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Medical-Surgical Nursing - E-Book

Medical-Surgical Nursing - E-Book

Susan C. deWit | Candice K. Kumagai


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Book Details


The clear, concise, and cutting-edge medical-surgical nursing content in Medical-Surgical Nursing: Concepts & Practice, 2nd Edition provides the solid foundation you need to pass the NCLEX Examination and succeed as a new nurse. It builds on the fundamentals of nursing and covers roles, settings, health care trends, all body systems and their disorders, emergency and disaster management, and mental health nursing. Written by noted authors Susan deWit and Candice Kumagai, Medical-Surgical Nursing reflects current national LPN/LVN standards with its emphasis on safety as well as complementary and alternative therapies.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front Cover Cover
Medical-Surgical Nursing: Concepts & Practice i
Copyright ii
Selected Student Resources on Evolve iv
Resources in Every Chapter iv
Skills with Skill Performance Checklists iv
Nursing Care Plans iv
Patient Teaching iv
Clinical References iv
Animations v
Audio Clips vi
Video Clips vii
To the Instructor xii
About the Text xii
Pedagogical Features xii
Organization of the Text xiii
LPN Threads xiii
Teaching and Learning Package xiv
For the Instructor xiv
For the Student xiv
To the Student xv
Reading and Review Tools xv
Chapter Features xv
Acknowledgments xvii
Contents xviii
Unit I: Medical-Surgical Nursing Settings, Roles, and Issues 1
Chapter 1: Caring for Medical-Surgical Patients 1
Roles of Licensed Practical/Vocational Nurses 1
Uphold Clinical Standards 2
Provide Safe Patient Care 2
Teach Patients 2
Communicate Effectively 2
Work as a Collaborative Member of the Health Care Team 2
Advocate for the Patient 3
Employment Opportunities 3
Expanded Roles 3
Charge Nurse/Manager of Care 3
Delegation and Assignment 3
Delegation 3
Assignment 4
Types of Health Care Financing 4
Health Insurance 4
Group Health Insurance 5
Managed Care 5
Government-Sponsored Health Insurance 5
Medicare 5
Medicaid 6
Goals for Health Care 6
Cost Containment 6
Health Promotion and Healthy People 2020 6
Holistic Care of Patients 7
Meeting Psychological Needs 7
Use of Empathy 7
Promote a Therapeutic Nurse-Patient Relationship 8
Establish trust 8
Use therapeutic communication skills 8
Maintain patients' self-esteem 8
Display competence 8
Ensure pain control 8
Display compassion 9
Use therapeutic touch 9
Patients Who Display Difficult Behaviors 9
Meeting Social Needs 9
Meeting Cultural Needs 9
Biomedicine 10
Complementary and Alternative Medicine 10
Meeting Spiritual Needs 10
Chapter 2: Critical Thinking and the Nursing Process 14
Critical Thinking and Clinical Judgment 14
Factors that Influence Your Thinking and Nursing Care 15
Attitude 15
Communication Skills 16
Integrating Critical Thinking and the Nursing Process 16
The Nursing Process 16
The Institute for Healthcare Improvement Bundles 16
The Joint Commission National Patient Safety Goals 16
The Joint Commission National Quality Core Measures 17
Applying LPN/LVN Standards in Medical-Surgical Nursing 17
Assessment (Data Collection) 17
Sources of Information 19
Review of Admission Forms 19
Interview 19
Physical Assessment 20
Inspection and Observation 20
Olfaction 20
Palpation 20
Auscultation 20
Percussion 22
Practical Daily Focused Assessment (Data Collection) 22
Chart Review 22
Prioritizing 22
Diagnostic Tests 23
White Blood Cell Count 23
Red Blood Cell Count 23
Hemoglobin 23
Hematocrit 23
Platelet Count 23
Glucose 23
Hemoglobin A1C 24
Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone 24
Other Resources 24
Analysis and Nursing Diagnosis 24
Setting Priorities of Care 25
Planning 26
Goals and Expected Outcomes 26
Nursing Interventions 26
Implementation 26
Staff Communication Regarding Care 26
Evaluation 27
Interdisciplinary (Collaborative) Care Plan 27
Unit II: Medical-Surgical Patient Care Problems 30
Chapter 3: Fluids, Electrolytes, Acid-Base Balance, and Intravenous Therapy 30
Distribution and Regulation of Body Fluids 31
Pathophysiology 31
Movement of Fluid and Electrolytes 32
Passive Transport 32
Diffusion 32
Osmosis 32
Filtration 33
Active Transport 33
Fluid Imbalances 33
Pathophysiology 33
Deficient Fluid Volume 34
Nursing Management 35
Nausea and Vomiting 35
Unit III:Immune System 195
Chapter 10: Th e Immune and Lymphatic Systems 195
Overview of Anatomy and Physiology of the Immune and Lymphatic Systems 195
What are the Organs and Structures of the Immune and Lymphatic systems? 195
What are the Functions of the Immune and Lymphatic systems? 196
What Effects does Aging have on the Immune and Lymphatic Systems? 197
Protective Mechanisms of the Immune and Lymphatic Systems 198
Inflammatory Response 198
Immune Response 198
Types of Immunity 199
Primary Humoral Response 199
Secondary Cellular Response 201
Immunity Against Disease 202
Innate (Natural) Immunity 202
Acquired Immunity 202
Immune and Lymphatic System Disorders 203
Prevention of Immune and Lymphatic System Problems 204
Immunization 204
Nursing Implications 204
Nursing Management 205
Assessment (Data Collection) 205
Physical Assessment 206
Diagnostic Tests, Procedures, and Nursing Implications 206
Skin Testing 206
Laboratory Tests 206
Imaging Studies 206
Nursing Diagnosis 209
Planning 209
