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Mosby's Manual of Diagnostic and Laboratory Tests - E-Book

Mosby's Manual of Diagnostic and Laboratory Tests - E-Book

Kathleen Deska Pagana | Timothy J. Pagana


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Book Details


Widely used in both academic and clinical settings, this comprehensive resource provides clear, concise coverage of more than 700 of the most commonly performed diagnostic and laboratory tests — including 30 new to this edition. Chapters are organized by test type and begin with a list of the tests covered, followed by a test type overview with specimen collection techniques. Tests are presented in a consistent format with normal findings, indications, test explanation, procedure and patient care, and test results and clinical significance, as well as any applicable contraindications, potential complications, interfering factors, and related tests.

  • A full-color design and 127 photographs and illustrations depict procedures, equipment, techniques, and key concepts.
  • Provides comprehensive coverage of more than 700 diagnostic and laboratory tests routinely performed today.
  • UNIQUE! Test Results and Clinical Significance sections explain pathophysiology and how test results may indicate certain disease processes.
  • Color-coded thumb-tabs, alphabetically organized chapters, and two appendixes that list all tests — one in alphabetical order and the other organized by body system — make every test easy to find.
  • Critical Values alert you to situations requiring immediate intervention.
  • UNIQUE! Related Tests sections list tests that provide similar information or are used to evaluate the same body system, disease process, or symptom.
  • UNIQUE! Clinical Priorities boxes emphasize information that must be kept in mind when preparing a patient for testing, performing a test, and evaluating results.
  • UNIQUE! An icon for drug-related Interfering Factors alerts you to the effects of pharmacologic agents on tests.
  • A patient teaching icon indicates information that should be shared with patients and their families.
  • Home Care Responsibilities boxes provide important patient teaching guidelines and instructions for patients outside the acute care setting.
  • UNIQUE! Age-Related Concerns boxes address the special needs of pediatric and geriatric patients and critical age-related variations in values.
  • SI units are included in the Normal Findings section of appropriate tests.
  • Convenient lists of disease and organ panels, test abbreviations, and tests by body system offer quick access to frequently referenced information.
  • A comprehensive index includes the names of all tests and their synonyms, as well as other relevant terms found within test entries for quick access in the clinical setting.
  • Completely updated content with 30 new tests, including ductoscopy, thyroglobulin, lactoferrin, and human papillomavirus.
  • New full-color photographs and enhanced illustrations clarify key concepts and demonstrate testing techniques.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front Cover\r Cover
Evolve Page\r ii
Copyright\r iv
Dedication v
Preface vii
Contents xi
CHAPTER 1\rGuidelines for Proper Test Preparation and Performance 1
Overview 2
CHAPTER 2\rBlood Studies 9
Overview 13
Acetylcholine Receptor Antibody (AChR Ab, Anti-Acetylcholine Receptor Antibody) 22
Acid Phosphatase (Prostatic Acid Phosphatase [PAP], Tartrate-Resistant Acid Phosphatase [TRARAP]) 24
Activated Clotting Time (ACT, ActivatedCoagulation Time) 26
Adrenocorticotropic Hormone (ACTH, Corticotropin) 28
Adrenocorticotropic HormoneStimulation (ACTH Stimulation With Cosyntropin,Cortisol Stimulation) 31
