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Sclerotherapy E-Book

Sclerotherapy E-Book

Mitchel P. Goldman | Robert A Weiss


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Sclerotherapy: Treatment of Varicose and Telangiectatic Leg Veins, by Drs. Mitchel P. Goldman, Jean-Jerome Guex, and Robert A Weiss, equips you to implement the latest cosmetic procedures for the treatment of varicose and telangiectatic leg veins. Completely revised with contributions from U.S.-based and international authorities, this classic reference is packed with everything you need to know about sclerotherapy, and provides extensive discussions of the latest techniques, solutions, and possible complications. Case studies and detailed color illustrations offer practical, step-by-step visual guidance as well as expert hints and tips for implementing the latest cosmetic procedures into your practice including foam sclerotherapy, endovenous radiofrequency (RF) and laser closure, ambulatory phlebectomy and laser treatment of spider telangiectasia. You can also access the full content and videos online at

  • Optimize outcomes and improve your surgical, injection and laser techniques with comprehensive, visual guidance about common pitfalls and "tricks of the trade" from practically minded, technically skilled, hands-on experts.
  • Implement the latest approaches with completely updated chapters reflecting the most recent advances in sclerotherapy and surgical treatment of varicose and telangiectatic leg veins.
  • See how to perform a variety of key procedures demonstrating endovenous radiofrequency closure, CoolTouch endovenous ablation, cross polarization visualization, PPG digital measuring, sclerotherapy of the lateral venous system showing reflux, foam sclerotherapy, telangiectatic matting, ambulatory phlebectomy, and draining of intravascular coagulum.
  • Apply the best practices and global perspectives from a newly reorganized team of U.S.-based and international authors and contributors.
  • Access the complete contents from any computer at, complete with the full text and entire image bank.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front Cover cover
Half title page i
Sclerotherapy Expert Consult - Online and Print iii
Copyright Page iv
Table Of Contents v
Preface vi
Dedication vii
Acknowledgments viii
1 Anatomy 1
Introduction 1
Nomenclature 1
General Considerations 2
Deep Venous System 3
Anatomy of the Superficial Veins 4
Great saphenous vein 4
Small saphenous vein 4
Other superficial veins and collateral veins 5
Duplex ultrasound anatomy 5
Duplex Ultrasound Markers for Vein Identification 8
The ‘eye’ sign 8
The ‘alignment’ sign 8
The tibia-gastrocnemius angle sign 8
The small saphenous compartment sign 10
Relationship between saphenous veins and collaterals 10
Great Saphenous Vein 11
Saphenofemoral junction 11
Arrangement of the GSV and its subcutaneous collaterals in the thigh 12
Arrangement of the GSV and its subcutaneous collaterals at the knee 13
T vein 14
The anterior accessory saphenous vein 14
Small Saphenous Vein 14
Saphenopopliteal junction 15
Thigh extension of the SSV 15
Arrangement of the SSV and its collaterals 16
Foot Veins 16
Perforating veins 17
Venous valvular system 18
Nerves of the Leg of Phlebologic Interest 18
Histology 19
Vein walls 19
Venous valves 20
Vein wall variation 20
Venules 21
Telangiectasias 21
Innervation 21
References 22
2 Adverse Sequelae and Complications of Venous Hypertension 25
Pathogenesis 25
Molecular Mechanisms 25
Inflammation and Skin Changes 27
Classification of Venous Disease 28
Incidence 29
Symptoms 30
Signs 31
Edema 31
Pigmentation 32
Venous (stasis) dermatitis 33
Atrophie blanche 34
Ulceration 35
Malignant degeneration 36
Secondary complications of venous hypertension–stasis 37
Hemorrhage 38
Superficial thrombophlebitis 39
Deep venous thrombosis 39
Classification 40
References 43
3 Pathophysiology of Varicose Veins 49
Histochemical Physiology of Varicose Veins 49
Pathophysiology 51
Increased Deep Venous Pressure 53
Proximal origin 53