Implementation 209
Evaluation 209
Common Problems Related to the Immune and Lymphatic Systems 209
Fever 209
Nursing Management 211
Nutrition 212
Unit IV:Respiratory System 257
Chapter 13:The Respiratory System 257
Overview of Anatomy and Physiology of the Respiratory System 257
What are the functions of each of the structures of the upper respiratory system? 257
How does the epiglottis protect the airway? 258
How is speech produced in the larynx? 258
What are the functions of the structures of the lower respiratory system? 258
How is oxygen delivered to the alveolar membrane, where it can diffuse into the blood? 258
How is the lung protected? 258
How is respiration controlled? 259
How do the bones of the thorax and the respiratory muscles affect the respiratory process? 259
What factors can affect the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide? 259
What age-related changes affect the respiratory system? 260
Causes of Respiratory Disorders 260
Respiratory Disorders 261
Prevention 261
Nursing management 262
Assessment (Data Collection) 262
History Taking 262
Physical Assessment 262
Diagnostic Tests and Procedures 264
Diagnostic Visual Examination of the Nose, Mouth, and Throat 264
Throat Culture 268
Tuberculosis Tests 268
Lung Function Tests 268
Peak Flowmeter 268
Lung Biopsy 268
Nursing Diagnosis 268
Planning 270
Implementation 270
Evaluation 270
Common respiratory patient care problems 271
Ineffective Airway Clearance 271
Ineffective Breathing Patterns 272
Dyspnea or Breathlessness 272
Hypercapnia 272
Hypocapnia 273
Other Ineffective Breathing Patterns 273
Risk of Infection 273
Alterations in Nutrition and Hydration 274
Fatigue 274
Chapter 14: Care of Patients with Disorders of the Upper Respiratory System 277
Disorders of the nose and sinuses 277
Upper Respiratory Infection (URI) (the Common Cold) and Rhinitis 277
Etiology and Pathophysiology 277
Signs, Symptoms, and Diagnosis 277
Treatment and Nursing Management 277
Sinusitis 279
Epistaxis 280
Pharyngitis 280
Etiology and Pathophysiology 280
Signs, Symptoms, and Diagnosis 280
Treatment and Nursing Management 280
Tonsillitis 281
Etiology and Pathophysiology 281
Signs, Symptoms, and Diagnosis 281
Treatment 281
Nursing Management 281
Preoperative Care 281
Postoperative Care 281
Obstruction and trauma 281
Airway Obstruction and Respiratory Arrest 281
Obstructive Sleep Apnea 282
Nasal Fracture 282
Cancer of the Larynx 283
Etiology and Pathophysiology 283
Signs, Symptoms, and Diagnosis 283
Treatment 283
Endotracheal Intubation and Tracheostomy 284
Types of Tracheostomy Tubes 285
Nursing Management 286
Rehabilitation 289
Community care 289
Home Care 290
Extended Care 290
Chapter 15:Care of Patients with Disorders of the Lower Respiratory System 293
Respiratory infectious diseases 293
Acute Bronchitis 293
Influenza 294
Etiology 294
Pathophysiology 295
Signs and Symptoms 295
Diagnosis 295
Treatment and Nursing Management 295
Pneumonia 295
Etiology and Pathophysiology 295
Prevention 296
Signs, Symptoms, and Diagnosis 297
Treatment 297
Nursing Management 297
Empyema 298
Fungal Infections 298
Tuberculosis 298
Etiology 298
Pathophysiology 298
Signs and Symptoms 298
Diagnosis 299
Tuberculin Skin Testing 299
Radiographic Examinations and Sputum Cultures 299
Treatment 299
Nursing Management 301
Control of Infection 301
Promotion of Immunity 301
Support 301
Extrapulmonary Tuberculosis 301
Bronchiectasis 301
Cystic Fibrosis 301
Occupational Lung Disorders 302
Interstitial Pulmonary Disease 302
Sarcoidosis 302
Pulmonary Fibrosis 302
Restrictive pulmonary disorders 302
Pleurisy 302
Pleural Effusion 302
Obstructive pulmonary disorders 302
Atelectasis 303
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease 303
Etiology and Diagnosis of COPD 303
Emphysema 303
Unit V:Hematologic System 331
Chapter 16:The Hematologic System 331
Overview of Anatomy and Physiology of the Hematologic System 331
What are the functions of blood? 331
What are the components of blood? 331
What are the functions of the plasma proteins? 331
How does the body produce blood cells? 332
What are the functions of the red blood cells? 332
What are the functions of white blood cells? 332
What are platelets and what is their function? 333
How does the lymphatic system interact with the vascular system? 334
What changes of the hematologic system occur with aging? 334
Causes of hematologic disorders 334
Prevention of hematologic disorders 335
Diagnostic tests and procedures 336
Nursing management 336
Assessment (Data Collection) 336
History 336
Physical Assessment 339
Skin 339
Mucous Membranes 339
Abdomen 339
Swollen and Painful Joints 340
Lymph Tissue Involvement 340
Mental State 340
Activity Intolerance 340
Nursing Diagnosis 340
Planning 340
Implementation 342
Evaluation 342
Common problems related to disorders of the hematologic system 343
Excessive Bleeding 343
Fatigue 343
Anorexia 343
Pain 343
Infection 343
Bone Marrow Failure 344
Chapter 17:Care of Patients with Hematologic Disorders 346
Disorders of the hematologic system 346
Anemia 346
Etiology 346
Pathophysiology 347
Signs and Symptoms 348
Diagnosis 348
Treatment 349
Nursing management 349
Assessment (Data Collection) 349
Nursing Diagnosis 351
Planning 351
Implementation 351
Evaluation 352
Aplastic Anemia 352
Sickle Cell Disease 353
Etiology 353
Pathophysiology 353
Signs and Symptoms 353
Diagnosis 353
Treatment 353