Adrenocorticotropic Hormone Stimulation With Metyrapone (Metyrapone, ACTH StimulationWith Metyrapone) 34
Agglutinin, Febrile/Cold 36
Alanine Aminotransferase (ALALT, formerly Serum Glutamic-Pyruvic Transaminase [SGPT]) 38
Aldolase 40
Aldosterone 42
Alkaline Phosphatase (ALALP) 46
Allergy Blood Testing (IgE Antibody Test, Radioallergosorbent test [RARAST]) 49
Alpha1-Antitrypsin (AAAAT, A1AT, AAAAT phenotyping) 52
Alpha-Fetoprotein (AFAFP, Alpha1-Fetoprotein) 54
Amino Acid Profiles (Amino Acid Screen) 56
Ammonia 58
Amylase, Blood 60
Androstenediones (Androstenedione [AD], Dehydroepiandrosterone [DHEA], Dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate [DHEA S])\r 62
Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme (ACE, Serum Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme [SACE]) 64
Anion Gap (AG, R factor)\r 66
Anticardiolipin Antibody (ACA, aCL Antibodies) 68
Anticentromere Antibody(Centromere Antibody) 70
Antichromatin Antibody (Antinucleosome Antibodies [Anti-NCS], Antihistone Antibody [Anti-HST, AHA]) 71
Anticyclic-Citrullinated Peptide Antibody (Cyclic Citrullinated Peptide Antibody, CCP IgG, Anti-CCP) 72
Antideoxyribonuclease-B Titer (Anti-DNase-B [ADB], ADNase-B) 74
Antidiuretic Hormone (ADH, Vasopressin, Arginine Vasopressin [AVP]) 75
Antidiuretic Hormone Suppression(ADH Suppression, Water Load) 78
Anti-DNA Antibody (Antideoxyribonucleic Acid Antibodies, Antibody to Double-Stranded DNA, Anti–Double-Stranded DNA [Anti–ds-DNA], DNA Antibody, Native Double-Stranded DNA) 80
Antiextractable Nuclear Antigen (Anti-ENA, Antibodies to Extractable Nuclear Antigens, Anti–Jo-1 [Antihistidyl Transfer Synthase], Antiribonucleoprotein[Anti-RNP], Anti-Smith [Anti-SM]) 82
Antiglomerular Basement Membrane Antibody (Anti-GBM Antibody, AGBM, Glomerular Basement Antibody, Goodpasture’s Antibody) 83
Anti–Liver/Kidney Microsomal Antibody (Anti-LKM Antibody) 85
Antimitochondrial Antibody (AMA) 86
Antimyocardial Antibody (AMA) 87
Antineutrophil Cytoplasmic Antibody (ANCA) 88
Antinuclear Antibody (ANA) 90
Anti—Parietal Cell Antibody (APCPCA) 94
Antiscleroderma Antibody (Scl-70 Antibody, Scleroderma Antibody) 95
Anti—Smooth Muscle Antibody (ASMA) 96
Antispermatozoal Antibody (Sperm Agglutination and Inhibition, Sperm Antibodies, Antisperm Antibodies, Infertility Screen) 98
Anti—SS-A (Ro), Anti—SS-B (La), and Anti—SS–C Antibody (Anti-Ro, Anti-La, Sjögren Antibodies) 100
Antistreptolysin O Titer (ASO Titer) 101
Antithrombin III (AT-III, Functional Antithrombin III Assay, Heparin Cofactor, Immunologic Antithrombin III,Serine Protease Inhibitor)\r 103
Antithyroglobulin Antibody (Thyroid Autoantibody, Thyroid Antithyroglobulin Antibody, Thyroglobulin Antibody) 105
Antithyroid Peroxidase Antibody(Anti-TPO, TPO-Ab, Antithyroid Microsomal Antibody,Thyroid Autoantibody) 108
Apolipoproteins (Apolipoprotein A-I[Apo A-I], Apolipoprotein B [Apo B], Lipoprotein [a][Lp(a)], Apolipoprotein E [Apo E]) 110
Arterial Blood Gases (Blood Gases, ABG) 114
Aspartate Aminotransferase (AST, \rFormerly Serum Glutamic Oxaloacetic Transaminase [SGOT]) 125
Beta2 Microglobulin (β2M)\r 128
Bilirubin\r 130
Blood Typing\r 135
CA 19-9 Tumor Marker (Cancer \rAntigen 19-9) 140
CA 15-3 and CA 27.29 Tumor Marker \r(Cancer Antigen 15-3, Cancer Antigen 27.29) 141
CA-125 Tumor Marker (Cancer \rAntigen-125) 143
Calcitonin (Human Calcitonin [HCT], \rThyrocalcitonin) 146
Calcium, Blood (Total/Ionized \rCalcium, Ca) 148
Carbon Dioxide Content (CO2 \rContent, CO2-Combining Power, Bicarbonate [HCO3–]) 152
Carboxyhemoglobin (COHb, Carbon \rMonoxide [CO]) 154
Carcinoembryonic Antigen (cea)\r 156
Cell Surface Immunophenotyping \r(Flow Cytometry Cell Surface Immunophenotyping, Lymphocyte Immunophenotyping, AIDS T-Lymphocyte Cell markers, CD4 Marker, CD4/CD8 Ratio, CD4 Percentage) 158
