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Medical Pharmacology and Therapeutics E-Book

Medical Pharmacology and Therapeutics E-Book

Derek G. Waller | Tony Sampson


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Book Details


This book covers all the pharmacology you need, from basic science pharmacology and pathophysiology, through to clinical pharmacology to therapeutics, in line with the integrated approach of new medical curricula. The first section covers the basic principles, and the rest is organised by body systems. The book ends with sections on toxicity and prescribing practice.

  • Integrates basic science pharmacology, clinical pharmacology and therapeutics
  • Brief review of pathophysiology of major diseases
  • Case histories and multiple choice questions (and answers)
  • Tabular presentation of all common drugs within each class
  • Section on further reading
  • Kinetics chapter simplified with more practical examples
  • Includes more on genetic issues
  • Drug tables made more concise to make information more accessible
  • Fully updated to reflect current clinical practice

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front cover cover
Half title page i
Dedication ii
Medical Pharmacology and Therapeutics iii
Copyright page iv
Table of Contents v
Preface vii
Drug dosage and nomenclature ix
Drug nomenclature ix
Drug dosages ix
1 General Principles 1
1 Principles of pharmacology and mechanisms of drug action 3
Studying pharmacology 3
Receptors and receptor-mediated mechanisms 4
Actions of drugs at binding sites (receptors) 4
Major types of receptors 4
Transmembrane ion channels 5
Seven-transmembrane receptors 6
The G-protein system 6
Second messenger systems 6
Cyclic nucleotide system 6
The phosphatidylinositol system 6
Protease-activated receptors 8
Enzyme-linked transmembrane receptors 8
Intracellular (nuclear) receptors 10
Other sites of drug action 11
Properties of receptors 12
Receptor binding 12
Receptor selectivity 13
Drug stereochemistry and activity 14
Receptor numbers 14
Properties of drug action 15
Dose–response relationships 15
Selectivity 15
Potency 15
Efficacy 16
Types of drug action 16
Agonists 16
Affinity and intrinsic activity 16
Spare receptors 17
Antagonists 17
Partial agonists 17
Inverse agonists 17
Allosteric modulators 18
Enzyme inhibitors/activators 18
Non-specific actions 18
Physiological antagonists 18
Tolerance to drug effects 18
Genetic variation in drug responses 19
Conclusions 20
Self-assessment 20
True/false questions 20
True/false answers 20
Further reading 21
2 Pharmacokinetics 31
Pharmacokinetics of biological drugs 31
The biological basis of pharmacokinetics 31
General considerations 32
Passage across membranes 32
Passive diffusion 32
Passage through membrane pores or ion channels 33
Carrier-mediated processes 33
Pinocytosis 34
Drug ionisation and membrane diffusion 34
Absorption 35
Absorption from the gut 35
Drug structure 35
Drug formulation 36
Gastric emptying 36
First-pass metabolism 36
Intestinal lumen 36
Intestinal wall 36
Liver 36
Lung 36
Absorption from other routes 36
Percutaneous (transcutaneous) administration 36
Intradermal and subcutaneous injection 36
Intramuscular injection 37
Intranasal administration 37
Inhalation 37
Minor routes 37
Distribution 37
Reversible protein binding 38
Irreversible protein binding 38
Distribution to specific organs 38
Brain 38
Fetus 39
Elimination 39
Metabolism 39
Phase 1 40
Phase 2 42
Factors affecting drug metabolism 43
Excretion 43
Excretion via the urine 44
Glomerular filtration 44
Reabsorption 44
Tubular secretion 44
Excretion via the faeces 44
The mathematical basis of pharmacokinetics 45
General considerations 45
Zero-order reactions 45
First-order reactions 45
