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Study Guide for Understanding Pathophysiology - E-Book

Study Guide for Understanding Pathophysiology - E-Book

Sue E. Huether | Kathryn L. McCance | Clayton F. Parkinson


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Book Details


Designed to be used in tandem with the Understanding Pathophysiology, 5th Edition textbook, this study guide provides an in-depth review of the most important pathophysiology facts and information. Learning objectives, Memory Check! boxes, and practice examinations for each chapter hone your understanding and help you review key concepts from the text. This edition also features a greater variety in exercises and more case study questions for further analysis. Answers to the practice examinations and a discussion of each case study question can be found in the back of the study guide.

  • Comprehensive coverage corresponds with the main text -- the bestselling pathophysiology text on the market.
  • Learning objectives keep your focus on the essential information in the text.
  • Memory Check! boxes help you remember key points from the text.
  • Algorithms include flowcharts of diseases and disorders.
  • Practice examinations provide immediate feedback on content learned.
  • More than 35 case studies improve your critical thinking skills.
  • Answers to case studies and practice examinations appear at the end of the book so you can receive immediate feedback.
  • 1000+ questions offer complete coverage of all areas of pathophysiology.
  • Updated content reflects the major updates in the main text, particularly in the units on mechanisms of self-defense, cellular proliferation, and the neurologic system.
  • More case studies and a greater variety of exercises have been added to this edition to strengthen your understanding of textbook concepts.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front Cover Cover
Study Guide for Understanding Pathophysiology iii
Copyright iv
Reviewers v
Preface vii
Contents ix
Unit 1: The Cell 1
Chapter 1: Cellular Biology 1
Foundational Objectives 1
Practice Examination 1
Multiple Choice 1
Matching 3
Fill in the Blank 3
Chapter 2: Genes and Genetic Diseases 5
Foundational Objectives 5
Learning Objectives 6
Practice Examination 8
Multiple Choice 8
Matching 9
Chapter 3: Altered Cellular and Tissue Biology 11
Foundatational Objectives 11
learning Objectives 11
Practice Examinatation 14
Multiple Choice 14
Chapter 4: Fluids and Electrolytes, Acids and Bases 17
Foundational Objectives 17
learning Objectives 18
Practice Examination 20
Multiple Choice 20
Matching 22
Fill in the Blank 22
Unit 2: Mechanisms of Self-Defense 25
Chapter 5: Innate Immunity: Inflammation and Wound Healing 25
Foundational Objectives 25
Practice Examination 30
Multiple Choice 30
Fill in the Blank 31
Chapter 6: Third Line of Defense: Adaptive Immunity 33
Foundatidational Objectives 33
Practice Examinatiation 37
Multiple Choice 37
Fill in the Blanks 38
Chapter 7: Infection and Defects in Mechanisms of Defense 39
Foundational Objectives 39
Learning Objectives 39
Practice Examination 43
Multiple Choice 43
Matching 44
Chapter 8: Stress and Disease 47
Foundational Objective 47
Learning Objectives 48
Practice Examination 51
Multiple Choice 51
Fill in the Blanks 52
Unit 3: Cellular Proliferation: Cancer 53
Chapter 9: Biology, Clinical Manifestations, and Treatment of Cancer 53
Foundational Objectives 53
Learning Objectives 54
Practice Examination 59
Multiple Choice 59
Matching 60
Chapter 10: Cancer Epidemiology 63
Learning Objectives 63
Practice Examination 66
Fill in the Blank 66
Chapter 11: Cancer in Children 69
Foundational Objectives 69
Learning Objectives 69
Practice Examination 70
True/False: 70
Matching 71
True/False 71
Fill in the Blank 71
Unit 4: The Neurologic System 73
Chapter 12: Structure and Function of the Neurologic System 73
Foundational Objectives 73
Practice Examinationination 74
Multiple Choice 74
Matching 75
Chapter 13: Pain, Temperature, Sleep, and Sensory Function 77
Foundational Objectives 77
Learning Objectives 79
Vision 81
Hearing 81
Olfaction 82
Taste 82
Touch 82
Proprioception 82
Practice Examination 82
Multiple Choice 82
Matching 83
Fill in the Blank 84
Chapter 14: Alterations in Cognitive Systems, Cerebral Hemodynamics and Motor Function 85
Foundational Objectives 85
Learning Objectives 86
Practice Examination 92
Multiple Choice 92
Matching 93
Chapter 15: Disorders of the Central and Peripheral Nervous Systems and the Neuromuscular Junction 95
Foundational Objectives 95
Learning Objectives 96
Practice Examination 104
Multiple Choice 104
Matching 105
Fill in the Blank 106
Chapter 16: Alterations of Neurologic Function in Children 107
Foundational Objectives 107
Learning Objectives 107
Practice Examination 109
True/False 109
