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Foundations and Adult Health Nursing - E-Book

Foundations and Adult Health Nursing - E-Book

Barbara Lauritsen Christensen | Elaine Oden Kockrow


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Book Details


Part of the popular LPN Threads series, this comprehensive text includes in-depth discussions of fundamental concepts and skills, plus medical-surgical content to help you provide safe and effective care in the fast-paced healthcare environment. Easy-to-read content, an enhanced focus on preparing for the NCLEX® Examination, and a wealth of tips and study tools make Foundations and Adult Health Nursing, 6th Edition, your must-have text!

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front cover Cover
e-Learning Resources FES3
Foundations and Adult Health Nursing 6th Edition i
Copyright page ii
Acknowledgments iv
Contributors and Reviewers v
LPN Advisory Board and Consultant vii
To the Instructor viii
To the Student xi
Table of Contents xiv
Unit I. Basic Nursing Concepts 1
Chapter 1. The Evolution of Nursing 1
The History of Nursing and Nursing Education 1
Development of Practical and Vocational Nursing 7
Health Care Delivery Systems 11
Nursing Care Models 17
Contemporary Practical and Vocational Nursing Care 17
Chapter 2. Legal and Ethical Aspects of Nursing 22
Legal Aspects of Nursing 22
Ethical Aspects of Nursing 31
Conclusion 33
Chapter 3. Communication 36
Overview of Communication 36
Styles of Communication 39
Establishing a Therapeutic Relationship 40
Communication Techniques 40
Factors Affecting Communication 46
Blocks to Communication 50
Nursing Process 50
Communication in Special Situations 50
Conclusion 53
Chapter 4. Vital Signs 56
Guidelines for Obtaining Vital Signs 59
Temperature 61
Auscultating Using the Stethoscope 69
Pulse 70
Respiration 75
Blood Pressure 77
Weight and Height 86
Nursing Process 87
Chapter 5. Physical Assessment 93
Signs and Symptoms 93
Disease and Diagnosis 94
Assessment 97
Chapter 6. Nursing Process and Critical Thinking 121
Assessment Data 122
Diagnosis 123
Outcomes Identification 127
Planning 128
Implementation 131
Evaluation 131
Standardized Languages: NANDA-I, NIC, and NOC 132
Role of the Licensed Practical Nurse or Licensed Vocational Nurse 133
Nursing Diagnoses and Clinical Pathways 133
Critical Thinking 134
Chapter 7. Documentation 138
Purposes of Patient Records 138
Basic Guidelines for Documentation 140
Methods of Recording 142
Documentation and Clinical (Critical) Pathways 149
Home Health Care Documentation 151
Long-Term Health Care Documentation 151
Special Issues in Documentation 152
Chapter 8. Cultural and Ethnic Considerations 158
Culture Defined 158
Culturally Related Assessments 161
The Nursing Process and Cultural Factors 171
Cultural Practices of Specific Groups 172
Chapter 9. Life Span Development 180
Health Promotion Across the Life Span 181
Growth and Development 181
The Family 182
Stages of Growth and Development 187
Chapter 10. Loss, Grief, Dying, and Death 218
Changes in Health Care Related to Dying and Death 219
Historical Overview 219
Loss 219
Grief 220
Nursing Process in Loss and Grief 229
Special Supportive Care 231
Issues Related to Dying and Death 233
The Dying Patient 237
The Grieving Family 244
Unit II. Basic Nursing Skills 248
Chapter 11. Admission, Transfer, and Discharge 248
Common Patient Reactions to Hospitalization 248
Role of the Admitting Clerk or Secretary 249
Cultural Considerations for the Hospitalized Patient 250
Admitting a Patient 251
Nursing Process for Patient Admission 256
Transferring a Patient 257
Nursing Process for Patient Transfer 257
Discharging a Patient 259
Nursing Process for Patient Discharge 263
Chapter 12. Medical-Surgical Asepsis and Infection Prevention and Control 266
Asepsis 266
Infection 267
Health Care–Associated Infections 274
Infection Prevention and Control Team 275
Standard Precautions 276
Isolation Technique 285
Surgical Asepsis 291
Cleaning, Disinfection, and Sterilization 301
Patient Teaching for Infection Prevention and Control 303
