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Nursing Diagnosis Handbook - E-Book

Nursing Diagnosis Handbook - E-Book

Betty J. Ackley | Gail B. Ladwig


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Book Details


Use this convenient resource to formulate nursing diagnoses and create individualized care plans! Updated with the most recent NANDA-I approved nursing diagnoses, Nursing Diagnosis Handbook: An Evidence-Based Guide to Planning Care, 9th Edition shows you how to build customized care plans using a three-step process: assess, diagnose, and plan care. It includes suggested nursing diagnoses for over 1,300 client symptoms, medical and psychiatric diagnoses, diagnostic procedures, surgical interventions, and clinical states. Authors Elizabeth Ackley and Gail Ladwig use Nursing Outcomes Classification (NOC) and Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC) information to guide you in creating care plans that include desired outcomes, interventions, patient teaching, and evidence-based rationales.

  • Promotes evidence-based interventions and rationales by including recent or classic research that supports the use of each intervention.
  • Unique! Provides care plans for every NANDA-I approved nursing diagnosis.
  • Includes step-by-step instructions on how to use the Guide to Nursing Diagnoses and Guide to Planning Care sections to create a unique, individualized plan of care.
  • Includes pediatric, geriatric, multicultural, and home care interventions as necessary for plans of care.
  • Includes examples of and suggested NIC interventions and NOC outcomes in each care plan.
  • Allows quick access to specific symptoms and nursing diagnoses with alphabetical thumb tabs.
  • Unique! Includes a Care Plan Constructor on the companion Evolve website for hands-on practice in creating customized plans of care.
  • Includes the new 2009-2011 NANDA-I approved nursing diagnoses including 21 new and 8 revised diagnoses.
  • Illustrates the Problem-Etiology-Symptom format with an easy-to-follow, colored-coded box to help you in formulating diagnostic statements.
  • Explains the difference between the three types of nursing diagnoses.
  • Expands information explaining the difference between actual and potential problems in performing an assessment.
  • Adds detailed information on the multidisciplinary and collaborative aspect of nursing and how it affects care planning.
  • Shows how care planning is used in everyday nursing practice to provide effective nursing care.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front cover Cover
NURSING DIAGNOSIS HANDBOOK An Evidence-Based Guide to Planning Care Ninth Edition iii
Copyright page iv
SECTION I. Nursing Process, Nursing Diagnosis, and Evidence-Based Nursing 1
SECTION II. Guide to Nursing Diagnoses 13
Abdominal Distention 14
Abdominal Hysterectomy 14
Abdominal Pain 14
Abdominal Surgery 14
Abdominal Trauma 14
Ablation, Radiofrequency Catheter 14
Abortion, Induced 14
Abortion, Spontaneous 14
Abruptio Placentae <36 Weeks 14
Abscess Formation 15
Abuse, Child 15
Abuse, Spouse, Parent, or Significant Other 15
Accessory Muscle Use (to Breathe) 15
Accident Prone 15
Achalasia 15
Acid-Base Imbalances 15
Acidosis, Metabolic 15
Acidosis, Respiratory 15
Acne 15
ACS (Acute Coronary Syndrome) 15
Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome 15
Acromegaly 15
Activity Intolerance, Potential to Develop 15
Acute Abdominal Pain 16
Acute Alcohol Intoxication 16
Acute Back 16
Acute Confusion 16
Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome 16
Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia (ALL) 16
Adams-Stokes Syndrome 16
Addiction 16
Addison’s Disease 16
Adenoidectomy 16
Adhesions, Lysis of 16
Adjustment Disorder 16
Adjustment Impairment 16
Adolescent, Pregnant 16
Adoption, Giving Child Up For 17
Adrenocortical Insufficiency 17
Advance Directives 17
Affective Disorders 17
Age-Related Macular Degeneration 17
Aggressive Behavior 17
Aging 17
Agitation 18
Agoraphobia 18
Agranulocytosis 18
AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome) 18
AIDS Dementia 18
AIDS, Child 18
Airway Obstruction/Secretions 18
Alcohol Withdrawal 18
Alcoholism 19
Alcoholism, Dysfunctional Family Processes 19
Alkalosis 19
ALL (Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia) 19
Allergies 19
Alopecia 19
Altered Mental Status 19
ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis) 19
Alzheimer’s Disease 19
AMD (Age-Related Macular Degeneration) 20
Amenorrhea 20
AMI (Acute Myocardial Infarction) 20
Amnesia 20
Amniocentesis 20
Amnionitis 20
Amniotic Membrane Rupture 20
Amputation 20
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) 20
Anal Fistula 20
Anaphylactic Shock 20
Anasarca 20
Anemia 20
Anemia, in Pregnancy 20
Anemia, Sickle Cell 21
Anencephaly 21
Aneurysm, Abdominal Surgery 21
Aneurysm, Cerebral 21
Anger 21
Angina 21
Angiocardiography (Cardiac Catheterization) 21
Angioplasty, Coronary 21
Anomaly, Fetal/Newborn (Parent Dealing with) 21
Anorectal Abscess 22
Anorexia 22
Anorexia Nervosa 22
Anosmia (Smell, Loss of Ability to) 22
Antepartum Period 22
Anterior Repair, Anterior Colporrhaphy 22
Anticoagulant Therapy 22
Antisocial Personality Disorder 22
Anuria 22
Anxiety 22
Anxiety Disorder 22
Aortic Aneurysm Repair (Abdominal Surgery) 22
Aortic Valvular Stenosis 22
Aphasia 23
Aplastic Anemia 23
Apnea in Infancy 23
Apneustic Respirations 23
