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Manual of Psychiatric Nursing Care Planning - E-Book

Manual of Psychiatric Nursing Care Planning - E-Book

Elizabeth M. Varcarolis


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Book Details


A pocket-sized clinical companion, Manual of Psychiatric Nursing Care Planning, 4th Edition helps you assess psychiatric nursing clients, formulate nursing diagnoses, and design psychiatric nursing care plans. It offers quick and easy access to information on care in a range of settings including the inpatient unit, home care, or community mental health setting. Expert author Elizabeth M. Varcarolis, RN, MA, provides a clinically based focus with the latest guidelines to psychiatric nursing care. Designed to accompany Foundations of Mental Health Nursing, this book is a perfect reference for creating care plans and for clinical use.

  • Current coverage includes the latest diagnoses, assessment and treatment strategies, and psychotropic drug information relevant to nursing care of patients with psychiatric disorders.
  • Clinically based information helps you provide patient care in a range of environments including the inpatient unit, community mental health setting, or home care setting.
  • Coverage of all major disorders includes those commonly encountered in a clinical setting.
  • A consistent format for each care plan includes a nursing diagnosis, etiology, assessment findings/diagnostic cues, outcome criteria, long-term goals, short-term goals, and interventions and rationales.
  • Assessment tools such as tables, charts, and questionnaires are provided in an appendix for quick reference.
  • A Major Psychotropic Interventions and Client and Family Teaching chapter describes the uses and workings of psychotropic agents.
  • The latest diagnostic information includes the DSM-IV-TR taxonomy with diagnostic criteria for mental disorders, to enable accurate assessment and diagnosis of patients.
  • Current psychiatric nursing guidelines are based on ANA's 2007 Psychiatric Mental-Health Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice.
  • Updated 2009-2011 NANDA-I nursing diagnoses assist with accurate diagnoses by including the latest nursing diagnoses related to psychiatric nursing.
  • Updated drug information includes the latest on medications used with psychiatric patients, for optimal drug therapy.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front Cover Cover
Manual of Psychiatric Nursing Care Planning iii
Copyright Page iv
Dedication v
Preface vii
Acknowledgments ix
Part 1: Guidelines for Planning Psychiatric Nursing Care 1
Chapter 1: The Nursing Process and Assessment Tools for Psychiatric Nursing 3
Assessment 5
Nursing Diagnosis 13
Risk For Injury 15
Summary 16
Outcomes Identification 16
Planning 18
Implementation 19
Evaluation 19
Internet Sites 21
Chapter 2: Maximizing Communication Skills 22
Verbal Communication 23
Nonverbal Communication 24
Effective Communication Techniques 26
Techniques To Monitor And Avoid 35
Assessing Your Communications Skills 39
Internet Sites 40
Chapter 3: Guidelines for the Nurse Conducting a Clinical Interview 41
Responsibilities Of The Nurse During The Phases Of A Therapeutic Relationship 42
The Clinical Interview 52
Part 2: Diagnosis and Care Planning 61
Chapter 4: Selected Disorders of Childhood and Adolescence 63
Overview 63
Attention Deficit and Disruptive Behavior Disorders 65
Assessment 65
Risk For Violence: Self-Directed Or Other-Directed 72
Defensive Coping 76
Impaired Social Interaction 79
Chronic Low Self-Esteem 81
Impaired Parenting 84
Pervasive Developmental Disorders 86
Assessment 87
Nursing Diagnoses With Interventions 91
Impaired Social Interaction 92
Impaired Verbal Communication 94
Risk For Self-Mutilation 97
Disturbed Personal Identity 99
Medical Treatments 102
Nurse, Client, and Family Resources 107
Internet Sites 107
Chapter 5: Anxiety and Anxiety Disorders 108
Overview 108
Assessment 114
Nursing Diagnoses With Interventions 117
