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Nursing Research - E-Book

Nursing Research - E-Book

Geri LoBiondo-Wood | Judith Haber


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Book Details


With an emphasis on how nursing research is appraised and applied, Nursing Research: Methods and Critical Appraisal for Evidence-Based Practice, 8th Edition offers a comprehensive introduction to the nursing research concepts and methods essential to today’s evidence-based healthcare environment. Coverage includes clear guidelines for evaluating research and applying scientific evidence to practice, qualitative and quantitative research, appraising and critiquing research, critical thinking, and clinical decision making using research information.

The American Journal of Nursing (AJN) Book of the Year Awards recognized the 8th edition with a first-place award in the Nursing Research category.

  • Balanced coverage acquaints you with the processes behind research and evidence-based practice.
  • Distinct coverage of qualitative and quantitative research approaches are presented in separate parts of the book to avoid the confusion that often results when the two are interwoven.
  • Complete, high-quality research examples, including three sample critiques, demonstrate how to apply the principles outlined in the text to published quantitative and qualitative research studies.
  • Research Vignettes help bridge the gaps among clinical research, academia, and clinical practice.
  • All-star cast of contributors represents a widely respected team of experts in nursing research and evidence-based practice.
  • Each chapter contains a variety of popular learning aids, including Key Terms, Learning Outcomes, Helpful Hints, Evidence-Based Practice Tips, Appraising the Evidence, Critiquing Criteria, Critique of a Research Study, Critical Thinking Decision Paths, Critical Thinking Challenges, and Key Points.
  • NEW! Streamlined steps of the research process focus on how to appraise and apply research findings for evidence-based practice.
  • NEW! Theory chapter features an up-to-date exploration of the most important theories behind nursing research.
  • NEW! Systematic Reviews and Clinical Practice Guidelines chapter addresses this important area of nursing research.
  • NEW! Quality Improvement chapter discusses the trending topic of quality improvement as it relates to nursing research.
  • NEW! Updated research articles, including a Cochrane Collection study, reflect the most current, high-quality studies, particularly those that are accessible and relevant to readers with minimal clinical experience.
  • NEW! All-new Research Vignettes illustrate the dynamic nature of nursing research.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front cover Cover
Nursing research methods and critical appraisal for evidence-based practice 8th edition i
Copyright page ii
About the authors iii
Contributors v
Reviewers vii
To the instructor viii
To the student xiii
Acknowledgments xiv
Table of contents xv
I Overview of research and evidence-based practice 1
Introduction 2
Research vignette 2
Improving supportive care for cancer patients and their families 2
References 4
1 Integrating research, evidence-based practice, and quality improvement processes 5
Learning outcomes 5
Key terms 5
Nursing research, evidence-based practice, and quality improvement 6
Types of research: Qualitative and quantitative 8
Critical reading skills 9
Strategies for critiquing research studies 13
Overcoming barriers: Useful critiquing strategies 14
Evidence-based practice and research 14
Research articles: Format and style 17
Abstract 17
Introduction 18
Definition of the purpose 18
Literature review and theoretical framework 18
Hypothesis/research question 19
Research design 19
Sampling 20
Reliability and validity 20
Procedures and collection methods 20
Data analysis/results 20
Discussion 20
Recommendations and implications 21
References 21
Communicating results 21
Systematic reviews: Meta-analyses, integrative reviews, and meta-syntheses 21
Systematic reviews 21
Clinical guidelines 22
Quality improvement 22
Key points 23
Critical thinking challenges 23
References 24
2 Research questions, hypotheses, and clinical questions 25
Learning outcomes 25
Key terms 25
Developing and refining a research question: Study perspective 26
Defining the research question 28
Beginning the literature review 28
Examining significance 30
Determining feasibility 31
The fully developed research question 31
Variables 31
Population 33
Testability 33
Study purpose, aims, or objectives 34
Developing the research hypothesis 35
Characteristics 36
Relationship statement 36
Testability 37
Theory base 37
Wording the hypothesis 37
