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SD - Infectious Diseases of the Fetus and Newborn E-Book

SD - Infectious Diseases of the Fetus and Newborn E-Book

Christopher B. Wilson | Victor Nizet | Jack S. Remington | Jerome O. Klein | Yvonne Maldonado


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Book Details


Infectious Diseases of the Fetus and Newborn Infant, written and edited by Drs. Remington, Klein, Wilson, Nizet, and Maldonado, remains the definitive source of information in this field. The 7th edition of this authoritative reference provides the most up-to-date and complete guidance on infections found in utero, during delivery, and in the neonatal period in both premature and term infants. Special attention is given to the prevention and treatment of these diseases found in developing countries as well as the latest findings about new antimicrobial agents, gram-negative infections and their management, and recommendations for immunization of the fetus/mother. Nationally and internationally recognized in immunology and infectious diseases, new associate editors Nizet and Maldonado bring new insight and fresh perspective to the book.

  • Get the latest information on maternal infections when they are pertinent to the infant or developing fetus, including disease transmission through breastfeeding
  • Diagnose, prevent, and treat neonatal infectious diseases with expert guidance from the world's leading authorities and evidence-based recommendations.
  • Incorporate the latest findings about infections found in utero, during delivery, and in the neonatal period.

Find the critical answers you need quickly and easily thanks to a consistent, highly user-friendly format

  • Get fresh perspectives from two new associate editors—Drs. Yvonne Maldonado, head of the Pediatric Infectious Disease program at Stanford, and Victor Nizet, Professor of Pediatrics & Pharmacy at University of California, San Diego and UCSD School of Medicine.
  • Keep up with the most relevant topics in fetal/neonatal infectious disease including new antimicrobial agents, gram- negative infections and their management, and recommendations for immunization of the fetus/mother.
  • Overcome the clinical challenges in developing countries where access to proper medical care is limited.
  • Apply the latest recommendations for H1N1 virus and vaccines.