Pelvic obstruction 53
Increased intra-abdominal pressure 54
Saphenofemoral incompetence 54
Distal origin 55
Valvular incompetence 55
Venous obstruction 56
Arteriovenous anastomosis 56
Primary valvular incompetence 58
Secondary valvular incompetence 58
Effects of pregnancy 59
Menstrual Cycle Effects 62
Constitutive Elements and Progression of Varicose Veins 62
Heredity 63
Aging 64
References 65
4 Pathophysiology of Telangiectasias 71
Classification 71
Patterns 71
Pathogenesis 71
Incidence 71
Pathophysiology 72
Genetic/congenital factors 72
Nevus flammeus 72
Klippel–Trénaunay syndrome 73
Nevus araneus 76
Angioma serpiginosum 76
Bockenheimer’s syndrome (diffuse genuine phlebectasia) 77
Maffucci’s syndrome 78
Congenital poikiloderma 78
Essential progressive telangiectasia 78
Cutis marmorata telangiectatica congenita 78
Diffuse neonatal hemangiomatosis 78
Acquired disease with a secondary cutaneous component 79
Component of a primary cutaneous disease 79
Varicose veins 79
Keratosis lichenoides chronica 80
Other acquired primary cutaneous diseases 80
Hormonal factors 80
Pregnancy and estrogen therapy 80
Malignancy 81
Topical corticosteroid preparations 81
Physical factors 82
Actinic neovascularization and vascular dilation 82
Trauma 82
Contusion 82
Surgical Incisions or Lacerations 82
Infection 83
Generalized Essential Telangiectasia 83
Progressive Ascending Telangiectasia 83
Human Immunodeficiency Virus 83
Radiodermatitis 83
Erythema ab igne 83
References 84
5 Noninvasive Examination of the Patient Before Sclerotherapy 88
Medical History 88
CEAP classification 88
Diagnostic approach 90
Prior treatment 90
Symptoms 90
Complications of varicose vein disease 91
Purpose of Venous Evaluation 91
Physical Examination 91
Clinical testing 92
Trendelenburg test 92
Cough test 92
Percussion/Schwartz test 92
Brodie-Trendelenburg test 93
Bracey Variation 93
Perthes’ test 93
Noninvasive Diagnostic Techniques 95
Doppler ultrasound 95
Characteristics of Doppler waveform 96
Doppler examination technique 98
Femoral Vein 98
Differentiation of femoral from saphenous veins. 99
Popliteal Vein 99
Posterior Tibial Vein 99
Superficial Veins 100
Perforating Veins 100
Post-treatment evaluation 100
Duplex ultrasound scanning 100
Aid to sclerotherapy 101
Post-treatment evaluation 103
Photoplethysmography 104
Light reflection rheography 106
Air plethysmography 107
Foot volumetry 108
Use of Noninvasive Techniques 109
Examination of deep veins 110
Examination of saphenous vein trunks 111
Examination of tributaries of the saphenous trunks 112
Examination of perforating veins 113
Differentiation of the relative contribution of deep and superficial reflux 114
Evaluation of the origin of recurrences after ligation and stripping 115
Evaluation of vulvar varices 115
Invasive Diagnostic Techniques 115
Venography 115
Ascending venography 116
Descending venography 116
Intraosseus venography 116
Varicography 117
Thermography 117
Future Evaluation Techniques 118
Near infrared imaging 118
References 118
6 Use of Compression Therapy 123
Historical Development 123
Mechanism of Action 123
Edema 123
Lymph drainage 123
Venous system 124
Microcirculation 125
Arterial flow 125
Basic Principles of Compression 126
Terminology 126
Compression pressure and Laplace’s law 126
Practical consequences of Laplace’s law 127
Measurement of compression pressure 127
Laboratory measurements of compression stockings 127
Measurements of interface pressure on the leg 128
Resting and working pressure 129
Measurement of stiffness 129
Compression Material 130
Compression bandages 130
Standards for compression bandages 130
Inelastic and short-stretch bandages 131
Elastic, long-stretch bandages 133
Multilayer bandages 133
Training in the application of bandages 134
Compression bandages or compression stockings? 135
Compression stockings 136
Characteristics of medical graduated compression stockings 137
Ready-made stockings 137
Custom-made stockings 137
Prescription of a stocking 138
Stocking lengths 138
Pressure gradient 138
Proper fit and position 139
Donning medical compression stockings 139