Appendectomy 23
Appendicitis 23
Apprehension 23
AMD (Age-Related Macular Degeneration) 23
ARDS (Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome) 23
Arrhythmia 23
Arterial Insufficiency 23
Arthritis 23
Arthrocentesis 23
Arthroplasty (Total Hip Replacement) 23
Arthroscopy 23
Ascites 23
Asphyxia, Birth 23
Aspiration, Danger of 24
Assault Victim 24
Assaultive Client 24
Asthma 24
Ataxia 24
Atelectasis 24
Atherosclerosis 24
Athlete’s Foot 24
ATN (Acute Tubular Necrosis) 24
Atrial Fibrillation 24
Atrial Septal Defect 24
Attention Deficit Disorder 24
Auditory Problems 24
Autism 24
Autonomic Dysreflexia 25
Autonomic Hyperreflexia 25
Baby Care 25
Back Pain 25
Bacteremia 25
Barrel Chest 25
Bathing/Hygiene Problems 25
Battered Child Syndrome 25
Battered Person 25
Bedbugs, Infestation 25
Bed Mobility, Impaired 25
Bed Rest, Prolonged 25
Bedsores 25
Bedwetting 25
Bell’s Palsy 25
Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy 25
Bereavement 25
Biliary Atresia 26
Biliary Calculus 26
Biliary Obstruction 26
Bilirubin Elevation in Neonate 26
Biopsy 26
Bioterrorism 26
Bipolar Disorder I (Most Recent Episode, Depressed or Manic) 26
Birth Asphyxia 26
Birth Control 26
Bladder Cancer 26
Bladder Distention 26
Bladder Training 26
Bladder Training, Child 26
Bleeding Tendency 26
Blepharoplasty 26
Blindness 26
Blood Disorder 27
Blood Pressure Alteration 27
Blood Sugar Control 27
Blood Transfusion 27
Body Dysmorphic Disorder 27
Body Image Change 27
Body Temperature, Altered 27
Bone Marrow Biopsy 27
Borderline Personality Disorder 27
Boredom 27
Botulism 27
Bowel Incontinence 27
Bowel Obstruction 27
Bowel Resection 27
Bowel Sounds, Absent or Diminished 27
Bowel Sounds, Hyperactive 27
Bowel Training 27
Bowel Training, Child 27
BPH (Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy) 27
Bradycardia 28
Bradypnea 28
Brain Injury 28
Brain Surgery 28
Brain Tumor 28
Braxton Hicks Contractions 28
Breast Biopsy 28
Breast Cancer 28
Breast Examination, Self 28
Breast Lumps 28
Breast Pumping 28
Breastfeeding, Effective 28
Breastfeeding, Ineffective 28
Breastfeeding, Interrupted 28
Breath Sounds, Decreased or Absent 28
Breathing Pattern Alteration 28
Breech Birth 28
Bronchitis 29
Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia 29
Bronchoscopy 29
Bruits, Carotid 29
Bryant’s Traction 29
Buck’s Traction 29
Buerger’s Disease 29
Bulimia 29
Bunion 29
Bunionectomy 29
Burns 29
Bursitis 29
Bypass Graft 29
CABG (Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting) 29
Cachexia 30
Calcium Alteration 30
Cancer 30
Candidiasis, Oral 30
Capillary Refill Time, Prolonged 30
Carbon Monoxide Poisoning 30
Cardiac Arrest 30
Cardiac Catheterization 30
Cardiac Disorders 30
Cardiac Disorders in Pregnancy 30
Cardiac Dysrhythmia 31
Cardiac Output, Decreased 31
Cardiac Tamponade 31
Cardiogenic Shock 31
Caregiver Role Strain 31
Carious Teeth 31
Carotid Endarterectomy 31
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome 31
Carpopedal Spasm 31
Casts 31
Cataract Extraction 31
Cataracts 31
Catatonic Schizophrenia 31
Catheterization, Urinary 32
Cavities in Teeth 32
Cellulitis 32
Cellulitis, Periorbital 32
Central Line Insertion 32
Cerebral Aneurysm 32
Cerebral Palsy 32
Cerebral Perfusion 32
Cerebrovascular Accident (CVA) 32
Cervicitis 32
Cesarean Delivery 32
Chemical Dependence 33
Chemotherapy 33
Chest Pain 33
Chest Tubes 33
Cheyne-Stokes Respiration 33
CHF (Congestive Heart Failure) 33
Chickenpox 33
Child Abuse 33
Child Neglect 33
Child with Chronic Condition 33
Childbirth 34
Chills 34
Chlamydia Infection 34
Chloasma 34
Choking or Coughing with Feeding 34
Cholecystectomy 34
Cholelithiasis 34
Chorioamnionitis 34
Chronic Confusion 34
Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia 34
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) 35
Chronic Pain 35
Chronic Renal Failure 35
Chvostek’s Sign 35
Circumcision 35
Cirrhosis 35
Cleft Lip/Cleft Palate 35
Clotting Disorder 35
Cocaine Abuse 35
Cocaine Baby 35
Codependency 35
Cold, Viral 35
Colectomy 35
Colitis 36
Collagen Disease 36
Colostomy 36
Colporrhaphy, Anterior 36
Coma 36
Comfort, Loss of 36
Communicable Diseases, Childhood (e.g., Measles, Mumps, Rubella, Chickenpox, Scabies, Lice, Impetigo) 36
Communication 36
Communication Problems 36
Community Coping 36
Compartment Syndrome 36
Compulsion 36
Conduction Disorders (Cardiac) 36
Confusion, Acute 36
Confusion, Chronic 36
Confusion, Possible 37
Congenital Heart Disease/Cardiac Anomalies 37
Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) 37
Conjunctivitis 37
Consciousness, Altered Level of 37
Constipation 37
Constipation, Perceived 37
Constipation, Risk for 37
Contamination 37
Continent Ileostomy (Kock Pouch) 37
Contraceptive Method 37
Conversion Disorder 37
Convulsions 38
COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) 38
Coping 38
Coping Problems 38
Corneal Reflex, Absent 38
Corneal Transplant 38
Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting (CABG) 38
Costovertebral Angle Tenderness 38
Cough, Ineffective 38
Crack Abuse 38
Crack Baby 38
Crackles in Lungs, Coarse 38
Crackles in Lungs, Fine 38
Craniectomy/Craniotomy 39
Crepitation, Subcutaneous 39
Crisis 39
Crohn’s Disease 39
Croup 39
Cryosurgery for Retinal Detachment 39
Cushing’s Syndrome 39
Cuts (Wounds) 39
CVA (Cerebrovascular Accident) 39
Cyanosis, Central with Cyanosis of Oral Mucous Membranes 40
Cyanosis, Peripheral with Cyanosis of Nail Beds 40
Cystic Fibrosis 40