Infection Prevention and Control for Home and Hospice Settings 303
Nursing Process 304
Chapter 13. Surgical Wound Care 310
Wound Classification 310
Wound Healing 311
Surgical Wound 314
Standard Steps in Wound Care 314
Care of the Incision 315
Complications of Wound Healing 323
Staple and Suture Removal 324
Exudate and Drainage 325
Bandages and Binders 333
Nursing Process 338
Chapter 14. Safety 343
Safety in the Hospital or Health Care Environment 343
Workplace Safety 355
Fire Safety 357
Accidental Poisoning 360
Disaster Planning 361
Terrorism 362
Nursing Process for Patient Safety 365
Chapter 15. Body Mechanics and Patient Mobility 369
Using Appropriate Body Mechanics 370
Positioning Patients 372
Mobility versus Immobility 375
Neurovascular Function 377
Performing Range-of-Motion Exercises 378
Moving the Patient 382
Nursing Process for Patient Mobility 387
Chapter 16. Pain Management, Comfort, Rest, and Sleep 394
PAIN 395
Nature of Pain 395
Definitions of Pain 395
Types of Pain 396
Theories of Pain Transmission 396
Controlling Pain 397
Physiology of Sleep 409
Sleep Cycle 410
Sleep Deprivation 411
Promoting Rest and Sleep 412
Nursing Process for Pain Management, Comfort, Rest, and Sleep 412
Chapter 17. Complementary and Alternative Therapies 416
Herbal Therapy 418
Chiropractic Therapy 423
Acupuncture and Acupressure 423
Therapeutic Massage 424
Aromatherapy 424
Reflexology 424
Magnet Therapy 426
Imagery 426
Relaxation Therapy 426
Animal-Assisted Therapy 427
Yoga 428
T’ai chi/Taiji 428
Biofeedback 429
Integrative Medicine and the Nursing Role 429
Chapter 18. Hygiene and Care of the Patient’s Environment 434
Patient’s Room Environment 436
Bathing 438
Components of the Patient’s Hygiene 448
Nursing Process for Hygiene 467
Chapter 19. Specimen Collection and Diagnostic Examination 475
Diagnostic Examination 475
Specimen Collection 493
Electrocardiogram 514
Nursing Process for Specimen Collection and Diagnostic Examination 514
Chapter 20. Selected Nursing Skills 523
Standard Steps in Selected Skills 523
Skills for Sensory Disorders 525
Skills for Heat and Cold Therapy 529
Skills for Administering Parenteral Fluids 536
Skills for Respiratory Disorders 555
Skills for Urinary or Reproductive Tract Disorders 566
Skills for Gastrointestinal Disorders 583
Conclusion 596
Unit III. Basic Nursing Interventions 604
Chapter 21. Basic Nutrition and Nutrition Therapy 604
Role of the Nurse in Promoting Nutrition 605
Basic Nutrition 605
Life Cycle Nutrition 619
Medical Nutrition Therapy and Therapeutic Diets 629
Nutritional Support 646
Chapter 22. Fluids and Electrolytes 660
Fluids (Water) 660
Fluid Compartments 661
Intake and Output 662
Movement of Fluid and Electrolytes 663
Passive Transport 663
Active Transport 664
Acid-Base Balance 674
Acid-Base Imbalance 674
Nursing Process 677
Chapter 23. Mathematics Review and Medication Administration 681
Fractions 682
Decimal Fractions 685
Percents 686
Ratios 687
Proportions 687
Dimensional Analysis*\n 688
The Metric System 689
Big to Small Rule 690
Pediatric Considerations 690
Pharmacology 692
Medication Orders 695
Six Rights\" of Medication Administration 698
Important Considerations of Medication Administration 702
Routes of Administration 702
Nursing Process 732
Chapter 24. Emergency First Aid Nursing 737
Obtaining Medical Emergency Aid 738
Moral and Legal Responsibilities of the Nurse 738
Assessment of the Emergency Situation 738
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) 739
Foreign Body Airway Obstruction Management 744
Shock 746
Bleeding and Hemorrhage 747
Wounds and Trauma 750
Poisons 753
Drug and Alcohol Emergencies 755
Thermal and Cold Emergencies 756
Bone, Joint, and Muscle Injuries 758
Burn Injuries 759
Terrorism and Bioterrorism 761
Nursing Process 763
Unit IV. Maternal and Neonatal Nursing 768
Chapter 25. Health Promotion and Pregnancy 768
Physiology of Pregnancy 768
Maternal Physiology 784
Antepartal Assessment 785
Determination of Pregnancy 786
Antepartal Care 788
Preparation for Childbirth 797
Nursing Process for Normal Pregnancy 797