Patient compliance 139
Care of the medical compression stocking 141
Dangers, Complications and Contraindications 141
Clinical Indications for Compression Therapy 142
The use of compression alone in preventing varicose and telangiectatic leg veins 142
Rationale for the use of compression in varicose vein sclerotherapy 142
How much pressure is necessary for varicose veins? 143
Local pads and rolls 143
How long should compression be maintained? 144
Sclerotherapy of small veins 144
Rationale for the use of compression in the treatment of telangiectasias 144
How much pressure is necessary to compress telangiectasias? 145
How long should compression be maintained after sclerotherapy of small veins? 147
Compression therapy after venous surgery and endovenous catheter procedures 147
Pregnancy 147
Edema due to sitting and standing, occupational edema 148
Prevention of deep vein thrombosis and post-thrombotic syndrome 149
Treatment of superficial phlebitis, deep vein thrombosis, and post-thrombotic syndrome 149
Venous ulcers 149
Lymphedema 150
Other indications 150
References 150
7 Mechanism of Action of Sclerotherapy 156
General Mechanism for Producing Endothelial Damage 156
Categories of Sclerosing Solutions 157
Detergent solutions 158
Osmotic solutions 159
Chemical solutions 159
Factors Predisposing to Thrombosis 159
Factors Predisposing to Endofibrosis 160
Experimental Evaluation of Sclerosing Solutions 160
Sodium tetradecyl sulfate 161
Sodium morrhuate 161
Ethanolamine oleate 162
Polidocanol 162
Polidocanol: liquid versus foam 162
Hypertonic saline 163
Hypertonic glucose/saline 163
Chromated glycerin and 72% glycerin 163
Polyiodinated iodine 164
Comparative efficacy in the animal model 164
Comparative efficacy in the human model 164
Clinical Use of Sclerosing Agents 165
Osmotic agents 166
Hypertonic saline 166
Advantages 166
Disadvantages 166
Modification of the Solution and the Technique 166
Hypertonic glucose–saline 167
Advantages 167
Disadvantages 167
Sodium salicylate 167
Chemical irritants 167
Chromated glycerin/glycerin 167
Advantages 168
Disadvantages 168
Ethanol 168
Detergent sclerosing solutions 168
Sodium morrhuate 168
Ethanolamine oleate 169
8 Complications and Adverse Sequelae of Sclerotherapy 180
Adverse Sequelae 180
Postsclerotherapy hyperpigmentation 180
Etiologic factors 180
Solution Type and Concentration 182
Technique 182
Gravitational and Other Intravascular Pressures 183
Vessel Diameter 183
Predisposition to Pigmentation 183
Postsclerotherapy Coagula 184
Duration 185
Prevention and minimization 185
Treatment 186
Temporary swelling 188
Etiologic factors 188
Prevention and treatment 188
Telangiectatic matting 188
Etiologic factors 189
Angiogenesis 190
Prevention and treatment 191
Pain 191
Prevention 191
Type and Size of Needle 192
Technique 192
Type of Sclerosing Solution 192
Localized urticaria 192
Treatment 193
Tape compression blister 193
Prevention 194
9 Clinical Methods for Sclerotherapy of Varicose Veins 238
Historical Review of Techniques 238
Tournay (French) technique 238
Sigg (Swiss) technique 238
Fegan technique 239
Treatment of reflux from the saphenofemoral junction 239
Injection Technique 240
Patient position 240
Standing 240
Standing and reclining 241
Leg elevation (Fegan) 242
Two-phase (Sigg) technique 242
Reclining 243
Foam sclerotherapy 243
Foam stability 244
Side effects 247
Our technique for the treatment of reticular and telangiectatic leg veins 248
Other applications of foam sclerotherapy 248
Ulcers 248
Venous Malformations 248
Combination therapy 248
Contraindications 249
Patent Foramen Ovale 249
Thromboembolism and Thrombophilia 249
Migraine 249
Other injection techniques 249
Air bolus 249
Use of a tourniquet 249
Ultrasound-guided injection 249
Doppler-guided injection 251
Endoscopic injection 251
Intravascular ultrasound-controlled injection 251
Transcatheter duplex ultrasound-guided sclerotherapy 253
VeinRx infusion catheter 253
Device Preparation 254
Delivery of Sclerosant 255
Treatment of specific problems 255
