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Operative Techniques: Hand and Wrist Surgery E-Book

Operative Techniques: Hand and Wrist Surgery E-Book

Kevin C. Chung


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Book Details


Hand and Wrist Surgery, edited by Dr. Kevin Chung, shows you how to perform all the latest procedures and get the best results. This medical reference book in the Operative Techniques series uses step-by-step descriptions, illustrations, and videos to provide all the guidance you need to succeed.

  • Search the complete contents online and watch all the videos with
  • Improve your technique and optimize outcomes with pearls and pitfalls from the authors.
  • Get just the information you need thanks to a new, more concise format and a user-friendly presentation.
  • Watch and learn: 72 video clips show you how Dr. Chung performs key techniques.
  • Know what to look for, how to proceed, and what results to expect with even more photos and illustrations demonstrating each technique and radiographs showing presenting problems and post-surgical outcomes.
  • Stay up to date on the latest advances, including a greater focus on tissue-transplantation topics, four new procedures on skin flaps, and additional chapters on tendon transfers.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front cover cover
Operative Techniques: Hand and Wrist Surgery i
Copyright page iv
Dedication v
Contributors vii
Preface xi
Foreword xiii
Table of Contents xv
Video Contents xxi
I Examination and Emergency Procedures 1
Procedure 1 Examination of the Hand and Wrist 2
Examination/Imaging 5
Position 5
Procedure 5
Primary Survey 6
Look 6
Feel 8
Move 10
Secondary Survey 1.e1
Assessment of Tendon and Muscle Function 1.e1
Assessment of Nerve Function 1.e15
Assessment of Vascular Function 1.e27
Assessment of Bone and Joint Function 1.e29
Procedure 2 Fasciotomy of the Upper Limb 13
Indications 13
Examination/Imaging 14
Clinical Examination 14
Investigations 15
Surgical Anatomy 15
Positioning 16
Exposures 17
Hand 17
Forearm 18
Arm 19
Procedure 20
Fasciotomy of the Hand 20
Step 1: Carpal Tunnel Release 20
Step 2: Thenar Decompression 20
Step 3: Hypothenar Decompression 20
Step 4: Decompression of the Dorsal Compartment 20
Step 5 21
Procedure 21
Fasciotomy of the Forearm 21
Step 1: Volar Forearm Release 21
Step 2: Dorsal Forearm Release 21
Step 3: Two-Incision Release of Forearm 21
Step 4 21
Procedure 23
Fasciotomy of the Arm 23
Step 1: Arm Decompression 23
Step 2 23
Postoperative Care and Expected Outcomes 23
Evidence 23
Procedure 3 Nail Bed Repair 24
Indications 24
Examination/Imaging 24
Clinical Examination 24
Imaging 25
Surgical Anatomy 25
Positioning 26
Exposures 26
Procedure 27
Step 1 27
Step 2 27
Step 3 27
Procedure 29
Germinal Matrix Avulsion 29
Step 1 29
Step 2 29
Step 3 30
Step 4 30
Management of Associated Distal Phalangeal Fracture 30
Postoperative Care and Expected Outcomes 31
Evidence 33
Procedure 4 Drainage of Purulent Flexor Tenosynovitis 34
Indications 34
Examination/Imaging 34
Clinical Examination 34
Imaging 35
Surgical Anatomy 36
Positioning 36
Exposures 36
Procedure 37
Step 1: Distal Exposure of the Fibrous Flexor Sheath 37
Step 2: Proximal Exposure of Fibrous Flexor Sheath 37
Step 3: Closed Tendon Sheath Irrigation 38
Postoperative Care and Expected Outcomes 38
Evidence 38
II Tendon Conditions 39
Procedure 5 Surgical Treatment of Trigger Digits 40
Indications 40
Examination/Imaging 40
Clinical Examination 40
Imaging 41
Surgical Anatomy 42
Positioning 42
Exposures 42
Procedure 43
Primary Trigger Finger Release 43
Step 1 43
Step 2 44
Procedure 44
Congenital Trigger Thumb 44
Step 1 44
Step 2 45
Procedure 45
Congenital Trigger Finger 45
Step 1 45
Step 2 46
Step 3 46
Evidence 47
Procedure 6 Surgical Treatment of de Quervain Tendovaginitis 48
Indications 48
Examination/Imaging 48
Clinical Examination 48
Imaging 49
Surgical Anatomy 50
Positioning 51
Exposures 51
Procedure 52
Step 1 52
Step 2 52
Postoperative Care and Expected Outcomes 53
Evidence 54
Procedure 7 Acute Repair of Zone 1 Flexor Digitorum Profundus Avulsion 55
Indications 55
Examination/Imaging 55
Clinical Examination 55
Imaging 55
Surgical Anatomy 56
Positioning 58
Exposures 58
Procedure 59
Step 1 59
Step 2 62
Postoperative Care and Expected Outcomes 63
Evidence 63
Procedure 8 Acute Repair of Zone 2 Flexor Tendon Injury 64
Indications 64
Examination/Imaging 64
Clinical Examination 64
Imaging 66
Surgical Anatomy 67
Positioning 67
Exposures 68
Procedure 68
Step 1: Exposure of Divided Tendons 68
Step 2: Retrieval of Proximal Tendon End 68
Step 3: Tendon Repair 70
Step 4: Closure 72
Postoperative Care and Expected Outcomes 72
Evidence 74
Procedure 9 Staged Flexor Tendon Reconstruction 75
Indications 75
Examination/Imaging 76
Clinical Examination 76
Imaging 77
Surgical Anatomy 78
Positioning 78
Stage I: Exploration, Pulley Reconstruction, and Placement of Silicone Rod 78
Exposures 78
Procedure 79
