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Physics in Nuclear Medicine E-Book

Physics in Nuclear Medicine E-Book

Simon R. Cherry | James A. Sorenson | Michael E. Phelps


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Book Details


Physics in Nuclear Medicine - by Drs. Simon R. Cherry, James A. Sorenson, and Michael E. Phelps - provides current, comprehensive guidance on the physics underlying modern nuclear medicine and imaging using radioactively labeled tracers. This revised and updated fourth edition features a new full-color layout, as well as the latest information on instrumentation and technology. Stay current on crucial developments in hybrid imaging (PET/CT and SPECT/CT), and small animal imaging, and benefit from the new section on tracer kinetic modeling in neuroreceptor imaging. What’s more, you can reinforce your understanding with graphical animations online at, along with the fully searchable text and calculation tools.

  • Master the physics of nuclear medicine with thorough explanations of analytic equations and illustrative graphs to make them accessible.
  • Discover the technologies used in state-of-the-art nuclear medicine imaging systems
  • Fully grasp the process of emission computed tomography with advanced mathematical concepts presented in the appendices.
  • Utilize the extensive data in the day-to-day practice of nuclear medicine practice and research.

Tap into the expertise of Dr. Simon Cherry, who contributes his cutting-edge knowledge in nuclear medicine instrumentation.

  • Stay current on the latest developments in nuclear medicine technology and methods
  • New sections to learn about hybrid imaging (PET/CT and SPECT/CT) and small animal imaging.
  • View graphical animations online at, where you can also access the fully searchable text and calculation tools.
  • Get a better view of images and line art and find information more easily thanks to a brand-new, full-color layout.

The perfect reference or textbook to comprehensively review physics principles in nuclear medicine.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front Cover cover
Expert Consult pin page IFC2
Physics in Nuclear Medicine i
Copyright Page iv
Preface v
Table Of Contents vii
Animations, Calculators, and Graphing Tools xvii
Animations xvii
Calculators xvii
Graphing Tools xvii
1 What Is Nuclear Medicine? 1
a. Fundamental Concepts 1
b. The Power of Nuclear Medicine 1
c. Historical Overview 2
d. Current Practice of Nuclear Medicine 4
e. The Role of Physics in Nuclear Medicine 6
References 6
Bibliography 6
For further details on the history of nuclear medicine, we recommend the following: 6
Recommended texts that cover clinical nuclear medicine in detail are the following: 6
2 Basic Atomic and Nuclear Physics 7
A. Quantities and Units 7
1. Types of Quantities and Units 7
2. Mass and Energy Units 7
b. Radiation 8
c. Atoms 9
1. Composition and Structure 9
2. Electron Binding Energies and Energy Levels 9
3. Atomic Emissions 10
d. The Nucleus 13
1. Composition 13
2. Terminology and Notation 13
3. Nuclear Families 14
4. Forces and Energy Levels within the Nucleus 14
5. Nuclear Emissions 15
6. Nuclear Binding Energy 15
7. Characteristics of Stable Nuclei 16
References 18
Bibliography 18
Recommended texts for in-depth discussions of topics in atomic and nuclear physics are the following: 18
3 Modes of Radioactive Decay 19
A. General Concepts 19
b. Chemistry and Radioactivity 19
c. Decay by β− Emission 20
D. Decay by (β−, γ ) Emission 21
e. Isomeric Transition and Internal Conversion 22
f. Electron Capture and (EC, γ ) Decay 24
g. Positron (β+) and (β+, γ ) Decay 25
h. Competitive β+ and Ec Decay 26
i. Decay by α Emission and by Nuclear Fission 26
j. Decay Modes and the Line of Stability 28
k. Sources of Information on Radionuclides 28
Reference 30
Bibliography 30
4 Decay of Radioactivity 31
