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Medical Terminology & Anatomy for ICD-10 Coding - E-Book

Medical Terminology & Anatomy for ICD-10 Coding - E-Book

Betsy J. Shiland


Additional Information

Book Details


Medical Terminology and Anatomy for ICD-10 Coding integrates expanded anatomy, physiology, and pharmacology coverage with the latest medical terminology you need to correctly code in ICD-10. The ICD-10-CM classification system serves as the structure for organizing diseases and disorders, with carefully drawn, well-labeled illustrations to help you visualize the associated anatomy. ICD-10 coding guidelines and notes, along with electronic medical records and integrated exercises are interspersed throughout the text. A robust Evolve site includes games, activities, and animations to reinforce learning.

  • Medical terminology specifically tailored to ICD-10-CM and ICD-10-PCS guidelines supply you with an excellent foundation for learning the medical terminology related to ICD-10-CM.
  • Learn all the anatomy and physiology necessary to be able to understand medical reports and code accurately in ICD-10-CM/PCS.
  • Pathology terms organized by ICD-10 disease and disorder categories let you learn terms in the same order they are presented in the coding manual.
  • Guideline Alert! boxes highlight ICD-10-PCS coding information when relevant to medical terminology.
  • Special Notes boxes present ICD-10 features that affect your understanding of the terminology presented.
  • Root operation tables illustrate the root operations in PCS and their associated suffixes.
  • Body Part key provides a complete list of body parts and how they should be coded in ICD-10.
  • Pathology and procedure terminology tables list the word parts for each term, along with the definition so you become familiar with prefixes, suffixes, and combining forms.
  • Exercises interspersed throughout the text encourage you to practice and learn as you move through the material.
  • Be Careful! boxes warn you about similar and potentially confusing word parts and medical terms.
  • Games and activities on accompanying Evolve website offer an easily accessible source for extra interactive practice and learning.
  • Electronic medical record format illustrates the appearance of electronic records now being used in many healthcare settings.
  • NEW! Pharmacology in each body system and a Pharmacology Basics appendix help you recognize drugs and medications in medical reports.
  • NEW! More than 50 new images bring terminology to life.
  • NEW! Additional procedural terms supply a more complete picture of the number and kind of procedures you will encounter on medical reports.
  • NEW! Normal Lab Values appendix familiarizes you with normal and abnormal lab values so you know when to search a medical record for possible additional diagnoses.
  • NEW! Tablet and mobile-optimized Evolve activities offer an easily accessible source for extra interactive practice and learning.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front Cover cover
Evolve page IFC1
Half title page i
Table Of Contents ii
Medical Terminology & Anatomy for ICD-10 Coding iii
Copyright Page iv
Contributors v