Absorption 47
Rate of absorption 47
Extent of absorption 47
Distribution 48
Rate of distribution 48
Extent of distribution 49
Elimination 50
Rate of elimination 50
The activity of the organ of elimination 50
Reversible passage of drug from the blood into tissues 50
Extent of elimination 51
Chronic administration 51
Time to reach steady-state 51
Plasma concentration at steady-state 52
Oral administration 52
Loading dose 53
Pharmacokinetics of biological drugs 53
Genetic variation and drug kinetics 53
Self-Assessment 55
True/false questions 55
One-best-answer (OBA) questions 55
Descriptive question 55
Case-based questions 55
Case 1 55
Case 2 56
Case 3 56
True/false answers 56
OBA answers 57
Descriptive answers 57
Case-based answers 57
Case 1 57
Case 2 58
Case 3 58
Further reading 58
3 Drug discovery, safety and efficacy 59
Drug discovery 59
Drug approval 60
Safety 61
Quality 61
Efficacy 61
Establishing safety and efficacy 61
Preclinical studies 62
Toxicity testing 62
Clinical trials: phases I–III 63
Phase I studies 63
Phase II studies 63
Phase III studies 63
Post-marketing surveillance: phase IV (pharmacovigilance) 65
Self-Assessment 66
One-best-answer (OBA) questions 66
OBA answers 66
Further reading 66
4 Neurotransmission and the peripheral autonomic nervous system 67
Arrangement of the central and peripheral nervous systems 67
Principles of neurotransmission 67
Presynaptic receptors and modulation of transmitter release 69
The peripheral autonomic nervous system 69
The sympathetic nervous system and noradrenergic transmission 72
Synthesis and storage of catecholamines: noradrenaline, adrenaline and dopamine 72
Noradrenaline release 74
Uptake and metabolism of released noradrenaline 74
Monoamine oxidase 74
Catechol-O-methyltransferase 75
Sympathetic nervous system receptors 75
The parasympathetic nervous system and cholinergic transmission 75
Synthesis of acetylcholine 75
Storage of acetylcholine 75
Release of acetylcholine 75
Metabolism and inactivation of released acetylcholine 76
Cholinergic receptors 78
Nicotinic (N1) receptors 78
Nicotinic (N2) receptors 78
Muscarinic (M) receptors 78
Other transmitters in the peripheral nervous system 78
Amines 78
Dopamine 78
Synthesis and storage of dopamine 78
Release of dopamine 78
Removal of activity of released dopamine 78
Dopamine receptors 79
Serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine) 79
Synthesis of serotonin 79
Storage of serotonin 79
Release of serotonin 79
Metabolism and removal of serotonin activity 79
Serotonin receptors 80
Histamine 80
Synthesis of histamine 80
Storage of histamine 80
Release of histamine 80
Removal of histamine activity 80
Histamine receptors 81
Amino acids 81
Gamma-aminobutyric acid 81
Synthesis and storage of GABA 81
Release of GABA 81
Removal of GABA activity 81
GABA receptors 81
Glutamate 81
Synthesis and storage of glutamate 81
Release of glutamate 81
Removal of glutamate activity 81
Glutamate receptors 81
Glycine 82
Synthesis and storage of glycine 82
Release of glycine 82
Removal of glycine activity 82
Glycine receptors 82
Imidazoline receptor ligands 82
Peptides 82
Purines 82
Self-Assessment 82
True/false questions 82
One-best-answer (OBA) question 83
True/false answers 83
OBA answer 83
Further reading 84
2 The Cardiovascular System 85
5 Ischaemic heart disease 87
Clinical manifestations of myocardial ischaemia 88
Stable angina 88
Acute coronary syndromes (unstable angina, myocardial infarction and sudden death) 89
Unstable angina 89
Myocardial infarction and sudden cardiac death 89
Drug treatment of angina 90
Organic nitrates 90
Mechanism of action and effects 90
Pharmacokinetics 91
Unwanted effects 91
Beta-adrenoceptor antagonists (β-blockers) 91
Mechanism of action and effects in angina 91