A. Activity 31
1. The Decay Constant 31
2. Definition and Units of Activity 31
b. Exponential Decay 32
1. The Decay Factor 32
2. Half-Life 33
3. Average Lifetime 34
c. Methods for Determining Decay Factors 34
1. Tables of Decay Factors 34
Example 4-1 34
5 Radionuclide and Radiopharmaceutical Production 43
A. Reactor-Produced Radionuclides 43
1. Reactor Principles 43
2. Fission Fragments 44
3. Neutron Activation 45
b. Accelerator-Produced Radionuclides 47
1. Charged-Particle Accelerators 47
2. Cyclotron Principles 47
3. Cyclotron-Produced Radionuclides 49
c. Radionuclide Generators 50
d. Equations For Radionuclide Production 53
1. Activation Cross-Sections 53
2. Activation Rates 54
Example 5-1 55
6 Interaction of Radiation with Matter 63
a. Interactions of Charged Particles with Matter 63
1. Charged-Particle Interaction Mechanisms 63
2. Collisional Versus Radiation Losses 64
Example 6-1 65
Answer 65
3. Charged-Particle Tracks 66
4. Deposition of Energy Along a Charged-Particle Track 67
5. The Cerenkov Effect 68
b. Charged-Particle Ranges 70
1. Alpha Particles 70
Example 6-2 70
Answer 70
Example 6-3 71
7 Radiation Detectors 87
a. Gas-Filled Detectors 87
1. Basic Principles 87
2. Ionization Chambers 87
3. Proportional Counters 91
4. Geiger-Müller Counters 92
b. Semiconductor Detectors 96
c. Scintillation Detectors 97
1. Basic Principles 97
2. Photomultiplier Tubes 98
3. Photodiodes 99
4. Inorganic Scintillators 100
5. Considerations in Choosing an Inorganic Scintillator 103
Example 7-1 104
Answer 104
6. Organic Scintillators 104
Reference 106
Bibliography 106
A comprehensive reference for many different radiation detectors is the following: 106
A detailed reference for inorganic scintillator mechanisms, properties, growth, and applications is the following: 106
A detailed general reference for scintillation detectors is the following: 106
8 Electronic Instrumentation for Radiation Detection Systems 107
a. Preamplifiers 107
B. Amplifiers 110
1. Amplification and Pulse-Shaping Functions 110
2. Resistor-Capacitor Shaping 111
3. Baseline Shift and Pulse Pile-Up 112
C. Pulse-Height Analyzers 113
1. Basic Functions 113
2. Single-Channel Analyzers 113
3. Timing Methods 114
4. Multichannel Analyzers 116
D. Time-to-Amplitude Converters 118
E. Digital Counters and Rate Meters 119
1. Scalers, Timers, and Counters 119
2. Analog Rate Meters 120
F. Coincidence Units 121
G. High-Voltage Power Supplies 122
H. Nuclear Instrument Modules 122
I. Oscilloscopes 123
1. Cathode Ray Tube 123
2. Analog Oscilloscope 124
3. Digital Oscilloscope 124
Bibliography 124
Basic nuclear electronics are discussed in the following: 124
9 Nuclear Counting Statistics 125
a. Types of Measurement Error 125
B. Nuclear Counting Statistics 126
1. The Poisson Distribution 126
Example 9-1 127
Answer 127
2. The Standard Deviation 128
3. The Gaussian Distribution 128
Example 9-2 128
Answer 128
C. Propagation of Errors 128
1. Sums and Differences 129
2. Constant Multipliers 129
3. Products and Ratios 129
4. More Complicated Combinations 129
Example 9-3 130
10 Pulse-Height Spectrometry 141
a. Basic Principles 141
B. Spectrometry with Nai(Tl) 142
1. The Ideal Pulse-Height Spectrum 142
2. The Actual Spectrum 143
3. Effects of Detector Size 145
4. Effects of Counting Rate 146
5. General Effects of γ-Ray Energy 147
6. Energy Linearity 147
7. Energy Resolution 148
C. Spectrometry with Other Detectors 151
1. Semiconductor Detector Spectrometers 151
2. Liquid Scintillation Spectrometry 152
3. Proportional Counter Spectrometers 153
References 154
Bibliography 154
Additional discussion of NaI(Tl) pulse-height spectrometry may be found in the following: 154
Spectrometry with Si(Li) and Ge(Li) semiconductor detectors is discussed in the following: 154
Spectrometry with room-temperature semiconductor detectors is discussed in the following: 154