Cystitis 40
Cystocele 40
Cystoscopy 40
Deafness 40
Death 40
Death, Oncoming 40
Decisions, Difficulty Making 40
Decubitus Ulcer 40
Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) 41
Defensive Behavior 41
Dehiscence, Abdominal 41
Dehydration 41
Delirium 41
Delirium Tremens (DT) 41
Delivery 41
Delusions 41
Dementia 41
Denial of Health Status 41
Dental Caries 41
Dentition Problems 41
Depression (Major Depressive Disorder) 41
Dermatitis 42
Despondency 42
Destructive Behavior Toward Others 42
Developmental Concerns 42
Diabetes in Pregnancy 42
Diabetes Insipidus 42
Diabetes Mellitus 42
Diabetes Mellitus, Juvenile (IDDM Type 1) 42
Diabetic Coma 42
Diabetic Ketoacidosis 43
Diabetic Retinopathy 43
Dialysis 43
Diaphragmatic Hernia 43
Diarrhea 43
DIC (Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation) 43
Digitalis Toxicity 43
Dignity, Loss of 43
Dilation and Curettage (D&C) 43
Dirty Body (for Prolonged Period) 43
Discharge Planning 43
Discomforts of Pregnancy 43
Dislocation of Joint 43
Dissecting Aneurysm 43
Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation (DIC) 43
Dissociative Identity Disorder (Not Otherwise Specified) 43
Distress 43
Disuse Syndrome, Potential to Develop 44
Diversional Activity, Lack of 44
Diverticulitis 44
Dizziness 44
Domestic Violence 44
Down Syndrome 44
Dress Self (Inability to) 44
Dribbling of Urine 44
Drooling 44
Dropout from School 44
Drug Abuse 44
Drug Withdrawal 44
Dry Eye 45
DT (Delirium Tremens) 45
DVT (Deep Vein Thrombosis) 45
Dying Client 45
Dysfunctional Eating Pattern 45
Dysfunctional Family Unit 45
Dysfunctional Ventilatory Weaning 45
Dysmenorrhea 45
Dyspareunia 45
Dyspepsia 45
Dysphagia 45
Dysphasia 45
Dyspnea 45
Dysrhythmia 45
Dysthymic Disorder 45
Dystocia 45
Dysuria 46
ECMO (Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenator) 46
E. Coli Infection 46
Ear Surgery 46
Earache 46
Eclampsia 46
ECT (Electroconvulsive Therapy) 46
Ectopic Pregnancy 46
Eczema 46
ED (Erectile Dysfunction) 46
Edema 46
Elder Abuse 46
Elderly 47
Electroconvulsive Therapy 47
Electrolyte Imbalance 47
Emaciated Person 47
Embolectomy 47
Emboli 47
Embolism in Leg or Arm 47
Emesis 47
Emotional Problems 47
Empathy 47
Emphysema 47
Emptiness 47
Encephalitis 47
Endocardial Cushion Defect 47
Endocarditis 47
Endometriosis 47
Endometritis 47
Enuresis 47
Environmental Interpretation Problems 47
Epididymitis 47
Epiglottitis 48
Epilepsy 48
Episiotomy 48
Epistaxis 48
Epstein-Barr Virus 48
Erectile Dysfunction (ED) 48
Esophageal Varices 48
Esophagitis 48
ETOH Withdrawal 48
Evisceration 48
Exhaustion 48
Exposure to Hot or Cold Environment 48
External Fixation 48
Eye Surgery 48
Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenator (ECMO) 48
Failure to Thrive, Adult 48
Failure to Thrive, Nonorganic 48
Falls, Risk for 49
Family Problems 49
Family Process 49
Fatigue 49
Fear 49
Febrile Seizures 49
Fecal Impaction 49
Fecal Incontinence 49
Feeding Problems, Newborn 49
Femoral Popliteal Bypass 49
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome 49
Fetal Distress/Nonreassuring Fetal Heart Rate Pattern 49
Fever 49
Fibrocystic Breast Disease 49
Filthy Home Environment 49
Financial Crisis in the Home Environment 49
Fistulectomy 49
Flail Chest 49
Flashbacks 49
Flat Affect 49
Flesh-Eating Bacteria (Necrotizing Fasciitis) 50
Fluid Balance 50
Fluid Volume Deficit 50
Fluid Volume Excess 50
Fluid Volume Imbalance, Risk for 50
Foodborne Illness 50
Food Intolerance 50
Foreign Body Aspiration 50
Formula Feeding 50
Fracture 50
Fractured Hip 50
Frequency of Urination 50
Friendship 50
Frostbite 50
Frothy Sputum 50
Fusion, Lumbar 50
Gag Reflex, Depressed or Absent 51
Gallop Rhythm 51
Gallstones 51
Gang Member 51
Gangrene 51
Gas Exchange, Impaired 51
Gastric Ulcer 51
Gastritis 51
Gastroenteritis 51
Gastroenteritis, Child 51
Gastroesophageal Reflux 51
Gastroesophageal Reflux: Child 51
Gastrointestinal Bleeding (GI Bleed) 51
Gastrointestinal Hemorrhage 51
Gastrointestinal Surgery 51
Gastroschisis/Omphalocele 51
Gastrostomy 52
Genital Herpes 52
Genital Warts 52
Gestational Diabetes (Diabetes in Pregnancy) 52
GI Bleed (Gastrointestinal Bleeding) 52
Gingivitis 52
Glaucoma 52
Glomerulonephritis 52
Gonorrhea 52
Gout 52
Grand Mal Seizure 52
Grandiosity 52
Grandparents Raising Grandchildren 52
Graves’ Disease 52
Grieving 52
Grieving, Complicated 52
Groom Self (Inability to) 53
Growth and Development Lag 53
Guillain-Barré Syndrome 53
Guilt 53
H1N1 53
Hair Loss 53
Halitosis 53
Hallucinations 53
Head Injury 53
Headache 53
Health Maintenance Problems 53
Health-Seeking Person 53
Hearing Impairment 53
Heart Attack 53
Heart Failure 53
Heart Surgery 53
Heartburn 53
Heat Stroke 53
Hematemesis 54
Hematuria 54
Hemianopia 54
Hemiplegia 54
Hemodialysis 54
Hemodynamic Monitoring 54
Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome 54
Hemophilia 54
Hemoptysis 54
Hemorrhage 54
Hemorrhoidectomy 54
Hemorrhoids 54
Hemothorax 54
Hepatitis 55
Hernia 55
Herniated Disk 55
Herniorrhaphy 55
Herpes in Pregnancy 55
Herpes Simplex I 55
Herpes Simplex II 55
Herpes Zoster 55
HHNC (Hyperosmolar Hyperglycemic Nonketotic Coma) 55
Hiatal Hernia 55
Hip Fracture 55
Hip Replacement 55
Hirschsprung’s Disease 55
Hirsutism 55
Hitting Behavior 55
HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) 55
Hodgkin’s Disease 56
Home Maintenance Problems 56
Homelessness 56
Hope 56
Hopelessness 56
Hospitalized Child 56
Hostile Behavior 56
HTN (Hypertension) 56
Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) 56
Humiliating Experience 56
Huntington’s Disease 56
Hydrocele 56
Hydrocephalus 56
Hygiene, Inability to Provide Own 57
Hyperactive Syndrome 57
Hyperalimentation 57
Hyperbilirubinemia 57
Hypercalcemia 57
Hypercapnia 57
Hyperemesis Gravidarum 57
Hyperglycemia 57
Hyperkalemia 57
Hypernatremia 57
Hyperosmolar Hyperglycemic Nonketotic Coma (HHNC) 58
Hyperphosphatemia 58
Hypersensitivity to Slight Criticism 58
Hypertension (HTN) 58
Hyperthermia 58
Hyperthyroidism 58
Hyperventilation 58
Hypocalcemia 58
Hypoglycemia 58
Hypokalemia 58
Hypomagnesemia 58
Hypomania 58
Hyponatremia 58
Hypoplastic Left Lung 58
Hypotension 58
Hypothermia 58
Hypothyroidism 58
Hypovolemic Shock 58
Hypoxia 58
Hysterectomy 59
IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) 59
ICD (Implantable Cardioverter/Defibrillator) 59
IDDM (Insulin-Dependent Diabetes) 59
Identity Disturbance/Problems 59
Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP) 59
Ileal Conduit 59
Ileostomy 59
Ileus 59
Immobility 59
Immunization 60
Immunosuppression 60
Impaction of Stool 60
Imperforate Anus 60
Impetigo 60
Implantable Cardioverter/Defibrillator (ICD) 60
Impotence 60
Inactivity 60
Incompetent Cervix 60
Incontinence of Stool 60
Incontinence of Urine 60
Indigestion 60
Induction of Labor 60
Infant Apnea 60
Infant Behavior 60
Infant Care 60
Infant Feeding Pattern, Ineffective 60
Infant of Diabetic Mother 60
Infant of Substance-Abusing Mother (Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, Crack Baby, Other Drug Withdrawal Infants) 61
Infantile Polyarteritis 61
Infantile Spasms 61
Infection 61
Infection, Potential for 61
Infertility 61
Inflammatory Bowel Disease (Child and Adult) 61
Influenza 61
Inguinal Hernia Repair 61
Injury 61
Insomnia 61
Insulin Shock 62
Intermittent Claudication 62
Internal Cardioverter/Defibrillator (ICD) 62
Internal Fixation 62
Interstitial Cystitis 62
Intervertebral Disk Excision 62
Intestinal Obstruction 62
Intoxication 62
Intraaortic Balloon Counterpulsation 62
Intracranial Pressure, Increased 62
Intrauterine Growth Retardation 62
Intravenous Therapy 62
Intubation, Endotracheal or Nasogastric 62
Irregular Pulse 62
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) 62
Isolation 62
Itching 63
ITP (Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura) 63
Jaundice 63
Jaundice, Neonatal 63
Jaw Pain and Heart Attacks 63
Jaw Surgery 63
Jittery 63
Jock Itch 63
Joint Dislocation 63
Joint Pain 63
Joint Replacement 63
JRA (Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis) 63
Juvenile Onset Diabetes 63
Kaposi’s Sarcoma 63
Kawasaki Disease 63
Kegel Exercise 64
Keloids 64
Keratoconjunctivitis Sicca (Dry Eye Syndrome) 64
Keratoplasty 64
Ketoacidosis, Diabetic 64
Ketoacidosis: Alcoholic 64
Keyhole Heart Surgery 64
Kidney Disease Screening 64
Kidney Failure 64
Kidney Stone 64
Kidney Transplant 64
Kidney Tumor 64
Kissing Disease 64
Knee Replacement 64
Knowledge 64
Knowledge, Deficient 64
Kock Pouch 65
Korsakoff’s Syndrome 65
Labor, Induction of 65
Labor, Normal 65
Labyrinthitis 65
Lacerations 65
Lactation 65
Lactic Acidosis 65
Lactose Intolerance 65
Laminectomy 65
Language Impairment 65
Laparoscopic Laser Cholecystectomy 65
Laparoscopy 66
Laparotomy 66
Large Bowel Resection 66
Laryngectomy 66
Laser Surgery 66
LASIK Eye Surgery (Laser-Assisted in Situ Keratomileusis) 66
Latex Allergy 66
Laxative Abuse 66
Lead Poisoning 66
Left Heart Catheterization 66
Legionnaires’ Disease 66
Lens Implant 66
Lethargy/Listlessness 66
Leukemia 66
Leukopenia 66
Level of Consciousness, Decreased 67
Lice 67
Lifestyle, Sedentary 67
Lightheadedness 67
Limb Reattachment Procedures 67
Liposuction 67
Lithotripsy 67
Liver Biopsy 67
Liver Cancer 67
Liver Disease 67
Liver Function 67
Liver Transplant 67
Living Will 67
Lobectomy 67
Loneliness 67
Loose Stools (Bowel Movements) 68
Loss of Bladder Control 68
Loss of Bowel Control 68
Lou Gehrig’s Disease 68
Low Back Pain 68
Low Blood Pressure 68
Low Blood Sugar 68
Lower GI Bleeding 68
Lumbar Puncture 68
Lumpectomy 68
Lung Cancer 68
Lung surgery 68
Lupus Erythematosus 68
Lyme Disease 68
Lymphedema 68
Lymphoma 68
Macular Degeneration 68
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) 69
Major Depressive Disorder 69
Malabsorption Syndrome 69
Maladaptive Behavior 69
Malaise 69
Malaria 69
Male Infertility 69
Malignancy 69
Malignant Hypertension (Arteriolar Nephrosclerosis) 69
Malignant Hyperthermia 69
Malnutrition 69
Mammography 70
Manic Disorder, Bipolar I 70
Manipulation of Organs, Surgical Incision 70
Manipulative Behavior 70
Marasmus 70
Marfan Syndrome 70
Marshall-Marchetti-Krantz Operation 70
Mastectomy 70
Mastitis 71
Maternal Infection 71
Maturational Issues, Adolescent 71
Maze III Procedure 71
MD (Muscular Dystrophy) 71
Measles (Rubeola) 71
Meconium Aspiration 71
Melanoma 71
Melena 71
Memory Deficit 71
Ménière’s Disease 71
Meningitis/Encephalitis 71
Meningocele 72
Menopause 72
Menorrhagia 72
Mental Illness 72
Mental Retardation 72
Metabolic Acidosis 72
Metabolic Alkalosis 72
Metastasis 72
Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA) 72
MI (Myocardial Infarction) 73
MIDCAB (Minimally Invasive Direct Coronary Artery Bypass) 73
Midlife Crisis 73
Migraine Headache 73
Milk Intolerance 73
Minimally Invasive Direct Coronary Bypass (MIDCAB) 73
Miscarriage 73
Mitral Stenosis 73
Mitral Valve Prolapse 73
Mobility, Impaired Bed 73
Mobility, Impaired Physical 74
