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Netter’s Surgical Anatomy Review P.R.N., by Robert B. Trelease, makes it easy to visualize the anatomy that underlies the procedures and clinical conditions you see during a surgical residency or clerkship. Vibrant, detailed artwork by preeminent medical illustrator Frank H. Netter, MD illuminates each structure and its clinical relevance. A compact, portable format enables you to carry and consult the content anywhere "as needed." Customers have been asking for a "baby Netter" or "little Netter"…and here it is!  Netter. It's how you know.

  • Visualize anatomical structures clearly with the aid of detailed artwork by preeminent medical illustrator Frank H. Netter, MD.
  • Understand the clinical implications quickly by scanning concise, bulleted explanations.
  • Carry and consult the book anywhere "as needed" thanks to the book's compact, portable format.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front cover cover
Netter's Surgical Anatomy Review P.R.N. i
Copyright page ii
Dedication iii
About the Author v
Preface vii
Table of Contents ix
Section I: Head and Neck 1
1 Skull and Face Fractures 3
Anatomy of the Skull and Facial Skeleton 3
Skull and Facial Bones 3
Scalp Layers 5
Neurovascular Supply 5
Arteries of Face and Cranium 5
External Carotid (Proximal to Distal) 5
Internal Carotid 7
Other 7
Venous Drainage 7
Internal Jugular Vein 7
Common Facial Vein 7
External Jugular Vein 9
Innervation of the Head and Neck 9
Clinical Correlates 10
Skull Fractures 10
Classification 10
Compound 13
Middle Meningeal Artery 13
Facial Fractures 13
Mid-face Fractures 13
Le Fort Classification 13
Zygomatic Fractures 15
Mandible Fractures 15
2 Thyroid Diseases 17
Thyroid and Parathyroid Anatomy 17
Thyroid 17
Parathyroids 19
Vessels and Lymphatics 19
Arterial Supply 19
Venous Drainage 19
Lymphatic Drainage 21
Clinical Correlates 21
Thyroidectomy 21
Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve 21
Thyroid Cancer 21
Types of Thyroid Cancer 21
Section II: Back and Spinal Cord 25
3 Vertebral Fractures 27
Anatomy of the Vertebral Column 27
Articulated Vertebrae and Spine 27
Typical Vertebrae 27
Cervical Vertebrae 29
Thoracic Vertebrae 29
Lumbar Vertebrae 31
Sacral Vertebrae 31
Joints and Ligaments of the Spine 31
Nerves and Vessels of Spine and Cord 33
Spinal Cord and Nerves 33
Vessels 34
Arteries of the Spine and Cord 34
Venous Drainage 36
Clinical Correlates 36
Three-Column Concept for Vertebral Fractures 36
Cervical Fractures 38
Thoracolumbar Fractures 38
Sacral Fractures 38
Section III: Thorax 43
4 Breast Diseases 45
Anatomy of the Breast 45
Basic Structure 45
Endocrinology 45
Sensory Innervation 47
Development and Embryology 47
Vessels and Lymphatics 47
Arterial Supply 47
Venous Drainage 49
Lymphatic Drainage 49
Clinical Correlates 50
Diagnostic Procedures 50
Benign Disease 50
Classification 50
Fibrocystic Disease 52
Other Benign Breast Diseases 52
Premalignant Lesions 54
Ductal Carcinoma in Situ (DCIS) 54
Lobular Carcinoma in Situ (LCIS) 54
Breast Cancer 55
Carcinoma: Risk Factors 55
Paget’s Disease of the Breast 55
Clinical Signs 55
Staging and Treatment 56
5 Esophageal Diseases 61
Anatomy of the Esophagus 61
Microscopic Anatomy 63
Mucosa 63
Tunica Muscularis 63
Tunica Adventitia 63
Innervation 63
Vessels and Lymphatics 65
Arterial Supply 65
Venous Drainage 65
Lymphatic Drainage 68
Clinical Correlates 68
Surgical Approaches to the Esophagus 68
Zenker’s Diverticulum 68
Traction Diverticulum 70
Achalasia 70
Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) 70
Hiatal Hernia (see Chapter 10, p. 143) 72
Esophageal Cancer 72
Leiomyoma 73
Esophageal Polyps 73
Perforations 73
Caustic Injury 73
Degrees of Chemical (or Caustic) Injury 74
6 Ribs and Thorax Fractures 75
Anatomy of the Ribs and Thorax 75
Ribs 75
Sternum 76
Neurovascular Supply 78
Intercostal Nerves 78
Arterial Supply 78
Venous Drainage 79
Clinical Correlates 79
Fractures in Thoracic Injuries 79
Intercostal Nerve Block 81
Section IV: Abdomen 83
7 Appendix Diseases 85
Anatomy of the Appendix 85
Location and Position of Appendix 85
Mesentery and Folds 88
Mesoappendix 88
Ileocolic or Superior Ileocecal Fold 88
Ileocecal or Inferior Ileocecal Fold 88
Vessels and Lymphatics 88
Appendicular (Appendiceal) Artery 88
Appendicular (Appendiceal) Vein 89
Lymphatics 90
Clinical Correlates 91
Etiology (Most Common) 91
Symptoms (Classic Presentation) 91
Differential Diagnosis 91
Appendicitis during Pregnancy 91
Prophylaxis 93
Clinical Signs and Landmarks 93
CT Signs of Appendicitis 93
Surgical Appendectomy 93
Carcinoid of the Appendix 93
8 Biliary Diseases 95
Anatomy of the Extrahepatic Biliary System 95
Common Hepatic Duct 95
Gallbladder 95
Cystic Duct 97
Cystohepatic Junction 99
Ducts of Luschka 99
(Common) Bile Duct 99
Dimensions 100
Hepatopancreatic Ampulla (Vater) 100
Bile Secretion 100
Vessels and Lymphatics 100
Arteries 100
Veins 102
Lymphatics 102
Clinical Correlates 102
Normal Bile Production 102
Control of Bile Secretion 104
Cholelithiasis 104
Diagnostic Procedures 106
Cholecystitis 107
Cholecystectomy 107
Gallstone Pancreatitis 108
Carcinoma of the Biliary Tract 108
9 Colon Diseases 109
Anatomy of the Colon 109
Parts and Landmarks 109
Microscopic Anatomy 109
Embryology 111
Innervation 111
Parasympathetic 111
Sympathetic 112
Sensory Fibers 112
Vessels and Lymphatics 112
Arterial Supply 112
Venous Drainage 114
Lymphatic Drainage 114
Clinical Correlates 117
Diverticula 117
Diverticulosis 117
Diverticulitis 117
Polyps 119
Cancer 119
Colitis (by Type) 121
Large Bowel Obstruction 124
Volvulus 124
Aspects of Colectomy (Below) 124
10 Gastroduodenal Diseases 127
Anatomy of the Stomach and Duodenum 127
Parts of the Stomach 127
Functional Anatomy and Motility 127
Gastric Microscopic Anatomy 129
Mucosa 129
Submucosa 129
Muscularis (Smooth Muscle) 129
Serosa 129
Anatomy of the Duodenum 130
Duodenal Microscopic Anatomy 131
Mucosa 131
Submucosa 131
Muscularis 132
Serosa 132
Inner Surface 132
Gastroduodenal Embryology 132
Innervation 133
Arteries, Veins, and Lymphatics 135
Arteries 137
Celiac Trunk (Axis) Branches (Highly Variable) 137
Superior Mesenteric Artery 137
Venous Drainage 137
Lymphatic Drainage 139
Clinical Correlates 139
Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding 139
Gastritis 139
Peptic Ulcer 139
Hiatal Hernia 142
Cancer 142
Billroth Procedures 145
Zollinger-Ellison Syndrome 146
11 Hernias 147
Anatomy of the Abdominal Wall 147
Abdominal Wall Layers 147
External Oblique (EO) Muscle 147
Internal Oblique (IO) Muscle 149
Transversus Abdominis (TA) Muscle 150
Rectus Abdominis Muscle 150
Linea Alba 151
Transversalis Fascia 151
Hesselbach’s Triangle 152
Inguinal Canal Boundaries 152
Spermatic Cord Layers and Contents 153
Nerves Near the Spermatic Cord 153
Vessels and Lymphatics 153
Regional Arteries and Veins 153
Lymphatics 154
Clinical Correlates 154
Inguinal Hernia 154
Types 156
Approaches 156
Femoral Hernia 157
Umbilical Hernia 157
Incisional Hernia 158
Rare Hernias 158
Hiatal Hernias 160