Anxiety 119
Ineffective Coping 122
Disturbed Thought Processes 127
Posttrauma Syndrome 133
Disturbed Sleep Pattern 138
Medical Treatments 142
Complementary Approaches 149
Nurse, Patient, and Family Resources 149
Associations 149
Internet Sites 150
Chapter 6: Depressive Disorders 151
Overview 151
Assessment 152
Nursing Diagnoses With Interventions 155
Risk For Self-Directed Violenceast 158
Disturbed Thought Processes 160
Chronic Low Self-Esteem 163
Spiritual Distress 166
Impaired Social Interaction 168
Self-Care Deficit (Specify Level) 170
Medical Treatments 173
Integrated Approaches And Over-The-Counter Products 179
Nurse, Patient, and Family Resources 180
Associations 180
Internet Sites 181
Chapter 7: Bipolar Disorders 182
Overview 182
Assessment 185
Nursing Diagnoses With Interventions 186
Risk For Injury 190
Risk For Violence: Self-Directed Or Other-Directed 192
Ineffective Coping 195
Impaired Social Interaction 198
Total Self-Care Deficit 200
Interrupted Family Processes 203
Medical Treatments 205
Nurse, Patient, and Family Resources 211
Associations 211
Internet Sites 212
Chapter 8: Schizophrenia and Other Psychotic Disorders 213
Overview 213
Assessment 219
Nursing Diagnoses with Interventions 220
Impaired Verbal Communication 223
Impaired Social Interaction 227
Hallucinations 232
Disturbed sensory perception: specify type (e.g., auditory/visual) 232
Delusions 236
Disturbed Thought Processes 237
Paranoia 240
Defensive Coping 241
Interrupted Family Processes 244
Medical Treatment 248
Psychosocial Approaches 256
Nurse, Patient, and Family Resources 257
Associations 257
Internet Sites 258
Chapter 9: Personality Disorders 259
Overview 259
Assessment 274
Nursing Diagnoses With Interventions 276
Risk For Self-Mutilation 280
Chronic Low Self-Esteem 283
Impaired Social Interaction 287
Ineffective Coping 292
Medical Treatments 300
Nurse, Patient, and Family Resources 301
Associations 301
Internet Sites 301
Chapter 10: Addictions 302
Overview 302
Assessment 321
Nursing Diagnoses With Interventions 322
Risk For Injury 327
Ineffective Health Maintenance 331
Ineffective Denial 334
Ineffective Coping 341
Medical Treatments 345
Patient And Family Teaching 347
Nurse, Patient, and Family Resources 348
Associations 348
Internet Sites 349
Chapter 11: Eating Disorders 350
Overview 350
Anorexia Nervosa 352
Assessment 354
Assessment Tools 355
Nursing Diagnoses With Interventions 356
Imbalanced Nutrition: Less Than Body Requirements 359
Disturbed Body Image 366
Medical Treatments 369
Bulimia Nervosa 369
Assessment 373
Nursing Diagnoses With Interventions 375
Risk For Injury 376
Powerlessness 379
Medical Treatments 382
Patient And Family Teaching 383
Nurse, Patient, and Family Resources 384
Associations 384
Internet Sites 385
Chapter 12: Cognitive Disorders 386
Overview 386
Delirium 386
Assessment 387
Nursing Diagnoses With Interventions 389
Acute Confusion 391
Dementia 395
Assessment 396
Nursing Diagnoses With Interventions 400
Risk For Injury 402
Self-Care Deficit 404
Impaired Verbal Communication 407
Caregiver Role Strain 411
Medical Treatments 415
Nurse, Patient, and Family Resources 417
Associations 417
Internet Sites 417
Part 3: Psychiatric Emergencies and Forensic Issues 419
Chapter 13: Crisis Intervention and Rehabilitation 421
Overview 421
Assessment 424
Nursing Diagnoses With Interventions 427
Ineffective Coping 429
Ineffective Coping 433
Nurse, Patient, and Family Resources 439
Associations 439
Internet Sites 440
Chapter 14: Family Violence 441
Overview 441
Assessment 442
Nursing Diagnoses With Interventions 445
Risk For Injury 447
Ineffective Role Performance 458
Nurse, Patient, and Family Resources 465
Associations 465
Internet Sites 466
Chapter 15: Sexual Assault 467
Overview 467
Assessment 468
Nursing Diagnoses With Interventions 469
Rape-Trauma Syndrome 470
Nurse, Patient, and Family Resources 475
Associations 475
Internet Sites 475
Chapter 16: Suicide Behaviors 477
Overview 477
Assessment 478
Nursing Diagnoses With Interventions 480
Risk For Suicide 482