Mobility, Impaired Wheelchair 74
Modified Radical Mastectomy 74
Motion Sickness 74
Mononucleosis 74
Mood Disorders 74
Moon Face 74
Moral/Ethical Dilemmas 74
Morning Sickness 74
Mottling of Peripheral Skin 74
Mourning 74
Mouth Lesions 74
MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) 74
MRSA (Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus) 74
Mucocutaneous Lymph Node Syndrome 74
Mucous Membrane, Impaired Oral 74
Multiinfarct Dementia 74
Multiple Gestation 75
Multiple Personality Disorder (Dissociative Identity Disorder) 75
Multiple Sclerosis (MS) 75
Mumps 75
Murmurs 75
Muscular Atrophy/Weakness 75
Muscular Dystrophy (MD) 75
MVA (Motor Vehicle Accident) 76
Myasthenia Gravis 76
Mycoplasma Pneumonia 76
Myelocele 76
Myelogram, Contrast 76
Myelomeningocele 76
Myocardial Infarction (MI) 76
Myocarditis 76
Myringotomy 76
Myxedema 76
Narcissistic Personality Disorder 76
Narcolepsy 77
Narcotic Use 77
Nasogastric Suction 77
Nausea 77
Near-Drowning 77
Nearsightedness 77
Nearsightedness; Corneal Surgery 77
Neck Vein Distention 77
Necrosis, Renal Tubular; ATN (Acute Tubular Necrosis); Necrosis, Acute Tubular 77
Necrotizing Enterocolitis (NEC) 77
Necrotizing Fasciitis (Flesh-Eating Bacteria) 77
Negative Feelings About Self 78
Neglect, Unilateral 78
Neglectful Care of Family Member 78
Neonatal Jaundice 78
Neonate 78
Neoplasm 78
Nephrectomy 78
Nephrostomy, Percutaneous 78
Nephrotic Syndrome 78
Nerve Entrapment 78
Neural Tube Defects (Meningocele, Myelomeningocele, Spina Bifida, Anencephaly) 78
Neuralgia 78
Neuritis (Peripheral Neuropathy) 79
Neurofibromatosis 79
Neurogenic Bladder 79
Neurologic Disorders 79
Neuropathy, Peripheral 79
Neurosurgery 79
Newborn, Normal 79
Newborn, Postmature 80
Newborn, Small for Gestational Age (SGA) 80
Nicotine Addiction 80
NIDDM (Non–Insulin-Dependent Diabetes Mellitus) 80
Nightmares 80
Nipple Soreness 80
Nocturia 80
Nocturnal Myoclonus 80
Nocturnal Paroxysmal Dyspnea 80
Noncompliance 80
Non–Insulin-Dependent Diabetes Mellitus (NIDDM) 80
Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus (NPH) 80
Norwalk Virus 80
NSTEMI (non–ST-elevation myocardial infarction) 80
Nursing 80
Nutrition 80
Nutrition, Imbalanced 80
Obesity 81
OBS (Organic Brain Syndrome) 81
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) 81
Obstruction, Bowel 81
Obstructive Sleep Apnea 81
OCD (Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder) 81
ODD (Oppositional Defiant Disorder) 81
Older Adult 81
Oliguria 81
Omphalocele 81
Oophorectomy 81
OPCAB (Off-Pump Coronary Artery Bypass) 81
Open Heart Surgery 81
Open Reduction of Fracture with Internal Fixation (Femur) 81
Opiate Use 82
Opportunistic Infection 82
Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) 82
Oral Mucous Membrane, Impaired 82
Oral Thrush 82
Orchitis 82
Organic Mental Disorders 82
Orthopedic Traction 82
Orthopnea 82
Orthostatic Hypotension 82
Osteoarthritis 82
Osteomyelitis 82
Osteoporosis 82
Ostomy 82
Otitis Media 82
Ovarian Carcinoma 82
Pacemaker 83
Paget’s Disease 83
Pain, Acute 83
Pain, Chronic 83
Painful Breasts, Engorgement 83
Painful Breasts, Sore Nipples 83
Pallor of Extremities 83
Palpitations (Heart Palpitations) 83
Pancreatic Cancer 83
Pancreatitis 83
Panic Disorder (Panic Attacks) 83
Paralysis 84
Paralytic Ileus 84
Paranoid Personality Disorder 84
Paraplegia 84
Parathyroidectomy 84
Parent Attachment 84
Parental Role Conflict 84
Parenting 85
Parenting, Impaired 85
Parenting, Risk for Impaired 85
Paresthesia 85
Parkinson’s Disease 85
Paroxysmal Nocturnal Dyspnea (PND) 85
Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA) 85
Patient-Controlled Analgesia (PCA) 85
Patient Education 85
PCA (Patient-Controlled Analgesia) 85
Pectus Excavatum 85
Pediculosis 85
PEG (Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy) 85
Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) 85
Penile Prosthesis 85
Peptic Ulcer 85
Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty (PTCA) 85
Pericardial Friction Rub 85
Pericarditis 85
Perioperative Positioning 86
Peripheral Neuropathy 86
Peripheral Neurovascular Dysfunction 86
Peripheral Vascular Disease (PVD) 86
Peritoneal Dialysis 86
Peritonitis 86
Pernicious Anemia 86
Persistent Fetal Circulation 86
Personal Identity Problems 86
Personality Disorder 86
Pertussis (Whooping Cough) 86
Pesticide Contamination 86
Petechiae 86
Petit Mal Seizure 86
Pharyngitis 87
Phenylketonuria (PKU) 87
Pheochromocytoma 87
Phlebitis 87
Phobia (Specific) 87
Photosensitivity 87
Physical Abuse 87
Pica 87
PID (Pelvic Inflammatory Disease) 87
PIH (Pregnancy-Induced Hypertension/Preeclampsia) 87
Piloerection 87
Pimples 87
Pink Eye 87
Pinworms 87
Pituitary Cushing’s 88
PKU (Phenylketonuria) 88
Placenta Abruptio 88
Placenta Previa 88
Plantar Fasciitis 88
Pleural Effusion 88
Pleural Friction Rub 88
Pleural Tap 88
Pleurisy 88
PMS (Premenstrual Tension Syndrome) 88
PND (Paroxysmal Nocturnal Dyspnea) 89
Pneumonectomy 89
Pneumonia 89
Pneumothorax 89
Poliomyelitis 89
Poisoning, Risk for 89
Polydipsia 89
Polyphagia 89
Polyuria 89
Postoperative Care 89
Postpartum Depression 89
Postpartum Hemorrhage 90
Postpartum, Normal Care 90
Post-Trauma Syndrome 90
Post-Trauma Syndrome, Risk for 90
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) 90
Potassium, Increase/Decrease 90
Power/Powerlessness 90
Preeclampsia 90
Pregnancy, Cardiac Disorders 90
Pregnancy-Induced Hypertension/Preeclampsia (PIH) 90
Pregnancy Loss 90
Pregnancy, Normal 91