Ceruloplasmin (Cp)\r 162
Chloride, Blood (Cl)\r 164
Cholesterol\r 166
Cholinesterase (CHS, \rPseudocholinesterase, Cholinesterase RBC, Red Cell Cholinesterase, Acetylcholinesterase, Dibucaine Inhibition) 171
Chromosome Karyotype (Blood \rChromosome Analysis, Chromosome Studies, Cytogenetics, Karyotype) 171
Coagulating Factor Concentration \r(Factor Assay, Coagulating Factors, Blood-Clotting Factors) 176
Complement Assay (C3 and C4 \rComplement) 183
Complete Blood Cell Count and \rDifferential Count (CBC and Diff) 185
Coombs Test, Direct (Direct \rAntiglobulin Test [DAT]) 186
Coombs Test, Indirect (Blood Antibody \rScreening, Indirect Antiglobulin Test [IAT]) 188
Cortisol, Blood (Hydrocortisone, \rSerum Cortisol) 190
Cotinine\r 193
C-Peptide (Connecting Peptide Insulin, \rInsulin C-Peptide, Proinsulin C-Peptide) 195
C-Reactive Protein (CRP, High-\rSensitivity C-Reactive Protein [hs-CRP]) 197
Creatine Kinase (CK, Creatine \rPhosphokinase [CPK]) 199
Creatinine, Blood (Serum Creatinine)\r 204
Creatinine Clearance (CrCl)\r 206
Cryoglobulin\r 210
Cytokines\r 211
d-Dimer (Fragment d-dimer, Fibrin degradation product [Fdp]) 215
Dexamethasone Suppression (DS , Prolonged/Rapid DS , Cortisol Suppress ion, Adrenocorticotropic Hormone[ACTH] Suppress ion) 217
Diabetes Mellitus Autoantibody Panel(Insulin Autoantibody [IAA ], Isl et Cell Antibody [ICA], Gl utamicAcid Decarboxylase Antibody [GAD Ab]) 220
2,3-Diphosphoglycerate (2,3-DPG in Erythrocytes) 222
Disseminated Intravascular CoagulationScreening (DI C Screening) 224
Drug Monitoring (Therapeutic Drug Monitoring [TD M]) 226
Epstein-Barr Virus Titer (EBV) 230
Erythrocyte Fragility (Os motic Fragility [OF], RedBlood Cell Fragility) 232
Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR ,Sed Rate Test) 234
Erythropoietin (EPO ) 236
Estrogen Fraction (Es triol Excretion, Es tradiol, Es trone) 238
Ethanol (Ethyl Al cohol, Blood Al cohol, Blood EtOH) 242
Factor V-Leiden (FVL, Mutation Analysis) 244
Ferritin 246
Fetal Hemoglobin Testing (Kleihauer-Betke Test) 249
Fetal Scalp Blood pH (Fetal OxygenSaturation Monitoring) 251
Fibrinogen (Factor I, Quantitative Fibrinogen) 253
Folic Acid (Folate) 255
Fungal Antibody Tests (Anti-Fungal Antibodies) 257
Gamma-Glutamyl Transpeptidase (GGTP ,g-GTP , Gamma-Gl utamyl Transferase [GGT ]) 259
Gastrin 261
Gliadin Antibodies (Endomysial Antibodies, Tiss ueTransglutaminase Antibodies) 263
Glucagon 265
Glucose, Blood (Blood Sugar, Fasting Blood Sugar[FBS]) 267
Glucose, Postprandial (2-Hour PostprandialGl ucose [2-Hour PPG ], 2-Hour Postprandial Blood Sugar,1-Hour Gl ucose Screen for Gestational Diabetes Mell itus,O’Sull ivan Test) 270
Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase(G-6-PD Screen) 273
Glucose Tolerance (GT , Oral Gl ucose Tolerance [OGT ]) 275
Glycosylated Hemoglobin (GHb, GHB,Gl ycohemoglobin, Hemoglobin A1c [HbA1c], Diabetic ControlIndex, Gl ycated Protein) 280
Growth Hormone (GH, Human Growth Hormone [HGH],Somatotropin Hormone [SH]) 283
Growth Hormone Stimulation (GH Provocation,Insulin Tolerance [IT ], Arginine) 286
Haptoglobin 289
Heinz Body Preparation 291
Helicobacter pylori Antibodies Test(Campylobacter pylori, Anti–Helicobacter pyloriImmunoglobulin G [IgG] Antibody, Campylobacter-LikeOrganism [CLO ] Test, Rapid Urease Test, H. pylori Stool Test) 292
Hematocrit (Hct, Packed Red Blood Cell Volume, PackedCell Volume [PCV]) 295
Hemoglobin (Hgb, Hb) 299
Hemoglobin Electrophoresis (HgbEl ectrophoresis) 303
Hepatitis Virus Studies (Hepatitis-Ass ociatedAntigen [HAA ], Australian Antigen) 305
Hexosaminidase (Hexosaminidase A, \rHex A, Total Hexosaminidase, Hexosaminidase A and B) 310
HIV Serology (AIDS Serology, \rAcquired Immunodeficiency Serology, AIDS Screen, Human Immune deficiency Virus [HIV] Antibody Test, Western Blot Test, p24 Antigen Capture Assay) 312
