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Women's Health Review E-book

Women's Health Review E-book

Philip J. DiSaia | Gautam Chaudhuri | Linda C. Giudice | Thomas R. Moore | Lloyd H. Smith | Manuel M. Porto


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Efficiently review the latest clinical recommendations, developments, and procedures with Women’s Health Review. This comprehensive, yet succinct summary is just the medical reference book you need to ensure that your knowledge is up to date!

  • Zero in on the most important new information with "update boxes," and dig deeper into the surrounding text for more background or complementary discussions.

  • Review key points quickly with the aid of relevant tables and images.

  • Take an organized approach to review with a subspecialty-based structure and a convenient outline format.

  • Get the authoritative coverage you need thanks to the collaboration of contributions from University of California medical schools, each at the top of their specialty.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front Cover Cover
Women’s Health Review iii
Copyright iv
Dedication v
Contributors vii
Preface xiii
Acknowledgments xv
Contents xvii
Women’s Health Review xix
Section 1 - Female Development 1
Chapter 1 - Reproductive Genetics 3
Screening for Carriers of Single Gene Disorders 3
Carrier Screening Based on Ashkenazi Jewish Ancestry 4
Carrier Screening for Disorders of Hemoglobin 5
Carrier Screening for Cystic Fibrosis 7
Screening for Fragile X Syndrome 7
Carrier Screening for Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA) 9
Invasive Prenatal Diagnosis 9
Risks of Invasive Prenatal Diagnosis 10
Chromosomal Analysis with Array CGH 11
Umbilical Cord Blood Banking 12
Noninvasive Diagnosis of Fetal Material 13
Suggested Readings 14
References 15
References e1
Chapter 2 - Reproductive Environmental Health 16
Reproductive Environmental Health 16
The Environment Is a Key Determinant of Health 16
Exposure to Environmental Contaminants Is Ubiquitous 17
The Fetus and Developing Human Are Highly Vulnerable to Exposure to Exogenous Chemicals 17
Mechanisms of Action 19
Reproductive and Developmental Health Impacts of Environmental Exposures 20
Identification of Chemicals with Reproductive and Developmental Toxicity 23
Clinical Management 23
Suggested Readings 24
References 25
References e1
Chapter 3 - Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology 26
Normal Puberty and Menarche 26
Primary Amenorrhea and Delayed Puberty 27
Secondary Amenorrhea in the Adolescent 30
Abnormal Uterine Bleeding in the Adolescent 30
Endometriosis in the Adolescent 31
Contraception in the Adolescent 32
Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) and Cervical Cancer Prevention in the Adolescent 33
Sexually Transmitted Diseases in the Adolescent 35
Role of the Gynecologist in Adolescent Primary Care 35
Breast Concerns in the Adolescent 37
Suggested Readings 37
Section 2 - Pregnancy: The First Trimester 39
Chapter 4 - Prenatal Care 41
The Prenatal Care Record 41
First Prenatal Visit 41
At Each Prenatal Visit 44
Second Trimester (14 to 27 weeks) 44
Third Trimester (28 to 40 weeks) 44
Post Due Date (40 to 42 weeks) 44
Postpartum Visit 44
Suggested Readings 45
References 45
References e1
Chapter 5 - Ectopic Pregnancy: Diagnosis and Management 46
Background 46
Risk Factors 46
Diagnosis 47
Treatment Options 48
Other Types of EP 49
Suggested Readings 50
References 50
References e1
Chapter 6 - Gestational Trophoblastic Disease 51
Overview of Gestational Trophoblastic Disease 51
Molar Pregnancy 51
Postmolar Gestational Trophoblastic Neoplasia (GTN) (Table 6-1) 52
Suggested Readings 55