Identify and treat infections with the latest evidence-based information on fighting life-threatening diseases in the fetus and newborn infants.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front Cover Cover
Infections Diseases of the Fetus and Newborn Infant iii
Copyright iv
Dedication v
List of Contributors vii
Preface xi
Contents xiii
Section I: General Information 1
Chapter 1: Current Concepts of Infections of the Fetus and Newborn Infant 2
Overview 2
Infections of the Fetus 3
Infections Acquired By the Newborn Infant During Birth 15
Infections of the Newborn Infant in the First Month of Life 19
References 21
Chapter 2: Neonatal Infections: a Global Perspective 24
Global Burden of Neonatal Infections 24
Neonatal Infections 29
Indirect Causes of Neonatal Death Related to Infection 39
Strategies to Prevent and Treat Infection in Neonates 39
Conclusion 45
Acknowledgments 45
References 45
Chapter 3: Obstetric Factors Associated with Infections of the Fetus and Newborn Infant 51
Intra-Amniotic Infection 52
Infection as a Cause of Preterm Birth 59
Premature Rupture Of Membranes 64
References 74
Chapter 4: Developmental Immunology and Role of Host Defenses in Fetal and Neonatal Susceptibility to Infection... 80
Epithelial Barriers 83
Complement and Other Humoral Mediators of Innate Immunity 85
Phagocytes 88
Neutrophils 89
Eosinophils 93
Mononuclear Phagocytes 93
Dendritic Cells-The Link Between Innate and Adaptive Immunity 101
Natural Killer Cells 103
T Cells and Antigen Presentation 107
B Cells and Immunoglobulin 141
Host Defense Against Specific Classes of Neonatal Pathogens 159
References 172
Chapter 5: Human Milk 191
Physiology of Lactation 192
Resistance to Infection 198
Benefits and Risks of Human Milk 207
Current Trends in Breast-Feeding 213
Summary and Conclusions 213
References 215
Section II: Bacterial Infections 221
Chapter 6: Bacterial Sepsis and Meningitis 222
Bacteriology 223
Epidemiology 235
Pathogenesis 239
Pathology 243
Clinical Manifestations 243
Diagnosis 248
Management 255
Prognosis 260
Prevention 261
Sepsis in the Newborn Recently Discharged From the Hospital 263
Acknowledgments 264
References 264
Chapter 7: Bacterial Infections of The Respiratory Tract 276
Infections of the Oral Cavity and Nasopharynx 276
Otitis Media 280
Mastoiditis 285
Pneumonia 285
References 293
Chapter 8: Bacterial Infections of the Bones and Joints 296
Osteomyelitis 296
Primary Septic Arthritis 305
Osteomyelitis of the Mazilla 306
References 307
Chapter 9: Bacterial Infections of the Urinary Tract 310
Epidemiology 311
Microbiology 311
Pathogenesis 311
Pathology 315
Clinical Manifestations 315
Diagnosis 316
Management and Prevention 319
Prognosis 319
References 320
Chapter 10: Focal Bacterial Infections 322
Infections of the Liver 322
Splenic Abscess 325
Infections of the Biliary Tract 325
Infections of the Adrenal Glands 326
Appendicitis 327
Peritonitis 329
Necrotizing Enterocolitis 333
Endocarditis 338
Pericarditis 340
Mediastinitis 341
Esophagitis 342
Infections of Endocrine Organs 342
Infections of the Salivary Glands 342
Infections of the Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue 342
Conjunctivitis and Other Eye Infections 349
References 350
Chapter 11: Microorganisms Responsible For Neonatal Diarrhea 359
Enteric Host Defense Mechanisms 359
Protective Factors in Human Milk 360
Bacterial Pathogens 361
Other Bacterial Agents And Fungi 393
Parasites 394
Viruses 395
Differential Diagnosis 399
References 400
Chapter 12: Group B Streptococcal Infections 419
Organism 419
Epidemiology and Transmission 424
Immunology and Pathogenesis 429
Pathology 439
Clinical Manifestations And Outcome 440
Diagnosis 447
Treatment 448
Prognosis 451
Prevention 452
References 458
Chapter 13: Listeriosis 470
Organism 470
Epidemiology and Transmission 472
Pathogenesis 473
Pathology 477
Clinical Manifestations 478
Diagnosis 481
Prognosis 481
Therapy 482
Prevention and Outbreak Management 483
References 484
Chapter 14: Staphylococcal Infections 489
Epidemiology and Transmission 489
Microbiology 491
Pathogenesis of Disease 492
Pathology 497
Clinical Manifestations 497
Diagnosis 505
Antibiotic Treatment 506
Prevention 509
Conclusion 510
Acknowledgments 510
References 510
Chapter 15: Gonococcal Infections 516
Epidemiology and Transmission 516
Microbiology 518
Pathogenesis 518
Pathology 519
Clinical Manifestations 519
Diagnosis 519
Differential Diagnosis 520
Treatment 520
Prognosis 521
Prevention 521
References 522
Chapter 16: Syphilis 524
Organism 525
Transmission 526
Epidemiology 527
Pathogenesis 529
Pathology 532
Clinical Manifestations 534
Diagnosis 542
Differential Diagnosis 548
Therapy 550
Prevention 554
Acknowledgment 557
References 557
Chapter 17: Borrelia Infections: Lyme Disease And Relapsing Fever 564
Lyme Disease 564
Relapsing Fever 574
References 575
Chapter 18: Tuberculosis 577
Terminology 577
Mycobacteriology 578
Epidemiology 579
Tuberculosis in Pregnancy 580
Congenital Tuberculosis 583
Treatment of Tuberculosis 586
Vaccination Against Tuberculosis-Bacille Calmette-Guérin 591
Management of a Neonate Born to a Mother With a Positive Tuberculin Skin Test 593
Management of Neonates After Postnatal Exposure 594
Conclusion 595
References 595
Chapter 19: Chlamydia Infections 600
Epidemiology and Transmission 601
Microbiology 601
Pathogenesis 602
Pathology 603
Clinical Manifestations 603
Diagnosis 604
Differential Diagnosis 604
Prognosis 605
Therapy 605
Prevention 605
References 606
Chapter 20: Mycoplasmal Infections 607
Ureaplasma and Mycoplasma Hominis: Colonization and Diseases of the Urinary and Reproductive Tracts in Adults 607
Chorioamnionitis, Clinical Amnionitis, and Maternal Septicemia 608