Step 1: Assessment of Pulleys 79
Step 2: Débridement of Scar Sheath and Tendons 79
Step 3: Pulley Reconstruction 79
Step 4: Silicone Rod Placement 80
Step 5 81
Postoperative Care and Expected Outcomes 81
Stage II: Removal of Silicone Rod and Placement of Tendon Graft 83
Exposures 83
Procedure 83
Step 1: Harvest of Tendon Graft 83
Step 2: Passing the Tendon Graft through the Flexor Tendon Sheath 86
Step 3: Distal Tendon Repair 87
Step 4: Proximal Tendon Repair 88
Step 5: Wound Closure 88
Postoperative Care and Expected Outcomes 89
Evidence 90
Procedure 10 Extensor Tendon Repair in Zones 1 to 5 91
Indications 91
Examination/Imaging 91
Imaging 91
Surgical Anatomy 92
Positioning 93
Exposures 93
Zone 1 Injury 94
Clinical Examination 94
Procedure 95
Step 1 95
Step 2 95
Step 3 95
Step 4 95
III Nerve Injury and Nerve Palsy 105
Procedure 11 Endoscopic Carpal Tunnel Release 106
Indications 106
Examination/Imaging 106
Clinical Examination 106
Imaging 106
Surgical Anatomy 106
Positioning 110
Exposures 111
Procedure 113
Step 1: Release the Forearm Fascia 113
Step 2: Dilate the Carpal Tunnel 113
Step 3: Clear the Synovium 114
Step 4: Introducing the Blade Assembly into the Carpal Tunnel 114
Step 5: Identifying the Distal End of the TCL 115
Step 6: Incise the TCL 116
Step 7: Closure 118
Postoperative Care and Expected Outcomes 118
Evidence 118
Procedure 12 Open Carpal Tunnel Release 119
Indications 119
Examination/Imaging 119
Clinical Examination 119
Imaging/Diagnostic Studies 120
Surgical Anatomy 120
Exposures 121
Procedure 122
Step 1 122
Step 2 123
Step 3 123
Step 4 124
Step 5 124
Step 6 125
Postoperative Care and Expected Outcomes 125
Evidence 126
Procedure 13 In Situ Cubital Tunnel Decompression 127
Indications 127
Examination/Imaging 127
Clinical Examination 127
Imaging 127
Surgical Anatomy 128
Positioning 129
Exposures 130
Procedure 130
Step 1 130
Step 2 131
Step 3 131
Step 4 131
Postoperative Care and Expected Outcomes 132
Evidence 132
Procedure 14 Distal Anterior Interosseous Nerve Transfer to Motor Branch of Ulnar Nerve 133
Indications 133
Examination/Imaging 133
Clinical Examination 133
Imaging 133
Surgical Anatomy 134
Positioning 134
Exposures 135
Procedure 135
Step 1 135
Step 2 136
Step 3 136
Step 4 137
Step 5 137
Step 6 137
Postoperative Care and Expected Outcomes 138
Evidence 138
Procedure 15 Nerve Transfer Techniques for Elbow Flexion in Brachial Plexus Palsy 139
Indications 139
Examination/Imaging 139
Clinical Examination 139
Surgical Anatomy 139
Positioning 139
Exposures 140
Procedure 141
Step 1 141
Step 2 141
Step 3 142
Postoperative Care and Expected Outcomes 142
Evidence 143
Procedure 16 Treatment of a Nerve Gap in the Hand 144
Indications 144
Examination/Imaging 145
Clinical Examination 145
Imaging 145
Surgical Anatomy 146
Positioning 148
Exposures 149
Procedure 150
Step 1: Preparation of Nerve Ends 150
Step 2: Assessment of Nerve Gap and Possibility of Primary Repair 151
Step 3: Selection of Nerve Graft 151
Step 4: Harvest of Nerve Graft 154
Step 5: Suture of Nerve Graft 154
Step 6: Wound Closure 154
Postoperative Care and Expected Outcomes 154
Evidence 155
PROCEDURE 17 Surgical Treatment of Neuromas in the Hand 156
Indications 156
Examination/Imaging 156
Clinical Examination 156
Imaging 156
Surgical Anatomy 157
Positioning 159
Procedure 160
Available Distal Nerve 160
Step 1 160
Step 2 161
Step 3 161
Step 4 161
Procedure 162
No Distal Nerve Available 162
Step 1 162
Step 2 163
Step 3 163
Step 4 163
Procedure 164
Centro-Centralization of a Digital Nerve 164
Step 1 164
Step 2 164
Step 3 164
Postoperative Care and Expected Outcomes 165
Evidence 165
Procedure 18 Tendon Transfers for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome 166
Indications 166
Examination/Imaging 166
Clinical Examination 166
Imaging 167
Surgical Anatomy 167
Positioning 168
Exposures 169
Procedure 170
Step 1 170
Step 2 170
Step 3 171
Step 4 171
Step 5 171
Step 6 171
Step 7 172
Step 8 172
Postoperative Care and Expected Outcomes 172
Evidence 173
Procedure 19 Tendon Transfers for Ulnar Nerve Palsy 174
Indications 174
Examination/Imaging 174
Clinical Examination 174
Imaging 180
Surgical Anatomy 181
Positioning 181
Procedure 1—Static Correction of Claw Deformity with an MCP Joint Volar Plate Advancement 181
Exposures 181
Procedure 183
Step 1 183
Step 2 183
Step 3 183
Step 4 185
Step 5 185
Step 6 186
Postoperative Care and Expected Outcomes 186
Procedure 2—Dynamic Correction of Claw Deformity with Transfer of Ring Finger FDS 187
Exposures 187
Step 1 188
Step 2 188
Step 3 189
Step 4 190
Step 5 190
Step 6 190
Postoperative Care and Expected Outcomes 191
Procedure 3—Restoration of Thumb Adduction with an ECRB Tendon Transfer 191
Exposures 191
Step 1 191
Step 2 192
Step 3 192
Step 4 193
Step 5 193
Step 6 193
Step 7 193
Step 8 193
Postoperative Care and Expected Outcomes 194
Procedure 4—Correction of Abduction Deformity (Wartenberg Sign) of Small Finger 195
Exposures 195
Step 1 195
Step 2 196