Reviewers vi
Preface vii
New to this Edition viii
Organization of the Book ix
Features x
Student Resources xvii
Why You Need This Book xx
Acknowledgments xxi
To the Instructor xxii
1 Introduction to Healthcare Terminology FM-xxvi
Chapter Outline FM-xxvi
Objectives FM-xxvi
ICD-10-CM Example from Tabular FM-xxvi
R16 Hepatomegaly and splenomegaly, not elsewhere classified FM-xxvi
ICD-10-PCS Example from Index FM-xxvi
Hepatopancreatic ampulla FM-xxvi
Hepatopexy FM-xxvi
Hepatorrhaphy FM-xxvi
Hepatotomy FM-xxvi
Introduction to ICD-10 1
Derivation of Healthcare Terms 1
Types of Healthcare Terms 2
Decodable Terms 2
Nondecodable Terms 2
Abbreviations and Symbols 5
Decoding Terms 6
Check, Assign, Reverse, Define (CARD) Method 6
Building Terms 9
Spelling Rules 9
Suffixes 10
Noun-Ending Suffixes 10
Adjective Suffixes 10
Pathology Suffixes 12
ICD-10-PCS 14
Instrument Suffixes 16
Prefixes 18
Singular/Plural Rules 21
Chapter Review 23
2 Body Structure and Directional Terminology 25
Chapter Outline 25
Objectives 25
ICD-10-CM Example from Tabular 25
ICD-10-PCS Example 25
Organization of the Human Body 26
Cells 26
Tissues 27
Organs 27
Parts of Organs 27
Body Systems 30
Anatomical Position and Surface Anatomy 33
Positional and Directional Terms 38
Body Cavities 43
Dorsal Cavities 44
Ventral Cavities 44
Body Regions 45
Abdominopelvic Regions 45
Abdominopelvic Quadrants 45
Planes of the Body 46
Chapter Review 51
3 Musculoskeletal System and Connective Tissue 55
Chapter Outline 55
Objectives 55
ICD-10-CM Example from Tabular 55
M43.1 Spondylolisthesis 55
ICD-10-PCS Example from Index 55
Bursectomy 55
Bursocentesis 55
Bursography 55
Bursotomy 55
Functions of the Musculoskeletal System and Connective Tissue 57
Anatomy and Physiology 57
Skeletal System 57
Cartilage 57
Bone 58
Bone Formation 58
Skeleton 59
Bone Shapes 59
Bone Structure 61
Bone Markings 61
Axial Skeleton 63
Skull 63
Cranium 63
Facial Bones 65
Rib Cage 65
Spine 65
Appendicular Skeleton 67
Upper Appendicular Skeleton 68
Lower Appendicular Skeleton 69
Joints 72
Upper Joints 74
Head Joints 74
Upper Spine Joints 74
Upper Extremity Joints 74
Lower Joints 76
Lower Spine Joints 76
Lower Extremity Joints 76
Ligaments and Bursae 77
Head and Neck Ligaments 78
Shoulder Ligaments and Bursa 78
Elbow Ligaments and Bursa 79
Wrist Ligaments 79
Hand Ligaments 79
Trunk Ligaments 80
Thorax Ligaments 80
Hip Ligaments and Bursa 80
Knee Ligaments and Bursa (Fig. 3-12) 81
Ankle Ligaments 81
Foot Ligaments 82
Muscles 82
Muscle Naming Conventions 87
Head Muscles 88
Neck Muscles 89
Tongue, Palate, and Pharynx Muscles 90
Shoulder Muscles 90
Upper Arm Muscles 91
Lower Arm Muscles 91
Hand Muscles 91
Trunk Muscles 91
Thorax Muscles 92
Abdomen Muscles 92
Perineum Muscles 92
Hip Muscles 93
Upper Leg Muscles 93
Lower Leg Muscles 94
Foot Muscles 94
Tendons 95
Pathology 99
Trauma 107
Fractures 107
Sprain/Strain and Dislocation/Subluxation 107
Procedures 113
Setting Fractures 117
Pharmacology 122
Recognizing Suffixes for PCS 123
Chapter Review 126
4 Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue 130
Chapter Outline 130
Objectives 130
ICD-10-CM Example from Tabular 130
L21 Seborrheic dermatitis 130
ICD-10-PCS Example from Index 130
Onychectomy 130
Onychoplasty 130
