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Varcarolis' Foundations of Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing - E-Book

Varcarolis' Foundations of Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing - E-Book

Margaret Jordan Halter


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Book Details


The 7th edition of this market-leading textbook offers a clear, straightforward way to understand the often intimidating subject of psychiatric mental health nursing. Its practical, clinical perspective and user-friendly writing style help you quickly master key concepts. Clinical chapters follow the nursing process framework and progress from theory to application with a wealth of real-world examples to prepare you for practice.

  • UNIQUE! A conversational, user-friendly writing style helps you quickly grasp complex psychiatric mental health nursing concepts.
  • Clinical chapters are logically and consistently organized with sections on the clinical picture, epidemiology, comorbidity, etiology, and application of the nursing process.
  • Clinical chapters follow the nursing process, providing you with consistent guidelines for comprehensive assessment and intervention.
  • Vignettes prepare you for real-world practice with personal, descriptive characterizations of patients with specific psychiatric disorders.
  • Coverage of psychopharmacology in clinical chapters familiarizes you with specific drug treatment options, including the most commonly used drugs and important nursing considerations for their use.
  • Assessment Guidelines boxes list essential guidelines for comprehensive patient assessment.
  • Case Studies with Nursing Care Plans present individualized histories of patients with specific psychiatric disorders and include interventions with rationales and evaluation statements for each patient goal.
  • A separate chapter on cultural implications, as well as Considering Culture boxes throughout the text, provides essential information on culture, worldviews, and techniques for providing culturally competent care.
  • Coverage of treatment and recovery in the community addresses the need for successful ongoing psychiatric mental health nursing care in the community setting.
  • A chapter on end-of-life care examines the psychological impact of terminal illness and death on patients, families, and nurses.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front Cover Cover
Varcarolis' Foundations of Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing A Clinical Approach Seventh Edition iii
Copyright page iv
Dedication v
Acknowledgments vii
Contributors ix
Reviewers xi
To The Instructor xiii
To The Student xv
Table of contents xvii
I Foundations in theory 18.e2
1 Mental health and mental illness 1
Objectives 1
Key terms and concepts 1
Continuum of mental health and mental illness 2
Contributing factors 3
Resilience 3
Culture 4
Perceptions of mental health and mental illness 5
Mental illness versus physical illness 5
Nature versus nurture 6
Social influences on mental health care 6
Consumer movement and mental health recovery 6
Decade of the brain 7
Surgeon general’s report on mental health 7
Human genome project 7
President’s new freedom commission on mental health 8
Institute of medicine 8
Legislation and funding mental health 8
Epidemiology of mental disorders 9
Classification of mental disorders 10
The DSM-5 10
The DSM-5 organizational structure 11
The ICD-9-CM 12
Psychiatric mental health nursing 12
What is psychiatric mental health nursing? 13
Classification of nursing diagnoses, outcomes, and interventions 13
DSM-5 and NANDA-I–approved nursing diagnoses 13
Nursing outcomes classification (NOC) 14
Nursing interventions classification (NIC) 14
Levels of psychiatric mental health clinical nursing practice 14
Basic level 14
Advanced practice 14
Future challenges and roles for psychiatric mental health nurses 15
Educational challenges 15
An aging population 15
Cultural diversity 15
Science, technology, and electronic health care 15
Advocacy and legislative involvement 16
Key points to remember 16
Critical thinking 17
Chapter review 17
Answers to chapter review 17