Statistical versus research hypotheses 38
Directional versus nondirectional hypotheses 39
Relationship between the hypothesis, the research question, and the research design 39
Developing and refining a clinical question: A consumer’s perspective 41
Appraising the evidence 43
The research question and hypothesis 43
Critiquing the research question 43
Critiquing the hypothesis 45
Key points 46
Critical thinking challenges 46
References 47
3 Gathering and appraising the literature 49
Learning outcomes 49
Key terms 49
Review of the literature 51
The literature review: The researcher’s perspective 51
The literature review: The consumer perspective 53
Research conduct and consumer of research purposes: Differences and similarities 55
Searching for evidence 55
Performing an electronic search 58
Why use an electronic database? 58
Types of resources 59
Print and electronic indexes: Books and journals 59
Refereed journals 60
Electronic: Bibliographic and abstract databases 60
Electronic: Secondary or summary databases 62
Internet: Search engines 62
How far back must the search go? 64
What do I need to know? 65
How do I complete the search? 68
Literature review format: What to expect 69
Appraising the evidence 70
Key points 73
Critical thinking challenges 73
References 74
4 Theoretical frameworks for research 75
Learning outcomes 75
Key terms 75
Practice-theory-research links 77
Overview of theory 77
Types of theories used by nurses 79
Theories from related disciplines used in nursing practice and research 79
Nursing theories used in practice and research 80
Grand nursing theories 81
Middle range nursing theories 81
Situation-specific nursing theories: Micro-range, practice, or prescriptive theories 82
How theory is used in nursing research 83
Theory-generating nursing research 83
Theory as framework for nursing research 83
Theory-testing nursing research 84
Application to research and evidence-based practice 85
Application of theory in qualitative research 85
Examples of theory as research framework 86
Examples of theory-testing research 86
Critiquing the use of theory in nursing research 87
Key points 88
Critical thinking challenges 88
References 89
II Processes and evidence related to qualitative research 91
Introduction 92
Research vignette 92
Program of research on substance use disorders 92
References 93
5 Introduction to qualitative research 95
Learning outcomes 95
Key terms 95
What is qualitative research? 96
What do qualitative researchers believe? 96
Does the methodology fit with the research question being asked? 97
Components of a qualitative research study 99
Review of the literature 99
Study design 100
Sample 100
Setting: Recruitment and data collection 101
Data collection 101
Data analysis 102
Findings 103
Discussion of the results and implications for evidence-based practice 104
Appraising the evidence 107
Foundation of qualitative research 107
Key points 108
Critical thinking challenges 108
References 108
6 Qualitative approaches to research 109
Learning outcomes 109
Key terms 109
Qualitative approach and nursing science 111
Qualitative research methods 111
Phenomenological method 112
Identifying the phenomenon 113
Structuring the study 113
Research question.  113
Researcher’s perspective.  113
Sample selection.  114
Data gathering 114
Data analysis 114
Describing the findings 115
Grounded theory method 116
Identifying the phenomenon 116
Structuring the study 116
Research question.  116
Researcher’s perspective.  116
Sample selection.  116
Data gathering 117
Data analysis 117
Describing the findings 118
Ethnographic method 118
Identifying the phenomenon 118
Structuring the study 119
Research question.  119
Researcher’s perspective.  119
Sample selection.  119
Data gathering 119
Data analysis 120
Describing the findings 120
Case study 120
Identifying the phenomenon 121
Structuring the study 121
Research question.  121
Researcher’s perspective.  121
Sample selection.  121
Data gathering 122
Data analysis/describing findings 122
Community-based participatory research 123
Issues in qualitative research 124
Ethics 124
Naturalistic setting 124
Emergent nature of design 124
Researcher-participant interaction 125
Researcher as instrument 125
Credibility, auditability, and fittingness 125
Triangulation 125
Synthesizing qualitative evidence: Meta-synthesis 126
Appraising the evidence 127
Qualitative research 127
Key points 129
Critical thinking challenges 129
References 129
7 Appraising qualitative research 132
Learning outcomes 132
Key terms 132
Stylistic considerations 133
Application of qualitative research findings in practice 136
Critique of a qualitative research study 139
The research study 139
Becoming normal: a grounded theory study on the emotional process of stroke recovery 139
