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Nursing Care of Children - E-Book

Nursing Care of Children - E-Book

Susan R. James | Kristine Nelson | Jean Ashwill


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Book Details


Master the art of caring for children with most effective, efficient, and affordable title on pediatric nursing care. Taking on a family focus, this student-friendly text teaches growth, development, and information on the major body system alterations. Plus, dramatically streamlined content and new learning tools make this new edition even more tailored to your learning needs.

  • Expert reviews of chapter content ensure all chapters include current practices, terms, and updated information.
  • Health Promotion boxes summarize information from the American Academy of Pediatrics to teach you how to perform a comprehensive assessment of well infants and children at various ages.
  • Illustrated Procedure boxes include step-by-step instructions for common nursing tasks.
  • Pathophysiology boxes explain changes in physiology that occur in a variety of diseases and disorders in children.
  • Nursing process highlighted in nursing care plans and in-text discussions.
  • Clinical Reference pages provide students with easy-to-find reference sections, including basic anatomy and physiology, pediatric differences, related laboratory and diagnostic tests, and commonly prescribed medications.
  • Safety Alert boxes highlight patient safety as part of the QSEN initiative for better outcomes of nursing care.
  • Updated Evidence-Based Practice boxes (formerly Using Research to Improve Practice) assist you in determining best practices in your future care of children.
  • Patient-Centered Care boxes guide you in teaching the parents and child about self-care in the home and follow-up care in community-based health care settings.
  • Streamlined Nursing Care Plans have been reformatted to make them easier to read and use.
  • Updated photos throughout the book keep the text up-to-date and visually appealing.
  • Key concepts are highlighted in the book and their definitions are provided in a glossary.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front cover cover
Inside front cover ifc_i
Evolve page i
Nursing Care of Children iii
Copyright page iv
Dedication v
Contributors vi
Reviewers vii
Preface viii
Concepts viii
Family viii
Growth and Development Within the Concept of Health Promotion viii
Child Advocacy viii
Communication viii
Culture viii
Text Organization ix
Features ix
Clinical Reference Pages ix
Critical Thinking Exercises ix
Drug Guide Boxes ix
Health Promotion Boxes ix
Key Concepts ix
Learning Objectives ix
Nursing Process ix
Pathophysiology Boxes ix
Patient-Centered Teaching ix
Procedure Boxes ix
Safety Alerts and Nursing Quality Alerts ix
Acknowledgments ix
Special Features xi
Table of Contents xiii
Unit I Introduction to Child Health Nursing 1
1 Introduction to Nursing Care of Children 1
Learning Objectives 1
Principles of Caring for Children 1
Historical Perspectives 1
Societal Changes 1
Hygiene and Hospitalization 2
Development of Family-Centered Child Care 2
Current Trends in Child Health Care 3
Cost Containment 3
Diagnosis-Related Groups 3
Managed Care 4
Capitated Care 4
Effects of Cost Containment 4
Case Management 5
Evidence-Based Nursing Care 5
Outcomes Management 5
Nurse Sensitive Indicators. 5
Variances. 5
Clinical Pathways. 6
Students’ Use of Clinical Pathways. 6
Home Care 6
Community Care 6
Access to Care 6
Public Health Insurance Programs 6
Preventive Health 7
Health Care Assistance Programs 7
Statistics on Infant and Child Health 8
Mortality 8
Infant Mortality 8
Racial Disparity for Mortality. 8
International Infant Mortality. 8
Childhood Mortality 8
Morbidity 9
Adolescent Births 9
Ethical Perspectives in Child health Nursing 9
Ethics and Bioethics 9
Ethical Dilemmas 10
Ethical Principles 10
Solving Ethical Dilemmas 10
Ethical Concerns in Child Health Nursing 10
Cessation of Treatment 10
Terminating Life Support 10
Legal Issues 11
Safeguards for Health Care 11
Nurse Practice Acts 11
Standards of Care 11
Agency Policies 11
Accountability 11
Use of Unlicensed Assistive Personnel 11
Malpractice 12