HIV Viral Load (HIV RNA)\r 316
HLA-B27 Antigen (Human \rLymphocyte Antigen B27, Human Leukocyte A Antigen, White Blood Cell Antigens, Histocompatibility Leukocyte A Antigen) 318
Homocysteine (HCY)\r 320
Human Placental Lactogen ([hPL], \rHuman Chorionic Somatomammotropin [HCS]) 323
Human T-Cell Lymphotrophic Virus \r([HTLV] I/II Antibody) 325
Immunofixation Electrophoresis (IFE)\r 326
Immunoglobulin Electrophoresis \r(Gamma Globulin Electrophoresis) 328
Insulin Assay\r 332
Intrinsic Factor Antibody (IF ab)\r 334
Iron Level (Fe), Total Iron-Binding \rCapacity (TIBC), Transferrin, Transferrin Saturation 336
Ischemia-Modified Albumin (IMA)\r 340
Lactic Acid (Lactate)\r 341
Lactic Dehydrogenase (LDH, Lactic \rDehydrogenase) 343
Lactoferrin\r 347
Lactose Tolerance\r 348
Legionnaires’ Disease Antibody\r 351
Leucine Aminopeptidase (LAP, \rAminopeptidase Cytosol) 353
Lipase\r 354
Lipoproteins (High-Density \rLipoproteins [HDL, HDL-C] Low-Density Lipoproteins [LDL, LDL-C], Very Low–Density Lipoproteins [VLDL], Lipoprotein Electrophoresis, Lipoprotein Phenotyping, Lipid Fractionation, Non-HDL Cholesterol) 356
Luteinizing Hormone (LH, Lutropin) \rand Follicle-Stimulating Hormone (FSH) Assay 363
Lyme Disease\r 366
Magnesium (Mg)\r 368
Maternal Screen Testing (Maternal \rTriple Screen, Maternal Quadruple Screen) 370
Metanephrine, Plasma Free\r 373
Methemoglobin (Hemoglobin M)\r 375
Mononucleosis Spot (Mononuclear \rHeterophil, Heterophil Antibody, Monospot) 377
Myoglobin\r 378
Natriuretic Peptides (Atrial Natriuretic \rPeptide [ANP], Brain Natriuretic Peptide [BNP], C-type Natriuretic Peptide [CNP], B type Natriuretic Peptide [BNP], Ventricular Natriuretic Peptide, CHF Peptides) 380
Neutrophil Antibody Screen \r(Granulocyte Antibodies, Polymorphonucleocyte Antibodies [PMN ab], Antigranulocyte Antibodies, Antineutrophil Antibodies, Neutrophil Antibodies) 382
Neutrophil Gelatinase-Associated \rLipocalin (NGAL, Lipocalin-2) 384
Newborn Metabolic Screening\r 386
5'-Nucleotidase\r 389
Osmolality, Blood (Serum Osmolality)\r 391
Parathyroid Hormone (PTH, \rParathormone) 393
Partial Thromboplastin Time, Activated \r(APTT, Partial Thromboplastin Time [PTT]) 396
Parvovirus B19 Antibody\r 399
Pheochromocytoma Suppression and \rProvocative Testing (Clonidine suppression test [CST], Glucagon stimulation test) 401
Phosphate (PO4), Phosphorus (P)\r 403
Plasminogen (Fibrinolysin)\r 406
Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor 1 (PAI-\r1) 407
Platelet Aggregation\r 409
Platelet Antibody (antiplatelet \rAntibody Detection) 411
Platelet Closure Time (Platelet \rFunction Assay/Screen) 413
Platelet Count (Thrombocyte Count)\r 416
Platelet Volume, Mean (Mean Platelet \rVolume [MPV]) 419
Potassium, Blood (K)\r 421
Prealbumin (PAB, Thyroxine-Binding \rPrealbumin [TBPA], Thyretin, Transthyretin) 424
Pregnancy Tests (Human Chorionic \rGonadotropin [hCG], Beta Subunit) 427
Progesterone Assay\r 430
Prolactin Level (PRL)\r 433
Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA)\r 435
Protein C, Protein S\r 439
Protein (Protein Electrophoresis, \rAlbumin, Globulin, Total Protein) 441
Prothrombin Time (PT, Pro-Time, \rInternational Normalized Ratio [INR]) 448
QuantiFERON-TB Gold (QFT, QFT-G, \rTB Gold test, TB Blood Test) 452
Rabies-Neutralizing Antibody\r 454
Red Blood Cell Count (RBC Count, \rErythrocyte Count) 455
Red Blood Cell Indices (RBC Indices, \rMean Corpuscular Volume [MCV], Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin [MCH], Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Concentration [MCHC], Blood Indices, Erythrocyte Indices, Red Blood Cell Distribution Width [RDW]) 459