References 18
2 Relevant theories and therapies for nursing practice 19
Objectives 19
Key terms and concepts 19
Psychoanalytic theories and therapies 20
Sigmund freud’s psychoanalytic theory 20
Levels of awareness 20
Conscious. 20
Preconscious. 20
Unconscious. 20
Personality structure 20
Id. 20
Ego. 20
Superego. 21
Defense mechanisms and anxiety 21
Psychosexual stages of development 21
Implications for psychiatric mental health nursing 21
Classical psychoanalysis 21
Psychodynamic therapy 21
Erik erikson’s ego theory 22
Implications for psychiatric mental health nursing 23
Interpersonal theories and therapies 24
Harry stack sullivan’s interpersonal theory 24
Implications for psychiatric mental health nursing 24
Interpersonal psychotherapy 24
Hildegard peplau’s theory of interpersonal relationships in nursing 24
Implications for psychiatric mental health nursing 25
Behavior theories and therapies 26
Ivan pavlov’s classical conditioning theory 26
John B. watson’s behaviorism theory 26
B.F. Skinner’s operant conditioning theory 27
Implications for psychiatric mental health nursing 27
Behavior therapy 27
Modeling 27
Operant conditioning 27
Systematic desensitization 28
Aversion therapy 28
Biofeedback 28
Cognitive theories and therapies 28
Rational-emotive behavior therapy 28
Cognitive-behavioral therapy 29
Implications for psychiatric mental health nursing 30
Humanistic theories 31
Abraham maslow’s humanistic psychology theory 31
Hierarchy of needs 31
II Foundations for practice 82.e1
4 Settings for psychiatric care 65
Objectives 65
Key terms and concepts 65
Continuum of psychiatric mental health care 66
Outpatient psychiatric mental health care 66
Primary care providers 66
Specialty psychiatric care providers 67
Patient-centered medical homes 68
Community mental health centers 68
Psychiatric home care 69
Assertive community treatment 69
Partial hospitalization programs 70
Other outpatient venues for psychiatric care 70
Prevention in community care 70
Outpatient and community psychiatric mental health care 70
Biopsychosocial assessment 71
Treatment goals and interventions 71
Case management 72
Promoting continuation of treatment 72
Nursing education 72
Teamwork and collaboration 72
Emergency care and crisis stabilization 73
Crisis stabilization/observation units 73
Inpatient psychiatric mental health care 73
Entry to acute inpatient care 74
Rights of the hospitalized patient 74
Working as a team in inpatient care 75
Therapeutic milieu 75
Managing behavioral crises 76
Safety 77
Unit design to promote safety 77
Inpatient psychiatric nursing care 78
Assessment 78
Treatment goals and interventions 79
Therapeutic groups 79
Documentation 79
Medication management 79
Medical emergencies 79
Preparation for discharge to the community 79
Key points to remember 80
Critical thinking 80
Chapter review 80
Answers to chapter review 81
References 81
5 Cultural implications for psychiatric mental health nursing 83
Objectives 83
Key terms and concepts 83
Culture, race, ethnicity, and minority status 84
Demographic shifts in the united states 85
Worldviews and psychiatric mental health nursing 85
Culture and mental health 86
Barriers to quality mental health services 88
Communication barriers 89
Stigma of mental illness 90
Misdiagnosis 90
Genetic variation in pharmacodynamics 91
Populations at risk for mental illness and inadequate care 92
Immigrants 92
Refugees 92
Cultural minorities 92
Culturally competent care 93
Cultural awareness 93
Cultural knowledge 93
Cultural encounters 93
Cultural skill 94
Cultural desire 95
Key points to remember 95
Critical thinking 95
Chapter review 96
Answers to chapter review 96
References 96
6 Legal and ethical guidelines for safe practice 98
Objectives 98
Key terms and concepts 98
Ethical concepts 99
Mental health laws 99
Civil rights of persons with mental illness 99
Admission and discharge procedures 100
Due process in involuntary admission 100
Admission procedures 100
Informal admission 100
Voluntary admission 100
Temporary admission 100
Involuntary admission 100
Long-term involuntary admission. 101
Involuntary outpatient commitment. 101
Discharge procedures 101
Conditional release 101
Unconditional release 101