Chapter 26. Labor and Delivery 804
Birth Planning 804
Normal Labor 805
Labor and Delivery 806
Nursing Assessment and Interventions 827
Nursing Process for Normal Labor 835
Medical Interventions 835
Chapter 27. Care of the Mother and Newborn 841
Anatomic and Physiologic Changes of the Mother 841
Transfer from the Recovery Area 846
Nursing Assessment of and Interventions for the Mother 846
Maintenance of Safety 853
Psychosocial Assessment 860
Nursing Process for the Postpartum Mother 861
Anatomy and Physiology of the Normal Newborn 866
Nursing Assessment and Interventions for the Newborn 872
Chapter 28. Care of the High-Risk Mother, Newborn, and Family with Special Needs 882
Complications of Pregnancy 882
Bleeding Disorders 890
Complications Related to Infection 901
Complications Related to Existing Medical Conditions 905
Complications Related to Age 909
Adoption 913
Contraception 913
Postpartum Thrombophlebitis 913
Complications Related to the Newborn 914
Complications Related to Postpartum Mental Health Disorders 921
Nursing Process for the Mother and Newborn at Risk 922
Unit V. Pediatric Nursing 926
Chapter 29. Health Promotion for the Infant, Child, and Adolescent 926
Healthy People 2010 926
Dental Health 935
Injury Prevention 936
Chapter 30. Basic Pediatric Nursing Care 941
History of Child Care—Then and Now 941
Pediatric Nursing 943
Physical Assessment of the Pediatric Patient 947
Factors Inflencing Growth and Development 954
Hospitalization of a Child 957
Common Pediatric Procedures 964
Safety 977
Chapter 31. Care of the Child with a Physical Disorder 983
Disorders of Cardiovascular Function 984
Disorders of Hematologic Function 992
Disorders of Immune Function 999
Disorders of Respiratory Function 1003
Disorders of Gastrointestinal Function 1015
Disorders of Genitourinary Function 1025
Disorders of Endocrine Function 1030
Disorders of Musculoskeletal Function 1033
Disorders of Neurologic Function 1040
Disorders of Integumentary Function 1050
Communicable Diseases and Immunizations 1058
Disorders of Sensory Organ Function 1058
Chapter 32. Care of the Child with a Mental or Cognitive Disorder 1067
Disorders of Cognitive Function 1067
Child Maltreatment 1071
School Avoidance (School Phobia, School Refusal) 1074
Learning Disabilities 1074
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder 1075
Other Disorders 1076
Unit VI. Gerontologic Nursing 1082
Chapter 33. Health Promotion and Care of the Older Adult 1082
Health and Wellness in the Aging Adult 1082
Healthy Aging 1084
Psychosocial Concerns of the Older Adult 1087
The Aging Body 1088
Safety and Security Issues for Older Adults 1113
Continuum of Older Adult Care 1117
Unit VII. Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing 1122
Chapter 34. Basic Concepts of Mental Health 1122
Historical Overview 1123
Basic Concepts Related to Mental Health 1125
How Illness Affects Mental Health 1128
Crisis Intervention 1131
Application of the Nursing Process 1131
Chapter 35. Care of the Patient with a Psychiatric Disorder 1135
Organic Mental Disorders 1136
Thought Process Disorders 1140
Major Mood Disorders 1141
Anxiety Disorders 1145
Personality Disorders 1146
Sexual Disorders 1147
Psychophysiologic (Somatoform) Disorders 1148
Eating Disorders 1148
Overview of Treatment Methods 1148
Application of the Nursing Process 1154
Chapter 36. Care of the Patient with an Addictive Personality 1158
Addiction 1158
Stages of Dependence 1159
Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism 1160
Nursing Management 1162
Drug Abuse 1166
Chemically Impaired Nurses 1172
Unit VIII. Community Health Nursing 1177
Chapter 37. Home Health Nursing 1177
Home Health Care Defined 1178
Historical Overview 1178
Types of Home Care Agencies 1179
Changes in Home Health Care 1180
Service Components 1182
The Typical Home Health Process 1185
Quality Assurance, Assessment, and Improvement 1187
Reimbursement Sources 1187
Cultural Considerations 1188
Nursing Process 1188
Conclusion 1190
Chapter 38. Long-Term Care 1193
Settings for Long-Term Care 1194