12 Kidney Diseases 163
Anatomy of the Kidneys 163
Position of the Kidneys 163
Internal Renal Structure 163
Collecting System 166
Ureter 166
Innervation of Kidneys and Ureters 166
Vessels and lymphatics 168
Arterial Supply 168
Venous Drainage 168
Lymphatic Drainage 172
Clinical Correlates 172
Stones 172
Renal Cancer 175
Surgical Approaches to the Kidneys 177
13 Liver Diseases 179
Anatomy of the Liver 179
Basic Gross Anatomy 179
Divisions 182
Portal Triads and Bile Duct System 184
Innervation of the Liver 184
Vessels and Lymphatics 187
Arterial Supply 187
Portal Venous Supply 189
Hepatic Venous Drainage 189
Lymphatic Drainage 189
Clinical Correlates 192
Liver Functions 192
Liver Trauma 192
Benign Tumors 192
Malignant Tumors 193
Cirrhosis and Liver Failure 193
Abscesses 197
Hemobilia 198
14 Pancreatic Diseases 199
Anatomy of the Pancreas 199
Parts and Landmarks 199
Location and Locale of the Pancreas 199
Duct System 200
Main Pancreatic Duct 200
Accessory Pancreatic Duct (Variable) 201
Functional Anatomy 201
Exocrine Functions 201
Endocrine Functions 201
Innervation 202
Vessels and Lymphatics 202
Arterial Supply 202
Venous Drainage 205
Lymphatic Drainage 205
Clinical Correlates 205
Pancreatitis 205
Acute 205
Chronic 205
Pancreatic Cancer 207
Adenocarcinoma 207
Endocrine Neoplasms 207
15 Small Intestine Diseases 211
Anatomy of the Small Intestine 211
Duodenum 211
Jejunum 211
Ileum 211
Microscopic Anatomy 212
Endocrine Gut Functions 214
Innervation 214
Vessels and Lymphatics 216
Arterial Supply 216
Celiac Artery Branches 216
Superior Mesenteric Artery Branches 216
Marginal Artery 216
Venous Drainage 219
Lymphatic Drainage 219
Clinical Correlates 219
Small Bowel Obstruction 219
Intussusception 219
Diverticular Disease 222
Meckel’s Ileal Diverticulum 222
Cancer of the Small Intestine 224
Crohn’s Disease 225
Short-Bowel Syndrome 227
Section V: Pelvis and Perineum 229
16 Anorectal Diseases 231
Anorectal Anatomy 231
Rectum 231
Anal Canal 232
Microscopic Anatomy 233
Innervation 233
Vessels and Lymphatics 235
Arterial Supply 235
Venous Drainage 235
Lymphatic Drainage 238
Clinical Correlates 238
Hemorrhoids 238
Anorectal Abscess 238
Anal Fissure 240
Colonic Ischemia 240
Rectal Cancer 240
Colorectal Cancer 240
Adenocarcinoma 240
Prognosis 242
Treatment 242
17 Pelvic Fractures 243
Anatomy of the Pelvic Skeleton 243
Coxal Bones (Os Coxae; 2) 243
Ilium: Parts and Landmarks 243
Ischium: Parts and Landmarks 243
Pubis: Parts and Landmarks 245
Sacrum 245
Pelvic Joints 246
Pelvic Ligaments 246
Neurovascular Supply 246
Nerves of the Pelvis 246
Arteries of the Pelvis 247
Venous Drainage 249
Clinical Correlates 249
Pelvic Fractures 249
Mechanisms 249
Associated Injuries 250
Young and Burgess Classification 250
Acetabular Fractures 253
Judet-Letournel Classification 255
18 Prostate Diseases 257
Basic Anatomy 257
Prostate Proper 257
Prostatic Capsule(s) 259
Prostatic Ducts and Urethra 260
Prostatic Innervation 260
Vessels and Lymphatics 262
Arterial Supply 262
Venous Drainage 263
Lymphatics 263
Clinical Correlates 263
Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) 263
Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) 265
Diagnosis 265
Treatment 265
Aspects of TURP 266
Carcinoma of the Prostate 266
Staging and Treatment 266
Surgical Approaches in Prostatectomy 270
19 Uterus and Adnexal Diseases 271
Anatomy of the Uterus, Adnexa, and Vagina 271
Uterus 271
Position of the Uterus and Pouches 272
Uterine (Fallopian) Tubes (Ducts) 273
Ovaries 273
Vagina 274
Vessels 274
Arterial Supply 274