Onychotomy 130
Functions of the Skin 131
Anatomy and Physiology 131
Skin 131
Epidermis 132
Dermis 132
Accessory Structures 132
Glands 132
Hair 133
Nails 133
Pathology 137
Skin Lesions 137
Burns 153
Procedures 157
Pharmacology 166
Recognizing Suffixes for PCS 167
Chapter Review 169
5 Digestive System 173
Chapter Outline 173
Objectives 173
ICD-10-CM Example from Tabular 173
K21 Gastro-esophageal reflux disease 173
K22 Other diseases of the esophagus 173
ICD-10-PCS Example from Index 173
Duodenal ampulla 173
Duodenectomy 173
Duodenocholedochotomy 173
Duodenocystostomy 173
Duodenoenterostomy 173
Functions of the Digestive System 174
Anatomy and Physiology 174
Overview 175
Oral Cavity 177
Throat 179
Esophagus 179
Peritoneum 181
Stomach 182
Small Intestine 182
Large Intestine 183
Accessory Organs (Adnexa) 185
Pathology 189
Procedures 204
Pharmacology 213
Recognizing Suffixes for PCS 214
Chapter Review 217
6 Genitourinary System 221
Chapter Outline 221
Objectives 221
ICD-10-CM Example from Tabular 221
N30 Cystitis 221
N30.0 Acute cystitis 221
ICD-10-PCS Example from Index 221
Pyelography 221
Pyeloileostomy, urinary diversion 221
Pyeloplasty 221
Pyelorrhaphy 221
Pyeloscopy 221
Pyelostomy 221
Pyelotomy 221
Urinary System 222
Functions of the Urinary System 222
Anatomy and Physiology 222
The Kidney 223
The Nephron 224
Pathology 226
Procedures 233
Pharmacology 237
Recognizing Suffixes for PCS 238
Male Reproductive System 240
Functions of the Male Reproductive System 240
Anatomy and Physiology 240
Pathology 243
Procedures 249
Recognizing Suffixes for PCS 253
Pharmacology 252
Female Reproductive System 255
Functions of the Female Reproductive System 255
Anatomy and Physiology 255
Internal Anatomy 255
Ova and Ovaries 255
Fallopian Tubes 255
Uterus 256
Rectouterine Pouch 257
Vagina 257
Mesentery 257
External Genitalia 258
The Breast 259
Pathology 260
Procedures 268
Pharmacology 272
Hormone Replacements 272
Recognizing Suffixes for PCS 273
Chapter Review 276
7 Pregnancy, Childbirth, and the Puerperium 284
Chapter Outline 284
Objectives 284
ICD-10-CM Example from Tabular 284
O44 Placenta previa 284
ICD-10-PCS Example from Index 284
Delivery 284
Anatomy and Physiology of Pregnancy 285
Pathology 292
Procedures 298
Pharmacology 301
Contraceptive Management 301
Fertility Drugs 302
Drugs to Manage Delivery 303
Recognizing Suffixes for PCS 305
Chapter Review 306
8 Blood, Blood-Forming Organs, and the Immune Mechanism 310
Chapter Outline 310
Objectives 310
ICD-10-CM Examples from Tabular 310
D72.82 Elevated white blood cell count 310
ICD-10-PCS Example from Index 310
Functions of the Blood and Immune Systems 311
Anatomy and Physiology 311
Hematic System 312
Components of Blood 314
Erythrocytes (Red Blood Cells) 314
Leukocytes (White Blood Cells) 314
Granulocytes (Polymorphonucleocytes) 314
Agranulocytes (Mononuclear Leukocytes) 315
Thrombocytes (Platelets) 316
Plasma 316
Blood Groups 318
Immune System 319
Nonspecific Immunity 319
Specific Immunity 320
Types of Acquired Immunity 320
Pathology 322
Procedures 334
Pharmacology 340
Blood Drugs 340
Immune Drugs 340
Recognizing Suffixes for PCS 341
Chapter Review 345
9 Circulatory System 349
Chapter Outline 349
Objectives 349
ICD-10-CM Example from Tabular 349