A useful general reference for pulse-height spectrometry is the following: 154
11 Problems in Radiation Detection and Measurement 155
a. Detection Efficiency 155
1. Components of Detection Efficiency 155
2. Geometric Efficiency 156
Example 11-1 156
Answer 156
3. Intrinsic Efficiency 158
4. Energy-Selective Counting 159
5. Some Complicating Factors 160
a. Nonuniform Detection Efficiency 160
b. Detection of Simultaneously Emitted Radiations in Coincidence 162
c. Attenuation and Scatter of Radiation Outside the Detector 163
6. Calibration Sources 164
B. Problems in the Detection and Measurement of β Particles 166
C. Dead Time 168
1. Causes of Dead Time 168
2. Mathematical Models 168
Example 11-2 170
Answer 170
3. Window Fraction Effects 170
4. Dead Time Correction Methods 170
d. Quality Assurance for Radiation Measurement Systems 171
References 172
12 Counting Systems 173
a. NaI(Tl) Well Counter 173
1. Detector Characteristics 173
2. Detection Efficiency 174
3. Sample Volume Effects 175
4. Assay of Absolute Activity 177
5. Shielding and Background 177
6. Energy Calibration 178
7. Multiple Radionuclide Source Counting 178
Example 12-1 179
Answer 179
8. Dead Time 179
9. Automated Multiple-Sample Systems 179
10. Applications 182
b. Counting with Conventional Nai(Tl) Detectors 182
1. Large Sample Volumes 182
2. Liquid and Gas Flow Counting 182
c. Liquid Scintillation Counters 182
1. General Characteristics 182
2. Pulse-Height Spectrometry 184
3. Counting Vials 184
4. Energy and Efficiency Calibration 185
5. Quench Corrections 185
6. Sample Preparation Techniques 187
7. Cerenkov Counting 188
8. Liquid and Gas Flow Counting 188
9. Automated Multiple-Sample LS Counters 188
10. Applications 189
d. Gas-Filled Detectors 189
1. Dose Calibrators 189
2. Gas Flow Counters 190
e. Semiconductor Detector Systems 190
1. System Components 190
2. Applications 191
f. In Vivo Counting Systems 192
1. NaI(Tl) Probe Systems 192
2. Miniature γ-Ray and β Probes for Surgical Use 192
3. Whole-Body Counters 194
References 194
A detailed reference on in vitro counting systems is the following: 194
The design and application of miniature γ probes for surgical use are reviewed in detail in the following: 194
13 The Gamma Camera: 195
a. General Concepts of Radionuclide Imaging 195
b. Basic Principles of the Gamma Camera 196
1. System Components 196
2. Detector System and Electronics 197
3. Collimators 201
Example 13-1 203
Answer 203
Example 13-2 204
Answer 204
4. Event Detection in a Gamma Camera 204
c. Types of Gamma Cameras and Their Clinical Uses 206
Reference 208
Bibliography 208
The principles of the gamma camera are discussed in greater detail in the following: 208
14 The Gamma Camera: 209
a. Basic Performance Characteristics 209
1. Intrinsic Spatial Resolution 209
2. Detection Efficiency 211
3. Energy Resolution 211
4. Performance at High Counting Rates 213
b. Detector Limitations: Nonuniformity and Nonlinearity 216
1. Image Nonlinearity 216
2. Image Nonuniformity 217
3. Nonuniformity Correction Techniques 217
4. Gamma Camera Tuning 219
c. Design and Performance Characteristics of Parallel-Hole Collimators 220
1. Basic Limitations in Collimator Performance 220
2. Septal Thickness 220
Example 14-1 221
Answer 221
3. Geometry of Collimator Holes 222
Example 14-2 222
Answer 222
Example 14-3 223
Answer 223
4. System Resolution 225
d. Performance Characteristics of Converging, Diverging, and Pinhole Collimators 225
e. Measurements of Gamma Camera Performance 228
1. Intrinsic Resolution 229
2. System Resolution 229
3. Spatial Linearity 229
4. Uniformity 230
5. Counting Rate Performance 230
6. Energy Resolution 231
7. System Sensitivity 231
References 231
15 Image Quality in Nuclear Medicine 233
a. Basic Methods for Characterizing and Evaluating Image Quality 233
b. Spatial Resolution 233
1. Factors Affecting Spatial Resolution 233
2. Methods for Evaluating Spatial Resolution 234