Venous Drainage 276
Ovarian Veins 276
Uterine Veins 276
Vaginal Veins 276
Lymphatic Drainage 278
Clinical Correlates 278
Pelvis and Acute Abdomen 278
Uterine Fibromas 278
Ovarian Cysts 278
Endometriosis 283
Cancer 284
Uterine Endometrial Carcinoma 284
Cervical Carcinoma 284
Ovarian Tumors and Cancer 284
Section VI: Upper Limb 287
20 Pectoral Girdle Fractures 289
Anatomy of the Pectoral Girdle 289
Clavicle 289
Scapula 289
Pectoral Girdle and Shoulder Joints 289
Ligaments 291
Neurovascular Supply 292
Arterial Supply 292
Venous Drainage 294
Nerves 294
Brachial Plexus 294
Clinical Correlates 295
Scapula Fractures 295
Clavicle Fractures 297
21 Humerus Fractures 299
Anatomy of the Humerus 299
Humerus 299
Glenohumeral Joint 299
Elbow Joint 299
Compartments of the Arm 302
Vessels and Nerves 302
Arterial Supply 302
Veins of the Arm 305
Nerves of the Arm 305
Brachial Plexus 306
Clinical Correlates 307
Compartment Syndrome 307
Humerus Fractures 307
Proximal Humerus Fractures 310
Humeral Shaft Fractures 310
Distal Humerus Fractures 310
22 Forearm Fractures 313
Anatomy of the Forearm 313
Ulna 313
Radius 313
Elbow Joint 313
Compartments of the Forearm 315
Vessels and Nerves 315
Arterial Supply of the Forearm 315
Veins of the Forearm 318
Nerves of the Forearm 319
Median Nerve (C6-T1) 319
Ulnar Nerve (C7-T1) 319
Radial Nerve (C5-T1) 320
Clinical Correlates 320
Antebrachial Compartment Syndrome 320
Elbow Dislocations 320
Ulna and Radius Fractures 325
23 Wrist and Hand Fractures 327
Anatomy of the Wrist and Hand 327
Carpal Bones: Lateral to Medial 327
Metacarpals 327
Phalanges 327
Joints of Wrist and Hand 327
Ligaments of Wrist and Hand 330
Wrist and Hand Compartments 330
Vessels and Nerves 333
Arterial Supply 333
Superficial Palmar Arch 333
Deep Palmar Arch 335
Venous Drainage 335
Nerves 335
Median Nerve 335
Ulnar Nerve 336
Radial Nerve 336
Clinical Correlates 336
Compartment Syndrome 336
Scaphoid Fractures 338
Metacarpal and Phalangeal Fractures 338
Section VII: Lower Limb 341
24 Hip and Thigh Fractures 343
Anatomy of the Hip and Thigh 343
Femur 343
Coxal (Hip) Bones 343
Hip Joint 343
Compartments of the Thigh 346
Vessels and Nerves 349
Arterial Supply to the Thigh and Hip Joint 349
Veins of the Hip and Thigh 352
Nerves of the Hip and Thigh 354
Clinical Correlates 354
Compartment Syndromes 354
Hip Fractures 354
Intracapsular Fractures 356
Shaft and Distal Femur Fractures 356
Diaphyseal Fractures 356
25 Knee and Leg Fractures 359
Anatomy of Knee and Leg 359
Patella 359
Tibia 359
Fibula 359
Knee Joint(s) 359
Compartments of the Leg 362
Vessels and Nerves 364
Arterial Supply 364
Veins of the Knee and Leg 366
Nerves 368
Sciatic Nerve (L4-S1) 368
Clinical Correlates 368
Compartment Syndrome 368
Fractures of Knee Region and Leg 368
Patellar Fractures 368
Tibial Plateau Fractures 373
Tibial Shaft Fractures 373
Fibular Fractures 374
Malleolar Fractures 374
26 Ankle and Foot Fractures 375
Anatomy of the Ankle and Foot 375
Malleoli 375
Tarsal Bones 375
Metatarsal Bones 377
Phalanges 377
Ankle and Foot Joints 377
Ankle and Foot Ligaments 378
Compartments of the Foot 378
Vessels and Nerves 380
Arterial Supply 381
Venous Drainage 381
Nerves 381
Sciatic Nerve (L4-S1) 381
Clinical Correlates 382
Ankle Fractures 382
Tarsal Fractures 382
Talus Fractures 382
Calcaneus Fractures 386
Metatarsal and Phalangeal Fractures 386
Index 389
A 389
B 391
C 392
D 395
E 396
F 397
G 398
H 399
I 401
J 403
K 403
L 404
M 405
N 406
O 406
P 407
Q 410
R 410
S 412
T 416
U 418
V 419
W 419
X 420
Y 420
Z 420