Step 3 196
Postoperative Care and Expected Outcomes 197
Procedure 5—Side-to-Side FDP Transfer for Restoration of Ring and Small Finger DIP Joint Flexion Strength (High Ulnar Palsy) 197
Exposures 197
Step 1 198
Step 2 198
Postoperative Care and Expected Outcomes 199
Evidence 199
Procedure 20 Tendon Transfers for Radial Nerve Palsy 200
Indications 200
Examination/Imaging 200
Clinical Examination 200
Imaging 202
Surgical Anatomy 202
Positioning 203
Exposures 203
Procedure 204
Step 1 204
Step 2 204
Step 3 204
Step 4 204
Step 5 204
Step 6 205
Step 7 205
Step 8 206
Step 9 206
Step 10 206
Step 11 206
Postoperative Care and Expected Outcomes 207
Evidence 208
Procedure 21 Steindler Flexorplasty 209
Indications 209
Examination/Imaging 209
Clinical Examination 209
Imaging 209
Surgical Anatomy 209
Positioning 211
Exposures 211
Procedure 213
Step 1 213
Step 2 213
Step 3 213
Step 4 214
Step 5 214
Postoperative Care and Expected Outcomes 215
Evidence 215
IV Musculotendinous Unit Lengthening and Tendon Transfers for Spastic Conditions 217
Procedure 22 Intrinsic Muscle Release for Thumb-in-Palm Deformity 218
Indications 218
Examination/Imaging 218
Clinical Examination 218
Surgical Anatomy 218
Positioning 218
Exposures 220
Procedure 221
Step 1 221
Step 2 221
Postoperative Care and Expected Outcomes 222
Acknowledgment 222
Evidence 222
Procedure 23 Fractional Lengthening of the Flexor Tendons 223
Indications 223
Examination/Imaging 223
Clinical Examination 223
Surgical Anatomy 223
Positioning 224
Exposures 224
Procedure 224
Step 1 224
Step 2 225
Step 3 226
Step 4 227
Postoperative Care and Expected Outcomes 227
Evidence 227
Procedure 24 Superficialis-to-Profundus Tendon Transfer 228
Indications 228
Examination/Imaging 228
Clinical Examination 228
Surgical Anatomy 228
Positioning 228
Exposures 229
Procedure 230
Step 1 230
Step 2 231
Step 3 232
Postoperative Care and Expected Outcomes 232
Evidence 232
Procedure 25 Flexor Pronator Slide 233
Indications 233
Examination/Imaging 233
Clinical Examination 233
Surgical Anatomy 233
Positioning 233
Exposures 234
Procedure 234
Step 1 234
Step 2 234
Postoperative Care and Expected Outcomes 236
Acknowledgment 236
Evidence 236
Procedure 26 Reconstruction of Key Pinch in Tetraplegia Patients 237
Indications 237
Examination/Imaging 237
Clinical Examination 237
Surgical Anatomy 239
Positioning 241
Exposures 241
Procedure 242
Step 1: Split FPL-to-EPL Transfer 242
Step 2: APL Tenodesis 243
Step 3: EPL Tenodesis 244
Step 4: Tenodesis of FPL 245
Step 5: BR-to-ECRB Transfer 245
Step 6: BR-to-FPL Transfer 245
Step 7: Index Finger MCP Joint Flexion Using an FDS Lasso 247
Postoperative Care and Expected Outcomes 248
Evidence 248
Procedure 27 Flexor Carpi Ulnaris–to–Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis Transfer 249
Indications 249
Examination/Imaging 249
Clinical Examination 249
Surgical Anatomy 250
Positioning 251
Exposures 251
Procedure 252
Step 1 252
Step 2 252
Step 3 253
Step 4 254
Postoperative Care and Expected Outcomes 254
Evidence 254
Procedure 28 Pronator Teres Rerouting 255
Indications 255
Examination/Imaging 255
Clinical Examination 255
Surgical Anatomy 256
Positioning 256
Exposures 256
Procedure 259
Step 1 259
Step 2 259
Step 3 260
Step 4 260
Step 5 260
Step 6 261
Step 7 262
Step 8 262
Postoperative Care and Expected Outcomes 263
Evidence 263
Procedure 29 Release of a Spastic Elbow Flexion Contracture 264
Indications 264
Examination/Imaging 264
Clinical Examination 264
Imaging 265
Surgical Anatomy 265
Positioning 265
Exposures 266
Procedure 266
Step 1 266
Step 2 266
Step 3 268
Step 4 269
Step 5 269
Step 6 270
Step 7 270
Postoperative Care and Expected Outcomes 270
Evidence 270
V Reconstruction of Rheumatoid Hand Deformities 271
Procedure 30 Synovectomy 272
Indications 272
Examination/Imaging 272
Clinical Examination 272
Imaging 272
Surgical Anatomy 273
Tenosynovectomy 274
1. Digital Flexor Synovectomy 274
Exposures 274
Procedure 275
Step 1: Synovectomy 275
Step 2: Checking Passive Range of Motion 275
Step 3: Checking for Intrinsic Tightness 276
Step 4: Skin Closure 276
VI Congenital Conditions 331
Procedure 36 Syndactyly Release 332
Indications 332
Examination/Imaging 332
Clinical Examination 332
Imaging 334
Surgical Anatomy 334
Positioning 335
Positioning Equipment 335
General Principles 335
Procedure 335
Release of Simple Complete Syndactyly 335
Exposures 335
Step 1: Flap Elevation 337
Step 2: Separation of Digits 337
Step 3: Inset of Skin Flaps 339
Step 4: Harvest of Full-Thickness Skin Graft from the Groin 340
Procedure 341
Release of Simple Complete Syndactyly and Use of Dorsal Pentagonal Flap 341
Exposures 341
Step 1: Flap Elevation 343
Step 2: Separation of Digits 343
Step 3: Inset of Skin Flaps 344
Postoperative Care and Expected Outcomes 344
Evidence 345
Procedure 37 Duplicated Thumb Reconstruction 346
Indications 346
Examination/Imaging 346
Clinical Examination 346
Imaging 348
Surgical Anatomy 348
Positioning 349
Exposures 349