I21.0 ST elevation (STEMI) myocardial infarction of anterior wall 349
ICD-10-PCS Example from Index 349
Phlebectomy 349
Phlebography 349
Impedance 4A04X51 349
Phlebotomy 349
The Cardiovascular System 351
Functions of the Cardiovascular System 351
Pulmonary and Systemic Circulation 352
Pulmonary Circulation 352
Systemic Circulation 352
Anatomy and Physiology of the Cardiovascular System 354
Heart and Great Vessels 354
Coronary Circulation and Blood Flow Through the Heart 355
Conductive Mechanism System 358
Arteries 363
Upper Arteries 363
Lower Arteries 366
Veins 369
Upper Veins 369
Lower Veins 372
Fetal Circulation 375
The Lymphatic System 376
Functions of the Lymphatic System 376
Anatomy and Physiology of the Lymphatic System 376
Lymph Nodes 379
Pathology 383
Procedures 402
Procedures Related to the Cardiovascular System 402
Pharmacology 409
Recognizing Suffixes for PCS 411
Chapter Review 415
10 Respiratory System 419
Chapter Outline 419
Objectives 419
ICD-10-CM Example from Tabular 419
J31 Chronic rhinitis, nasopharyngitis and pharyngitis 419
ICD-10-PCS Example from Index 419
Rhinoplasty 419
Rhinorrhaphy—see Repair, Nose 09QK 419
Rhinoscopy 09JKXZZ 419
Functions of the Respiratory System 420
Anatomy and Physiology 421
Upper Respiratory Tract 421
Lower Respiratory Tract 424
Pathology 427
Respiratory Neoplasms 442
Procedures 446
Pharmacology 453
Recognizing Suffixes for PCS 454
Chapter Review 457
11 Nervous System 461
Chapter Outline 461
Objectives 461
ICD-10-CM Example from Tabular 461
G82 Paraplegia (paraparesis) and quadriplegia (quadriparesis) 461
G82.2 Paraplegia 461
G82.5 Quadriplegia 461
ICD-10-PCS Example from Index 461
Ventriculocisternostomy 461
Ventriculopuncture, through previously implanted catheter 8C01X6J 461
Ventriculovenostomy 461
Functions of the Nervous System 462
Anatomy and Physiology 463
Organization of the Nervous System 463
Cells of the Nervous System 464
Neurons 464
Glia 465
The Central Nervous System 466
Brain (Encephalon) 466
Cerebrum 466
Diencephalon 467
Brainstem 468
Cerebellum 468
Spinal Cord 468
Meninges 468
The Peripheral Nervous System 470
Cranial Nerves 471
Spinal Nerves 474
Pathology 477
Procedures 492
Recognizing Suffixes for PCS 497
Pharmacology 498
Chapter Review 502
12 Mental and Behavioral Disorders 506
Chapter Outline 506
Objectives 506
ICD-10-CM Example from Tabular 506
F40 Phobic anxiety disorders 506
ICD-10-PCS Example from Index 506
Counseling 506
Introduction to Mental and Behavioral Health 507
Pathology 508
Procedures 521
Diagnostic Procedures 521
Diagnostic Criteria 521
Mental Status Examination (MSE) 521
Laboratory Tests 521
Imaging 521
Psychological Testing and Treatment 522
Pharmacology 526
Chapter Review 529
13 Eye and Adnexa 532
Chapter Outline 532
Objectives 532
CM Example from Tabular 532
H201.1 Chronic iridocyclitis 532
PCS Example from Index 532
Keratectomy, kerectomy 532
Keratocentesis 532
Keratoplasty 532
Keratotomy 532
Function of the Eye 533
Anatomy and Physiology 533
Ocular Adnexa 533
The Eyeball 536
The Outer/Fibrous Layer (Sclera) 536
Cornea 536
The Middle/Vascular Layer (Uvea) 537
Iris 537
Pupil 537
The Inner/Nervous Layer (Retina) 537
Vision 538
Pathology 540
Procedures 550
Pharmacology 555