Release against medical advice (ama) 101
Patients’ rights under the law 101
Right to treatment 101
Right to refuse treatment 102
Right to informed consent 103
Rights regarding involuntary admission and advance psychiatric directives 103
Rights regarding restraint and seclusion 103
Orders and documentation 104
Rights regarding confidentiality 104
Health insurance portability and accountability act (hipaa) 105
Confidentiality after death 105
Confidentiality of professional communications 106
Confidentiality and human immunodeficiency virus status 106
Exceptions to the rule 106
Duty to warn and protect third parties. 106
Implications for psychiatric mental health nursing. 106
Statutes for reporting child and elder abuse. 106
Failure to protect patients 107
Tort law 108
Intentional torts 108
Unintentional torts 108
Duty. 108
Breach of duty. 108
Cause in fact, proximate cause, and damages. 108
Standards for nursing care 108
Guidelines for ensuring adherence to standards of care 109
Negligence, irresponsibility, or impairment 109
Documentation of care 110
Medical records and quality improvement 110
Medical records as evidence 110
Guidelines for electronic documentation 111
Forensic nursing 111
Violence in the psychiatric setting 111
Key points to remember 112
Critical thinking 112
Chapter review 113
Answers to chapter review 114
References 114
III Psychosocial nursing tools 130.e1
7 The nursing process and standards of care for psychiatric mental health nursing 115
Objectives 115
Key terms and concepts 115
Standard 1: Assessment 117
Age considerations 118
Assessment of children 118
Assessment of adolescents 118
Assessment of older adults 118
Language barriers 118
Psychiatric mental health nursing assessment 119
Gathering data 119
Review of systems. 119
Laboratory data. 120
Mental status examination. 120
Psychosocial assessment. 120
Spiritual/religious assessment. 122
Cultural and social assessment. 122
Validating the assessment 122
Using rating scales 123
Standard 2: Diagnosis 123
Diagnostic statements 123
Types of nursing diagnoses 123
Standard 3: Outcomes identification 124
Standard 4: Planning 125
Standard 5: Implementation 126
Basic level interventions 126
Standard 5A: Coordination of care 126
Standard 5B: Health teaching and health promotion 126
Standard 5C: Milieu therapy 126
Standard 5D: Pharmacological, biological, and integrative therapies 127
Advanced practice interventions 127
Standard 5E: Prescriptive authority and treatment 127
Standard 5F: Psychotherapy 127
Standard 5G: Consultation 127
Standard 6: Evaluation 127
Documentation 127
Key points to remember 129
Critical thinking 129
Chapter review 129
Answers to chapter review 130
References 130
8 Therapeutic relationships 131
Objectives 131
Key terms and concepts 131
Concepts of the nurse-patient relationship 132
Goals and functions 132
Social versus therapeutic 132
Social relationships 132
Therapeutic relationships 132
Relationship boundaries and roles 133
Establishing boundaries 133
Blurring of boundaries 134
Blurring of roles 134
Transference. 134
Countertransference. 134
Self-check on boundaries 135
Values, beliefs, and self-awareness 137
Peplau’s model of the nurse-patient relationship 137
Preorientation phase 137
Orientation phase 139
Establishing rapport 139
Parameters of the relationship 140
Formal or informal contract 140
Confidentiality 140
Terms of termination 141
Working phase 141
Termination phase 141
What hinders and what helps the nurse-patient relationship 142
Factors that encourage and promote patients’ growth 142
Genuineness 142
Empathy 143
Empathy versus sympathy 143
Positive regard 143
Attitudes 143
Actions 144
Attending. 144
Suspending value judgments. 144
Helping patients develop resources. 144
Key points to remember 144
Critical thinking 145
Chapter review 145
Answers to chapter review 145
References 146
9 Communication and the clinical interview 147
Objectives 147
Key terms and concepts 147
The communication process 148
Factors that affect communication 148
Personal factors 148
Environmental factors 148
Relationship factors 148
Verbal and nonverbal communication 150
Verbal communication 150
Nonverbal communication 150