Premature Dilation of the Cervix (Incompetent Cervix) 91
Premature Infant (Child) 91
Premature Infant (Parent) 92
Premature Rupture of Membranes 92
Premenstrual Tension Syndrome (PMS) 92
Prenatal Care, Normal 92
Prenatal Testing 92
Preoperative Teaching 92
Pressure Ulcer 92
Preterm Labor 92
Problem-Solving Ability 93
Projection 93
Prolapsed Umbilical Cord 93
Prostatectomy 93
Prostatic Hypertrophy 93
Prostatitis 93
Protection, Altered 93
Pruritus 93
Psoriasis 93
Psychosis 93
PTCA (Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty) 93
PTSD (Posttraumatic Stress Disorder) 93
Pulmonary Edema 94
Pulmonary Embolism 94
Pulmonary Stenosis 94
Pulse Deficit 94
Pulse Oximetry 94
Pulse Pressure, Increased 94
Pulse Pressure, Narrowed 94
Pulses,Absent or Diminished Peripheral 94
Purpura 94
Pyelonephritis 94
Pyloric Stenosis 94
Pyloromyotomy (Pyloric Stenosis Repair) 94
RA (Rheumatoid Arthritis) 94
Rabies 94
Radial Nerve Dysfunction 94
Radiation Therapy 95
Radical Neck Dissection 95
Rage 95
Rape-Trauma Syndrome 95
Rash 95
Rationalization 95
Rats, Rodents in the Home 95
Raynaud’s Disease 95
RDS (Respiratory Distress Syndrome) 95
Rectal Fullness 95
Rectal Lump 95
Rectal Pain/Bleeding 95
Rectal Surgery 95
Rectocele Repair 95
Reflex Incontinence 96
Regression 96
Regretful 96
Rehabilitation 96
Relaxation Techniques 96
Religiosity 96
Religious Concerns 96
Relocation Stress Syndrome 96
Renal Failure 96
Renal Failure, Acute/Chronic, Child 97
Renal Failure, Nonoliguric 97
Renal Transplantation, Donor 97
Renal Transplantation, Recipient 97
Respiratory Acidosis 97
Respiratory Conditions of the Neonate (Respiratory Distress Syndrome [RDS], Meconium Aspiration, Diaphragmatic Hernia) 97
Respiratory Distress 97
Respiratory Distress Syndrome (RDS) 97
Respiratory Infections, Acute Childhood (Croup, Epiglottitis, Pertussis, Pneumonia, Respiratory Syncytial Virus) 97
Respiratory Syncytial Virus 97
Restless Leg Syndrome 98
Retarded Growth and Development 98
Retching 98
Retinal Detachment 98
Retinopathy, Diabetic 98
Retinopathy of Prematurity (ROP) 98
Reye’s Syndrome 98
Rh Factor Incompatibility 98
Rhabdomyolysis 98
Rheumatic Fever 98
Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) 98
Rib Fracture 98
Ridicule of Others 98
Ringworm of Body 98
Ringworm of Nails 99
Ringworm of Scalp 99
Risk for Relocation Stress Syndrome 99
Roaches, Invasion of Home with 99
Role Performance, Altered 99
ROP (Retinopathy of Prematurity) 99
RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus) 99
Rubella 99
Rubor of Extremities 99
Ruptured Disk 99
SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) 99
Sadness 99
Safe Sex 99
Safety, Childhood 99
Salmonella 99
Salpingectomy 99
Sarcoidosis 99
SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) 100
SBE (Self-Breast Examination) 100
Scabies 100
Scared 100
Schizophrenia 100
Sciatica 100
Scoliosis 100
Sedentary Lifestyle 101
Self-Health Management, Ineffective 101
Self-Health Management, Readiness for Enhanced 101
Seizure Disorders, Adult 101
Seizure Disorders, Childhood (Epilepsy, Febrile Seizures, Infantile Spasms) 101
Self-Breast Examination (SBE) 101
Self-Care 101
Self-Care Deficit, Bathing 101
Self-Care Deficit, Dressing 101
Self-Care Deficit, Feeding 101
Self-Care Deficit,Toileting 101
Self-Concept 101
Self-Destructive Behavior 101
Self-Esteem, Chronic Low 101
Self-Esteem, Situational Low 101
Self-Mutilation, Risk for 101
Senile Dementia 101
Sensory/Perceptual Alterations 101
Separation Anxiety 102
Sepsis, Child 102
Septicemia 102
Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) 102
Sexual Dysfunction 102
Sexuality, Adolescent 102
Sexuality Pattern, Ineffective 102
Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD) 102
Shaken Baby Syndrome 102
Shakiness 102
Shame 102
Shingles 102
Shivering 102
Shock, Cardiogenic 102
Shock, Hypovolemic 102
Shock, Septic 103
Shoulder Repair 103
Sickle Cell Anemia/Crisis 103
SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) 103
Situational Crisis 103
SJS (Stevens-Johnson Syndrome) 103
Skin Cancer 103
Skin Disorders 103
Skin Integrity, Risk for Impaired 103
Skin Turgor, Change in Elasticity 103
Sleep 103
Sleep Apnea 103
Sleep Deprivation 103
Sleep Pattern Disorders 103
Sleep Pattern, Disturbed, Parent/Child 103
Slurring of Speech 104
Small Bowel Resection 104
Smell, Loss of Ability to 104
Smoke Inhalation 104
Smoking Behavior 104
Social Interaction, Impaired 104
Social Isolation 104
Sociopathic Personality 104
Sodium, Decrease/Increase 104
Somatization Disorder 104
Sore Nipples, Breastfeeding 104
Sore Throat 104
Sorrow 104
Spastic Colon 104
Speech Disorders 104
Spina Bifida 104
Spinal Cord Injury 104
Spinal Fusion 105
Spiritual Distress 105
Spiritual Well-Being 105
Splenectomy 105
Sprains 105
Stapedectomy 105
Stasis Ulcer 105
STD (Sexually Transmitted Disease) 105
STEMI (ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction) 105
Stent (Coronary Artery Stent) 105
Sterilization Surgery 105
Stertorous Respirations 105
Stevens-Johnson Syndrome (SJS) 105
Stillbirth 105
Stoma 105
Stomatitis 105
Stone, Kidney 105
Stool, Hard/Dry 105
Straining with Defecation 106
Strep Throat 106
Stress 106
Stress Overload 106
Stress Urinary Incontinence 106
Stridor 106
Stroke 106
Stuttering 106
Subarachnoid Hemorrhage 106
Substance Abuse 106
Substance Abuse, Adolescent 106
Substance Abuse in Pregnancy 106
Sucking Reflex 106
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) 106
