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PASS CEN! - E-Book

PASS CEN! - E-Book

Robin Donohoe Dennison | Jill Suzette Johnson | Meg Blair


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Book Details


Prepare for success on the Certification for Emergency Nurses examination! Not only does Pass CEN! review all the content covered in the current exam blueprint, it includes fun yet challenging learning activities, realistic practice questions, and comprehensive practice examinations. A concise outline format and numerous illustrations make the material easy to read, understand, and remember. Written by a team of expert nursing instructors led by Robin Donohoe Dennison, this unique guide also reviews anatomy and physiology for each core body system. This is the all-in-one study tool you can't do without!

  • An easy-to-follow outline format quickly and clearly delineates what you must know to pass the CEN exam.
  • Content follows the most current CEN blueprint and eliminates extraneous information that is not likely to be tested.
  • Learning activities provide fun and stimulating ways to learn critical concepts, such as matching questions, essays, table completion exercises, and crossword puzzles.
  • Anatomy and physiology reviews cover each core body system
  • Case Related Learning activities include questions on clinical reasoning and decision-making.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front Cover Cover
Copyright Page iv
Contributor vii
Reviewers vii
Preface ix
Table of Contents xi
CHAPTER 1 Preparing and Performing on the CEN Examination 1
Certification 1
The CEN Examination (ENA, 2008) 1
Preparation to Improve Performance on the these Examination 2
Performance During the Examination 4
Reasons for Failing the Examination 6
Test Results 6
Maintaining Your CEN Certification 6
References and Selected Readings 6
CHAPTER 2 Patient Care Management 8
Introduction 8
Triage and Priority Setting 8
Primary Assessment 11
Secondary Assessment 13
Pain Management 16
Transfer and Stabilization 16
Cultural Diversity 18
Organ and Tissue Donation 25
Discharge Planning 26
Emergency Preparedness 27
References and Selected Readings 37
CHAPTER 3 Professional Issues in Emergency Nursing 38
Introduction to the Professional Issues in Emergency Nursing Chapter 38
Delegation 38
Critical Incident Stress Management 38
Preservation of Evidence for Legal/ Forensic Situations 39
Ethical Decision Making 40
Ethical Principles 40
Patient Confidentiality 41
Legal Concepts Important to Emergency Nursing 42
Evidence-Based Practice, Research, and Quality Improvement 44
Documentation of Assessment, Intervention, and Evaluation of Patient Care 49
Orientation/Continuing Education/ Inservice Programs 50
Patient Education 50
Stress Management 52
References and Suggested Readings 63
CHAPTER 4 Cardiovascular Emergencies 64
Introduction 64
Age-Related Considerations 64
Selected Concepts in Anatomy and Physiology 64
Cardiovascular Assessment 75
Hemodynamic Monitoring 85
Electrocardiography 94
Dysrhythmias and Blocks 108
Cardiopulmonary Arrest 124
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) 132
Coronary Artery Disease/Acute Coronary Syndrome 133
Angina Pectoris 135
Myocardial Infarction 139
Heart Failure 147
Cardiomyopathy 150
Pericarditis 153
Myocarditis 154
Infective Endocarditis 155
Hypertensive Crises 157
Acute Arterial Occlusion 159
Acute Aortic Aneurysm 160
Peripheral Arterial Disease 162
Peripheral Venous Thrombosis 163
Blunt Cardiac Injury (also known as myocardial contusion) 164