Nursing Management 354
Polycythemia Vera 354
Leukemia 355
Etiology 355
Pathophysiology 355
Signs, Symptoms, and Diagnosis 355
Treatment 356
Nursing Management 357
Thrombocytopenia 359
Multiple Myeloma 360
Etiology and Pathophysiology 360
Signs, Symptoms, and Diagnosis 360
Treatment 360
Nursing Management 360
Hemophilia 361
Etiology 361
Pathophysiology 361
Signs and Symptoms 361
Diagnosis and Treatment 361
Nursing Management 362
Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation 362
Therapies frequently used in the management of hematologic disorders 362
Transfusions 362
Nursing Management 363
Transfusion Reaction 364
Leukapheresis 364
Biologic Response Modifiers: Colony-Stimulating Factor Therapy 364
Bone Marrow and Stem Cell Transplantation 364
Oxygen Therapy 366
Iron Therapy 366
Vitamin B12 Therapy 367
Splenectomy 367
Community care 367
Unit VI:Cardiovascular System 371
Chapter 18:The Cardiovascular System 371
Overview of Anatomy and Physiology of the Cardiovascular System 371
What are the structures of the heart and their functions? 371
What causes the heart to contract and pump blood? 372
What is the cardiac cycle? 373
What is the ejection fraction? 373
How does the vascular system function to carry blood throughout the body? 373
What is the blood pressure and what affects it? 374
What changes occur in the cardiovascular system with aging? 375
Cardiovascular disease 375
Women and Heart Disease 375
Causes of Cardiovascular Disorders 375
Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease 376
Diagnostic Tests and Procedures 377
Cardiac Monitoring 384
Specific Tests for Vascular Disorders 384
Nursing management 384
Assessment (Data Collection) 384
History Taking 384
Physical Assessment 385
Pulses 386
Bruits 387
Blood Pressure 387
Skin 388
Nursing Diagnosis, Planning, Implementation 388
Collaboration 392
Evaluation 393
Common problems of patients with cardiovascular disorders 393
Fatigue and Dyspnea 393
Fluid Overload (Edema) 393
Pain 394
Altered Tissue Perfusion 394
Impaired Tissue Integrity 395
Chapter 19:Care of Patients with Hypertension and Peripheral Vascular Disease 398
Hypertension 398
Etiology 398
Pathophysiology 400
Signs, Symptoms, and Diagnosis 400
Treatment 401
Antihypertensive Therapy 401
Complications 401
Hypertensive Crisis 401
Nursing management 404
Assessment (Data Collection) 404
Nursing Diagnosis and Planning 404
Implementation 405
Evaluation 406
Arteriosclerosis and Atherosclerosis 406
Peripheral vascular disease 406
Peripheral Arterial Disease (Arterial Insufficiency) 407
Etiology and Pathophysiology 407
Signs, Symptoms, and Diagnosis 407
Treatment 409
Nursing management 409
Assessment (Data Collection) 409
Nursing Diagnosis and Planning 410
Implementation 410
Evaluation 411
Aneurysm 411
Etiology 411
Pathophysiology 411
Signs, Symptoms, and Diagnosis 411
Treatment 411
Nursing management 412
Assessment (Data Collection) 412
Nursing Diagnosis and Planning 412
Implementation 412
Evaluation 412
Carotid Occlusion 413
Buerger's Disease (Thromboangiitis Obliterans) 413
Unit VII:Neurologic System 472
Chapter 22: The Neurologic System 472
Overview of Anatomy and Physiology of the Neurologic System 472
How is the nervous system organized? 472
How does the peripheral nervous system interact with the central nervous system? 474
How is the central nervous system protected? 475
How do nerves conduct impulses? 475
What are the special characteristics of the nervous system? 477
What changes occur in the nervous system with aging? 478
Causative factors involved in neurologic disorders 478
Prevention of neurologic disorders 478
Evaluation of neurologic status 479
Cranial Nerves 479
Coordination and Balance 479
Neuromuscular Function Testing 479
Reflexes 479
Nursing management 485
Assessment (Data Collection) 485
Patient History 485
Physical Assessment 485
Vital Signs 485
Mental Function and Level of Consciousness 486
Neurologic and Neuromuscular Status 486
Pupillary Reactions 487
The ``Neuro´´ Check 488
Diagnostic Tests 489
Nursing Diagnosis 489
Planning 489
Implementation 489
Evaluation 489
Common neurologic patient care problems 492
Ineffective Breathing Pattern 492
Impaired Mobility 492
Self-Care Deficit 492
Dysphagia 493
Incontinence 493
Bladder Training Program 493
Bowel Training Program 494
Pain 495
Confusion 495
Aphasia 495
Sexual Dysfunction 496
Psychosocial Concerns 497
Ineffective Family Coping 497
Chapter 23:Care of Patients with Head and Spinal Cord Injuries 500
Head injuries 500
Etiology 500
Pathophysiology 500
Signs and Symptoms 501
Diagnosis 502
Treatment 502
Surgical Intervention 503
Preoperative Period 503
Postoperative Period 503
Nursing Management 503
Increased Intracranial Pressure 506
Etiology and Pathophysiology 506
Signs, Symptoms, and Diagnosis 506
Treatment 507
Complications 508
Diabetes Insipidus 508
Nursing management 508
Assessment (Data Collection) 508
Nursing Diagnosis, Planning, and Implementation 508
Evaluation 509
Injuries of the spine and spinal cord 509
Etiology 509
Pathophysiology 509
Signs, Symptoms, and Diagnosis 509
Treatment 510
Respiratory Management 512
Immobilization and Surgery 512
Urinary Management 512
Psychological Care 512
Grief and mourning response 513
Sexual Concerns 513
Complications 513
Spinal Shock and Neurogenic Shock 513
Muscle Spasms 513
Autonomic Dysreflexia (Hyperreflexia) 514
Orthostatic Hypotension 515