Abstract 139
Introduction 139
Literature review 140
Ethics approval 141
Study participants 141
Methodology 142
Findings 143
Central problem 143
Basic social process 144
Implications 150
Limitations 150
Conclusions 151
The critique 153
Statement of the phenomenon of interest 153
Purpose 153
Method 154
Sampling 154
Data collection 155
Data analysis 155
Empirical groundings of the study: findings 156
Conclusions, implications, and recommendations 157
Critical thinking challenges 157
References 151
References 157
III Processes and evidence related to quantitative research 159
Introduction 160
Research vignette 160
From pressure ulcer prediction to preventive interventions 160
References 162
8 Introduction to quantitative research 163
Learning outcomes 163
Key terms 163
Purpose of research design 164
Objectivity in the research question conceptualization 165
Accuracy 166
Feasibility 166
Control and intervention fidelity 167
Homogeneous sampling 168
Constancy in data collection 169
Manipulation of independent variable 170
Randomization 170
Quantitative control and flexibility 171
Internal and external validity 171
Internal validity 171
History 172
Maturation 172
Testing 173
Instrumentation 173
Mortality 174
Selection bias 174
External validity 174
Selection effects 175
Reactive effects 176
Measurement effects 176
Appraising the evidence 177
Quantitative research 177
Key points 179
Critical thinking challenges 180
References 180
9 Experimental and quasi-experimental designs 182
Learning outcomes 182
Key terms 182
Research process 183
True experimental design 184
Randomization 184
Control 186
Manipulation 186
Types of experimental designs 187
Strengths and weaknesses of the experimental design 190
Quasi-experimental designs 191
Types of quasi-experimental designs 191
Strengths and weaknesses of quasi-experimental designs 194
Evidence-based practice 194
Appraising the evidence 195
Experimental and quasi-experimental designs 195
Key points 196
Critical thinking challenges 197
References 197
10 Nonexperimental designs 199
Learning outcomes 199
Key terms 200
Survey studies 202
Relationship and difference studies 203
Correlational studies 204
Developmental studies 205
Cross-sectional studies 205
Longitudinal/prospective/cohort studies 206
Retrospective/ex post facto/case control studies 207
Prediction and causality in nonexperimental research 208
Additional types of quantitative methods 210
Methodological research 210
Secondary analysis 212
Appraising the evidence 213
Nonexperimental designs 213
Key points 215
Critical thinking challenges 215
References 216
11 Systematic reviews and clinical practice guidelines 218
Learning outcomes 218
Key terms 218
Systematic review types 219
Systematic review 220
Meta-analysis 221
Cochrane collaboration 224
Integrative review 225
Tools for evaluating individual studies 225
Clinical practice guidelines 226
Evaluating clinical practice guidelines 227
Appraising the evidence 228
Systematic reviews and clinical guidelines 228
References 229
12 Sampling 231
Learning outcomes 231
Key terms 231
Sampling concepts 232
Population 232
Inclusion and exclusion criteria 233
Samples and sampling 234
Types of samples 235
Nonprobability sampling 236
Convenience sampling 236
Quota sampling 237
Purposive sampling 238
Probability sampling 240
Simple random sampling 240
Stratified random sampling 241
Multistage sampling (cluster sampling) 242
Special sampling strategies 243
Sample size 244
Appraising the evidence 247
Sampling 247
Key points 251
Critical thinking challenges 252
References 252
13 Legal and ethical issues 254
Learning outcomes 254
Key terms 255
Ethical and legal considerations in research: A historical perspective 255
Past ethical dilemmas in research 255
Protection of human rights 258
Procedures for protecting basic human rights 258
Informed consent 258
Institutional review board 263
Health insurance portability and accountability act of 1996 (hipaa) 265
Protecting basic human rights of vulnerable groups 266
Appraising the evidence 268
Legal and ethical aspects of a research study 268
Key points 270
Critical thinking challenges 270
References 271
14 Data collection methods 273
Learning outcomes 273
Key terms 273
Measuring variables of interest 274
Data collection methods 275
Observational methods 276
Self-report methods 279
Interviews and questionnaires 279
Physiological measurement 282
Existing data 283
Construction of new instruments 284
Appraising the evidence 285
Data collection methods 285
Key points 287
Critical thinking challenges 287
References 288
15 Reliability and validity 289
Learning outcomes 289
Key terms 289
Reliability, validity, and measurement error 290
Validity 292
Content validity 292
Criterion-related validity 294