Pharmacokinetics 92
Unwanted effects 92
Calcium channel blockers 93
Mechanism of action and effects 93
Pharmacokinetics 95
Unwanted effects 95
Potassium channel openers 95
3 The Respiratory System 185
12 Asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 187
Asthma 187
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 188
Drugs for asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 189
Drug delivery to the lung 189
Pressurised metered-dose inhaler 191
Pressurised metered-dose inhaler with a spacer 191
Breath-actuated metered-dose inhaler 191
Dry-powder inhaler 191
Multi-dose liquid inhaler 191
Nebulisers 191
Symptom-relieving drugs for airflow obstruction (bronchodilators; ‘relievers’) 191
Beta2-adrenoceptor agonists 191
Mechanism of action and effects 192
Pharmacokinetics 192
Unwanted effects 192
Antimuscarinic agents 192
4 The Renal System 211
14 Diuretics 213
Functions of the kidney 213
The kidney and maintenance of salt and water balance 213
The proximal convoluted tubule 213
The loop of Henle 213
The proximal (cortical) diluting segment of the distal convoluted tubule 215
The distal part of the distal convoluted tubule and the collecting duct 216
Diuretic drugs 216
Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors 216
5 The Nervous System 239
17 General anaesthetics 241
Mechanisms of action of general anaesthetics 241
Drugs used in anaesthesia 243
Intravenous anaesthetics 243
Pharmacokinetics 244
Unwanted effects 244
Intravenous opioids 244
6 The Musculoskeletal System 347
27 The neuromuscular junction and neuromuscular blockade 349
Neuromuscular transmission 349
Drugs acting at the neuromuscular junction 349
Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors 349
Inhibitors of acetylcholine release 349
Antagonists/blockers at the neuromuscular junction 350
Competitive N2 receptor antagonists (non-depolarising blockers) 351
7 The Gastrointestinal System 389
32 Nausea and vomiting 391
Nausea and vomiting 391
Anti-emetic agents 391
Antihistamines 391
Mechanism of action and clinical use 391
Pharmacokinetics 391
Unwanted effects 391
Antimuscarinic agent 392
Mechanism of action and clinical use 392
8 The Immune System 437
38 The immune response and immunosuppressant drugs 439
Biological basis of the immune response 439
Innate immunity 439
Adaptive immunity 439
Cell-mediated immunity 441
Humoral immunity 441
Unwanted immune reactions 442
Hypersensitivity reactions 442
Type 1 (acute, immediate) 442
Type 2 (cytotoxic) 442
Type 3 (complex-mediated) 442
Type 4 (cell-mediated, delayed-type hypersensitivity) 442
Transplant rejection 442
Autoimmunity 442
Immunosuppressant drugs 442
Calcineurin inhibitors 443
Ciclosporin 443
Mechanism of action 443
Pharmacokinetics 443
Unwanted effects 443
Tacrolimus 444
9 The Endocrine System and Metabolism 455
40 Diabetes mellitus 457
Control of blood glucose 457
Diabetes mellitus 458
Type 1 diabetes mellitus 458
Type 2 diabetes mellitus 458
Insulins and insulin analogues 459
Natural insulin formulations 459
Pharmacokinetics 459
Unwanted effects 460
Insulin analogues 460
Mechanism of action and effects 460
Short-acting insulin analogues 460
Long-acting insulin analogues 460
10 The Skin and Eyes 557
49 Skin disorders 559
Vehicles for topical skin applications 559
Atopic and contact dermatitis 559
Atopic dermatitis (eczema) 559
Contact dermatitis 560
Other types of dermatitis 560
Treatment of atopic dermatitis 560
Treatment of contact dermatitis 560
Psoriasis 560
Topical therapy 560
Emollients 560
Keratolytics 560
Vitamin D analogues 560
Topical retinoids 561
Dithranol 561
Coal tar preparations 561
Phototherapy 561
Topical corticosteroid preparations 561
Systemic treatments 561
Methotrexate 561
Retinoids 561
Ciclosporin or tacrolimus 562