Treatment of large-diameter great saphenous veins 255
Treatment of vulvar varicosities 255
Treatment of venous malformations (liquid sclerosant) 255
Treatment of other venous conditions 255
Treatment of recurrences 255
Does the Menstrual Cycle Influence Sclerotherapy? 256
Recommended Sclerosing Solution Amounts and Concentrations for Non-Foam Sclerotherapy 256
Postsclerotherapy Compression 258
Contraindications to Treatment 258
Pregnancy 258
Inability to ambulate 259
History of thrombophlebitis and deep vein thrombosis 259
Allergic reaction 259
Patients taking disulfiram 259
Patients taking tamoxifen 259
Patients taking hormones 259
Other contraindications 259
Warm Weather 259
Travel 259
Age 260
Case Histories 260
Case Study 1 Incompetent perforator veins treated with Fegan’s technique 260
Case Study 2 Incompetent perforator vein at the midcalf treated with modified Fegan technique 260
Case Study 3 Reticular varicosities without perforator vein reflux treated with total-vein sclerotherapy (Sigg’s technique) 263
Case Study 4 Posterior thigh varicose GSV tributary associated with an incompetent SFJ treated with sclerotherapy alone using the air-bolus technique 264
Case Study 5 Incompetent GSV varicose tributaries treated with total-vein sclerotherapy alone 265
Case Study 6 Incompetent perforator vein underlying ankle ulceration 266
Case Study 7 Sclerotherapy of vulvar varicosities 267
Case Study 8 Large varicose vein from incompetent perforator veins 268
Case Study 9 Extensive varicosities of GSV and GSV tributaries 268
Case Study 10 Development of SFJ incompetence after initial successful treatment of varicose GSV and tributaries 269
Case Study 11 Symptomatic clinically inapparent varicose vein treated with duplex-controlled sclerotherapy 270
Case Study 12 Treatment of dorsal hand veins 271
Case Study 13 Duplex-guided injection 272
Case Study 14 VeinRx catheter foam sclerotherapy of the GSV 272
Case Study 15 Varicose veins and venous ulcers treated with sclerosant microfoam 274
Case Study 16 Microfoam sclerotherapy in Klippel-Trenaunay Syndrome (KTS) and a patent foramen ovale (PFO) 274
References 275
Chapter 9: Appendix 280
Schematic principal types of varicose networks, schematic treatments 280
10 Role of Surgery in the Treatment of Varicose Veins 282
Background 282
Basis and Aim of Surgery 282
The Different Surgical Procedures 282
Surgery without saphenous trunk preservation 282
Principle and Controversies 282
Technical Information 283
Conventional surgery variants 283
Saphenous Trunk Stripping with Preservation of Saphenofemoral Confluence, with or without Incompetent Tributary Phlebectomy and/or Incompetent Perforator Interruption 283
Cryostripping 283
Surgery with saphenous trunk preservation 284
Isolated flush ligation or limited resection 284
SFJ and/or SPJ ligation plus incompetent tributary phlebectomy with or without incompetent perforator interruption 284
SFJ wrapping or valvuloplasty plus incompetent tributary phlebectomy with or without incompetent perforator interruption 284
SFJ Wrapping 285
Valvuloplasty or Valve Repair 285
Ambulatory phlebectomy 285
Varices phlebectomy 285
CHIVA method 285
Investigations to be Done Before VV Surgery 286
Patient’s Information 286
Anesthesia and Hospitalization 287
Anesthesia 287
Hospitalization 287
Postoperative Care and Convalescence 288
Drug treatment 288
Postoperative elastic compression 288
Recovery and convalescence 290
Surgical Complications 290
Perioperative complications 290
Postoperative complications 290
Hematoma 290
Local infectious complications 290
Lymphatic complications 290
Neurologic complications 290
Venous thromboembolic complications 290
Cosmetic complications 290
Redo Surgery 290
Post Surgical Follow-up 290
Results from Surgery 291
Surgery without preservation of the saphenous trunk 291
Conventional surgery 291
Natural Evolution of the Disease Versus Conventional Surgery 291
Conservative Treatment Versus Conventional Surgery 291
Outcome of conventional surgery in observational studies 291
RCTs on Conventional Surgery Versus Other Operative Treatment 291
