employee Rights 489
Supervision and Evaluation 490
Continuing Your Education 493
Deciding to Leave Your Job 493
Leaving the Job Gracefully 493
Chapter Summary 495
Study Questions 495
Glossary 496
Index 500
A 500
B 501
C 502
D 503
E 504
F 505
G 506
H 507
I 508
J 509
K 509
L 509
M 509
N 510
O 510
P 511
Q 513
R 513
S 513
T 515
U 515
V 516
W 516
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