Renin Assay, Plasma (Plasma Renin \rActivity [PRA], Plasma Renin Concentration [PRC]) 463
Reticulocyte Count (Retic Count)\r 468
Rheumatoid Factor (RF, Rheumatoid \rArthritis [RA] Factor) 471
Rubella Antibody (German Measles, \rHemagglutination Inhibition [HAI]) 473
Rubeola Antibody 475
Sickle Cell Screen (Sickle Cell \rPreparation, Sickledex, Hemoglobin [Hgb S]) 477
Sodium, Blood (Na)\r 479
Somatomedin C (Insulin-Like Growth \rFactor I, IGF-1, Insulin-Like Growth Factor Binding Proteins [IGF BP]) 482
Syphilis Detection (Serologic Test for \rSyphilis [STS], Venereal Disease Research Laboratory [VDRL], Rapid Plasma Reagin [RPR], Fluorescent Treponemal Antibody [FTA]) 486
Testosterone (Total Testosterone \rSerum Level) 489
Thrombosis Indicators (Fibrin \rMonomers [Fibrin Degradation Products (FDPs)], Fibrin Split Products (FSPs)], Fibrinopeptide A [FPA], Prothrombin Fragment [F1+2]) 492
Thyroglobulin (Tg, Thyrogen-\rStimulated Thyroglobulin) 494
Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone (TSH, \rThyrotropin) 497
Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone \rStimulation (TSH Stimulation) 500
Thyroid-Stimulating Immunoglobulins \r(TSI, Long-Acting Thyroid Stimulator [LATS], Thyroid-Binding Inhibitory Immunoglobulin [TBII], Thyrotropin Receptor Antibody) 502
Thyrotropin-Releasing Hormone \r(TRH, Thyrotropin-Releasing Factor [TRF]) 504
Thyroxine-Binding Globulin (TBG, \rThyroid-Binding Globulin) 507
Thyroxine, Free (FT4)\r 509
Thyroxine Index, Free (FTI, T7, FT4 \rIndex, FT4 I) 512
Thyroxine, Total (T4, Thyroxine \rScreen) 514
Toxoplasmosis Antibody Titer\r 518
Transferrin Receptor Assay\r 519
Triglycerides (TGs)\r 521
Triiodothyronine (Total T3 \rRadioimmunoassay [T3 by RIA], Free T3) 524
Triiodothyronine Uptake (T3 Uptake, \rResin Triiodothyronine Uptake Test [RT3 Units, T3 RU], Thyroid Hormone–Binding Ratio [THBR]) 527
Troponins (Cardiac-Specific Troponin T \r[cTnT], Cardiac-Specific Troponin I [cTnI]) 530
Urea Nitrogen, Blood (Blood Urea \rNitrogen [BUN], Serum Urea Nitrogen) 533
Uric Acid, Blood\r 536
Uroporphyrinogen-1-Synthase\r 539
Vitamin B12 (Cyanocobalamin)\r 540
Vitamin D (25-hydroxy vitamin D)\r 543
West Nile Virus Testing\r 547
White Blood Cell Count and \rDifferential Count (WBC and Differential, Leukocyte Count, Neutrophil Count, Lymphocyte Count, Monocyte Count, Eosinophil Count, Basophil Count) 548
d-Xylose Absorption (Xylose \rTolerance) 556
CHAPTER 3\rElectrodiagnostic Tests 558
Overview\r 559
Caloric Study (Oculovestibular Reflex Study) 560
Cardiac Stress Testing (Stress Testing,Exercise Testing, Electrocardiograph [EKG]Stress Testing, Nuclear Stress Testing, EchoStress Testing) 562
Electrocardiography (Electrocardiogram [ECGCG, EKG]) 567
Electroencephalography (Electroencephalogram [EEG]) 573
Electromyography (EMGMG) 577
Electroneurography (Nerve Conduction Studies) 581
Electronystagmography (ENGNG, Electrooculography) 583
Electrophysiologic Study (EPS, Cardiac Mapping) 586
Evoked Potential Studies (EP Studies,Evoked Brain Potentials, Evoked Responses,Visual-Evoked Responses [VERs], AuditoryBrainstem-Evoked Potentials [ABEPs],Somatosensory-Evoked Responses [SERs]) 589
Fetal Contraction Stress Test (CST, Oxytocin Challenge Test [OCT]) 594
Fetal Nonstress Test (NST, Fetal Activity Determination) 597
Holter Monitoring (AmbulatoryMonitoring, Ambulatory Electrocardiography,Event Recorder) 599
Pelvic Floor SphincterElectromyography (Pelvic FloorSphincter EMGMG, Rectal EMGMG Procedure) 602
CHAPTER 4\rEndoscopic Studies 605
Overview\r 606
Arthroscopy\r 611
Bronchoscopy\r 615
Colonoscopy\r 620
Colposcopy\r 624
Cystoscopy (Endourology)\r 627
Ductoscopy (Mammary ductoscopy)\r 632
Endoscopic Retrograde \rCholangiopancreatography (ERCP, ERCP of the Biliary and Pancreatic Ducts) 634
Esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD, Upper Gastrointestinal [UGI] Endoscopy, Gastroscopy)\r 638
Fetoscopy\r 642
Hysteroscopy\r 645
Laparoscopy (Pelvic Endoscopy, Gynecologic Video Laparoscopy, Peritoneoscopy)\r 648
Mediastinoscopy\r 652
Sigmoidoscopy (Proctoscopy, Anoscopy)\r 654
Sinus Endoscopy\r 656
Thoracoscopy\r 658
CHAPTER 5\rFluid Analysis Studies 661
Overview 662
Amniocentesis (Amniotic Fluid Analysis) 664
Amyloid Beta Protein Precursor,Soluble (sBPP) 671
Arthrocentesis With Synovial Fluid Analysis (Synovial Fluid Analysis, Joint Aspiration) 673
Breast Cyst and Nipple Discharge Fluid Analysis\r 676
Breast Ductal Lavage 678
Fetal Fibronectin (fFN) 680
Lumbar Puncture and Cerebrospinal Fluid Examination (LP and CSF Examination, Spinal Tap,Spinal Puncture, Cerebrospinal Fluid Analysis) 682
Paracentesis (Peritoneal Fluid Analysis, Abdominal Paracentesis, Ascitic Fluid Cytology, Peritoneal Tap) 691
Pericardiocentesis 697
Secretin-Pancreozymin (Pancreatic Enzymes) 701
Semen Analysis (Sperm Count, Sperm Examination, Seminal Cytology, Semen Examination) 703
Sexual Assault Testing 706
Sims-Huhner (Postcoital, Postcoital Cervical Mucus, Cervical Mucus Sperm Penetration) 709
Sweat Electrolytes (Iontophoretic Sweat) 711
Thoracentesis and Pleural FluidAnalysis (Pleural Tap) 714
CHAPTER 6\rManometric Studies 721
Overview 722
Cystometry (Cystometrogram [CMG]) 723
Esophageal Function Studies (Esophageal Manometry, Esophageal Motility Studies) 726
Oculoplethysmography (OPG, Ocular Pressures) 730
Plethysmography, Arterial 733
Tilt-Table Testing 735
Tourniquet Test (Capillary Fragility) 736
Urethral Pressure Profile (UPP, Urethral Pressure Measurements) 738
Urine Flow Studies (Uroflowmetry,Urodynamic Studies) 740
CHAPTER 7\rMicroscopic Studies 742
Overview\r 743
Acid-Fast Bacilli Smear (AFAFB Smear) 745
Blood Culture and Sensitivity (Blood C&S) 747
Blood Smear (Peripheral Blood Smear, Red Blood Cell Morphology, RBC Smear) 749
Bone Marrow Biopsy (Bone Marrow Examination, Bone Marrow Aspiration) 751
Breast Cancer Tumor Analysis (Breast Cancer Predictors, DNADNADNA Ploidy Status, S-Phase Fraction, Cathepsin D, HERER 2 [c erbB2, neu] Protein, Ki67 Protein, p53 Protein) 757
Cervical Biopsy (Punch Biopsy, Endocervical Biopsy, LEELEELEEP Cervical Biopsy, Cone Biopsy, Conization) 760
Chlamydia 763
Cutaneous Immunofluorescence Biopsy (Immunofluorescence Skin Biopsy, Skin Biopsy Antibodies, Skin Immunohistopathology) 765
Endometrial Biopsy 766
Estrogen Receptor Assay (ERER Assay, ERAERAERA,Estradiol Receptor) 769
Herpes Simplex (Herpesvirus Type 2, Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 and 2 [HSV 1 and 2], Herpes Genitalis) 771
Human Papillomavirus (HPV Test,HPV DNADNADNA Testing) 773
Liver Biopsy 776
Lung Biopsy 779
Papanicolaou Smear (Pap Smear, Pap Test, Cytologic Test for Cancer, Liquid-Based Cervical Cytology [LBCCCC]) 783
Pleural Biopsy 789
Progesterone Receptor Assay(PR Assay, PRA, PgR)\r 791
Renal Biopsy (Kidney Biopsy) 793
SARS Viral Testing 796
Sexually Transmitted Disease Culture(STD Culture, Culture of Cervix, Urethra, and Anus) 798
Sputum Culture and Sensitivity (Sputum C&S, Sputum Culture, and Gram stain) 802
Sputum Cytology 804
Throat and Nose Cultures 806
Tuberculosis Culture (TB Culture, BACACTECEC Method, Polymerase Chain Reaction) 809
Viral Cultures 812
West Nile Virus Testing 814
Wound and Soft Tissue Cultureand Sensitivity (C&S) 815
CHAPTER 8\rNuclear Scanning 818
Overview 819
Antibody Tumor Imaging \r(Immunoscintigraphy, Oncoscint Scan, Proscint Scan) 821
Bone Scan\r 823
Brain Scan (Cisternal Scan, Cerebral \rBlood Flow) 827
Cardiac Nuclear Scanning \r(Myocardial Scan, Cardiac Scan, Nuclear Cardiac Scanning, Heart Scan, Thallium Scan, MUGA Scan, Isonitrile Scan, Sestamibi Cardiac Scan, Cardiac Flow Studies) 831
