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Workbook for Elsevier's Veterinary Assisting Textbook - E-Book

Workbook for Elsevier's Veterinary Assisting Textbook - E-Book

Margi Sirois


Additional Information

Book Details


Corresponding chapter-by-chapter to Elsevier’s Veterinary Assisting Textbook by Margi Sirois, this Workbook offers exercises and activities to help you master key veterinary assisting concepts and skills. Challenging review questions, engaging case presentations, and practical clinical application activities prepare you for success in the classroom and in clinical practice

  • Reinforce your understanding of text content with activities that include:
    • Review questions
    • Case presentations
    • Definitions of key terms
    • Comprehension exercises (short essay)
    • Matching questions
    • Illustration labeling and identification
    • Fill-in-the-blank questions
    • Multiple-choice questions
    • Clinical applications

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front Cover Cover
Workbook for Elsevier’s Veterinary AssistingTextbook iii
Copyright iv
Preface v
Contents vii
Chapter 1: Overview of Veterinary Technology 1
Learning Objectives 1
True or False 1
Fill in the Blank 1
Short Answer 2
Lists 3
Matching 5
Match the group with its purpose. 5
Match the team member with the description. 5
Fill in the Chart 6
Personal Protective Equipment 6
Across 7
Down 7
Chapter 2 : Office Procedures and Client Relations 9
Learning Objectives 9
Fill in the Blank 9
Short Answer 11
Word Search 18
Identify the Emotion from Body Language 19
Crossword 23
Across 23
Down 23
Chapter 3 : Veterinary Medical Terminology 25
Learning Objectives 25
Definitions 25
Give the meaning of the following word parts. 25
Matching 26
Match the meaning with the prefix or suffix. 26
Fill in the Blank 26
Fill in the blanks with the correct combining forms. 26
Fill in the Blank 27
Definitions 27
Give the meaning of the underlined word part: 27
Give the meaning of the following word parts: 28
Multiple Choice Questions 29
Crossword 34
Across 34
Down 34
Chapter 4 : Anatomy and Physiology 35
Learning Objectives 35
Fill in the Blank 35
Lists 37
True or False 41
Crossword 43
Across 43
Down 43
Chapter 5 : Pharmacology and Pharmacy 45
Learning Objectives 45
Fill in the Blank 45
Short Answer 48
Dosage Calculations 51
Matching—Drug Formulations 52
Please match the description with the type of drug formulation. 52
Matching—Antiemetics 52
Match the drug name with the brand name. 52
Matching—Anesthetics 52
Match the drugs with their effects and uses. 52
Word Search 53
Define the following terms, and then find the definitions in the Word Search below. 53
Crossword 56
Across 57
Down 57
Chapter 6 : Animal Behavior and Restraint 59
Learning Objectives 59
Fill in the Blank 59
Circle the Best Answer 62
Short Answer 62
Matching 67
Select the instrument that could be used to help restrain an animal for a procedure. 67
Match the following procedures with the appropriate restraint. 67
Word Search 1 68
Fill in the blanks, and then find the words in the word search below. 68
Word Search 2 69
Define the following terms and then find them in the word search below. 69
Crossword 71
Across 71
Down 71
Chapter 7 : Animal Husbandry and Nutrition 73
Learning Objectives 73
True or False 73
Fill in the Blank 74
Matching 76
Match the following items with the descriptions. 76
Lists and Short Explanations 76
Multiple Choice Questions 79
Word Search 80
Crossword 82
Across 82
Down 82
Chapter 8 : Animal Care and Nursing 83
Learning Objectives 83
Short Answer 83
True or False 85
Short Answer 86
Crossword 94
Across 95
Down 95
Chapter 9 : Principles of Surgical Nursing 97
Learning Objectives 97
Short Answer 97
Matching—Surgical Procedures 100
Match the following surgical procedures with their definition. 100
Matching—Surgical Incisions 100
Match the following surgical incisions with their location or benefit. 100
Fill in the Blank 100
Short Answer 102
Identification 106
Word Search 1 109
Fill in the blanks, and then find the terms in the word search below. 109
Word Search 2 111
Fill in the blanks, and then find the words in the word search below. 111
Crossword 114
Across 115
Down 115
Chapter 10 : Laboratory Procedures 117
Learning Objectives 117
Definitions 117
Matching—Vocabulary 118
Matching—Cell Functions 118
Match the following cells with their functions. 118
Matching—Cell Functions 119
Matching—Terms 119
Matching—Semen Evaluation 119
Complete the Charts 119
Matching—Parasitology 120
Match the following 20 terms to the descriptions. 120
Short Answer and Fill in the Blank 120
Fill in the Blank 132
True or False 133
Photo Quiz 136
Match the terms below with the photos on the right. 136
Lists and Short Answer 138
Multiple Choice Questions 139
Across 142
Down 142
Crossword 141
Chapter 11 : Diagnostic Imaging 143
Learning Objectives 143
Labeling 143
Identify the elements in the illustration. 143
Fill in the Blank or Circle the Best Answer 144
Matching 148
Matching—Key Terms 148
A. Terms Associated with Radiographic Quality 148
B. Terms Associated with Processing 148
C. Terms Associated with Positioning 149
D. Terms Associated with Alternate Imaging 149
Multiple Choice Questions 150
Photo Quiz 156
Crossword 160
Across 161
Down 161
Chapter 12 : Nursing Care of Companion Birds, 12 Reptiles, and Amphibians 163
Learning Objectives 163
Labeling—Avial Respiratory System 163
Identify the elements in this diagram of avian respiratory system, lateral view. 163
Labeling—Feathers 164
Identify the types of feathers shown. 164
Matching 164
Match the avian terms with their definitions. 164
Short Answer, Fill in the Blank, and Lists 165
Definitions 167
Define the following terms: 167
Matching 167
Match the disease or conditions with the description. 167
True or False 167
Complete the Chart 170
Multiple Choice Questions 171
Matching 173
Fill in the Blank 173
List at least eight common plants that are poisonous to birds. 173
Definitions—Terminology 173
Define the terms. 173
Photo Quiz 174
Crossword 179
Across 180
Down 180