Procedure 350
Reconstruction of a Type III Thumb Duplication 350
Step 1 350
Step 2 351
Step 3 351
Step 4 352
Step 5 352
Step 6 352
Step 7 352
Procedure 353
Reconstruction of Type IV Thumb Duplication 353
Step 1 353
Step 2 354
Step 3 354
Step 4 355
Step 5 355
Step 6 356
Step 7 356
Postoperative Care and Expected Outcomes 357
Evidence 357
Procedure 38 Reconstruction for Congenital Thumb Hypoplasia 358
Indications 358
Examination/Imaging 359
Clinical Examination 359
Imaging 360
Surgical Anatomy 360
Positioning 360
Exposures 362
Procedure 364
Step 1: Elevation of Four-Flap Z-Plasty Flaps 364
Step 2: Exposure of the Ulnar Collateral Ligament 364
Step 3: Pinning of Thumb MCP Joint 365
Step 4: Strengthening of the UCL 365
Step 5: Transposition of Four-Flap Z-Plasty Flaps 365
Step 6: Exposure of the APB Tendon on the Radial Aspect of the Thumb MCP Joint 365
Step 7: Exposure of the ADM 366
Step 8: Division of the Insertion of the ADM 366
Step 9: Elevation of the ADM 366
Step 10: Creation of a Subcutaneous Tunnel 368
Step 11: Transfer of the ADM 368
Step 12: Wound Closure 369
Postoperative Care and Expected Outcomes 369
Evidence 370
Procedure 39 Pollicization for Congenital Thumb Hypoplasia 371
Indications 371
Examination/Imaging 371
Clinical Examination 371
Imaging 372
Surgical Anatomy 373
Positioning 373
Exposures 374
Procedure 375
Step 1 375
Step 2 376
Step 3 377
Step 4 378
Step 5 378
Step 6 379
Step 7 380
Step 8 380
Step 9 380
Step 10 382
Postoperative Care and Expected Outcomes 382
Evidence 382
Procedure 40 Correction of Constriction Ring 384
Indications 384
Examination/Imaging 384
Clinical Examination 384
Imaging 384
Surgical Anatomy 384
Positioning 385
Exposures 385
Procedure 386
Correction of Finger Constriction Rings 386
Step 1: Design of Skin Flaps 386
Step 2: Excision of Constriction Ring and Elevation of Skin Flaps 386
Step 3: Excision of Excess Subcutaneous Fat 387
Step 4: Transposition and Suture of Z-Plasty Skin Flaps 388
Procedure 388
Correction of Proximal Limb Constriction Rings 388
Step 1: Design of Skin Flaps 388
Step 2: Excision of Constriction Ring and Elevation of Skin Flaps 388
Step 3: Transposition and Suture of Z-Plasty Skin Flaps 388
Postoperative Care and Expected Outcomes 389
Evidence 389
Procedure 41 Centralization for Radial Longitudinal Deficiency 390
Indications 390
Examination/Imaging 390
Clinical Examination 390
Imaging 390
Surgical Anatomy 391
Positioning 391
Exposures 392
Procedure 393
Step 1: Preliminary Soft Tissue Distraction 393
Step 2: Elevation of Bilobed Flap 394
Step 3: Dissection of Nerve and Tendons 394
Step 4: Ulnocarpal Joint Reduction and Centralization 394
Step 5: Fixation 395
Step 6: Wrist Stabilization 395
Postoperative Care and Expected Outcomes 396
Evidence 396
Procedure 42 Cleft Hand Reconstruction 397
Indications 397
Examination/Imaging 397
Clinical Examination 397
Imaging 398
Positioning 398
Exposures 398
Procedure 400
Cleft Hand Reconstruction 400
Step 1: Elevation of Palmar-Based Cleft Flap 400
Step 2: Release of Thumb and Index Finger Web Space 402
Step 3: Closure of Cleft 402
Step 4: Transfer of Cleft Flap to Resurface Thumb and Index Finger Web 402
Step 5: Creation of New Web Space in Cleft 404
Step 6 404
Postoperative Care and Expected Outcomes 405
Evidence 405
Procedure 43 Carpal Wedge Osteotomy for Congenital Wrist Flexion Contracture (Arthrogryposis) 406
Indications 406
Examination/Imaging 406
Clinical Examination 406
Imaging 407
Surgical Anatomy 407
Positioning 407
Exposures 408
Procedure 408
Step 1 408
Step 2 408
Step 3 408
Step 4 410
Step 5 410
Postoperative Care and Expected Outcomes 410
Evidence 410
VII Soft Tissue Coverage 411
Procedure 44 Dorsal Metacarpal Artery Perforator Flap 412
Indications 412
Examination/Imaging 412
Clinical Examination 412
Imaging 412
Surgical Anatomy 413
Positioning 414
Exposures 414
Procedure 416
Step 1 416
Step 2 417
Step 3 417
Step 4 418
Step 5 418
Step 6 419
Step 7 419
Step 8 419
Postoperative Care and Expected Outcomes 419
Evidence 420
Procedure 45 Dorsal Ulnar Artery Perforator Flap 421
Indications 421
Examination/Imaging 422
Clinical Examination 422
Imaging 422
Surgical Anatomy 423
Positioning 424
Exposures 424
Procedure 425
Step 1 425
Step 2 426
Step 3 427
Step 4 427
Step 5 427
Step 6 428
Step 8 429
Postoperative Care and Expected Outcomes 429
Evidence 430
Procedure 46 Pedicled Groin Flap 431
Indications 431
Examination/Imaging 432
Clinical Examination 432
Surgical Anatomy 432
Positioning 434
Exposures 434
Procedure 434
Step 1: Elevation of Random Portion of Flap 434
Step 2 434
Step 3 434
Step 4: Elevation of Axial Portion of Flap 436
Step 5 436
Step 6 436
Step 7: Closure of Flap Donor Site 437
Step 8: Thinning of Flap 437
Step 9: Inset of Flap 437
Step 10: Immobilization of the Limb 438
Step 11: Flap Division 438
Postoperative Care and Expected Outcomes 438
Evidence 439
Procedure 47 Lateral Arm Flap for Upper Limb Coverage 440
Indications 440
Examination/Imaging 440