Hopelessness 487
Ineffective Coping 489
Nurse, Patient, and Family Resources 492
Associations 492
Internet Sites 493
Chapter 17: Anger and Aggression 494
Overview 494
Assessment 495
Nursing Diagnoses With Interventions 497
Ineffective Coping 500
Risk For Other-Directed Violence 505
Medical Treatments 510
Nurse, Patient, and Family Resources 512
Journal Articles 512
Internet Sites 512
Chapter 18: Grieving and Complicated Grieving 513
Overview 513
Assessment 515
Nursing Diagnoses With Interventions 519
Acute Grief Reaction 522
Complicated Grieving 525
Guidelines For Coping With Grief 529
Nurse, Patient, and Family Resources 531
Educational Resources 532
Internet Sites 532
Part 4: Challenging Behaviors 533
Chapter 19: Manipulative Behaviors 535
Overview 535
Assessment 537
Nursing Diagnoses with Interventions 538
Impaired Social Interaction 541
Nurse, Patient, and Family Resources 547
Journal Articles 547
Internet Articles 547
Chapter 20: Nonadherence (Noncompliance) to Medication or Treatment 548
Overview 548
Assessment 551
Nursing Diagnoses With Interventions 552
Nonadherence (Noncompliance)ast 553
Ineffective Family Therapeutic Regimen Management 559
Nurse, Patient, and Family Resources 562
Journal Articles 562
Part 5: Psychopharmacology 563
Chapter 21: Major Psychotropic Interventions and Patient and Family Teaching 565
Overview 565
Antianxiety/Anxiolytic Medications 567
Antidepressant Medications 575
First-Line Agents 576
Antipsychotic Medications 591
Antimanic And Mood-Stabilizing Medications 617
Nurse, Patient, and Family Resources 627
Journal Articles 627
Appendix A: References 629
Appendix B: Classification and FullAssessment 636
Appendix B-1. Overall assessment tool 636
1. Client History 636
2. Mental And Emotional Status 639
Appendix B-2. Nanda 2009-2011 nursing diagnosis 641
Nanda International-Approved Nursing Diagnoses 641
Appendix B-3. Dsm-iv-tr classification 647
Disorders Usually First Diagnosed In Infancy, Childhood, Or Adolescence 647
Delirium, Dementia, And Amnestic And Other Cognitive Disorders 649
Mental Disorders Due To A General Medical Condition Not Elsewhere Classified 651
Substance-Related Disorders 651
Schizophrenia And Other Psychotic Disorders 658
Mood Disorders 659
Anxiety Disorders 660
Somatoform Disorders 661
Factitious Disorders 661
Dissociative Disorders 661
Sexual And Gender Identity Disorders 662
Eating Disorders 664
Sleep Disorders 664
Impulse-Control Disorders Not Elsewhere Classified 665
Adjustment Disorders 665
Personality Disorders 665
Other Conditions That May Be A Focus Of Clinical Attention 666
Additional Codes 668
Appendix C: Assessment Tools forChildren andAdolescents 669
Appendix C-1. Stages of development (according to freud, sullivan, and erikson) 669
Appendix D: Assessment Guides 681
Appendix D-1. Defense mechanisms 681
Appendix D-2. Hamilton rating scale for anxiety 683
Appendix D-3. Hamilton Depression Rating scale (HDRS) 685
Appendix D-4. Mania questionnaire 689
Appendix D-5. Brief psychiatric rating scale 690
Appendix D-6. Sample questions to identify personality disorders 692
Appendix D-7. Assessments for substance abuse 695
Appendix D-7A. Emergency department brief assessment for substance abuse 695
Appendix D-7B. Brief michigan alcohol screening test (mast) 696
Appendix D-7C. Drug abuse screen test (dast) 697
Appendix D-8. Criteria for hospitalization for eating disorders 698
Physical Criteria 698
Psychiatric Criteria 698
Appendix D-9. Functional dementia scale 698
Appendix D-10. Life change events 700
Appendix D-11. Abuse assessment screen 702
Appendix D-12. Sad person's scale 703
Appendix D-13. Overt aggression scale 704
Verbal Aggression 704
Physical Aggression Against Objects 705
Physical Aggression Against Self 705
Physical Aggression Against Other People 705
Appendix E: Abnormal InvoluntaryMovement Scale (AIMS) 706
Appendix F: Nursing Care inElectroconvulsiveTherapy 711
Index 715
Inside Front Cover\r 757
Nursing Care Plans 758
Assessment Guidelines\r 759
Patient and Family Teaching Boxes\r 759