Deep Venous Thrombosis 515
Infection 515
Skin Breakdown 515
Renal Complications 515
Heterotopic Ossification 515
Nursing management 515
Assessment (Data Collection) 515
Nursing Diagnosis 516
Planning, Implementation, and Evaluation 516
Rehabilitation 517
Back Pain and Ruptured Intervertebral Disk (``Slipped Disk´´) 517
Etiology 517
Pathophysiology 517
Signs, Symptoms, and Diagnosis 518
Treatment 518
Surgical Procedures 518
Nursing Management 519
Chapter 24:Care of Patients with Disorders of the Brain 523
Seizure disorders and epilepsy 523
Etiology 523
Pathophysiology 524
Signs and Symptoms 524
Partial Seizures 524
Generalized Seizures 524
Diagnosis 524
Treatment 524
Surgical Treatment 525
Nursing management 526
Assessment (Data Collection) 526
Nursing Diagnosis, Planning, and Implementation 526
Patient Education 527
Evaluation 527
Transient ischemic attack 527
Cerebrovascular accident (stroke, brain attack) 528
Etiology 528
Pathophysiology 528
Cerebral Aneurysm and Arteriovenous Malformation 528
Stroke Prevention 530
Signs and Symptoms 530
Diagnosis 532
Treatment 532
Surgical Procedures 533
Complications 534
Extension of Hemorrhage or Rebleed 534
Seizures 534
Hydrocephalus 534
Nursing management 534
Phase 1 534
Assessment (Data Collection) 534
Nursing Diagnosis and Planning 535
Implementation 535
Evaluation 538
Phase 2 538
Rehabilitation 538
Phase 3 539
Continuum of Care 539
Brain tumor 539
Etiology and Pathophysiology 539
Signs, Symptoms, and Diagnosis 540
Treatment 540
Surgery 541
Nursing Management 541
Complications 541
Hydrocephalus 541
Intracerebral Hemorrhage 541
Infectious and inflammatory disorders of the nervous system 541
Bacterial Meningitis 541
Etiology and Pathophysiology 541
Signs and Symptoms 542
Diagnosis 542
Treatment 542
Viral Meningitis 543
Nursing management 543
Assessment (Data Collection) and Nursing Diagnosis 543
Planning, Implementation, and Evaluation 543
Encephalitis 544
Etiology and Pathophysiology 544
Signs, Symptoms, and Diagnosis 544
Treatment and Nursing Management 544
Complications 544
Brain Abscess 544
Headaches 545
Migraine Headaches 545
Cluster Headaches 546
Tension Headaches 546
Cranial nerve disorders 546
Trigeminal Neuralgia (Tic Douloureux) 546
Etiology and Pathophysiology 546
Signs, Symptoms, and Diagnosis 547
Treatment 547
Nursing management 547
Assessment (Data Collection) and Nursing Diagnosis 547
Planning, Implementation, and Evaluation 547
Bell's Palsy 548
Chapter 25: Care of Patients with Peripheral Nerve and Degenerative Neurologic Disorders 551
Parkinson's disease 551
Etiology 551
Pathophysiology 551
Signs and Symptoms 552
Diagnosis 552
Treatment 553
Surgical Treatment 554
Complications 554
Nursing management 554
Assessment (Data Collection) and Nursing Diagnosis 554
Planning, Implementation, and Evaluation 555
Multiple sclerosis 557
Etiology 557
Pathophysiology 557
Signs and Symptoms 557
Diagnosis 558
Treatment 558
Nursing management 559
Assessment (Data Collection), Nursing Diagnosis, and Planning 559
Implementation and Evaluation 559
Alzheimer's disease 559
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis 559
Etiology and Pathophysiology 559
Unit VIII:Sensory System 568
Chapter 26:The Sensory System: Eye and Ear 568
Overview of Anatomy and Physiology of the Eye 568
What are the structures of the eye? 568
What are the functions of the eye structures? 569
What changes occur in the eye with aging? 570
The eye 571
Eye Disorders 571
Prevention 571
Basic Eye Care 571
Prevention of Eye Injury 572
Prevention of Visual Loss 572
Diagnostic Tests and Examinations 573
Nursing management 573
Assessment (Data Collection) 573
History Taking 573
Physical Examination 576
Nursing Diagnosis 577
Planning 578
Implementation 578
Nursing Interventions for the Visually Impaired Patient 578
Evaluation 579
Community care 579
Overview of Anatomy and Physiology of the Ear 579
What are the structures of the ear? 579
What are the functions of the ear structures? 580
What changes occur in the ear with aging? 580
The ear 581
Hearing Loss 581
Causes and Prevention 581
Diagnostic Tests and Examinations 582
Visual Examination of the Ear 582
Tuning Fork Tests 583
Test for Nystagmus 583
Romberg Test 585
Nursing management 585
Assessment (Data Collection) 585
Nursing Diagnosis and Planning 585
Implementation 587
Instillation of Ear Medication 587
Communicating with the Hearing-Impaired Patient 587
Evaluation 588
Common Problems of Patients with Ear Disorders 588
Hearing Impairment 588
Dizziness and Vertigo 589
Tinnitus 589
Rehabilitation for Hearing Loss 590
Lip-Reading (Speech Reading) 590
Sign Language 590
Hearing Aids 590
Cochlear Implant 590
Hearing-Assistive Devices 591
Community care 591
Chapter 27:Care of Patients with Disorders of the Eyes and Ears 594
Common disorders of the eye 594
Errors of Refraction 594
Uveitis 595
Corneal Disorders 595
Keratitis 595
Corneal Ulcer 596
Corneal Transplantation (Keratoplasty) 596
Eye Trauma 597
Removal of Foreign Bodies from the Eye 597
Chemical Burns 597
Enucleation 597
Care of an Artificial Eye 597
Cataract 598
Etiology and Pathophysiology 598
Signs, Symptoms, and Diagnosis 598
Treatment 598
Nursing Management 600
Glaucoma 600
Etiology 600
Pathophysiology 601
Open-Angle Glaucoma 602
Signs and Symptoms 602
Diagnosis 602
Treatment 602
Nursing Management 604
Narrow-Angle (Angle-Closure) Glaucoma 605
Signs, Symptoms, and Diagnosis 605