Nursing Process 1202
Chapter 39. Rehabilitation Nursing 1206
Need for Rehabilitation 1206
Chronic Illness and Disability 1207
Cross-Cultural Rehabilitation 1208
Issues in Rehabilitation 1208
Goals of Rehabilitation 1209
Cornerstones of Rehabilitation 1209
Rehabilitation Team 1209
Patient Education 1211
Scope of Individuals Requiring Rehabilitation 1212
Family and Family-Centered Care 1212
Pediatric Rehabilitation Nursing 1212
Gerontologic Rehabilitation Nursing 1213
Polytrauma and Rehabilitation Nursing 1213
Disabling Disorders 1214
Conclusion 1219
Chapter 40. Hospice Care 1222
Historical Overview 1222
Palliative versus Curative Care 1223
Criteria for Admission 1224
Goals of Hospice 1224
Interdisciplinary Team 1224
Palliative Care 1227
Patient and Caregiver Teaching 1233
Bereavement Period 1233
Ethical Issues in Hospice Care 1234
The Future of Hospice 1234
Unit IX. Adult Health Nursing 1237
Chapter 41. Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology 1237
Anatomical Terminology 1237
Abdominal Regions 1239
Abdominopelvic Quadrants 1239
Structural Levels of Organization 1239
Chapter 42. Care of the Surgical Patient 1253
Perioperative Nursing 1254
Preoperative Phase 1259
Intraoperative Phase 1279
Postoperative Phase 1280
Nursing Process for the Surgical Patient 1289
Discharge: Providing General Information 1291
Chapter 43. Care of the Patient with an Integumentary Disorder 1295
Anatomy and Physiology of the Skin 1295
Assessment of the Skin 1297
Psychosocial Assessment 1304
Viral Disorders of the Skin 1304
Bacterial Disorders of the Skin 1310
Fungal Infections of the Skin 1314
Inflammatory Disorders of the Skin 1315
Parasitic Diseases of the Skin 1323
Tumors of the Skin 1326
Disorders of the Appendages 1330
Burns 1330
Nursing Process for the Patient with an Integumentary Disorder 1339
Chapter 44. Care of the Patient with a Musculoskeletal Disorder 1345
Anatomy and Physiology of the Musculoskeletal System 1345
Laboratory and Diagnostic Examinations 1349
Inflammatory Disorders 1353
Other Musculoskeletal Disorders 1364
Surgical Interventions for Total Knee or Total Hip Replacement 1369
Fractures 1373
Complications of Fractures 1384
Skeletal Fixation Devices 1388
Nonsurgical Interventions for Musculoskeletal Disorders 1389
Traumatic Injuries 1396
Nursing Process for the Patient with a Musculoskeletal Disorder 1405
Chapter 45. Care of the Patient with a Gastrointestinal Disorder 1411
Anatomy and Physiology of the Gastrointestinal System 1411
Laboratory and Diagnostic Examinations 1416
Disorders of the Mouth 1419
Disorders of the Esophagus 1422
Disorders of the Stomach 1426
Disorders of the Intestines 1437
Nursing Process for the Patient with a Gastrointestinal Disorder 1463
Chapter 46. Care of the Patient with a Gallbladder, Liver, Biliary Tract, or Exocrine Pancreatic Disorder 1467
Laboratory and Diagnostic Examinations in the Assessment of the Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Systems 1467
Disorders of the Liver, Biliary Tract, Gallbladder, and Exocrine Pancreas 1472
Nursing Process for the Patient with a Gallbladder, Liver, Biliary Tract, or Exocrine Pancreatic Disorder 1493
Chapter 47. Care of the Patient with a Blood or Lymphatic Disorder 1498
Anatomy and Physiology of the Hematologic and Lymphatic Systems 1498
Disorders of the Hematologic and Lymphatic Systems 1505
Nursing Process for the Patient with a Blood or Lymphatic Disorder 1534
Chapter 48. Care of the Patient with a Cardiovascular or a Peripheral Vascular Disorder 1539
Anatomy and Physiology of the Cardiovascular System 1540
Circulation 1543
Laboratory and Diagnostic Examinations 1544
Disorders of the Cardiovascular System 1547
Disorders of the Heart 1556
Disorders of the Peripheral Vascular System 1584
Nursing Process for the Patient with a Cardiovascular Disorder 1603
Chapter 49. Care of the Patient with a Respiratory Disorder 1609
Anatomy and Physiology of the Respiratory System 1610
Assessment of the Respiratory System 1614
Laboratory and Diagnostic Examinations 1615
Nursing Process for the Patient with a Respiratory Disorder 1665