Chapter 7 - Aneuploidy Screening 57
Background 57
First-Trimester Nuchal Translucency Ultrasound 57
First-Trimester Serum Analytes and Combined First-Trimester Screening 58
Second-Trimester Maternal Serum Screening 59
Integrated Aneuploidy Screening 60
Genetic Ultrasound 62
Diagnostic Testing 67
Adjunct Benefits of Aneuploidy Screening 68
Suggested Readings 69
References 70
References e1
Section 3 - Second-Trimester Complications 71
Chapter 8 - Cervical Insufficiency 73
Background 73
Etiology 73
Risk Factors 73
Inflammation and Infection 73
Cervical Surgery 74
Diagnosis 75
Cervical Length 75
Cervical Length in Prediction of Preterm Birth 75
Cervical Funneling 76
Management of Cervical Insufficiency 76
Cerclage 76
Cervical Pessary 77
Progesterone 77
Bed Rest 78
Tocolysis 78
Hospitalization 78
Antibiotic Administration 78
Special Considerations 78
Future Directions 78
Suggested Readings 79
References 79
References e1
Chapter 9 - Multifetal Pregnancy 80
Multiple Gestations 80
Suggested Readings 86
References 86
References e1
Chapter 10 - Fetal Therapy 87
History of Fetal Therapy 87
Imaging 87
Invasive Fetal Therapy 88
Specific Fetal Conditions 90
Twin Reversed Arterial Perfusion (TRAP) 92
Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia (CDH) 92
Thoracic Lesions 92
Myelomeningocele 93
Lower Urinary Tract Obstructions 93
Sacrococcygeal Teratoma 93
Cardiac Anomalies 93
Amniotic Bands 93
Discordant Fetal Anomalies 93
Future Fetal Therapy 93
Suggested Readings 94
References 94
References e1
Section 4 - The Third Trimester and Late Pregnancy Complications 95
Chapter 11 - Fetal Growth Disorders 97
Intrauterine Growth Restriction 97
Suggested Readings 100
Chapter 12 - Premature Rupture of Membranes 101
Background 101
PROM at Term 101
Etiology and Risk Factors for PPROM 101
Natural Course of PPROM 102
Diagnosis of PROM 102
Initial Evaluation and Management 103
Management Considerations for PPROM 103
Timing of Delivery 103
Previable PPROM (14 to 24 weeks) 104
PPROM and Neurologic Outcomes 104
Delivery Considerations 104
Unique Considerations 104
Suggested Readings 106
Chapter 13 - Preterm Labor and Delivery 108
Introduction 108
Risk Factors 108
Etiology 109
Diagnosis 110
Clinical Evaluation 110
Late Preterm Birth 111
Management 111
Maternal Transport 114
Prevention of Preterm Delivery 114
Suggested Readings 115
References 115
References e1
Chapter 14 - Cervical Ripening, Induction of Labor, and Prolonged Pregnancy 116
Introduction 116
Indications and Contraindications 116
Prolonged Pregnancy 119
Clinical Considerations 121
Preinduction Assessment 122
Cervical Ripening 124
Prostaglandins (PG) 129
Suggested Readings 134
References 135
References e1
Chapter 15 - Perinatal Infections 136
Toxoplasmosis 136
Syphilis 137
Rubella (German Measles) 137
Cytomegalovirus (CMV) 138
Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) 138
Gonorrhea 139
Group B Streptococcal (GBS) Infection 139
Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) 140
Listeriosis 141
Parvovirus 142
Varicella-Zoster Virus (VZV) 142
Viral Influenza 143
Viral Hepatitis 143
Suggested Readings 144
Section 5 - Childbirth: Intrapartum Care and Puerperium 147
Chapter16 - Intrapartum Fetal Monitoring 149
Electronic Fetal Monitoring 150
Fetal Scalp Blood Sampling 152
Scalp Stimulation 155
Vibroacoustic Stimulation 155
Fetal Pulse Oximetry 156
Fetal Electrocardiogram (EKG) and ST Segment Analysis (STAN) 156
Computer-Aided Analysis of Fetal Heart Tracing 156
Fetal Doppler Velocimetry 157
Suggested Readings 157
Chapter 17 - Management of Labor 158
Definitions: Labor Is the Process of Uterine Activity Leading to Delivery of the Fetus 158
General Management Considerations (Berghella et al, 2008) 159
Latent Phase 159