Classical surgery variants 291
Saphenous trunk stripping with preservation of the saphenofemoral confluence +/- incompetent tributaries phlebectomy +/- incompetent perforator interruption 291
Cryostripping 291
Surgery with saphenous trunk preservation 291
Isolated flush ligation or limited resection of the SFJ and/or SPJ 291
SFJ and/or SPJ ligation plus incompetent tributaries phlebectomy with or without incompetent perforator interruption 291
SFJ wrapping or valvuloplasty plus incompetent tributaries phlebectomy with or without incompetent perforator interruption 292
Ambulatory phlebectomy 292
Hook phlebectomy or powered phlebectomy 292
Varices phlebectomy with conservation of the refluxing saphenous trunk 294
CHIVA method 294
Indications for Surgery 295
Indications according to etiology 295
Indications according to the clinical presentation 296
Pregnancy 296
Association of VV with another disease 296
Obesity 296
Peripheral Arterial Occlusive Disease and Coronary Disease 296
Lymphedema 296
Indications according to the CEAP class 296
Indications according to anatomic and physiopathologic anomaly 296
Reflux at the SFJ and/or at the SPJ 296
Competent saphenous trunk 296
Combination of primary deep reflux and primary varices 296
Combination of primary deep obstruction and primary varices 297
Incompetent perforator and varices 297
Conclusions 297
References 297
Chapter 10: Appendix 300
Information for the patient 300
11 Intravascular Approaches to the Treatment of Varicose Veins: 301
Radiofrequency Closure 301
ClosureFAST 304
Technique for closure with ambulatory phlebectomy 304
Endoluminal Laser 305
810-nm Diode laser 306
940-nm Diode laser 307
980-nm Diode laser 307
1064-nm Nd:YAG laser 307
1320-nm Nd:YAG laser 307
1470-nm Diode laser 308
1500-nm Diode laser 308
Endovenous laser treatment of the small saphenous vein 309
Endovenous laser therapy for stasis ulcers 309
Technique for endoluminal laser ablation using a standard sharp fiberoptic 309
Conclusions 310
References 311
12 Clinical Methods for Sclerotherapy of Telangiectasias 315
Historical Review of Techniques 315
Indication 315
Injection Technique 315
Preinjection procedure 315
Preparation and visualization of the vessels 317
Equipment 319
Needle and syringe 319
Table and lighting 319
Skin tension 319
Depth of injection 320
Air-bolus (block) or foam technique 320
Foam injection 321
Quantity of sclerosing solution per injection site 321
Concentration and strength of sclerosing solutions 322
Pressure of injection 323
Post-Treatment Techniques 323
Post-treatment compression 323
Microthrombectomy 324
Repeat Treatment Sessions 324
Poor Results of Microsclerotherapy: How to Analyze the Reasons 324
Sclerotherapy Treatment of Facial Telangiectasia 324
Sclerotherapy Treatment of Essential Telangiectasia 325
Conclusion 325
Case Study 1 Traumatic telangiectatic patch 325
Case Study 2 Unassociated telangiectasia 326
Case Study 3 Reticular vein unassociated with the saphenous system 326
Case Study 4 Mixed reticular and telangiectatic veins 326
Case Study 5 Extensive reticular and telangiectatic veins 327
Case Study 6 Treatment of cherry hemangiomas 327
Case Study 7 Lateral subdermal plexis 327
Case Study 8 Long-term follow-up of sclerotherapy treatment of telangiectasia 329
Case Study 9 Long-term follow-up of sclerotherapy treatment of telangiectasia 329
Case Study 10 Treatment of telangiectasia and resulting telangiectatic matting 329
Case Study 11 Treatment of facial telangiectasia 330
Case Study 12 Treatment of facial telangiectasia 330
Case Study 13 Facial telangiectasias and venous malformation 332
Case Study 14 Sclerotherapy of telangiectasias on venous malformation 332
Case Study 15 Treatment of reticular chest veins 333
References 334
13 Treatment of Leg Telangiectasias with Laser and High-Intensity Pulsed Light 336
Histology of Leg Telangiectasia 338
Laser Treatment of Leg Telangiectasia 338
Carbon dioxide laser 338
Argon laser 338
Contact probe delivery 342
Krypton triphosphate and frequency-doubled Nd:YAG (532 nm) 342
Copper bromide 578 nm 344