Interaction of verbal and nonverbal communication 150
Communication skills for nurses 151
Therapeutic communication techniques 151
Using silence 151
Active listening 152
Clarifying techniques 152
Paraphrasing. 152
Restating. 153
Reflecting. 153
Exploring. 153
Questions 153
Open-ended questions. 153
Closed-ended questions. 153
Projective questions. 153
Presupposition questions. 153
Nontherapeutic communication techniques 155
Excessive questioning 155
Giving approval or disapproval 157
Giving advice 157
Asking “why” questions 157
Cultural considerations 157
Communication style 158
Eye contact 158
Touch 158
Cultural filters 159
Telehealth through information communication technologies 159
Evaluation of communication skills 159
The clinical interview 159
Preparing for the interview 159
Pace 159
Setting 160
Seating 160
Introductions 160
Initiating the interview 160
Tactics to avoid 161
Helpful guidelines 161
Attending behaviors: The foundation of interviewing 161
Eye contact 161
Body language 161
Vocal quality 161
Clinical supervision 162
Process recordings 162
Key points to remember 163
Critical thinking 164
Chapter review 164
Answers to chapter review 164
References 165
10 Understanding and managing responses to stress 166
Objectives 166
Key terms and concepts 166
Responses to and effects of stress 167
Early stress response theories 167
Neurotransmitter stress responses 169
Immune stress responses 169
Mediators of the stress response 170
Stressors 170
Perception 170
Individual temperament 170
Social support 170
Support groups 170
Culture 171
Spirituality and religious beliefs 171
Nursing management of stress responses 172
Measuring stress 172
Assessing coping styles 172
Managing stress through relaxation techniques 172
Deep breathing exercises 174
Progressive muscle relaxation 174
Relaxation response 175
Meditation 175
Guided imagery 176
Biofeedback 177
Physical exercise 177
Cognitive reframing 177
Journaling 177
Humor 177
Key points to remember 178
Critical thinking 178
Chapter review 179
Answers to chapter review 179
References 179
IV Psychobiological disorders 199.e1
11 Childhood and neurodevelopmental disorders 181
Objectives 181
Key terms and concepts 181
Etiology 182
Biological factors 182
Genetic 182
Neurobiological 183
Psychological factors 183
Temperament 183
Resilience 183
Environmental factors 183
Cultural 184
Child and adolescent psychiatric mental health nursing 185
Assessing development and functioning 185
Assessment data 185
Data collection 185
Mental status examination 185
Developmental assessment 185
General interventions for children and adolescents 186
Family therapy 186
Group therapy 186
Behavioral therapy 186
Cognitive-behavioral therapy 187
Disruptive behavior management 187
Time-out. 187
Quiet room. 187
Play therapy 188
Bibliotherapy 188
Therapeutic drawing 188
Journaling 188
Music therapy 188
Psychopharmacology 188
Teamwork and safety 188
Neurodevelopmental disorders: Clinical picture 189
Communication disorder 189
Specific learning disorder 189
Motor disorder 189
Intellectual development disorder 190
Application of the nursing process 190
Assessment 190
Diagnosis 191
Outcomes identification 191
Implementation 191
Psychosocial interventions 191
Evaluation 191
Autism spectrum disorders 192
Application of the nursing process 192
Assessment 192
Diagnosis 192
Outcomes identification 192
Implementation 192
Psychosocial interventions 192
Psychobiological interventions 193
Pharmacological 193
Evaluation 193
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder 193
Application of the nursing process 193
Assessment 193
Diagnosis 194
Outcomes identification 194
Implementation 194
Psychosocial interventions 194
Psychobiological interventions 194
Psychopharmacology 194
Evaluation 195
Quality improvement 196
Key points 197
Critical thinking exercises 197
Chapter review 197
Answers to chapter review 198
References 198
12 Schizophrenia and schizophrenia spectrum disorders 200
Objectives 200
Key terms and concepts 200
Clinical picture 201
Epidemiology 202
Comorbidity 202
Etiology 202
Biological factors 202
Genetic 202
Neurobiological 203
Dopamine theory. 203
Other neurochemical hypotheses. 203