Recognizing Suffixes for PCS 556
Chapter Review 560
14 Ear and Mastoid Process 564
Chapter Outline 564
Objectives 564
ICD-10-CM Example from Tabular 564
H92.0 Otalgia 564
ICD-10-PCS Example from Index 564
Myringectomy 564
Myringoplasty 564
Myringostomy 564
Myringotomy 564
Functions of the Ear 565
Anatomy and Physiology 565
Outer (External) Ear 565
Middle Ear 567
Inner Ear 567
Pathology 569
Procedures 574
Pharmacology 577
Recognizing Suffixes for PCS 578
Chapter Review 580
15 Endocrine System and Nutritional and Metabolic Diseases 584
Chapter Outline 584
Objectives 584
ICD-10-CM Example from Tabular 584
E20 Hypoparathyroidism 584
ICD-10-PCS Example from Index 584
Adrenalectomy 584
Adrenalorrhaphy 584
Adrenalotomy 584
Functions of the Endocrine System 585
Anatomy and Physiology 585
Pituitary Gland 586
Thyroid Gland 588
Parathyroid Glands 588
Adrenal Glands (Suprarenals) 588
Pancreas 589
Thymus Gland 591
Ovaries and Testes 591
Pineal Body 591
Pathology 594
Procedures 605
Pharmacology 608
Recognizing Suffixes for PCS 609
Chapter Review 611
Appendix A Pharmacology Basics 615
Drug Names 615
Drug Sources 615
Drug Resources and Regulation 616
Pharmacodynamics 616
Pharmacokinetics 616
Pharmacotherapeutics 616
Drug Forms 618
Routes of Administration 619
Drug Classifications 620
Prescriptions 620
Appendix B 623
Appendix C 636
Appendix D 648
Appendix E Normal Lab Values 656
Appendix F 660
Illustration Credits 696
Answers to Exercises and Review Questions 698
Chapter 1 698
Exercise 1 698
Exercise 2 698
Exercise 3 698
Exercise 4 698
Exercise 5 698
Exercise 6 698
Exercise 7 698
Exercise 8 698
Chapter 1 Review 698
Word Part Definitions: 698
Wordshop: 699
Chapter 2 699
Exercise 1 699
Exercise 2 699
Exercise 3 699
Exercise 4 699
Exercise 5 699
Exercise 6 699
Exercise 7 699
Exercise 8 699
Exercise 9 699
Exercise 10 699
Exercise 11 699
Exercise 12 699
Exercise 13 699
Exercise 14 699
Exercise 15 699
Exercise 16 700
Chapter 2 Review 700
Word Part Definitions: 700
Wordshop: 700
Term Sorting: 700
Translations: 700
Chapter 3 700
Exercise 1 700
Exercise 2 701
Exercise 3 701
Exercise 4 701
Exercise 5 701
Exercise 6 701
Exercise 7 701
Exercise 8 701
Exercise 9 701
Exercise 10 701
Exercise 11 701
Exercise 12 702
Exercise 13 702
Exercise 14 702
Exercise 15 702
Exercise 16 702
Exercise 17 702
Exercise 18 702
Exercise 19 702
Exercise 20 702
Chapter 3 Review 703
Word Part Definitions: 703
Wordshop: 703
Term Sorting: 703
Translations: 703
Chapter 4 703
Exercise 1 703
Exercise 2 703
Exercise 3 703
Exercise 4 703
Exercise 5 704
Exercise 6 704
Exercise 7 704
Exercise 8 704
Exercise 9 704
Exercise 10 704
Exercise 11 704
Exercise 12 704
Exercise 13 704
Exercise 14 705
Chapter 4 Review 705
Word Part Definitions: 705
Wordshop: 705
Term Sorting: 705
Translations: 705
Chapter 5 705
Exercise 1 705
Exercise 2 705
Exercise 3 705
Exercise 4 705
Exercise 5 706
Exercise 6 706
Exercise 7 706
Exercise 8 706
Exercise 9 706
Exercise 10 706
Exercise 11 706
Exercise 12 706
Exercise 13 706
Exercise 14 706
Exercise 15 707
Exercise 16 707
Exercise 17 707
Exercise 18 707
Exercise 19 707
Exercise 20 707
Exercise 21 707
Chapter 5 Review 707
Word Part Definitions: 707
Wordshop: 707
Term Sorting: 708
Translations: 708
Chapter 6 708