Treatment and Nursing Management 605
Retinal Detachment 605
Etiology 605
Pathophysiology 606
Signs, Symptoms, and Diagnosis 606
Treatment 606
Nursing Management 606
Retinopathy 608
Unite IX:Gastrointestinal System 620
Chapter 28:The Gastrointestinal System 620
Overview of Anatomy and Physiology of the Gastrointestinal System 620
What are the organs and structures of the gastrointestinal system? 620
What are the functions of the gastrointestinal system? 620
What effects does aging have on the gastrointestinal system? 621
What are the structures and locations of the accessory organs? 621
What are the functions of the gallbladder, liver, and pancreas? 622
How does aging affect the accessory organs of digestion? 623
The gastrointestinal system 623
Gastrointestinal System Disorders 623
Causes 623
Causes of Gallbladder Disorders 623
Causes of Liver Disorders 624
Causes of Pancreatic Disorders 624
Prevention of Gastrointestinal System Disorders 624
Prevention of Gallbladder Disorders 625
Prevention of Liver Disorders 625
Prevention of Pancreatic Disorders 625
Diagnostic Tests, Procedures, and Nursing Implications 625
Nursing management 631
Assessment (Data Collection) 631
Physical Assessment 631
Nursing Diagnosis and Planning 633
Implementation 633
Evaluation 633
Common Problems Related to the Gastrointestinal System 633
Anorexia 633
Nursing Management 633
Nausea and Vomiting 635
Accumulation of Flatus (Gas) 635
Nursing Management 635
Constipation 636
Unit X:Musculoskeletal System 716
Chapter 32:The Musculoskeletal System 716
Overview of Anatomy and Physiology of the Musculoskeletal System 716
What are the structures of the musculoskeletal system? 716
What are the functions of the bones? 717
What are the functions of the muscles? 718
What changes occur in the musculoskeletal system with aging? 718
Musculoskeletal Disorders 718
Causes 718
Prevention 719
Diagnostic Tests and Procedures 719
Nursing management 723
Assessment (Data Collection) 723
History Taking 723
Physical Assessment 724
Nursing Diagnosis and Planning 724
Implementation 727
Lifting and Turning the Patient 727
Interventions to Prevent Disability 727
Preventing Contractures 728
Loss of Muscle Tone 728
Preventing Ankylosis 728
Gradual Mobilization 728
Exercise 728
Positioning 729
Special Beds 729
Use of Slings and Splints 730
Teaching Ambulation with Assistive Devices 730
Psychosocial Care 731
Evaluation 732
Chapter 33:Care of Patients with Musculoskeletal and Connective Tissue Disorders 734
Connective Tissue Disorders 734
Sprain 734
Etiology and Pathophysiology 734
Signs, Symptoms, and Diagnosis 734
Treatment and Nursing Management 734
Strain 735
Unit XI: Urinary System 764
Chapter 34:The Urinary System 764
Overview of Anatomy and Physiology of the Urologic System 764
What are the structures of the urologic system and how do they interrelate? 764
What are the functions of the kidneys? 765
What are the functions of the ureters, bladder, and urethra? 765
What changes occur with aging? 766
The urologic system 766
Disorders of the Urologic System 766
Causes 766
Prevention 767
Diagnostic Tests and Procedures 767
Nursing Management 768
Assessment (Data Collection) 768
History and Present Illness 768
Physical Assessment 773
Ongoing Assessment 773
Characteristics of Urine 773
Changes in Voiding Pattern 774
Pain and Discomfort 774
Nursing Diagnosis 775
Planning 775
Implementation 776
Measuring Intake and Output 777
Evaluation 777
Common urologic problems 777
Urinary Incontinence 777
Etiology 777
Pathophysiology 777
Signs and Symptoms 777
Diagnosis 777
Treatment 779
Surgeries to Correct Incontinence 780
Nursing Management 781
Urinary Retention 782
Chapter 35:Care of Patients with Disorders of the Urinary System 785
Inflammatory disorders of the urinary tract 785
Cystitis 785
Etiology and Pathophysiology 785
Signs, Symptoms, and Diagnosis 786
Treatment and Nursing Management 786
Urethritis 788
Pyelonephritis 788
Etiology and Pathophysiology 788
Signs and Symptoms 788
Diagnosis 788
Treatment 788
Unit XII:Endocrine System 818
Chapter 36:The Endocrine System 818
Overview of Anatomy and Physiology of the Endocrine System 818
What are the organs and structures of the endocrine system? 818
What are the functions of the endocrine system? 819
What are the effects of the pituitary hormones? 819
What are the effects of the thyroid hormones? 819
What are the functions of the parathyroid glands? 821
What are the functions of the hormones secreted by the adrenal glands? 821
What is the hormonal function of the pancreas? 821
What are the effects of aging on the endocrine system? 822
The endocrine system 822
Endocrine System Disorders 823
Causes 823
Prevention 824
Diagnostic Tests and Procedures 825
Nursing management 829
Assessment (Data Collection) 829
Nursing Diagnosis 829
Planning 829
Implementation 831
Evaluation 831
Community care 831
Chapter 37:Care of Patients with Pituitary, Thyroid, Parathyroid, and Adrenal Disorders 833
Disorders of the pituitary gland 833
Pituitary Tumors 833
Etiology and Pathophysiology 834
Signs and Symptoms 834
Diagnosis 834
Treatment 834
Nursing Management 834
Hypofunction of the Pituitary Gland 835
Unit XIII:Reproductive System 880
Chapter 39:Care of Women with Reproductive Disorders 880
Overview of Anatomy and Physiology of the Female Reproductive System 881
What are the primary external structures of the female reproductive system? 881