Construct validity 294
Hypothesis-testing approach 294
Convergent, divergent, and multitrait-multimethod approaches 295
Contrasted-groups approach 296
Factor analytical approach 296
Reliability 298
Reliability coefficient interpretation 298
Stability 299
Test-retest reliability 300
Parallel or alternate form 300
Internal consistency/homogeneity 301
Item to total correlations 301
Cronbach’s alpha 301
Split-half reliability 302
Kuder-richardson (KR-20) coefficient 302
Equivalence 303
Interrater reliability 303
Parallel or alternate form 304
Classic test theory versus item response theory 304
How validity and relability are reported 304
Appraising the evidence 304
Reliability and validity 304
Key points 307
Critical thinking challenges 307
References 308
16 Data analysis: Descriptive and inferential statistics 310
Learning outcomes 310
Key terms 310
Levels of measurement 311
Descriptive statistics 314
Frequency distribution 314
Measures of central tendency 316
Normal distribution 317
Interpreting measures of variability 317
Inferential statistics 318
Hypothesis testing 320
Probability 321
Type I and type II errors 321
Level of significance 322
Clinical and statistical significance 323
Parametric and nonparametric statistics 323
Tests of difference 325
Nonparametric statistics 326
Tests of relationships 326
Advanced statistics 327
Appraising the evidence 328
Descriptive and inferential statistics 328
Key points 331
Critical thinking challenges 332
References 333
17 Understanding research findings 334
Learning outcomes 334
Key terms 334
Findings 335
Results 335
Discussion 340
Appraising the evidence 343
Research findings 343
Key points 345
Critical thinking challenges 345
References 345
18 Appraising quantitative research 347
Learning outcomes 347
Stylistic considerations 350
Critique of a quantitative research study 351
The research study 351
The Effects of psychoeducation and telephone counseling on the adjustment of women with early-stage breast cancer 351
1. Introduction 352
2. Background literature 353
3. Theoretical framework 355
4. The development and pilot testing of the interventions 356
5. Intervention protocols 356
5.1. Group 1 356
5.2. Group 2 357
5.3. Group 3 357
5.4. Group 4 357
6. Methods 357
6.1. Study sample and setting 357
6.2. Design and DC 358
6.2.1. Recruitment activities 358
6.2.2. Enrollment procedures 358
6.3. Instruments 359
6.4. Statistical analyses 360
7. Results 361
7.1. Demographic and baseline characteristics 361
7.2. Physical, emotional, and social adjustment 363
7.2.1. Physical adjustment 363
7.2.2. Side effect incidence 363
7.2.3. Side effect severity 363
7.2.4. Overall health status 365
7.3. Emotional adjustment 365
7.3.1. Psychological well-being 365
7.3.2. Side effect distress 365
7.4. Social adjustment 365
7.4.1. Vocational environment 365
7.4.2. Domestic environment 366
7.4.3. Social environment 366
8. Discussion and implications 366
8.1. Physical adjustment 366
8.2. Emotional adjustment 367
8.3. Social adjustment 367
9. Conclusion 370
Acknowledgment 370
The critique 373
Problem and purpose 373
Review of the literature 373
Research questions 374
Sample 374
Research design 374
Threats to internal validity 375
Threats to external validity 375
Research methodology 375
Legal-ethical issues 375
Instruments 375
Data analysis 375
Conclusions, implications, and recommendations 376
Implications for nursing practice 376
Critique of a quantitative research study 377
The research study 377
Asthma severity in children and the quality of life of their parents 377
Abstract 377
1. Introduction 377
2. Background 377
3. Research design and methodology 379
3.1. Data analysis 381
4. Results 381
5. Discussion 382
6. Conclusion and recommendations 386
The critique 387
Problem and purpose 387
Review of the literature 387
Research questions 388
Sample 388
Research design 388
Threats to internal validity 388
Threats to external validity 388
Research methods 389
Legal-ethical issues 389
Instruments 389
Reliability and validity 389
Data analysis 389
Conclusions, implications, and recommendations 389
Application to nursing practice 390
Critical thinking challenges 390
References 370
References 386
References 390
IV Application of research: evidence-based practice 391
Introduction 392
Research vignette 392
Incorporating information and communication technology tools for HIV into practice 392
References 394
19 Strategies and tools for developing an evidence-based practice 396
Learning outcomes 396
Key terms 396
Evidence-based tool 397
APPENDIX A A randomized, clinical trial of education or motivational-interviewing based coaching compared to usual care to improve cancer pain management 473
Methods 475
Sample and settings 475
Procedures 475
Instruments 477