Prevention of Malpractice Claims 12
Informed Consent. 12
Competence. 12
Full disclosure. 13
Understanding of information. 13
Voluntary consent. 13
Refusal of Care 13
Adoption 13
Documentation 14
Documenting Discharge Teaching. 14
Documenting Incidents. 14
The Nurse as Child and Family Advocate 14
Maintaining Expertise 14
Social Issues 14
Poverty 14
Homelessness 15
Allocation of Health Care Resources 15
Care versus Cure 15
Health Care Rationing 16
Violence 16
The Professional Nurse 16
The Role of the Professional Nurse 16
Care Provider 16
Teacher 17
Collaborator 17
Researcher 17
Advocate 17
Manager of Care 18
Advanced Roles for Pediatric Nurses 18
Nurse Practitioners 18
Clinical Nurse Specialists 18
Clinical Nurse Leaders 18
Implications of Changing Roles for Nurses 18
The Nursing Process in Pediatric Care 18
Therapeutic Communication 18
Critical Thinking 18
Steps of the Nursing Process 19
Assessment 19
Screening Assessment. 19
Focused Assessment. 19
Nursing Diagnosis 19
Planning 19
Setting Priorities. 19
Establishing Goals and Expected Outcomes. 19
Implementation 20
Evaluation 20
Collaborative Problems 20
Planning. 20
Interventions. 20
Evaluation. 20
Complementary and Alternative Medicine 20
Nursing Research and Evidence-Based Practice 21
Key Concepts 21
References 22
Unit II Growth and Development: The Child and The Family 23
2 Family-Centered Nursing Care 23
Learning Objectives 23
Family-Centered Care 23
Family Structure 23
Types of Families 24
Traditional Families 24
Nontraditional Families 24
Single-Parent Families. 24
Blended Families. 24
Adoptive Families. 24
Multigenerational Families. 24
Same-Sex Parent Families. 25
Communal Families. 25
Characteristics of Healthy Families 25
Factors that Interfere with Family Functioning 26
High-Risk Families 26
Marital Conflict and Divorce 26
Adolescent Parenting 26
Violence 26
Substance Abuse 26
Child with Special Needs 26
Healthy Versus Dysfunctional Families 27
Coping with Stress 27
Coping Strategies 27
Cultural Influences on Pediatric Nursing 27
Implications of Cultural Diversity for Nurses 28
Western Cultural Beliefs 28
Cultural Influences on the Care of People from Specific Groups 28
Asians and Pacific Islanders 28
Hispanics 28
African-Americans 31
American Indians and Alaska Natives 31
Middle Easterners 31
Cross-Cultural Health Beliefs 31
Traditional Methods of Preventing Illness 31
Traditional Practices to Maintain Health 31
Traditional Practices to Restore Health 31
Cultural Assessment 32
Parenting 32
Parenting Styles 32
Parent-Child Relationship Factors 32
Parental Characteristics 32
Characteristics of the Child 33
Temperament and Parental Expectations 33
Discipline 33
Dealing with Misbehavior 33
Redirection 34
Reasoning 34
Time-Out 34
Consequences 34
Behavior Modification 34
Corporal Punishment 34
Nursing Process and the Family 35
Family Assessment 35
Nursing Diagnosis and Planning 35
Intervention and Evaluation 35
Key Concepts 35
References 36
Online_Chapter 2 e1
3 Communicating with Children and Families 37
Learning Objectives 37
Components of Effective Communication 37
Touch 37
Physical Proximity and Environment 37
Listening 38
Attentiveness 38
Clarification through Reflection 38
Empathy 39
Impartiality 39
Visual Communication 39
Tone of Voice 39
Body Language 39
Timing 39
Family-Centered Communication 40
Establishing Rapport 40
Availability and Openness to Questions 40
Family Education and Empowerment 41
Effective Management of Conflict 41
Feedback from Children and Families 41
Spirituality 41
Transcultural Communication: Bridging the Gap 42
Therapeutic Relationships: Developing and Maintaining Trust 42
Nursing Care for Communicating with Children and Families 42
Assessment 42
Nursing Diagnosis and Planning 43
Unit III Special Considerations in Caring for Children 168
9 Physical Assessment of Children 168
Learning Objectives 168
General Approaches to Physical Assessment 168
Infants from Birth to 6 Months 168
Infants from 6 to 12 Months 169
Toddlers 169
Preschoolers 169
School-Age Children 169
Adolescents 169
Techniques For Physical Examination 169
Inspection 169
Palpation 170
Percussion 170
Auscultation 170
Smell 170
Sequence Of Physical Examination 170
General Appearance 170
History Taking 171