c. Contrast 239
Example 15-1 240
Answer 240
d. Noise 243
1. Types of Image Noise 243
2. Random Noise and Contrast-to-Noise Ratio 243
Example 15-2 244
16 Tomographic Reconstruction in Nuclear Medicine 253
a. General Concepts, Notation, and Terminology 254
b. Backprojection and Fourier-Based Techniques 256
1. Simple Backprojection 256
2. Direct Fourier Transform Reconstruction 258
3. Filtered Backprojection 260
4. Multislice Imaging 262
c. Image Quality in Fourier Transform and Filtered Backprojection Techniques 263
1. Effects of Sampling on Image Quality 263
Example 16-1 265
Answer 265
2. Sampling Coverage and Consistency Requirements 266
3. Noise Propagation, Signal-to-Noise Ratio, and Contrast-to-Noise Ratio 266
Example 16-2 268
17 Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography 279
A. SPECT Systems 279
1. Gamma Camera SPECT Systems 279
2. SPECT Systems for Brain Imaging 280
3. SPECT Systems for Cardiac Imaging 281
4. SPECT Systems for Small-Animal Imaging 283
B. Practical Implementation of SPECT 285
1. Attenuation Effects and Conjugate Counting 287
Example 17-1 293
Answer 293
2. Attenuation Correction 293
3. Transmission Scans and Attenuation Maps 294
4. Scatter Correction 296
5. Partial-Volume Effects 299
C. Performance Characteristics of SPECT Systems 299
1. Spatial Resolution 301
2. Volume Sensitivity 301
3. Other Measurements of Performance 302
4. Quality Assurance in SPECT 302
D. Applications of SPECT 303
References 306
18 Positron Emission Tomography 307
A. Basic Principles of Pet Imaging 307
1. Annihilation Coincidence Detection 307
2. Time-of-Flight PET 309
3. Spatial Resolution: Detectors 310
4. Spatial Resolution: Positron Physics 312
Example 18-1 316
Answer 316
5. Spatial Resolution: Depth-of-Interaction Effect 316
6. Spatial Resolution: Sampling 318
7. Spatial Resolution: Reconstruction Filters 319
8. Sensitivity 319
9. Event Types in Annihilation Coincidence Detection 322
B. Pet Detector and Scanner Designs 324
1. Block Detectors 324
2. Modified Block Detectors 325
3. Whole-Body PET Systems 326
4. Specialized PET Scanners 330
5. Small-Animal PET Scanners 331
C. Data Acquisition for Pet 332
1. Two-Dimensional Data Acquisition 332
2. Three-Dimensional Data Acquisition 332
Example 18-2 334
Answer 334
3. Data Acquisition for Dynamic Studies and Whole-Body Scans 335
D. Data Corrections and Quantitative Aspects of Pet 335
1. Normalization 335
2. Correction for Random Coincidences 336
3. Correction for Scattered Radiation 337
4. Attenuation Correction 338
5. Dead Time Correction 339
6. Absolute Quantification of PET Images 339
E. Performance Characteristics of Pet Systems 340
F. Clinical and Research Applications of Pet 341
References 342
Bibliography 343
19 Hybrid Imaging: 345
A. Motivation for Hybrid Systems 345
B. X-Ray Computed Tomography 346
1. X-ray Tube 346
2. X-ray Detectors 347
3. X-ray CT Scanner 348
4. CT Reconstruction 348
C. Spect/CT Systems 350
1. Clinical SPECT/CT Scanners 350
2. Small-Animal SPECT/CT Scanners 352
D. PET/CT 354
1. Clinical PET/CT Scanners 354
2. Small-Animal PET/CT Scanners 356
E. Attenuation and Scatter Correction Using CT 356
1. Computing Attenuation Correction Factors from CT Scans 357
2. Possible Sources of Artifacts for CT-Based Attenuation Correction 358
3. Scatter Correction 360
F. Hybrid PET/MRI and Spect/MRI 360
References 361
Bibliography 361
The following is an informative general review on hybrid imaging: 361
20 Digital Image Processing in Nuclear Medicine 363
A. Digital Images 364
1. Basic Characteristics and Terminology 364
2. Spatial Resolution and Matrix Size 365
Example 20-1 366
Answer 366
3. Image Display 367
4. Acquisition Modes 367
B. Digital Image-Processing Techniques 369
1. Image Visualization 369
2. Regions and Volumes of Interest 372
3. Time-Activity Curves 373
4. Image Smoothing 373
5. Edge Detection and Segmentation 373
6. Co-Registration of Images 375