Data analysis 478
Results 478
Sample 478
Instrument scores 479
Discussion 480
Conclusions and implications for nursing practice 485
References 486
APPENDIX B The influence of maternal fetal–attachment and health practices on neonatal outcomes in low-income, urban women 490
Abstract 490
Theoretical model 492
Methods 492
Sample 492
Data collection procedures 494
Measures 494
Data analysis 495
Results 495
Discussion 497
Conclusion 499
References 499
APPENDIX C The experiences of nurse practitioners providing health care to the homeless 502
Abstract 502
Literature review 504
Health status of the homeless 504
Healthcare experiences of the homeless 504
The role of the NP 505
Methods 506
Population, participants, and setting 506
Data collection instruments 506
Data analysis procedures 507
Results 508
Theme 1: Why they do what they do 508
Subtheme 1a: Nursing at its finest. 508
Subtheme 1b: Making a difference. 509
Subtheme 1c: A sense of mission/fulfillment of a deeper calling. 509
Theme 2: A unique population with unique needs 509
Subtheme 2a: Multiple levels of challenges. 509
Subtheme 2b: Misaligned priorities. 510
Theme 3: NP characteristics 510
Subtheme 3a: Values/beliefs. 510
Subtheme 3b: Communication skills. 511
Subtheme 3c: Personality traits. 511
Theme 4: How the relationship develops 511
Subtheme 4a: Establishing trust. 512
Subtheme 4b: Hearing their story. 512
Theme 5: lessons learned: A relationship of reciprocity 512
Subtheme 5a: Inner strength and resilience. 513
Subtheme 5b: Keys to success. 513
Subtheme 5c: Opportunity for self-reflection. 514
Discussion 514
Conclusions 515
References 516
APPENDIX D Couple functioning and post-traumatic stress symptoms in US army couples: The role of resilience 518
Conceptual framework 520
Hypotheses 522
Method 522
Participants 522
Measures 523
Post-traumatic stress symptoms (PTSS). 523
Resilience. 524
Couple functioning. 524
Coercion and violence. 524
History of previous trauma. 525
Procedures 525
Analysis 525
Results 525
Participants 525
Relationship of ptss with couple functioning 526
Moderators of the relationship between ptss and couple functioning 527
Comparisons of male soldier and dual military couples 527
Prevalence of secondary traumatic stress (sts) 527
Discussion and conclusions 528
References 531
APPENDIX E Follow-up for improving psychological well being for women after a miscarriage (review) 535
Abstract 535
Plain language summary 536
Follow-up for improving psychological well being for women after a miscarriage 536
Background 536
Description of the condition 536
Description of the intervention 537
How the intervention might work 537
Why it is important to do this review 538
Objectives 538
Primary 538
Secondary 538
Methods 538
Criteria for considering studies for this review 538
Types of studies 538
Types of participants 538
Types of interventions 538
Types of outcome measures 538
Primary outcomes 538
Secondary outcomes 539
Search methods for identification of studies 539
Electronic searches 539
Searching other resources 539
Data collection and analysis 539
Selection of studies. 539
Data extraction and management. 539
Assessment of risk of bias in included studies. 540
Measures of treatment effect 541
Dichotomous data. 541
Continuous data. 541
Unit of analysis issues 541
Cluster-randomised trials. 541
Dealing with missing data 542
Assessment of heterogeneity 542
Assessment of reporting biases 542
Data synthesis 542
Subgroup analysis and investigation of heterogeneity 542
Sensitivity analysis 543
Results 543
Description of studies 543
Results of the search 543
Risk of bias in included studies 543
Sequence generation. 543
Allocation concealment. 543
Blinding. 543
Incomplete outcome data. 543
Selective outcome reporting. 544
Other potential sources of bias. 544
Effects of interventions 544
1. One counselling session versus no counselling (three studies 236 women) (analysis 1.1) 544
Primary outcomes 544
Psychological well being. 544
Secondary outcomes. 545
2. Three one-hour counselling sessions versus no counselling (at four months) (one study 242 women) (analysis 2.1) 546
Primary outcomes 546
Psychological well being. 546
Secondary outcomes. 546
3. Three one-hour counselling sessions versus no counselling (at 12 months) (one study 242 women) (analysis 3.1) 546
Secondary outcomes. 547
4. Two counselling sessions versus no counselling (one study 280 women) (analysis 4.1) 547
Primary outcomes 547
Psychological well being. 547
Glossary 575
A 575
B 575
C 575
D 577
E 577
F 578
G 578
H 578
I 578
J 579
K 579
L 579
M 579
N 580
O 580
P 580
Q 581
R 582
S 582
T 583
V 584
W 584
Index 585
A 585
B 585
C 585
D 587
E 587
F 588
G 589
H 589
I 589
J 590
K 590
L 590
M 591
N 591
O 592
P 592
Q 593
R 594
S 596
T 597
U 597
V 597
W 598