Active Phase 161
Second Stage 164
VI. Delivery Techniques 165
Third Stage 166
Postpartum Hemorrhage (American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, 1998) 166
Special Considerations 167
Suggested Readings 167
References 168
References e1
Chapter 18 - Emergent Management of the Newborn 169
Respiratory Distress 169
Meconium Aspiration Syndrome (MAS) 170
Airway Obstruction 170
Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia 171
The Cyanotic Newborn 171
Suspected Congenital Heart Disease (CHD) 171
Shock 172
Congenital Hydrops 172
Gastrointestinal Obstruction 172
Abdominal Wall Defects 173
Hypoglycemia 173
Dysmorphic Newborn 173
Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy (HIE) 174
Hypotonia 174
Congenital Skin Disorders 174
Suggested Readings 175
References 175
References e1
Chapter 19 - Puerperium 176
Definition 176
Normal Puerperium 176
Abnormal Puerperium 177
Suggested Readings 181
References 181
References e1
Section 6 - Maternal Diseases Complicating Pregnancy 183
Chapter 20 - Cardiac and Pulmonary Disorders in Pregnancy 185
Cardiovascular Diseases 185
Pulmonary Diseases 190
Suggested Readings 193
References 194
References e1
Chapter 21 - Renal Disease in Pregnancy 195
Physiologic Renal Changes in Pregnancy 195
Urinary Tract Infection 195
Urolithiasis 197
Acute Renal Failure 197
Nephrotic Syndrome 199
Chronic Renal Failure 199
Dialysis in Pregnancy 201
Renal Transplant in Pregnancy 201
Suggested Readings 202
References 202
References e1
Chapter 22 - Autoimmune Diseases in Pregnancy 203
Immunity in Pregnancy 203
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus 203
Antiphospholipid Antibody Syndrome (APAS) 205
Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) 206
Scleroderma 206
Sjögren’s Syndrome 207
Autoimmune Thyroid Disease 207
Suggested Readings 208
References 208
References e1
Chapter 23 - Gastroenterologic Disorders in Pregnancy 209
Nausea and Vomiting of Pregnancy 209
Gastrointestinal Reflux Disease (GERD) 209
Appendicitis 211
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) 211
Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) 212
Bariatric Surgery 213
Viral Hepatitis 213
Gallbladder Disease 215
Intrahepatic Cholestasis of Pregnancy (ICP) 215
Acute Fatty Liver of Pregnancy (AFLP) 216
Pregnancy after Liver Transplantation 217
Pancreatitis 217
Suggested Readings 218
Chapter 24 - Preeclampsia 220
Background 220
Etiology/Pathophysiology 220
Risk Factors 221
Evaluation and Diagnosis 221
Maternal and Perinatal Outcomes 221
Management 222
Prediction of Preeclampsia 224
Prevention of Preeclampsia 224
A Suggested Algorithm for Evaluation of a Patient with a History of Preeclampsia 224
Summary 224
Suggested Readings 224
Chapter 25 - Endocrine Disorders in Pregnancy 226
Pregestational Diabetes in Pregnancy 226
Gestational Diabetes 229
Maternal Thyroid Diseases 230
Hyperthyroidism 231
Hypothyroidism 232
Hyperparathyroidism 233
VII. Hypoparathyroidism 233
Suggested Readings 233
References 234
Chapter 26 - Perinatal Substance Abuse 235
Perinatal Substance Abuse in Broad Context 235
Suggested Readings 242
References 242
References e1
Chapter 27 - Neoplasia in Pregnancy 243
Abnormal Cervical Cytology 244
Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia (CIN) 245
Adenocarcinoma in Situ (AIS) 245
Invasive Cancer of the Cervix 246
Ovarian Cancer 247
Breast Cancer 249
Leukemia 250
Hodgkin’s Disease 251
Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma 251
Melanoma 251
Placental and Fetal Metastases 252
Gestational Trophoblastic Disease 252
Suggested Readings 252
References 253
References e1
Chapter 28 - Obesity and Pregnancy 254
Obesity and Pregnancy 254
Impact of Gastric Bypass on Pregnancy Outcomes 255