Adverse Pregnancy Outcome 610
Transmission of Ureaplasma and Mycoplasma Hominis to the Fetus and Newborn 611
Perinatal Ureaplasma and Mycoplasma Hominis Infection 611
Other Mycoplasmas 615
Diagnosis 616
Treatment of Neonatal Infections 617
References 617
Section III: Viral Infections 621
Chapter 21: Human Immunodeficiency Virus/Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome in the Infant 622
Epidemiology 623
Transmission 623
Molecular Biology 625
Pathogenesis of Early Infant Infection 626
Diagnosis 627
Classification of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection in Children 628
Clinical Manifestations And Pathology 632
Morbidity, Mortality, And Prognosis 637
Prevention 638
Treatment 646
Future Goals 651
References 651
Chapter 22: Chickenpox, Measles, and Mumps 661
Chickenpox and Zoster 661
Measles 685
Mumps 695
References 699
Chapter 23: Cytomegalovirus 706
Virus 707
Epidemiology 711
Pathogenesis 719
Pathology 728
Clinical Manifestations 730
Diagnosis 737
Differential Diagnosis 742
Treatment 743
Prevention 744
References 746
Chapter 24: Enterovirus and Parechovirus Infections 756
Viruses 757
Epidemiology and Transmission 761
Pathogenesis 765
Pathology 768
Clinical Manifestations 769
Diagnosis and Differential Diagnosis 787
Prognosis 789
Therapy 790
Prevention 791
References 792
Chapter 25: Hepatitis 800
Hepatitis a Virus 800
Hepatitis B Virus and Hepatitis D Virus 803
Hepatitis C Virus 806
Hepatitis E Virus 807
Other Hepatotropic Viruses 809
Conclusion 811
References 811
Chapter 26: Herpes Simplex Virus Infections 813
Herpes Simplex Virus 814
Epidemiology and Transmission 815
Immunologic Response 819
Neonatal Infecton 820
Diagnosis 824
Treatment 826
Prevention 829
Conclusion 831
Acknowledgments 831
References 831
Chapter 27: Human Parvovirus 834
Microbiology 835
General Aspects of Pathogenesis 836
Epidemiology and Transmission 837
Clinical Manifestations (Other than Intrauterine Infection) 841
General Aspects of Diagnosis 844
Epidemiology of Parvovirus B19 Infections and Risk of Acquisition in Pregnant Women 845
Clinical Manifestations of Parvovirus B19 Infections In Pregnant Women 846
Intrauterine Transmission Rates, Clinical Manifestations, and Fetal Outcomes 847
Pathogenesis of Infection In The Fetus 850
Pathology in the Fetus 850
Diagnostic Evaluation and Management of the Woman And Fetus Exposed to or Infected By Parvovirus B19 During Pregnancy... 852
Differential Diagnosis 854
Prognosis 854
Prevention 855
References 855
Chapter 28: Rubella 861
Virus 862
Epidemiology 865
Transmission in Utero 867
Natural History 869
Pathogenesis 874
Pathology 875
Clinical Manifestations 876
Laboratory Diagnosis 881
Management Issues 884
Prevention of Congenital Rubella 886
References 890
Chapter 29: Smallpox and Vaccinia 899
Epidemiology and Transmission 899
Microbiology 900
Pathogenesis, Pathology, And Prognosis 900
Clinical Manifestations 901
Diagnosis 903
Differential Diagnosis 903
Treatment 903
Prevention 904
References 904
Chapter 30: Less Common Viral Infections 905
Human Papillomavirus 905
Epstein-Barr Virus 906
Human Herpesvirus 6 907
Human Herpesvirus 7 908
Influenza a and B 908
Respiratory Syncytial Virus 910
Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis Virus 911
Molluscum Contagiosum 913
Rabies Virus 913
West Nile Virus 913
References 914
Section IV: Protozoan, Helminth, and Fungal Infections 917
Chapter 31: Toxoplasmosis 918
The Organism 918
Differential Diagnosis 993
Prevention 1017
Resources 1028
Acknowledgments 1028
References 1028
Chapter 32: Less Common Protozoan And Helminth Infections 1042
Ascaris 1042
Giardiasis 1043
American Trypanosomiasis: Chagas Disease 1043
African Trypanosomiasis: African Sleeping Sickness 1045
Entamoeba Histolytica 1045
Malaria 1046
Schistosomiasis 1052
Trichomonas Vaginalis 1052
Trichinosis 1052
Babesiosis 1052
Pneumocystis Jiroveci 1052
References 1052
Chapter 33: Candidiasis 1055
Introduction 1055
Epidemiology and Transmission 1055
Microbiology 1056
Pathogenesis 1058
Pathology 1060
Clinical Manifestations 1060
Candidemia and Disseminated Candidiasis 1063
Diagnosis 1065
Treatment 1067
Prevention 1072
References 1073
Chapter 34: Pneumocystis and Other Less Common Fungal Infections 1078
Pneumocystis Jiroveci (Formerly Known as Pneumocystis Carinii) Infection 1079
Aspergillosis 1095
Blastomycosis 1098
Coccidioidomycosis 1099
Cryptococcosis 1103
Malassezia Infections 1105
Phycomycosis 1107
Dermatophytoses 1109
Antifungal Therapy in Neonates and Young Infants 1112
References 1114
Section V: Diagnosis and Management 1125
Chapter 35: Healthcare-Associated Infections In the Nursery 1126
Special Issues for Neonates 1126
Epidemiology 1127
Etiologic Agents 1128
Device-Related Infections 1132
Preventing Transmission Of Health Care-Associated Infections 1135
Other Related Issues 1138
References 1140
Chapter 36: Laboratory Aids for Diagnosis of Neonatal Sepsis 1144
Diagnostic Utility Of Laboratory Tests 1144
In Search of the Ideal Laboratory Test 1145
Complete Blood Counts and White Blood Cell Ratios 1146
Acute Phase Reactants 1149
Additional Laboratory Studies 1152
Perspectives and Conclusions 1156
References 1156
Chapter 37: Clinical Pharmacology of Ani-Infective Drugs 1160
Introduction 1160
Basic Principles of Clinical Pharmacology 1161
Placental Transport Of Antibiotics 1165
Excretion of Antibiotics in Human Milk 1166
Antistaphylococcal Treatment 1171
Aminoglycosides 1177
Broad-Acting Agents With Activity Against Pseudamonas 1188
Antiviral Medications 1194
Antifungal Medications 1195
References 1202
Chapter 38: Prevention of Fetal and Early Life Infections Through Maternal-Neonatal Immunization 1212
Overall Principles 1212
References 1228
Index 1231