Recording Data 171
Vital Signs 171
Temperature 172
Pulse 172
Respirations 173
Blood Pressure 173
Pain Assessment 173
Anthropometric Measurement 173
Weight 174
Head Circumference 174
Chest Circumference 174
Midarm Circumference 174
Triceps Skinfold 174
Use of Growth Charts 174
Skin, Hair, and Nails 175
Skin 175
Inspection. 175
Palpation. 175
Hair 175
Nails 176
Lymph Nodes 176
Head, Neck, and Face 176
Head 176
Neck 177
Face 177
Nose, Mouth, and Throat 177
Nose 177
Mouth and Throat 178
Eyes 179
Visual Acuity 179
Color Vision 180
Peripheral Vision 180
Binocular Vision and Strabismus 181
Corneal Light Reflex Test. 181
Field-of-Vision Test. 181
Tests for Eye Muscle Function. 181
External Eye 182
Ophthalmoscopic Examination 182
Ears 182
Hearing Acuity 182
Infant Assessment. 182
Preschool and School-Age Assessment by Audiometry. 182
Preschool, School-Age, and Adolescent Assessment: The Whisper Test. 182
Conduction Tests (Tuning Fork Hearing Tests). 182
External Ear 183
Otoscopic Examination 183
Thorax and Lungs 183
Inspection 183
Palpation 183
Auscultation 183
Adventitious Breath Sounds 186
Heart 186
Inspection 186
Palpation 187
Auscultation 187
Normal Rate and Rhythm. 188
Extra Heart Sounds, Including Murmurs. 188
Peripheral Vascular System 190
Breast 190
Abdomen 190
Inspection 190
Auscultation 190
Percussion 190
Palpation 190
Male Genitalia 192
Female Genitalia 193
Musculoskeletal System 193
Infants 194
Toddlers, Preschoolers, and School-Age Children 194
Adolescents 194
Range of Motion 194
Muscle Strength and Mass 194
Joints 194
Gait 194
Neurologic System 195
Cerebral Function 195
Cranial Nerves 196
Cerebellar Function 196
Motor System 196
Sensory System 196
Reflex Status 197
Neurologic “Soft” Signs 197
Conclusion And Documentation 201
Key Concepts 201
References 201
Online_Chapter 9 e22
10 Emergency Care of the Child 202
Learning Objectives 202
Clinical Reference 202
General Guidelines For Emergency Nursing Care 202
Growth And Development Issues In Emergency Care 204
The Infant 204
The Toddler 205
The Preschooler 205
The School-Age Child 205
The Adolescent 206
The Family Of A Child In Emergency Care 206
Emergency Assessment Of Infants And Children 206
Primary Assessment 206
Airway Assessment 206
Breathing Assessment 207
Cardiovascular Assessment 207
Disability: Neurologic Assessment 207
Exposure 207
Secondary Assessment 209
Vital Signs 209
History and Head-to-Toe Assessment 209
Diagnostic Tests 209
Weight 210
Parent-Child Relationship 210
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Of The Child 211
Airway and Breathing 211
Initial Assessment and Intervention 211
Obstructed Airway Management 211
Circulation 211
The Child In Shock 212
Etiology 213
Hypovolemic Shock 213
Distributive Shock 213
Cardiogenic Shock 213
Manifestations 213
Diagnostic Evaluation 214
Therapeutic Management 214
Hypovolemic Shock 214
Distributive Shock 214
Cardiogenic Shock 215
Nursing Care Of The Child In Shock 215
Assessment 215
Hypovolemic Shock. 215
Distributive Shock. 215
Cardiogenic Shock. 215
Nursing Diagnosis and Planning 215
Unit IV Caring for Children with Health Problems 336
16 The Child with a Fluid and Electrolyte Alteration 336
Learning Objectives 336
Clinical Reference 336
Review of Fluid and Electrolyte Imbalances in Children 336
Alterations in Acid-Base Balance in Children 338
Dehydration 341
Etiology and Incidence 342
Manifestations 343
Diagnostic Evaluation 343
Therapeutic Management 343
Minimal Dehydration 344
Mild to Moderate Dehydration 344
Severe Dehydration 344
Adjunctive Management 345
Nursing Care of the Child with Dehydration 345
Assessment 345
Nursing Diagnosis and Planning 346
Expected Outcome. 346
Expected Outcomes. 346
Interventions 346
Evaluation 347
Diarrhea 347
Etiology and Incidence 347
Manifestations 347
Diagnostic Evaluation 348
Therapeutic Management 348
Prognosis 349
Nursing Care of the Child with Diarrhea 349
Assessment 349
Nursing Diagnosis and Planning 349
Glossary 831
Index 837
A 837
B 838
C 838
D 840
E 840
F 841
G 842
H 842
I 843
J 845
K 845
L 845
M 845
N 846
O 847
P 847
R 848
S 849
T 850
U 851
V 851
W 851
X 851
Online_Procedure A e82
Online_Procedure B e88
Online_Procedure C e92
Online_Procedure D e96
Online_Tables e98
Inside back cover ibc_i