Gallbladder Nuclear Scanning \r(Hepatobiliary Scintigraphy, Hepatobiliary Imaging, Biliary Tract Radionuclide Scan, Cholescintigraphy, DISIDA Scanning, HIDA Scanning, IDA Gallbladder Scanning) 837
Gallium Scan\r 840
Gastric Emptying Scan\r 842
Gastroesophageal Reflux Scan (GE \rReflux Scan, Aspiration Scan) 846
Gastrointestinal Bleeding Scan \r(Abdominal Scintigraphy, GI Scintigraphy) 846
Liver/Spleen Scanning (Liver \rScanning) 849
Lung Scan (Ventilation/Perfusion Scanning [VPS], Pulmonary Scintiphotography, V/Q Scan) 852
Meckel Diverticulum Nuclear Scan 857
Octreotide Scan (Carcinoid Nuclear Scan, Neuroendocrine Nuclear Scan) 858
Parathyroid Scan (Parathyroid Scintigraphy) 861
Positron Emission Tomography (PET Scan) 863
Renal Scanning (Kidney Scan, Radiorenography, Renography, Radionuclide Renal Imaging, Nuclear Imagingof the Kidney, DSMA\r Renal Scan, DTPA Renal Scan, Captopril Renal Scan) 869
Salivary Gland Nuclear Imaging (Parotid Gland Nuclear Imaging) 875
Schilling Test (Vitamin B12 Absorption Test) 877
Scrotal Nuclear Imaging (Scrotal Scan,Testicular Imaging) 879
Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy (SLNB, Lymphoscintigraphy) 881
Thyroid Scanning (Thyroid Scintiscan)Normal Findings 883
WBC Scan (Inflammatory Scan) 886
CHAPTER 9\rStool Tests 889
Overview 890
Apt Test (Downey Test, Qualitative Fetal Hemoglobin Stool Test, Stool for Swallowed Blood) 891
Clostridial Toxin Assay (Clostridium difficile, Antibiotic-Associated Colitis Assay; Pseudomembranous Colitis Toxic Assay, C. diff.) 892
Fecal Fat (Fat Absorption, Quantitative Stool Fat Determination) 893
Stool Culture (Stool for Culture and Sensitivity [Stool C&S], Stool for Ova and Parasites [O&P]) 896
Stool for Occult Blood (Stool for OB, FecalOccult Blood Test [FOBT], Fecal Immunotest [FIT],DNA Stool Sample)\r 898
CHAPTER 10\rUltrasound Studies 902
Overview 903
Abdominal Ultrasonography (Abdominal Sonography; Echography; Ultrasonography of the Kidney, Liver, Pancreatobiliary System, Gallbladder, Pancreas, Biliary Tree) 907
Breast Ultrasonography (Ultrasound Mammography) 912
Carotid Artery Duplex Scan (Carotid Ultrasound) 915
Contraceptive Device Localization (Intrauterine Device [IUD] Localization) 917
Echocardiography (Cardiac Echography, Heart Sonography, Transthoracic Echocardiography [TTE]) 918
Fetal Biophysical Profile (BPP) 923
Intravascular Ultrasound (IVUS)\r 926
Ocular and Orbit Ultrasonography 928
Pelvic Ultrasonography (Obstetric Echography, Pregnant Uterus Ultrasonography, Pelvic Ultrasonography in Pregnancy, Obstetric Ultrasonography, Vaginal Ultrasonography) 929
Prostate and Rectal Sonography 933
Scrotal Ultrasonography (Ultrasound of Testes) 936
Thyroid Ultrasonography (Thyroid Echography, Thyroid Sonography) 938
Transesophageal Echocardiography (TEE) 939
Vascular Ultrasound Studies (Venous/Arterial Doppler Ultrasound, Venous/Arterial Duplex Scan) 942
CHAPTER 11\rUrine Studies 946
Overview 947
Amylase, Urine 953
Bence-Jones Protein 955
Bladder Cancer Markers (Bladder Tumor Antigen [BTA], Nuclear Matrix Protein 22 [NMP22 ])\r 957
Bone Turnover Markers (N-Telopeptide [NTx], Osteocalcin [Bone G1a Protein, BGP, Osteocalc], Pyridinium [PYPYD] Crosslinks, Bone Specific Alkaline Phosphatase [BSAP], Amino-Terminal Propeptide of Type 1 Procollagen [PINP],C-Telopeptide [CTx]) 959
Chloride, Urine (CI) 963
Cortisol, Urine (Hydrocortisone, Urine Cortisol,Free Cortisol) 965
Delta-Aminolevulinic Acid (Aminolevulinic Acid [ALA], δ-ALA)\r 967
Glucose, Urine (Urine Sugar) 969
17-Hydroxycorticosteroids (17-OCHS) 971
5-Hydroxindoleacetic Acid (5-HIAA)\r 974
17-Ketosteroid (17-KS) 975
Microalbumin (MA) 978
Osmolality, Urine 980
Porphyrins and Porphobilinogens 982
Potassium, Urine (K) 985