Clinical Examination 440
Imaging 441
Surgical Anatomy 442
Positioning 443
Preparation of the Recipient Site 443
Design of Free Lateral Arm Flap 444
Harvesting of the Free Lateral Arm Flap 444
Procedure 445
Step 1: Posterior Dissection 445
Step 2: Distal Dissection 446
Step 3: Anterior Dissection 447
Step 4: Proximal Dissection 447
Step 5: Division of the Vascular Pedicle 448
Step 6: Closure of the Donor Wound 448
Step 7: Flap Insertion at Recipient Site 448
Step 8: Design of the Pedicled Flap 448
Step 9: Harvesting the Pedicled Flap 448
Postoperative Care and Expected Outcomes 450
Evidence 451
VIII Hand Fractures, Dislocations, and Arthritis 453
Procedure 48 Open Reduction and Internal Fixation of Phalangeal Unicondylar Fractures 455
Indications 455
Examination/Imaging 455
Clinical Examination 455
Imaging 455
Surgical Anatomy 455
Positioning 457
Exposures 457
Procedure 458
Step 1 458
Step 2 458
Step 3 460
Postoperative Care and Expected Outcomes 460
Evidence 460
Procedure 49 Open Reduction and Internal Fixation of Phalangeal Shaft Spiral or Long Oblique Fractures 461
Indications 461
Examination/Imaging 461
Clinical Examination 461
Imaging 462
Surgical Anatomy 462
Positioning 462
Exposures 463
Procedure 463
Step 1 463
Step 2 463
Step 3 464
Step 4 464
Step 5 465
Step 6 465
Postoperative Care and Expected Outcomes 466
Evidence 466
Procedure 50 Open Reduction and Internal Fixation of Phalangeal Shaft Comminuted Fractures 467
Indications 467
Examination/Imaging 467
Clinical Examination 467
Imaging 468
Surgical Anatomy 468
Positioning 468
Exposures 468
Procedure 468
Cerclage Wiring–Assisted Plate Fixation Technique 470
Step 1 470
Step 2 470
Step 3 470
Step 4 472
Step 5 472
Interfragmentary Screws and Neutralization Plate Fixation Technique 473
Step 1 473
Step 2 473
Step 3 474
Step 4 474
Step 5 475
Step 6 475
Postoperative Care and Expected Outcomes 476
Evidence 476
Procedure 51 Volar Plate Arthroplasty for Dorsal Fracture-Dislocations of the Proximal Interphalangeal Joint 477
Indications 477
Examination/Imaging 477
Clinical Examination 477
Imaging 477
Surgical Anatomy 478
Positioning 478
Exposures 479
Procedure 480
Step 1: Incision of the Volar Plate and Joint Exposure 480
Step 2: Preparation of the Joint and the Volar Plate 480
Step 3: Reduction and Fixation 481
Step 4: Extension Block Pinning (Optional) 482
Postoperative Care and Expected Outcomes 482
Evidence 483
Procedure 52 Hemi-Hamate Arthroplasty 484
Indications 484
Examination/Imaging 484
Clinical Examination 484
Imaging 484
Surgical Anatomy 484
Positioning 485
Exposures 485
Procedure 487
Step 1: Preparing the Articular Surface of the Middle Phalanx 487
Step 2: Harvesting the Hamate Osteochondral Graft 488
Step 3: Graft Fixation 489
Step 4: Closure 490
Postoperative Care and Expected Outcomes 490
Evidence 491
Procedure 53 Metacarpophalangeal and Proximal Interphalangeal Joint Collateral Ligament Avulsion Fractures 492
Indications 492
Examination/Imaging 492
Clinical Examination 492
Imaging 493
Surgical Anatomy 494
Positioning 494
Exposures 494
Metacarpophalangeal Joint 494
Proximal Interphalangeal Joint 495
Procedure 495
Step 1: Principles and Methods of Fixation 495
Step 2 496
Step 3 498
Postoperative Care and Expected Outcomes 499
Evidence 499
Procedure 54 Metacarpal Neck Fractures 500
Indications 500
Examination/Imaging 500
Clinical Examination 500
Imaging 501
Surgical Anatomy 502
Positioning 502
Exposures 503
Procedure 503
Step 1: Preparation of Plate and Insertion of Blade 503
Step 2: Alignment of Plate with Shaft 505
Step 3: Compression of the Fracture 506
Step 4: Completion of Fixation 508
Step 5: Wound Closure 509
Additional Steps 509
Postoperative Care and Expected Outcomes 511
Evidence 511
Procedure 55 Metacarpal Shaft Fractures 513
Indications 513
Examination/Imaging 513
Clinical Examination 513
Imaging 513
Surgical Anatomy 514
Positioning 514
Exposures 514
Procedure 516
Step 1: Principles and Methods of Fixation 516
Step 2: Dynamic Compression Plate 516
Step 3: Neutralization Plate 518
Step 4: Completion of Fixation 518
Step 5: Wound Closure 518
Additional Steps 518
Postoperative Care and Expected Outcomes 519
Evidence 520
Procedure 56 Percutaneous Pinning of Bennett Fracture and Open Reduction and Internal Fixation of Rolando Fracture 521
Indications 521
Examination/Imaging 521
Clinical Examination 521
Imaging 521
Surgical Anatomy 521
Positioning 522
Exposures 522
Procedures 524
Closed Reduction Percutaneous Pinning of Bennett Fracture 524
Step 1 524
Step 2 524
Alternative 1 524
Alternative 2 526
IX Thumb Carpometacarpal Joint Instability and Arthritis 575
Procedure 61 Trapeziometacarpal Ligament Reconstruction 576
Indications 576
Examination/Imaging 576
Clinical Examination 576
Imaging 576
Surgical Anatomy 576
Positioning 578
Exposures 578
Procedure 578
Step 1 578
Step 2 579
Step 3 580
Step 4 580
Postoperative Care and Expected Outcomes 580
Evidence 581
Procedure 62 Trapeziectomy and Abductor Pollicis Longus Suspensionplasty 582