Exercise 1 708
Exercise 2 708
Exercise 3 708
Exercise 4 708
Exercise 5 709
Exercise 6 709
Exercise 7 709
Exercise 8 709
Exercise 9 709
Exercise 10 709
Exercise 11 709
Exercise 12 709
Exercise 13 709
Exercise 14 709
Exercise 15 709
Exercise 16 710
Exercise 17 710
Exercise 18 710
Exercise 19 710
Exercise 20 710
Chapter 6 Review 710
Word Part Definitions—Urinary: 710
Wordshop—Urinary: 711
Term Sorting—Urinary: 711
Translations—Urinary: 711
Word Part Definitions—Reproductive: 711
Wordshop—Reproductive: 711
Term Sorting—Reproductive: 711
Translations—Reproductive: 712
Chapter 7 712
Exercise 1 712
Exercise 2 712
Exercise 3 712
Exercise 4 712
Exercise 5 712
Exercise 6 712
Chapter 7 Review 712
Word Part Definitions: 712
Wordshop: 713
Term Sorting: 713
Translations: 713
Chapter 8 713
Exercise 1 713
Exercise 2 713
Exercise 3 713
Exercise 4 714
Exercise 5 714
Exercise 6 714
Exercise 7 714
Exercise 8 714
Exercise 9 714
Exercise 10 714
Exercise 11 714
Exercise 12 714
Exercise 13 714
Chapter 8 Review 714
Word Part Definitions: 714
Wordshop: 715
Term Sorting: 715
Translations: 715
Chapter 9 715
Exercise 1 715
Exercise 2 715
Exercise 3 715
Exercise 4 715
Exercise 5 716
Exercise 6 716
Exercise 7 716
Exercise 8 716
Exercise 9 716
Exercise 10 716
Exercise 11 716
Exercise 12 716
Exercise 13 716
Exercise 14 717
Exercise 15 717
Exercise 16 717
Exercise 17 717
Exercise 18 717
Exercise 19 717
Chapter 9 Review 717
Word Part Definitions: 717
Wordshop: 717
Term Sorting: 718
Translations: 718
Chapter 10 718
Exercise 1 718
Exercise 2 718
Exercise 3 718
Exercise 4 718
Exercise 5 718
Exercise 6 719
Exercise 7 719
Exercise 8 719
Exercise 9 719
Exercise 10 719
Exercise 11 719
Chapter 10 Review 719
Word Part Definitions: 719
Wordshop: 719
Term Sorting: 720
Translations: 720
Chapter 11 720
Exercise 1 720
Exercise 2 720
Exercise 3 720
Exercise 4 720
Exercise 5 720
Exercise 6 720
Exercise 7 721
Exercise 8 721
Exercise 9 721
Exercise 10 721
Exercise 11 721
Chapter 11 Review 721
Word Part Definitions: 721
Wordshop: 721
Term Sorting: 722
Translations: 722
Chapter 12 722
Exercise 1 722
Exercise 2 722
Exercise 3 722
Exercise 4 722
Exercise 5 723
Exercise 6 723
Exercise 7 723
Exercise 8 723
Exercise 9 723
Chapter 12 Review 723
Word Part Definitions: 723
Wordshop: 723
Translations: 723
Chapter 13 724
Exercise 1 724
Exercise 2 724
Exercise 3 724
Exercise 4 724
Exercise 5 724
Exercise 6 724
Exercise 7 724
Exercise 8 724
Exercise 9 724
Exercise 10 724
Chapter 13 Review 724
Word Part Definition: 724
Wordshop: 725
Term Sorting: 725
Translations: 725
Chapter 14 725
Exercise 1 725
Exercise 2 725
Exercise 3 725
Exercise 4 726
Exercise 5 726
Exercise 6 726
Chapter 14 Review 726
Word Part Definitions: 726
Wordshop: 726
Term Sorting: 726
Translations: 726
Chapter 15 726
Exercise 1 726
Exercise 2 726
Exercise 3 727
Exercise 4 727
Exercise 5 727
Exercise 6 727
Exercise 7 727
Exercise 8 727
Exercise 9 727
Exercise 10 727
Exercise 11 727
Chapter 15 Review 727
Word Part Definitions: 727
Wordshop: 728
Term Sorting: 728
Translations: 728
Index 729
A 729
B 731
C 733
D 736
E 738
F 739
G 740
H 741
I 743
J 744
K 744
L 744
M 746
N 748
O 749
P 750
Q 753
R 753
S 754
T 756
U 758
V 758
W 759
X 759
Y 759
Z 759
End sheet IBC1
Inside Back Cover ibc1