Brain structure abnormalities 203
Psychological and environmental factors 203
Prenatal stressors 203
Psychological stressors 203
Environmental stressors 203
Course of the disorder 203
Prognostic considerations 204
Phases of schizophrenia 204
Application of the nursing process 204
Assessment 204
Prepsychotic phase 204
General assessment 204
Positive symptoms 205
Alterations in thought. 205
Alterations in speech. 205
Alterations in perception. 206
Alterations in behavior. 207
Negative Symptoms 207
Cognitive Symptoms 208
Affective Symptoms 208
Self-Assessment 208
Diagnosis 209
Outcomes identification 209
V Trauma interventions 497.e1
25 Suicide and non-suicidal self-injury 480
Objectives 480
Key terms and concepts 480
Clinical picture 481
Epidemiology 481
Risk factors 481
Implications for nursing practice 484
Etiology 484
Biological factors 484
Psychosocial factors 484
Cultural factors 484
Societal factors 485
Application of the nursing process 485
Assessment 485
Verbal and nonverbal clues 485
Lethality of suicide plan 486
Assessment tools 486
Self-assessment 487
Diagnosis 487
Outcomes identification 487
Planning 487
Implementation 487
Primary intervention 487
Secondary intervention 490
Tertiary intervention 491
General interventions 491
Teamwork and safety 491
Suicide precautions 491
Counseling 491
Health teaching and health promotion 492
Case management 492
Pharmacological interventions 492
Postvention for survivors of completed suicide 493
Advanced practice interventions 494
Evaluation 494
Quality improvement 494
Non-suicidal self-injury 494
Prevalence 494
Comorbidity 494
Etiology 495
Biological factors 495
Cultural factors 495
Societal factors 495
Summary of nursing implications 495
Key points to remember 495
Critical thinking 495
Chapter review 495
Answers to chapter review 496
References 496
26 Crisis and disaster 498
Objectives 498
Key terms and concepts 498
Crisis theory 499
Types of crisis 500
Maturational crisis 500
Situational crisis 500
Adventitious crisis 501
Phases of crisis 501
Phase 1 501
Phase 2 501
Phase 3 501
Phase 4 501
Application of the nursing process 501
Assessment 501
General assessment 501
Assessing perception of precipitating event 502
Assessing situational supports 502
Assessing personal coping skills 502
Self-assessment 503
Diagnosis 504
Outcomes identification 505
Planning 505
Implementation 506
Counseling 506
Primary care 506
Secondary care 506
Tertiary care 507
Critical incident stress debriefing. 507
Evaluation 507
Disasters in the context of psychiatric nursing 508
Disaster management context 508
Key points to remember 512
Critical thinking 513
Chapter review 513
Answers to chapter review 513
References 513
27 Anger, aggression, and violence 515
Objectives 515
Key terms and concepts 515
Clinical picture 515
Epidemiology 516
Comorbidity 516
Etiology 516
Biological factors 516
Psychological factors 516
Application of the nursing process 517
Assessment 517
General assessment 517
Self-assessment 518
Diagnosis 519
Outcomes identification 519
Planning 519
Implementation 519
Psychosocial interventions 520
Considerations for staff safety 520
Pharmacological interventions 520
Health teaching and health promotion 521
Case management 521
Teamwork and safety 521
Use of restraints or seclusion 521
Caring for patients in general hospital settings 524
Patients with healthy coping who are overwhelmed 524
Patients with marginal coping skills 525
Caring for patients in inpatient psychiatric settings 526
Caring for patients with cognitive deficits 527
Evaluation 528
Key points to remember 528
Critical thinking 528
Chapter review 529
Answers to chapter review 529
References 529
28 Child, older adult, and intimate partner violence 531
Objectives 531
Key terms and concepts 531
Clinical picture 531
Types of abuse 531
Epidemiology 532
Child abuse 532
Intimate partner abuse 532
Older adult abuse 532
Comorbidity 533
Etiology 533
Environmental factors 533
Perpetrator 533
Cycle of violence. 534
Vulnerable person 534
Women. 534
Children. 535
Older adults. 535
Crisis situation 535
Application of the nursing process 535
Assessment 535
General assessment 535
Interview process and setting 536
Types of abuse 537
Physical abuse 537