Suffocation, Risk for 106
Suicide Attempt 106
Support System 107
Suppression of Labor 107
Surgery, Perioperative Care 107
Surgery, Postoperative Care 107
Surgery, Preoperative Care 107
Surgical Recovery, Delayed 107
Suspected Child Abuse and Neglect (SCAN), Child 107
Suspected Child Abuse and Neglect (SCAN), Parent 107
Suspicion 108
Swallowing Difficulties 108
Swine Flu (H1N1) 108
Syncope 108
Syphilis 108
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus 108
T & A (Tonsillectomy and Adenoidectomy) 108
Tachycardia 108
Tachypnea 108
Tardive Dyskinesia 108
Taste Abnormality 108
TB (Pulmonary Tuberculosis) 108
TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) 108
TD (Traveler’s Diarrhea) 108
Temperature, Decreased 109
Temperature, Increased 109
Temperature Regulation, Impaired 109
TEN (Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis) 109
Tension 109
Terminally Ill Adult 109
Terminally Ill Child, Adolescent 109
Terminally Ill Child, Infant/Toddler 109
Terminally Ill Child, Preschool Child 109
Terminally Ill Child, School-Age Child/Preadolescent 109
Terminally Ill Child/Death of Child, Parent 109
Tetralogy of Fallot 109
Therapeutic Regimen Management, Ineffective: Family 109
Therapeutic Touch 110
Thermoregulation, Ineffective 110
Thoracentesis 110
Thoracotomy 110
Thought Disorders 110
Thrombocytopenic Purpura 110
Thrombophlebitis 110
Thyroidectomy 110
TIA (Transient Ischemic Attack) 110
Tic Disorder 110
Tinea Capitis 110
Tinea Corporis 110
Tinea Cruris 110
Tinea Pedis 110
Tinea Unguium (Onychomycosis) 110
Tinnitus 110
Tissue Damage, Corneal, Integumentary, or Subcutaneous 110
Tissue Perfusion, Ineffective Peripheral 110
Toilet Training 110
Toileting Problems 110
Tonsillectomy and Adenoidectomy (T & A) 111
Toothache 111
Total Anomalous Pulmonary Venous Return 111
Total Joint Replacement (Total Hip/Total Knee/Shoulder) 111
Total Parenteral Nutrition (TPN) 111
Tourette’s Syndrome (TS) 111
Toxemia 111
Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis (TEN) (Erythema multiforme) 111
TPN (Total Parenteral Nutrition) 111
Tracheoesophageal Fistula 111
Tracheostomy 111
Traction and Casts 111
Transfer Ability 111
Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA) 111
Transposition of Great Vessels 111
Transurethral Resection of the Prostate (TURP) 111
Trauma in Pregnancy 111
Trauma, Risk for 112
Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) 112
Traumatic Event 112
Traveler’s Diarrhea (TD) 112
Trembling of Hands 112
Tricuspid Atresia 112
Trigeminal Neuralgia 112
Truncus Arteriosus 112
TS (Tourette’s Syndrome) 112
TSE (Testicular Self-Examination) 112
Tubal Ligation 112
Tube Feeding 112
Tuberculosis (TB) 112
TURP (Transurethral Resection of the Prostate) 112
Ulcer, Peptic (Duodenal or Gastric) 112
Ulcerative Colitis 112
Ulcers, Stasis 112
Unilateral Neglect of One Side of Body 112
Unsanitary Living Conditions 112
Urgency to Urinate 112
Urinary Diversion 112
Urinary Elimination, Impaired 112
Urinary Incontinence 113
Urinary Readiness 113
Urinary Retention 113
Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) 113
Urolithiasis 113
Uterine Atony in Labor 113
Uterine Atony in Postpartum 113
Uterine Bleeding 113
UTI (Urinary Tract Infection) 113
VAD (Ventricular Assist Device) 113
Vaginal Hysterectomy 113
Vaginitis 113
Vagotomy 113
Value System Conflict 113
Varicose Veins 113
Vascular Dementia (Formerly Called Multiinfarct Dementia) 113
Vascular Obstruction, Peripheral 113
Vasectomy 113
Vasocognopathy 113
Venereal Disease 113
Ventilation, Impaired Spontaneous 113
Ventilator Client 113
Ventilatory Weaning Response, Dysfunctional (DVWR) 114
Ventricular Assist Device (VAD) 114
Ventricular Fibrillation 114
Vertigo 114
Violent Behavior 114
Viral Gastroenteritis 114
Vision Impairment 114
Vomiting 114
von Recklinghausen’s Disease 114
Walking Impairment 114
Wandering 114
Weakness 114
Weight Gain 114
Weight Loss 114
Wellness-Seeking Behavior 114
Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome 114
West Nile Virus 114
Wheelchair Use Problems 114
Wheezing 114
Wilms’ Tumor 114
Withdrawal from Alcohol 115
Withdrawal from Drugs 115
Wounds (open) 115
Wound Debridement 115
Wound Dehiscence, Evisceration 115
Wound Infection 115
SECTION III. Guide to Planning Care 117
Activity intolerance 119
Risk for Activity intolerance 124
Ineffective Activity planning 125
Ineffective Airway clearance 128
Latex Allergy response 134
Risk for latex Allergy response 140
Anxiety 142
Death Anxiety 148
Risk for Aspiration 151
Risk for impaired Attachment 155
Autonomic dysreflexia 160
Risk for Autonomic dysreflexia 163
Risk-prone health Behavior 164
Risk for Bleeding 168
Disturbed Body image 172
Risk for imbalanced Body temperature 177
Bowel incontinence 177
Effective Breastfeeding 183
Ineffective Breastfeeding 186
Interrupted Breastfeeding 189
Ineffective Breathing pattern 192
Decreased Cardiac output 197
Caregiver role strain 209
Risk for Caregiver role strain 216
Readiness for enhanced Childbearing process 217
Impaired Comfort 222
Readiness for enhanced Comfort 225
Readiness for enhanced Communication 229
Impaired verbal Communication 232
Decisional Conflict 238
Parental role Conflict 242
Acute Confusion 246
Risk for acute Confusion 250
Chronic Confusion 250
Constipation 257
Perceived Constipation 264
Risk for Constipation 268
Contamination 268
Risk for Contamination 271
Ineffective community Coping 274