Indications 582
Examination/Imaging 582
Clinical Examination 582
Imaging 583
Surgical Anatomy 584
Positioning 584
Exposures 584
Procedure 585
Step 1 585
Step 2 585
Step 3 585
Step 4 587
Step 5 588
Step 6 588
Step 7 588
Step 8 588
Step 9 588
Postoperative Care and Expected Outcomes 591
Evidence 591
Procedure 63 Trapeziometacarpal Fusion 593
Indications 593
Examination/Imaging 593
Clinical Examination 593
Imaging 593
Surgical Anatomy 594
Positioning 594
Exposures 594
Procedure 595
Step 1 595
Step 2 595
Step 3 595
Step 4 595
Step 5 596
Postoperative Care and Expected Outcomes 597
Evidence 597
X Wrist Arthroscopy 599
Procedure 64 Diagnostic Wrist Arthroscopy 600
Indications 600
Examination/Imaging 600
Clinical Examination 600
Imaging 601
Surgical Anatomy 601
Exposures 604
Procedure 606
Step 1 606
Step 2 606
Step 3 606
Step 4 608
Step 5 608
Postoperative Care and Expected Outcomes 611
Evidence 611
Procedure 65 Arthroscopic Treatment for Septic Arthritis 612
Indications 612
Examination/Imaging 612
Clinical Examination 612
Imaging 612
Surgical Anatomy 612
Positioning 613
Exposures 613
Procedure 614
Step 1 614
Step 2 614
Step 3: Radiocarpal Evaluation 615
Step 4: Midcarpal Evaluation 616
Postoperative Care and Expected Outcomes 616
Evidence 616
Procedure 66 Arthroscopic Ganglionectomy 617
Indications 617
Examination/Imaging 617
Clinical Examination 617
Imaging 617
Surgical Anatomy 618
Positioning 618
Exposures 619
Procedure 620
Step 1 620
Step 2 620
Step 3 622
Step 4 622
Postoperative Care and Expected Outcomes 622
Evidence 622
Procedure 67 Arthroscopic Triangular Fibrocartilage Complex Repair 623
Indications 623
Examination/Imaging 623
Clinical Examination 623
Imaging 623
Surgical Anatomy 623
Positioning 624
Exposures 624
Procedure 625
Step 1 625
Step 2 626
Step 3 627
Step 4 628
Step 5: Arthroscopic Knotless Technique 628
Step 6 629
Step 7 630
Postoperative Care and Expected Outcomes 632
Evidence 632
XI Carpal Fractures and Ligamentous Instability 633
Procedure 68 Percutaneous Screw Fixation of Scaphoid Fractures 634
Indications 634
Examination/Imaging 634
Clinical Examination 634
Imaging 634
Surgical Anatomy 634
Positioning 637
Exposures 637
Procedure 637
Step 1: Dorsal Approach—Finding the Starting Point 637
Step 2: Reducing the Fracture (if Necessary) 638
Step 3: Placing the Guidewire 638
Step 4: Reaming 640
Step 5: Screw Insertion 641
Postoperative Care and Expected Outcomes 642
Evidence 642
Procedure 69 Vascularized Bone Grafting for Scaphoid Nonunion 643
Indications 643
Examination/Imaging 643
Clinical Examination 643
Imaging 643
Surgical Anatomy 645
Positioning 645
Exposures 646
Procedure 647
Step 1: Cutting the Graft 647
Step 2: Elevate the Graft and Pedicle 647
Step 3: Scaphoid Preparation and Fixation 648
Step 4: Insetting the Graft 648
Step 5: Closure 650
Postoperative Care and Expected Outcomes 650
Evidence 650
Procedure 70 Medial Femoral Condyle Vascularized Bone Flap for Scaphoid Nonunion 651
Indications 651
Examination/Imaging 651
Clinical Examination 651
Imaging 651
Surgical Anatomy 652
Recipient Site: Vascular Anatomy of Scaphoid 652
Donor Site: Medial Femoral Condyle 652
Positioning 652
Exposures 653
Procedure 653
Team 1: Donor Site (Bone Graft Harvest) 653
Step 1 653
Step 2 654
Step 3 654
Step 4 654
Step 5 654
Step 6 655
Step 7 655
Step 8 655
Step 9 656
Team 2: Recipient Site Preparation and Microanastomosis 656
Step 1 656
Step 2 656
Step 3 656
Step 4 656
Step 5 657
Step 6 658
Step 7 658
Step 8 658
Step 9 658
Postoperative Care and Expected Outcomes 659
Evidence 659
Procedure 71 Open Reduction and Acute Repair of Perilunate Fracture-Dislocations 660
Indications 660
Examination/Imaging 660
Clinical Examination 660
Imaging 660
Surgical Anatomy 662
Positioning 663
Exposures 663
Procedure 663
Step 1: Volar Approach 663
Step 2: Dorsal Approach 664
Step 3 665
Step 4 665
Step 5 666
Additional Steps 666
Postoperative Care and Expected Outcomes 667
Evidence 667
Procedure 72 Dorsal Capsulodesis for Scapholunate Instability Using Suture Anchors 668
Indications 668
Examination/Imaging 669
Clinical Examination 669
Imaging 669
Surgical Anatomy 670
Exposures 670
Procedure 671
Step 1: Reduction of Scaphoid and Lunate 671
Step 2: Maintenance of SL Reduction 672
Step 3: Make a Drill Hole in the Scaphoid, and Insert a Bone Anchor 672
Step 4: Secure the Dorsal Capsule to the Scaphoid 672
Step 5: Assess Final Fixation 672
Step 6: Dorsal Capsular Repair 674
Step 7: Closure 674
Postoperative Care and Expected Outcomes 674
Evidence 675
Procedure 73 Scapholunate Ligament Reconstruction Using a Flexor Carpi Radialis Tendon Graft 676
Indications 676
Examination/Imaging 676
Clinical Examination 676
Imaging 676
Surgical Anatomy 679
Exposures 680
Dorsal 680
Volar 680
Procedure 682
Step 1: Excise Scar Tissue between the Scaphoid and Lunate 682
Step 2: Reduction of Scaphoid and Lunate 682
Step 3: Create a Bone Tunnel within Scaphoid 682
Step 4: Harvest a Strip of Distally Based FCR 683