Sexual abuse 538
Emotional abuse 538
Neglect 538
Economic abuse 538
Level of anxiety and coping responses 538
Family coping patterns 539
Support systems 539
Suicide potential 539
Homicide potential 540
Drug and alcohol use 540
Maintaining accurate records 540
Self-assessment 540
Diagnosis 541
Outcomes identification 541
Planning 542
Implementation 543
Reporting abuse 543
Counseling 543
Case management 544
Therapeutic environment 544
Promotion of self-sare activities 544
Health teaching and health promotion 545
Prevention of abuse 546
Primary prevention 546
Secondary prevention 546
Tertiary prevention 546
Advanced practice interventions 546
Individual psychotherapy 546
Family psychotherapy 547
Group psychotherapy 547
Evaluation 547
Key points to remember 550
Critical thinking 550
Chapter review 550
Answers to chapter review 550
References 551
29 Sexual assault 552
Objectives 552
Key terms and concepts 552
Epidemiology 553
Sexual offenders and relationships with victims 553
Clinical picture 554
Psychological effects of sexual assault 555
Specialized sexual assault services 555
Application of the nursing process 555
Assessment 555
General assessment 556
Level of anxiety 556
Coping mechanisms 556
Available support systems 556
Signs and symptoms of emotional trauma 556
Signs and symptoms of physical trauma 557
Best practice guidelines. 557
Self-assessment 557
Diagnosis 557
Outcomes identification 558
Planning 558
Implementation 559
Counseling 559
Promotion of self-care activities 561
Case management 561
Advanced practice interventions 561
Psychotherapy 561
Survivors. 561
Perpetrators. 562
Evaluation 562
Conclusion 562
Key points to remember 562
Critical thinking 562
Chapter review 563
Answers to chapter review 563
References 563
VI Interventions for special populations 583.e1
30 Psychosocial needs of the older adult 565
Objectives 565
Key terms and concepts 565
Mental health issues related to aging 566
Late-life mental illness 566
Depression 566
Depression and suicide risk 566
Anxiety disorders 567
Delirium 567
Dementia 567
Alcohol abuse 568
Pain 568
Barriers to accurate pain assessment 569
Assessment tools 569
Pain management 570
Pharmacological pain treatments. 570
Nonpharmacological pain treatments. 570
Health care concerns of older adults 572
Financial burden 572
Caregiver burden 572
Ageism 572
Ageism and public policy 573
Ageism and research 573
Health care decision making 573
Advance directives 573
Living will 573
Directive to physician 573
Durable power of attorney for health care 574
Guardianship 574
The nurse’s role in decision making 574
Nursing care of older adults 574
Assessment strategies 574
Intervention strategies 578
Environmental interventions 578
Psychosocial interventions 579
Pharmacological interventions 579
Promotion of self-care activities 579
Teamwork and safety 579
Care settings 580
Skilled nursing facilities 580
Residential care settings 581
Partial hospitalization 581
Day treatment programs 581
Behavioral health home care 581
Community-based programs 581
Driving and the older adult. 581
Key points to remember 582
Critical thinking 582
Chapter review 582
Answers to chapter review 582
References 583
31 Serious mental illness 584
Objectives 584
Key terms and concepts 584
Serious mental illness across the lifespan 585
Older adults 585
Younger adults 585
Development of serious mental illness 585
Rehabilitation versus recovery: Two models of care 585
Issues confronting those with serious mental illness 586
Establishing a meaningful life 586
Comorbid conditions 586
Physical disorders 586
Depression and suicide 586
Substance abuse 586
Social problems 587
Stigma 587
Isolation and loneliness 587
Victimization 587
Economic challenges 587
Unemployment and poverty 587
Housing instability 587
Caregiver burden 587
Treatment issues 588
Nonadherence 588
Anosognosia 588
Medication side effects 588
Treatment inadequacy 588
Residual symptoms 588
Relapse, chronicity, and loss 588
Resources for persons with serious mental illness 589
Comprehensive community treatment 589
Community services and programs 589
Substance abuse treatment 590
Evidence-based treatment approaches 590
Assertive community treatment 590