Fill in the Blanks 110
Matching 110
Unit 5: The Endocrine System 113
Chapter 17: Mechanisms of Hormonal Regulation 113
Foundational Objectives 113
Practice Examinationamination 113
Multiple Choice 113
Matching 114
Fill in the Blank 115
Chapter 18: Alterations of Hormonal Regulation 117
Foundational Objectives 117
Learning Objectives 119
Practice Examination 126
Multiple Choice 126
Matching 128
Fill in the Blank 128
Unit 6: The Hematologic System 131
Chapter 19: Structure and Function of the Hematologic System 131
Foundational Objectives 131
Practice Examination 131
Multiple Choice 131
Matching 133
Chapter 20: Alterations of Hematologic Function 135
Foundational Objectives 135
Learning Objectives 137
Practice Examination 144
Multiple Choice 144
Matching 145
Fill in the Blank 145
Chapter 21: Alterations of Hematologic Function in Children 147
Foundational Objective 147
Learning Objectives 147
Practice Examination 150
True/False 150
Multiple Choice 150
Matching 151
Unit 7: The Cardiovascular and Lymphatic Systems 153
Chapter 22: Structure and Function of the Cardiovascular and Lymphatic Systems 153
Foundational Objectives 153
Practice Examination 153
Multiple Choice 153
Fill in the Blank 155
Chapter 23: Alterations of Cardiovascular Function 157
Foundational Objectives 157
Learning Objectives 160
Practice Examination 174
Multiple Choice 174
Matching 175
Fill in the Blank 176
Chapter 24: Alterations of Cardiovascular Function in Children 177
Foundational Objectives 177
Learning Objectives 177
Practice Examination 180
True/False 180
Fill in the Blanks 180
Matching 181
Unit 8: The Pulmonary System 183
Chapter 25: Structure and Function of the Pulmonary System 183
Foundational Objectives 183
Practice Examination 183
Multiple Choice 183
Matching 185
Fill in the Blank 185
Chapter 26: Alterations of Pulmonary Function 187
Foundational Objectives 187
Learning Objectives 189
Practice Examination 196
Multiple Choice 196
Matching 197
Fill in the Blank 197
Chapter 27: Alterations of Pulmonary Function in Children 199
Foundational Objectives 199
Practice Examination 202
True/False 202
Multiple Choice 202
Matching 203
Fill in the Blank 203
Unit 9: The Renal and Urologic Systems 205
Chapter 28: Structure and Function of the Renal and Urologic Systems 205
Foundational Objectives 205
Practice Examinationination 205
Multiple Choice 205
Fill in the Blank 207
Chapter 29: Alterations of Renal and Urinary Tract Function 209
Foundatational Objectives 209
Learning Objectives 210
Practice Examinatation 214
Multiple Choice 214
Matching 216
Fill in the Blank 216
Chapter 30: Alterations of Renal and Urinary Tract Function in Children 219
Foundatational Objective 219
Learning Objectives 219
Practice Examinatation 221
True/False 221
Multiple Choice 221
Matching 222
Fill in the Blank 222
Unit 10: The Reproductive Systems 225
Chapter 31: Structure and Functionof the Reproductive Systems 225
Foundational Objectives 225
Practice Examinationination 225
Multiple Choice 225
Matching 227
Fill in the Blank 227
Chapter 32: Alterations of the Reproductive Systems, Including Sexually Transmitted Infections 229
Foundatiational Objectives 229
Learning Objectives 230
Practice Examinatiation 239
Multiple Choice 239
Matching 240
Fill in the Blank 240
Unit 11: The Digestive System 243
Chapter 33: Structure and Functionof the Digestive System 243
Foundational Objectives 243
Practice Examinationination 243
Multiple Choice 243
Matching 245
Fill in the Blank 245
Chapter 34: Alterations of Digestive Function 247
Foundational Objective 247
Learning Objectives 248
Practice Examination 257
Multiple Choice 257
Fill in the Blank 259
Chapter 35: Alterations of Digestive Functionin Children 261
Foundational Objective 261
Learning Objectives 261
Practice Examination 264
True/False 264
Fill in the Blank 264
Matching 265
Fill in the Blank 265
Unit 12: The Musculoskeletal and Integumentary Systems 267
Chapter 36: Structure and Function of the Musculoskeletal System 267
Foundational Objectives 267
Practice Examination 267
Multiple Choice 267
Matching 269
Fill in the Blank 269
Chapter 37: Alterations of Musculoskeletal Function 271
Foundational Objectives 271
Learning Objectives 273
Practice Examination 280
Multiple Choice 280
Matching 282
Fill in the Blank 282
Chapter 38: Alterations of Musculoskeletal Function in Children 285
Learning Objectives 285
Practice Examination 288
True/False 288
Fill in the Blank 288
Matching 289
Fill in the Blank 289
Chapter 39: Structure, Function, and Disorders of the Integument 291
Foundational Objectives 291
Learning Objectives 292
Practical Examination 299
Multiple Choice 299
Fill in the Blank 301
Chapter 40: Alterations of the Integument in Children 303
Learning Objectives 303
Practice Examination 306
True/False 306
Matching 306
Fill in the Blank 307
Answers to Practice Examinations 309