Step 5: Pass the FCR through the Scaphoid Tunnel 684
Step 6: Reduce SL Interval 684
Step 7: Secure the FCR to the Lunate 684
Step 8: Repair of Dorsal Wrist Capsule 686
Step 9: Closure 686
Postoperative Care and Expected Outcomes 686
Evidence 687
Procedure 74 Lunotriquetral Ligament Reconstruction Using a Slip of the Extensor Carpi Ulnaris Tendon 688
Indications 688
Examination/Imaging 688
Clinical Examination 688
Imaging 688
Surgical Anatomy 689
Exposures 691
Dorsal 691
Procedure 692
Step 1: Excise Scar Tissue between the Lunate and Triquetrum 692
Step 2: Harvest a Strip of Distally Based ECU 692
Step 3: Reduction of Lunate and Triquetrum 692
Step 4: Create a Bone Tunnel within Triquetrum and Lunate 694
Step 5: Pass the ECU through the Lunate and Triquetrum Tunnel 694
Step 6: Secure the ECU Graft to Itself and over the Remnant of the LT Ligament 694
Step 7: Closure 696
Postoperative Care and Expected Outcomes 696
Evidence 696
Procedure 75 Scaphotrapeziotrapezoid Arthrodesis and Lunate Excision with Replacement by Palmaris Longus Tendon 697
Indications 697
Examination/Imaging 697
Clinical Examination 697
Imaging 697
Plain Radiographs 697
Computed Tomography 699
Magnetic Resonance Imaging 700
Bone Scan 700
Controversies 700
Positioning 700
Exposures 701
Procedure 701
Step 1 701
Step 2 703
Step 3 704
Step 4 705
Step 5 705
Postoperative Care and Expected Outcomes 705
Evidence 705
XII Distal Radius Fractures and Distal Radioulnar Joint Repair and Reconstruction 707
Procedure 76 Percutaneous Pinning of Distal Radius Fractures 708
Indications 708
Examination/Imaging 708
Clinical Examination 708
Imaging 708
Surgical Anatomy 708
Positioning 709
Exposures 709
Procedure 710
Step 1 710
Step 2 711
Step 3 713
Step 4 713
Postoperative Care and Expected Outcomes 714
Evidence 716
Procedure 77 Volar Plating of Distal Radius Fractures 717
Indications 717
Examination/Imaging 717
Clinical Examination 717
Imaging 717
Surgical Anatomy 718
Positioning 719
Exposures 719
Procedure 721
Step 1 721
Step 2 722
Step 3 723
Step 4 724
Postoperative Care and Expected Outcomes 725
Evidence 725
Procedure 78 Dorsal Plate Fixation 727
Dorsal Plating of Distal Radius Fractures 727
Indications 727
Examination/Imaging 727
Clinical Examination 727
Imaging 727
Surgical Anatomy 728
Exposures 730
Procedure 731
Dorsal Plate Fixation for Distal Radius Fractures 731
Step 1: Reduction of Dorsally Angulated Fractures 731
Step 2: Fixation of Dorsally Angulated Fractures 731
Step 3: Reduction and Fixation of Dorsal Marginal Fractures 732
Step 4: Reduction and Fixation of Lunate Facet Fractures 734
Step 5: Assessment of DRUJ Stability and Wound Closure 735
Postoperative Care and Expected Outcomes 735
Dorsal Distraction (Bridge) Plating 736
Indications 736
Examination/Imaging 736
Clinical Examination 736
Imaging 736
Surgical Anatomy 737
Exposures 737
Procedure 738
Dorsal Distraction (Bridge) Plating 738
Step 1: Selection of an Appropriate-Length Plate 738
Step 2: Retrograde Passage of the Plate 739
Step 3: Initial Plate Fixation to the Index Metacarpal 740
Step 4: Plate Fixation to the Radial Shaft 740
Step 5: Fixation of the Articular Surface and Diaphyseal Fragments (if Necessary) 741
Postoperative Care and Expected Outcomes 742
Evidence 742
Procedure 79 External Fixation of Comminuted Intra-articular Distal Radius Fractures 745
Indications 745
Examination/Imaging 745
Clinical Examination 745
Imaging 745
Surgical Anatomy 746
Positioning 747
Exposures 747
Procedure 748
Step 1 748
Step 2 748
Step 3 750
Postoperative Care and Expected Outcomes 751
Evidence 753
Procedure 80 Corrective Osteotomy of Malunited Distal Radius Fractures 755
Indications 755
Relative Indications for Osteotomy 756
Relative Contraindications for Osteotomy 757
Examination/Imaging 757
Clinical Examination 757
Imaging 757
Timing 758
Positioning 759
Exposures 759
Volar 759
Dorsal 760
Procedure 761
Volar Approach—Dorsal Malunion 761
Step 1 761
Step 2 762
Step 3 762
Step 4 764
Postoperative Care and Expected Outcomes 764
Procedure 764
Correction of Volar Malunions 764
Procedure 766
Dorsal Approach 766
Step 1 766
Step 2 767
Step 3 767
Step 4 768
Postoperative Care and Expected Outcomes 768
Evidence 768
Procedure 81 Ulnar Shortening Osteotomy 769
Indications 769
Examination/Imaging 769
Clinical Examination 769
Imaging 770
Surgical Anatomy 772
Positioning 772
Exposures 773
Procedure 774
Step 1: Preparation of Osteotomy Site 774
Step 2: Placement of Saw Guide 774
Step 3: Performing Oblique Osteotomy 776
Step 4: Application of Plate, Compression Device, and Compression of Osteotomy 777
Step 5: Placement of Interfragmentary Lag Screw 778
Step 6: Final Fixation of Plate 778
Step 7: Wound Closure 779
Postoperative Care and Expected Outcomes 779
Evidence 780
Procedure 82 Radioulnar Ligament Reconstruction for Chronic Distal Radioulnar Joint Instability 781
Indications 781
Examination/Imaging 781
Clinical Examination 781
Imaging 783
Surgical Anatomy 785
