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Autopsy Pathology: A Manual and Atlas E-Book

Autopsy Pathology: A Manual and Atlas E-Book

Walter E. Finkbeiner | Andrew J Connolly | Philip C. Ursell | Richard L. Davis


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Book Details


This how-to guide presents today's most complete coverage of performing, interpreting, and reporting post-mortem examinations. In addition to discussing the basics of the specialty, this lasting and useful reference features information on the performance of specialized autopsy procedures. The material is divided into two sections for ease of use: a manual covering specific autopsy procedures, biosafety, generation of autopsy reports, preparation of death certificates, and other essential subjects; and an atlas, organized by organ system, that captures the appearance of the complete spectrum of autopsy findings. The updated second edition features a new chapter on the popular topic of forensic pathology.

  • Focuses on hospital autopsy, while also providing a brief introduction to forensic autopsy.
  • Examines autopsy photography and radiology, microscopic examination, supplemental laboratory studies, and other investigative approaches.
  • Includes a chapter on performing special dissection procedures that are usually not covered during a typical residency.
  • Presents over 590 full-color photographs depicting common gross and microscopic autopsy findings for every part of the body.
  • Correlates pathologic findings with their clinical causes to enhance diagnostic accuracy.
  • Covers the hot topic of forensic pathology in a new chapter introducing the subspecialty.
  • Addresses the latest legal, social, and ethical issues as well as quality improvement and quality assurance.
  • Features improved images in the Atlas section to give an even more useful visual reference.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front Cover Cover
Autopsy Pathology: A Manual and Atlas iii
Copyright Page iv
Table of Contents ix
Dedication v
Preface vii
Chapter 1. The Autopsy-Past and Present 1
The Autopsy in Antiquity 1
The Autopsy in the Twentieth Century 6
The Autopsy Today 8
The Objectives of the Autopsy 8
References 11
Chapter 2. Legal, Social, and Ethical Issues 15
Death Notification 15
Autopsy Authorization 15
Identification of the Deceased 17
Medical Examiner/Coroner Cases 17
Public Health, Public Records, and Patients' Confidentiality 18
Organ and Tissue Donation 20
Request for Human Tissue for Research 20
Religious and Cultural Issues 20
Mortician and Funeral Issues 22
Obligations of the Autopsy Pathologist 22
References 23
Chapter 3. Autopsy Biosafety 25
Autopsy Infection Control Precautions 25
Exposure to Other Biohazards at Autopsy 28
Conclusion 33
References 33
Chapter 4. Basic Postmortem Examination 35
External Inspection 35
Initial Dissection and Internal Examination 36
Letulle Method 38
Virchow Method of Organ Removal 46
Removing the Brain and Spinal Cord 48
Brain Cutting-General and Specific 52
Examination of the Vertebral Column and Bone Marrow 53
A Final Word about Examining Organs 53
References 55
Chapter 5. Postmortem Examination of Fetuses and Infants 57
Facilities and Equipment 57
Postmortem Examination 57
External Examination 58
Internal Examination and Evisceration 59
Separation of the Organ Blocks 61
Dissection of Organs after Evisceration 62
Brain and Spinal Cord Removal and Examination 63
Examination of the Placenta 65
Examination of the Fragmented Fetus 65
Conclusion 66
References 66
Chapter 6. Special Dissection Procedures 67
Special Examinations of the Brain and Neuromuscular System 67
Examination of the Middle and Inner Ear 68
Examination of the Eyes 68
Examination of the Nasal Sinuses and Nasopharynx 71
Examination of Mandible, Maxilla, and Teeth 71
Examination of the Neck and Cervical Spine 71
Examination of the Thoracic Duct and Cisterna Chyli 72
Special Examinations of the Heart 72
Examination of Bones and Joints 73
Special Circumstances 74
Conclusion 76
References 78
Chapter 7. Autopsy Photography and Radiology 81
Autopsy Photography 81
Autopsy Radiology 86
References 90
Chapter 8. Microscopic Examination 93
Brightfield Microscopy 93
Immunofluorescence Microscopy 108
Electron Microscopy 109
References 111
Chapter 9. Supplemental Laboratory Studies 113
Collection of Samples 113
Postmortem Chemistry 114
Postmortem Toxicology 117
Postmortem Microbiology 117
Postmortem Cytogenetic and Molecular Studies 118
Genetic/Metabolic Disease Autopsy 118
References 120
Chapter 10. The Autopsy Report 123
Overview of the Autopsy Report 123
Final Anatomic Diagnosis 125
Clinical Summary 127
Gross Findings 127
Microscopic Findings 128
Additional Findings 128
Case Discussion 128
Conclusion 128
References 129
Chapter 11. Postmortem Examination in Cases of Sudden Death Due to Natural Causes 131
Preparing for the Autopsy 131
The Approach to Autopsy in Cases of Sudden Death Due to Natural Causes 131
Conclusion 137
References 137
Chapter 12. Postmortem Examination in Cases of Sepsis or Multiple Organ Dysfunction 141
Sepsis 141
Multiple Organ Dysfunction 142
References 146
Chapter 13. Death Certification 147
The Death Certificate 147
Completing a Death Certificate 151
Medicolegal Issues 152
Therapeutic Complications and the Death Certificate 154
Fetal Death Certificates 155
Conclusion 155
References 155
Chapter 14. Medical Quality Improvement and Quality Assurance of the Autopsy 157
The Autopsy and Medical Quality Improvement 157
Quality Assurance of the Autopsy 158
Quality Improvement of the Autopsy 160
Conclusion 162
References 162
Chapter 15. Atlas of Autopsy Pathology 167
External Findings 167
Pericardial, Pleural, and Peritoneal Cavities 171
Cardiovascular System 175
Respiratory System 184
Gastrointestinal System 194
Hepatobiliary System 205
Pancreas 210
Urinary Tract System 211
Reproductive System (Male) 219
Reproductive System (Female) 221
Endocrine System 223
Lymphoreticular System 227
Musculoskeletal System 229
Central Nervous System 232
Pediatric Pathology 244
Placenta and Umbilical Cord 264
Forensic Pathology 266
Reference 276
Appendix A: Description of Gross Autopsy 277
Appendix B: Measures, Weights, and Assessment of Growth and Development 317
References 351
Index 353