Cognitive and behavioral therapy 590
Cognitive enhancement therapy 591
Family support and partnerships 591
Social skills training 591
Supportive psychotherapy 591
Vocational rehabilitation and related services 591
Other potentially beneficial services or treatment approaches 592
Advance directives 592
Consumer-run programs 592
Wellness and recovery action plans 592
Technology 592
Exercise 592
Nursing care of patients with serious mental illness 592
Assessment strategies 592
Intervention strategies 593
Evaluation 594
Current issues 594
Mandatory outpatient treatment 594
Criminal offenses and incarceration 594
Transinstitutionalization 595
Key points to remember 595
Critical thinking 596
Chapter review 596
Answers to chapter review 596
References 597
32 Forensic psychiatric nursing 598
Objectives 598
Key terms and concepts 598
Forensic nursing 598
Education 599
Forensic nurse generalist 599
Forensic nurse in advanced practice 599
Roles and functions 600
Sexual assault nurse examiner 600
Nurse coroner/death investigator 600
Forensic psychiatric nursing 600
Roles and functions of the forensic psychiatric nurse 601
Nurse psychotherapist 601
Forensic nurse examiner 601
Competency evaluator 602
Fact and expert witnesses 602
Consultant 602
Hostage negotiator 603
Criminal profiler 603
Correctional nursing 603
Key points to remember 605
Critical thinking 605
Chapter review 605
Answers to chapter review 606
References 606
VII Other intervention modalities 618.e1
33 Therapeutic groups 607
Objectives 607
Key terms and concepts 607
Therapeutic factors common to all groups 608
Planning a group 608
Phases of group development 609
Group member roles 609
Group leadership 610
Responsibilities 610
Styles of leadership 611
Clinical supervision 611
Nurse as group leader 612
Basic-level registered nurse 612
Psychoeducational groups 612
Medication education. 612
Health education. 613
Dual-diagnosis. 613
Symptom management. 613
Stress management. 614
Therapeutic community meeting groups 614
Support and self-help groups 614
Advanced practice nurse 615
Group psychotherapy 615
Psychodrama groups. 615
Dialectical behavior treatment. 615
Dealing with challenging member behaviors 615
Monopolizing member 615
Complaining member who rejects help 616
Demoralizing member 616
Silent member 616
Expected outcomes 617
Key points to remember 617
Critical thinking 617
Chapter review 617
Answers to chapter review 618
References 618
34 Family interventions 619
Objectives 619
Key terms and concepts 619
Overview of the family 620
Family functions 621
Management 621
Boundaries 621
Communication 623
Emotional support 624
Socialization 624
Overview of family therapy 624
Concepts central to family therapy 626
The “identified patient” 626
Family triangles 627
Application of the nursing process 627
Assessment 627
Assessment tools 629
Constructing a genogram 629
Other assessment tools 629
Self-assessment 630
Diagnosis 631
Outcomes identification 631
Planning 631
Implementation 631
Counseling and communication techniques 631
Pharmacological interventions 632
Advanced practice interventions 633
Evaluation 633
Case management 633
Key points to remember 634
Critical thinking 634
Chapter review 634
Answers to chapter review 634
References 635
35 Integrative care 636
Objectives 636
Key terms and concepts 636
Integrative care in the united states 637
Research 638
Consumers and integrative care 639
Safety and efficacy 639
Cost 640
Reimbursement 640
Placebo effect 640
Integrative nursing care 640
Credentials in integrative care 640
Natural products 641
Diet and nutrition 641
Herbal therapy 642
Mind and body approaches 643
Meditation 644
Yoga 644
Acupuncture 644
Deep breathing exercises 644
Guided imagery 644
Hypnotherapy 644
Manipulative practices 644
Spinal manipulation 644
Massage therapy 645
Other complementary therapies 645
Homeopathy and naturopathy 645
Aromatherapy 645
Energy therapies 646
Therapeutic touch 646
Healing touch 646
Reiki 646
Thought field therapy and emotional freedom technique 646
Bioelectromagnetic-based therapies 647
Prayer and spirituality 647
Historical notes regarding cam 647
Key points to remember 648
Critical thinking 648
Chapter review 648