Positioning 786
Exposures 787
Procedure 788
Step 1: Development of Volar Plane 788
Step 2: Development of Dorsal Plane 788
Step 3: Harvest of Palmaris Longus Tendon Graft 789
Step 4: Creation of Bone Tunnel in the Radius 789
Step 5: Passage of Tendon Graft 790
Step 6: Creation of Bone Tunnel in Ulna 790
Step 7: Passage of Tendon Graft through Ulna 791
Step 8: Reduction and Pinning of DRU Joint 791
Step 9: Suture Fixation of Reconstructed Ligaments 792
Step 10: Closure 792
Postoperative Care and Expected Outcomes 793
Evidence 794
Procedure 83 Darrach Procedure 795
Indications 795
Examination/Imaging 795
Clinical Examination 795
Imaging 796
Surgical Anatomy 796
Positioning 796
Exposures 796
Procedure 798
Step 1 798
Step 2 798
Step 3 799
Postoperative Care and Expected Outcomes 799
Evidence 800
Procedure 84 Sauve-Kapandji Arthrodesis for Distal Radioulnar Joint Arthritis 801
Indications 801
Examination/Imaging 801
Clinical Examination 801
Imaging 801
Surgical Anatomy 802
Positioning 802
Exposures 802
Procedure 804
Step 1 804
Step 2 804
Step 3 804
Step 4 805
Procedure 805
Modified Sauve-Kapandji Procedure 805
Step 1 805
Step 2 806
Step 3 806
Step 4 806
Postoperative Care and Expected Outcomes 807
Evidence 808
XIII Wrist Osteoarthritis 809
Procedure 85 Wrist Denervation 810
Indications 810
Examination/Imaging 811
Clinical Examination 811
Surgical Anatomy 812
Positioning 812
Exposures 812
Procedure 813
Step 1: Partial Denervation 813
Step 2: Full Denervation: Incision 2 815
Step 3: Full Denervation: Incision 3 815
Step 4: Full Denervation: Incision 4 816
Postoperative Care and Expected Outcomes 816
Acknowledgment 816
Evidence 816
Procedure 86 Proximal Row Carpectomy 817
Indications 817
Examination/Imaging 817
Clinical Examination 817
Imaging 817
Surgical Anatomy 818
Positioning 819
Exposures 819
Procedure 820
Step 1 820
Step 2 820
Step 3 821
Step 4 821
Step 5 822
Additional Steps 822
Postoperative Care and Expected Outcomes 823
Evidence 823
Procedure 87 Four-Corner Fusion 824
Indications 824
Examination/Imaging 824
Clinical Examination 824
Imaging 824
Surgical Anatomy 824
Positioning 826
Exposures 826
Procedure 828
Step 1 828
Step 2 828
Step 3 829
Step 4 830
Step 5 830
Additional Steps 831
Postoperative Care and Expected Outcomes 831
Evidence 832
Procedure 88 Four-Corner Fusion Using a Circular Plate 833
Indications 833
Examination/Imaging 833
Clinical Examination 833
Imaging 834
Surgical Anatomy 834
Exposures 835
Procedure 835
Step 1: Scaphoidectomy 835
Step 2: The Lunate Is Stabilized in Neutral Position 836
Step 3: Stabilize the Carpal Bones with K-Wires 837
Step 4: Ream the Carpal Bones 837
Step 5: Denude the Cartilage between the Four Bones 838
Step 6: Fix the Circular Plate 838
Step 7: Pack Bone Graft 838
Step 8: Remove the Plate Post and Apply the Screw Cover 839
Step 9: Assess Final Fixation 840
Step 10: Closure 840
Postoperative Care and Expected Outcomes 841
Evidence 841
Procedure 89 Total Wrist Fusion 843
Indications 843
Examination/Imaging 843
Clinical Examination 843
Imaging 843
Surgical Anatomy 843
Positioning 843
Exposures 844
Procedure 845
Step 1 845
Step 2 846
Step 3 846
Step 4 848
Postoperative Care and Expected Outcomes 848
Evidence 849
Procedure 90 Total Wrist Arthroplasty 850
Indications 850
Examination/Imaging 850
Clinical Examination 850
Imaging 850
Surgical Anatomy 851
Positioning 851
Exposures 851
Procedure 852
Step 1 852
Step 2 854
Step 3 855
Step 4 856
Step 5 856
Step 6 858
Step 7 858
Step 8 859
Step 9 859
Step 10 860
Postoperative Care and Expected Outcomes 861
Evidence 862
XIV Tumors 863
Procedure 91 Treatment of Mucous Cysts of the Distal Interphalangeal Joint 864
Indications 864
Examination/Imaging 864
Clinical Examination 864
Imaging 864
Surgical Anatomy 864
Positioning 865
Exposures 866
Procedure 866
Step 1: Mobilization of Cyst 866
Step 2: Removal of the Cyst 867
Step 3: Removal of DIP Joint Osteophytes 867
Step 4: Flap Elevation 867
Step 5: Skin Closure 868
Postoperative Care and Expected Outcomes 868
Evidence 868
Procedure 92 Excision of a Dorsal Wrist Ganglion 869
Indications 869
Examination/Imaging 869
Clinical Examination 869
Imaging 870
Surgical Anatomy 870
Positioning 870
Exposures 870
Procedure 870
Step 1: Mobilization of Ganglion Cyst 870
Step 2: Excision of Ganglion Cyst 871
Step 3: Hemostasis 872
Step 4: Skin Closure 872
Postoperative Care and Expected Outcomes 872
Evidence 872
Procedure 93 Digital Ray Amputation 873
Indications 873
Examination/Imaging 873
Clinical Examination 873
Imaging 873
Surgical Anatomy 874
Positioning 874
Exposures 874
Procedure 875
Step 1 875
Step 2 875
Step 3 875
Step 4 876
Step 5 876
Step 6 876
Step 7 876
Step 8 876
Step 9 876
Step 10 877
Step 11 877
Postoperative Care and Expected Outcomes 878
Evidence 879
Index 881
A 881
B 881
C 882
D 883
E 884
F 885
G 886
H 887
I 887
J 887
K 887
L 887
M 888
N 888
O 889
P 889
R 890
S 891
T 893
U 895
V 896
W 896
Z 896
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