Penetrating Cardiac Trauma 166
Great Vessel Injury 166
Cardiac Tamponade 167
References and Suggested Readings 180
CHAPTER 5 Respiratory Emergencies 182
Introduction 182
Age-Related Considerations 182
Selected Concepts in Anatomy and Physiology 182
Pulmonary Assessment 193
Acid-Base Balance and Arterial Blood Gas Interpretation 201
Airway Management 205
O₂ Therapy 215
Hazards of O₂ Therapy 216
Selected Concepts in Mechanical Ventilation 217
Noninvasive Positive Pressure Ventilation (NPPV) 220
Specific Respiratory Emergencies 220
Chest Trauma Emergencies 249
References and Selected Readings 266
CHAPTER 6 Neurologic Emergencies 268
Introduction to the Neurologic Emergencies Chapter 268
Age-Related Considerations 268
Selected Concepts in Anatomy and Physiology 268
Neurologic Assessment 278
Intracranial Hypertension (Also known as increased ICP [hICP]) 294
Traumatic Brain Injury 301
Skull Fractures 303
Intracranial Hematomas 305
Hemorrhagic Stroke 307
Ischemic Stroke 309
Spinal Cord Injuries 313
Seizures 317
Headaches 321
Guillain-Barré Syndrome 322
Chronic Neurologic Disorders 323
References and Selected Readings 339
CHAPTER 7 Gastrointestinal Emergencies 340
Introduction 340
Age-related Considerations 340
Selected Concepts in Gastrointestinal Anatomy and Physiology 340
Assessment of the Gastrointestinal System 350
Acute Abdomen 355
Appendicitis 358
Upper Gastrointestinal Hemorrhage 359
Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease and Esophagitis 364
Cholecystitis 365
Hepatic Failure/Encephalopathy 366
Diverticulitis 369
Gastroenteritis 371
Hernias 372
Intussusception/Volvulus 373
Pyloric Stenosis 374
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) 375
Inflammatory Bowel Disease 376
Pancreatitis 378
Intestinal Infarction/Obstruction/ Perforation 379
Abdominal Trauma 382
References and Suggested Readings 395
CHAPTER 8 Orthopedic and Wound Emergencies 396
Introduction 396
Age-Related Considerations (Emergency Nurses Association [ENA], 2003, 2007) 396
Selected Concepts in Anatomy and Physiology 396
Orthopedic Assessment 397
General Principles of Wound Care 399
General Orthopedic Management 399
General Discharge Instruction 404
Specific Orthopedic Emergencies 405
Specific Orthopedic Trauma 411
Specific Orthopedic Life-Threatening Complications 415
Specific Wound Emergencies 419
References and Suggested Readings 439
CHAPTER 9 Genitourinary, Gynecologic, and Obstetric Emergencies 440
Introduction 440
Age-Related Considerations 440
Pregnancy-Related Changes 440
Selected Concepts in Anatomy and Physiology 440
Physical Assessment 442
System-Specific Tasks 444
Urinary Tract Infections 445
Pyelonephritis 446
Urinary Calculi 447
Urinary Retention 448
Testicular Torsion 449
Epididymitis 450
Epididymo-orchitis 451
Prostatitis 452
Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy (BPH) 453
Priapism 454
Phimosis 455
Urethral Injury 456
Ruptured Bladder 457
Renal Trauma 458
Foreign Bodies in Urethra, Vagina, or Rectum 461
Pelvic Pain 461
Endometriosis 464
Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding (DUB) 465
Vaginal Discharge 466
Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) 467
Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) 471
Bartholin Cyst/Abscess 472
Sexual Assault and Rape 473
Spontaneous Abortion 475
Pregnancy-Induced Hypertension (PIH) 476
Bleeding in Late Pregnancy 477
Hyperemesis Gravidarum 478
Preterm Labor (PTL) 479
Postpartum Hemorrhage 480
Emergency Delivery 481
Complicated Deliveries 482
Neonatal Resuscitation 483
Trauma in Pregnancy 483