Flashlamp-pulsed dye laser, 585 or 595 nm 344
Long-pulse flashlamp-pumped pulsed dye laser 346
Long-pulse alexandrite (755 nm) 351
Diode lasers 352
Fiber-guided laser coagulation 353
High-Intensity Pulsed Light 353
ND:YAG Laser, 1064 nm 357
Vasculite 359
CoolTouch varia 359
CoolGlide 360
Lyra 360
Quantel medical multipulse mode 361
SmartEpil lS 361
Evaluation of Combined Laser–Sclerotherapy Treatment of Leg Telangiectasia 361
Conclusions 364
References 365
14 Venoactive Drugs 369
Introduction 369
Classification of VAD 369
Benzopyrones 369
Alpha-benzopyrones 369
Gamma-benzopyrones (flavonoids) 369
Diosmin and Micronized Purified Flavonoid Fraction 370
Rutosides and Oxerutin 371
Saponins 371
Escin 371
Ruscus 371
Other plant extracts 371
Phytotherapy 371
Nutritional supplement 371
Other preparations used in the past 371
Synthetic drugs 371
Calcium dobesilate 371
Benzarone 371
Naftazone 371
Tribenoside 371
Principal Mode of Action of VAD 372
Administration, Dosage, Limits 372
Duration of treatment 372
Premenstrual syndrome 372
Pregnancy and lactation 372
Topical application 372
Adverse effects 372
Scientifically Recognized Indications 373
Main indications of VAD 373
Leg ulcer 373
Other indications 373
Combination with compression 373
Results 373
Demonstrated therapeutic effect 373
Guidelines 373
Conclusions 373
References 374
15 Setting Up a Sclerotherapy Practice 378
Providers 378
Facility 379
Equipment 379
Ultrasound devices 379
Needles 379
Syringes 380
Sclerosing solutions 380
Binocular loupes 380
Magnifying glasses 382
Headband-mounted simple binocular magnifiers 382
Simple binocular loupes 382
Multilens binocular magnifiers 383
Polarizing magnification 384
Transillumination 385
Endovenous ablation systems 385
Phlebectomy instruments 386
Foam pads 386
Tape dressings 386
Graduated compression stockings 388
Antiseptic 388
Photography 388
Patient Informational Brochures 389
Insurance Reimbursement 389
Additional Resources 390
References 391
Appendices e1
APPENDIX A Compression Hosiery, Compression Bandages, and Pressure Pads e1
Compression Hosiery e1
Activa healthcare e1
Bauerfeind e1
CircAid medical e1
Cizeta medicali S.p.A. e2
Gloria-Med e2
Gloria Med USA e2
Innothera e2
Jobst (a brand of BSN medical) e2
JuZo e3
International medi-surgical e3
Medi USA e3
Prenatal cradle e4
Sigvaris e4
Venosan e4
Compression Bandages e4
Medi-Rip e5
Tubigrip e5
Swisslastic compression bandages e5
Pressure Pads e5
Jobst stasis pads e5
JuZo-Helastic e6
Other Contacts e6
Compression stockings e6
Bandages e6
Other compression devices e7
Intermittent pressure pumps e7
Surgical appliance industries e7
APPENDIX B Manufacturers and Distributors of Sclerosing Solutions e8
Ethanolamine Oleate e8
Hypertonic Saline 23.4% e8
Polidocanol e8
Polyiodinated Iodine e8
Chromated Glycerin 72% e8
Glycerin 70% e9
Sclerodex (Dextrose/Saline) e9
Sodium Morrhuate e9
Sodium Tetradecyl Sulfate e9
Compounding Pharmacies e9
APPENDIX C Equipment Sources e10
Needles e10
Syringes e10
Magnifying Glasses e11
Headband-Mounted Simple Binocular Magnifiers e11
Simple Binocular Loupes e11
Binocular Loupes e11
Visual Aid System e11
Foam Pads e12
Tape Dressings e12
Body Adhesive e12
Laser Companies e12
Diagnostic Equipment e13
Photography: Digital and 35-mm Cameras e13
Ambulatory Phlebectomy Pump/Equipment e14
APPENDIX D Patient Brochures e15
Spider Vein, Varicose Vein Therapy e15
Treatment of Leg Veins e15
Sclerotherapy Treatment of Spider and Varicose Veins e15
Sclerotherapy Treatment of Leg Veins e15
Facts for Consumers: Varicose Vein Treatments ( e15
Customized Brochure on Spider and Varicose Vein Therapy e15
APPENDIX E Responses to Postoperative FAQs e16
APPENDIX F What to Tell a Patient Calling with a Varicose Hemorrhage e17
APPENDIX G Checklist of Questions for Your Secretary to Ask Before Passing You a Patient on the Telephone e18
APPENDIX H Coding and Billing Guide for Endovenous Laser Ablation e19
Index 393
A 393
B 393
C 393
D 394
E 395
F 395
G 396
H 396
I 396
K 396
L 397
M 397
N 397
O 398
P 398
Q 398
R 398
S 399
T 400
U 401
V 401
W 401