What are the primary internal structures of the female reproductive system? 881
What are the accessory organs of the female reproductive system? 882
What are the phases of the female reproductive cycle during the childbearing years? 882
When does sexual development occur in the fetus? 882
What changes take place as girls mature into women and become capable of reproduction? 882
What changes take place as a woman enters menopause? 882
What changes occur with aging? 882
The female reproductive system 883
Menstruation 883
Normal Menstrual Bleeding 883
Normal Vaginal Discharge 883
Normal Breasts 883
Contraception and Fertility 883
Contraceptive Options 883
Oral Contraceptives 883
Emergency Contraception 887
Infertility 888
Nursing Management 889
Assisted Reproduction 890
Menopause 890
Health Risks of Menopause 890
Osteoporosis 890
Coronary Heart Disease 891
Treatment Options During Menopause 891
Hormone Therapy 891
Bioidentical hormones 891
Alternative Therapies 891
Health Promotion and Disease Prevention 892
Health Screening and Assessments 892
Breast Self-Examination 892
Vulvar Self-Examination 894
Diagnostic Tests 894
Pelvic Examination 894
Nursing management 894
Assessment (Data Collection) 894
Nursing Diagnosis 894
Planning 897
Implementation 900
Evaluation 900
Disorders of the female reproductive system 902
Menstrual Dysfunctions 902
Premenstrual Syndrome 902
Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder 902
Dysmenorrhea 902
Primary Dysmenorrhea 902
Secondary Dysmenorrhea 902
Pelvic Relaxation Syndrome 903
Etiology and Pathophysiology 903
Signs and Symptoms 903
Diagnosis 903
Treatment and Nursing Management 903
Nonsurgical Management 903
Surgical Management 903
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome 904
Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding 904
Abnormal Uterine Bleeding 904
Leiomyoma 905
Endometriosis 906
Robotic Gynecologic Surgery 906
Inflammations of the Lower Genital Tract 906
Etiology and Pathophysiology 906
Signs, Symptoms, and Diagnosis 906
Treatment and Nursing Management 906
Toxic Shock Syndrome 906
Cancer of the Reproductive Tract 907
Vulvar Cancer 907
Cancer of the Cervix 907
Cancer of the Uterus 907
Cancer of the Ovary 908
Disorders of the breast 908
Benign Disorders of the Breast 908
Fibroadenoma 908
Fibrocystic Breast Changes 908
Intraductal Papilloma 908
Breast Cancer 909
Etiology and Pathophysiology 909
Signs, Symptoms, and Diagnosis 910
Prevention 910
Treatment 910
Breast Reconstructive Surgery 912
Reduction Mammoplasty 912
Augmentation Mammoplasty 912
Reconstructive Mammoplasty 912
Nursing Management for Breast Cancer Surgery 913
Preoperative Care 913
Postoperative Care 913
Collaborative Care 913
Complications 913
Lymphedema 913
Home care 915
Community care 915
Chapter 40:Care of Men with Reproductive Disorders 918
Overview of Anatomy and Physiology of the Male Reproductive System 918
What are the structures of the male reproductive system? 918
What are the functions of the organs of the male reproductive system? 919
How is sperm production controlled? 919
What changes occur with aging? 920
The male reproductive system 920
Fertility 920
Contraception 920
Reversible Contraception 920
Permanent Contraception: Vasectomy 920
Nursing management 921
Assessment (Data Collection) 921
Diagnostic Tests 921
Nursing Diagnosis 922
Planning 923
Implementation 923
Evaluation 923
Disorders of the male reproductive system 923
Erectile Dysfunction 923
Treatment 924
Ejaculation Disorders 924
Infertility 924
Hydrocele 925
Varicocele 926
Testicular Torsion 926
Priapism 926
Peyronie's Disease 927
Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia 927
Etiology and Pathophysiology 927
Signs and Symptoms 927
Diagnosis 927
Treatment 927
Drug Therapy 927
Herbal Therapy 928
Surgery 928
Nursing Management 928
Preoperative Care 928
Postoperative Care 928
Inflammations and Infections of the Male Reproductive Tract 932
Epididymitis 932
Orchitis 932
Prostatitis 932
Cancer of the Male Reproductive Tract 933
Cancer of the Penis 933
Testicular Cancer 933
Prostate Cancer 934
Clinical Symptoms and Screening 934
Treatment and Nursing Care 934
Community care 935
Chapter 41:Care of Patients with Sexually Transmitted Infections 938
Common infections of the female reproductive tract 939
Pelvic Inflammatory Disease 939
Candidiasis 939
Bacterial Vaginosis 939
Risk factors for transmission of sexually transmitted infections 939
Prevention of Human Papillomavirus 940
Lesions of Sexually Transmitted Infections 940
Reporting Sexually Transmitted Infections 940
Transmission of sexually transmitted infections 940
Common Diagnostic Tests 941
Nursing Management 941
Assessment (Data Collection) 941
Nursing Diagnosis 948
Planning 948
Implementation 948
Symptom Relief 948
Prevention of Spread 948
Evaluation 950
Community care 950
Unit XIV:Integumentary System 952
Chapter 42:The Integumentary System 952
Overview of Anatomy and Physiology of the Integumentary System 952
What is the structure of the skin, hair, and nails? 952
What are the functions of the skin and its structures? 953
What changes occur in the skin and its structures with aging? 953
The integumentary system 954
Disorders of the Integumentary System 954
Causes 954
Prevention 954
Hygiene 954
Diet 954
Age 955
Environment 955
Integrity of skin 956
Nursing Management 956