References and Suggested Readings 494
CHAPTER 10 Maxillofacial and Ocular Emergencies 497
Introduction 497
Age-Related Considerations 497
Selected Concepts in Anatomy and Physiology 497
Physical Assessment 500
System-Specific Tasks 503
Odontalgia (i.e., dental pain) 504
Gingival Emergencies 505
Dental Abscess 506
Foreign Body in the Ear, Nose, or Throat 507
Labyrinthitis 508
Ménière Disease 509
Otitis Externa 510
Otitis Media 511
Ruptured Tympanic Membrane 512
Sinusitis and Rhinosinusitis 513
Cavernous Sinus Thrombosis 514
Epistaxis 514
Pharyngitis 516
Peritonsillar Abscess 517
Retropharyngeal Abscess 518
Diphtheria 519
Conjunctivitis 520
Iritis and Uveitis 521
Periorbital Cellulitis 522
Glaucoma 523
Central Retinal Artery Occlusion 524
Corneal Ulcer or Abrasion 525
Blepharitis 526
Hordeolum and Chalazion 526
Extraocular Foreign Bodies 527
Retinal Detachment 527
Orbital Fracture 528
Ocular Chemical Burn 529
Hyphema 530
Eyelid Laceration 531
Globe Rupture or Impaled Objects 531
Snow Blindness 532
Tooth Fracture, Subluxation, and Avulsion 533
Larynx Fracture 533
Nasal Fracture 535
Temporomandibular Joint Dislocation 535
Facial Emergencies and Facial Nerve Disorders 536
Facial Lacerations and Soft-Tissue Injuries 537
Mandibular Fracture 538
Maxillary Fracture 539
Zygomatic Fracture 541
References and Suggested Readings 550
CHAPTER 11 Medical Emergencies 552
Introduction 552
Age-Related Considerations 552
Selected Concepts in Anatomy and Physiology 552
Assessment 575
Hyperglycemic Crises 580
Hypoglycemia 594
Hyperthyroidism 596
Myxedema Coma 598
Syndrome of Inappropriate ADH (SIADH) 598
Diabetes Insipidus 599
Acute Adrenocortical Insufficiency (i.e., Adrenal Crisis) 600
Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation 602
Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) 604
Anemia 606
Hemophilia 612
Acute Renal Failure 613
Reye Syndrome 616
Hepatic Failure/Encephalopathy 617
Measles 621
Mumps 622
Chickenpox 623
Pertussis 624
Diphtheria 625
Encephalitis 626
Mononucleosis 627
Fibromyalgia Syndrome (FMS) 627
Tuberculosis 629
Shingles (Herpes Zoster) 630
Pandemic Illness 631
Superior Vena Cava Syndrome 632
Tumor Lysis Syndrome 632
Scabies 633
Ringworm 634
Lice 634
Myiasis 635
Intestinal Parasites 636
Tapeworm Infestation 637
References and Suggested Readings 651
CHAPTER 12 Substance Abuse, Toxicologic, and Environmental Emergencies 653
Introduction 653
Age-Related Considerations 653
Toxicologic Emergencies 653
Frostbite and Frostnip 680
Hypothermia 681
Heat-Related Emergencies 684
Radiation Exposure and Acute Radiation Syndrome 685
Food Poisoning 687
Rabies 688
Tick-Borne Illnesses 690
Hantavirus Infection 692
Plague 693
Cat-Scratch Fever 694
Snake Bites 695
Diving Emergencies 697
Burns 698
References and Suggested Readings 712
CHAPTER 13 Shock and Multisystem Trauma 715
Introduction 715
Age-Related Considerations 715
Trauma 716
Shock 722
Hypovolemic Shock 730
Cardiogenic Shock 732
Anaphylactic Shock 734
Neurogenic Shock 737
Septic Shock 738
References and Suggested Readings 755
CHAPTER 14 Psychosocial Emergencies 757
Introduction 757
Age-Related Considerations 757
Physical Assessment 757
General Principles of Care 758
Crisis 759
Family Support and End-of-Life Issues 759
Anxiety Disorders 760
Depression 761
Mania 762
Psychosis 763
Dementia 764
Eating Disorders 765
Substance Use Disorders 766
Substance Abuse/Withdrawal 767
Trauma, Violence, and Abuse 767
Suicide and Homicide 768
References and Selected Readings 775
APPENDIX A Common Abbreviations and Acronyms 777
Index 789