Suggested Readings 256
Section 7 - Reproduction and Fertility 259
Chapter 29 - Management of the Infertile Couple 261
Introduction and Definitions 261
Ovarian Function 261
Uterine Factor 264
Tubal Factor 264
Male Subfertility 265
Unexplained Infertility 265
Assisted Reproductive Technologies 266
Obesity and Reproduction 268
Suggested Readings 268
References 269
References e1
Chapter 30 - Contraception 270
Context 270
Overview 271
Method Use 279
Summary 284
Suggested Readings 284
References 284
References e1
Chapter 31 - Abortion 285
Context 285
First-Trimester Abortion 286
Use of Ultrasound 288
Second-Trimester Abortion 288
Immediate Postabortal Contraception 292
Suggested Readings 292
References 292
References e1
Chapter 32 - Recurrent Pregnancy Loss and Thrombophilia 293
Introduction and Definitions 293
Etiologies of Recurrent Pregnancy Loss 293
Parental Genetic Causes of RPL 294
Autoimmune Causes of RPL: The Antiphospholipid Antibody Syndrome 295
Anatomic Causes of RPL 296
Endocrine Causes of RPL 296
Hematologic Causes of RPL: Inherited Thrombophilia 297
Infectious Causes of RPL 297
Lifestyle and Environmental Factors Associated with RPL 297
Suggested Readings 298
Section 8 - Gynecologic Health 299
Chapter 33 - Menstrual Disorders 301
The Normal Menstrual Cycle 301
Abnormal Bleeding in Adolescents (Table 33-1) 302
Intermenstrual Bleeding 303
Amenorrhea 306
Chronic Menorrhagia 310
Suggested Readings 311
References 312
References e1
Chapter 34 - Benign and Malignant Disease of the Breast 313
Benign Breast Disease (BBD) 313
Benign Breast Disease and Subsequent Breast Cancer Risk 314
Fibroadenomas and Phylloides Tumor 315
Breast Papilloma, Papillomatosis/Multiple Papillomas 317
Chemoprevention Recommendations for High-Risk Women 317
Breast Cancer Screening Detection and Treatment 318
Treatment of Noninvasive Cancers (Stage 0) 319
Treatment of Invasive Cancer 319
Pregnancy-Associated Breast Cancer 319
Suggested Readings 320
Chapter 35 - Management of Diseases of the Vulva and Vagina 322
Vaginal Intraepithelial Neoplasia (VAIN) 322
Vulvar Intraepithelial Neoplasia (VIN) 322
Invasive Cancer of the Vagina 323
Invasive Cancer of the Vulva 323
Suggested Readings 325
Chapter 36 - Management of Diseases of the Cervix 327
Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia (CIN) 327
Invasive Cervical Cancer 329
Suggested Readings 333
Chapter 37 - Management of Diseases of the Uterus and Endometrium 334
Uterine Leiomyomas 335
Endometrial Hyperplasia 336
Staging of Endometrial Cancer 337
Trends in Uterine Cancer 338
Endometrial Cancer 338
Leiomyosarcoma (LMS) 342
Carcinosarcoma 342
Young Women and Endometrial Cancer 343
Suggested Readings 343
References 343
References e1
Chapter 38 - Carcinoma of the Ovary and Fallopian Tube 344
Clinical Profile: Ovarian Cancer 344
Clinical Profile: Fallopian Tube Carcinoma 345
Primary Management 346
Management of Recurrence 347
Suggested Readings 347
Chapter 39 - Pelvic Floor Disorders 348
Urinary Incontinence 348
Pelvic Organ Prolapse 352
Anal Incontinence (AI) 357
Suggested Readings 358
Chapter 40 - Perioperative Care 359
Venous Thromboembolism Prophylaxis 359
Antibiotic Prophylaxis 361
Pulmonary Assessment 361
Cardiovascular Assessment 362
Perioperative Medication Management 362
Perioperative Herbs and Supplements Management 366
Suggested Readings 366
Section 9 - Gynecologic Health: The Peri- and Postmenopausal Woman 369
Chapter 41 - Lower Genital Tract Infections 371
Human Papillomavirus (HPV) 371
Bacterial Vaginosis (BV) 372
Vulvovaginal Candidiasis 373
Trichomoniasis 374
Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) 374
Chronic Vaginitis 375
Suggested Readings 375
Chapter 42 - Upper Genital Tract Infections 376