Diagnostic Tests and Procedures 957
Skin Biopsy 957
Culture and Sensitivity Tests 957
Microscopic Tests 957
Special Light Inspection 957
Diascopy 957
Skin Patch Testing 957
Nursing Care for Diagnostic Tests 957
Nursing management 958
Assessment (Data Collection) 958
History Taking 958
Physical Assessment 958
Assessing the Skin for Signs of Breakdown 960
Nursing Diagnosis and Planning 960
Implementation 960
Giving Medicated Baths 962
Laundry Requirements 962
Application of Wet Compresses or Dressings 963
Application of Topical Therapy 963
Evaluation 963
Chapter 43:Care of Patients with Integumentary Disorders and Burns 966
Inflammatory infections 966
Dermatitis 966
Etiology, Pathophysiology, Signs, and Symptoms 966
Diagnosis and Treatment 967
Nursing Management 967
Acne 967
Etiology, Pathophysiology, Signs, and Symptoms 967
Diagnosis and Treatment 968
Nursing Management 968
Psoriasis 969
Etiology, Pathophysiology, Signs, and Symptoms 969
Diagnosis and Treatment 969
Nursing Management 969
Stevens-Johnson Syndrome 969
Bacterial Infections 970
Etiology, Pathophysiology, Signs, and Symptoms 970
Diagnosis, Treatment, and Nursing Management 970
Viral Infections 970
Herpes Simplex 970
Etiology and Pathophysiology 970
Unit XV:Emergency and Disaster Management 997
Chapter 44:Care of Patients During Disasters, Bioterrorism Attacks, and Pandemic Infections 997
Disaster Preparedness and Response 997
Community Preparedness 999
Hospital Preparedness 1000
Psychological Responses to Disaster 1001
Triage 1001
Nursing Roles and Responsibilities During Disaster 1002
Care of Special Populations 1003
Water and Food Safety 1003
Nursing Management in the Reconstruction Stage 1006
Preparing for chemical, nuclear, or biologic disasters 1006
Chemical Disaster 1006
Nuclear Disaster 1009
Biologic Disaster 1010
Biologic Agents 1011
Anthrax 1011
Botulism 1013
Plague 1013
Smallpox 1013
Tularemia 1014
Viral Hemorrhagic Fevers 1014
Pandemic Influenza Infection 1015
Nurse's Role in Preparedness and Response 1015
Recognizing a Bioterrorism Event 1015
Nursing Management 1016
Debriefing 1016
Chapter 45:Care of Patients with Trauma or Shock 1019
Prevention of accidents 1019
Home Safety 1019
Highway Safety 1019
Water Safety 1019
First aid and good samaritan laws 1020
Emergency care 1021
Triage: Initial Survey 1022
Airway and Respiration 1022
Control of Bleeding 1023
Neck and Spine Injuries 1024
Chest Trauma 1024
Pneumothorax, Hemothorax, and Tension Pneumothorax 1025
Abdominal Trauma 1025
Multiple Trauma 1026
Metabolic emergencies 1026
Insulin Reaction or Severe Hypoglycemia 1026
Treatment 1026
Other metabolic emergencies 1026
Injuries caused by extreme heat and cold 1026
Heatstroke 1026
Unit XVI:Mental Health Nursing of the Adult 1045
Chapter 46:Care of Patients with Anxiety, Mood, and Eating Disorders 1045
Anxiety and anxiety disorders 1045
Generalized Anxiety Disorder 1046
Phobic Disorder 1047
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder 1047
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder 1047
Diagnosis of Anxiety Disorders 1047
Treatment of Anxiety Disorders 1048
Nursing management 1048
Assessment (Data Collection) 1048
Nursing Diagnosis 1049
Planning 1050
Implementation 1050
Evaluation 1051
Mood disorders 1051
Bipolar Disorder 1051
Treatment 1051
Nursing management 1052
Assessment (Data Collection) 1052
Nursing Diagnosis 1052
Planning 1052
Implementation 1052
Evaluation 1055
Major Depressive Disorder 1055
Treatment 1055
Nursing management 1057
Assessment (Data Collection) 1057
Nursing Diagnosis 1058
Planning 1058
Implementation 1058
Evaluation 1058
Suicidal Patients 1059
Nursing management 1059
Assessment (Data Collection) 1059
Nursing Diagnosis 1059
Planning 1059
Implementation 1060
Evaluation 1060
Eating disorders 1060
Anorexia Nervosa 1060
Bulimia Nervosa 1060
Treatment of Eating Disorders 1061
Nursing management 1061
Assessment (Data Collection) 1061
Nursing Diagnosis 1061
Planning 1061
Implementation 1061
Evaluation 1062
Community care 1062
Chapter 47:Care of Patients with Substance Abuse Disorders 1065
Substance and alcohol abuse 1065
Signs and Symptoms 1066
Effects of Substance Abuse on Family and Friends 1067
Disorders associated with substance abuse 1068
Alcohol Abuse 1068
Symptoms of Intoxication and Withdrawal 1068
Diagnosis 1068
Treatment 1069
Complications 1071
Abuse of Other Central Nervous System Depressants 1071
Treatment 1072
Abuse of Opiates 1073
Treatment 1073
Abuse of Stimulants 1074
Treatment 1074
Abuse of Nicotine 1075
Treatment 1075
Abuse of Cannabis 1075
Abuse of Hallucinogens and Inhalants 1076
Treatment 1076
Nursing management 1076
Assessment (Data Collection) 1076
Nursing Diagnosis 1077
Planning 1077
Implementation 1077
Intervening with the Family 1078
Evaluation 1081
Community care 1081
Chapter 48:Care of Patients with Cognitive Disorders 1085
Overview of cognitive disorders 1085
Delirium 1085
Substance-Induced Delirium 1086
Dementia 1086
Alzheimer's Disease 1087
Etiology and Pathophysiology 1087
Signs and Symptoms 1087
Diagnosis 1088
Treatment 1088
Nursing management 1088
Assessment (Data Collection) 1088
Nursing Diagnosis and Planning 1089
Implementation and Evaluation 1093
Vascular Dementia 1093
AIDS Dementia Complex 1093
Nursing management 1093
Assessment (Data Collection) 1093
Nursing Diagnosis 1095
Planning 1095
Implementation 1095
Assessment of and Interventions for the Family 1098