C. Processing Environment 376
References 378
21 Tracer Kinetic Modeling 379
A. Basic Concepts 379
B. Tracers and Compartments 380
1. Definition of a Tracer 380
2. Definition of a Compartment 382
3. Distribution Volume and Partition Coefficient 382
Example 21-1 383
Answer 383
4. Flux 383
5. Rate Constants 384
6. Steady State 385
C. Tracer Delivery and Transport 386
1. Blood Flow, Extraction, and Clearance 386
Example 21-2 388
Answer 388
2. Transport 389
D. Formulation of A Compartmental Model 390
E. Examples of Dynamic Imaging and Tracer Kinetic Models 392
1. Cardiac Function and Ejection Fraction 392
Example 21-3 392
Answer 392
2. Blood Flow Models 392
3. Blood Flow: Trapped Radiotracers 393
Example 21-4 394
22 Internal Radiation Dosimetry 407
A. Radiation Dose and Equivalent Dose: Quantities and Units 407
B. Calculation of Radiation Dose (MIRD Method) 408
1. Basic Procedure and Some Practical Problems 408
2. Cumulated Activity, 409
Example 22-1 410
Answer 410
Example 22-2 410
Answer 411
Example 22-3 412
23 Radiation Safety and Health Physics 427
A. Quantities and Units 428
1. Dose-Modifying Factors 428
2. Exposure and Air Kerma 428
B. Regulations Pertaining to the Use of Radionuclides 431
1. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Licensing and Regulations 431
2. Restricted and Unrestricted Areas 431
3. Dose Limits 431
4. Concentrations for Airborne Radioactivity in Restricted Areas 432
5. Environmental Concentrations and Concentrations for Sewage Disposal 432
6. Record-Keeping Requirements 432
7. Recommendations of Advisory Bodies 433
C. Safe Handling of Radioactive Materials 433
1. The ALARA Concept 433
2. Reduction of Radiation Doses from External Sources 434
Example 23-1 435
Answer 435
3. Reduction of Radiation Doses from Internal Sources 437
4. Laboratory Design 438
5. Procedures for Handling Spills 438
D. Disposal of Radioactive Waste 439
E. Radiation Monitoring 439
1. Survey Meters and Laboratory Monitors 439
2. Personnel Dosimeters 440
3. Wipe Testing 441
References 441
Bibliography 441
A detailed discussion of health physics and radiation protection techniques can be found in the following textbooks: 441
Regulatory documents can be found on the website of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission at [accessed October 14, 2011]. Relevant documents on this website include the following: 441
The National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurement website is at [accessed October 14, 2011]. Important NCRP publications in addition to those listed in the references are the following: 441
The International Atomic Energy Agency website is at [accessed October 14, 2011] and has several publications relevant to nuclear medicine that can be downloaded from the website: For example: 441
International bodies providing information or recommendations regarding radiation dose: 442
The United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation website is at [accessed October 14, 2011). Two comprehensive publications of interest are: 442
appendix A Unit Conversions 443
appendix B Properties of the Naturally Occurring Elements 445
appendix C Decay Characteristics of Some Medically Important Radionuclides 449
appendix D Mass Attenuation Coefficients for Water, NaI(Tl), Bi4Ge3O12, Cd0.8Zn0.2Te, and Lead 476
appendix E Effective Dose Equivalent (mSv/MBq) and Radiation Absorbed Dose Estimates (mGy/MBq) to Adult Subjects from Selected Internally Administered Radiopharmaceuticals 478
appendix F The Fourier Transform 481
A. The FOURIER TRANSFORM: What It Represents 481
C. Some Properties of FOURIER TRANSFORMS 483
D. Some Examples of Fourier Transforms 486
References 488
appendix G Convolution 489
References 492
Index 493
A 493
B 495
C 496
D 499
E 501
F 503
G 504
H 506
I 506
J 507
K 507
L 507
M 508
N 509
O 511
P 511
Q 515
R 515
S 518
T 521
U 523
V 523
W 523
X 523
Z 523