Pelvic Inflammatory Disease 376
Suggested Readings 379
Chapter 43 - Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection in Women 380
Epidemiology 380
How Do Women Acquire HIV? 380
Women Are More Vulnerable to HIV 381
Updates in HIV Prevention for Women 381
Interventions Performed in the United States to Decrease HIV Transmission during Pregnancy 382
Contraception Counseling for HIV-Positive Women 383
HPV and Cervical Dysplasia in HIV-Infected Women 383
Suggested Readings 384
Section 10 - Sexuality and Women’s Health Psychology 385
Chapter 44 - Chronic Pelvic Pain 387
Chronic Pelvic Pain (CPP): Overview 388
Common Gynecologic Causes of CPP 388
Common Nongynecologic Causes of CPP 389
Mechanisms Underlying Pain 389
Complexity of Pelvic Neuroanatomy 389
Pain History 389
Physical Exam for CPP 390
Special Circumstances 391
Additional Tests 391
Management of Common Gynecologic Disorders 391
Nongynecologic Causes of CPP and Their Management 395
Treatment for Musculoskeletal and Neuropathic Causes of CPP 397
CPP without Obvious Pathology 398
Psychological Factors in CPP 398
Suggested Readings 398
Chapter 45 - Sexual Abuse and Sexual Assault 400
Childhood Sexual Abuse 400
Sexual Assault 404
Suggested Readings 409
References 410
References e1
Section 11 - Gynecologic Health: The Postmenopausal Woman 411
Chapter 46 - Care of Elder Women 413
Introduction 413
Menopause 413
Menopause Physiology 413
Diagnosis 414
Hot Flashes 414
Vulvar Atrophy 414
Vulvar Disease 414
Lichen Sclerosus 414
Vulvar Dermatitis 415
Other Vulvar Conditions 415
Urinary Tract Infection (UTIs) 415
Urinary Incontinence (UI) 415
Fecal Incontinence 416
Cancer Screening 417
Perioperative Care of the Elder Woman 419
Cognitive State 420
Suggested Readings 420
Chapter 47 - Hormone Therapy 421
History 421
Health Issues in Menopausal Women 421
Types of Hormone Therapy during Menopause 421
Routes of Administration 422
Current Indications for HT Approved by the Food and Drug Administration 422
HT for Vasomotor Symptoms 422
Effects of HT on Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) 423
Observational Studies 423
Clinical Trials 423
HT and Stroke 423
Venous Thromboembolism (VTE) 423
Breast Cancer 424
Endometrial Cancer 424
Ovarian Cancer 424
Colorectal Cancer 424
Cognitive Function 424
Depression and Mood 425
Urogenital Atrophy 425
Testosterone Therapy and Sexual Function 425
DHEA Therapy and Menopause 425
Black Cohosh 426
Suggested Readings 426
Chapter 48 - Osteoporosis and Falls 427
Osteoporosis 427
Falls 430
Follow-up and Monitoring 436
Suggested Readings 436
Chapter 49 - End-of-Life and Hospice Care 437
End-of-Life (EOL) Care 437
Palliative Care: Symptom Management 438
Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) 439
Advanced Directive 439
Hospice Care 440
Physician-Assisted Suicide/Euthanasia 440
Ethical Considerations 440
Role of Palliative Care Teams, Primary Care Providers (PCPs), and Other Health Care Providers 441
Role of the Ob-Gyn 441
Suggested Readings 441
Chapter 50 - Women’s Endocrine Disorders (Diabetes and Metabolic Syndrome) 443
Diabetes Mellitus 444
Diabetes Care 444
Prevention and Management of Cardiovascular Disease in Women with Diabetes 446
Menopause in Women with Diabetes 447
Metabolic Syndrome 448
Pathophysiology 449
Risk of Cardiovascular Disease 449
Risk of Diabetes Mellitus 449
Other Conditions Possibly Associated with Metabolic Syndrome 449
Treatment Modalities (Table 50-6) 450
Suggested Readings 451
References 451
References e1
Chapter 51 - Women’s Autoimmunity 452
Immune System 452
Immune Regulation 453
Reproductive Immunity 454
Autoimmunity 455
Gender and Autoimmunity 456
Treatment of Autoimmunity 457
Suggested Readings 458
Index 459