Biologic agents 562
Fumaric acid esters 562
Acne 562
Treatment of acne 562
Topical treatments 562
Systemic treatments 562
Choice of treatment for acne 563
Self-Assessment 563
True/false questions 563
One-best-answer (OBA) question 563
Case-based questions 563
True/false answers 563
OBA answer 563
Case-based answers 564
Further reading 564
50 The eye 569
Accommodation 569
Pupil size 569
Drainage of aqueous humour 569
Topical application of drugs to the eye 570
Glaucoma 570
Drugs for glaucoma 571
Beta-adrenoceptor antagonists 571
Sympathomimetics 571
Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors 571
Prostaglandin analogues 571
Miotic drugs (muscarinic agonists) 571
Treatment of glaucoma 571
Mydriatic and cycloplegic drugs 572
Antimuscarinics 572
Sympathomimetics 572
Other topical applications for the eye 572
Antibacterial agents 572
Antiviral agents 572
Corticosteroids 572
Antiallergic agents 572
Local anaesthetics 572
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs 573
Artificial tears 573
Age-related macular degeneration 573
Treatment of age-related macular degeneration 573
Self-Assessment 573
True/false questions 573
Extended-matching-item questions 573
Case-based questions 573
True/false answers 574
Extended-matching-item answers 574
Case-based answers 574
Further reading 574
11 Chemotherapy 579
51 Chemotherapy of infections 581
Bacterial infections 581
Classification of antibacterial drugs 581
Antimicrobial resistance 582
Antibacterial drug resistance 582
Spontaneous mutation 582
Conjugation 582
Transduction 583
Transformation 583
Antibacterial drugs 583
Drugs affecting the cell wall: β-lactam antibacterials 583
Mechanism of action of β-lactam antibacterials 583
Penicillins 583
Spectrum of activity 583
Resistance 584
Pharmacokinetics 584
Unwanted effects 585
Cephalosporins 585
Spectrum of activity 585
Resistance 587
Pharmacokinetics 587
Unwanted effects 587
Monobactams 587
Carbapenems 587
Other drugs affecting the cell wall 587
Glycopeptides 587
Mechanism of action 587
12 General Features: Toxicity and Prescribing 659
53 Drug toxicity and overdose 661
Drug toxicity and adverse effects 661
Types of unwanted effect 662
Pharmacological toxicity 662
Biochemical toxicity 663
Paracetamol 664
Cyclophosphamide 664
Isoniazid 665
Spironolactone 665
Aromatic amines and nitrites 666
Methaemoglobinaemia 666
Haemolysis 666
Immunological toxicity 666
Self-poisoning and drug overdose 668
Management principles 668
Managing adverse effects 668
Immediate measures 668
Supportive measures 669
Cardiac or respiratory arrest 669
Hypotension 669
Arrhythmias 670
Seizures 670
Renal failure 670
Hepatic failure 670
Impaired temperature regulation 670
Reducing toxicity 670
Prevention of absorption of poisons 670
Gastric aspiration and lavage 670
Activated charcoal 670
Elimination of poisons 670
Activated charcoal 671
Renal elimination 671
Haemodialysis 671
Specific antidotes 671
Competitive receptor antagonists 671
Chelating agents 671
Compounds that affect drug metabolism 671
Antibodies 671
Some specific common poisonings 671
Paracetamol 671
Salicylates 672
Tricyclic antidepressants 673
Opioid analgesics 673
Beta-adrenoceptor antagonists 673
Ecstasy 673
Self-Assessment 673
True/false questions 673
Case-based questions 673
True/false answers 673
Case-based answers 673
Further reading 674
54 Substance abuse and dependence 677
The biological basis of dependence 677
Acute activation of the mesolimbic dopamine reward pathways 677
Chronic stimulation of the mesolimbic dopamine reward pathways 677
Drugs of abuse 678
Psychomotor stimulants 678
Cocaine 679
Index 707
A 707
B 710
C 711
D 713
E 715
F 715
G 716
H 717
I 718
J 719
K 719
L 719
M 720
N 721
O 722
P 723
Q 725
R 725
S 725
T 727
U 728
V 728
W 728
X 729
Y 729
Z 729