Readiness for enhanced community Coping 277
Defensive Coping 279
Compromised family Coping 282
Disabled family Coping 288
Readiness for enhanced family Coping 291
Ineffective Coping 294
Readiness for enhanced Coping 301
Risk for sudden infant Death syndrome 305
Readiness for enhanced Decision-Making 309
Ineffective Denial 311
Impaired Dentition 315
Risk for delayed Development 320
Diarrhea 323
Risk for compromised human Dignity 328
Moral Distress 332
Risk for Disuse syndrome 334
Deficient Diversional activity 339
Risk for Electrolyte imbalance 343
Disturbed Energy field 345
Impaired Environmental interpretation syndrome 349
Adult Failure to thrive 350
Risk for Falls 355
Dysfunctional Family processes* 362
Interrupted Family processes 367
Readiness for enhanced Family processes 370
Fatigue 373
Fear 379
Ineffective infant Feeding pattern 383
Readiness for enhanced Fluid balance 386
Deficient Fluid volume 388
Risk for deficient Fluid volume 393
Excess Fluid volume 393
Risk for imbalanced Fluid volume 397
Impaired Gas exchange 402
Risk for unstable blood Glucose level 406
Grieving 411
Complicated Grieving 415
Risk for complicated Grieving 418
Delayed Growth and development 418
Risk for disproportionate Growth 422
Ineffective Health maintenance 425
Ineffective self Health management 430
Impaired Home maintenance 435
Readiness for enhanced Hope 439
Hopelessness 441
Hyperthermia 446
Hypothermia 450
Disturbed personal Identity 454
Readiness for enhanced Immunization status 459
Functional urinary Incontinence 464
Overflow urinary Incontinence 469
Reflex urinary Incontinence 470
Stress urinary Incontinence 474
Urge urinary Incontinence 479
Risk for urge urinary Incontinence 484
Disorganized Infant behavior 485
Risk for disorganized Infant behavior 490
Readiness for enhanced organized Infant behavior 490
Risk for Infection 491
Risk for Injury 497
Risk for perioperative positioning Injury 502
Insomnia 506
Decreased Intracranial adaptive capacity 509
Neonatal Jaundice 513
Deficient Knowledge (specify) 517
Readiness for enhanced Knowledge 521
Sedentary Lifestyle 524
Risk for impaired Liver function 528
Risk for Loneliness 531
Risk for disturbed Maternal/Fetal dyad 535
Impaired Memory 538
Impaired bed Mobility 542
Impaired physical Mobility 548
Impaired wheelchair Mobility 555
Dysfunctional gastrointestinal Motility 560
Risk for dysfunctional gastrointestinal Motility 565
Nausea 565
Self Neglect 569
Unilateral Neglect 572
Noncompliance 574
Imbalanced Nutrition: less than body requirements 575
Imbalanced Nutrition: more than body requirements 581
Risk for imbalanced Nutrition: more than body requirements 589
Readiness for enhanced Nutrition 589
Impaired Oral mucous membrane 595
Acute Pain 600
Chronic Pain 610
Impaired Parenting 619
Risk for impaired Parenting 625
Readiness for enhanced Parenting 626
Risk for ineffective renal Perfusion 629
Risk for decreased cardiac tissue Perfusion 632
Risk for ineffective cerebral tissue Perfusion 635
Risk for ineffective gastrointestinal tissue Perfusion 637
Ineffective peripheral tissue Perfusion 640
Risk for Peripheral neurovascular dysfunction 645
Risk for Poisoning 648
Post-Trauma syndrome 654
Risk for Post-Trauma syndrome 658
Readiness for enhanced Power 662
Powerlessness 665
Risk for Powerlessness 672
Ineffective Protection 673
Rape-Trauma syndrome 678
Readiness for enhanced Relationship 683
Impaired Religiosity 686
Risk for impaired Religiosity 689
Readiness for enhanced Religiosity 689
Relocation stress syndrome 690
Risk for Relocation stress syndrome 695
Risk for compromised Resilience 696
Impaired individual Resilience 697
Readiness for enhanced Resilience 699
Ineffective Role performance 701
Readiness for enhanced Self-Care 706
Bathing Self-Care deficit 711
Dressing Self-Care deficit 716
Feeding Self-Care deficit 718
Toileting Self-Care deficit 721
Chronic low Self-Esteem 726
Situational low Self-Esteem 730
Risk for situational low Self-Esteem 732
Readiness for enhanced Self Health management 734
Self-Mutilation 737
Risk for Self-Mutilation 740
Disturbed Sensory perception (Specify: Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic, Gustatory, Tactile, Olfactory) 746
Sexual dysfunction 752
Ineffective Sexuality pattern 759
Risk for Shock 766
Impaired Skin integrity 769
Risk for impaired Skin integrity 772
Sleep deprivation 775
Readiness for enhanced Sleep 778
Disturbed Sleep pattern 781
Impaired Social interaction 783
Social isolation 787
Chronic Sorrow 792
Spiritual distress 796
Risk for Spiritual distress 800
Readiness for enhanced Spiritual well-being 801
Stress overload 804
Risk for Suffocation 808
Risk for Suicide 811
Delayed Surgical recovery 824
Impaired Swallowing 828
Ineffective family Therapeutic regimen management 834
Ineffective Thermoregulation 837
Impaired Tissue integrity 841
Impaired Transfer ability 845
Risk for Trauma 850
Risk for vascular Trauma 854
Impaired Urinary elimination 858
Readiness for enhanced Urinary elimination 863
Urinary retention 865
Impaired spontaneous Ventilation 870
Dysfunctional Ventilatory weaning response 876
Risk for other-directed Violence 881
Risk for self-directed Violence 893
Impaired Walking 894
Wandering 899
APPENDIX A. Nursing Diagnoses Arranged by Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs 905
APPENDIX B. Nursing Diagnoses Arranged by Gordon’s Functional Health Patterns 908
APPENDIX C. Wellness-Oriented Diagnostic Categories 911