Pregnanediol 987
Sodium, Urine (Na)NoNo 989
Substance Abuse Testing (Urine Drug Testing, Drug Screening) 992
Toxicology 995
Uric Acid, Urine 998
Urinalysis (UA) 1000
Urinary Stone Analysis (Renal Calculus Analysis) 1017
Urine Culture and Sensitivity (Urine C&S) 1019
Vanillylmandelic Acid (VMA) and Catecholamines (Epinephrine, Norepinephrine, Metanephrine, Normetanephrine, Dopamine) 1021
Water Deprivation (Antidiuretic Hormone [ADH] Stimulation) 1024
CHAPTER 12\rX-Ray Studies 1027
Overview 1029
Adrenal Venography 1035
Antegrade Pyelography 1037
Arteriography (Angiography; Renal, Mesenteric,Adrenal, Cerebral, and Lower Extremity Arteriography) 1039
Barium Enema (BE, Lower GI Series) 1047
Barium Swallow (Esophagogram) 1052
Bone Densitometry (Bone Mineral Content [BMC], Bone Absorptiometry, Bone Mineral Density [BMD]) 1055
Bone (Long) X-Rays 1059
Cardiac Catheterization (Coronary Angiography, Angiocardiography, Ventriculography) 1061
Chest X-Ray (CXR) 1068
Computed Tomography, Abdomen (CAT Scan, Abdomen; CT Scan, Abdomen; Helical/Spiral CT Scan, Abdomen; CT Angiography; CT colonoscopy; Virtual colonoscopy) 1073
Computed Tomography, Brain (CT scan, Brain; Computerized Axial Transverse Tomography [CATT]; Helical/Spiral CT Scan, Brain) 1080
Computed Tomography, Chest (Chest CT Scan; Helical/Spiral CT Scan, Chest) 1083
Computed Tomography, Heart (Coronary CT Angiography, Coronary Calcium Score) 1086
Cystography (Cystourethrography, Voiding,Cystography, Voiding Cystourethrography) 1090
Hysterosalpingography (Uterotubography, Uterosalpingography, Hysterogram) 1092
Intravenous Pyelography (IVIVP, ExcretoryUrography [EUG], Intravenous Urography [IUG, IVU])\r 1095
Kidney, Ureter, and Bladder X-Ray (KUB, Flat Plate of the Abdomen, Plain Film of the Abdomen, Scout Film) 1100
Mammography (Mammogram) 1103
Myelography (Myelogram) 1109
Obstruction Series 1112
Percutaneous Transhepatic Cholangiography (PTC, PTHC)\r 1114
Pulmonary Angiography (Pulmonary Arteriography, Bronchial Angiography) 1118
Retrograde Pyelography 1120
Sialography 1123
Skull X-Ray 1124
Small Bowel Follow-Through (SBF,Small Bowel Enema)\r 1127
Spinal X-Rays (Cervical, Thoracic, Lumbar, Sacral,or Coccygeal X-Ray Studies) 1130
Swallowing Examination (Videofluoroscopy Swallowing Examination) 1132
T-Tube and Operative Cholangiography 1133
Upper Gastrointestinal Tract X-Ray(Upper GIGI Series, UGI)\r 1135
Venography, Lower Extremities (Phlebography, Venogram) 1139
CHAPTER 13\rMiscellaneous Studies 1142
Overview 1143
Allergy Skin Testing 1143
Bioterrorism Infectious Agents Testing (Botulism, Anthrax, Hemorrhagic Fever, Plague, Small Pox, Tularemia, Brucellosis) 1146
Breast Cancer Genomics (Oncotype DXDXGenotyping, MammaPrint) 1150
Chorionic Villus Sampling (CVS, Chorionic Villus Biopsy [CVB]) 1151
Fluorescein Angiography (FA, Ocular Photography) 1154
Genetic Testing (Breast Cancer [BRCARCARCA] and Ovarian Cancer, Colon Cancer, Cardiovascular Disease, Tay-Sachs Disease, Cystic Fibrosis, Melanoma, Hemochromatosis,Thyroid Cancer, Paternity [Parentage Analysis] and Forensic Genetic Testing) 1157
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRIRI, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Imaging [NMRIRI]) 1166
Oximetry (Pulse Oximetry, Ear Oximetry, Oxygen Saturation) 1173
Pulmonary Function Tests (PFTs) 1177
Sleep Studies (Polysomnography [PSG], Multiple Sleep Latency Tests [MSLT], Multiple Wake Test [MWT]) 1183
Tuberculin Skin Testing (TST, Tuberculin Test, Mantoux Test) 1187
Urea Breath Test (UBT, H. pylori breath test) 1191
APPENDIX A\rAlphabetical Listof Tests 1197
APPENDIX B\rList of Tests by Body System 1206
APPENDIX C\rDisease and Organ Panels 1213
APPENDIX D Abbreviations for Diagnostic and Laboratory Tests 1216
Index 1222