Evaluation 1099
Community care 1099
Chapter 49:Care of Patients with Thought and Personality Disorders 1102
Overview of thought disorders 1102
Neurotransmitters 1102
Schizophrenia 1103
Etiology and Pathophysiology 1103
Signs and Symptoms 1103
Diagnosis 1104
Treatment 1105
Nursing management 1108
Assessment (Data Collection) 1108
Nursing Diagnosis 1108
Planning 1108
Implementation 1109
Evaluation 1113
Overview of personality disorders 1113
Borderline Personality Disorder 1114
Treatment 1114
Nursing management 1114
Assessment (Data Collection) 1114
Nursing Diagnosis 1115
Planning 1115
Implementation 1115
Evaluation 1116
Community care 1116
Appendix 1119
Appendix A:Most Common Laboratory Test Values 1119
Appendix B: Standard Precautions 1128
Hand Hygiene 1128
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) 1128
Gloves 1128
Gowns 1129
Mouth, Nose, and Eye Protection 1129
Patient Care Equipment and Instruments/Devices 1129
Care of the Environment 1129
Textiles and Laundry 1129
Safe Injection Practices 1129
Worker Safety 1129
Appendix C: Standard Steps for All Nursing Procedures 1130
At the beginning of the procedure 1130
Step A: Perform Task According to Protocol 1130
Step B: Check Orders, Collect Equipment and Supplies, and Perform Hand Hygiene 1130
Step C: Identify and Prepare Patient 1130
Step D: Provide Privacy, Institute Safety Precautions, Arrange Supplies and Equipment 1130
During the procedure 1130
Step E: Use Standard Precautions and Aseptic Technique as Appropriate 1130
At the end of the procedure 1130
Step X: Remove Gloves and Other Protective Equipment 1130
Step Y: Restore Unit 1130
Step Z: Record and Report Procedure 1131
Appendix D: Answers to Review Questions forthe NCLEXW Examination 1132
Chapter 1 1132
Chapter 2 1132
Chapter 3 1132
Chapter 4 1132
Chapter 5 1132
Chapter 6 1132
Chapter 7 1132
Chapter 8 1132
Chapter 9 1132
Chapter 10 1132
Chapter 11 1132
Chapter 12 1132
Chapter 13 1132
Chapter 14 1132
Chapter 15 1132
Chapter 16 1132
Chapter 17 1132
Chapter 18 1132
Chapter 19 1132
Chapter 20 1132
Chapter 21 1132
Chapter 22 1132
Chapter 23 1132
Chapter 24 1133
Chapter 25 1133
Chapter 26 1133
Chapter 27 1133
Chapter 28 1133
Chapter 29 1133
Chapter 30 1133
Chapter 31 1133
Chapter 32 1133
Chapter 33 1133
Chapter 34 1133
Chapter 35 1133
Chapter 36 1133
Chapter 37 1133
Chapter 38 1133
Chapter 39 1133
Chapter 40 1133
Chapter 41 1133
Chapter 42 1133
Chapter 43 1133
Chapter 44 1133
Chapter 45 1133
Chapter 46 1133
Chapter 47 1133
Chapter 48 1133
Chapter 49 1133
Appendix E: Standards of Practice and EducationalCompetencies of Graduates of Practical/Vocational Nursing Programs 1134
Professional Behaviors 1134
Communication 1134
Assessment* 1135
Planning 1135
Caring interventions 1135
Managing 1136
Appendix F: NFLPN Nursing Practice Standards for the FLicensed Practical/Vocational Nurse 1137
Nursing practice standards for the licensed practical/vocational nurse 1137
Preface 1137
The code for licensed practical/vocational nurses 1137
Introductory statement 1137
Definition 1137
Scope 1137
Standards 1137
Education 1137
Legal/Ethical Status 1138
Practice 1138
Continuing Education 1138
Specialized Nursing Practice 1138
Glossary 1138
Apppendix G: American Hospital Association: The Patient CarePartnership—Understanding Expectations,Rights, and Responsibilities 1140
Reader References 1142
General Resources 1142
IIIustration Credits 1159
Glossary 1163
Index 1185
Helpful Phrases for Communicating in Spanish e1
Basic Math Review e5
Roman Numerals e5
Procedure for Reading And Writing Roman Numerals e5
Fractions e6
Kinds of Fractions e6
Procedure for Converting Between Improper Fractions and Whole or Mixed Numbers e7
Changing An Improper Fraction Into A Whole Or Mixed Number e7
Changing Mixed Numbers Into Improper Fractions e7
Equivalent Fractions e7
Procedure for Finding the Lowest Common Denominator e8
Procedure For Addition Of Fractions And Mixed Numbers e8
Procedure for Subtraction of Fractionsand Mixed Numbers e9
Procedure for Multiplication Offractions and Mixed Numbers e9
Procedure for Division of Fractionsand Mixed Numbers e10
Ratio e10
Decimals e10
Procedure for Reading and Writingdecimals e11
Procedure for Addition of Decimals e11
Procedure for Subtraction of Decimals e12
Procedure for Multiplication of Decimals e12
Procedure for Division of Decimals e12
Procedure for Changing Decimalsto Fractions e13
Procedure for Changing Commonfractions to Decimals e13
Percentage e13
Procedure for Finding Percentof a Number e14
Procedure for Finding Whatpercent one Number is of Another e14
Proportion e14
Procedure to Solve for an Unknownterm in a Proportion e15
Fahrenheit and Celsius e15
Procedure for Converting Betweenfahrenheit and Celsius e15
Systems of Measurement e16
Metric System e16
Procedure for Conversionamong Metric Units e16
System of Household Measurements e17
Answers to Basic Math Review e19
Roman Numerals e19
Fractioins e19
Decimals e19
Percentage e20
Proportion e20
Fahrenheit and celsius e20
Systems of Measurement e20
Chapter 9 e20
Chapter 10 e20
Chapter 11 e20
Chapter 12 e20
Chapter 13 e21
Chapter 14 e21
Chapter 15 e21
Chapter 16 e21
Chapter 17 e21
Chapter 18 e21
Chapter 19 e21
Chapter 20 e21
Chapter 21 e21
Chpater 22 e21
Chapter 23 e21
Chapter 24 e21
Chapter 25 e21
Chapter 26 e21
Chapter 27 e21
Chapter 28 e21
Chapter 29 e21
NANDA-I-Approved Nursing Diagnoses, 2012-2014 1235