Answers to chapter review 649
References 649
APPENDIX A Classification 651
Neurodevelopmental disorders (31) 651
Intellectual disabilities (33) 651
Communication disorders (41) 651
Autism spectrum disorder (50) 651
Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (59) 651
Specific learning disorder (66) 651
Motor disorders (74) 652
Tic disorders 652
Other neurodevelopment disorders (86) 652
Schizophrenia spectrum and other psychotic disorders (87) 652
Bipolar and related disorders (123) 652
Depressive disorders (155) 653
Anxiety disorders (189) 653
Obsessive-compulsive and related disorders (235) 654
Trauma- and stressor-related disorders (265) 654
Dissociative disorders (291) 654
Somatic symptom and related disorders (309) 655
Feeding and eating disorders (329) 655
Elimination disorders (355) 655
Sleep-wake disorders (361) 655
Breathing-related sleep disorders (378) 655
Parasomnias (399) 656
Sexual dysfunctions (423) 656
Gender dysphoria (451) 656
Disruptive, impulse-control, and conduct disorders (461) 657
Substance-related and addictive disorders (481) 657
Substance-related disorders (483) 657
Alcohol-related disorders (490) 657
Caffeine-related disorders (503) 657
Cannabis-related disorders (509) 657
Hallucinogen-related disorders (520) 657
Inhalant-related disorder (533) 657
Opioid-related disorders (540) 658
Sedative-, hynotic-, or anxiolytic-related disorders (550) 658
Stimulant-related disorders (561) 658
Tobacco-related disorders (571) 658
Other (or unknown) substance-related disorders (577) 659
Non-substance-related disorders (585) 659
Neurocognitive disorders (591) 659
Major and mild neurocognitive disorders (602) 659
Major or mild neurocognitive disorder due to alzheimer’s disease (611) 659
Major or mild frontotemporal neurocognitive disorder (614) 659
Major or mild neurocognitive disorder with lewy bodies (618) 659
Major or mild vascular neurocognitive disorder (621) 659
Major or mild neurocognitive disorder due to traumatic brain injury (624) 660
Substance/medication-induced major or mild neurocognitive disordera (627) 660
Major or mild neurocognitive disorder due to HIV infection (632) 660
Major or mild neurocognitive disorder due to prion disease (634) 660
Major or mild neurocognitive disorder due to parkinson’s disease (636) 660
Major or mild neurocognitive disorder due to huntington’s disease (638) 660
Major or mild neurocognitive disorder due to another medical conditiona (641) 660
Major or mild neurocognitive disorder due to multiple etiologies (642) 660
Unspecified neurocognitive disorder (643) 660
Personality disorders (645) 660
Cluster a personality disorders 660
Cluster b personality disorders 660
Cluster c personality disorders 660
Other personality disorders 661
Paraphilic disorders (685) 661
Other mental disorders (707) 661
Medication-induced movement disorders and other adverse effects of medication (709) 661
Other conditions that may be a focus of clinical attention (715) 661
Relational problems (715) 661
Problems related to family upbringing (715) 661
Other problems related to primary support group (716) 661
Abuse and neglect (717) 661
Child maltreatment and neglect problems (717) 661
Adult maltreatment and neglect problems (720) 662
Educational and occupational problems (723) 663
Educational problems (723) 663
Occupational problems (723) 663
Housing and economic problems (723) 663
Housing problems (723) 663
Economic problems (724) 663
Other problems related to the social environment (724) 663
Problems related to crime or interaction with the legal system (725) 663
Other health service encounters for counseling and medical advice (725) 664
Problems related to other psychosocial, personal, and environmental circumstances (725) 664
Other circumstances of personal history (726) 664
Problems related to access to medical and other health care (726) 664
Nonadherence to medical treatment (726) 664
APPENDIX B NANDA-I Nursing Diagnoses 2012 2014 665
APPENDIX C Historical evolution of psychiatric mental health nursing 668
Glossary 672
Index 683
A 683
B 685
C 686
D 689
E 690
F 691
G 692
H 693
I 693
J 695
K 695
L 695
M 695
N 697
O 698
P 698
Q 700
R 701
S 701
T 705
U 706
V 706
W 706
Y 706
Z 706