Chapter 50. Care of the Patient with a Urinary Disorder 1670
Anatomy and Physiology of the Urinary System 1670
Laboratory and Diagnostic Examinations 1675
Medication Considerations 1679
Nutritional Considerations 1681
Maintaining Adequate Urinary Drainage 1681
Disorders of the Urinary System 1684
Tumors of the Urinary System 1695
Care of the Patient Requiring Dialysis 1710
Surgical Procedures for Urinary Dysfunction 1713
Nursing Process for the Patient with a Urinary Disorder 1716
Chapter 51. Care of the Patient with an Endocrine Disorder 1720
Anatomy and Physiology of the Endocrine System 1721
Disorders of the Pituitary Gland (Hypophysis) 1725
Disorders of the Thyroid and Parathyroid Glands 1731
Disorders of the Adrenal Glands 1740
Disorders of the Pancreas 1745
Nursing Process for the Patient with an Endocrine Disorder 1764
Chapter 52. Care of the Patient with a Reproductive Disorder 1769
Anatomy and Physiology of the Reproductive System 1770
Human Sexuality 1774
Laboratory and Diagnostic Examinations 1777
The Reproductive Cycle 1782
Inflammatory and Infectious Disorders of the Female Reproductive Tract 1792
Disorders of the Female Reproductive System 1796
Cancer of the Female Reproductive Tract 1800
Disorders of the Female Breast 1806
Inflammatory and Infectious Disorders of the Male Reproductive System 1819
Disorders of Male Genital Organs 1820
Cancer of the Male Reproductive Tract 1821
Sexually Transmitted Infections 1822
Family Planning 1828
Nursing Process for the Patient with a Reproductive Disorder 1832
Chapter 53. Care of the Patient with a Visual or Auditory Disorder 1837
Anatomy and Physiology of the Sensory System 1838
Normal Aging of the Sensory System 1842
Nursing Considerations for Care of the Patient with an Eye Disorder 1842
Laboratory and Diagnostic Examinations 1842
Disorders of the Eye 1843
Nursing Considerations for Care of the Patient with an Ear Disorder 1867
Laboratory and Diagnostic Examinations 1867
Disorders of the Ear 1869
Nursing Process for the Patient with a Visual or Auditory Disorder 1881
Chapter 54. Care of the Patient with a Neurologic Disorder 1886
Anatomy and Physiology of the Neurologic System 1887
Assessment of the Neurologic System 1893
Laboratory and Diagnostic Examinations 1897
Common Disorders of the Neurologic System 1901
Other Disorders of the Neurologic System 1912
Nursing Process for the Patient with a Neurologic Disorder 1949
Chapter 55. Care of the Patient with an Immune Disorder 1955
Nature of Immunity 1955
Complement System 1958
Genetic Control of Immunity 1958
Effects of Normal Aging on the Immune System 1958
Immune Response 1959
Disorders of the Immune System 1960
Chapter 56. Care of the Patient with HIV/AIDS 1970
Nursing and the History of HIV Disease 1970
Transmission of HIV 1974
Pathophysiology 1978
Spectrum of HIV Infection 1980
Laboratory and Diagnostic Examinations 1983
Therapeutic Management 1985
Nursing Interventions 1993
Prevention of HIV Infection 2005
Outlook for the Future 2010
Chapter 57. Care of the Patient with Cancer 2014
Oncology 2014
Development, Prevention, and Detection of Cancer 2016
Hereditary Cancers 2017
Cancer Prevention and Early Detection 2017
Pathophysiology of Cancer 2021
Diagnosis of Cancer 2022
Cancer Therapies 2025
Advanced Cancer 2037
Unit X. From Graduate to Professional 2045
Chapter 58. Professional Roles and Leadership 2045
Functioning as a Graduate 2045
Transition from Student to Graduate 2051
Men in Nursing 2054
Licensure Examination 2054
Nurse Practice Acts 2057
State Board of Nursing 2057
Mentoring and Networking 2058
Career Opportunities 2058
Leadership and Management 2062
Appendixes 2076
A. Common Abbreviations 2076
B. The Joint Commission’s Lists of Dangerous Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Symbols 2078
C. Laboratory Reference Values* 2079
D. Answers to Review Questions for the NCLEX® Examination 2088
References and Suggested Readings R-1
Illustration Credits IC-1
Glossary G-1
Index I-1
NANDA International–Approved Nursing Diagnoses 2009–2011 N3